Show -- r r Vol Thurman T1IU UMAX Business Petrels aeed I J Stewart 0 W lolling COLLINS Attonuy Richfield at Law s utaii iC-- Mr DANIEL Attorneys at Law W W Wallace Building SI Jude WALLACE Clark 210 8!) 167 Kiohflold Utah L Bkown Layton Bryan 189 McKinley 48 King 108 For Presidett Bryan 84 McKinley Holbrook 123 Wright 97 llolitho 141 li Stuie Senator Wright G9 Bolitho Greenwood 82 Christensen 155 Hell 105 29 Representative Greenwood 73 Rcss 83 Robinson 95 Abbotl07 Nilsson Christensen 26 Commissioners Bell 44 156 Rarmussen 159 Saredsou 69 Clark Ross 70 Robinson 89 Abbott 22 Nils163 Mrs Layton 02 Lailrltzen 176 Bean son 23 Rasmussen 58 Clerk Sorenson 81 Hanson 157 Smith Johnson 145 52j Clark 42 Recorder Mrs Layton 70 ' 112 McDa 128 Jennings Dorrity 61 Lauritzen 26 Treasurer Bean 63 Coons US Hanson 84 Assessor Smith 85 JohnSalinA son 34 Attorney McDaniel 69 Jenn 28 238 8 43 Sheriff 55 Coon lugs Bryan McKinley 50 King 172 Dorrity Holbrook 115 Wright 178 Bolitho 116 King 78 Ilolbtcok 29 Greenwood 104 Christensfiri 123 Bell Ross 115 Robinson 224 Abbot 113 Nilsson 114 Rasmussen 183 Sorenson 108 Clark 178 Mrs LaytoH ifl8 Lauritzen 91 Bean 101 Hanson 182 Smith 183 115 President Bryan 90 McKinley 22 Attorneys at Law State senator Wright 57 Bolitho 54 booms— Ence Block Richfield Utah Representative Greenwood 64 ChrisWill practice In all the courtsState and Federal Corporation Land and Commercial tensen 42 ComisSIoners Bell 63 Ross Johnson 91 McDaniel 58 Robinson 65 Abbot 61 Business Solicited J B JENNINGS GIDEON SNYDER JENNINGS C SNIDER Attorneys at Law Practice in all tiie courts Mr Jennings has practiced twenty years In the Supreme courts of the States and tho United States Ho will attend In person : nil terms of tno District court in cueh ty in this District coun- Richfield Utah FRANK 1) JIOBBS Land and Mining Attorney One Twenty years of experieetce 1 nee Solicited 'orrespteetdi jSalt Lake City 1)11 (1 11 UTAn Nelsson'45 Rasmussen 47 Clerk Sorenson 61 Clark Dorrity 60 Recorder Mri Layton 62 Lauritzen 48 Treasurer Beati 7d Hanson 42 Assessor Snllth 66 Johnson 42 Attorney McDaniel 65 Jenflings 47" Sheriff Dorrity 55 Coons 57 Congressman King 7' Holbrook 2(1 BCtIRvilLe Bryan 6l McKinley 4 King 49 IIol brook 17 Wright 42 Bolitho 22 Green wood 48 Christensen 18 Bell 45 Ross 47 ilobinson 40 Abbot 26 Nilsson 18 Rasmussen 22 Sorenson 31 Clark 31 Mrs Layton 45 Lauritzen 21 Bean 42 Hansen 24 Smith 45 Johnson 21 McDaniel 34 Jennings 33 Dorrity 21 Coons 45 Centra l' HEBERT 19T 0oons 219 brook Jennings 65 91 Thurheu 16 48 5$ McKinley 97 22 21 i if No 30 !A Year Ago and Now “Americanisms” CLEAN GREASE 0n6 year ago tiie free silver men had riIn Europe many ways of tiie Amerilittle idea that either one of tho g eat cans are extremely repugnant to tiie parties would openly espouse their taste of the people who have been one did itand made a in lie ways of royalty and good fight on that as the great issue of the lower life Theso repugnant ways are campaign One year ago W J Bryan known ni England as Americanisms was an obscure congressman from NeBut there is one other American braska Today lie is known admired custom will sooner or later revoland respected all over the civilized utionize tho world and that is onr Cause let f i WITH ONE CAN OF Hod Seal Lye 1 M world One year ago the people of the Uuited States knew little of tiie money question now they know more about It than they do about tiie tariff One yeai ago tiie free silver men were looked upon as a herd of unorganized Incapabld believers in a dishonest unjust and imprac table cause now they have beedme a party with thC greatest leaders that any party ever organized in trie United States for a common purpose has ever had Their cause i4 now realized by the thirildng' meri as well a§ the people to have great merits ilnd their honesty of purpose purity of motives and capacity fdr right doing is not Add though the party questioned: has grine down to defeat in tliis elee-tioit lias established iteelf on a rock