Show ffifi SO IfrHERN CENSOR at It ITislimikd kvkuv Friday SEYIKli Cdl NTY lilt IIFIFLD GEORGE Hy UTAH linporlunt WUil-t4i'fwp- loo of t betrmfrttythrmrrauil Tr-r-a rrg tnrur its claim Is working an injury to themselves ’to llieir neighbors and to The other comthe valley in general panies should delay tlieif pressing the suit until this has been tried and see if the question can not be thussettled b tie West are and bringing to a high pitch over his t he groatesi question over there are to popular ballot ot her limits that are liable lo lie Tin Deseret News points out lip1 imporbini'eol imgalion asaqm-s-ion tor 0111 next legislature lo wrest le with 'I’lie News does not five standing their minds up dlu-t- sub-mille- d I In II CROSBY -- Aii fr-trolle- n State Directory: mer-i-'U-mil- nTL (’a m n rt Inn l n I iv be imoiii'lance ot t he quest ion a! id High! heie ill Sevier eoonty ll In wiler suit between the im hi !ii L !’l ' mm i: v it h’lii n K -- I v rou in n ci ru i -- ’In pin m ( I1 ' ITIMNITMil'A I' nNri a- i i 11 I i I i y 11 at rniiM will Gi m : me sin plus iii is to t he p' ople here 11 ' b : il levs alio and m el ill" t ‘1 bound il III' plollh'led u (I mi im 11 i n igal ion frimi Hillsdale lo Sulim he I '1'j r i lilhlinl (’ V n m i i rTH n aim" ' m - r "r heir lie 01 unit t lie farmers ot with mueli of t lie nw in s ot 11 liit am mo w in 11 a is i:oi: r mi - T - II 'i Will T imniki' i a t - mu prubleiii is moie inqi'Ulaiil ‘st ion 111 t lie silu r : ( ITIllH' alley’s trst TlnV eaiiil was taken out in is InliM I! I’it Dm and excepting the 'i riii m Tiui ' Black-HawWar that Hie ini' ll II III si'1 e er sine ' Ry lss 111 been h:t' e:i V II ! 0 a "iM'i: n all lie i anals in Ibis valley i XTII lLs I’KMT: out Ai hat time taken weie IllKjlli) Win M MiTirly Circleville and many firrners along t lie river were using little if any roi my mitiu Tout water' Sevier County people took out SKLKl TMKV a canal ten years ago and one year M A A lilnit t A l later Paiiguitch farmers took out one Slil)i ' II lilt KilSIll IlsM'll They bought what they called “two Kl")illH(l on ii y Cli'il -- Sani’l ( ClatU of original water” took live streams IM’lillclil M liUiirlti‘11 KiroriliT-liii'oli l’lslilure more streams that belonged In the Attestin' Clmi'li-- Anderson Salliui- river and now have plenty of water U Wllli't rillivtor-l'- ml Rtclilh'hl ail the time Hlu John W Coons The canals of this valley Monroo Jucol) Mak'h'hy supt as out taken early as the CDs and Rli'llllcld Tirntiir"r 11 I’ llaiiten so good a water right have do not 70s (Vlitrul Chroma — Ata It flawli-to day as does that canal at Panguitch f’i'otirutinir At t’y— I! Jennings UlcliHi-k1‘ R Snliim taken out in 1888 Yet when the ownSiln C IMeltOn Sallna Vnlcrs v’tt A M’rs— which Rlrlilhdd ers of the Sevier Valley canal Crotland tii'i ) Intpi'i'tor-l- at boforo or the two a was out taken K year West 'alliia comity I'liyth'ian - c cast canal at Panguitch went up to (IT V I)IHK(T01ll Panguitch in 181)1 and asked for some M YYOR— Tlieodoro Itrandley water to keep their crops from dying qotlNl'IL-- K C lVtcrton the president of the company replied M Ji'iiteii J -N 1‘ lVtiTton If they want G CR water let them Morti B Ji'iitpii pay for it” When the people in the Jol'pliS Horne vicinity of Panguitch irrigate they ieemder— Carl Gold hrwt ton are compared with people down here rreasurer— Janies Clirlsttansen very extravagant in their use of water fustlce of the l’eaee— Simon Christensen ilarshal— G V Hlomqulst They irrigate oftqner than is needed blty Attorney— I J Stewart They injure their land hy doing it and Street Supervisor— PCfeterson cause foxtail and swamp grass to grmv V Coons I’oundkeepiT— John in the swails of their lipd They are ‘Watermaster— Mads Christensen lutin careless Quarantine I’hytielan— II K Neill M I' regardmo comparitavely flooded to waste water running ing VAYNE COUNTY DIRECTORY roads and streets being all too common yet we have no law that is at all ol use OOMMISMOXEKS in protecting our canal companies Tronic rit Iliott Maxfh'ld unless a these wrongs against Teasdale Charles Snow is waged to long expensive law suit AVilliain S Rust Ilanksville not by is us The solution protect county clerk a county recorder water suits for they are a needless 1 Loa II M Ilanton expense but by arbitration How it Sesier Tin- j k I I 11 i I i I’an-gnire- li t ( ' - l r Sliot-In-- assessor t collector: sheriff: II tC IT SCHOOLS E Robinson W TUK A Jeffry I’ROtft I JW for a between suit' rails the valleys and their canal companies the peopleof Sevier county arbitrated their differ cnees and began a