Show IV — THE SOUTHERN CENSOR I’LUUsllEI EVERY I'llTDA Y m n'ir Sevier County Utah I a ‘ri)4V FditorN Comments AT tlo muting of the county line in its last jssue San Pete County papers will always play a losing game about Jr II Crosbjx Out when tliev boundary Stale Directory: T 'I Same iiim since a cobiJUJ's id' lie Cfnscu: -- i u u ti iupr idee people should make il lnrstheyshoukl thin!- (' vid o1 hi"-- h o'r ( oi' hr Mud We replied "Vcs y ail means t us oc'n p'u-- ' luiv They arc v elcome " Tim' lias never v ril o t ) ts nor lias any one Wr know idiiect- else fpo:t snel -v iV enoe l'o et i ueli artigreat cles and vo h men and women both nb oi‘" t ions to the to writi on s :r-- M'vn Imt V II J r t Wi-ll- ttf sFcitrTutY or T nmvn STATE AI'PH’i'Ji ' Morgan s 1 Jr ii'li :irl sUEl( TF THE 'lilnma a ST fnnn-- T l ATTOl’XrV-nt'Nl'lIA- Censor A C' BMiop T‘I’FR XTFX TNT ! i :i i asked if the ipeu to lut the vi re i cm irrnrsrxrTivn(i r nee T AIS n ' IXSTltlm-TIO- tor improye-nicn- t ''Hie sidewalks know of id nr ally every town Ilt'-C- s fo” piuldlt-- ' 'liratld bo avoided fraui the they should be made to rj’here ' nuieli in filiocondil ion ro--- mini Park M'PRFM F 1! S' Oilin' n S te irnnEs 111' BUiTl’IL t a Mixm W (i totlicdilr'h while ditches IISTRTCT JEDOF TOR SIXTH PUTKIOT should lie constructed inside of the 'Will M McCarty The Monroe town council has fciKU taken steps to hate all ditches across ('( XTY milKCTOHV O'SFREOTMFX: That is tiu excelsicfovalks covered M A Atibott and several other towns lent step A C Shipp should rciiuiro the same Hans Rasmussen' fence wr-t- o tt Richfield Rlchflold Elsinore Clerk— Pam'l G Clark Recorder— Jacob M Laurltzen Assessor— Charles Anderson Collector— Fred G AVIlles Sheriff— John W Coons Supt Schools— Jacob Magloby county The efty regulations In Richfield re? Sallna quire a little water to be left running Richfield In the ditches when the greater part Monroe is This is often not bci ng used above Richfield Treasurer— n P Hansen are below are done who and people Voronei'— Asa R Hawley Central greatly troubled by it' But a small Prosecuting Att’y— J B Jennings Richfield Sallna stream thus left say one twelfth of the Surveyor— P D Slioeber dealers W’ts & M’rs— r 0 PetorvU1 Sallna water does not reach to the lower end Richfield Sheep Inspector— Jas Orostanj of when the the main part is beSallna city county l’hyslclan— o E West ft would be far beting ilsed above ter to have the water turned down foil CITY DinECTOUY MAYOR— Theodore Brandley one hour every morning say from 1:30 ooUXCIF— F 0 Teterson so that the people could dip up lb ' 1 M Jensen what they needed and it would save X P Potorson water too for more use would be obMorten Jensen Joseph S Horrtt’ tained from one twenty-fourtthen Recorder—Carl Gcidhranson than fivm a twelfth under the preTreasurer— Janies Chrlsttanset sent svutem h i Justice of the Harslial-- G - Sht'Cit Peace- W CliUistensen tt Blomrulst City Attorney— I T Stowart ’1 rect Supervisor— PCreterson Vr' Poundkeeper-Tol- in Coons - J- ’ WAYXE COUXTY DIRECTOR- - SELECTMEN: Fremont Tcasdale ITanksvilk Hictt Maxfield Charles Snow Williams Rust visit or witi heard to say Rich field lias sueba pretty school house but those horrible wood pes strewn ail over the north side-When any person is he jiould be lured to lin'd to pile it up neatly Half the school yards in tlio county would do well to have their vo id piles straightIt wouidt’t hurt if some ened up private parties kept their wood piles out of the streets A Watermaster— Mads Christensen Quarantine Physician— H K XU'l M - - i’ 1 ’' 1 sc on presiajioslles of seventies am! prisidents f slake retired either fiom iiolitic-if they are t( o fondly wiapped up in m Ihc chin po'il 1C fboy hold 1n--- t dent- ’ ( The Be:1 er ('mini Tows iii its li it 1H- discussion coii'in' nts vjn of Mormonisni by the l’rosbjtery Its remarks are umewhat vinegary and - i -- r PERDU -it I J I'iiipon ' "lmr V I - T p--- l inn X TF i i The Enterprise doesn isayanything !Y chuivh members toaihliate with (h or t luit party yethu bus au inlluem-over the leoplc t hat lie gained fror t lie ion in: luTl and th hi hors lias done in consequence hopin' that position of ihoprcnte part of Utah citizen- do hold ccclesji--ticaposit ionsof soum importPiice hu he influence wiehkd here by amount to but lii th il the lank of liklm’i is reached II w uld ho well if durin the "oniiin- - campaign ail