Show Y — 3 Richfield CONDENSED NEWS J w 1V ui v STEWART and COLLINS J I resident McKinley not visit Utah after all Utah ‘lay “ that the course of the bullets will probably aemunst rates the fact t hu "lie gold niGHNOICOOLA XNO R 'xCEMEx? welt is far more extensive The hLgh Ncliool is to isupoosed ns it was no begin on Mn Tfll day September 6th of her murderous husband might be certained Attorneys at Law RiICIIFIELD - R UTAH Ilannah Butter of SaltLake has been wade insane by hypnotism E HOFFMANN t’ ' at Law Vm practice in all tbeCpurts State Attorney August 6th 189 F II Elgar and Harry Duff du The follow nK Tuvsteks Am hkss across the tain on which Recognizing that almost no com- uwal Iironm the Gold in the Unlted states munity tlio Eureka and the group of 'having t s 3 many Jubilee visitors in Salt L and went to Fenver where they qwj icled over their 111 gotten gains at shot each otlmr dead M tl v Juecn English c) S ihe present F'cneral History year v Tlurd Year -- FhyslologjJ (h) Ecology I’hvsics I t c 3 4 4 2 o 3 3 i I ! 4 RatlnGerman'orFrencha the requisite numlwror 5 claims owned by the Blue Clashes In the inhabitants Mountain a pd Federal second 1 and is the without third 4 r the facilities for ‘J Mining Tunnel companyof this city Office Ence Block ts young men and women affording lind The Herald is informed that the the means A grand Provided a sufficient jury called at'LeudvllIpJ lflud is The price of silver was never lower Richfield of securing h ighop number of on the line of the smith of education Students the peotho Pleof apply in the history of money than it is now investigate prostitution and gambit’ Richfield have placed tliemseivfcs Tuition for students that was going on indicted the jud& property owned by this company thus 1110 with reside n the most progressive ed- 8C0°! d“trct 'proving the continuity and extension of the court for nat will be 92BO for previously ucational The ten Soloman of movements the Islands in the Pacific ing the law of the ledge Wallace & brown county tWhCekSu f°r 8fUdent9 DOt Orients H Ocean are being annexed by y of There Is considerable excitement estaliiishinga high school Attorneys at Law by Great !n district the tuition will The Board of Trustees Britian be the Blue Mountain country over Block Richfield Dtah w 00 " believe that for ten weeks the so Now the faculty of the Brown Unill'a11 thT° courts Stato ftud Fed worthy an institution cannot fall discovery and from a letter The reWinter Course Is just to receive the versity has protested against the ceived from there it is learned Several Utah papers tell of hearty students support of the that all who are aboye people moval of its president Andrews who claims on the schS in their fields who" are which work is being prose people in Southern Utahandof fill ln feverish over was removed for bis belief in Wh° are free cuted the showing is most encouratr te rested in educational affairs ' Klondyke fS ECKEItSLEY J Tlie hom entering until after I)revented the regular many benefits the flhg-ner- ald High School will session begins It Is designed to w be to this immediate Attorney ctj Law section must be Nat Brigham seems to be the favoadmission to the apparent to all and need no Ogden’s city council will make reHigh detailed FHIL FRIEDMAN IN TROUBLE discussion r Qqupty Attorney fof Wayne County rite with the Thatcher faction of Salt ductions In its officials’ licrc salaries ‘aggreLake for Mayor i LOA UTAH It Will afford opportunities Friedman a young minin gating $12000 It has been reducing for stu- man was arrested last salaries ever since the boom aud at the evening hasn't Ml W MA NS S II Babcock has OF COURL FIELD been reinstated them low enough yet J Instance of John Reek just as he was as traffic manager of point of leaving the city for the Rio Grande Lawyer Western Railway I Cdmi IIo is charged with obtain-fro- cess tales greatexpense A 8itUniri Jude A Bountiful far great- ty lnJ market gardener nanx&d l° Junctionf°r Public Bock John Notary ’I" otr false pre- wiil therefore be enabled Barlow was driving into Monday The Salt Lake I TT ' r W- A' Wilson t:‘ken beforc attend than could otherwise do so argUments on the Utah lias been sent from when several boys jumped onto blsIJS Tho means heretofore flXed 116 Salt Lake to Klondyke Cla‘k and by a syndicate wagon He drove them off and one of I ' hi TT expended by w DR 0 II HERBERT p C°Illn3 tbro of Salt Lake tbeui threw a rock at ll going away to attemischool will Lstewartoc ancl 0"d capita M 4 to 03 be kept at liome rtw forenoon whire his jaw bone This amount Mr Jcnnin “‘"Hhyswian anil Surgeon A accused man said last State Engineer Young has tL° afternoon n tis estimated will itself night lately