peaceable suit to settle t Item m a legal manner The arbitration bad been carried on by m IsntKIt Loa i Warl ino a tty: Loa surveyor: Wintur (Jiimes On Apace ton are garmented Hut if J E hy Josephson THE : : : s Merchant Tailor You can purrs la u jh at the chilly winds MADE to ORDER AT VERY LOW PRICES — water conventions At these water conventions Richfield companies Yvere allowed more inches of water than they wore equitably entitled to St it seemed as near equitable as could be had and all parties seemed satistied Rut when water was scarce agitators got the Annabella and Rrooklj n canal companies to pull out and begin a fighting suit They were soon followed by the Vermillion and Mtinroe companThese companies do not realize ies the tangled condition of the waer-rightnor the amount of money it is to take but for the water the going few inches of water that belongs to their neighbors they are going into a suit and let the farmers of the upper valleys have t'e water 111 Tliurbe Maii'li'dd W M It ut Arbitration Looking Teasdale J Wilton AND— Satisfaction guaranteed Then the State legislature must Compulsion CUTTER take this question into hand so that a permaneLt board of arbitrators to meet at least once season ist armed irmii two liroadeloth a month during the irrigation of the water and dihave Goods tan New All charge PR'toriev vide it according to the amount there Come and See The board will need is In the river E JOEP1ISON Tailor the power to appoint a water master Richfield Utah fur the whole river and to tax all companies to pay lrim This board miiii— weekly must have the power of law behind it mii ttuT iiKi: TltllUNE to enforce its decisions and to fine the ttedim-- lt Hi 00 nerVear alter June 1 company or private canal owners who lSIlti of the board will ru refuse to obey the orders Ot Like U11 June 1st t ho to : uee the prlee of t he per One of these boards will be needed mi tear The present hl::h standard will hi each of the Sevier Virgin Wcber( maintained undeveiy ellort will he made to Jordan and many other rivers and one In lie flout rank eep I he Sen member of each of these boards can form an appelate board to settle any l J I cases appealed from the lower t Tv ' AN OLD EXPERIENCED There ' IWust He Winier Samples ' Hjnil-woekl- y f--00 I onto lnw-liew- i Industry Honey Cans Extractors and all kinds of ibu-na- not IriM The representative jo Suits clt fromis a Sevier man county who is well up on matters of this sort and the next legislature will have the Kept on hand and made to order at matter brought before it Tho commy shop panies who are now interested in the suit pendiug Ul this valley will do well to wait at least until the legislature has done something with the question East of Social Ilall Then even If tho legislature does nothing Is it too lato to try arbitration Richfield company again? Tho TAKE m K CO I NTY WAHHAKTS should be first to work for a reconvenjro J ’I L VI 1IITEN AM) GET CASH ing of tlie conventions and should not claim so much water for it does not jtm tMeji Pieced Tinware First North Street Peter Greco BOSTON STOREj fl-I- E Wants YOU to get 1 Their Special Brices Sevo-- c ty ON this lias never been a GROCERIES and GOODS DRY SHOES and HATS ! neglec'ed purl and someone in each town houkl lead out in the vvmk Ibis The t’KNsor is ready to help You can set tie vvintei your old account all the troupes by sending a ropresejit-ta- l Nov 1st with ive to tlie different towns when (U-and to "write up" the WHEAT possible t The should take OATS young people null" hold of lids and rot let the home dra me! ic work lag behind c Jjoston Stove Merrick’s Thread CompaBy School giiridcrgurtcii't In the Sunday schools all over Utah there are a no mb r of children wYm are from I hree t live years of age that want to attend Sunday school wilh their older brothers and sisters Attending Sun- fciiuila Best - Six - Cord - Machine - Thread day scliooj Is fi habit and the earlier a child acquires i£ the better Rut when a child of three years goes there now ‘it will either have to be forced to keep vstill or else it will disturb tho rest It cannot understand what is saiR and If kept still It learns to dislike attending This dlllculty is being met In the northern settlea bad ten-- ! ments by paving organized a kinderA Uiul " There-iTendency dcncy to be seen at garten department in cadi school AVe tl'( lead settlements should be making some arrangements on nearly every sfjqanj and the Sevier to dothesaiuo here is no exceptiqn tp tRe fest ancj that Is to use as much agaip water as is needed As tjie preseqt irrigation laws I Debuting There