Show 1 f k'J f ifK9t Jf" n1 — & t- - 7y" ‘A 7 1 IE Vol 2 Utah Friday September Oth j 1897 f Richfield No 22 A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING Several - attempts to manufacture a 'failed but glass in Salt Lake have Miss Ilallie Gardner is visiting in The Box Elder county fair opens at syndicate' from Massllllon Obi'ft s tlanksvllle E E HOFFMANN Willard to day ' now looking overthe field with t be t — Law at II 11 Linotiocehas beta mentioned Attorney g intention of greeting a factory there Will practice In all theCourts State in audible terms as town president ’tor The LeM sugar factory ordered beet ’ :4Dd Federal Wouroe digging to begin first of the week Lelii has just’ named Its school Office Enctj Block ' -- 0' No 1 of Glenwood’s town Warrants t Tho were named after the houses UTAH j RICHFIELD wai drawn in favor of the Censor for Several old tailing dumps at Park town’s old tlmo teachers i110 Jity are being reworked national educators undone vas dubt?' 17 Wall ao K L Baowit i Fred Nielson u building another Judge bed the Sego Lily WALLACE & BLOWN house on his lot What cau you do Sousa the great composer has been S Rithtwo houses Fred’f Attorneys at Law hired to write a national labor hymn war'a dre? recorder city Payson’s Block Richfield Utah Will practice in all the courts State and Fed rant for $2000 a few cl ay 6 ago It was V E Bean James’ M Bolitho " Wel' Corporation Land and Commercial Moi ten Jensen and Thco’Braiidly are J Business Miss Jessie Ackerman the lecturer to pay for the electric light wort Solicited W C T U visited Salt Lake which the city will soon own and oper- Sink an of as candidate for mayor for I Two-afte- r T“ ' J OOira-Wwa-HT - -- the Vermel Bapp G T Bean RAPP and BEAN - Lawyers Will practice t at Southern Utah pfflee in anderton Building - r-- fc " BlfnraELDNUTAH : - t I Attorney for Wayne County County UTAH pOA W MANSFIELD ML ate ‘ x ' when complete its use be obtained for raise 300 bushels of wheat and stilU meetings until the tabernacle Is fin- more of oats They also have an atund-1- ished anee of vegetables Tbe frost has been Brother Metoer doesn’t talk so much quite severe but their crops have egabout ‘‘Queen's English"us lie used to caped ' Pound lilt a thing or two Johnny? With last Suhdcy night the course Worse to make an error in English of meetings In the interest of the high than to call “liais" “tra1 tors' aud school closed with an excellent meet- the like? ing in Monroe Thomas Ranson Mre Marvin Daltou has been arrested Allie Clark Norman McCarty an§ members of the ward choir rendered! charged with tlio murder of Janies Kettlemun hear Citcleville’ It is some excellent selections of music tc chuigcd that he poured oil ou clothes and then set them - ICottle-man’- s fire to s r ( £ V 44 - 1 --- I make the time en joyabld Thb gener al sentiment of the county is “Edu- - " cate our children at home if we can’ The danger of hanging a man with naught but circumstantial evidence has bceu time and again tndd't 1" Attorney M L Brown has been apThe latest alliance between FrSnce pointed U S Court commissioner It The activity in cattle in this pari of Of and Russia is exciting the most tail'' is ruuioied that an old fashioned polyUtah is not great as our stock buyers The now of an international taatter gyny raid is to bo put in vogue soon have few to sell Hans Tuft of Monplain' No one cldubts tiie fairness oi’ re5 gsneralopinionisthat the bond was The roads in both Capital and Sul- roe is buying The beat sale yet McCarty and all the real is the one made by Bp Bagley Judge ported De Lamar Nevada is to have a gas not idle in its intent who tried Harry Hayes' yet it looks phur Mashes in Wajrie county are $15 CO for yearlings and $20 for who plant The gas win be used 'in roastsaid to be very had In’ the latter it two got as though they came within an ace year olds ing the arsenical ores of the mines Will of hanging an Innocent inqn! The Iligglnsl mini ntr editor of is most impassable to