Show For Tress Day Excursion to Castilla RICHFIELD The Hansen harness shop is better tbelr claims the greater j art oft Iks Masons are at work on the new home Spring AugustMthaTlckets2will be supplied with everything In that line district has been before the public for sold August 14th llraitea to date of than ever before J a longtime and is well known to be as (of Sheriff Coons sale $150 for the round trip Special rich a gold camp as there Is in Utah P G Ilagstrom one of our old H A Miller a Kansas City sheep s traindeaves Richfield-a658 a m The east end of the camp will lead is hack agaia from Sait Lake buyer is in town II Jj Moule Agt it as soon as there is as much work where he worked four months r NlpU'e pew drug storp is being done as on the west end as new strikes ALdrewj2Ross’iandBeason3Lewls Samples of Fall and Winter goods or fitted pp with counters and shelves being made every few days in the made quite a successful trip to U the can now be found at the Chris Nielsen iJaoob Bastiap and Joseph Eckersly ranches on Otter Creek The owners east part Some of the richest or as taylor shop 25 per cent cheaper than rich strikes have been made botfi of Loa were over Saturday renew the option but the money aladjoining tay-lor- t r Mount usual com t last time though around ou his ciulcli lie ‘till hubbies “A (liickeii miser would dp i lie Spring ville A first eliis lior i independent Joseph II Wright from Mexico is here visiting his family and friends cultunst would do well to locate lj Richfield Iufactthere'isn’i atu-vhe expects to return soon ip Utah tliatAome kind of a first ciu Chris Schougaard’s wife presented workiuin is not needed in him with another fine buy on tlie 3rd so I guess Chris is kept bu-singing No one is a moie lticpm pionusiug lullabies foe to running the dublic m debt tlmji From one of your readers Is the Censor but irrigat ni companies II are well justifed in doign so tp seeurf piioajuM rejiorypir sites fur this reason Thesltef Fob Y L Y M M‘ 1 A Con- - must bo taken now or they will b3 ip FE BENCE TO BE HELO AT lONROB the bauds of capitalists May the Ioil Aug 14 & 15 1897 de)lyer the people r Sevier Countyl SATUKiuy Morning from ever paying water renttp capitg Choir Singing by lists! (Monroe) Prayer ’STANDS AT THE HEAD Singing Opening remarks Brg JEHeppler Aug L Bogel the leading flruggi Quartett Anngbelia Association of Shreveport La says: Remarks from Stake & Ward Offic“Dr King’s New Discovery is thg ers only thing that cures n?y congh aqij Singing It is the best seller J have” J yt Beneidiction Campbell merchant of Safford Arig Satubtiuv Afternoon writes: “Dr King’s New Discovery Singing Is all that is claimed for it it never Prayer fails and is a sure cure for ConsumpSinging tion coughs and colds I eaaaot say Remarks by Sister Martha Horne enough for its merits” Dr Iing Talk by visiting Brethren New Discovery for consumptioa Male Quartett Salina Association Coughs andCalds ianot an experiment Address by Sister AliceGottfredswn It has been tried for a quarter of a Music Solo or Quartett Elsinore ceLtury and today stands at thehegd Singing It never disappoints Free trial botBeneidiction tles at all Drug Stores and General Officers meeting 430 p m Saturday dealers Second Day 10 a m II NOTICE TO Singing by Choir Prayer Notice is hereby given that on the Singing 30th (lay ot Augqet 1897 at 2 o’clock Remarks yisit to Kirtland Temple p in at the Brooklyn School House by IL N Hayes Co Sevier Utah there will be a meetAddress by Flcra D Horne of the Brooking of the Talk by Visiting Brethren Co been called has which Canal lyn Singing for the purpose of amending Art four Benediction of the Articles of Incorporation of Afternoon Session 2 1 m said company so that the same will read of follows Sieging by Choir Prayer The object of this Incorporation is to take out a canal from the Sevier Singing Presentation of the officers river in Sevier county Utah to mainInstrumental Music Sun Set by tain the same in a northeasterly diGlenwood rection for the purpose of conveying Addresses water to irrigate the lands lying below the same and also to construct Singing Benediction reservoirs and to purchase and subscribe for capital stock of any other similar corporation which at the time NOTICE TO TEACHERS of such purchase or subscription shall The Teacher’s Official Summer Insbe or is about to Incorporate titute will begin at Provo Monday s A vote of the capital August lfithj continues for five days stock of said corporation is required Every person Intending to teach in to carry