Show t 1 la Published etery Friday '' 7S RESPECTFUL THE SOUTHERN CENSOR ACT 10 Mi TtEPJtOVED at (U'XMSOX State Directory: learning at least enough to UNITED STATESi SENATORS Frank J Cannon J L Rawlins CONGRESS W H King GOVERNOR Reber M Wolls SECRETARY OF STATE James T Ilammond STATU AUDITOR: -- Morgan Richards Jr STATE TREASURER: James Ghlpman SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRIIC-TIO- John R Park SUPREME JUDGES Charles’s Zaun ‘ 0 W BARTCI1 A MINER J DISTRICT JUDGE FOR SIXTH DISTRICT: Win M McCurty SEYIEII COUNTY I) I HU CTO II Y COMMISSIONERS n n Roll Glonwood W II Robinson Sullna J A Russ Joseph Rlchllcld County Clerk— Sara’l 0 Clark Ilichfli'ld Rjcordor— M ml Sponcor Layton Assessor— Jos A Smith Monroe Shorlff-John W Coons Rlohllold Monroe Supt Schools— Jacob Magleby Treasurer and Tax Colloelur-- U P Hanson Mel'tulel Rlchtleld Prosecuting Att’y-E- W D Simoon8urveyor-- P Sillu er lZh-lilh'I- CITY DIKLirilKY MAYOR— Tlieodoro Uraudluy COUNCIL— E 0 retorson J M Jenson N P Peterson Molten Jensen Joseph S Homo ' Rseordor— Carl Ooldbrmsou Treasurer— James Christiansen Justice of tho Peace— Slimn ( lirlstc risen Marshal— G W Blomquist City Attorney— I J Stowu-j Htroet'Supervisoi— rOPetersun Poundkeepor— John IV Coons - Water Master Niels L Anderson t Quarantine WAYNE Physielan-- II COUNT Y K Neill M D- DIRECTORY COMMISSION SRI Alonzo Billinas Charles Snow Levi COUNTY C ‘ Fremont Teasdale White CLERK an expert’s deductions We have nothing against an attorney who does not so understand them but a lawyer like evory other man on earthshould when ho docs not understand the plain reasonablo deductions of science make patient inquiry fiom those who do until he learns Last week nn exhibition of the opposite was witnessed by the lookers in our district court room On the stand was a witness who was nutural-lcourteous and whose education and years of practical study had made him a master of engineering Ho was a hard student who had graduated first In his class and had fop years served t io government in conducting a surveying party The aptitude and case with which he answered the questions Giles A COUNTY UECOUDEU shoved that he was not only a ruan who knew a great deal hut that he was a man who could teach it All during the time that ho gave his testimony lie was willing to make his point understood use any illustration that might make it clearer to the court or attorneys in the case Not liis but only that general demeanor good at Wheu an principles of the sciences answer that was reasonablo and least resistance he askes if such a extends j p to “that hill” When line told he that such a thing is an absurdity becomes angry Such is always resort of tho rightly defeated When the witness has to resort to tlio Builder strong —Jc M Hansen Loa AT I It Weakness etc 1 what youu ailment NO MATTER or where you live write us a full his tory of your trouble aud our consult ing physician will advise you what to do in ordes to regain your health Consultation Is free and sacredly con- fidential Terms very low For proofs enclose 2 cent1 stamp Local agents wanted everywhere No canvassing We advertise you ic your home paper Address with COMPANY CHICAGO ILL II Missouri Pacific IPy Sigurd Loa and Coyote Stage Line It GRASS AND RABBIT ROUTE -- EJ car-loa- d VALLEY Leaves Sigurd 6 am every morning except Sunday reach Burrviile at noon and go on to Loa or Coyote that night Accomodations for passengers and facilities for carrying express Fillmore Brothers Under some of trie canals the loss per acre for want of water will reach ‘even aud eveu eight bushels of wheat IVte County Is to luivcasiigar ructary Hallway per acre That is under the entire The factory is to be located in tiau I?'00""”1' H B Koosar Flynn canal If a farmer was short of water Pete county but Sevier is as deeply C F & P A T F & P A and only got sixteen oushels to the interested in it as San Teto Be neigh Salt Lake City Utah acre where he might have had thirty borly about it Brother Iverson he has lost moie than halfhis crop bo-It ause the putting in aud -t coSeveral months ago the cutting city council just t lie same so many have lost from granted a the side petition ordering all to half of their crops Two dol- walks on Main Street to be graded As lars per aero is a low estimate of the yet that grading hasn't been done loss in Brooklyn and on the South Our Main Street side walks are anyBend Canal The old canals in Kicli-iiel- d thing but a credit and the grading Elsinore Monroe and Anuabclla should be done at once have all lost heavily The fainiera II in usually admit that they have tills In the early days of Utah economy COt lest year FINS CASKETS HANDLES enough to build the Otter Creek reservoir Suppose that next and energy enabled our cities to im- LLNI prove without running in debt Can fil1 If year we have as little snow as we bad the same are qualities in ‘1)6 and as little raiu as we have put into our city government at this fall's election this summer what will follow? they should produce the same result II ' Burrviile Proprietors Do Rot Fore!1 Thai’ Horne & Miller Undertakers Keep constantly on hand at their establish ment Richfield