Show vr t JU- A- m 'i s 7 V' T1 M t 2 1 Ml S v ?L TV& N 7N Vi) 7 i Vol Richfield Utah Friday November 13th 1898 1 and Easiness Cards ' ' State N i 'W much more as those who arc liberally inclined and have the means may feel An Address I 11 t run: y Dear Brethern and Sisters— It has oeeu a practice in the Church of Jesus & McDaniel he Christ of Latter-daSaints sanctioned by the word of the Lord to fast and Attorneys at Law pray and in this manner to seek for that faith which Saints should possess PRACTICE IN ALL TIIE COURTS and obtain that spirit of humillity Andorton Building Illclvfleld it'i'icB— which we are commanded tocultivate Utah j Kevlar County Shortly after the arrival of the peoV L Buuwn -- W ple in tho valley of the Great Salt Vamace Judgo Lake the first Til irsday In each WALLACE if- DROWN i' month was set apart urs a day of of tho and prayer The members Attorneys at Lav : Church were enjoinei to bringoiilliat uooms- - Eneo Block Richfield Utah A ill piaeliee in all tho rourUStnte and day their contributions for tho relief ('oi'i)oratiim Land Hud Commsrclal and sustenance of the poor and hand ’Jujirss Solicit cl them to the Bishop of the ward At the time of ttie adoption of this GIDEON SNYDER li JENNINGS it was very convenient for regulation SNYDER JEA NINES to meet together the people generally Altormys at Latr in neir places of worship on that day PRACTICE IN A LL THE COURTS The conditions were su'-’- tlmt they M r !i linings Inn practiced twenty year n a in C'tris of tin Mitrs and being of one faith employ ers and cm-- I ax y 111 V - fast-in- Fed-iv- il I cf- - I i ! tlc limit' M - ilo will atti'iid in pcmon could leave their Iib w pit 'i'll s of no list net court in caeh counhours to tlm wor-hi- p a few vote s not ty it Lord Up 't lei T) Utah ' i t i Hi-- 1 i ami deof the For many years lies: meetings were attended and they were of a most interesting character and were a comfort and a strong! ii to ail win hared in them as it was the piac ice ior persons of both seo to bear Ihor testimony and take active purl in l"bitv-- : them in each win! imlmion of the bishopric As the years mile by comli! ionbecame and moe it emmged bn the people generally and especial Iv those in steady employment in alien! these meetings until attlmpre pent time they have dwindled tt such an extent that! comparatively lVw have the apportunity of attending tnem Thursday as a day of fasting and prayer in the Church no longer serves the object for which it was intended Our attention has been called to tins deliberation subject and it has been decided to chaLge the day that has 'Heretofore been devoted to this purpose Instead of the customin the various wards ary limughout Zioii on t lie first Thursday in each month we hare concluded to set apirt the first Sunday in every month ii tim'd i for the regular fast meeting Hereafter therefore we the Latter-daSaints under the direction of the Presidents of Stakes and the Bishops to meet in their several p!a vs of worship on the afternoon of the first Sunday in each month whenever it can be done conveniently and devote the meeting to the adfninstra-iior- i of the Sacrament to the bearing of testsimomes by the'members of tle Church to the blessing of chiidren and t lie confirming of members in the Clmrcli and to such other services as have usually been attended to' at such meetings We feci assured that excellent results will follow the giving of members of the Church an opportunity to bear their testimony' to each other and to seek for the gifts which the Lord has promised to those who keep II is commandments Care should also be taken on such occasions to see that the wants of the poor are relieved by the contributions of t lie Saints in their" behalf that no cry of t lie indigent or suffering shall arise from our land in the ears of the V ! ' ' i -I iM III N i al r i 's t hours i Minino m i L-- vv di-- d well Attorney i I 1 V IIC( 1 ' Ci rv Utah ii J1ERERT I''r1 V t Drug Store p me oil-'-i- ' UTAH RK'IinELD i Knv - diili-id- ami Sanjnm in vw-srr- DU E SMITH ' i it n Di nt Atdenon Building UTAH FI ELD' II 1' M:dwN X " in 1 "AT 11 ( mi in HE: 7 '71 s VARY 1 V Deputy is ‘7'i i ft vh lot: s 1 1 " Proprietor " - in Er i ry Way I'cnn- - IP' Richfield C tali :EX HOTEL Utah Elkinori: a ji Newly and h iv tO'UM' if' with all eonfoits alws Grain stalk's for KEX'ITCKY HOME MY OLD 2 Good