said amendments and a full the district schools of Sevier county attendance is therefore required By during the year 1897-- 98 should be in order of the Board of Directors attendance The great educator G J A Moore President Stanley Ilall will be the leading inJ F Peterson Secretary structor Teachers Examination will First publication Aug 6 be held at the close of the institute II Jacob Magleby tirst-cat-- 6 woil tc local'1 here ’ the Burkholder group known as the i V has Frank Mr B has done the contract got McKinley group for be paid and arrange things fully as tp paining business yesterday a the here of on his ground this taail bit from to Monwork carrying quite good as ever oeandRoy $Uelsoa have returned roe $14000 a year he commenced summer and will soon go at it in dead Arthur Ilenrie our first class stone frpm Gold Mouqtalp earnest and fix one of the nicest camps Aug 1st cutter is home again It is to be hoped Mesdames Elizabeth Bean and Flora The Niels Thuespns water ‘stealing in those parts and will be one of the that we now take enough interest in Horne landed Jp Richfield Tuesday case came off on Wednesday Aug 4th most convenient of any as there is no ornamenting our cemeteries to give evening he was found guilty in the charge limit to the ore and the ore continues him steady employment He exmade against him and was fined $25C to be found the more he digs Mrs J R gppdahl ofSaltLake City changes work for grain or other proand cost la visiting her sister Mrs II W Ram-los- e duce he can use Mr Robinson of Salt Lake and Mr of Park City were down to Edwards Elsinore has now a Ferris wheel Frest W IL Seegmiller attended a Silver the King to examine it and Mesdapies Lee and Taylor finished meeting of the B YtA board at Fro- - Some boys brought the thing to town were with the camp They pleased thelr visit in Richfield and went north vo Monday The hoard was reorgan-o- a few flays ago were quite disgusted return willsoop I Ized with George Q Cannon as presi- - with it and were anxious to got rid of Tuesday t Niels Nielson and lIels Erickson Miss Ada Burkholder will start The Misses Ogarfi and jEergenson of dont The Academy is making every it or traded for it a horse cart East In a few days to visit her grand Fountain Creep are spending a few I cflfort-t- put up another building that bought and harness valued at $0000 ma Burkholder who met with an ac I it uay do of iron and veiy little limedays here cident some six weeks ago being HARRY MILLS PLEADS Archie and Lizzie ’Young and Miss! JOSEPH kicked by a horse Miss B will spend Allred have returned from their trip The only work attended to by Judge Editor Censor: the rest of the summer there she will I to Milford McCarty at Junction was to take Har- As the time has been so lanfe and be missed at home qs she is an all Alvin Borgqulst has returned home ry Mills’ Plea iIe and Reporter Rollo the weather so warm and my pursuers round rustler at the Hotel and her lor a while after a long stay at school were there last Monday and the pris- so hot no my trail that the poor wild place can not be filled by any other” oner was arraigned ona charge of cat has been in Salt Lake City treefl for a long time and Mr W Graves drives a new buck murder in the first degree to which he as his pursuers have left the trail he board purchased while in the Simon Chriiten’s team made things city pleaded not guilty will return to his old den ony to be lively in the east part of town by runMr Johaston and Carl Buukholder Little Johnnie Meteer discovered a chased again but the county roads ning away oa Wednesday have the finest showing for cabbage error In last wecksCEN-so- will be in better shape for the trip onions ever mafle in this end of and The joint session of M I A last grammatical and is making more fuss over it and the people of Joseph City have the and will have it to dispose was county Sunday evening extra good Vic- than a hen that has just laid all their chicken houses locked as for young Bean E was the car load soon tor of by the principal speaker her first egg You are right Johnnie that they are all glad of his return Mr Leroy Jackman has gone to Charles Keeler of Pima Arizona I that sentence was badly twisted We but the people of Jo town haven’t any house I cblcks ara and an not very fonfl of wild after absence of ten years is again should have caught it in the proof at keeping at his old home in Richfield least but didn’t You are a smart I ca8 any way riut 8tHl they will asso-bo- y Mr Smith cur rustling prospector Johpnie take your place at