that Will ensure its perpetuity through a long hard struggle that is to be Waged over the money question One year ago the Democrats of Utah had been defeated on their state ticket while nearly every corinty had sent a Republican to represent it in the legislature' and every seriatorlal district had elected a man of the same politic- al fai tli To-da- y tiie ritate legislators are nearlAll Democrats tlieir control being by a larger majority than Republicans’ control of last ythe year custom issues USES Ten pounds lull'd SOAP that ri 8 King 49 IIol Wright pi Bolitho 17 Greenwood 53 Christensen 14 Bell 51 Ross 49 i Robinson 50 Abbot 15 Nilsson 17 PasOffice at Fioneer Drug Store i mussen 16 Sorenspn 52 dirk 15 airs RICHFIELD UTAH Layton 49 Lauritzen 18 Bean 49 Han son 18 Smith 49 Johnson IS McDaniel HR E SMITH 49 Jennings Dorrity 49 Coons 19 Bryan Physician and Surgeon i 69 The Election Returns for Sevi Johnson by Precincts are 139 Dorrity 83 Coons 191 Richfield West Aurora AnnabeelA t ) Lauritzen Hanson 188 Smith 108 McDaniel 135 Jennings 189 Mrs Bean er County given EltOWX d- 87 111 Practice in all tiie courts Office— In Anderton Sevier County Election Returns 'R Utah Friday November 6th 1896 Richfield STEWART £ LEAN OUTHERN 1 Profession d 8 K HE WITHOUT BOILING of quickly taking hold of new in tiie field of polities of new problems in the social world new bethe religious world and of needed reforms ih the hioral world It is not yet a quArtor of a century since tiie Americans began pleaching a great many new doctrines and organizing the followers of these new liefs in doctrines into a new church This denomination undertook a large missionary work by uneducated preachers that has converted niillions to the tif Soule jiartSof its doctrines That religious body afterwards settled In the Rdcky Mountains and here became a niore uniform people than was ever befrire niadc of so niany various nationdlities and races There is still a tendency for aristocracy td rise hi the social World of America' yet wheii the favored few begin to expect public offices or public honors to be gnibtcl them the people quickly fellow tlieir disapproval of it and usually tins is done through the ballot so Americans social problems are usually closqiy united to American politics' Tho Democratic party as it in tiie Chicago convcnt'on began to wage a war that will bo carried on for years to conic It Isa war against an aristocracy which seeks to hold a rank by tiie wealth it possesses rather tharibjr offices of public trust aud high reriumeration or by enforced respect fqr a common laiety The first minor (Question embraced in the greater whole is the fplyer question It has as a close second and in a more direct lin with tho gqvernment’s own limits than the income tax It is but a few month? sine? the Chicago convention declared for these principles yet the people are already organized to flgllt for them and a fair understanding of the subjects are already had by the common working men of the land Most all “Americanisms" are blunt ways of ex pression and our national ways of handling those great questions are much the same Rio Grande Western Railway TIME CAuD NO Jn JCffect Nov IS 1HIH Sanpete and kevier enleiil HiWifk'ld for ull iirlncl-peit It's Last mid West Freight triilns urrlvo at Hleliileld at 5:15 p m on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays und leave at 0:30 a m on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays l’usseugurs carried on Frei ght tralnsii ween Thistle a nd Sallna J OIL RlCHa Agent Hielitield DCJ Dodge h n Bab ruck Gen'l Manager Traffic MahOg'e'r FA Wadle lgh Gen’l Passenger Agent Goneral office Salt Lake City Utah Tlekots-o- ul One year ago tile Democrats were a hcplcss minority in Sevier county 21 To day they are glorying in victory unlocked for (hy the most sanguine of their partyt and never once excpected Dentist Elsinore the hosts of th opponent One by NOTICE Bryan 239 McKinley 15 King 136 Anderton building the Republicans of year