Show comury and ought lie ueut xvitn ItbSAred Duties ivUijcui as n sucli Furl lioriii uv we should do no' ling n n it h nit which should in mu id the peace to disturb If tin In idee its well arc woie told to do ail m their the peace tuid prosperity ot in Liab Ion liov liiiicii foi uloiis h ought not we to bocon-ainot or own native laud ’ L it not indulge in on- dis sow not ory speeches 011)1- '- ii' diSMlt isflOlloll w bo ioi in depreciate those governto m a way so as bring liu! and w e s i ii 1'inp t or t ho-- e who may dit-d pe can anything he more m that direction than the wiiicli oar tampaig'i has eu-- ' iri'ied on year after hemline ami mi fah" abuse ionis i lr oxviiig mud at polil icil il molds are subsUUileil tor nrgiiI S I lll‘ht J ‘i'inn t!i ' JN A’r iiiin) Ami iUl'l1 C mi limy I ' i i" I1 ‘Hi l " J i l'''''! pOUCO ‘1 ('It " l’l " 11 i ii lll'TOK ill ‘ lu ii ) nth i' ualiona' amt i umi ' l’eisisteiice of nau ma1 fceit' us in the Jews P-- i Mill ill I1'' ' '!' 111 ti them forget harp- - mi 'Mil' ll L their ah "- - However d o ig'v iO news” K i bo con- one mix at Why You Should Trade vinced of tin- luivieiil t'oeliieness ol Mr Bryan's oi is it would be a great i s c o to the inai'xelui-- : ity to do j t In dliaul campaign lie Ini' and plucky made Wo are nuthiiigif not a 0K0C1CS iien'ii-thnd caking coin! N U mat Gommiltei llopubhcnn Weir all convenmle recoids tor ot broken hH of the dignity “ of a campaifn resting on the basis posit mu not as W ‘Milibun ii u lrislnAuicricans nut as suinUi euucuWe id o nut iri e xx Goods lor Ub nse I (lerman-American- as icills not llll-Alli- II S -- i or White's but as wise lor Aud so in biiort if it was “ 1"vvlv“ lews to foster patriotism H if iis to do t lie sii ic 10 IN m has - Jeiimngpassed il''v IiKlUc'vNS tut atoricat rortlm Israelites is rear liteusit ot national lesliu amid siicb ihitg'moj cars of exile u' ul‘' hV h Hi'' iug scenes v it Ion national beritage giowum nig y fainter and st ill more dispiu our land n the with do we not m:ty then-clidd- mtnH i ( f ol Ue 11'lm': in piuucal canvasses stumpin lie bis mth n ii siir- - immea-uiib- I'm- - ’ I in' v el m strenglii ' in : M id iug li'' “'d 3d Because we are always looking alter your interest as well as our own ’u il a lie ol 'cW- i map m llc piv'i an ’ h win vc aic indebU‘1 clil il land" ' ' — i' Duiii :i i‘ inii'c ol t in- cuit i s ol la to t he 'i I1' il a! ' Abo' h menu Mliv ouil1 sllOW i'lg t OC I'nlot kir' Hie ' 'if Mr liiyin in Ills sp-eelluil till' image t’o mwel b hun tow diivcth not windows iii Uic oi oning ot his cum-piTnis his open iliac a tom bJ willi m iking rise of 'ts glorj imb-i'' ' nn "'em l" " “l t i veept the user of It Imt ' tl ' cm elusion '1 the d life lmi lied wi'ii hu Laii'V- ot il they will eroite should h explu' in that L'()LINTv’V'i)MMlsMt)Nr when 11 s i and rust to iu1 dist 1'iM’1 lhai hn I and hatred i' or hereabouts 1m strife ii: Cum- - ion ilu hear Ar 10 tu we hecauci'd hi- - mi 'vtiilo a wanderer rou poln leal si ump sp akeis we ol 0( rorKk -- 1 for lue dajs following Hetober A‘j ALT of ‘u ll‘lU llis advocacy MISSIONED dulse of men instead mil a - )j iinii r la- piiehelulV0 aMsUinol that Mr Brian's fin SU1)L1' 1 roiid as iprev r and the from political Baker i’ll prized 'iii’i'i' When tli in il tuil vllimie would he carried out principle UeporL of () T In the announced all(l illav' In' bear- - is that of Hebrew uew’s-- i pers which by the way sor of Joseph precinct submitted plaiuu(i examined I ol tliepeo-II ‘brews Mr Bran t tie educators xv liieii bin be i was duly vuks fiimUon iiil b ()i-miglil whuii Tli I m out of relaxing pie not only in grammar atul common do not Uh1 Uld the amount of lias 'made four bundled speeches elre traveled - "f We times lias than and more e Wid'Oieicanything States twenty-ninEnglish hut rilieral fund Toe pi-mi n tier- constable of I 'i:l(0ta'uiilcs Tim axerage nunilicr o) i "'il 'b" lS it i Hi' T in elevating the people to a better i t) J an up French (lllstaluiiK and a more common ie-utrO allowed has Mil alioiu live per day nans Scandinavians English)h) of