the I ciat wilh the anllIal for all of his and assayor is working a good pros Alma Christensen the six year old I head of the class mewiog growling scratching and pectnear the Antelope on the divide aoq qf Chris Christensen had his arm W S° tUe Way t0 get along between Joseph and the Vale and LOA ’S POTABLE WATER dislocated by falling from a swing' I with tho old cat la to pet him and will put on a force of men at once Wednesday During the summer there has been I stroke his soft fur and say poor kitty We regret the changing of the IIR J D Mortenson the painter called considerable sickness in Loa and the I 110 ”“P " one time pr"perous hour later blamed H to tho water that on the Censor with some making it a little °“j al1 Ulln' green corn people ew Ml b“J laterforour mail and our hack dm Dr G 1L Her-- 1 apfl summer squash among the earli- supplies the town as they do not care to be there ers berthas made an examination In of It est town and finds waiting fur the train after dark in aside from there being the large depot with no oue but the ''0t 1 UMerabl refuse water collected "8‘ Agent and him asleep so as they can J en rOU e dltebes that It li oue of he 10 lli8 olil I the Jubilee Tlieycame home tired not fiud out how Jong they will have j the best waters of the state There bo eatra’”11 I l9 about the right amount higher and 1ute a number went on business to wait if thtrain is late the depot I as well as for The editor has gone on a trip to I work than at present pleasured Our worthy is one of the largest on the line being I I Salt Lake will return II Wells “erchant J ne If the people of Loa will keep the did quite a busi-- 1 about 3x9 miles square with an arch- I ed roof from With Alvin Borgquist will go over to J ditches clean the water will make but aess east to west and north Loa next Monday south and floored with sand and to I very little trouble for them James Billingsby has ordered a num- lucerne fields and so as not to I of Pickcts to build a new fence in jar walls ber SALINA SHOOTING MYSTERY George Morrison didn’t return from sides are so tin transparent I froot of his residence on his town you see r the Jubilee but went to Mercur in- SOLVED pro- what the R R has done for Joseph I stead ne will parhaps be at work Atlast the man who shot Arthur Perty at Joseph city and what a showing they can make in IStorrs at Salina is in custody having there for some months Mr C D Burkholder drives a new the expenses of a depot but never the been brought here to the county Jail I harness one of the best ever sold in less we will have to Miss Wylie left fer the north on stand it all whose Tuesday night The same evening I Sevier Co so is still alive Joseph be city lot cast may this way for Jjoimt She will take a that Storrs was shot Chris yesterday’s train Madsen I aDd will still live Ualdyoruther points will be met with year’s rest from teaching and hopes son of Dr Madsen was seen going to to then return to Richfield Mr Andrew Ross drivhs a new buggy goqd hacks that meets all trains and ward the depot wit!) a satchel In his drives from the grand depot while in the city John A Hellstrom has secured a hand This was trie first clew that purchased Now as our mail gets in so late it is Mr Brown who is at the Salt Lake position in Z C M I and is going to finally led to locating Madsen as the hospital will be home soon as the Dr° not opened until next morning not Salt Lake Sunday He will be follow- man Hull I CliristoflcrMon Detective Shores followed this up say they can’t cure him being so handy as beforo as our post Sliora made to ed by his family in a few weeks ardor Promptly al ter master obliged tlie people by opening and finally he and Deputy Sheriff I IWeaNuremriit Bliley Parker takes to the hard work A larsre assortmontof Jesse Knight James Bean and confectioneries nv Martin went to a sheep camp on the all O K after a it at night leinos stationery and notions vacation George W Bean are to form a search- head of Salina Creek and arrested ML Raff of tbe Placer mine has Cam and See Our Fine Line or Cioaiis The Best riace To Get A very sad gloom was cast over our ing party to go inquest of an old Madsen who confesses Elsiuore the to Rock Springs on business and Utah doing gone Spanish mine said to exist in this neighborhood last Sunday night One shooting return at once and start up the of our young men was shipped home will vicinity CITY PROPE RT YfoTTsale His motive seems not to have been works as the water is around in the accden ’ occured at OR TRADE Fort Mrs Maude Crosby an aunt of the