Uept dr-ir- e y tlnl’sE IT in'ir V Suk XOTARY DUD LIC I L K the 'n:EYni ' ' an of after-matur- UTAH RB’Jr-'lEL- :lt JOHN ( 1 If you believe in Silver lfi to 1 and good meals good b"ds Unit invite to sleep and pleas lit dreanis good Gaols Ahajaiivs and Daily Papers Lord or Sabaotli In Sail Lake City instead of the A hospitality that makes uni feel at ’ home wit ii a Sample Room oti people meeting in the Tabernacle im Main street go to lie afternoon of (he first Sunday in eaeli month we have concluded that THE KENTUCKY HOUSE il be better for ‘that service will Utah Sevier Co Monroe to be dispensed with and for the Latter-day Saints to meet in their several HOTEL 1'IERSOX wards on that afternoon so as to give Utah Elsinore all he members of the ward including tlie aged and infirm and others 1 in'k well fi‘l‘ and iipeipprd Newly who are unable to go to the Taberp’i ry'hiny tor comfort nacle an opportunity to participate in ihe'fu-- t meeting and share in the ! In other blessings Of the occasion Stakes where general meetings are held us in this city we suggest that I’LANIXD MOLDIXH TURNING they also be dispensed with on the first Sunday of eaeli month and that ' RTS 1 Wood Working Shop GRACE the Saints meet in their places ofwor-'hiin tho several wards In some places tin: custom has arisen to consider it a fast to omit eating break-fasThis is not in accordance p cal II not II o7 Dnia at My Mdl JFi st of t'a Ron Roller find trim I 77 I GEORGE H C id' SO 1 "Til E R X ’ENS AND ieherulXt ws paicr Corrcsjetjndnt R lithe views and practice of the When fasts were observed in pa- the early days it was the rule to nut partake of food from the previous day until after tho meeting in the afternoon of (lie fast day In making donations to the poor also it lias been the understanding that tlie food that would be necessary fur tlie two meals slur ld be donated to the poor and as wit DRO'llY dR editor THE t ANDERSON Tm o Mi t" I b V i ! Whdi i prici re be cgaii p'diiir'i at i e in " ii : CLEAN GREASE - : 31 pi Hickman at onetime enmity WITH 0N15 CAN OK clerk of Juab county and later manag- Ctuli tin f i lieii cniue lnn-His reer for John Beck has been arrested in cord t nan being an tiling to R Salt Lake lie Is charged with fi rcry retcr to !i:t lie was a Uiivwd lawyer Hickman was and and embzzlemcnt thdifjLit didn't show at first lie AUKS at one time a prominent Salt Lakel- was a political manipulati r down-hicourse was tne re Never very high in his party ranks ment will suit the convenience and and his laviciorisuers Ton xiounds hard SOAT and drink suit of circumstances of all the Latter-dayet when the senatorial race came up i ho was In evidence ana he won When Saints throughout the world and we WITHOUT BOILING would like it to be observed by all the The University of Utah and the B tlie people of Utah were straining organized branches of the Church in Y Academy are to play a game of every nerve to force the issue of silver man supposed to to:moi-roThe game will to the front every land so that our fasting and minds put other things speak praying may be uniform and the time be the hottest of the season first When GroverCievelaiid first bebe understood by all came president of the United States Before closing this address to the Saturday The"supply of natural lie piclcpd a shrewd politician from Saints we feel led to say that if there Last is w hi alt is used for cooking in many g be or sickness should Michigan for u pi ico on the bench and any evil resting Salt Lake homos gave out Many peo- the second one came Tho senate or these the people upon threatening ple had to gcto resturants for meals wouldn’t confirm him as lie was cut for meeetingS' furnisli an excellent opa trackstcr not a judger As a criminportunity to bring such afflictions arjd troubles before the Lord By approachThere is some talk of a contest over al lawyer he excelled and as a politiing Him in ttie spirit of humility and the election in Utah The grounds cian ho was unequalled lie opposed Rio Grande Western Railwav TIME CArI) NO 2S union we can supplicate Him to re- are that the Australian ballot was not the division on party lines and sought to keep up the old Liberal Party At move these afflictions or evils from secret In Effect Nov 18 1805 SANPETE AND SEVIER the national convention of four years the individuals or from the people Our past experiemce