J() come to ChinesKOO even mileage and per diem for the fatherhood of God and the Yurk Woitun'is istimatc of of N(w yes 1)tL japans- tod - “e I 1l'toro tho' sink their Hanford words is in when man E () lhelau eventually oi for bringing pi'ohalile niunhcr of mti'siimvs lljuU)1Hi 101 tm ot I of or third paiuiunt or independent on charge Vll of these speech" party LX(1(! lu the second off (impuno (()Urfc for examination ualmnality I and im'dished m 'uernimi li'" oilier tiriutliatof ak (ff snmotliiiig belter we wpresume reporle:' been have aujv - iuscb o' dlt'A') member I I will-bam of them haw fa a ‘inory Some arc only of da lliive turned into political vu-r-the neWsp'iiH'is black-mail- be iu'luHil cXiniliirallwL lm others elaborate and w ihmigh political ('Uilrf here Jew of every y'ol s ibc citim lu'cn very long riF o g sentences hi- - windows are a lew fif his of in garbage accepting only tlmivv i S an Israelite: IIIIVF CIIIMMttl i11aa Thp ipatter an H well- and Peterson ot ivvards Jcriis tleni thaL f lie decent people enter Jroia lhe rial platform ofatram ijooths lrade by Huff m r ip oi Illiom ljnc not statoo advisement midst ami our that under in taken was crowd gathered at some local llieliiield eniphatic protest mr among us labonng ox and the I to a s the stab some the baltyt at accepted examined but engineering on often through in passing paper " win us booths lion only Will estilm is candidate it nt No honest and cttieii amount of mUU wasappropnated el o West Virginia lor example gigantic undertakings drew a tiling to he done in his urn origin and remains such Daniel 11 Poll was appointed mated that Mr Bryan actually s pernit :'at the same time this irait favor It has almost come to this in Hon judge for Vermillion and John within I apart B' lliy Cue woi'sccit-life that an holiest man 'Vndersdii for Burrville In tlie aggregate he ha ocleet(ii sib- 01' mm Inti'1 h"s Su ess oir political tle examine to he voters not before accepts several milliou will think twice ihrilty is Deport of committee was addressed il he made by J- A Ilellstroui I nomination lor an ollice for fear a t t ot endurance as Mr Bryan tract nvat many other A our statistics extremely m pruportmii to over in his life had done anything that laid over till next session has undergone would be Vuyb'dW mum rL(t(Jl i human of 10 a tn field in any match Xovjl to liurd moment alm-luu- s session This is not the Vll present regular actuaries and endeavor our Mort eu sen of 150 for when any general agreement could 11 ol Js 1) clem iit of oar pinnalh iiiin' auv Una as to Mr Bryan s the proportion ot a cam- painting si'fe allowed We m mi i m these diameterspossibly be reached electioi good that It nms C W Cowley was appointed tie' of Hu Hebrew race in order of cntiiruiy covering up all the tie m iuadties cr yank as an orator wise to dis- view bad j bu remembered that he lias for Glenwood acnnanndiug dualities fticre might oliiei WC ihlJ inve a judge mcli week one i sucli a lllt for that' in do believe can vssmn p Does anyone Coun adjourned ua bcfurc vat audiences— wh i a m ister-wm and strengthen will t t taet ii In ulTalrs attention md'Hon of way as to hold their inis m in p issible' anti lia- tue where of home subjects for class a wasaschovl t heir rol(l applause— jewisii home William J Bryan was the story of amy which lend theinsdlves with tlie grea dun' tesson taught and furtherbe- est diiVculty to popular oratory marU - people of Israel ilitipiities barbarous away land of sucli DK Mr Bryan had been making this tint thUe strip lu Mediterra- - tend to increase our patriot sm and in of Amerithe tit end i velous speaking tour in favor luc e e ist at th lMr the Welfare ot 11 !r'' ire-1Cuban f Work ns tlie td spire this campaign smm fii' Put of til hr can intervention to help Aha-liaa- i Ini most cacred tolnassionsof of of should iaml Armenians which dountd the that luVlaud of promise triol9 olsavo the nun will pick up the story man and wo us? Why no and every Isaac and Jacob and fu - man with I God has so th- - land where M ’"I - “ ! ' is from i - See