robbcry at first Storrs and Madsen’s Jn°a at the Gilson mines by the ditch A lot an udobe house and with sister city had once litorfl and hftr nrn Imrn kept company BLACKSMITH TOOLS FOR noping you tave not lor gotten but good stable in south had broken up Storr’s published one falling in of an open ditch about 12 part of Rich HORSES and that the space will field Will trade for lof her letters in the Press and Mad-- I o’clock at night and was not found will forgive farming land or of such a be not a will trade I set of blacksmith tool great length between sell for cash sen says he went down to whip Storrs until next morning then he was left the as past and hoping this will not for horses or q wagon there until evening as he was lying in I for that and denies Joseph L Jensen being masked about the waste find basket until be after I Joseph L Jensen Riqnflcld four feet of water and they had August 10th tickets to Spanish ne has waived examination and has Is and published such if case the no ice Fork can be bought at one fare for I been As soon as possible he was Ing placed under $3000 bonds which in a coffin packed in ice and you may get some thing soon that will the round trip good returning no later as placed yet he has not obtained some one after the old cat than August 14th again shipped home The funeral took place get wild cat Tor will Sale tlie answer and defenc on 10 Cheap n L Moule Agt Monday at a m at the Joseph ' A Good Farm With House and Lot cemetery Mr Charles Eskiner was the people of Joseph and guard the o O O O 0 o o o o o o Prof J L Ilorne is down from TrO' Enquire at the Broadbent Ranch at the unlucky one a young man of about people In all events vo ne is to stay here until the first 23 years of age Wild Cat 14 18 Brooklyn lie was killed July 29 of September when he will go to Corand buri led August 2 The sad news It nell University to pursue a course in threw his mother Into quite a number KOOSIIAREM ELSINORE electrical engineering of fainting spells making her unable The Lord still blesses the people of No fights this week to attend the funeral “We are just beginning to realize The body was this country Plenty of rain the last very badly bruised Harvesting has commenced the damage done by the drouth” said It was one of the two or three days it will do some a farmer” Lost enough to build the Ricks Ice Cream goes like hot cakes largest funerals we have ever had here damage to the hay but more good to reservoir? Why I lost enough to pay MOUNT BALDY TO that frozen THE isn’t the grain FRONT OurTyplmoid patients are on the for my share of it and for three of my it Quite a number of men are at work improve There are plenty of currants raised neighbors” Ion different prospects and all are show-- 1 here this season and those who have Go and see how full the shelves are well there were three of the Ian y to spare can ling hardly fin! pickers at the cash store Mitchell Malgamators put in at differ-- because every body must look out for Miss Clawson from Ephraim is visit-- ent places One was placed in the bis own ing the Jensen hotel people Silver King this week and all looks T im 'avwabla M A Hansen is The Silver is one of old his King thcughttobenin8 g getting m08i prosperous mines in the dis-house to look like a new one trict and the mining cf the ore is of I Tbe 8°od People of our place ceie- the very cheapest a the- - gold is a soft I brated tke 24th representing the Flo- I a to vlslt the Christofferson a by large force of workmen It will and decomposerf substancej wqrk wJU ncers as best they could the oldest not be long until the erection of a new am 7’ Loon begin on the we have are Wm Hatch and property joining Ploneer new opera house which will have a tilting Eight burg wagons came to known as the Gold Queen owned most- - wl fe' floor and other modern conveniences town last night most of them arc al- - ly by Richfield parties There are Richard Brown is getting better he J C 3patC' ready sold Iquitca number of men at woik on was able to attend the commissioners I wept north to attend ready paid apply on the amount to yet n - I b STOCK-HOLDER- S It stock-holder- ' r T "' "" s two-third- I Glenwood Roller Mills Flour - Graham J I Germade o o n FEW o o POIIXTEHS For News Every person knows something of his neighboringtown and he can hear from through the Censor Few realize the value of a home paper to I 1 an absent friend Send him acopy for a present sol? I “ 1 oooooooooo ® W- '1 - Hv wA’'1 lcT? - V 'i ' t 4- 7' r 4 nr I HL Ur j v ' A 1 'A ' nfcrt 4 £ C5 Z 3 o o o 4 |