Show P IP" ' r v $ p r nmMts if £ f S' RRlDLErs ME UGIOVS 1 V I ( LE It A XCE sarn money for our children tnspond’ TIil Topeka (Kau) btato Journal of said a fond father whoso children won Any one who has lived a long term last Thursday published a telcgruphk school learning foot bal of years and had his eyes open and his in boarding — Hhmm imi and leaping eport of tiie proceedings of children's thoughts about him must have ob- riding bicycles running lay of the lubileeand t lie rummer it served who are and have been the races and oilier circus gymnastics 'nniMi — wurTwmn r “i in those in jvbloh the children laid floral offering® mosc successful and best beloved men which health (?) demands nmn of Young’s liac the Brigham it was honest an samph and women and the road they travel- stitutions Ho our labor foi inient Tbo telegraphic editor did ed that led to such distinction We if millions of us who sell not miss tiio opportunity offered ti Three-foiinTiii-- I’AvtA 'i? Av AAAyruV! cannot set down the mere money get- i "mass of pottage" smart so ho heads tli ray something in our purby of youth the time spent t’oi'NTlfc's W’iytv ter and hoarder as the highest type of iceount with a llasli head as follow®: Is wasted: manhood unless he gathers wealth in suit of a higher education FUILSilUnE ‘Toor Work for Children— Ten of the inhonest ways that he may use it to for only a small percentage of Them Lay Flowers on ai I’lioustmd I'A ID " struction dealt out is of practical use Yf iiave burned benefit his brother man The route while the graduates in love of ease it Immoral Old Reprobate’s Statue Viewed from a religious siandpomi OR BRUISED that has been passed over so often and t L A b: I'Ve URT AIN'S Yourself or have any horse cow dog so safely —those open paths of indus- hankering for holidays and sports am (and that Is of course the standpoint BAliYOiRRIADES iff Wd Or any animal that Is wounded and love to neighbor in contempt for the slow ways tlieli from which this bigoted editor wrote frugality try WALL PAPER ahy way you will find arc legion They can anatomi see parents esteem wo to fail into traveler why led the have iho above) that JOHNSON’S BLACK OIL We'ilfc'Agents for the cmiehimt'cA ize a cat and quote Latin with equal ol a was who arc disciple even eminence CURES and Young CURE greatly being THAT A beware of imitations Genuine only deserted in these latter days The ease can deliver orations (f otlierb foseph Smith is any more of a repand '"hen sl8Da is striving Tor a writing) with grace and ability robate than is William McKinley who America or Or$&tt§ circles: card and in shine dancinghalls fiends his knee every Sunday to John shortcut to fortune anl fame and to'Sold at z’ CM I Drug Dept but the wisdom that is required iawdes Wesley or Win J Bryan who gigantic enterprises and costly dissoil the livelihood fnom a to earn JoVnl Calvin day wore shrnie of at the esteemed are important plays rare among graduates of col- There is --J fully as much in both reason than the quiet comfort and content of is very seat® The academies and higher believe or leges that those and history to cause us to the homo Hfe The example are leading the boys awaj AND who 'have been lifted into high places of learning Joseph Smith was a true prophet as I know a school thal Missouri farms from the R’y there Is that either Wesley or Calvin through Vitiated political machinery :ill6 GRANDE farmers’ attended ABNtOA is by SALVE numerously John sense BUCKLEN’S reformers befifc to in were the young is anything hut profitable any Fastest tmW itoSAeSt ilne and and fifty hundred one of the sons and was a poor ignorant superWesley are the to whose eyes are turned towards them cc fat Salve in the world for accomodation Best out The turned have onlj of live lh they stitions bigot Mo believed witches A corrupt tfee can only bring forth graduates "TOtmiST OB FAMILY SLEETING CAll Salt ducruents we offer W snippers Sores Ulcers Bruises Id agriculture Cuts haVe hand a Kansas and evil fruit and must be hewn down eight most of our farmer folks are and goblins while John Calvin was RheUih Fever Sores Tetter Chapped took between Pueblo SERVICE for ah The ever dis- Bands Chilblains Corns and all skin City Special livestock trains bo you know that every evening the and consumed ot the principles ol plain livers their homes are wltlioul ane of the crudest men that number of cars Of course the Eruptions' and positively cures Piles reasonable graced the earth Denver & Rio Grande R- R inconnec-- ' Christianity fire unsobtid and not modern C F & P- - A the and B boys II Kooser is improvements It guaranteed or no pay required tion with the R G W runs a Tourist maintained by the power that authoriBrigham Young agalnAt charge E J Flynn T F & P A ' satisfaction or money and girls who go oiit of such homes to or Family Sleeping Car to Denver m Vrould be that to give perfect be made should Yhe howis any Salt LakeClty Utahzed them straight gate Price 25 cents per box refunded where all their actions are timed b which a lower berth can Be secured for- ever still a ho was because a fewwas he aud reprobate For Sale by all druggists and Gcncr open though fewer $200? In addition to his daily serthe ringing of a bell where electric We shall not raise tbc al dealers find n' to how and polygamist that it be there G er also operates and vice theD&R lights and stelm heaters and hot Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays lead the young in the "narrow way” cold baths with all the other attrac- question whether or not that makes a man a reprobate but if it does then there distinct Tourist Sleeping Car is a duty parents may well ponder tions and