of he w( of a nature that condemns discussion Such a policy is nol right A religion that can "ot stand a free frank open c m not tand at all The Moi men a i t has v nt iS miloarned acn its cldcr into the world i tlu-in nip d'icirincs lint poor’y t li'erstood yet they liave done well in holding their own in the maintaincucc of their pic’ii f The thirteenth article of the Latter-da- y Saints faith saya ‘Tf there is any thing virtuous lovely or of good report we seok after these things” That is the grandest clause In the Articles of i 1 i ns In viewing the political situation this year vvn imiit remember that this "time bf' t lie contest has lieen between people of di rent ideas i n the same com muni jy Now it is ion agaiimt sect imi ami I arty lines a nr The issues reforming are now sm-- ional and the Democratic party has become the party of the West and South sectionally and the debtorclass generally At lie present lime il is i ev to why lliev slmuld Tli Wes' is a javalm-erii of silver the South a country of poor farm- U de ftalcers &Goiitractors 1 1 Hi- We keep on hand a fine assortment' of si-e- t t CasketsCoffms$FanisKij£s ALSO 1 mu! s(-- - r Tli- ers reinonitiation of dlw-will bene! t both tile pi'iper care ot Western lead and wool industries is no barm to the Southern poopThe has more to hope from the reformed Democracy's nropurly caring for wool and lead than it 1ms cult hy East But when a body of men have been used to woiking lo-- t her they arc slow to receive their farmer opponents into tbciv ranks Such is tl e case of the local and stale While former RepubliDemocracy Our cans sco that wreck and ruin will be wrought by l nholdlng the McKinley ticket they are slo v their former pidy machine") and the comrades with whom they have workol for over live years from the time they were a seemingly hopeless minority till they made Utah s strong republican htat" Then let old differences and old associations be old for they are not adapted to the present tt The student of American political history will notice that at and after the time John Tyler was president the United States began to divide into sectiohs Here the Dcmocrrtic party became the party of the South Up to this time the Whig party had been the party to which many Southerners adhered: When the Whig party took up the cause of the abolition ists the Southern Whigs still nominally adhered to the same local and state issues but uphold the national Democratic ticket Sliey soorl' found ‘‘The Topulists and Democrats of that they had to change and slowly Idaho have loined together and ignor took hold of the changed conditions ed the silver Republican-:is a com The West should rcmoiobnr the lesnion uxptv-'sin- n are lie lines Fifty son there taught jind accept the mg redrawn and under present issues as inevil able conditions changed Senator Frank Can win Senator Teller tt and the Salt Lake' Tribune are- - all member-- - of the This is not being done by the local new Democracy When tbiv people at Chicago rose up Democrats nor by the local Republiand larged its party leaders and cans as it should be The Democrats made a new issue greater than the in many nlimes are still lioldi ng on to lithe' s' u s through life-- mi the old time lines and Ihe old time comrades in the rinks of Deniu'-neDeiuocrats-tthe virtual support The outloot are bin half willin'' to admit those the republican Iki'-tin Flaii is that n-- former Democrats wlmmiiNtin time be their comrades On the other hand may also ignore the new Democracy in the new tight and rally only those of old atliliatioos the Repiibirans of the are there They should beware of such an action in the old line and are haidly willing and let the new Democracy not the to forsake old associate and take the old be D e one to boldthc ''onvention hands of the new y & COUNTY Hansen ASSESSOR A Tolin If ltgC ORDER Lon sheriff: J Wilson TettsdjiV svpt schools: -- V Studied tills work have heon unpointed to teach it The Sunday school dismiss u 11:30 hereafter leaving from then till 13 for tills study tube' schools will do well to tnyc lip the same plan of work ill w mil SALT LAKK SKJII— WHUKLY THIHIM) Tvcliiecd to jirrYenr after Jairc 1 80 our The n t profitable iuv-tme- nt June 1st the Salt Lake Trlbuna will re fanners can iiuw make js to fence the' r to 2 00 jier luce the price of the to tbenisolvf s There are many year The present high slaiulard will ho w l'o own