Show 1 -- Money ami Kewspapeis n is i'u-- y 10 estimate the benefit of fiee press Indeed a iree press is indispensable to modern life as well as One Is astonto a free government ished to read of tlie slow development of the freedom of the press so carefully 'curbed by ihe jealous monarebs of the 'Old Woild and is giatitied to observe how with a -- ingle stroke this nation cast oil that bondage and declared for a free press We rejoice in the masterly service of the press: but the evils i Home Literatim' a about the patrun-iziuof homo indu iiics We tumid buy the home made products always iu preferein e to the imported Our shoe- - our clothing our food— what great sties- - is laid on the benefits derived by using that which is made at And it is right home in those lines too No one will dispute tlie fact But there isanot her industry which wo hear very little about that of home publications The literature that is made at home should receive the encouragement and support of the public just as much as tlie making of boots and siioes The literature of a people is as much a faction in its developments as the factory or the shop Utali has a lilt rature peculiarly its own There can be no doubt that some not fur distant day will seethe New Stale's literature attract worldWc hoar so rmich A g It -- Talk CcluWl1 by an HniveiMi y OKKOCK’S STOEE Utah ol ATE XOUMAL M’HOOI AND VP LT LAKE (1TY next academic jear will begin R ich f i eld S ery ci1nn fault andnota look une is a r j - Just Received a Dry Goods -- bacca-luir'u'- e -- Year-Norm- of to 25 cents on every Dollar spent for Fall and Winter Goods -- pmM-io- Fall Line save you able ! fu Utah with tear hers to far Tiio enough ahead for the i'sulfsof what - 'p'i ’iihc' Pi! ii The lull iu mg cour-i- ne pru ileil-they aie 'o leach and of the discipliCunr-- e iii General Science nary measure- - ihey take It would ho impos-ibl- e U have school if a teach Course in Liberal Arts 'i er did not have some order yet b ha o Cour-- e in Mining Enginci ing erder is far from having quietness and Advanced Normal Course 15 And will be to some of the most disorderly ennuis 1 liieli ut i he-- o lean-t- o the Once ever visited were the quiote-- t degree the Normal ldpinma n ol' the tatc law exempts upun approaching a schoolrouw door 1 by which notwithstanding its service topped and listened scarcely a sound the holder from all examinations in could be heard crop out in the exercise of this inesMy first thought was tlie public school system timable privilege arc seldom recountthat I would see au orderly school but A Four Coma: ed 'While they are not a cause tor The students how mistaken I was leading toa certificate of graduation alarm they should receive the attenhands were not washed cleanly the winch LADIES' CLOTH 25cts per yard double width exempts the hofaler from teach“ tion of every educator and every true head- - were great- ers’ number of 21 inches wide do Id MELTON ENGLISH ns a examinatif lor term of years and patriotic citizen It could not be " “ Half of 42 do 33 ly in excess of Urn others STORM SEI1GE n Preparatory Gouise leading to And a foreseen that a time would come when tho student-wer- e employed in doing tiie eoilrgiate courses Large Variety of La test Pat terns in Dross Goods at equally Low price: 5 partisan press would seek to mislead a number of examples which they were Remember our GROCERY STOCK - of the Best and always at Tuition is free in all department-- : the people It could not lie foreseen without slates Wc arc satisfied you any price- - Give us a call examine our goods strewingmertheir that a time would come when whole wide attention We have the environ- system They worked by counting on tlie only charge Tor entrance is an will he benefited oy the results Columns of “fake” news would te ments we have tlie registration fee of ten dollars history wc have their lingers thus showing a lack of One hundred free senof column whole scholarships are published that system in learning the multiplication maintainedevery material for something great iu connection with the sational “stuff” would be printed and But Utah’s lileiature is yet strug- table The other half had no work to Normal Echool for aplead It could not Ire foreseen that gling in Is infancy and a applications fear of do in dreadful sat still for but the pointment to such struggle scholarships must the family paper would contain a lit- life it lias been for some lime Lack teacher Half of his students learnbe made to the State Superintendent x tle of everything like the of home eucouiugemont lack of inter- ing to mope away time