Show State News FREMONT The ladies of Salt Lake have organ ELSINORE and clear is quite ized a McKinley club The atmosphere have Hie Throe-CreeNext Tuesday September s the ProsWe arc little fall cleaned this tlie cold night the ) canal Y at new during liryan cigars ed and the byterinn school will begin work The tabernacle clioir started to Denshould be done by all means and afraid of frost It his moved lias ver on Monday where they will sing Depot agent Hopkins nat be left till spring Harvesting commenced in full blast at the great Eisteddfod !p Tlico rrandley was the speaker family to Elsinore RICHFIELD second crop of lueern is also being cut at meet ing last Sunday The gi'ist mill lias closed down for a by a few President Schwartz of the Mingo GLEN WOOD Dr Sjlusk was in Richfield today Nidi and Carl Goldbranson short time to u mlergo repairs Ir addition new situated below Salt Lake luw a smelters is The store having wells took a run over toScipio early in the Allice Killian Mrs ieln Anders on isluusy digtri ng from came Eva Starr Mrs of wheat ordered tlic works closed because of Another ear in the shape of a neat granary Jenson Lars Mrs rate of one well Jn five hours week on Mills Jackson Monday Hie Roller for Manti the poltieal outlook are only six cents at the store fever harncss-ake- r Eggs from suffering known well so was 0 P Borg the 1! Hansen says lie never Miss Sophia Jones saleslady at I'm isn't that rather low for this ti me of The silver Republicans have called u John Kirkman has recovered is considerably indisposed work as lie now is Manti with in carpenter is usy the year? visiting Store mass meeting to meet yesterday In his late illness Manti Chicago A W Lancaster has gone to tills week The action is intended as a were Ogden We are pleased to see Henry Lester Wright and Roy Nielson A new and a greatly enlarged stock of the state o run George Bench’s livery stable on at the Elsinore over treating their sweet hearts and little sou around again protest against the action Haul ng a log house on two wagons of woolens are on hand a committee for misrable real Mrs E A McDaniel is spending on Main St grapes and melons they have both been E W Me Dan- was a novel sight seen ifew days visiting Hon are some time Richfield to a people of took the Some Ricks Joel trip Saturday Agent iel mills dury John Beck lias obtained judgement first of the week on We understand Bp Maxtleld came patronizing our Glenwood Marysvale and ice of out are work alers week is de local under the against A E Hyde Ills former managood band The the doing The conference brass business past from ing home urticle is and tonly the artificial imported Arthur Dennis a resident of Bea- weather We hope he will not stay ger for $801)13 unaccounted for at tlieii having nearly all silver instruThe Brooklyn people are rejoicing verMrsome ments might properly be called the 24 years ago but at present there long (to be had settlement the creamery willbdgin operluo wood Sevier con nty silver band On Saturday and Monday because Ray a Salt Lake wile beater got of Glen resident a ValBlue us the from Monday week a W gave F leave Young will Frank and Clay Spencer even lugs of each week they meet at ations days for his latest thrashing made us a pleasant visit Tuesday lie is Conference news last Sunday B Y Academy building for A largo consignment of cattle and traveling in the interest of a firm in ley the Thurbcr-NielsoSunday to atten d the of melons down that way Here vitli tk ir new in- slieep will be made from the new stock the east canvassing for WallPaper Plenty this winter practice There 'promises to bo a movement County struments tbev am doing some earnest yards on Hie 10th Inst N E Akelund ismov JnghiH family Paints Oils W I Brown o t itaphl was a visitor reservoirs this means mo now getting work in Dry Valley where he lias taken up in the way of making Mr and Mrs C B Jensen and the News meet to Richfield during the last few days to buildThey already been have can sites Several fall a hall where they Misses Nielson have gone to Pleasant crowd ot tlic season some laud this cf the Presbytery Tlie be will completed and jolliest claimed more use conveniently 'for prac tice Grove to prepare fruit for winter left Glenwood for the mountains SatThe Bishopric and others have given year and several more arc being looked Court reporter Kollo passed through and The waterworks have supplied no urday returning Monday and looking their notes for a now