seems to be an stanR a man can be allowed to drown distaste 'Biiii’iiifiulf his own farm anJ leave bis neighbor to farm Utah in his drying debating neighbor's choking up yet if he has “drowned’’ his farm societies and they have been kept a certain longtlj of time Iiq has the down The reason that they were right to doo still To JEully develop kept down we know not but there the resources of Utah the laws must seems tobe but little reasrn in it It be so framed that any one- person can is a part cf the old question whether be prevented from using more water reason or authority should be supreme on bis land than is actually required in deciding itlie questions arising Where water is plentiful poople soon among religious polRicaland social become habituated to using more than organizations But we will not stop they need The laws should prevent to discuss tha question which has enfor years and this and it will be for the good of all gaged in discussion years the best minds of the age But how often do we see a public meeting disturbed by two persons starting out writers Many Slang Its use - tA a question and ending their stuand many andmisusc ' dents of lan dsbaHo in personal difficulties? They Aioilld been better have than taught guage have seen fit to condemn slan as though It were an unmixed evil that from their boyhood and there Is This is not the case A language no better pla'ce to do it- than In the when first started is always composed debating society It is a good “fault” of a few words and thus' it is hard to if the debating societies teacli people fine shades of meaning that to think about the questions of the express-thare needed in poetry aid all the bettor day though they should make It a rule liteature The- source of all these to have no religious question ‘brought It is possible that this together word must oc what is at first “slang'’ in Cut let us not enenirage the use of with other mistakes has led to the deslang for there are plenty who will disapprobation 'now cast uporl the is no more But there ‘becomes when1 e society and it bating it auy way more common and the1 word gives a important thing in the'world than for tine shade of meaning then people a person to learn to’look'at both' sides who try to use correct languago can do of h question There is no better place it Rut there are a few words iu cur- to be taught that lesSon thaff in the ' ' rent use that will alway-- i ho slang such debate as “kids” “you bet” etc They do not possess a meaning not already and should be dropped A Growing At the present time from the' vocabularies 'of fill careful in Richfield’ there are Nct’d1 ' ' students from speaking people who the We‘"attending' oilier places district’ School They comb here and In mentioning the attend the’ school in lieu ‘olt a high An proceedings' bf tlie school: 'Richfield is the place" for a ImpiHition " ' city council of last high school and it will draw" the supweek the trouble caused by' the rail port of Wayne and Bi'ute’ county’s road's batting gates where 'tijey should towns Let’s get at it early and have s was it put open lawns find running for next year The'old rock mentioned 'There should be several school house will answer every puropen streets left in places outside of pose when it is repaired 'Which shall the city limits ’Out nortfieast bf it be a Richfield high school' ‘or a town there is a' place where at' lqast Sevier county high school? The Centwenty farmers cross the track with sor columns are ready for an answer loads of hay 'and' to cause them to get off their 'loads and open gates ppst not be" The railroad officials should Time Wauled Tlie time wasted see that ft change is made in public schools in feeliool through a lack of studies adapted to tlie cnildren is far Our need of Jt vvas but q few greater than a person usually supposafter Salt es There is despite ourinodern teachyears lurki Lake City was settl- ing a great deal of time wasted in tlie ed that Brigham Young be- study of grammar before a child is gan to look after the matter of estab prepared for it Any child could much lishinga public park In Sevier coun- more easijy study poems such as “The ty there is almost an entire absence of Deserted Village” ahd many of shaded springs near-bchoicest pieces than they grqvcs or other places where various societies qnd as- could study grammar The ordinary sociations can go to spend a day pir- mind iq prepared for algebra a soon as A’et nicing or otherwise getti ng an airing it is prepared for grammar Elsinore has The Grove and O C grammar is taught to tlie children as Andreasen is to build a pavillkmin