half of his In a It could not be realiz- est in home lileiaiy productions have students learning to go With filthy of Public Instruction through the ed that a time would come when this retarded Yet lie County superintendent hair the development of home hand and Since tlie last academic year a man would he written 'hip” and this talent in this direction and discour- kept them quiet One thoroughly one “down” for personal gain equipped Training School Mich in I no ee a could pleasure aged our publishers of home produclias been established on tlie Universidid not realize that incisures would tions next room soon to went I so school tlie that As with other things FOR YOUR- be advocated on a purely “commercial” which comes from the East lias a finer Stopping as I neared the door I could ty grounds a gymnasium and a manual training department have been basis That such things take place is polisli presents a more attractive form hear some noise but I waited to form added of democracy shocking to our ideals and is therefore preferred to the plain- an opinion The lady teacher moved Entrance examinations may be held It could not he foicseen that it would er article Tlie wise man with a graceful step from place to place be a common question as to the truthf- and wo man will look beneath tlie pol- every piece of appaiat us seemed handy at the homos of tlie applicants ulness of the statements made in a ish Ilooked invain fer an idler not one under the supervision of the County “Wliat owns the paper?” paper “Who Our people are slow to give the same was to be seen As I passedto view the Superintendents graduates of accredadited schools may bo admitted without makes it is behind it that money respect and support to the product of examples not a greasy slate was seen Tuese questions the brain as to that of the liandTliere I went to the back of the room and examination vocate this plan?” For catalogues and other informaare too common nowadays for a healthy has been iu the past a suspicion that looked as far as possible to see how the tion ardress Dr J E Talmage Presidistrust this in iu were were but of books All the press tene place kept the former was not of much conseof the press is the cure for the evil quence and that no man's work was The teacher soon came where I was dent of the University or the D R Allen Secretary UniTeople are losing their reverence for work unless it w'us accomplished by and began to tell me of her school but of more no Utah Salt Lake City versity has A printed lie manual labor Perhaps such ideas are the pupils took no advantage of her print one work oral to an All now had People do their than effect It natural to a people who have liad to being busy so LAKE CITY say everyday “I saw in the paper wrestle with the stern wilderness as and they were doing it they loved It is and so I do not know whether it have our people but now there is no and needed no urging The Democrat and by dealparties true or not” The campaign papfcr more excuse for them Never having seen so good an illus- of Idaho have made Populist In bad a bicak lias less and less influence in elections If the people of Utah treasure the tration of a quiet school and an order- turning down Dubois Their move of demonstrated been full£ has God This ly school I wished to study the case indicates heritage they have received from they are more after the offices late The time will come when the and their country and if they wish to further I became better acquainted than are for tlie good of free sila they of see their light shine to the ends of the with the teachers and found that the people will demand newsp ipers ver This move Is going to have a is eaitfa they should support our home man had but little love for the work wonderful higher order and obtain them It effect against the unfortunate that circumstances force publications and give their encourage- he was doing and vainly looked beyond silver causetelling those two and parties people to lose tlicir faith in the power ment to every struggling writer who to the day wheq he would study law It the silver Republicans will at By to the adhere of the newspaper to has a high and noble aim— Brigham and excel in that great profession once begin to lose faith In those parYet he had not enough energy to try ties and truth But speak to the editors of City Bugler will come to a halt quickly— described While 1 for success as a teacher ‘newspapers of the character Banner and they will tell you that they work recognize the fact that the energy of ii a teacher needs to be greater than n the law of supply and demand Your