Show X 1 HICITFIELD Dr E Smith took a run over to Beaver on Monday The distinct schools were not in session on election day A great deal of money changed hands on the county election Dr G JI Herbert has gone to Beaver Mrs Sarah Gardner Rust of nanks Ike Spreuson’s dog was found dead ville Wayne county spent several the morning tiiat McKinley’s election with her mother In was reported days visiting Richfield lately starting home on This week Ilouze Brothers of Marys-val- e Wednesday accompanied by her sisdipped 5000 sheep at the tank ter Bell who will be the pedagogue at above town Hanksvillc this winter Smith Brothers have leased tbe As a result of married life C A herds of sheep belonging to Alfred the genial town marshal Wingate and Nephi Nielson of Monroe and bride was seen at the Newby The election specials were had’ from Dressed Logs at Poulsen’s mill for Chicago buying various appurtaineu the Deseret telegraph office Much ees for will make They five cents a pound JOS tlieii home in Monroe living il their Interest Was taken in the result at the Chica- - new house near the groom’s parents The Saxe starts to-dJoseph A Harris closed his school store go On Saturday last Col E W Tat in Paragoonah and came to Monroe a There are a great many cases of sick- lock ot Salt Lake was in town on distance of ninety miles to vote military business Tile boys of our ness among the children jti-- u George Udull of Neplii was in Moncompany were out above town for a roe this week all results from colds house-keepin- g ay now-Mos- t target practice That evening at the The enses of diphtheria at Jens L social hall they had a military party Jensen's are nearly over it and the e The boys all enjoyed the dance quarintine will soon be removed Colonel enjoyed it no less J iV Kyle of the Western Loan and O F Pierson called at the Censor Baviug company speut several days in office one of this week on his way day ‘town lie wont on to Monroe from Glenwood to Elsinore Mr PierO IC Salisbury) accompanied by two son is doing considerable Work in tif his sons have gone west with loads repairing and fitting Up the Glenwood df produce mills As a resdlt of work he is turn For Cash IN 1IAn I will sell ready mg out an excellent quality of Hour dressed hogs whole at 4i cents a for the people of Sevier and Grass val but-tli- to-da- y Joe Borg and family returned home from Beaver on Sunday since artivlig home they have taken up tneir ubode In Will Morrison’s house Whittaker of Circlevllle sold 7000 stock and sheep lately for about $120 a head They are to be delivered at Baca station “Reno” tbe Mexican who has been around Monroe for two years past ds gettilig readyf to leave for the south 0 s ern republic of houses' red Election night a great dumber of peppers broad hats and free silver Democrats brought picnic to the party II E Llsonbee’s and EricksHn and and had an Irish wake Bertelsen’s sheep have been pipped They feared that they had been de- and sent to the Desert fob Winter feated in the county during the latter Smith Brothers are getting ttieif herd part of the count but when they be- ready tod gan to hear better returns they cheerOn election night AlWinn t ed Up and had a lively time until the of sorts ''because tile saidon keeper gray dawn appeared wouldn’t let him In After aUutle The Western Loan and Savitgs Co fuss he took out his vengeance by lias organized a board in Richfield and breaking tiie windows witn a Bill is prepared to make loans on real es- club A1 hasn’t been to the saloon since flat-roofe- Bound Ladies! When you want woolen hose reniember they are 20 cts a pair at the Chicago Store The home of Rev 0 0 TWoede was hiade glad at 12:5 this morning by tbe oirtll of a daughter All dre doing hiPely d head-quarte- got-ou- Fetef Mcbride dad family of Pima Arizona stayed in Richfield last night ihey are on the road home from north ern Utah to do a cash business and do tate it quick Magnus Nellson is selling The board is: II K Niell president whole hogs ready dressed at 4i cents S G Clark vice president John Me-tea pound secretary II P Hanson treasur M L Brown er Jacob attorney Just think of it! A man's suit that Lauritzen W it Insurance agent suits from $300 up at the Chicago Ilaiplose Wr If Seegmller an d G W istore It pays ( Democrats crossed tiie throughout the State has on' baud rooster and let him go on Election ready for distribution a large number Day of printed blanks designed for the sole use of these “preference Emil Christofferson has placed right” applicants and which they can readily obnumber of new shelves In his store and has filled them with candies sta tain by writing for or applying in pertionery and drugs The store is newly son The provision of the law not genequipped and looks neat and tasty understood is the limit of time erally Bp J I Jensen has taken the ageney fixed in the act for the filing of these for the Pleasant Valley coal company Six months time from applications Heims built a coal bin near the de the date of the filing