conveniences that abound lines to Omaha Kansas Citv Chicago over all the characters in the Holy at once can see the great discrepancy nearly Boston and New York — no change for were Bible reprobates for if there it Not long ago 1 visited an old home- between that and their homo life and reduced Utah passengers— at greatly cars -one thing the Bible teaches are stead where six 'generations of a worberth rates These Tourist dissatisfaction is at once implanted iny is polymore clearly than another it managed by the Pullman Company thy family have lived There are some want some easier cleaner and The Journal rf tne editor aid and are provided with all necessary landmarks still remaining of the pre- They gamy of money tliar ' conveyances and applianceswith The vious centUry with its simple thrift speedier way making It is all right foi dare not deny it ' the Tourist car feature together farming and so pet thetrkind parent® and infidels to cry out admirable train service and scenie at- and comfort The old kitchen wa® to use the little they have laid up foi agnostics Brigham Young's teachings tractions of the route has placed the there with its great fireplace where age in training them for doctori lawsheeh ol ranks in foremost G the outtlie thing for D & R boys and girls of the old time in mirth yers professors cashiers etc For rates and is tin to do Railroads give Journal in Western like The roasted their chestnut® ' and The country lias many faimerswlu tin and letailed information apply to any in gladness siience the coals and counted the sparks a® have been impoverished and their lal people nothing but Ticket Agent of the R G W Ry i f ihattbe better to B F Novins General Agent or II they ascended from the crackling fire days made destitute by children the? less from the standpoint o' Viev'ed Traveling Tassenger of huge logs The low joists where unwisely tried to help onto business Cushing II 2nd West 58 & usefulness G Brigham Youiq R No aithly dams draped strings prosperity There are countless moth-eiAgent D Lake t lie people that City Street Salt South of apples pumpkins and peppers to almost staggering undertbe burd- was worth mine to lie whole craft from the apostle Fau dry and the small windows that could ens of the lonely kitchens while lown Brigham Young had practlcn bo so easily cleaned and curtained were their daughters are away being train Tie He knew enough to know that sense still there I could readily imagine ed for higher circles than that ol ELSINORE land animal and entitled by a is man J C OSTLUND how a fire on the hearth would warm home From now till next October I want a room with of the But good brothers and sisters nature loa pail it the eart’i on which ceiling so low and how ties piled any place by the railroad lie m t only knew this bui farm histoyy shows that our most sub- to live track from Salina to Belknap I pay all offensive odors and destructive stantial and grandest men and women ietaughtit and moreover nepiac-tice35 cents each for all red pine ties piled germs would vanish amid tire and 20 arc patent to all cents advance heen trained in this way it Then-suitnot smoke up the yawning chimney and have by the track and will are ties as piled soon as the Ileie as a and work of humble in supplies :oday who visit Utah leave the family to pure air and long Ilirough paths to 1 1 n 11 my inf further For walked and result of Brigham’s teachings w life Modern microbes would faint self reliance they have store atmy no paternal cash have and more people living in their owi with fright or gnash their teeth in with little or call to their parents blessed homes than any other place in the risen despair at such a harbinger of health yet Edward Everett Hales was sent four Union He taught hs followers to be for the family find death to them as aud above al’ hearth and its blaz- years to school to a simpleton that he industrious and frugal the fco great might find home the most agreeable things to keep out of debt fire Contrast this Our new srock of ing In Lake Salt or You leave Ogden and happiest place of all these people had confidence was the so stood has through kitchen that toe evening and after breakfasting in Ileury Clay had to wark barefooted for him that his advice was followed Summer Goods cars of the many ‘generations with the close sumptuous dining the in the fields while a boy to help suplias Utah today with the result that minima they arc all' good and subSANTA FE ROUTE on the third apartments of today where women port the family and people most happy in the arrive prosperous stantial It will pay you to of roast their meat and their brains and corning you Stephen Girard’s brothers all had course In his sun the in such it that lights stew their food and their bodies at college educations but he with St Louis Capital Stock Chicago out- across the continent ask exertions ‘acquired own will as his then and you same time the will be Bolden until now From July in tlie store and then get the profits What was the legacy ’eft the people n season to attend to business or women can’t stand anything stripped his brothers in business and it: with all fast trains for the East why creed back by our per cent system W e have deserted the way left a name that will last for aye He by John Wesley? Nothing but Mondays Richfield 8omeonehas said recently that the nowadays? the good of his race Goods that relates only to a world somewhere Wo Like to that leads to bodily strength for ease labored for Tuesdays AnnabelD track of the ATCHISONwasTOPEKA scien- famous Mitchell the about a Maria uy thing in bucli and that nobody knows We would rather sniff the & SANTA FE railroad speed Elsinore