threshing-machinGeorge T Bean H W Ramlose town on Wednesday came force eft rly in J uly and water is none the worse for our trip They ensince water a of prospecting the others was that is just what Fremont Burville j s Whitelread of office on Wednes- home a week ago today They brought still being hauled from the wells in joyed the hospitalities of the shep- needs taller at th e Censor Tim best Brooklyn herd and though they were made some good rock with them The Central Republican committee to Erric A kelund and wife an old cou pie day quart we have seen was decomposed is now under the twice glad the party was invited choir meadow the in Elsinore down lived The of who have the state was carried by the McKinia‘ call again The company consisted Mrs J M Bolitho and lier daugh- containing free gold came from the and Peterson of now are sixteen years Monleadership hey forces who had an overwliclmin Cantwell Millie Ileppler for the past ter Maud went to Mt Pleasantattend Handicap They Fn- - foil d several making considerable improvement too and all sure we are town where in to majority counting proxies most Clara Kirkman A K Hanson Ed moving up leads of this soft el' ruck and being all were day where Maud stayed health members RichWill better at located The regular enjoy they t lie outlook B Nielson formerly and Fred Ileppler 'school were for quite encouraged villi tlie men proxies Elsinore but the at II field is now working No 10 of the Censo r did not find it Bryan of the let a contract for a do ft tunnel They called two convenWrit Farnsworth manager have depot making four hands now at work Middlcinus We would be McKinley on Barney Hansen and Fremont to here was way Mills meet at Mt Pleasant to to one tions— Reaver Woolen to get it JOSEPH the begun w ork on the Golden Queen at the depot from home pleased electors and one aj way on his select McKinley Thursday a lia'vfc a four-foledge of proves where the at depot crowd tlioy The Btate are planning Ogden to place a nominee in the field The Board of Trustees Southern part of the Thb weather is very tine hindrance to the railroad men gold hearing rock rock for congressman Bros great Anderson the to purchase Grandma Higgs has been visiting would do well to keep their Mr James II Wells went to Salt Parents Dr When house school for weeks building friends in Richfield for sorffe and girls away Lake City last Sunday and returned MeaSer was here he said it was a suitboys PRIMARY RATIO and PEMOC The greatest bicycle race evyr run visit he brought a past but finished her Iff Mi is It for that purpose of Richfield precinct Mis Joseph Broadbent left on Monday Evening It is a structure AW citizens fif'd able Mr a feature of this week was home contt-ac- t turned to her 34000 ties with him for are house school a need we morning on for time democratic party a Thursday Tli? noitli is for tlic favorable to the race and good plan against morning There affc rumors to the effect that astlieoldone is hardly fit to stack relay is to carry a message from tlie called to assemble at the Court House They will pay short visits at Manti object b on Saturday September 12th at 8 and Provo and then return to their tlie new atore Mr Wells is having hay in Love and Campbell’s San Francisco Examiner to the New a have to to is on of direct lot his Arizona erected going electing Mesa the going for o’ do k p in purpose The riders from Salt home in City left town today s on tlie Sevier must York Journal The on the front with Mr Nominatnew the to to carry the mes- Sign 10 On Monday they merCounty intended dslegater S Smith the Sallna as people Lake who not George be accomodating very as McDaniel W of Elsinore out of th(1 partner we e MonrOc He had ing Convention lion E chant was here Thursday from there are talking of hauling sage part way demoon the Hie people of the will address Mr A J Ross went to Salt Lake wheat into Rabbit Valley to be ground been up the canyon and selected a site J A Goodhue president platforms and termilatter cratic Republican the town in last Monday and returned on was near the promoted store City for his Utah Nursery the address will also We uuderstaud the parties getting made akers Other he He says times are dull While here spe Wednesday nus of the road part of last wee to uew threshing machine intend the Thos in Ogden meeting tlie City arrangements with Mrs Colieu who has been stopping Jensen Co are L Brown Martin The Marquardson doing some tbreslitng on the Sevier ‘act as their local