Show I i THE BO'JTHEM CENSOR A Fragment of Autobiogaphy i’miWlKD 'l-- - Illi'III-’l- liVJSKV FlUDAY AT v G ROUGE H CKOS BY I UTAU IKK COUNTY SU M) Jii State Directory: NUT!' t rn! J STATE- - SENATOliS ( Ai I hue r Am E ’Iili-l-ct- Bn-w- mm v e ti lit I't'r II EUN'UU A ’i la i T li i 'I1 - r n: 111’ K V STATE l Aunrtiu: mu 1 'i nil' s TATI' TKF W’KER: Mm ' i C AT I'liltN His nip EY-- R'TEKINTKNDENT ENEKAL: T I’L’HLIO INSTRUC-Tlu- n K 1'iii'k suckeme jit dues Zano W liAUTt’ll J A MINER JUkiE I'UK SIXTH DISTRICT: Alcl’irly I'liarles S ( Win M counts iJiui( ioii SELECTMEN: 51 A Abbott A ness themselves for engaging in the business of life— I am forcibly re minded of that time wlien twenty winters had not yet spent their chilling blasts across my life's pathway 1u I'll Tlii'ii wlien I would indulge in soli-- 1 ude— musing upon wtiat parts I would take in history how I should fit myself to perform any part I would ask myself and friends what should I read? Ilow should I apply myself to realize the pleasures of lilo and to learn life's — true object? Long and with weariness of soul did 1 wait for satisfactory replies to these and similar questions who to apply to for aid I knew not I atten-livclwatched the convjrsation of my seinors in age the well informed and endeavored to trace the association of thoughts and ideas whereby they could converse pleasantly and well We all know how difficult it seems and often is for a locomotive to start its train ef cars but which when once set in motion the engineer by “notching up” as it is techincally called plainly demonstrates that the power required to overcome the inertia or heft of the load is much more than that required to keep it in motion So with the first attempt at any kind of intellectual work and not even that above: there is kind of awkwardness to be overcome Our first essays are ungainly like our first efforts at walking Rnd we experience an inaptitude that is very discouraging But let the first step be fairly taken let us once comprehend the importance of our task and realize our power to accomfllisft 'it the after part of the work will follow witli an ease tiiat is astonishing About tlie time of which we are speaking a lecture on “Macaulay” was placed in our hands We feel grateful to the kind providence that seemed to arrange matters yi this way the per rusal of this simple pamphlet so much interested us that it becomes the “open sesame’’ to our pleasure and y t ' Jnn lol conc-ues- s M MX A to il n “Ranke’s His- ger to thorn of delaying this matter the J’opes” we trace the rise of and in the hope that it may result in As 1 note the uspiratiuns of our that church that for weal and woe has the saving of money to those who young people arid watch their eager- been such a powerful faction in Christ- possess this right but who are not O Shipp Hans Rasmussen Richfield 'County Clerk— Sum’l G Clark Richfield Recorder— Jacob M Linirltzon Elsinore Assessor— Charles Anderson Sallna Collector— Ered G Wllles Richfield Sheriff— John W Coons Monroe Hupt Schools— Jacob Jlugleliy Richfield Treasurer— 11 1 Hansen Central Coroner— Asa R llawley 1’rosecutluK Att'y— J B Jennings Richfield Sallna Surteyor— 1‘ I Shoeber Sallna Scab rs W’ts & M’rs— 1’ 0 Peterson Richfield Sheep Inspector— J as Crosland Sallna county Physician— c E West CITV IMRMTOISV MAYOR— Theodore llrandley COUNCIL— E C Peterson MJunsen N P Pelerson Jlorten Jensen Joseph S Horne Recorder— Carl Goldhrtnson Vreasurer— J allies Christiansen Justice of the Peace— Simon Christensen Marshal -- U W llleimiulst City Attorney — I J Stewart Street Supervisor— PCPoterson Pouudkeeper— John W Coons Watermuster— Mads Christensen Quarantine Physician— 11 1C Neill M 1)' : WAYNE COUNTY DIRECTORY what little benetit we liaVe been able to confer upon our race Macaulay as r an aud historian was described and so fascinated were we witli the dBcription that we borrowed a copy of the Essays and not feeling satisfi ed with til is kind of precarious owner- sll‘P we purchased out of our then slender means a copy for ourselves that we might read them whenever we listed Ilow did we read them? Strange passing strange it must sound to the youth of Utah We read during our meals or at intervals stolen from sleep The “wee sma’’ hours of mornbigoften saw us deep in tlio lives of Clive and Warren Hastings noting the rise oi the British Empire in India or else with William Pitt the Earl of Chatham living over again that stormy period of the world's history that and followed the War of Independence we read while dressing In the morning or as we walked to and from our daily work Or on summer evenings far from the din and noise of business or pleasure in some quiet essay-write- I THE BOSTON