Show Will pardner is papa of a big Farly last October: O K Saisbury spective wards instead of letting them husband and father This Is the sqc ELSINORE bo run by any one as has been done of Jr came in from BiiWonvlPo healthy boy born last Wednesday ‘death ln the family during the ond A tyrelve-- j boyTiamed Simons 5pt n and Wtgety-WUoqW - JK-- r hmtcdi they Teaciy jute Pa tel at ch past month t Mays the ' bereaved bd Will is practising lqilaby tuucs for ed bore Oke bought the team wagon J E Magleby Were sustained as tab- whs MroauLuyvaltt u Tlnir dieeTed'ahd'JohifcaTeiriiyThd'RepW! of last weeTfo get election rehive you rein1 tbe Article entitled ‘qqr first” and harness and the stranger went on ernacle xhlseionaries The attendance day ed’s good deeds iv turns He wns hbarly frozen on the r Lund Tliis ‘School Title’’! week some partied lropf‘l)uEa-mawas not large especially from RichWe have a new suit of clothes near-of been Two families way yearGypsies havo came here to replevy the out-ffield Tin general health is improving as ly completed at the Elsinore It and hlred Beau in town this week hey tell fortunes tos assorflH'ent and nice McDaniel Gents A of Over their can’t hq 'beaten for fit and quality the reMilt of the cold sharp weather and let the young of aveftion good coats at Marquardson Jensnu A Co’s Get measured fof one and have it attys Salisbury haserpployed Stewart know the initials of their fus Ueek Front quarter 31 cts at take to his and of side tliecase storq sold at HARD TIME PRICES pebple pollins ready for Holidays ture “ MONROE companions and a suit will follow)Last Monday tlie Brooklyn school The shade trees are beautiful Indeed does The son one good to step into the It of L II house The Logan correspondent do tlie on fire A hole was ' Chicago Jtore He always sees new hut what about the leaves? Newman who has oeen dangerously burned caught ln Lake Tribune the roof but no other harm says yalt ill for sjx weeks past is gfitting around was done County Commissioners A NEWSPAPER CHANGE Bp li rand ley is suffering from a goods again el iff lie hack caused by lifting City Rtoorder Goldbranscn was abMCEA Gregory has severed his wi'f Oi The Elsinore Mills shipped 360o The County Commissioners met at sent from his post of duty at city connection with the Republican Mr’ August Bohman’s oldest daughter A deaf mule named Joe Raymond of (loqr to De Lamar tlio first 10 a m Nov 9th 1896 pounds Ricks the and All members t’ounfcll last proprietor He lias been Mrs and unwell soma time pas) hut for some time evening alms this week Is here and will remain for Wo was in !"" n 1 j ' Goldbranson were visiting Mrs Gold: weeks present being as sheds the weather gold improving during which he will arrange an Frank Itilm- lias gone to Da Lamar hranson’s parents in Salina and re- for the future made Carlson Mrs application Dap i’randson and Dai Hanson sold publication of his paper comes on if or aid on Indigent poor account $3 Of $800 worth of cattle this weqlf vi)li loads of produce aurt wJJl turned homo later in the evening probably as a Mis BeeJcman teacher of the Presspend a portion of his time in initiat was appropriated Ceircn l’oulon and Clara Seegmiiler Charles Lammersdorf was down City taxes are nearly all paid At log a neophyte into the mysterlos bf byterian school has been dangerously At 12 m the commissioners met ar !’ e S im In schoolteachers modern last night’s session1 the city ccuncll rejourtialism to succeed Hr ill with pneumonia this week and her from t)ie Sevier Mine one day )hls a canvassing board as managing editor city edir week JIo bought lumber to build 4i mitted $2200 owed ty tli’e poor and (iregory h'l'd place has been tilled by Mrs Wickluni The number of votes for the various tor' local! hustler ad solicitor and snow sheds and make repairs Lots of tlie rest is coming in fast t jtsnn V gfenftrul factotum of a country newscandidates in the county were: Bryan The Y Tj:'M I1 A: of Monroe seems are being made for spr" to be the most enterpiising Mutual in preparations I860 McKinley GOO Congressmen' George F Blair of Salt take City is paper adding a new window work Gold Hill will loom up and ing in Richfield looking after tiie purchase Warren Foster 52 Holbrook 944 stake have the infi- - ll"l'M" another leap next They “Quil” jcbeker spring Blair fays he from Northern Utah ’was here on yearttall fonight of JJr 1350 mining Senators Bolitlio 1052 property King )l T nnuriing Frost Frog started to The lesser priesthood meets on Tues- Wright )293 Representative Chriswants mines for silver is’nt gold en in it route to Buckskin the Thursday A great many of the occupants of ion w ii twenty fat steers and- elders quorum on tensen l 033 Greenwood 1315 ComJ II MCayty the hotel Mountai ns to look after cattle inter- school land are purchasing their day- night a le to trade fufhhepji m When canests" missioners asked liU Abbott 947' Bell 1260! Thursday keeper was driving from Monroe toclaims t'j Itosioii Store for didacy United 1150 Robinson 1304 the Senator Strtes When he reached the dayFresldent Seegmiiler was the lead Rasmussen John Thomas Ran4on and' Mr Hodges Nilsson 1115 Nebeker Ross 1191 Clerk Clark said lie ' ore ‘that of rike lias' been made great1ynp1' one of hisiorses became frightened rjrli at last Sabbath's meeting the families of both have gone south ing speaker 1195 Syrenson 1139 Recorder Lauri’ '''i pida Mini at Silver City and tipped the buggy over MfMcCar-tv!- s predated th' e favor shown him by his to James C Jenson and several others itzen 1131 visit in Parowan and Pinto friends A'i’en they''" mentioned "his Layton 1227 Treasurer left arm was hurt quite badly t uys atPoulson's mill Dir' for five havb to work at Bean 1141 Hansen 1200 the gone Pinto of t up at canyon i wintering name' candPMto tlie but oMydogieal Assessor '30 38 nond 0(1' ' in A D Thui’ber haloid his plaeov-orthfor the place Is Moses Thatcher a ' Johnson 1015 Smith Tom Fames and wife )iav£ ineved grading beyond Belknap l324Attorrey ' river to Frank Wright of ho' Joshua Sylvester Jr Is building a Jennings 972 McDaniel 1371 Sheriff if uni !uy a half beef It nosts'4 cue to tJlntah County Accoihpanying Attorneys Jennings and Reiin ca Mr Wrlghthas sold his Kooshafem house It looks rather suspicious Coons 1 237 new' H ai mte: lelsoiqs Dorrity ' 1118 Surveyor liome in Koosharem" to S Nlswahger horn q prom Fpa Wednesday night them upon leaving here were Querero Svidcn and Nielson have reopened Schrober 1569 There was ‘but one case tried dining Trojillo a mexieatv and Miss Nellie C Ik liuikliolder was down from and will soon move to his new place Majorities Bryan King Wright this term of court Orson Dalton waV Woods a daughter of Mro Fames their tanning and 4)0 the Sevier Joseph Bell Robinsqn Ross' tried cdtlvicted of cattle stealing When1 they reached Richfield Trojillo establishment! They Greenwood Wmid or Crain will he taken’for Clark ’We Mi' st Keep Things Vovin i He was sentenced to one and Hanson ' Smith Mcthe to went clerk’s the Layton excellent too girl county mage gloves year im he or repairing harness at Itorg and Jmrtng the homing week we willmake Daniel Coons Mr' Jennings was his office procured a marriage license and penitentiary Sons! Tie receivers came in on last nights Tfie following every effort to catcii your trade) if low t ttorney and ' be appealed the 'case' then obtained the services of Clerk If precinct officers vyqrc and J went on train south Ostlund priee-itd nd Induce-Clark elected: tie' are the knot May It never good good1? any AnnabellapE B Keyes JP-' Da’ on was 'laced under bonds awaitJudge W W Wallace lus returned’ accompanied them up the road where C Lisonbee constable break o Marysvale where he will look after ment We have large invoices of goods ing the actjijji of the higbertourt"' has