ago Office of Vermillion Irrigating Company Ilolbrook68 Wright 142 Bolitho 89 V ermllllon Utah Nov Oth lSIKi RICHFIELD UTAH Greenwood 158 (Utah and of Seveig county were the THE SENATE Christensen 70 Bell 156 There aro delinquent upon tho following best 'organized political party the Boss 151 Robinson 134 Abbot 68 Nils-do- n MRS X H ST JOHN described stock on account of Asscsment Returns? itirgecived show tbfifcy-p- r thecounty had ever seen To levied on the 8 day of Sept 189 tho several 85 Rasmussen 91 Sorenson 16 Clark elected: Senators :wing day the party in the' state has been amounts set opposite tho names of the reMidwiti ry anil General Care of the Siel 79 Mrs Layton 141 Lauritzen 87 Bean DEMOCRATS rent in twain and its wounds cannot : spective share holders as follows 121 Hanson 108 Smith 127 Johnson 102 Firet District— W G Nebeker David R Halladay 24 shares certificate 19! be healed for years and to come years McDaniel 152 Jennings Second District-Josep- li RICHFIELD UTAII amount $520 Charles W Cowly SI shares Monsn Dorrity In the connty they have learned that Coins 109 certificate 200 amount $tiW LefeVCr Third District— Aquild Nebeker and compromises HOMER Met 'ARTY leagues never take li shares certificate 192 amount Glen wood t Fourth District— L W Shurtliff the Ole Dastrup 30 shares certificate 155 & 173 place of solidity from first till last U S Deputy Bryan 73 McKinley 24 King 92 Hol- Daniel Homer One year ago the suffrage of women amount ? 1870 D R Stevens 48 shares eerti-flcaFifth District— R C Chambers brook 60 Wright 92 BoJitho 61 Green213 amount 92290 was cundcmed by many on the Isaac Colby 32 MINERAL SURVEYOR ground shares certificate 210 amount $215" Sixth District— Martha IPUannon that women would wood 80 Christensen 61 Bell 105 Ross llenry with sex their stay 38 Butterfield shares no certificate amount and NOTARY PUBLIC 8J Robinson 91 Abbot 53 Nilsson 71 David O Rideout Jr George A and not their 1500 The change has party ' Ilyrum Colby 48 shares certificate 25 Pasmussen 59 82 Clark 70 Whitaker John T Caine since beefl great for here in this counamount $1010 Edward Bradbend 20 shares MONROE UTAH WANTED TIES Mrs Layton 79 Lauritzen 73 Bean 91 Seventh District— A O Smoot A certificate 39 amount ty tiie women themselves did much $1000 Chris J Oitlun of Ellsnoru lu s a con Johnson 10 shard J Hanson 62 Smith 8- Johnson 85 Me J Evans certificate 122 amount THE WRIGHT HOUSE good work for a man as the opposing tract for 170 ties Jacob Strlngam 21 shares certificate which are to supplying Daniel 91 Jennings 62 Doirity 79 ’Eighth District— Joseph V Robin candidate Men who were a year ago be : put by the railroad track any place 210 amount $150 Gilbert Barton 32 shares son ' Coons 75 Of K the best no Democrats have joined the south of the Salina isuiiiT certificate amount $1108 — Proprietor AuFew I’ Ninth District— Janies F Allred bridge Any one Christen sou 5 shares certificate Joseph ranks of the Republican party under 212 amount to contracts wishing deliver riuim Tenth 250 D'strict— K Isaac any 177 G Wright Farley Sorenson Bryan the guise of Democratic patriots flglil-in- g berof ties McKinley 59 King 144 certificate between now and May 1st HO amount $300 M Ivlo shares Eleventh District— E II Snow 1 sha're no certifiHolbrook 89 Wright 113 Bolitho 92 First (’lass in Enry Way with' the Republicans for a heroic can get them by communicating witli cate amount I to Buuson Icmis 24 shares Twelfth District — M E Johnson Greenwood 144 Christensen 89 Beil 138 cause while the test Republican of tiie no certificate amoUnt above named $23 Thomas Crane Boss 141 Robinson 114 Abbot 91' Nils7 shares Utah have fought under Brj an's bancertlflealo 07 A U2 amount $350 Term- - ItouMimible son 92 Rasmussen And Sixth Distiict— B A Harbour in 98 Sorenson 129 accordance ner for free silver and order of There so Good the board of directorswithaslawmany Total Democrats 17 Fopulist 1 Clark 104 Mrs Layton 134 Lauritzen 101 shares Of In fact as the year