TSOBE tory of endom for so many years: We see the cognizant of the restrictions and age of dogmatic Charletanlsm die out its coupled with it under the teachings of Lord Bacon and the inductive principle of cience vinagurated In the heyday of youth when the life blood ran coursing through our veins with healthful energy Macaulay’s ITistory and Essays charmed us: when we laid reached the meridian of life they had not lost any of their savor: and now when Ina lengthening shad ows warn us that our course is ap proaching its natural length ana limit still fresher than ever they seem to us environed with a new and hitherto hidden meaning Wo value them for by their aid we note the secret of the rise and fall of nations: We learn tfo realize that the goodness and wisdom of a people can only be estimated by the purity and excellence of Its component parts and with this evidence before us and our own past experience fresh in oar memory We wbuld fain show the coming race the way to attain excellence and to win worthy renown- And wo say to the budding use and magnify your youth of gifts and your opportunities if the World at large does not recognize or appreciate your Worth If you Idtyir ih secret and perform your part unknown to fame or it ihay be despised by those who have not yet learned the impur'-tancto-da- y i Wants YOU to get lim- Tliir Special Prices Mho Is Now that the state legis" II lature lias been elected the question to be decided is who will they elect to the Unit- -- ON- ed States Senate? There arc several candidates wlm are Utah men and two who ar) from the east Nothing can be said against n P Henderson as a man nor as a statesman but we have juffi as good or better material among our Utah men As for O W Powers You can settle your old account bewe do not believe that the people owe fore Nov 1st with him anything nc is a man who came to Utah tfith one of Uncle Sam’s WHEAT oe offices to Jill lie is here because there OATS 73c is a 'fairly good law practice and not because his every feeling attaches him to Utah We have had oue man from Michigan in the senate for a year Utonian will past and a fill the bill just as well A politician is ail right in his place but politlca1 services should send no man to the United States senate We keep on hand a line assortment of DRY and GOODS GROCERIES SHOES and HATS F Boston Store full-fledge- d Undertakers and Contractorss I yr Who Arc our cotemporary comes Traitors? out this week andde- dares that Frank J Caskets Coffins Furiushiixpj — — also Canrion Thos Kearns and C E Allen are traitors to the Repuplican of life’s mission Yet the day party We cannot see it in that light will surely come when all your labor Ever since !875 the Republican party of love all your struggles for truth am! Jias been promising the United States be will principle fuUy acknowledged’ free coinage of silver IS ALWAYS READY AND It lias always and from the great God of all you will been considered a tenet of the party receive the Welcome word “Well done and because of it more than of anygood and faithful servant!’’ thing ejse has the West been Repub- IS ALWAYS SUPPLIED WITH ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Observer lican But when the Republican party MOULDINGS OF VARIOUS KINDS AND SHINGLES met in St Louis it said to the West We are also Contractors and Builders “We demonitized silver in 1873 and Our are fair Call and see for yourselves prices have always been opposed to its ” SCHOOL LAND TITLE What could Cannon Allen & : : Inquiry at the oifice of the State board of land commissioners develops Judge Goodwin and the rest of the the fact that iqTpIications for school Utah men who had taught the people lands in this State under wliat is of Utah to look upon the Republican termed the“prcferenee right ’’are not party do? They could do but one and that they did whey came lining Tiled as rapidly as they should thing home and said: “We were honest wlien the magnitude of the holdings when we taught you as we did but our is considered Show your regard for those who This "is doubtless due to the lack of party has broken its promises Our have gone before in to the party was because of familiarity with the provisions of the allegiance its and to silver supposed friendship law on the part of the persons who we renounce our allegiance to party possess this valuable right The EnAdvorather than to abling act designated as school lands cate would do silver” But the well look to and around sections 2 10 32 and 36 in eveiy town-shi- p in the State and the last Legis- see that its skirts are clear If the lature recognizing the injustice which free coinage of silver was so important has established his would resulf in not protecting