has proved to O W Powers has delegation ggothc Arrive Leave resigned as chair- was“timiod down’’so S:4fam us how willing our Father in Heaven man of seeing his party 5:'Jf pan SALT OGDEN state Democracy and has the LAKE OTTY l:3t)pm to decay lie stepped aside and 3:11 is to Hear our cries in tlie hours of exTHISTLE JUNCTION 8:50 issued an address to tlie voters of going FAIRVIEW 8:22! and lead it to its death The 1:2li othors we let when apdifficulty MT I’LFASANT tremity 5:41 Utah announcing himself as candiY Nil Sl’lll 5:57 last election showed that tlie people ('IT proach Him in a proper spirit and date for the United States senate EUHRAfM 8:24 of did want Brown Arthur not Ho is 12:02 Utah to MANTI with proper faith 8:45 quick 11:21 GUNNISON 7:20 ftom Michigan to go to tlie senate 10:41 hear tlie cries of Hispittplo mid lie KALINA 8:00 10:04 AURORA is in Tlie 8:13 Lake Salvation Salt Army has promised us that if we will draw again The question is do they want 10:2) 8:28 SIGUllI) food a to W and shelter of unthe Orlando same unto 10:00 Him near will Powers He near draw slate working prepare 8:45 RtniFIKLI) 020 Lv ELSINORE 9: 15 Arr or do they want a Utah man':' Haven't to us Such oceassionsastliese there- house for tlie winter we had enough of eastern political fore ought to betaken advantage of TlcUols on sale at Ilii'lifleld for all prlnet by t in- alllietedwhet her in an individing Utah p ll I'illes East and West S A Kenner editor and foundei of manipulators mawe in ual or in a collective capacity suitable Haven't senate? the Freight trains arrive at Hlchflcld at 5:45 p the Great Campaign one of Utah's tn on Mondays Wed W Ii constant prayers for your welown Utah men? nesdnys and Fridays brightest journals K prominently terial among our and leave at 0:30 a ni on Tuesdays Thursfare and happiness tnd the prosperity mentioned as of next the speaker days and Saturdays ol t lie work of God r house of representatives “(juil” VI mil to Ik I'assengers carried on Freight trains!) The race for United We are our brelhercn ween Thistle and Kalina can have the presidency of tlie senator is to be Slates Mnnlor Wiri ord Woodruff senate if lie wants Joei RicksHlclitield Agent ' it a hot one O W mrge 0 Gannon DO II Powers was Dodge Rab cock from Michigan tlie lirst Jomu’ii F Smith Geti’l Manager Trafflo Manager llev Anna Shaw has aui usitocl man to enter the race II P Hender- F A Widle igh First ! 'resiliency r son und both from Fisher Harris ea°t Gim’l Passenger Agent Salt Lakg City L ern states are out Rawlins long General offlee Salt Lake City Utah A Quiet City ago with drew from the race bn' some Agang of tlieives are now infesting are determined to have him run any NOTICE U'iV'Vam Gmi'liiirn A’lOra'i i fiir the Salt Lake and h are almost way while John T Caine and ('uil’’ Ofllee of Vermillion Irrigating ( ' r Company uigthly in occurence Nebeker art known to figure in the Vermillion Utah Nov h 181)8 Goulba'-- is situated b'U miles is by There are delinquent upon tho following race It has long been a custom for S W Mil from Sydney and is atkut deserihed stock on account of Asscsment The Logan Republican will shortly' eastern politicians or wealthy mine levied on the 1207 ft above si a' level and has a popu: 8 day of Kept tho several owners to west come "out in settle the amounts set opposite the namos of' the relationof 10920' people it is also Kiage Ks Rame bade to “The N territories soon to become states and lion spective share holders as follows original name of the pacltsiedas(tlie third largest city In Xevy wlien the boon of statehood comes get David R Halladay 24 shares certificate 11)3 South AValeX Its streets run mostly per a place in the senate Utah lias had amount $520 Charles W Cowly 33 shares Ii and East to from- JSbrtli t w S t50 Lefover one at sending such a tiun to certificate13 sharesamount Lorenzo I Watson county attorney certificate 402 umnunt $850 West 'wfbiHiu :ii ?! re ‘i which is Ole Daslrnp 30 shares certificate 155 & 173 of Piute couni y anil Republican can- senate and now shall we have anoi St ruijs direevNortti-aud-S'iutb'iiall amount ?1870 I) K Ntovens 48 shares certiwe select a worn-ou- t politician and itfis in this strr-- f wlnre most of didate for election to tin: same olliee caiue out here for what hoeould ficate £13 amount $22 Isaac Colby 32 in Iron county died on Sunday