is viewed from each of sutih stock as may bo necces Tliero 'is II ich field Utah Bean 135 Hanson 99 Smith 137 John- grand total 18 nothing just as good as Dr sary paral tiie standpoint of politics it has been will be soldi aa the Vermillion Ilall son 96 McDaniel 131 a year of changes and party lines are King’s Nerir Discovery for Consump Monday November 23 1090 at o’cl HOUSE Jennings 104 Dorock to pay JENSEN HOTEL tion coughs and colds so demand iti delinquent asserment rity 133 Coons 101 all over' the land1 Tariff thereon Returns show the election of the together and do with the cost of tibvc rtising and not permit the dealer to sell Monroe East as an Issue is nearly fofgotteli and tiie expense's bf Elsinore following Representatives: the sale Utah some substitute you Ho will not Bryan money question has ariken into promMcKinley King HolC Meyer Sec DEMOCRATS claim there is anything better but in brook 159 inence tlian 56 N wly Bolitho Greenw Wright quicker ilh all conforts any other great order to Grain equipped make more profit he may 9 ml liny ill ways kipt Good stables for wood 142 Christensen 55 Beil 135 Ross Cadie claim something else to be James teams Kimball County— u 127 Robinson 132 Abbot 57 I ’ taken to just as good 'ettle by popular “uffrage Nilsson 83 j in You want Dr King's New Rasmussen 55 Sorenson 140 Clark 63 Thorison Moroni J’riee Discovery because you know it to be Davis County— I lyrum Stewart MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME Mrs Layton 135 Lauritzen 61 Bean 131 safq and raliablo and guaranteed to do Emery County— P L Oversell A gentleman Hanson 61 Smith 163 Johnson '44 Mcgpod just up from “Dixie’’ A Danger or money refunded If you believe in Silver 16 to 1 and Daniel 158 Jenning-- 58 Dorrity 120 Iron County— John Turfy For coughs declares that the people of this city-havJuab County — C B Wheeler colds consumption and for all affecgood meals good beds tliat invite to Coons 79 no possible conception of the cpiit sleep and pleasant dreams good Millard County— William A" Ray tions of Throat hest and ditiou of business In that Monroe West Luagi He The region next state will be legislature Is Salt — Lake there nothing so good as Is Dr says money is an unknown Books Magazines and Daily l‘ajnrs County E K Wilon Democratic by so heavy a majority Bryan 275 McKinley 99 King 254 Eurellui La quantity' Bartlie George Romney King’s New Discovery Trial bottle and all transactions are carried on by 119 Wright 89 Bolitho 69 A hospitality I lint makes you feel at Holbrook that they will have complete control free Jr all at E Stores Heber Joseph Reunion barter He gives some samples Ild and General Taylor Drug home wit i a Sample Room on Greenwood 86 Christensen 74 Bell 91 R W Sloan S A Kennor R B of everything in that depuitment of dealers Regular size 50 cents and rode with one man Mam street go to ross 7 Robinsan 86 Abbot 68 Nilsson who said he wa our state There is always danger in $100 Sheparci Jilmes Thomson Daniel ' going up to make some collections aneb 92 Rasmussen 87 Sorenson 84 Clark 76 THE KENTUf’KY HOUSE because heavy majorities they may further conversation developed thefacti Mrs Layton 90 Lauritzen 69 Bean 80 Mangiin run to such extremes with little Monroe Sevier Co Utaii Aaron Sanpete a year ago the man had sold his N County— that Hardy Hanson 79 Smith 111 Johnson 48 Mcchance of being checked When a maC Sorenson of Dixie wine on credit and wa Daniel 89 Jennings 79 Dorrity 70 Coons Electric Bitters as a remedy for crop Sevier County— Barney 11 Green- jority is small tliqre are al vays a few Try PIERSON HOTEL to going 84 get liis pay in vegetables conservative members who will join your troubles? If not get u bottle wood wool and such other articles e now grain anc Elsinore Utah Redmond This medicine Summit County— Charles A Collls the opposition r"tlier tlun carryout has been get relief could people be found spare While waiting to 53 radical ' measures But when the mapeculiarly adapt- for Bryan McKinley 