of school land pot and is ready to soli coal by wagon plats with the various county treasloads urers was allowed within all “preferOn Election Day John Higgins was ence right” claimants were to file taking his wife and Mrs J F Shaw their applications and as these plats from Elsinore whither they had been were filed with the county treasurers to vote when a jerk of tfie wagon on or about June 25th of this year the threw both ladies out backward Mrs time in all the counties will expire Shaw sustained no great injury but about December 23 1896 The serious irrs Jigglns was quite badly hurt part of the matter is that if an appliand‘Wquired"rauch earefhl attention cant does not apply for his land with She is now improving quite rapidly the state board of land commissioners on or before Christmas day he will lose his right to purchase his home at SIGURD sale and be compelled to enter The election Went on very quietly in private the market at the public sale and bid our Precinct on the same at public auction This 'The child of A Colby that swallowed will prove a hardship as the price of carbolic acid last week is about well his land may be run up over the api4 now'- praised price and In no event can lands Ifrs J G jiilmquist i§ still very be sold either at public or private sale for less than the appraised price sick But is on the improve per acreSo it will readly be seen that failThe Sigurd school started on the 4th ure tb file his application itl time may inst with a Mr Jorge ii so it from San- cost mtlch more money to retail his pete as teacher home than If he used the right grantSeverkl thousand head of cditle hive ed him by the Legislature and placed a written claim at the proper office inpassed through hero the last two weeks some to be shipped east and side the timelimit THis statement of facts Is others to feeding placW designed r to warn the occupants of school land throughout the State of thegreat danGLENwdoD ger tq them of delaying this matter in thehojie that it may result in Judges of Election were Niels Ilelle-so- and the Charles Cowley A W Buchanan saying of money to those yyho this right but who are not possess Watchers John Kirknianj Ed Payne of tiie restrictions and limccgpizant Jr its coupled with it Jillie Ilepifer was home to cast her ballot and attend the election bill DENVER AND 11 RIO GRANDE' RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF TIIE WORLD The only lino miming Tvro FaVu Trains Daily Leadville Effective April 2J 1894 111 111 Connections made The Boy’s Should Not Do Wear a colored shirt when they can get a white one for 20 cents at the WnAT Judicial District County of State of Utah In the Matter of the Estate Chicago Store E W McDaniel and M L Brown field the closing meeting of the Dem perats campaign at Monroe cn Mon I day ( night A week ago to-da- A- - y JPoulsen came from Salt Lake where he has arranged to ship butter from his creamery i Look every where else and then come to the Chicago Store for a ladies coat or capes or boys suits at a price that will make you smile W Bean Deceased to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after first publication of this notice to the said Ad-- 1 ministrators at their or either of iJioii residence1 in this city of Richfield County of Sevier State of Utah Wm J Bean Chloe I) Bean' a Administrators of said Estate i Dated Oct 10th 1896 Amanda Andelin came home from City on Election Day just in time to cast her first vote Miss Andel-looks well and had a good time Cedar m f George and George II were the speakers at the Democratic rally in Annabella last Monday night ' y as Our Velvets are here you have never seen them before at The price The standard value ha been greatly lowered it Is a chance that no woman can afford to skip ’’On Monday next Alice Brown will All begin a bargain sale in Millinery the old stock must go and make room for the new Crosby C Morrison Jr to-da- ' ""Last Monday night Willard Andelin taken down with diphtheria his iase is not severe however and he is improving right along James B Ramsay Democratic candidate for constable and Peter Jensen the Republican! candidate for justice of peace were elected to their offices Was' : Capt O U Bean of company K 'ame down from Circlevllle and spent a few days in Richfield 0 U seems to lie faring well as pedagogue in his new place Marriage licenses for the week were issiled to ityruta Johnson aged 22 and May L Christiansen aged 17 John B Haslam aged 26 and Catherine Johnson aged 28 all of Monroe all Why do people of political parities trade at the Chicago Store? Because they relieve that all mankind have a right to be benefltted by their loW prlc s and superior quality of goods ’ Anderson has three lots of carpenters at work One on John Chris tensen’s store one on Ilans Christensen’s house and another on Fred L Hanson's house A great deal of build jing is being done just now i When a business man does a credit business he will always lose something Jfrom bad debts W C B has decided that