Show Jr dkvw’teSwy 1 r Oft f I "i wt" i-- " f- -i ’ k 'i’J ’ V-- Ul M')’"' - 4 fGTT''vT'AIT ' - -- - " ' --- ' I Lo£ Letter Bolitho’s 111 Luck S vis IDs Defeat was Ca vv:b hy McKinley Speak eus Enrroii unmiu: a-- ‘ jou liae a Political parties must put up theii of iiumhci ul patrons in Lou some of the one Bolitho im" bcmen for county officers and the and nio- -t active Republican whom may lie owing a little cm their lake choice iheir people will member- - ot the lower house of t lie it - natural that McDaniel lias proven liiiusolt to he la- -t Legislature is in the city from would like tu hear from - neea-i- jou alan excellent candidate anil two years Sevier ly anil know weaie till 011 (leek eouniy on route to Chicago will be a test of his official capacity 1 Mr Bolitho was the Republican can- Acting upnu tins uppn-it teg disleave to Tenth the we Senator for from didate all ay aie rustling The Republicans claimed Salt Lake election but as the u round about as usual II M llau-e- n county as the result of a poll Dead trict at the iecent The people had nothing against Durrlty but they loved John W Coons a tried and trusted man KEEP IT 1IANDY '!’ i v 1 -t Why You Should Trade at sub-cnpta- iii u- ot ORKOCK'S STORE: -- -- 1011 -- ' I Democratic wave which swept over tilings crawl at times the State on November 2rd did not The Salina 1’rev think- - the Censoii pa-- s his district by lie was defeated did'nt do much in this campaign The by hi- - Democratic opponent Press editor does'nt know it all to He attributes his defeat YOU HAVE CUT BURNED OR BRUISED or nave any lioiv cow dog It is too large an expense for the j irnui-el- f ' bird or any animal lliat is wounded m city to level all of Uie streets and the any way you will lind people should level those in front of ISLU Ii OIL A 1 : CURE THAT CURES Genuine only Beware of imitations wl'en signed ' ' " ' Sold their own at Z C M at Druggists 'ynMrTvn houses assoixn should he a good judge property Joeph A Smith lugs that quaff licutuou as well as any man in the oounty An of I Drug Deiu times we have mentioned Several do county resources our advertising iii not-believ- let $150 ONLY $150 PAYS FOR people Know The teachers' institute meets tomorrow If it few of the leading citf ens would attend the teachers would for free silver iist last aniHM’ the time lie would then urge that free be encouraged man No Numbers 52 --OF- d elected on an policy Holbrook should have told the people wlmt he would do if lie wanted to run at all Wayne county has elected Joseph Eckersley as prosecuting attorney This part of Utah has no better more Industrious young man than he 13 “‘The Censor” We booms but we should what we have can be unde-line- The people of Sevier county knoW II Greenwood He is a blunt am make much of a yet he is clear full of good can’t good-natur- speech common sense A Live Paper of McK inley will be our next president! wish that Bryan would be but McKinley is one of the best men ouf nation has ever produced and we will ! have to make the best’ef his Ism for four years Iron county has had a fair It was a grand success Sevier county should have one too next year It will encourage the farmers stock raisers school teachers tradesmen and artists to excel In their work We must have We The Times gold-bug- The People’s Friend a matters affecting the public wel- ‘in all fare and a county fair K I fine Yjf right sistent old-timer- s- Champion of the Masses bad qualities and do when they elect them V J7ov Keb Keep Thoroughly Informed Regarding all Matters of Local State and National Import ngratulations issue- to the - havesubffiJtted the We and their will is people law William J Bryan Purchase of Last week we piib- lished an article Scliool Lands entitled' "School Land Title” which we ’repeat this week by request All should read the article and remember 'that the" ohly chance to buy school land at private 9ale is to have an application in before December 27th There- is a new form of blank that must be used These blanks can be had from County Treasurer Hanson and those who have decupled school land and wish to lise ' the chance Subscribe Now ! sale should of purchasing'it look-ou- t be on at pr'vate e ) Wlierci Are the In Richfield at Ilolhctf " the present time there are a large number of youiig men and Women who are or will shortly be of marriagabli