no land in the lields people will to ho made maintained and every effort who but winter as high as a hundred In the front rank a cp the head of cattle there list ask somo e licld feneed a lias who neighbor You should Inform your friends of a how oil' of it and lie fred much gets snap bargain for buying a farm of then figure on the cost of fencingthcp folin Gardner consider the value of having the anto prevent their imals in ail cnclo-ur- o strut ing off Tu n you farmers will all want to fence your land by itself 1 o-- On Timi-week- ly Semi-week- 1 len-aer- Home Industry Honey-can- Extract-- 1 s orsand all kinds of There was nothing talked of in the recent I’resbyl cry Unit move concerned the people of Sevier and Wayno tliau Lev E ('mint ies pieced tinware are made to Knox’s M pall- village improvement societies and what they might accomplish There arc no other counties in Utah with prettier and more varigated two counties than th'-st Bui hi i iiat ura! beauty must Ik- added to The most needed improvements for Sevier County towns are b t er inm lawns and (lower aii ting or pa ini ing the wood et-oil On F Kept hand at my So'-ia- l tt The selection of appropriate things for c win forever be a theme upon which the teachers of school the trainers of families or the newspapers can speak upon But there is one tliiii that shows a great lack of pro pricty and that is in selecting hymns for the Sunday meetings in many wards An old story tells bow a Re lief Society sang “'We're the True Born Sons of ion” yet some hymns are selected with as little taste as that Choir loaders should be prcpaied to Substitute a hymn other than those especially prepared if the strain of thought that the speaker lias followed should require if the speaker has dwelt upon the mission of Joseph Smith a hymn dwelling on the same should lie sung The same strain of thought as that of the speaker should bp caryied out as for as possible in Hie closing hymn plan is afe I - - iv-- 1 ) - o : : TOerchaiYt Tailor SKop 1 tie-nea- 1 i 1 i - j SAMPLES erate personal dislike y fiom political Thislmbitof lighting mcompeteney anmn in a convention 'tml because ! ii'ilcs- lie can work for the party of a convenlitn ha- - a right to not aeei pt the im’iiiirit ioq if cu imt 'ip port the other nominees abide by r suspiatf'm-tain the party management But -t him my lie can not lesign hm plum-othe ticket and t lien stui his lu Any ic li-- tt g ' 1 pUi-fisMiYDi-- It is the duly of any man when he has helped to put a ticket in the field to either openly and above board bolt what bis paity lias done or sustain the ticket straight If a man bolts a tici-e- t from personal dislike for a candidate he shows that he can not ‘op- beaten using a party position against him is not honorable in politics The object of pm ties is not to lift any man into office or any set of men but to accomplish a certain cause It is then shameful and unbecoming to any man who holds a position in a party to let his personal dislikes cause him to fight ana i ty nominee First let him tavy his connection witli the party machinery then he is at liberty to fight any man in the political JJdd There have been several cases in our county and In both where party A correspondent from Loa in last officers parties lately of have been guilty this Such weeks Censor spoke of a proper ac- should not be The editor of this pation taken by Bishop Brown of that per holds a position in the County ward The bishop came to meeting Democracy and intends to do his dutiat ihe proper tlmp and finding him- es in tlic On Hie other position self nearly alone lie went home There band be considers the party has that arc other bishops who should iweisome dme something for him and that lie remedy for this coming late to meet- must either resign bis place or work ing The remedy may lie one tiling with the party But In it a in one place while another may wotk dishonorable to hold a party position better in still another wurd But oue - d- ’IXtb-- i u-d D T es YOILKS Arthur Herme has established his marble w ork§ on Center street east of the Co-ip o Store He is now prepared to make Grave stones and do all kinds 1 of CEMETERY WORK W Y T HE tr E T R SOL (V tisr U T I — of the-- 0 Ua n — h and that one plan is 1o & start meeting always on time and never wait for the congregation f t be on bislion or other prisiding ollivi is i!w First XortbSt ewt of this habit to grow they are