actual that one or two years ago every enemy of should should it becondemned why and bona fide settlers on these sections on Co-o- p who had settled upon occupied or cul- the Advocate be less ardent in its supis tivated small tracts ignorant of the port now? Is’nt there evidence of fact that they were school lands and traitor’s work a little closer by than could not obtain title thereto un- in the homes of Allen Cannon and e Gents’ and Boys’ Robes and Burial Shoes? OUR PLANING MILL OUR LUMBER YARD remon-itization- Horne Miller Richfield Utah RBmember the Dear Departed Enduring Everlasting Grave Stones ARTHUR HENR1E Marble Works Store and Center St East of prepared to make grave stones and do all kinds of Ihey til they became the property of the Kearns? State passed a law which will ONLY WORK EXCHANGED found in the laws of Utah 1894 and Will Grow There is a feeling INSCRIPTIONS as 80 FOR PEODTCE 19 Section designated chapter ten expressed by of ihls act grants what has been term many that the state ed a “preference right” to settlers or of Utah will be Republican again in a occupants who have improved State short time They believe this because lands and were on January 1 1893 actthink that the policy of the Re ual settlers or occupants thereon they publican party will change durjng the whereby these settlers could apply for next four yearr Such people fail to sequestered nock we would follow the their exact holdings and thus be enar the immenseity of the of Louis of ambitious designs XIV comprehend IN bled to purchase them from the State has this year taken place France or feel chilled as we read the that change at the appraised price at private sale In horrors of the French Revolution qf political parties This year the without being compelled to compete Democrats 17!H) and following years We lived began to change front on Winter Comes On Apace again with Lord Burleigh although with any oilier persons who might de' the tariff question and practically besre to obtain tlicse improve lands gan the abandonment of the doctrine three hundred years have passed since But if you are garmented by The actual settler on school land prior had his time and The they following down the to Republicans taught ' 1 has only to apply made a J E stream of time strove with the Puri- to January of front on complete change the State board of land commission as for well tans conscience of liberty : THE ers of tliis city for the tract the as seeing them But alt this party together on strengtli ere describing the same particular and will be Was he driven seek to had them only a start) of what is coming persecution We are agents for the celebrated of purchasing Most new homes on strange and inhosplta-- I granted the opportunity thinking- men admit that four at You can laugh at the chilly winds it the and ten appraised pn price ble shores: and even there we follow 11 years from nowpthe Democratic party ” years time with interest pn deferred will 4 declare for free silver while again U ITS MADE to ORDER them and see a new uation born AVe at 5 per cent per annum the hold intercourse with Johnson that payments Republicans encouraged by their And sell the very best of ORGANS at from to $98 Wc are agent for This is a very simple matter and es- success AT VERY LOW PRICES this year will unequivocally and powerful overbearing exponent pecially so as every county treasurer — AND— d a for eclare single gold standard of literature and with Steele and AddiCoal throughout the State has on hand G UARANTEEP Senator Teller has been in the east SATISFACTION son of genial fame an see us lt J 0U want anything in our line ready for distribution a large number and his opinion on this subject Is with BY AN OLD EXPERIENCED Time would fail to tell of the nw of printed blanks designed for the sole the rest In an interview of recent worlds as It were that were opened to use of these “preference CUTTER right” appli- date he said: : our wondering gaze we read and re- cant and which they can readily obdo not think the Republican party “I read until the new born enthusiasm of tain by writing for or applying in per will do anything for silver in the next landed us in a land of enchant- son two youth Broadcloth Just arrived from four years The declaration of the ment in which the cold dead part glowThe provision of the law not genAil New Goods Factories platform amounts to nothing) ed anew with its scenes of stirring in- erally understood is the limit of time Come and See a limitation put upon lt Bewith tli6 terest We fought with the Dutch fixed in the act for the filing of these sides that the men who dictated the J E JOSEPHSON Tailor and the Prince f’f Orange for civil no applications Six months time