a supply of and tHey xeir notice LATHS SCREWS °rderS °n sln Pltningwhich they are DOORS &c is they havlw SSn the ground occupied he lumber yard at a reasonable price cash Wl11 by for i i Richfield I I Remember the Dear Departed Show your regard for those who have gone before in Enduring Everlasting Grave vStones ARTII UR IIENRl B has established his Marble Works on Center St East of Co-o- p Store and is prepared to make stones and do all kinds ofgrave Cemetery Work I Wost-Boun- d '" - i : ! i '! East-Boun- d I K WRIGHT Pioneer Oil JUST RECEIVED-- House — £& A Lot Of WHITEWASH BRUSHES Paint Brushes paints and Oils Glass Sash Doors Lath Iron Roofing etc Farmers Attention Machine Oils I : 4 1! u jt - An -- W ' 0“ Call and get my prices before you order Don’t forget the place I K WRIGHT ’ ' ' ' v V Turned Work The Colorado Short Line to Kansas City St Louis Mo and all points South and East Free reclining chair cars and puli man palace sleeping cars of most elegant design Direct connections at the magnificent Union Station St Lcuis for every where 01 sale al1 tattoo : medicine Guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine iealmunur system known to the medical profession “No MAN made” remedy but nature’s’ true panacea Vatumaisan antiseptic geimicide it positively destioys all “mieiubes” aud germs of every kind name aud nature it is healing and soothing to the mucuous membrane will permanently cure the majority of casesof Bronchitis Catarrh Dispepsia all Stomach troubles all diseases of the Bladder Bowels Kidneys Liver Con-- v stipation Piles Old Sores Rectal Diseases Ulcers Eczema Scrofula ’ Blood Poison Rheumatism Neuralgia ' Diseased Discharges Diseases peculiar ' to Women Nervous and Physical ' Hougli or Tinned Lumber You get best bargains ? — Molding Greco’s Tin Sliop on extractors honey cans tin and aluminum ware eaves trough and roofing work East of Hall PEKUCl' llKHm IWMINil) liwon lx u or a he o k Grandest discover In Uie annuls proprietor of the only planing mill stamp THE VATUMA in Richfield and is best prepared (if IV O I’OX Z12 any one In the county to do all kind of wood work Wiito to him If you want any thing in his line as: explanation or diagram to answer a the attorney Hies inti a pasquestion assessor: sion When the attorney accuses the John II Curfew Cainesville witness of saying things lie never sheriff: said the witness kindly corrects him Oeo Chappell Lyman Such was the scene while J B Jennisupt scnooLs: ngs was cross questioning the state W E Robinson Loa engineer Captain Willard Young TREASURER The Cknsoii is notunfriendly to Mr T A Jeffery Loa as long as he behaves himJennings PROSECUTING ATTY: self but when besets him self up to Loa Joseph Eckersley make such remarks os “I do uot he (the state engineer) knows anything about measuring water” it is time that the ignorance of the man who makes such remarks was exposed An enterprising man we know inIf the suit of the city vs I C & L Think of the millions of wealth tends to plant a ten acre orchard of showed any one thing plainly it was that might be accumulated during Mr Jennings Ignorance If lie hrd winter apples so that he can have the time of the present coal strike if lots The instead of trying to lay that ignorance enough to ship it the miners and operators could only upon another taken the results man- tendency of all the people in this sec- agree on a proper court of arbitration tion is to raise fully it would have been pardonable everything they need II But when he tried to make out that as far as possible That Is proper but The Board of school trustees set Mayor Baskin of bait Lake did not a farmer should raise a whole lot of thej tuition for Richfield students at$2"iO some one a product aud little of every understand his duty when he appointfor non residents 8100 The ed Mr ybjoct Young city engineer or when other kind— tho large quantity to sell was and the small quantities to keep him allow residents for the taxes lie tried to set himself up as judge Social over a man like Ileber M Wells who from buying But our farmers as ulP:li(l II appointed Mr Young to his present role do riot raise any one crop to a position it only makes his own ignor- large enough extent to pay for buildThe selection of Audrcason’s Park ance apparent ing up a distinctive trade as tho place for the M I a conferII While we do not approve of disresence was a happy one A camping out AYe know several pectful tones in the questioning of a conference combined can now and very talented writwitnesses we arc willing that an att- ers in Utah who arc forced to write had orney should have whatever advant- for little or nothing if they write at age he needs to briDg out the truth all In fact Utah has developed sev- - Little farms well tilled will result' but when the rules of practice allows eial who would have been talented from having a augar'factory" "irTthis au attorney who can not comprehend poets and poetesses had they been able part of Utah the facts of science to go so lar as to to have lived in liesuie enough to II San Pete and Sevier Branch not only me untruthful statements think and I write After all these years of hope a