pretlie badness pPmes are situated shares certificate 216 amount ?215 Henry out of and out a of the get cmuury llnl lerfichl 38 shares no certificate amount (loulboi'u cun boast very ceding the elect ion from pneumonia presidential appointment to oilier Jn0fi Ilyrum Colhy 48 shares certificate 25 nice biddings chief of which are: The Elections are never sure but death is Or shall w6 have a good plain Utah amount 161(1 Edward liradbend 20 shares Host a id Telegraph iftliees Town Hall certificate 30 amount $1000 man? Chris of Mechanics In dilute Academy Johnson 16 shares certificate 122 amount ‘Doc’’ Kessler who killed Frank M usic SI70 Jacob Ktrlngam 21 shares certificate English and Gat Nil at Fort Douglas lias been 210 amount !5l Gilbert Barton 32 share A teacher recoil Gal liedrals ami lie Gaol (whi'-lis sentuiiecd fo Tenclii'iN) Why t no certificate amount $1168 sixjears in hepemtenti-arAndrew 11 one of tlie largest in theenloiiyjbesides remarked to Christeiiscu shares ly certificate 213 amount the writer about ill Hotels in ditferont parts of Parley Sorenson 6 shares certificate “There are three teacher- running for 110 amount 300 M vie share nocertlll-C-Il- e tne city Herald an Wednesday’s publishes Then conic the churches namely: — amount $ 50 Reason Louis 21 shares county office find 1 know it shouldn't Thomas Crane St Saviour's Gallk'ilral St IVIer'sand interview" with Stale senator-elec- t be hut 'if the teachers were paid no certificate amount $253 P uiFsCit lieilril two WesleyanGliurcli-e- s Mar ha Cannon Mrs Cannon express- enough to live on they would not be And In cerl illealc 57 A 12 amount 350 accordance with law and order of Two English Churches Primitive ed very decided views on polygamy oh tickets’’ Of lai e years there lias (he hoard of directors as many shares of su and woman Methodist Church and Tlie Baptist political questions been a growing tendency in all the set- cieh par al of such slock as may be necces-'irwill he sold at tho Vermillion iage Church tlements of this part to put tlie salallalj Monday November 23 1800 at 1 o’clock to puy Theie are also four Public SchooK ries of teachers down lower cadi year dellniuent asscsment together The Superior Public School which is Tne Tribute says that Moses This policy drives the teachers of wit h lie cost of uliverl thereon islng and expenses of situated in liourke St being tlie largest Thatcher is a candidate pir the U S most capacity out of profession Being the sale" C Moyer Sec then tlie North and South Goulburn S Miator-shicapable in one line they are usually Schools which are about equal in size i iii too and finding other lines capable anil Standard and lastly the East Henry Lewis a colored potter was themselves unable to obtain means for Ih’iui and Mcdanicl AltornejsGrave School There are also two badly cut while in a 'dive in Salt Lake higher education or to thrive m a finlarge Colleges St Patricks College and A sheep herder cjid it with a laor ancial way they leave teaching for Notice to Creditor Kings College both a little distance other ydrk If acodnly isevor to In the from the town Then there are from Sixth Judicial There will be a contest over the state lead in education it must spend money DMrict District Court of Sevier State of Gounty Parks Belmore and Howard Parks election Tlie claim is that numberenough for teachers Good pay will (Huh In tlie Matter of the Estate or which are both situated in the main ing the ballots does with the draw the best teachers from oilier Lillian Abgail Giuicliat away street then come tlie Victorian and secrecy of ballot DEGEASEI) required by tlie State counties as well as from other states the North Goulbern Parks The only Constitution Estate of Lillian Gauchat deceased while poor pay will drive our best Notice is hereby given by the undertwo Rivers Goulburn can boast of an teachers to other counties or other signed Adniinsi ratior of tlie Estate tlie Mulusanve and tlie Wollondilly t Salt Lake’s city council decided to states or else out of lie profession en- of Lillian Abigail Gauchat deceased and neither of these are very largo to tlie creditors of and all persons havuntil they join at North Goulbern arid do away with the office of captain of tirely ing claims against tlie said deceased to cxibit them with the necessary vouchHow ini as one making a nice stretch police Tlie mayor vetoed