93 King 49 HolTooele Count? — N B Dresser NciEy fitted and well ctpeipped with the stage the gentleman overheard ed to tlio relief cure aud of is brook 97 Wriglit 43 Bolitho 98 Green all e Female jority large tliej elm oar-ridall Uintah County— William Gibson the everything for comfort wood 49 Christensen 97 Beil 46 Ross 46 exerting a wonderful in- Aftertalk of two men trading horses Utah C'qunty— W M Roylance L the effects tiie mo e conservative can complaints fluence in have The next legisVure will be Robinson 59 Abbot 97 Nilsson 89 Ras P Luiid W O giving strength and tone to was half an hour’s talk a bargaiii Creer Ilyrum Lemon struck and one was to pay 'the the ! mtissen 101 Sorenson 45 Clark 90 If you have Loss of appe organs Mrs Wasatcti County— Joseph R Mur-doc- k better for this than tho last for any other $j boot money tite Headache 40 radical constipation 99 measure Lauritzen FaintLayton Whereupon' the Bean 46 Hanits opposition chaming Spells or are Nervous Sleepless saddles were exchanged and the man' son 99 Smith 45 Johnson 98 McDaniel pioned the by Republican may be Washington County— James DDuf-fi- n who held In check by the governor's veto Excitable PLANING MOLDING TURNING 53 Jennings 93 Dorrity 47 Coons 98 “elanchoiy or troubled lmrsewas to pay tho $5 mounted his new k und rode away Then the genwith Dizzy Electric Spells Bitters Is Vermillion Weber BRACKETS County— W II O'Brien tleman asked the other man if he who tiie medicine need Health you and was Bryan 67 McKinley 9 King 44 Hol- John M Perkins Angus The raising price of wheat 'sJby Strength are guaranteed by ini? Gee erred Weeeeel 11 Virl Done at My JcKay Mrs riding away did not agree to pay’ its use' brook 30 Wright 40 Bolitho 29 Green- & E Anderson some O yes j laid to Mill 117 sf of the 1‘oedsein local cents was the reply conditions and Such is Fifty $100atail Drug Stores “But wood 42 Christensen 33 Bell 37 Ross Kane County— Joseph E Julinson did not see him 'not the cause of tiie higher prices and General dealers Boiler Mill pay you” said the’ 40 Robinson 44 Abbot 35 Nilsson 35 Morgan County- -r The higher price of wheat is caused by stranger Then the man laughed and Rasmussen 34 Sorenson 30 Clark 39 J C ANDERSON Piute County — James Forshee a famine In India India has been answered “O no none of us pay mon- -' BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE Sirs Layton 39 Lauritzen 36 Bean 38 Sail Juan County — ey in this region Great Britiart GEORGE H CROSBY The Bust supplying with in wheat But lie will have' the Salve world for Hanson 37 Smith 40 Johnson 33 McWayne County— lliett E Maxfleld but now England must Cuts Bruises I that its something Sores will get Ulcers want sometime supply 32 Daniel Salt' and Jennings 42 Dorrity 30 Coons Garfield County— from other quarters tnd so calls on Rheum lever Sore- - Tetter then I will get my EDITOR OF 4) pay” The cus- -' Grind County — oms of the Stone age have the United States for a share and Hands chilli! or- - com and chapped come back all Skin Richfield Ricli East County— scarcens the supply CENSOR ” THE SOUTHERN Eruptions ami pcsiinily cures Piles to those people Still were silver re- -' Bryan 215 McKinley 58 King 129 or on pay lequiivd Hi guaranteed stored the old mines at Silver Reef Holbrook 143 Wright 90 Bolitho 178 i to Carbon i AND give at pci hr or money would be put again In motion and the Cuunty— Oliver G Kimball Greenwood 108 Christensen 1C8 Boll farmers could in Pioche end S'ilv-efI have refunded Total 'for also Price i I honey sie 126 Ross 105 Ilobinson 110 tesq jer box pay 4 Abbot 137 0 Keef get cash for all' 4' cash for bees’ wax For S a jv a Democrats " Dm they could raise Nilsson 180 Rasmussen 154 Sorenson Men ought to think of G exeuml Dgalei:- Chris Caunteson— 27 31 Republicans that es they c-- to 3 ha tdiy good-nature- K d le i Sor-:nso- n 1 j - I Populist is Nothing 1 Barter I pi A r n “dixie A Did You Ever as-tb- Wood Working Shop Jit republicans P-- il Elsinore the polls —Tribune n 1 |