itgent to to store Mr Ore their shipped The to several days at one of the leading Biliingsly for Chairman build ng an addition the machine here we nt before bringing on our seen have some time was ago Lake of the city became insane last Salt hotels warehonSe They a City Me for used be Carty Judge J B Morrison Sec be- all and wild ocfrom Lueern toff come which hay grain to speaks the over $20000 He has just nigllt) ancj during her ravings greatly streets today also bought the building formerly week Mine this cut use llute and will Ing Garfield and for the well Grasshopper pretty frightened a number of the lady guests a trip to Kane cupied by Mrs Sylvester the Loa to to Mrs Cohen is the wife of E 11 intends go a office counties He are ripening and boys are Branch Store has had it as an The Apples Cohen manager of the DeLamar MinInsur- finding it out latter part of this month Alma Frandsen Peter E Christen- new ceiling put in such as the MONROE ing company and has been in a condiBean Lionel Bean a son of George T sen Emma Jensen leanette Frandsen ance Co required tion of mental derangement for along since Hannah Kotter and was badly hurt Borne few days Our Relief Society gave a ball last Anderson is confined to Louie Baldwin Mrs Lewis time About a year ago she was an run Libble Sylvester have gone to Provo Monday Evening proceeds went to the by falling 'from a wagon and being care her bed Co illness serious Utah Koosiiarkm riutc inmate of a New York asylum for by 'new hall the B Y Academy this over He is under Dr Herbert’s attend to noticed 1 not As have any thing minds diseased and after released went Mrs Mary Rasmussen has moved ter David and Charles Broadbent and is doing well that to Nevada From there she came to I our little from place thought nine students to Redmond there making Rich of are already and family a few items would not come amiss Salt Lake saying she was in search of VERMILLION jtr Gus Keyon re One thresher is busy at work and in all from Elsinore ’field passed through Beaver on their her husband twins is quite T he heal th of the people here ls pre t Mrs Cohen’s mental disorder was One eff our two mo re will soon start turn from Toquerville where they has there left at present Though ty good low with summer complaint They have been visiting friends noticed from the beginning at the Mrs Walter Jones is considerably been some sickness of late the last five Richfor morning fair over is was belived until last about Beaver Tuesday pretty ANNABELLA Harvesting indisposed or six weeks there lias been no kind hotel but it hear-thto we field -- Beaver County News be expect to crops considering only a mild case As soon of gatherings oa account of the diph- night The Brass band gave an excellent has gone away for the old Edson next Keyes of thresher h Monday burn the as her a ravings began to appear violent EarlMclCayi house last Fri- winter Ashley' is his destination there were eight deaths W F theria tlie meeting at Ins party was sent to the police station raised by The R O W gang of fencers are Wright lost four children and J W baby who was being lues-'daday night not will open died last and Patrolman Carey went at once to now in our precinct and they are put- Manwill four all the ‘Aunt Mrs Mortenson Tlic District school family he had De Lafrom is home in' October Win summer some complaint the hotel After wards a deputy sheriff time fence Joppeson here until ting up a good morning of No new cases as yet 15th or died when he was mar having been forced to leave tlie was sent for and Mrs Colicn was conloth tlic about mother cliid’s The Ik Jennings met on the 1st lion J we now is worka of fair of Is weather The ague spell though ve ycd to Iho county camp because four weeks old and his father Mr and Mrs Clifton Bunker and with the directors of tlie Vermillion have had lots of rain this summer and Herald Richof Tiutic at in first winter in Monroe the was ing Dr Lyons not family will spend irrigation company we havenot escaped the floods were week tlie weak to buy lumber sash etc for field and intend to make their change Marriage lisences for the Look out for tlie Y L M I- Annual much damage done IS) aged Vermillion of soon liis now house in Marysvale Kane to Henry Lots of cake and on the 12th inst (Jail ibr County Demo18 on Tucs-Grain ripening fast and if Jack are visrind Alvina Larson aged Hunt Thomas numberless Mrs and Mr beer and families Several will just stay away a little longer most Cunningham oi