his soon as they reach the fourth and fifth grove near Monroe Those are goqd in grade It is doubtful whether gramtheir places but Richfield will have mar will in the near future be taught little use of them Would It not be till after tho children have passed tlie Another well while there are some dry lots public school grade entirely above town to procure a bloca and be- waste of time is in teaching so much Tlie public arithmetic from the hooks A book gin its improvement schools have no place for a day's out- teacher ot arithmetic can do a great for student and ing and each student could help by deal of planting a tree on Arbor Day: if the they do it too A child can he taught block vvas selected and fenced Most arithmetic from addition to cube root other towns of the state ’of 2000 poople in the simplest forms tlie first year Inare doing this and we should not be is in school Yet how few act nail behind in the matter Nothing adds comprehend cube root So tlie t iiu-- f more to tho desirability of a town for students Is wasted less as touchei- residence and Richfield should make prove and the teachers will in n itself ready to encourage people of they have to do it and a t means who like country towns to are paid enough to jnstify hem they come among Its people I BY- - RECOMMENDED ' ' The Singer Howe Remington New Home Florence Weed Domestic White New Wilson Victor and Davis Sewing Machine Companies -- s - u-- ' For sale at y time-wastin- - --i Undertakers and Contractors keep on hand a fine assortment of AVe Caskets Cqffms Funviskiivs Nalso — Gents’ and Boys’ Robes and Burial Shoes OUR PLANING MILL is ALWAYS READY AND OUR LUMBER YARDIS - AYS SUPPLIED WITH ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER MOULDINGS OF VARIQUS KINDS AND SUING hES AVe are also Contractors and Builders Call and see for yourselves Our prices are fair A LAV Horne & Miiler Richfield : : — Utah r— Remember the Dear Departed j i Show your regard for those who have' gone before in Enduring Everlasting Grave Stones ARTHUR IIENR1E I has established his Marbje Works on Center St East of Co-o- p and is prepared to pnake grave Store W stones and do all kinds of A I w' i I Cemetery Work WORK EXCHANGED ONLy INSCRIPTIONS FIRST-jCLAfj- S FOR PRODUCE Mh Offer Great Bargains IN Furniture Carpets Window Shades Lace Curtains Baby Carriages Wall Paper Universal Stoves and Ranges Etc AVp “ Crown And sell the very best of are agents for tlie releobrated ” Organs and Pianos oit s at from s11 to &9N Arc are agent for The Pleasant Valley Coal Company Call and sec us if you waut anything in our line Theo Brandloy PRINTING : 1 Richfield Utah TABBING All Kinds Commercial g v 0 THE GOLDEN RUBE Dre-udei- Long-fellovY- - : i well-expre-s- slock-guard- AS TIIE- - BEST THREAD FUR THEIR MACHINES! I fr - I'ainesvillc John II Curfew is a There Growing Of A Hoard growing need of this board and t ime will not lesson its ’use As are built and more land bn night under irrigation tho suits between original water owners and those w ho till ii lieu stored matter Into the liter to coiidicl it to their land aie going to he more numerous and more Tin1 eompiuies will be law complex mg with reM rvoii' companies 'and wnh one another over their' reserved water Then too the various reer-m- r companies will need to have men running to heir reservoirs every few days w bile drawing water from their store They can avoid a great deal of this by having the river water wasted It in charge of overseeing the work has loo long been considered that every irrigation company oil a river could be a free and independent body That will not work any niorq than the old doctrine of states' rights will The i iver must be one large corporation instead of tfiei being' q lot of minor corporations all of whom are trying tq be supreme They may be supremo Inregulating theirownditebes if that regulation does not interfere with the knights of other com panics but there heir supremacy must end i i n n i 'it-- M:AToK-- ’ a hs tom among Utah people lo have local nnii‘i"i’ont troupes organized in order hu! tlie people might he entertained and our home talent trained Our pn governor early in life leai in d to plav parts on the stage arid ri became piile a proficient actor fact it hii always been an educator for the young of all ranks! to take part :i Hie drama Some of the early at lumps were quite poorly planned to bo Min but they improved and some real go d plajing lias been done m the villavcs and t vu of Utah Here in t 1 IVeed t I’MTFH Ilium Dram itlcx and General Pmtiiv? and Stationery I CAN BE HAD AT i “THE : SOUTHERN : CENSOR |