a large! ’number cf ties Mr be Willow that Bend: W E Mason J P'-and we wi)lusQon must arriyg niining interests The fVestern Loan and Savings Co Osthlnd is wi '(ja big busihess this doing I'ave roopi— Chicago Stoke ' Barstow constable of Tlie IS!I© the pay fiHie Money have organized a board here The fall From 2009 to 7000 ties are As the effects of funning a runty Burrville' being The Egdar Fillmore J p: want Question is B board Republicans Ilans Tuft president Jeppa put in each month Two clerks' are Attorneys J nail in his arm W G Raker IssulTea-mJennings and Gedhge-t fje T'emocrats want silver but Waters George constable gqld Bean H' and Jensen Nilsson treasurer Joseph from a case of Judge Jacob Johnson busy at his store tyhlch Is deElsinorpi'Wm Smith J P Rasmus lefthere on Sunday for Loa where the the ChicabJf4tore wants either gold or insurance agent Jos A Smith and always ‘too small cidedly Nielson constable niuttdii 4 cts per jaclgdj held a term of court while silver andts reputation forgopd Apdrew Nilsson directorsb' iound at Magnus Nielson’s Glen wood: Ed Payne J P Stanley at Mr Jennings defended la the low is a about goods without winter “Whpt prices anequal sqlt?” I’ll Dalt J W Kyle agent for the Western get mine at the Elsinore Co Fairbanks constable tem case and Mr Bean The new eanal is nearly completer) You op linked aflqr Marriage licences were greatly In Loan afid Savings Co spent several should order now Joseph: BrOg Hopkins J p and it will be ready Jim Peters IS foreman and 'lie is hav- miscellaneous matters demand this week 'though a rumor days of this week in on for the Christmas Moore constable townleaying party’ ing good work done Joel White of Circiovlll'e - Piute said that there' Jiculd have been’SCMi Thursday Monroe: V A Warnock J ' CA K ve y one is If you want a reap drossy suit for Wingatq constable busy hauling wohd cohnty went th'fough to Saliiu ' this eral rnoi'e from Salina Now the fever Tailor-mad- e wear better look suits Xow the road Jsopen tlioylmve to rush lias Jii’c town the Wu if Just before leaving home really wondqr better and fit better than custom-mad- e Christnias baveorie ibadeafcthe ElsiRedmond: Frauds d Mickelson J Brother-Howarto get a winter’s supply of tlie nore saysiio attended tlie funer- it won’t effect suits The Elsinore P J P Jenson constable will PressThe licensed were: Call al of tlie old gentleman Hall who died have time to fit you qut if yen George C Morriswn Henry Rartlett Richfield: just Peter Jenson J P J B of Richfield age 27 Lou Vrs Sainsbury and Bishop Rrandley were the speak- from a cancer and-o- f order now constable Ramsay NNABELLA of Salina age 23 Hyruai a lady of that town ers in meeting last Sabbath Salina: Don JJL Lidjlle J P RCn: °0'&nd elders Minnie Tie have aged lenueiq quorum meetings Wednesday Nov nth halt Madsen Murphy rf constable °'lts cents per cwt eggs 18 cents °f P’ begun their winter sessions Annabella lias settled down to the suit for di voire °fr6m lIVs SJife” n nle “fd Vermillion: C Mpyers Sr J P Per do: Wheat 10 cts per buatJar-quardseEmma Sulk!l’ Homer McCarty and J I) Bertleson normal condition of things and there Henry Hansen G Jfe alleges - tlmtBqtterfield constable Jensen £ Co's Elsluoie own a dog a partnership cuncfern Mrs is nothing to disturb the calm At 2 p pi Nov loth the board met For ready pay cents a pound ter Bertlesen owns a bicycle but her husMi4s Etta Gardner hafe irfeturtfed as county commisioners a band hog at Magnus Nielclaims to tlie so a visit to Kanosh ride from J A Hellstrom reported the work-liit right Jensen aged i29 and Geha Larson aged son's needs tlie divorce ahe went but lat for had done as county abstractor The Sunday spin " 1 Hy Thurston has again gone to of R’chfleld- There Is a dreadful aptness of dogs to of the committee to examine-If y°11 want to sell your sheep write report and will not be back till spring Joseph Seegmiiler