cratic Convention Mrs day and to Harry Members of our Primary Associa of our have gone been raspber-rviu18 iting at Loa imping to improve will people young get ripe aged Johnson grain Nellie out Salt Lake and on Cove mountain and repoit tion are quite busy practicing and Tlmouuty Drill ))ratic:uivj:iti The Hunt's health by Hie We are not blessed with much fruit or Savior County will ba Held at SaRoth ladies were of this city which fruit Fair Annual have our tlie From for and Me family preparing Carty them very plentiful married a lloiuer in this section of the country and what tina oil Wednesday September 10 ISdo last mentioned couple were inst gone on aprospecting surveying camp- brought home one can easily judge will be on the loth II Meteer J Rev we have are currants and other small at 11 o'clock a in little later by Said convention to and the out trip to Marysvale tlie flavor and richness Elders Morten Jenson I’ E West-ma- fruits which do very well here leave ing of Morrison Walter for bo electing fourteen the is closed and purpose Mrs Mr New York Store and Magnus C Nielson of RichAriWillard Bean visited this ward on State Demothe Coconino attend to County ts saw mill Burr’s Tuba and delegates Christensen inCity for field visited with the Sigurd Sunday Tlie Mmikeytown people offer to Sunday last and promptly pressed in Provo this held school bo teach to will ecu ing cratic (ionvention zona’ where he llishop Fair- School and meeting last Sunday En- doing well loads of lumber are Mrs hail d a road over the ridge south of to service- to preach election the for Also 24 Wednesday evening On September winter if it vi'l bo made tlie banks never loses a chance like that couraging words and good counsel was in to town nearly every day a their town to attend the tes fourteen delega Annie C Orroek gave the departing the brethern We trust county road The oiler should be ac- one and Mr Bean proved himself - given to Prospectors still prowling around in senatorial convention of the lUlli Senfarewell party at her home excelwho has tlie mountians but whether Gottfredson an is Father lie occasion the to they find atorial District time and place of cepted the sands of Arizona will not prove were his listen- - been so feeble for several years that well cobblestone and and but sneaker hills clay I said convention to be hereafter decidlent here anything Sheri it Warren 'cvy stopped more enticing to them than the ' he has been praying and wishing for do not know at ers will Lake repaid Salt to on ed upon of Utah are and that they some time that he could die is no Tuesday night liis way One with Joseph Sawyer who was lately Frof Hood will take cliage of the better and is confined to his bed all Some of our good citizens got the Also to place in nomination: some future time wander back will In and 5tli term the twelve a grostate next a and to for state tlie year to Saturday) little Idaho runs left sentenced fever Is legislature that In Salina Choir the time Ills good wife Mrs Nielson who representative was over to- the penitentiary for incest teach as large a class as possible An- under Doctor West’s care with a bad But 1 hear they are on their way back Also candidates for tlie following cery store in Annabella lias talent acceding to many sore on her lower limb just above the and wish they had homes in She tells of lier store being county officers: J A Wa-- h biini who has been liv- nabella day two and this is an opportunity ankle Clerk and raisins by Three Commissioners again judges st nei of the sui candy if ni pilfered ing in Meiiue books New lost be not name should Treasurer Assessor which Meachem Recorder field V by ake was nia tried to Miss Lcvere Dairies are plentiful and lotsof good boys Clark and Members of our Brass Band are soiland a great interest Is found Sheriff Prosecuting Attorney on Wednesday They are to are provided 81ie was awiy at the time but at Manti cheese half at ready fer market price instruments ing their The Coroner with expected visit to them at it when she returned Surveyor Monroe today be pa From one of your readers believing they will be able to organ in hand such oilier business to transact And relatives and friends Ridboys parents took them lze anew after November! next with entitled Red The play Nielson juvenile Mrs before tlic cons and do come as may properly should The te acinus of the public school ing Hood is in course of preparation silver ones Al ter reading the notice made no complaint