doing a ITlTHl G ni:cn lull great injustice to thcirchargi s Fbcn bishons should insist imt adi-i- but insist that the prc'ideul' ihe es i or associations Sunof Take jour coualj arranfs fo v ik o'i tlsuperintendents f 11 lam r if wen and get ca-f- : for point imr up the walls of the houses day schools and other oibcer- - begin kecpuig wood pile and stunk yarejs their meetings on time That is (lie licit) eh am r and keeping trees trimmed best remedy 'here In Wayne Coii'ity then- should be more tn es ph'iip d for the first imto n i ) 1 provement The set dements arc new Each of the county tickets shoul i and good buildings w ill be a thing of have at least two women among the at Tin:- The selection f tli-- ' future but when the people candidates build t hey should have heir build- candidates will no doubt be Fit ing planned by a competent architect mainly to the women tlieiiiseheCome ladies be and t wliwli tinn see and then thinking hat not changpin offices you want arid which of T VERY LOW BRICES A X D ed v tin- w oi'kmen jour sex can best fill them Dont be backKATISFACTTOX GFARAXTEED ward in giving your ideas upon BY AX OLD E X PER I EX CE I ) The charge often made that this each and all of you It leads FITTER man or that man who is high in the to political corruption and bosslsm oilieial places of die Latter-daSaints in for so many to bold bade politics lias used Just arrived from two Broadcloth Xot to usechurch inlluence in politics and wait for others Do not let this church inlluence is almost evil Factories All New Goods grow up among you All start to a man who lias gained a impossible Come and See moving and let your leaders lie leadpowerful inlluence through holding ers but By J E JoFErnt-OTailor an get the canidates that the ecclesiastical position lie may not Richfield want Utah majority mention the Church or the duties of order WITH ROUGH AND DRESSED LF'I !'!’ OF VARIOUS KiXDS A X D SH1XGEUS We are abn Contractors and builders liii (VI for vouu-dvDILI D JfORXIO & MILLED V iFI tlii-e- l y lines vili'c C There is great advancement being inade in lie plans of the General Su peri t' tendency of tbu Latter-daThese jilans Saints’ Siiiiday Schools are uot studied h they be by more still and many superintendents teachers The superintendent of the Richfield school lias moved wisely in committee has drafted this regard a batt' yt :ir‘s course of study for the teachers Two who have previously 1 collector: If Curfew ' ! Lumber Yard Questi on pa-- CLERK oyNTY II M Bin-in- aUv Mi's FITLJFD " fi-a- t mid JUo!x-- nning Mill is always ready and our W-s- Faith yet as a people the Lattpr-daSaints do not Surety consider that in a lifo of sixty-si- x years the Church has been able to get every good y?oven ' i m to its system Nor can it safely assume that tlie other churches have no Then let them be good to te acn it to ftoar willing lyliat others have’ to say and even tlioufeh there Jjo but small grains of good among big pieces of prfpr tjie good is still good and not by injured by the error itjwas-opc- i ’ Th-ris another thing to be watched in both parties mid it nmir its appo irnnee ol ton That is patty The nominal ion- of a corruption party a:c often obtained by a very mall minority who attends th- - pi take the load and cither -- nd persons to the conventions who are open friends to them or can he led by tlu-This should b- - guarded gainst from the tirat and slopped in the pilmarics But even when the nominaliurisnre made the voters do not have to abide by a decision or a nomination that is supposed to speak for the people when It speaks for a few only Citizens have a right to field into then and defeat any jump such actions It Is not often done but it should be done if needed But let the citizens who do such a things first divest themselves of their politi- n- cal robes IS AT THE OOSTQN Call and Examine their New Fall Goods S Prices: That Settles tf At Sheffield’s “ Wright Block Full Jine of toilet soap Chair slats 10 cents 3 for 25 cents Window Blinds 15 cents Men’s Shoes 11 grades - - i See our bargains in straw hats Any one in tho store 25 cents Men’s linen bosom wlijte unlaundriec shirts 50 cents regular 75c Goods Pins one cent a paper Needles 2 cts 0 N T spool co lion 3 spools 10 cerffi Celluloid Collars 10 cents Men’s working shirts 10 cents A better one for 25 At Sheffield’s PRINTING & TABBING NEATLY and EXPEDITIOUSLY DONE AT THE CONTSOR OFFICE I |