news a our Some of southern took Hcrald paper the Salt Lake Ciixson has before spoken of thq dang trip But two crops lucerne and one of i fi lends are discussing the question as er of Salt Co of Stateline lately apd in Sunday's pa- wild hay has been cut yet hanging men convicted by 'cirThe light now is it or Gunnison cl rrite whether an extended up tq Springville Nebo evidence only cumstantial has leased per hpgave the Salt take City fchfere is more bay in the stack thau for m a the better faetoiy placo sugar that camp Salt Works located near Nephi What matters it to the most valiant w ever before in this part of Utah and had better They quit quarreling Democrat if a candidate for jtiayor be ' ' All of our stores aie handling acet-ti- use their in getting a factory 1 eucrgy now Miller has Marshal changed lieves ih protection as high as tii Qlen of that Colorado A cattle buyer says acid vinegar while apples enough — Lehi Banner walls of Babylon? What difference if there is plenty oj! feed and no cattle his deputies and other attaches 6f his to supply half of Utah with cider vineis man re Iron Record The been apCounty ’office the Democratic candidate lielieves in George T Atkin has all pver the south-wes- t gar are rotting under our trees of Mills to lated the for southern slayor the Harry part trade as free as the air we breathe? deputy pointed t Last Sunday was testimony meet Jack Pejue while tne Piute Pioneer We care for his of Utah' ability to be a pro V President Andrews of Brown log in the Koosharem Sunday school editor was related to Perjue The will devise prop- who gressive maypr has not withdrawn his resign j Some of the stmegest testimonies now defend their relatives er means of Tespecllve getting water works an£ Dr William Bluett special com- Wrpc were tion as was reported Indian the pupils by in the fight Pshaw! boys that is’nt graded streets without ieaving thq t J missioner on animal industry sas within the function of papers for futurity to pay! James debt Fillmore well and the Edgar b is the “Tne western range horse r The Springville Independent is busy have both President W II Seegmiller returnannual 'on earth !for military pat' known mall ‘contractors making war on the liquor drinking of l)eea unwell for some time past Both ed from Wayne county Monday night DISTRICT ANJ&H1QH SCHOOL® poses” j a now that prohibition town well nigh recovery He had taken a trip aa far down the ape i River as BanksvlUe In con- The district and high School opened last Fremont and' men of Several cattle ruined Ire sheep Heavy rains jiave nearly Fisher Harris and MW Monday morning for aa informal Bryan addressed 15000 people at St land’s potato crop and the horrprs authefcn Utah are thinking of driv- nection with Louis on Labor Day He treated the the famine of 1847 hre to Aritona where the rarige’ has Mansfield The lower settlements In ginning The formal beginning being vividly ing ' ’ ' subject of government by injunction1 recalled feating tliat they wlIlhe'ZfE-peate- d rta'Cood' tbls year and last' ' Wayne deserve the title of ‘Way tie's' had next day The enfollmept of Dixie ” and other current topics entire district school Was 290 while 't ” tpunj announces his intention I A short session of the district court f the high atihobl had but sixteen The" J back line from RjchfleljJ was held last Saturday The claim of high echool has oce increased its enThe price of hauling ore from State camps neighboring miniDg '£££ antfi ten’more will the city of Richfield against the B C rollment to line to Pioche is $4 'a ton ’and much $ tii aefurfuture Ver few days The L firm for over $100 cost paid tq get enter in u Stateline ore will no doubt' be hauled change 7?iie IVUaarjr sta!