DENVER AND ” GRANDE RAILROAD SCENIC Ll NE OF THE WORLD The only line l milling Fast Trains Dally AsI'IN a— Jo Hon -' ( Coi y Bryan gent this congratulatory message to IIcKinley upon lus election: Lincon READ THE CENSOR each week and you Will Tv?o not act blindly William McKinley Jr Cantojp Ot Senatqr Jones has just informed me that the returns indicate yopr election and I hasten to extend my co- Vs the Classes LUO state senator elect and Hiett E Maxfield file next representative from Wayne county' are among the garly settlers The and know the good people con- Puichlo OKADO Sl’ltlN’liS AND DKNNEH Effective April arj 1894 ' age The present resources of Richfield are taxed to their full capacity to support the people that are now depending on them There are now two courses open to the community and much depends upon which one is folWill these young people full lowedof life and ambition be allowed to move away to help crowd tlm already erowed cities of Utah or to colonize the newer settlements of Utah Arir zona and New Mexico? If this emigration is allowed to go on our more energetic young people will be thoso that one at a time will leave u and while the town go to other places will be left to the mercy of the less energetic who may look on and see it go to decay Out on the Cedar ridge and between here and there are nearly 5000 acres of land whiefi should soon bfc opened to young peopje for homes It can never be opened until reservoirs are built the new canal extended around the land gnpl qther things are made ready It js the next few years that will tell whether the homes of Richfield’s young people shall be in Richfield or in other tew ns among strangers And with the answer to that question comes the ahswer to another "Shall the town ffourish or Train No 2 leaves Ogden 7:00 a m la It Lake 8:07 a m Arrive at Pueblo ll8 a m Colorado Springs 7:71 a in denvor 10:20 a m Praia No' 4 leaves Ogilen 0:27 p in Sait Lake 7:40 p m Sp’ville 9 p m Anive Colorado Springs 0:72 p rn Connections made at Pueblo Colo rm hi Springs and Denver with all lines Ea- -t Elegant day coaches chair cars and Pullman sleepers on all trains Take the D & R G and have a com-fu hie trip and enjoy the finest scenery mV the continent Unrest line to Cripple Creek the givat ('(dorado Gold Camp 'Tin best Jine for live stock shippers h us- - We handle live stock promptly !u ul eastern markets t please write B F Nevins I in ' S Hughes Tral’ Mgr decay?” 1 t K Hooper G P & T Denver Colorado F Nevins Gen’l Ag’t M r A' Cushing "T dt Lake City Utah mainly poor judgment 011 the part of the Stale McRepublican committee in sending como counties tlie Kinley speaker-tprising his district "Good straight lryhii silver talk would have won the election in my ills trict” said Mr Bilitlio last evening n “1 was nominated as a Bryan Repqti-lieaand while I was loyal to silver 1 supported the legislative and couiuy Republican tickets At the same time t lie campaign was manipulated by Me Kinley machinery A McKinley speaker would drop down our way and open up with the declaration that he was A WiLiiviit jcmisov UlucUsniitli'atid ivnrliinifi CONROE : iJTAIt coinage and protection should go hand in hand and would wind up witlitue assertion that of the twopivteetiim was the paramount issue This would let the cat out of the bag and 1 vyould then be criticized for posing as ji free silver advocate and at the same time importing McKinley speakers tc? Oppose the’ cduse which I espoused “This of course impaired my chalices of success and coupled with the fear of a possible return pf Artiiur Brown to tlie United States Senate together with the schemes of my opponent encompassed my defeat Mr Bolitho howev’er carried Garfield county Richfield and Annabella in Sevier county and polled the full strength of his party yote at Central lijls dpfeatvMr Notwithstandiug as he related some of Bolitho the schemes resorted to by the opposition Wright was BoRtho’s opponent and reports justify the assertion that lie will some day make his mark a- - a Wright it is political said went to Salina upon the eve ot the election and effected ausion with certain Republicans the ticket being called "Salina's Choice” The name of Victor E Bean Democratic candidate for County Treasurer however wa- - not placed on the fusigff ticket and while the Salina people ere working with