returned from F Smith who was employed get in the way and this dog was tjo Mr Hellstrom’s Lock b ix if Richfield Utah on Nevada Sunday night He admita for-- short time in the Censor office giving exception and syovof him her wept tha’t We Were anxious to pear price grade etc electiotx'p)a gjn( t0 Marystfiiej where he will with the hike and al1 hordog ran ordered To be paid within roturn4 but ninety1 Get a suit of clothes at Me rider-4- ih ln unhurt away the but I’iute 5Jrs Huntsman my come to has Anna- daysof M tlie Elsinore You can have vor prp how his face got skinned' Form) bella and will “ 1 16 P““lct 6 M Lauritzen ‘i”1? make her home with applied to rent the living depondl oa tile wlllte met Dias for Chistrnas If you order novy greetly Improved in appearance plaster and Bucklen’s Arnica Salye her daughter Mrs Estelli) Spafford room in the court boijse east of col- al khdirt' neWV Suctess ffor you frjepd are doing the wound goqd and Joe By taking a whole hog at once ReuMr qnd Mrs Cattlo and are doesn’t look the worse for vyear sheep fat now beef Smith and to the Pioneer ben Noyes will sell pork cut at ratp of 8350 Pcr " up for and mutton are sweet and moved into tlqeir new house which Is s p Juicy Half month packing at 4$ cents per lt )r Berber) came back from Beaver ASalt Laker pamod vJ?earsoo has a gfdat addition to Annabdllav a beef can be bought at flagn'ui 'N)cl-' ot( ' Reporting the condition purchased JOOO sheep pnl is preparing BlLtS AttOWED Michael Niolson apd his family have son's for 4 ctjS a pound or you may of Tuesday Ann Thurston-IA N Warenski material for pow occupygffafrs in Beaver he says “There toWifithr them on thft dbstrt"’ been sorely afflicted with typhoid fev- have a front pqlling quarter at 31' g hind lots ofsickness over there i j ing her new home and Ed Thurston places er but all are now Improving It js thq kliyottwant a quarter at 4J If yjiu want a mutjQ"n suit lias in almost Ben completed the changes' hq of fever as this 'here) The Farnsworth ’' distributlng lie will sell you them for Christmas drive ovor tq Elsi- hs' made in his house dressed at "Y Dave Hanson has moved his ready This give's the booths ' shop 4’ctJ - ' hcougty recorder a Mr Rogerson has tirje $1000 nore and start the tailors at work northern the strept into(tie building pcrojj-Thos Gledhlll part of town Quite a n'tfbber died from it)” The doctor thinks jyst registration ' agent ' s will i I'hey make all look yoq used of Jienry OujUeq to havo for an ice right Vermillion changes lthe election at home- went first rate if i‘ CupiiENT Pkjces: $1750 V-1 ppeam parlor lfc was Pemocrat’1cS Helping The ditches are being cleaned of Now thgt electiqu is over Wheat Y r $300' no cts :’ V v’ people A Wfnget bee fund-leaves hoping thereby )o chepk the have time to remember Every oqe is finding money fo pay $750 Mr- - D La Day has moved hore from 70tpe speeches Qafs’ ' II McCarty reg grea amount of slekness Mon-- ’ the)r taxes when they can But tjie Flonr apd the various pointtliqy made dfoe $190 sacked- Filfnoe and hatl$n ” lijs residence rom ip iajee-- j myst be paid and It is in the' i $750 speaker merits of contracting Ifousoj house Kentuokyu Arrivals'— H K $l80doo$e: formerly opoupied by Mrs hard rustling tq gR the cash pfetty the! candidates' said: '‘'This' one’s Ed J’ayne r eg agent' Glen-- ’ diroWjii two blocks nprtjiand one east Nlell RJobfleld Jnq L py(SL Paul are hard with honest toil this Vood hands $2150' J W Kyle Sail Lfike (Mrs Holley' Mt VVe have Atty S L- Page of Marysvale was 'of the court house Mix pay is an e the full returns from GarF Aq’derson re a school Cent To Carmel agent we opcis this teacher" JolQV-porlenced painter- ancj field county but can not puMisb them in lovyn th)s mornjng on hB jVbef W C Barry ya'’ way and will of the audience beg leave $15 io teaghers Salt' tq follow tlat ofenpatjon herel EdwavtPfarppfN itgnr of Lake ' for want