our guaranteed price list elsewhere - i 1 - lly p 1 lo-el- t- the oppor unity i improve l Tuy Your Groceries 1 Your Dress Goods Your Clothing tuul Hosiery' i ' mi-"y- i j In fact Y6ur Shoes Straw and Felt Hats at everything you need in your family 1 Lp’-eclie- - Tho lUclilTold r- i Orrock B V (J u e E-- 1 i 2d Because we always lead n THE PRICE OP PRC - u ol ol ! ! Money - bis by ill led r- : Because you get the 1st i u m Ii i - ' ' Fixer- - !iy Lite '' '' 'S on-- ‘ir - Tiik Ukviuw Oe !i in-1- - ' I'M 1H It EUKNTED t’ANAs lUlYAN’S ous 'ih u’s and statesmen of the last faitU it were men who hail strong need petitioned of tied and in time anc with i'r hi-'p and guidance in foHl these f r our example trusting U' K let a glorious future ihmglny citizens as liuhtul touiir high calling land let and pn nms if tins favored hcait of is t rv 'in all earnestness r teach our c'mldien they be native to Have m turn Indian or Negro bo M Co-o- p and Goods which keeps an excellent quality offor your mves the highestMarket price i PRODUCE i si :— Sweet Singers oi Monroe ' iin i 1 THE k c t :r 1 1 """ P1 J C(llibic 50 wc’altU uml yet Thirteen ' Million are nOW in USe S A Tlie can Company Singer "u iu'"' Ar SINGER : Is not a cheap machine 1 them Lu is IV picssed and protected v we tun to while mind Ut?p this in 'l‘" me-our to limn uml li" naiiili'lii" tel" more gennain as them of ns: a nd while we think niulit w Uiewrv models of patriots their example an nli inspired by more birred onbyocr far best glorious the seek the very p‘rIan native in itscharactei and it tn tvi welfare of this of our p 'atti our ot 'o land li"" Hie Toe ii uare we proteci-me nm shall ii'Uinggei vhe land wnere 'i!""" bv'miUi ami wholesom- - lavs Hu no' awn VI DiuibiV 13EST or as The Best is always the Gheapest Shakespeare says “Never buy anyit is thing because it is cheap dear to you in the long-ru- n i p-- : AliE THE - s i y -- -- “''‘"w" 0- -1 Trms to Wh people srtr ill- - in suit its au conditions ut-u- m -s -m I o ‘i1' I 1 n iv io i a log u j1 e()ll' deuce I wa'-e- dll‘ taking to the peofiie the d Hulking “ I u- X " - - tljI1 which offered ' K Southern - o little - legi ' - the needy and ' I I mankind QUU AMERICAN TEbblHl Mr Webster is siys : mu r y'’ and tUa’- miatis deiiti the TUu progress of op' own pus iaws the institution of the and the people nm 110 a noy use voices Inn ii after bat- - Lt- maQy pessimists Tru patriotism is no north and no south y peace He fought battle war- - it knows foun-"My Ueard along the outer fnl a victory but and it nuaBibllcan e ist and no west lmt only d“d sacred is both VarroU titU the doubt with Lpenera! cunlllct ii nce itB duties are part very ofteu all in one we ackQ0W' ultlio’ and ‘iial triJkcry seeti with the anathemas of pessimists are practically and the NVest in While we suddosc ‘f n3 lUUi'D i7dge that panics Must “O a to have been bisljpeai camp ought sn us not by allJ We may have of necessity exist let tue first Indeed that op- tUey are all ou tlie other the laud oi ie ot the friunds from to one sts Hat e boo means change m the bile place means put the t legal t0 billl neVer ceased for die- - rastef a pessim: m them fdr break as uieii to Vu iiatriotism but never GllUte until the terms which lie Lg lhc fearlul decline in t h and other for true shores our S he to true is “illo'‘ as s“i‘ s' nersm coming fm a character of the above party allegianee at AppuIUattox showed that o f‘lhe tkims cl'uivh r‘ I utcj a states- mere above Clod but at desperate wickedness J""iat'ever a in general faith s not knocking 0ny " bow to Llica0 piatfonn and be 8rwUo borha man who knew first gmiixa ion it is uncunOlOo as it is to how f the millions of ulut otisiu of then and taVe war path I conn uer place the to rravily great Jl u swiiav auiin w u 'I""1 for cliurcl' organization to take tlie dj(lilc lerms f peace which should be lur sviDI'urti njg llhiun J H " lviho b tlieserv-Ins f i 'ii anil a tetoik'ina pessimists wit P'e m winning tlie love of J nlaceol’ God tin) one is simply ' tK“" at ! ant of tlie othorahd wliere there au' I e(TectlVeenfemies