might and maiodo elect tlieH ticket Dean's brothers at Richfield werp doing everything in their jxnver to eject Wright and they did pot dis covet thatitliey had been duped until a short time before the closing of the polls ‘Maud and the I3aby” also figured conspicuously and successfully in tlie Sevier county campaign and "Maud and the Baby” will occupy the office of County Recorder for the next two years f The lady In question wa(c formerly! Miss Maud Silencer are lidejit of Rich-- ! Two years ago' a peregrinuting field poultry purchaser named Layton met Miss Spenoer and married her only to desert her a few dfiyfc later In time a Uttle cne cumtf and “Maud and the Baty” have since been household words in Richfield 'A3 Mrs Luyton is an accomplished ybuhg woman and considered competent in every way to fill tlie'offlce the Dembcrahs nominated her for Cbunty Recorder and she “ldst her opponent in a walk" Shortly before the ejection a wagon 'in which wa-- : an immense banner bearing' the inscription' "Vote for Maud' andthe ’s Baby was driven through tfce streets The result shows that a piajortyy of the voters dl'4 as suggested With respect to the result n Garfield county Mr Bolitho says thut Andrew J lianson Republican candidate for Representative was elected andhat the entire Republican county ticket pulled through with the exception of one County Commissioner Three ueppbiicans were ajso elected in Sevier ''ounty They are II IV Hanson County Treasurer John W Coons Sheriff and Samuel G Clark County Clerk—Tribune We hardly expected genial J im Boll 1 K wire-pull- st ilnd wile lime been calk'd to part with another one of t hoi r children little Elijah: the rest m their family are improving Nearly all of them have had the Icier R'uite a number of others me sick Init no one is legard-cc- ! a- cutieal Tlie nmjmity ot the Jacob peoj rn are Im-will soon have hi- - new house in town reuuy to move into and then he wijl be closer to t lie school house Jake says it is all right to live out in the summer hut lie is tired ot wintering there T110 m w tithing building is show ing its cellar walls above gimmd and in a few ilajs the masons will Ik laying the brick Enoch Sorensen says they h no il new Danish girl at their house I haven't seen her jet but have no doubt ot it- - being a fact for Enoch is an honest young tellow and would'nt make up a story like and tell it unless there was something in it Jmui Blackburn has brought 111 a pair of imported ' V alley and they from Luccrn are beauties tall slim hungry looking fellow's: lie calls them Colonql Trumbo and lady John says they will liu-ii- y for tlie Least Money G oods ! 2d Because we always lead in ADVANCING THE PRICE OF PRODUCE SdBecause we are always looking after yo6r interest as well as our own See our guaranteed price list elsewhere an W -- IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY Your Dress Goods grey-houn- settle the rabbit' question Your Clothing and Hosiery Straw and Felt Hats In‘fact everything you need in your family at YourShods this valout been The with boys have ley them a few times but they haven’t caught anything yet It seems that tlie rabbits in this high altitude have a peculiar habit of turning a short corner when crowded too close and ju- -t as tlie Colonel In Tlie Richiield vihich keeps an excellent quality -- ARE THE BEST- - ‘ Q Shakespeare says: “Never buy because it is cheap it is dear to you in the long-run- ’ dhy-thin- THE Is g SINGER ’ 1 t j 1 machine yet Thirteen not a cheap li Million are V 'A t fl - J i 1I ' The Sifiger Conipany can 1 f I V suit its f Terms to all People in all conditions Our irrigating company are straight it out of E NELSON ftk'old crooked channel that meandered around about six miles to go one on a bee line and was from one to fiv i Local Agent1 Elsinore rodg wide and putting in a canal that will save water and lieulthier too fof that matter for if the' feter that had been so prevalent here during the1 summer could be traced to fits squrce doubtless tlm filthy waters of 'Spring creek would play an impotrantpart iij' Si K WRIGHT Southern Utah’s j&estDealer In and the SCREEN ’ ’’ or as The Best is always the Gheapest f over d i and Sweet Singers of Monroe machine pinion for atassel She ife allowed the freedom 0 tlie yard' lie oollar being fixed so tight that' 'the chickens are perfectly