of room The iRepubl leans Ivqme Sam took some accountsgind a $1250" take - PS’ Gprecco' fixing booths) exceptions' W I qot hapden Rifthfleld I) tpay should support apotbor good BirchettNephi elected theiy county ticket straight by shot gup aqd went over Into Gyaps Gl?aves peg agent the band but R is a labor $200' ter andpaper-hangernfrom twenty to fifty majority n by Valley to collect- money and shoot palp ye trust A E Howard less and as cards to for Its we printing lelwc honesty ' ducks BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE vvas’nt a good time for that Mr Day will prosper in j this Ills assessor to you $1375 judge If you want beef In large pieces you ducks andIt worse new home for money W AStewart T)IE Hkst JniA’E io for can get them fropi Reuben Noyes arranging booths$200‘ Aubther speaker tried to convince ' ' WEDDING BELLS L'ltii BfluiyosSores Ulcers Salt George A Clowarffi reg Whole side 4 ctofront quarter 3 cts the that people every piembei'q the Burrville Cakd of Thanks G0LDBINS0N FRKpCK Last Mon- Rheum Fever Sores Tettarf chapped 4i cts Hands chilblains corns and all Skin opposing party were rascals but Aorae Chrle Jenson 11 mWe are thankful to all Who in a at at the home of ’the reg agent any day At Reuben Nayes’ shop you can get way lent a and positively cures Piles 'i9)v that did’nt work either and Eruptions Mr groom’s Carl hand to i our Goldbranson parents helping we now daugh find we a that of beef at !)! a cap Jive qnder R II Rarney reg agent Anna ter during her suffering We remem- of Richflold was married to Miss Leou or on pay required It is guaranteed administration 41 to give perfect satisfaction or money pitper at and a half beef at 4 cents ber be)la 17 Mu especially Sister Emma Miller FreeceofdSalina Bp Tiieo Brandley u pound refunded Pi ioo 25 cents per box ii who Thurston Joseph II children cared for her haulinf so lorii and preforming the ceremony The marrii GLEN WOOD Sale b y All Druggists and booths SIIEEP Wanted — In exchange for assisted In preparing her body for its age was a quiet unpretentions affair For $6 pty OeNEKAL-DALERS W H Clark reg agent there being but members of the fhmi-lthe' best Ranch In Sevier Valley Bus- final rti“t 'Mariano Neilson $34'0Q Wednesday Not 11th V ‘f £ F Q Wdles county collector’s salt iness and Residence property Adam Brown Is prepared to receive The groom is one of present Hans Nielson Write Richfield’s bright young men now Lock Box 57 Richfield Utah tios along the line of the R G W ary16250- Rail-waTbe the commissioners At the of holding ordered the position Chicago Store next week J A Ross county commissioner city recorder county treasurer to place $2 800 of tktf elect was at ttie county seat today there will be au arrival of a! fine lineof pile bride is a highly respected and Loa Nov loth 1890 first money coming Into the Mr Ross still wears a picture of Bry- - little girls’ Coats men's Overcoats young lady of the town county Editor Censor: credit to the salary fund from men’s and boy’s Suits ladies Vtcsts which she comes We would fin on the lapel of his coat and lie Totals for McWayno county arh II S Christenson was wish the young couple a life of eternand numerous other goods at Won’t take it off appointed Kinley 77 Bryan 377 Foster 2 Kit road supervisor for Richfield Come early and aoid the al freshness were it not that some 301 prices precinct' Holbrook Senators! 