Clothing' and Hosiery i even that of a lawyer I also recognize WHY SOME OF US ARE POOR lhat they publish what the people deIn mand This is a partial and to that A few days ago we had occasion to the fact that his one failure but paved if the Yet ROLLER-Millhave Years another for passthe truth settlea S way of several extent painful the drive as an ments through i 1 of the valley and were surprised ed since then and a quiet grave now press is to maintain its dignity educator of the people it must lead to notice the wastefulness of some of tells why I did not finish my study Will Co-O- p you It must fearlessly our farmers Wecounted five mowers The other teacher has continued on 'and not follow ' i to the two self binders three hay rakes seven and having excelled as a teacher in Flour express the truth not pander Goods the lower grades she was given a place 'almighty dollar nor to blind partisanmlky plows two hay loaders and hand ediof schools to the the said in of the one I summer leading ship Last plows too numerous to mention standtor of a great cosmopolitan newspaper ing out in the field where they were state in which she had been a teacher so we were in ‘Wby do the newspapers print last used exposed to tlie weather The last time I saw her in stuff an for sensational evening and seeing J v The binders were standing in the company many columns of had she success I asked her why “Simply” the manner?” had Wood-Workiand a questionable fields where used last year Shop The words of This she was so successful said lie “to meet the demands of tlie been standing there all winter dim because have answers hei imgrown is also true of many of the other tougher clement of the community NOLDIXG which reads nothing else This kind plements mentioned We happen to of the years that have goneso but tlie PLAXIXU full of so deep and -- ARE TIIE BESTof news is read by ail classes that have know many of the farmers who own meaning was ' them ‘pmch to do with the police by ‘sports’ these tools and know that they are thought that I shall never forget £ “I never” said the lady “allow my TIRMXG Inhabitants of the slums and of the hard up and complaining constantly work or have is Would a min- of '‘tenderloin district’ the dull time and how hard it is for students to slight their for fear a few to for own days their way and interest to ister preach or a teacher teach them to get money pay anyThe habit AND GENERAL WOOD WORK of the comon notes that they have giv- of hurting their feelings please the baser elements news- principal a do should not for is a rule my good of obeying They en for these same machines munity? Then why it is DONE AT MY MILL WEST OF not seem to realize that the rusting nor is the habit of doing work well paper? ' We and they find out that there if no way Frank W Blackmar long-run- 0 away of their machinery is a loss will wager that If one of them should of doing work in my department hut TIIE TOULSON ROLLER 'MILL Iu the June Forum JtC lildernoo o— -- — lose a five dollar gold piece he would doing it the very best way they can for it to I believe that teadhe’rs and parents: time hunting enough ipend woa ! loss as a rule never lock so much to the The niec question of whether buy a plow or (a hay rjike Yet the ‘ - her not does do to not or change he sustains annually on the machinery habit a child is forming as they ' pian works earns n nature Bpt the woman whq he leaves exposed in the fields is worth the annoyance It makes them but I be anto the no attention to him '$3 or $13 or even $1Q a week learned to pay many five dollar gold pieces in 'good deal more particular as to tlie We notice that the men who take care noyance it is to me so long as no bad? Milliont 1 ' kind of a man she marries than the of what they have and get value out habit was being formed but Whether woman Who earns nothing When a of it are the thrifty prosperous men anotherthjng aqnoyed me or not I At to her she lead to the1 of the community the ones in fact put a stop to it if it Will iyoung man pays attention all whether of When you: first a bad ask habit of AT TIIE kwill naturally times has placed its formation be a on whom hard will was which in him school noisy to it likes came first my he really for hands most lightly— Logan Republt and I was Co-o- p be quiet byi to it arood thing for her for him and getting can she is goinj work to L giving the students plenty of society and next whether E of amount do It spending to same them right do WH ALSO ' V A and getting to have the mar-- i she if seemed hard still to get quietness Have a Good Stock of Z G M I It i money