as vention have been assigned to their grades and will be presented to the people of ia your valuable paper that other TA ReSaid convention will consDt of follows: The central committee of tlie Annabella on the eveneng of the lltli towns were training up with tlieir follows: as all!! met last delegates apportioned 1 I) Jensen grammar: publican Party of the county inst The cast of Characters is as bands for the winter our juveniles convenAurora Call a Intermediate 2nd our to be behind not i would decided MaryAnder-oithinking they flight and follows The Annabella Intermodule: 1st in Bertlescn full force Miss out was Clark Joe Sunday Hood tion to be held on the 12 inst neighbors Emily Red Riding to Burrville name delegates Lula Cooper Primary Convention is to ’ It R Hood's mother Miss May night with tlieir squash stem Central Pleasant Mt at convention for November attend the preparing b Elsinoie will be Carl Tuft was riding a broncho horse Keyes Where Me Kinley electors Fairy Queen Miss Louise Gardner 4 On tlie 2nd at the residence of tli He rode him once and on Glenwood to Monday Chosen and also to select delegates Neill Durfcc Wolf 4 p m at on the Bishop rarents b but master the groom's intend the Ogden convention where seemed to be Joseph 23 little girls of Fairies Chorus in tlie While holy Gledliill deceived was together lie joined nomnext ride Monroe t congressman will be placed in animal jump- A short musical and literary program Bonds or Matrimony Henry Kane of Richfield prepai ing to mount the ination and tlic also proceeds Vermillion and Alvina Larson of will be rendered ed and got himself in front of Tuft Redmond be devoted to tlie organ fund It Richfield s ' was a very pleasant (5 It So On Friday night last tlie Democrat Then lie kicked him iri tlie stomach will Sul liberwill be A few relatives came down iff Richfield met at the Acade my Hall with both feet Dr Loririg was call- is to be hoped the public wedding ' Vermillion from Richfield a few intimate friend find chose GeorgeEBean as chairman ed and the sufferer was cared for so al in their patronage above basis of representation The Tlie and young folks from Vermillion wer Arid A J Poulsnn as secretary that he could sit up by Tuesday and is delegate for every ten votes cast SCHOOL manall par able the After ceremony faceting was addressed in an present fast recovering LRURY IN for lion John T Caine for Governor down to a dinner that would sat ties ner by E W McDaniel and M L cut all is tlic last election at Tlie nearly grain Mrs Anna Pederson died last Weddo honor to any Lord or Queen to dine tlrown while Mrs Celia Bean read a is suggested t bat various precinct-primarieIt Horn — to Mrs Ileleman Marble on at and we till did Justice to tlie same on “The nesday the 2nd inst at the home of merit small no of for the election ol delegate-tpiper Pederson was Tuesday night a son Newman Mrs L II After tlie wedding all Vermillion and Exedous” the county convention and for nomborn in Aoliy Denmark in IHity and A R Hawley iclurned home Sigurd were invited to shake their After tlie program a precinct Mis Monroe nuting candidates for precinct officers was effected Tlic officers arc has lived for many years in unassum- from Beater Wednesday night where brograns at the Vermillion Hall till be called by the respecting cliiiinuai1 and She was always quiet M L Brown chairman been t see her sick mother all said they were satisfied and than had she mot later than September ing and was wall known to but few for liis generosity and good time Mrs II E Taylor vice chririnan Henry Jas H Wells woik on Tin: thresher stalled except her immediate neighbors Her Everybe bail made for us free to all Jas B Morrison secretary n Chairma eounty Bi'iimeruii and threshed Lemuel funeral was bold Thursday afternoon of order very pa- -t off in Ihebe-thing cuminitti'e 4K Wright Campaign vield was medium son 's grain at the meeting house little tangleleg being noticed at ail Sucrelarv Ed Newby Committee Carrie Poulsoh Bishop Greenwood - k anxious to reservoir finish is Co-o- p Around the County 1 Max-ilel- d I Co-o- p right-of-wa- n otc-Be- aver e: JF of:-Ed- ith ot merry-go-roun- EB'-iior- c Ost-lun- d grist-mill- bcn I Co-o- p win-the- ir 1 e sixteen-mont- y pio-babl- y dny' " g ji n - f us-b- Grass-valle- y Attention instru-ment- Big and small Give us a call We’ll treatyou fair With the utmost care don’t forget to To get your ' — Supplies orgun-’zatlo- at AN DEL IN n and Sons’ 1 J d ’ |