152: The Plateau school district is suing rush 'J M and Thos Gledhill for the same posithorns make the roses sweeter We 102 the Burrville school district for $10500 296 D Wright tion in Vermillion wJsli them a life of Itev Dr T C Iliff from Salt Lake happiness with Representative Orson W Allen R collected as taxes after the districts sorrow to make the liappiuesi 125 llfett E MaxBeld D 312 were divided J IJ Jennings is plainti- City will deliver his very interesting enough CommisNotice Publication-307- 5 appreciated Lecture on sioners Alonio Billings D 293 Wm “BRIGHT ff’s atty SIDE OF MY Jensen Larson At the home of Meeks R 168 'Chas Snow D 294 ARMY LIFE” or “What an Ohio yirginius Bean and Miss Ora Bart- Cavalry Boy saw in the' War” at the the bride on First North Lard Omr at Salt Lake City Utuh I Street at Rufus Stoddard It 190 Jas A Taylett went to Burrville on Saturday Methodist Church November 7tli Inyo lor R'151 eleven a C Levi White D ni: Tuesday 248 Evening Notice is hereby Riven that Wedhesday Teter Jensen where they will teach school this Mary M Bif-Nov 17th at 7 o’clock to clerk Miss and recorder II M' HanGena Larson Bishop Brand county sail of Monroe Sevier county Utah hasflletf winter Mrs Bean wiP remain son P 295 Willard Pace R 151 ADMISSION FREE COME notice of intention to make proof on her ley officiated Both are Jllebfleld claim No 3tfi0 for thoht W X sheriff young people of Richfield who are Georgq Chappeli D 291 Reb-e-r Mr and Mra I)olitho left here - TP- - 25 S R 3 W before the eonnl'v' Stake conference begins a week froru op well J Wilson 170 R county attorney Clerk of sevier county-Utarespected by all A large circle at Richfleld) foiporrow being held in Richfield Sunday morning last At Mt pleas- of friends wish them a D 275 Alvin RobJoseph prosperous hap- ison R Eckersley Peterson had an experience at 2?h°n Soturd“yi th° 19cay of Jbose who can entertain visitors ant they were Joined by their daughtDany 170 assessor John II Curfew py married life and the Censor Joins er Maud and from there they will go She mimes the following witnesses to ghOhld report the same to Bp Brand-Je- y D 300 C A Grundy R 145 treasur- broncho "busting” lately Mr Bron-- 1 provo to the old home in Iowa and will see ln the good wishes cho dumped Dany but be only broke the complete Irrigation and reclamation er Thos A Jeffry D 261 Albert 0 old friends In Illinois and Ohio reLast Saturday land one viz: Isaac Birdsail Wm Troutfinger Dr Ngill soon fixed that said Stake R 182 surveyor Thos G R W Deckert of Salt Lake was man Hans Guldbranscnund is and turning home by New Years Day priesthood meeting was held in the Stephens all right Alphonzo et Dany Shores R 188 Irvin J Tanner P all of Monroe Utah jhejd up by two highway-meon Tues- With many others Tlie tynJent of tith 251 to see the Di?ratlQQIHy they long Buyan Qnoo Register day night He had many valuables friends of youth and childhood Bradley Wilson our respected promptness m settling was Many n his person but the rohbers did’ent friends wish Utah could have spared them a pleasant visit and urged by Counselor’ Horne Fre$ident 147Bryan majority 300 KiDg majority townsman died on Tuesday last afenough them Wright majority 134 Max field ter suffering for some weeks with a Bryan votes to elect him a happy return Seegmiiler urged the bishops to take provided 187 majority officers cohld of of complication the amusements In their re- County majordiseases He leaves they charge haye been distributed iH ity 99 behind a large family to mourn for a t he right places— Tkibun RICHFIELD 1iii if tub (itr'eter H reed's ' £ child-are-wel- car-ol- d i- -- -- 1 1 it Co-o- p Neil-soil’- t iX seven-year-ol- d cditor-ln-ehi- ' semi-week- ly ' 11 hind-quarte- H i State-Senator-ele- ct M' well-know- A n a- : rail-roa- d ( 1 - i o ’ ’ y ’ wool-pullin- g ' glove-makin- g oil-in'- g i j ‘ i - g blood-poisonin- ’Ready-dresse- g d - j r i after-noo- ri Jr-Whit- d Co-o- p Co-o- p Go'd-bianse- n t R-ec- highly-respecte- d n Sor-rn- n rrrr rfteA s ss f - ready-dresse- d - £ ’ 3- - IIyn - li De-Lam- ’ J-f- a ' tailor-mad- mloloSKrt'“ e Co-o- p v - fc " J I ' ’ ’’ 1 a- ’ tailor-mad- r' ' e ’ I - J ’ - ' - ’ ’ - paper-hang- er I 'never-ihft-- d - 1 ( the-qrl- hind-quart- d er front-quart- er hind-quart- er " ‘ y f Wayne County Returns well-know- - y n 1 knock-dow- R J'K' lor well-know- des- n ert-land Sec-O- -- h f ’ fore-noo- n Win-g- n ' |