and indenpendence Of Despite the declaration of the Pres but I got it partly by supplying work! ries him that she is having now SIiock & Keadj inuUc I'lotliing of the and Isn’t she i the independence byterian ministers of Utah assembled and partly by getting them to not di Mormon unlike iliis week that at Richfield NIELS I1EILES0N turb others Now when you see those spending money it is extremely i ly that she will get as much for her ism is bad the Mormons will keep children in church do you ever see A 'Proprietor So unearn i right on working out their own salvaj them noisy?” personal uc as she can I to tlie in less she likes the man well enough tion and doing good to mankind “No I never do” I answered womar future as thoy have done in the past in “Well it is always better to reqqlrS bmake sacrifices tlie to for put well way be people would in her independent It order and moderate quietness will continue of wo-- I their own houses in order before look come but if you think you have order- There is a considerable number and ing into the kitchens of their neigh now school you SCREEN-DOOR- S men who make that choice ly work with a real noisy will number bors-Uif tali too Patriot So the is you think-yothat are mistaken tlie prospect of them have students trained to be quiet 'jlcreaseHo much that instead marriageable half a Oils and unless one they are trained to bo orderly iving one be will and you there man ladies be to gentlemen and for every girls Oils In girl Many years have Among other persons who visitec are mistaken” juid a half men fur every con fattest of sort the i Salina last Sunday oil account passed since then and I havc taught V(ry contest of that Vi her ever ' survive and before the new century ference was George II Crcsby editor many different schools well CrosMr be not it may Censor to improvdecade seemed of the Southern s in its second my school the most desirr at over what the think and quiet sit would everything only by reported ome about that ing now only the county scat and had no hesitancy in that bright-eyeteacher from the able men will marry as favor East told me than I started out to mot attractive girls do— Brooklyn saying that Salina Comparedtowns of other of the with find the way by which I was to acany ably Fugle the George is making the county complish the good I desired ltl’RA and interesting pa ' a Censor bright SALVE IJUCKLEN’S ARNICA that to learn were we glad world for per and Tiie Best Salvve in the its circulation is growing faster than Salt Ulcers -' Sore‘Cuts Bruises GIVES ALL THE LOIT its publisher eter deemed possible Tetter Chappe Sores Fever Rheum' While here— that is after conference Hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin in the afternoon Mr Crosby mingleu cures Piles ‘ -- IXOil Fruptions and positivelyis with Glenwood people with whom h guaranteed I It or bn pay required Press appears to bob prime favorite— to give perfect satisfaction or money “ ifercafteiv the’ Press will please CAL NEWSCENSOR box Unfunded' rtice'25 cents per such things not telling by For Sale y AlL DMJogists and Crosby Ilis wife reads the Press Wc fxave 1 r 7 ' )r f' f- I C ft Men’s suits from $655 to $1200 goodvalue We inviteyou tocall notroubleto show goods al AIL-WOO- L Rock-Botto- an-uu- - Do You i Want lefu-e-bo- a Bargain? You Can get it by Galling on Theo J3raidley Richfield type-roo- -- Furniture Baby Buggies Carpets Rugs Mirrors Pictures and Picture Frames lace Curtains and Window Shades Rollers Lounges OUR STOCK IS AS FULL AND AS liome-mad- o undei--igne- d Good As Any SOUTH OF SALT And we aim to Satisfy our Customers ing Fair with every one IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY Buy Your Groceries You t Dress Goods THE ELSINORE Your Shoes Straw and Felt Hats fact everything you heed in your family at u 1 with supply Tlie Richfield Hams which keeps an excellent quality of bacon and Lard ¥ and gives the highestJVIarket price for your PRODUCE I ng Sweet Singers of Moiifoe - I ituuKcrs The Best always the Gheapest or ac Shakespeare says: “Never buy thing because it is cheap deartoVou iruthe ’’’ BINDING TWINE Best Quality 11 ra THE S 1 N Is not a cheap machine very Lowest Prices ' use - Tlie Singer Company can suit Terms to all People Glenwood yet-Thirtee- are now '-- G E B its alf conditions NELSON Local Agent Elsinor -- I I V t ? t i i IK R Southern Utah’s Best Dealer well-pai- d subscribe for Machine THE CEUSOR Paints and latlvsash and brooms Panel Doors Glass and Putty -- - d 150 a year Wants all He can get j 1 advertise Call and see his Acme HIE OiA - ?enbbai Dealers f |