he will discontinue the credit system and sell his goods that much lower for the ready pey either produce or cash J C Or-foc- k J3mes C Frust operator of A J Poulsen’s creamery was In Richfield Saturday He reports the creamery in a good condition with plenty of JJoarket for the butter Mr Frost lias just shipped a car load of fat ccw3 to northern markets : -- UTAH ’ s $l5(j (Wet $i50t pays for r Number ( - --OF- “Tiie Censdr JH A Live Me-kinl- Paper of The Times & post-mast- er ‘ Tiie People’s Friend In all natters affect ing the public welfare and a cont sistent j Champion of the Masses Vs the Classes ‘ - ( n READ THE CENSOR each week and you will - whe-eb- Keep Thoroughly Informed Regarding all Matters State and National Import of Local - v n n I t WILLIAM JEPPES Blarkamllh and Machinist M Jt ry Subscribe Sevier J Creditor Mary W Bean Deceased Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the Estate ’ MONHOn Colo Notice to Creditor!) In the District Court of the Sixth lilohiquist directors The wood road is completed and we hear that the work hasbeen well done ft did’nt take long when we found out the work had to be done at Pueblo fado Springs and Denver with all lines East Elegant day coaches chair canj and Pullman sleepers on all trains Take the D & R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest sceiP ery on the continent Shorest line to Cripple Creek tlid great Colorado Gold Camp The best line for live stock shipper to use We handle live stock prompt iy for all eastern markets For rates please write B F Nevinsl A S Hughes Traf Mgr S K Hooper G P & T A‘ Denver Colorado B F Nevins Gen’l Ag’t R Mi Cushing T P A Salt Lake City Utah t Joseph Shaw while walking through There is a feqjing among many Demthe Joseph Wall’s mill caught his Tim Republicans Held their closing ocrats as well a Republicans deprecat- coat !n the cogs Ills arm and ally in Ili hilt Id last Monday night ing the defeat of Andrew Nilsson for back was bruised but the pHild Many of tlie county candidates spoke county commissioner He is a man of will soon bealljigRt Ttyrougfi the and WiLey Brown of Salt Lake City eminept ability for the plage and tbe presence of mfpd of tHe miller the will not easily find a better mill was followed The meeting was extremely county immedlatly stopped man and much disturbance was had i noisy fi Mr Alf Rodabach has returned Adolph Nielson and Joe Larson spent Supt Magleby is in receipt qf m yul the night in the city cooler for dis- ing from State Superintendent Park home' from Ibex mine where he has turbing the peace of the assemblage in whigh he says that for a principal been working for his uncle Mr S F of district schools to be paid a certain Mount but they were let go next morning Some of the Glenwood citizens are Mr SL 0 Crosby uncle of ye editor amount and then to hire ad assistant and a leading citizen of Panguitch who has no certificate is a violation of filling part of the large washes made reached Richfield last Friday night' the school law acd must not be allow- by floods ru He has been absenton Hu Englishmans-sio- ed SistCr Gertrude Killian departed INSTITUTE NOTICE for nearly Awn years being presithis life Thursday 29 she waa a dutident yif the Manchester conference Saturday November 14th at 1030 a ful wife ahd was a loving mothen just previous to returning home On m the opening of teachers institute sad scene two of her daughters being his way home Mr Crosby visited the will be held in the Richfield school sick at the time of their mothers death early homes of his mother in Massa- house A full attendance of teachers Brother Killian for weeks past jdias lie chusetts and Maine nis health was is expected had sickness in bis family and at presJacob Magleby Sup not good all the time but lias improv ent has one daughter very loW Bro i ed since reaching America Ho went Last night Thursday the Svinst at Killian and famly have the deepest on home last Saturday the home of Robert Johnson h double sympathy of all ' A nit Young visited us on Sunday wedding occurred Miss Katie JohnHenry Robbins Messrs Becker Brad It was quite a treat to the Sunday son was married to John HSslom and share and Lyons were at the Glenschool children who crowded closely Miss May Christiansen to Ilyrum wood House the past ttyree days( together to get sight of an apostle Johnson Bp Orson Magleby per Frank and Andrew Heppler left 'for He spoke to the Sunday school and formed tbe ceremony and a family redesert!' Wednesday expecting to thev Misses was the principal speaker at the after- ception was held afterward ' ' winter Mr Johnson stayall and Christiansen and noon meeting where he dwelt upon the duties of the people in every day Johnson have been raised in Monroe The vote for precinct officers were lifeIn the evening Bishops Tlieo and are highly respected members of Justice 'of the peace J E Bepplar 23 Mr Haslom has E Payne 30 Constable II Greenwood and the the community Brandley Stanley Faircome has won the re- banks 60 24 here but