$e conferece of the books text of allack of high school the down here was not to Pioche for treatment -Young Captain j£Ukei- wasbGld last Saturday lowed Thestase books hod the change of rooms engineer was allow- text V xerclies were extra good being lii $150 per has been considerable troublebut the -ed days four services for Mwsted well prepared and well Driven by the faminie and a dislike ‘ teachers nevertheless reporta good beday 1 most 011 the way through to the British the people of India have i a rr i i It was bpfore mentioned in the Cen- ginning skens hunting has been espoci-goobegun an outbreak that” threatens to teachers of the high school die The be a great one before It is over this year and hunters report sor that several of Canesville’s young principal D A Nelson assistant !H- r jjfc'Succjees The shooting is rather ladles had been suffering from severe N nByes Iu the district school they -ly'for the little chicks as they can cramping spells Others have happen- are principal II N The state school for the deaf dumb Hayes Instructors- ed since that mentio’n That it should lordly fly as yet and blind has opened at its new locaBean Misses Ellen Hcugaard- - -V 'E t JMr and Mrs David Ilansen gave an be with the females alone and should Edna Pulsipher Clara Seegmiller Liz- - i tion lp Ogden with an increased at’ ' e ' Unostentatious wedding reception at be confined to the ohe town is tendance zie Butlar Etta Morrison Brown the bride's home on WednesdayMany v Mrs Croat Martha and i fiends Join the Censor its high hopes Rabbit Valley is usually supposed to ’ i Labor Day was more largely observfor the young folks be more frosty than tbe Sevier Valley Willie Stephenson the boy who was i ed In Utah this yegf than ever before Last a raised better year of Miss they apple Manti has shot In the forehead closHougaard accidentally In several cities all of the stores charge in Fremont than’ in Sevier crop ih two any of the weeks our sixth about district ed white grand times were had at Laago by Joseph Kuhnt grade town This year the Wayne a playmate was so far convalescent 1 County fair bids She School be to' sue resorts very and other pleasure goon Cssul in the echool room and a favor-i- p County folks boast that the frost In- yesterday as to he able to walk down’ 1 jured them less than it did tlieir Se- to Dr Richie’s office and have the 1 our town Yellow fever one of the most dreadSf vier neighbors wound dressed The bullet Is still T The trial of narry Mills is now go' ful diseases known has broken out in the boy’s skull but aside from ’ aninfals-oinside iVild the carniyerous tjfon at Junction S R Thurman Ocean Springs Louisiana There are ghd several others are prosecuting family are becoming very bold Coy- a visual disturbance of the right eye” ’ alreaky many cases of it in various $hile Judge Powers and others are otes frequently seen almost it thecent-e- r the lad suffers very little from it The parts’ of the state of the Sevier Valley By the road- bullet entered over in the region of defending W Railway has been layG R The A side ' they stand fearlesely aud watch tbe right optic nerve If will be i J President Lizzie Ilansen (nee Lizzie The state militia has met at its en ing track from its depot in Provo up Last Suuday morning a difficult if not impossible to locate' Westmhn) was presented with a Book passersby and is Salt Lake near busy toward Provo Canyon and from the bullfct ever with the aid of the campment of Mormon Rud a historical work at wolf chased Allie Bagley from the the The camp has faqt that heavy rails are being used It drilling every day field to hi i home in KoosharCm Bears Hoentgen rays aa the rays do not ihe Y L M I A meeting last Mon-ibeen named Camp Burton in honor of is supposed that the company intends are also said to have began raids on penetrate bone The case is puite a night' General Robert T Burton to build a long ways remarkable one in medical practlG the sheep herds Many years have passed since the B Ogden Dept S L Herald 'Academy opened with thirteen At the Germania smelter just south ' udents Our high school has little to Despite what has often been said enof Salt Lake a furnace of molten met- against foot ball the game is being inplttin of when it had sixteen the hold of taken