from St Louis platfonn are opposed to biRichfield Utah less than for religious liberty: and Hie date of tlic tiling of school land ism metal internationally or otherwere present at the opening of the plats with the various county treas- wise McKinley it seems tome has m:ui— D sAmt iakk rui vki:kly “Dykes” which saved the nation and urers was allowed within all “prefer- shown his i made be that by speeches tiiiiiim: of t heir foe We ence right” claimants were to file Aoiiiicni 10200 perYeur afler Juuc 1 destroyed the army he is an a dvocatc of the gold travelled in huuger and distress with their applications and as these plats that 1SUU standard on the ground that it is a lie SiH Liki Tnhuu e will re the missionary jesuit to distant bar- were hied with the county treasurers On l ull' tit B e up on hand a full siqab of irocf riot Our aim being to have what is better standard than bimetalism nee tlic price of the St to £TOO per barous climes to convey to tlic savage on or about June 23th of this the needed at home and to supply nt ijhboring towns year Our prices to miners will man truths which should ameliorate time in all the counties will expire jcir The present liih cattle out) Us and others wanting large quantities of goods arc loiccral to maintained and every effort will he made to his condition or listened as lie in di- alout December 23 ism The serious in the front rank Tlu‘ omity Tlic Bevier county suit the amount taken You ran tell the store by watching for the Keep the sign plomatic or metaphysical sophistry pai t iff the matter is that if an applielection' proved nothnacant does not apply for liis land witli sought to rccnslave the civilized ing more plainly We revelled in the the state board of land commissioners than that tions at home many of the people intend classic growth of Greece and sympa- on or before Christmas day lie will to select the county officers from the thized with her in her decline: at once lose his right to purchase ins home at best candidates MAIN irrespective of party a defeat and victory for in her death private sale and be compelled to enter lines It is sure they missed it in not she gave intellectual life to the world the market at the public sale and bid electing Andrew Nilsson as a county We held our breath as we witnessed on the same at public auction This commissioner They (new that John and all kind- - of the of popular sentiments will prove a hardship as tlic price of W Coons had been the best sheriff in and numality at the Stuart restoration his land may be run up over the ap- Utah ever since John Turner of Utah when the Cromwellian was driven praised price and in no event can lands county had retired and they did’nt be sold cither at public or private sale care to change They knew that Sam Kept on hand and made to order at from power and immorality and All became a desirable qualification for less than the appraised my shop price per Clark was the best clerk ever in the for honor and place and saw but a few acreSo it will readly be soon that fail- court house and ' x they woulnd’nt hours later those who had “sown ure to tile his application in time may an for man change inexperienced the wind reap tlic whirlwind’’ in ull cost much more money n tail his They liked Hans Hansen and Victor East of Social Hall its intensity home than if lie used tb- i ght grant- Bean too and though the majority of CAN BE HAD AT Macaulay lias compiled a record of ed him by the Legisiat m and placed he peop were Democrats they put many chequered scenes We discuss a written claim at tlm j tci office inu X by Hanson’s name anyway ElTAKE l lH H ( OI M Y U VllHAMS questions of political ecomony and side the time limit sinore as a precinct voted pretty1 VO! IWIAITIITZEN AM CKT CASH' measures of poetry and sorg We : This (jtatemCqtof f u n designed straight and so did Redmond but in FOB THIiM arque with plisolycologlsts and hie lo "warn the occupants m bool land all oilier places thqy showed their free and hold court with kings throughout the StaR c real dan- - will aud i’oted for the bes’t men pre-ceede- Cemetery Work FIRST-CLAS- S d We Offer Great Bargain s -- Furniture Carpets Window Shades Lace Curtains Baby Carriages Wall Paper Josephson : : : Merchant Tailor s Universal Stoves and Ranges Etc’ it' - Crown Organs and Pianos -- The Pleasant Valley Theo Brandley Winter Samples Company Richfield Utah' s J BERTLHSEN Monroe’s leading grocer and supplier 1 pros-pedo- Semi-week- HP ' I rs ly ilU-t-lio- Home Industry GBOCERIES Honey Cans ON Extractors PRINTING Pieced Tinware TABBING ’ First North Street £ 1 Kinds Commercial and pen-ilt- y t STREET General Pmfiiv? and Stationer? Peter Greco - ’ “THE i ’ t 3 frt T SOUTHERN: CENSOR” |