inbehalf of tlrndT ' f f Offlceat Fionccr Drug Store uwod spected Kaysvffje’a'new reservoir and Mr Thurman the cost nr amesr Monk formerly recorder closed thecase (school declared it safe days’ wages due liimfor by an evening arjru- o tho Ibg Cottonwood r RICHFIELD ment ln favor of the tlTAIli ing a mineral paint mine at Mo mining Jt will givo students u city r ct has been sent to D'U'ng the eycning session jail for content Sevier county He was paid "iw 0l’ suen A as themenf11 will the court prepare pumping plant to raise water for o court because he would lt3 Vision in DR M not tmU this amount on Saturday he i cl tho: 10000 acres across higher the instRuUons of suit 0f Jordan west of Salt rCWr4‘P at time had a diS1ff‘e0r JCnnDe8' By Lake is the latest Physician and Surgeon hor JCUt !“ ru- - °Ur own aad C°Wt! "'I states T 8pulatlon Thecour e enterprise u tho future wok’ Wsfiha "udy has been planned especially Offlce"and residence'at the yeterduy legislature a Stai t0d f0r lead t(’ oases t0 °Hclen entran-! up The LP f Ufnlsled t0 look court e M into college and Rober t Boardman of Provo Kentucky House the a mining propositi on has been courses judgement for$347 50 unlvcrsity there I Iie sentenced to eighteen months in : Monroe I : Mrs Lucy Woodbury of Leadville expressed much indigria(ioil UtaiTthe C°StStobePald We believe the Mrat bcin Jennings people will feel a rT? j penitentiary for fornication had her five year old child stolen from “f Intend” he said JeQala to justiliahle pride in establishing and L 1" T°! DR E SMITH her by her former husband blic pffiy-e- d tuake Joan Beck s jrer L re 7 r°rhis msrepresentation and this tiling ‘“attaining a high school j an it C H Skinner a d'd notoo0slde'" be Oral Dentist He : hadn't the part of detective and seaichyct any Millard county man in the World to ‘"dicing to Wllch wo can agreement to point d to have buen Anderton Building who was mining near made proved Fort Duchene for the child for fifteen months and have me arrested 1 am going to sue I wiUl Prilc- for It cannot but" stand as I" H0 a ro RICHFIELD UTAH was killed by falling down a shaft found him in Yeinai Utah tyuTtbUc mu for ‘10rott 'do magcs for false lm- - !lnionunientt the an attorneys S°th for agreeeducational pro- - ment ’ “ him home to divide the Thursday venose of the (made atMRS N H ST JOHN county people of this dis-Mr f Mr" Snyder that Friedman trict !lud lls 11 vital Interest IworkV Mr" Jennin’ ‘Midwifery and Ga cal Can of the Sick Several miners on the election The government and others fvh Vaa not entitled to the money he re- - 10 a!1 we unit-asking tho way of an in tlon suLss-were haTTLoen Union" ' turned holding Fucifi'rRailroad bacF berause maintaining it RICHFIELD UTAH ' fuliy bonds have foreclosed on the line from they did not tave a year’s provisions A number of with them leading Utah men have Omaha to Ogden ( I J FLORENCE ALLRED Stawakt it will bo sold a OOl NTY COMMISSIONERS called for an n ILLIAM OoDIJN j or month two later The lowest assemblage of citizens to Licensed Obstetrician f Annie c OimocK price a °n organize historical Monday last the icgular at which it can be bought will be over society for Utah Rooms at Mrs Millers across For tho first year the officers Leon Graves the monthly the of the Richfield Censor Ogden boy who &H)ObOom street north of the Public Square meeUngoftlieBoardofCommissioners school are tried to kill a New York prepuvd to olF- students lawyer has not heard of the been sentenced to above move but are anything eighteen years in business being dune jvLr d certainly to glad the McCarty King Sing prison High School course boar of it now Tho one A bill of 92) 20 of the Richfield Ad- U S Deputy above thing Courses Are Annoi ncicd Tur- all tilings else needed in ' Aocatc for printing and he dork inr1 the line of b° used in connection with MINERAL SURVEYOR U'INTKK COUR its Lei j treasurer was hud n or historical work is a State The electric power companies that society patSubject and NOTARY PUBLIC have lately been building lines into actory The distill will add several 2nd Term terned arter the State Historical SoSome of the county h(10s thousand dollars to the r Reading Salt Lake have combined r ractory’sy ar have not been turned ov u hv c ciety of Kansas MONROE UTAII That institution The peo- y income and Jriunmar and produce sumo IOOOU gab lector Wifies has on file in bound form all ple fear a monopoly nuw s the ions of liquor L uuing ai- 'Join loMlion THE WRIGHT ever published in the Statebe-shieItoincy was rsricted s a1K0 a Geographv 4 on Mr Willis lor hundreds published in The falls on the Jordan River other IK Wright near Vrithmetie Proprietor the narrows Tlio greatest Utah