high of what the witness has said 28 but alSTATIONS Is school lows the to practically hero lawyer say abusive things AND We arc in receipt oi the annual Lr of the witness as tins beaten II lawyer Mxd SIDINGS Mxd did the branch normal school located at upon the witness showing a mas Tho firm set determination to build Cedar The new building has nut us tcry of the subject too deep for the atreservoirs is growing been completed but another of torney to undeistand he (tlm lawyer yet shows a gross violation not only of suitable dimensions has been rented the rules of practice but of the court- The energy with which Cedar is pre- ELECTRIC BITTERS esy due from man to man if he paring for the school shows that the location commission made no mistake Electric Bitters is a medicine suited doesn’t in its selection and while we wish or any season but perhaps more gen it were here we recognize the erally needed when the languid ex justice Were we living in the days wlen it iurtlier south hausted feeling prevails when the 11 v governments didn’t maintain public cr is torpid and sluggish and the need roads our mopolists would have lung a tonic and alterative is felt of since bought all the roads and would The name of the Willow Bend pre prompt use of this medicine has often Train 23 will run Tuesdays Thursdays and now compel all the passengers and cinct has been changed to Aurora so averted Train 2t long and perhaps fatal bilious will run Mondays Wed- freight to be taken Saturdays by their coaches that nesdays and Fridays they their with correspond fevers No medicine will act more post and freight wagons II L Mourns Agent Richfield' just as they now olllee It would now be to proper C Dodge Gcn’l Manager surely in counteracting and freeing build the railroads run all the trains change the precinct named Central to the F A TVadlelgh Ceri’l I’assrnyer Atren system from the malarial poison and so compel us to General oflleeSalt Lake City patronize their Invcrury or the ward and post ofiioc Headache Indigestion constipation Utah I trains or build another road to Central Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters II The readers of tins paper will to learn that there Is at lea-- 1 one dreaded d:ea-tiiut science 1ms to ben able cure in all its stages and thHt is atarrb Hall's Catai i li Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternitv Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Hall’s CatarrliCure is lakonlnternallv acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the susLem thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constmuluu and assisting nature in doing its wmk The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list or testimonials Address F J CHENEY & CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists Too Hall’s Family Pills are the best Carpenter Contractor growth than has Utah county and would supply beets fur a larger factory at Gutuiihuu than could be supplied at Springville Vth Gunnison is a town that lias for some reason never reached any place near its growth It should rank along with Mt Pleasant Mantl and Richfield and iu time It will do so But there Is nothing that will aid it so effectually as tiic budding of a sugar factory ami the town with ail of Us atent energy could do much to help the factory cases but whoso general demeanor and wIiosq Cumulation of questions show himtobe ignorant uf the general 'VATU MM $100 e Springville 8th Tho counties of Sevier uud Sun l’ete have yet more room for of a master mind who wished to of the treatment lie received! Questioning him was a lawyer who places energy and hard work into his of will bo REWAiiii $100 7th Competition of the Lehi factory lair and think should bo satisfactory to any reasonable nijm was given another unreasonable question follows When told that water always ilows along the line Clark is over irmu Sulng- He says several tramps are s' III the county-I'rn- vo at Gunnison now well established was be ville l state-mon- d y ATTORNEY-GENERA- 0 Bishop Mar-dmi independent lias been working hard to have a beet sugar factory located at that town We admire the work it has been doing but have thrice challenged the t that Springville was the best site in the state In its last issue t ho Independent gets on a tantrum'over it Well we hope Springville gets Us sugar factory but Gunnison certainly lias the best site for these reasons: 1st On each side of it Is a rich alley both of which have proved themselves well adapted to beet raising 2nd Being quite a long distance from the cities of the north whece there is market for garden produce and the like tins section can profitably give more attention to the beet industry than can Springville 3rd Gunnison has water power to irr part run the sugar factory 1th Coal is handier to Gunnison than to Springville uth Limestone is just as haudj tli Kail road facilities are just as - REPRESENTATIVE A undei-stan- - i'Hinilkri-- ns S'L'YG VILLE Tho Springville When a witness In court i3 on the Kicn field Seyieu County Utah stand he is supposed to be questioned By CROSBY AND MORRISON a of superior intelligence one man by who understands all branches of -' |