Wednesday at the long dis- fumes of coal oil and gasoline than tist went at the Work of supprtinp and no one even knows lias an existcondition that perfect of age Thursday sixteen years when herself New on Joseph Calvin-lithe ence at ail IV hat of John tance run of the “Flyer" that which goed old mother Nature Mary A Livermore Whs compelled Monroe Friday York Central could be equaled if not left the people a creed dogmatic and without to work in household duties all through ' money without trains supplies its magnificent exceeded by TERMS To enforce its outand damnable J D KEN WORTHY price and prefer to fry our fish and let her early years but she spent the of 1897 Belden will season For the Gen’l Agt Passenger Dept the fumes permeate the whole house time which many other girls would rageous teachings he spurned noth I nominal stand which at on the price of $500 if TAKE YOlll COUNTY TV A KM A NTS to the fagots 50 West Second South Street broil it over the coals in have given to frivolous plav in profit- apply the torch than rather AND GET was bound the unfortunate Servetu paid cah down or $600 paid by Sep- TO J MLAUBITZEN Salt Lake City Utah tf too numerous as our corner And the others THEM FOR CASK able study tember C F WARREN Traveling Agt for daring to question bis dogmas did What if we do have the frag- to mention in fact almost all who and Calvin only We refer to Wesley rance of fish and cabbage and onions have earned the world's notice and as samples of religious founders against in every nook of the house it is more praise have done so not by any SALOON® EICHFIELD whom The Journal would not think aristocratic than to have open chimgift of genius above others or of RAMLOSE Prop U W hurling such epithets as reprobate neys through which smells could get by exceptional educational facilities HAS We warrant that the Methodist oi away from us We cant have ventl but by steapfast purpose and hard A 300 GOOD WHISKY Presbyterian church can get any lators in kitchens now and smoking work GALLON 1 ' I feel such an aching in me to do or amount of plaudits from The Journ: and griddle has from pan frying grease be not alcohol will test-prooThis f 188 uncommon" wrote a that it might want of Mor' CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDT nowhere to light but on ceilings on be something It is construed as an endorsement to her bosom friend scrubyoung girl We beis not for mon it doctrines Rest Brands of Blackberry Port and paper and paint! Women and too but have they other a many such liquor feeling of doctrines lieve no more in the HAS Cherry Fine and bing brushes were made to use they shun the toll and hardships that than we do in Methodism or os are mded in sickness can clean it off— the fashion must be often lead to the desired goal They must Presbyterianism but this intolerance W Ih Cigars ipreserved our other denomis be faithful in common things who j often manifested by makes Mormons Everything must be done in a rush uncommon and the nations against the "If I must do noth- would attain the We have not forgotten the n these times us tired knowledge that is power is not that treatment accorded the Kansas ing" said a gentleman out of business alone but of the Is readers sf The Journal no "1 want to obtained from books and there are many such the The well here were as doubt-wh- en by heart and hand trained they be able to get at it a little quicker” he in a hurry Mormon people nor tne cold thanklnot must OI’EN'l’OU aspirant young is NOW and so ho bought a bicycle to speed ess manner in which it was reedved for great attainments and seek out Bicycles to him ground his loafing by the swarthy dyspeptic bigots Of of deserted path3 of the wise ones the Endcavorers They would not and the therecost cost money— legs nothing and by his own did not even show good manners by must be better to use who have gone before fore of bicycles Lovely Five such knowledge remaining quiet while in the very And we find many all up and down perseverance gather houses of their entertainers but talkessential to successfully prosecute the land who “toil not neither do they as is ed and even published in their papers Let the young in- his chosen life work new of more the here a lot of rubbish and rot utterly need WITH A spin” but to be- regardless of foundation or fact at themselves above rise suffering for work who ventions than those LARGE PA VILLI ON TLOOR burdens for their parents the very time they were enjoying the their money Sunday trains and pa come heavy of our city and holding service Co and to carry if they would bo respected freedom FOr Haneing pers trolley cars improved roads Tabernacle in the graciously tendered Helpfuland honored prosperous and are In urgent demand by these ness wherever our lot Is cast Is a win- them by the despised followers of the ICE CREAM CANDIES LEMON- such Brigham Young— lilies “We can’t do anything or go ning watchword for all — Mary Sidney ‘‘old reprobate” ADE COFEE E and LUNCII Issues work to and Living home but Journal Farm stay The In anywhere can be hal at th Park THE DESERTED HIGHWAY KEEP IT HANDY Vknvii'ure T J Store i h i you cut Brig-ian- Q&thrwrvr to-da- y j wor-rhip- s The DENVER feiiic 'railroad Wag - - ’ BESTiPUMP MADE Red ’ semi-religio- ’ s Contractor 1 1 m 1 1 SANTA FE ROUTE EQUITABLE STORE BELDEN the Best bred TROTTING SIRE Southern Utah or Take con-oe- Show e The Equitable Store - rs ipaa-ticul- ar The Burrvilleand Koosharem SAWMILL Mor-monis- Try H tixdfeasoivs The Season Acres Shade m CHANGED OWNERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER Park 1897 continually on ouryard Bills promptly sawed Address: i A CRAWFORD Koosharem Utah Piute A v' |