railroad taove oil Th' WiI1w Rend States We hope the are to be utilized in a “leading Utah precinct and 2 o late years has been announce! The 9l'10('l clistricth'd eiiioansliip men’’ whoever power plant to supply Mercur their name they are will put lllUIl SCHOOL COURSEBrig First Class in Every Way Route is coming to Salt ed from Willow Bend to Aurora themselves In bam and Lehi with electric correspondence with light Lake so that it may have a Year First the was 1st half allowed 2nd secretary of the above society at W II Sccmii r half direct liue t0 thG C0!st3 wiil thus bo made as t0fets of Having Willard I History and Civics Topeka Kan They will get some Terms Reasonable j Young the George Atwood of Murrey died at the most EnRlish (a) ideas — Living Issues good stat° powerful competitor of the S engineer inspect the Marys’vale Atwoods’ lumber yard in I Arithmetic Union Pacific Salk Lake advanced Richfield Utah reservoir system 4 Friday Drinking was the cause He tt W W I ather 5 Riloy was allowed $10 had just started to reform JENSEN HOTEL o The Klondyke gold excitement is at Hermans has again been found The °Q P°0r acuount' Elsinore riobcrt 3 3 sheriff is in receipt of a letter from an asked for a change to tracting a large number of people into r Newly equipped with all comforts hc naado I — Captain Ilatfieid Grain that section of the country Taking the 2 the obscure in West viiimm itV " i vrlr aud hay always kept Good stables for Second Year 1st half 2nd half reports already received It looks ginia outlaw and leader of the Hatteams suicidfield faction of tlie al for anyone to undertake that jourKentucky faction ii “AfP OLD KENTUCKY HOME” war has escaped from jail is sojourning there Tho ney at this time will show to the world writer whose COUnty dtie(ls to the land needed for j tllO HG vliat a terrible amount of suffering has ifnrl nrll Iliima If you believe in Silver 16 to 1 and taken place in that The Municipal League which was good meals good beds that invite to barrier of sleep and pleasant dreams good the north Our suggestion is that organized to purify Salt Lake’s moral Books Magazines and people keep away till more favorable Daily Papers atmosphere is dying without having J (J Anderson done was allowed $300 for opportunity arrives— Nephi Republic Ahospitality that makes you feel at anything to make the city better home with a Sample Room on screens on the court house painting Main street go to th° THE KENTUCKY HOUSE Set'retary Wilson of the agricultural STIUKB AT BLVE XOUXTAIH Monroe From a gentleman who lias Just arSevier Co Utah dePartmcnt is coming to Utah lie County tax 5 mills will pay particular attention to rived from Blue Mountain A the disWermal Rapp mining County school tax 2 mills (i T Bean culture of the trict in beet southern Utah it is learned sugar and to westRAPP and BEAN It Is Sinking Fund mill ern horse in that an important strike has just been Interest Hound Fund I mill Lawyers ThCre one to bo ‘’“ways made in the Fairvlew claim thing remembered in business that you never Sneci-Will practice in all the State and consistof seven-foo- t a ing body of ore nt a Fedral courts and United States Land William Bowlder of Ogden was badTreasurer Office Messrs Rapp and Bean able ly burned and thrown a long distance depth of 27 feet that carries average fuuci w ex- its and experienced lawyers In all probate by an explosion of powder in Ogden values of 1250 to 46 in freo milling ca on ls stl" la’ gold to the ton ’ land water mining and criminal liti- canyon Ho died Friday wa shortly The Fairview is after located across the to and best terms at gation which a right of 'Will attend alt sessions of court I11 tho gulch from the Gold Dream mine ' and way to and from the county bridge in Sixth Judicial District and adjacent counties H considered as one of Southern Utah being of the most Joseph precinct could be obtained Mrs Jennie Greenwald’s body was important discoveries Office ln Andertou Building RICHFIELD P 8200 on poor account was has been KlchileldUtulj dug up after being interred that ESTABLISHED 1871- given Mrs at Provo made in the for sometime as it Carlson Theo Thp Salt Lake ITeraldhasa spondent en route to Klondi ke corre- t utaii 111 V ! “ HOOMa-WBJ- 0nT fJE ail-v- - er - f " m thurcer Jui - J! T ty-fbr- ee J 4 T cr U “f J -- MoCar-nunb- uJaZ TT“0 fri-v- Tl - t’Tt T - - rot 'T fr - - 1 Beck-contend- ' vA 1 s I t f We-ha- 4 homer r news-lupcr- house de-ma- "i 1 cluing-Burlingto- $4-c- n 0 - I J I ‘ I I I ice-boun- d ‘ Change Not An Old Friend I Maxim That Holds Goodin Friendship of Great Value 1 w djl rJ Business I fr “ uetter oUmmer Goods cart not be found in the Countv 0-0- cjj Brauilley Agent ! ! “ GJL - " -- r1 |