tlie abolishers wit Ii in four mouths after the lirst of water for boating The Kcnmore ing ordinance and Gie council stayed Won’t and Shan’t publication of this Notice to the paid so him with will a still have capthey Asylum which is just completed is Adminst ratior at Ls residence in of tain police on the bank of tlie Wollondilly built Annabella Sevier connty State ot River about two miles from tlie town Won’t anil Shan't were two little Utah the same being tlie place for lie transaction of the business of said Hon O W Powers came down from In size Goulburn isaboiita milesquare brothers Estate inLalce this an Salt to have morning it only lias four suburbs and tlie most Angry and sullen and grulf Philip L Gauchat distant of those is not more ttian half terview with Harry Hayes What the Try and will are dear little' sisters Administrator result of tii" meeting was and what One can scarcely love them enough an hour's drive from tlie city is almost surrounded by hill s disclosures were made if any is not Shan't and Won't looked down at Xoticc lo Creditors planted with different kinds of frees known Th judge and Mr Hayes noses In their tlie District Court of tho Sixth anil in the spring it can be considered were closeted together in Sheriff see to dismal faces are Their Judicial District County of Sevier Brown’s oHre about two hours and a a very pretty little town half Mr- - Hayes was in the room a Try and IVill are brighter ttian roses State of Utah A G In June anil as blithe as a bee In tlie Matter of the Estate I portion of the time but was not there Noticeto is ministrue that tlie Spanish If it Won’t and Shan’t are backward and Mary W Bean Deceased during the latter part of the interj Creditor ter has notified President Cleveland view link e Power'- would say nothstupid Nol Ice is hereby given by the under-' that Spain would crush the Cuban re- ing in ri'gar to tlie nature of Little indeed do they know signed Administrator of tlie Estate of W Bean bellion by tlie 1st of January or withDeceased to tliecredit-or- s at ing to the reporters that Try and Will learn something new Maryof and ail persons having claims draw rom the island and that ttie it was st rid lv confidential Mr Hayes daily the said estate to exhibit And seldom are heedless and slow against president Ins responded that lie would after the t told ii is wife that he them with the necessary vouclier-withi- n infeel warranted in recognising tlie would seid MTiieof Ins clothing home months after lirst publiSelected cation offour this notice to the said Addependence of tlie Cubans if they were and that ho should not want them ministrators at their or either of their not conquered by that date then we any more as lie would rather die than A boy named Clare Gleason climb- residence in this city of Richfield may expect to see tlie island take its be impr'scoed for life If anything ed a tree two blocks east of Main Comity of Sevier State of Utah place in the family of nations in less can fairly be gathered from that re- street in Salt Lake to catch a cat Win J Bean Chloo D Bean than two months But it does not mark i( that Judge Powers alter half way up his father stopped Administrators of said Estate seem probable that any such exchange hearing Ilnyes version of the erirnq of When was a wild cat Dated Oct 10th 189ft of views has occured it is not the way which tie is convicted did not speak him telling him it Mr Gleason then shot the “kitty” in which such matters are conducted very encouragingly of Hayes’ chances dead It weighed over twenty pounds1' — IIeralh of estape— ruovo Utonian- J As many of our readers will be in- disposed to give Via u in 0 W Collins IJ in the following we copy it terested In giving this counsel to the Church max Deseret News from the this subject we include all the ifupon STEWART of mid To officers members the the COLLINS ipissions where the Elders are laborLatter-daJesus of Christ of Church Law at ing either m the United States or In Attorneys UTAH' Saints: RICHFIELD foreign lauds We tliiulc this arrange- -- No R I 1 i wn-f- ed Seal ar Ly c A 1 VI i Hu-g- ll t y i foot-ba- ll tlir Liberal-Democrat- ic i 1:011 1 1 mis-represe- ‘ ’ V Neb-eke- ( I K 1 ld-u- 61 1 ""'I IHDti w a-- - i SUll Au-btu- n le ir? h (HI Gbui't-lloiis- o hoi-gal- I i y 1 1 1 tr- y I p s Goui-bur- n - 1 tliecon-versatio- n I vi-i- - vweesea'vi v J ' I |