visiting apostle Spoke to a large audi- lately straight votes for ence of young people The principal spect of the people who with the 130 straight votes for Bryan Censor wislrallh joyous happy prostopic was training the young and moral lives of the children perous married life Ammon Hunt is in possession of SCHdOL LAND TITLE J The following postal card has been received by Inquiry at the office of the State' Seegmiller and great curiosity which illustrates the influence onjmi- - boad of land comnfisiioners develops referred to the local Republicans for effect of’’pre-nata- l ‘i rnals Last fall a company of stalians the fact that applications for school reply: were'passVhVfii rough town with some lands In this Sffate under what1 is Mo CraWfnrd Station '' Oct'3fst dancing bears While Mr Hunt was tbrmed1 the“preference right ’’are not I wish to know if you know of any coming into town he met the company being filed as rapidly as tb'ey should Monster Balloon starting from your and a mare then with foal took fright whenth'e’ magnitude of the holdings Section of country recently Four dif- at the bears Especially was thus so s contidered when one of them stood tip on his hind This is doubtless diie to the lack of a saw balloon ferent persons such pass oVer a mile high going in a north- feet When the celt was foaled the familiarity with the rov4sions of the east direction at 4 o'clock this liate 2 picture 0! the bear color and all was aw on the part of the persons who miles west of Memphis Mo J edging on Its side with a work fer the head possess this valuable right The Enfrom the course of the wind during of the Italian which was between abling act designated as school lands the last 48 hours it came from your The colt is now several months old sections 16 32 and36 in every townyet it preserves the mark of the stand- ship in the State and the last Legispart of the country ing bear as plainly as ever with the lature recognizing the Injustice which Please answer and oblige color unchanged would result In not protecting actual Resp bonafide settlers on these sections and M JJcGary who had settled upon occupied or cultivated small tracts ignorant of the ELSINORE fact that they werp school lands and MONROE not obtain ttle thereto unRalph Wood has replaced agent they could The feed in the fields has all gone Hopkins as the depot agent til they became thb property of the state passed q law whid) will be The south bend canais being cleanC A- - Hansen’s shop has just been fonnd in the laws of Utaf 18b4 and ed and made ready for srriug Use painted inside knd out designated as chapter SO I Section 19 W A Warnock Is elected justice of Neils Busja 0: Richfield has remov- of this act grants what has been termpeace 8nd C A Wingei as constable ed to Elsinore ed a “preference right” to settlers or who have improved State There is much sickness among the BoUn— To Mr andMrsIIansIlerman-so- occupants were on and lands January 1 1893 actlast Wednesday a boy All uoing babies of Monroe just now orual settlers occupants thereoU well y with east has Magleby could apply for settlers gone these Eph Wiliiatti Smith was elected justice of ther exact holdings and thus be enatwo carloads of bheep and Rasmus Nielson constable bled to purchase them from the State Dressed turkeys and chickens want- peace election dayat the appraised price at private sale ed at J D BertlesenV John Day representing Ncyes Rro3 without being compelled to compete Will Moon has gone to Iowa to visit de and Co of St Paul was in town with any other persons who might his parents to obtain these improve lands sire Thursday The actuql settler on school land prior Tomorrow Edgar McCarty leaves is home from Idaho to Jensen Teter wi!) he Mt attend Heasabt where for January 1 1994 has only to apply lie says Idaho looks like a good coun- to the State board of land commissionschool v try but he likes Utah better ers of this city for the particular tract Monroni Hunt sold twenty-nin- e ‘Are Peter M ahd and II P Hanson describing the same atd he will be two cents a hogs the oher day each preparing to build new brick resi- fronted the opportunity of purchasing pound It at thb appraised priccvand on ten dences ibe off cows should time '7th interest on deferred keep People J P Teterson and family are now years at 5 per cent reranauw street or 'the city marshal will stray-pethe house across Trom the payments is a vry simple matter and them It is his duty as an officer occupying This roller millr so a9 every county treasure and do not blame him if he does I’UEIILO Train No 2 leaves Ogden 7:00 a m Salt Lake 8:05 a Arrive at Pueblo 6:18 a m Colorado Springs 7:51 ani Denver 10:30 a Train No1 4 leaves Ogden 0:35 p nl Salt Lake 7:40 p m Sp’ville 9 p Hi Arrive Colorado Springs 0:53 p m n A popular ppeejing willbe held at the meeting House Sunday night Tbe teachers and trustees of the district schools are preparing to entertain pi people and very much desire thoir presence ( Aspi tf Colorado Springs ind Denneu Now ? |