and which at the same Lime degree of t" isnaa uv' t houII‘' Lmc sbouid be a protection for those iwiiess are proclaiming n ire than one wcare in duty u concerned a pnw of all ()f the "money I to use the very best for tl ttiftsttbe machinations t 1 M they could still Designs of the "lyiidicates is that invahia- need wh“ wo would What lo8e ' badl ie ul sj t winch lir- -t discoverers d corporatioiis and ’tln our poBticallife putnsh them after they of n 1 L Paints and Oils lath sash and brooms Panel Doors Glass and Putty - “J - l"f f 1 DOORS Machine Oils l ‘ - Utah’s Best Dealer In SCREEN I :' niii'i' a deluge for LU d I ten toj with tlie people: making flWriw a all lus raretaining eh his con'ideiiee He lllll'P'’ in may go a lemlmicy is last Titen there inpc to the t"dial)lj in h the t ifiil life to pul party allegiance 0 defeat but True pyP'11 we do not believe he will place of patriotism Lh()iuh s leans j it well all after will I e the triumph is mere selfish: Party article in tie that v ay yoit know soieediing Uie current Century is an of 'Jcacon w ho general brother Fngland New a of the like u tle pen iiBVNile o nrydFcr(’rodto'-blessnieanwuich tells the story tour and us record wile war his the and in rise Apd (U1 son John 1 D y Wants all lie can get 1 £X 2 NV 1 1 1 - selt-nglite- ' o 1 L to-da- 1 Ldl Kvii'ksun or Itamile " Or°“t' jj'" cottage p they build their as a number esteemed ats uo a t " ’XKiiirWlP tmUois Sol iu mw-abiilii- is f all r H is vast armies 1cc" vlc'liiaso McKinl")' should 1)0 elected femiialgn l' tliia in tUuit bc the wfdd beautiful pub j vorv dozen victories every clay nt victory they declaic ora fitilrunsof Dattlesliips not a I na low-our most grasping not extension of misbeen'Vu' ing the battle of the lriumph 0f lie ud nc buildings BMereatoou duraaln However df rablc il 11 r We 1 le0 I b:rssr “ 1 I per-lui- hep on hand a full D xupilhl f !P’Ocu'cs Our oi's ZZZ r HU (thin ON st cm A Wf 1 - it ' UO yeas n-- u u withl f — contrasts ccdoin friiin extreme arc notBcri condition tlie people While xVe "have all been so busy L supposing sui' nt!’cns Christian' l''o' to that be Cryan :ampaign we have hardly Finally us ry nit 'par tasy eiti- - should or also iu Ml earnestness ln!cJrt noticed tho awlul massacres Koin8 °" ‘1 't'heir dogs 1Ktothe to wcare is !Ai must g'V t country 'n its officers Turk God' ras "The bound are almighty in Airccn'a citizens in duty petition m Hu zens and tine pat mis lie must j that half Hiei” fellow (yf aU England !d should "pray unto We Lord for it for I of how lug dels hPlP and lt only political peace thereof shall ye have our llhistn that records to iK euHis tory eH' e r reason are 1 fal'’ hC1'lykr ' reUguoi any I I action 1- ureloweved me & A A t 'v'rT TABBING 1 & A v 'N Vll All Kinds Commercial and i J vri General Priivti and Statioiver? CAN BE IIAD AT N 1 UlUn-"belon- T HUNTING 1 “ioM riKi I i V STREET MAIN n- L lig $ good to GROCERIES " y of tl ar-- J lie Ik' municipal pusiT AiiiiirC'TnT-vor(1HIltrv it should Fro m B5: histoiy iu t)om the state offices of dn will manLct all in every position ot psumsts we learn that piospuity ot bate hurled at him in uld f G()d tions every wlieres o nu mo I j obedience lie us zMlegliany of the so far j through are honour and responsibility I ner 0f directions has ntintry a t of to their Men whocannot he Ijougntpncn U naUy is concerned fallen short of its other set almost and when laws n lutUc inen wlio record l!Cartf Missouri rixer atrUtic Iuarvelous cnioiced ami tmuugre 11 th havc ’ 'l o n UJlUo!l evcr ma(k cCt lull extending aim at high ideals men whose nvatclnm the kl street as J‘ iad Guttle conMivis are pure men who gives wlll be more due I U) Ncblaku tbe political fnggar in the m i h'1" j combined If becu raging most lustily but voice in the performance of same and our need the a aU oLbes ’iuce t() fnmheir someth in tl at regu Undr duties men who fear nobod y but certainly learn the wtwie world cannot take Lol paSMisls A BERTLESEN :s Monroe’s leading grocer and supplier J ‘ "THE : SOUTHERN : 1 a I Ltf CENSOR' r A A N'x - |