safei if they roost high When a stranger comes to see her she is very bashful and keeps as far away ae- possible Them is some talk of putting her and Tarlejf Griggs’ talking magpie together anc it ’Thresbfng is just ' of Gpods PRODUCE lace to which ie fastened an old trace chain with a worn out threshing taking ' gives the highestMarket price for your and liislady intend eninf Spring creek Co-o- p t to pick him up Mr rabljit turns to the right or dodges to the left and Le out of sight before tlie dogs can put the brake on Ifit was a straight race Ultheway through perhaps blood tl’ould tell and bunny come out sea o”dbe$t who is desirous of sen Anyper-o- n term "as sly as a fox” can the sing have their curiosity gratified by calling at Alvin Robison’s He lias taken one a prisoner — caught it by the tail Tlie Judge used to bo a Chicago and wlieh he get his grip on reynard’s caudal appendage it was farwell to freedom for that fox The little captive is of the Jemenine persuasion and now wearc a wire neck- starting a show O 13 OlTOCk Bay Yoar Groceries DOORS Machine Oik Paints and Oils lath sash and brooms Panel Doors Glass and Putty W ants black-smit- h all he can get Oil v Can Call and see his Acme 111 THE GOLDEN RJJLE Not hbw big a store is but how Big the bargains Tlie size cf the store cuts nn Figure magnificence and splendor must awry to tlie powerful factors quality price' qmd promptness in seyying Our' Its the store that loves your Money Its where your money will go patrons fortherst Its where you get the be9t service that you like to trade ( Go e - 7 Our business is increasing r in spite of the hardjtimes The reason is we give our patrons Reliable QooJe We arogain ing more trado ever day and if you Wish tq enjoy your shoe oftho ' bargains - at that Because you get the Most grain crop gc6d fi£r the acreage sDwn! It has ever llayinore plentiful than ' " beedivith us Hauling wtea plowing cleaning canals and preparing for winter is t be order of the day There is plenty of employment if he laborer will take liis pay in the ’current exchanges of tlie valley but ur extremes follow each other and wii will scon have our fal chores done there may be a reaction I have always noticed wlieti tlie empty nail kegs begin to be seed bottom up on the forge a:id the old its creaky legs bench with long craw’s out to the sonny: ffde of the Winter was not very far off store Some people pan guess by tlie muskrat’s nest or the location of the new moon just wat the weather will lie and hit) it tod as often they miss It but 1 never knew these signs to fail position I tho to give awa7 to the aud when I see them - will noon I d is furknow which often accompany tlie have described He office for Candidate freeze 'appointedhe a up ow 1 hope after my favorable retatos the truth regarding the harm donoby tho McKinley speakers but is port you will not be tempted to send not justified in his charge against I over here some of those gentle reK Wright ML Bolitho knevr frpm minders witli a one cent stamp oh the corner uid the words "please remit the first thjit Salina was pulling Richfield and working against on the inside for such a course would those who helped to defcatevery person result in no good for the money wo named from Salina lie kno’ivs too had hoarded up was taken by thd that t’ae Salina Tress helped to elect tax collector That which is now due him tc tlie house und helped to beat us our other creditor? are clamoring him for the senate J Ir Bean wao not for while that which we hope to get the c'noicfiof SMina at the time of his we are going to promise to Mr Craig nomination norit any time during for taking our pictures With the the campaign lie knew all the time wrinkles all worked out of our face we thatj Saihui ould v otc agal ast him making us look almost as young as bees to went spelling wc whether f K Wright went down used when Jobon tlie-jor not "A p jor excuse is better and candy pullings thin noefi "Jim but your exchsc won’t do1 Just ' sajy that everything went DoMocraMc e: cccpt where personTbave honey for sale I also pay Hans cash ffr bees’ wax al preference preva iled- Say 31 Chris Caunteson—-2Ilansen alyayJ ruins well aiad that Elsinore Salina had It in fof Bean asnd let It go after-babblin- " 'd to the little store with the big bargain The Golden Rule Store -- j WRIGHT BLOCK JO t |