Logan by al exploded a few days since The re-- ! thusiastically '3t4ay and Provo students as well as those In suits were that several were terrfifiy A The play of the Plunger was one of Salt Lake schools burned while one Angelo Ambrosia best of Its kind evet played in It Is was drowned while trying td extinin Iphfleld The Hosmer-Ros- s Co’s su- - Layton Davis County has a scheme bn foot Tlie work building will cost $20000 r ‘ l a t Attorney at Law ( ' Year Inter-Mountai- u JOSEPH ECKERSLEY ' this week resar-voi- In all the State and Fedral and United States Land Office Messers Bapp and Bean are able and experienced lawyers ip all probate land water paining and crlmlnl litigation VU1 attend all sessions oi court in the counties t pixth Judicial District and adjacent - of Richfield ’ A The Richfield Opera House Is going The Grass Valley Indians have the rest No be till will taken tho fast up largest crop ever raised by them On We auggest that their iarm near Koosharem they will I work is complete CONDENSED 'NEWS Pnjutional and Business Cards $150 1 c r s - Uni-versi- Lawyer Notary Public Utah TnUEBEB ty V L J Stetrart oW Collins STEWART and COLLINS Attorneys at Law RICHFIELD UTAH Tt 11 - ‘ t DR H HERBERT (Physician and v - O Surgeon:’ 1 at Pioneer Drug Store Of?ce ' Hi - 'JfV K9JIIELr UTAH MB DR SHIPP y Physician and Surgeon Office and residence at the Kehtucky House" 8 i - Monroe tf : ' ' i J ft X ‘ v DR E SMITH Dentist h Anderton Building RICHFIELD - -- UTAH t t N H MRS ST JOHN ' the Sick s i RICHFIELD UTAH FLORENCE ALLRED Incensed Obstetrician at Mrs Millers across the Rooms treet the Public Square nOrth-o- f ihes-pliclab- le f Midmcty apid General Cm of f MBS ANNIE M NEL&ON Midwife Ani? Nurse Alter a year's absence for study I am at to resume my practice gny place ready Elsinore Utah 1 - ’ fc y ’ HOMER McCARTY ¥ ’ U S Deputy MINBBL surveyor and NOTARY PUBUC UTAH MONROE Change Not! An! Old Friend Maxim That Holds Goodin Friendship of Great Value Business N ‘V THE V r I: K Wright i la WEIGHT HOUSE Proprietor a First Class in Every' Wax) Terms ikasoqablo i V Richfield Utah a: JENSEN HOTEL Elsinore Utah vftStfly equipped rrlth all cotnfo rta Grain tables lor Good always Ixept and hay ''wms Jlrs Tellie Ykger of Provo was guish the fire on his clothing to reach Klon' 7JU’ dike She says she wouldn’t make the It now seems assured that Harry trip again for all the gold in the Hayes who Is serving a life’s sentence world In the state penitentiary for the murd- er of his step sons at Pelican Point Is to innocent and that one Case or Weeks started who of people the Many fields wa9 rush toward the Klondike gold guilty Hayes was tried before have been stopped by the melting Judge McCarty at Provo some sixteen be hangsnow and iptiddy trails They are fast months ago and sentenced-tno Board ed The State of Pardons comeatlijg up their provisions and have means of getting more The outlook muted bis sentence to” life imprisonment and he is now in jail Is gloomy the first womeil I i rLriors haven’t played in Richfield ?&g the Censor’s career There Co-o- Better Summer i it can not be found in t'4 masons and one stone cutter ’will begin work on the stake tabernacle Monday It Is hoped that the return of good prices for the farmer's produce will enable the people to build this much needed structure the County 1'vTwo BIOHFIELD T — mA ' - — t CO-O- P ESTABLISHED 1871 Theo Brandley Agent 1 j t ose i utio ff & Is always one thing to be remembered In business that you never anything by dealing with tho tried and trusted Ever since 1871 the been several years since our Itch field p has been doing business in Richfield It has never been' bad a “right smart” demand found wanting In its treatment of the public It has always had nothing but o their wheat but this year the substantial articles on Its shelves and still has a supply of the same farmer can have almost any lay out at Goods eOxents a bushel — Jf - - 4 sw rre - i 1 ' i :? d SB v' Xf rjlirga ‘ Utah : ’ f |