Show Vo! 8rofc'ioniil I Wi no MmI-- ( ‘unicrence Snyder lu-lt- l m-- t prtu-tlcs-- ! E - ut 1 ! inti) Slake Elder of Xeph the slake Presidency a few members of th oie'1 Council raHl-urcFranklin W Y ting Elder Duv-iPaxman and on tn more members of the Pishopiie of every ward in the ei i Y ( ollln® (' J Sunt art RTlmrmnn I Thurman Stewart & Collins Attorucjioat- Law - UK T’TAH FII 11 1' b d Stall-- the At BEAN & MiDANIEL Law IN AiL Till COl’UTS I? Ii'lifli'ld nili'i’t "I Hu II ill ITUUCK Sri A pi l il t I' 11 ' 11111 Wauact t udgo j WAV E a' UitnWN J : l P1'1- Brown Wallace& II(or!i'iiil-LiiEni’i ltlo-tier in all i pi r i i lii l — nmiMs Vil I lull l anil IVd- ainl t'onmc ri'inl n’til- '1'"1 I i ' lln-- ii liPi-i- - 1'' ’’ McCARTY IN Ml I A U MM3VTl SrS'’S'SBs I'AH'SVI!! 1 PC MS £4' Mrs N IS ' ifp r hl tl d for of Cod their noble lelated many personal exto strengthen thff tendim' periences lid i it oi th- - Saints and bore a strong Rsbc-onin ti e vork of the 'at her Elder 'at id Paxman was the il-- 1 11 '4 Oker-iun- 1 n'-- i svof: John St H C inference K- md ETA!! joNKor Pa of -- & £Uv NiViR - de-ti- i Sin tv EYOE 1 - -' Hans M Elders Willis E Robi-o- n Ilan-e- n and Coarsen S llut iari of the saintl stake reference was made hv them to the prosperous condition of the saints living in the Eastern part of the Stake they were complimented for their and industry and wore exhorted to continue to plant orchards and vineyards an abundance of shade lives and in all ways make their homes beautiful and inviting The Lord is of His saints overruling the the world is bignningto favor Zion on t lie consnma-tim- i and Cod Elder Ole is purposes of mid he had expor(jncc all the Hardships and privati ms of ti iioneel' he could sy mhathie witii ttie u' Iiiue ana Craves valleys elUcithem with a jiromise Imt iin liu-- slieultl b! honored by men 1 HOMER fir- la-- ( -- S!kt He peukei dvelt upon the Mannei which the Sainls of Old leee’ved the Holy Ch'- -t the eilect that tin f ttiis Spirit produced in pow their lives and urged that the Saints ofLfttterdgys contend earnestly for thuiftJfrttaHuw iAUvri:witaiUe iiiiJiliu One of the greatest and most ImpoC taut duties of all parents is to teach their children the Gospel in its puri-- t in ISichaold 'U' Dr E Smith E© FH rbi — j : ‘“—i ANDERTOX BUILDING 111 CIIFIELIC 'The Wri?hf House y- - At lie- AM'-rnoo- was ses-io- n tlic Stiera-me- u hy Eider-Jtiii- ii and Ed war: I Alibott Eeker-leIny lead the statistiElder ( of tin- Static for the six cal n iiii:iiip c mi tug line until IS'iii The anti Slake Authorities were (icin:S liastian and by Elder admiui-tere- d 'U Vi K" ru-- M 4'LV--'- - 'MAY n:t i -- I in in i pu-'-nit- wet'" Homo OMy Old Kentucky emu tiieii i ’ mtjni ‘ you good mt'itls ')( sleep anti Bioe-St- s j Dml invite Hint ul bods 1" pleasant dreams good 2 ayaiiN’-- i ihhI tlasiy fi'apt - boqiilality that i you feel at maia-- n a Sample Room wit Inline Ht' r ill 11' cr Main Street Solo the KENTFCKY HOUSE Utah Co Sevier Monroe JENSEN IlOTE L ELSINORE Grulu nil contorts Newly equipped w'th for Good staHes Kept aml hay always ilCMIUV - gs ‘in TIME 'Vul)M In Effvit Nov is SANPETE '" SEVIER AND I i il 'litss it II fill' nil iiriin’l-- o lie tit Hi' lifii’M Ett'l null Ml 't tri n ' n i!i e it III S v lit ’n m on Mmnltiyi VO'd Iran' nt p m sdt ys anil l'liditys 'rimrs-Iiy- on Tui s i i at : P tt in ind x it unlay- I’l—l'tltteiS i ' ti it ini mi V m'en Tlii-- t le a nil ini t Kit mil 1) C KV M II I’asM-nx"!- riflin' -- ' - - -- t tty i nt lielitli l i Hi- Id a n'li Miiiuim-- A" nt mlt Iik'-- A Il''lInsl'C 11 ’l iiKC-'i- 't' Wndli'ipli Ill n'l titioi'l-ii- - Pmlne llriiT A i I'ta’t h' Wm as be tu nursed upon the grandeur-o- l lie was pletisetl for the tin- ( iir- -t tint" in his life to visit the saints of Lheue valleys and meet witii them ile was greatly surin Cun feiciii-liome-an- d prised to see so many beautiful are among the the fruits grown elioieest and best the people are hospitable and kind and he rejoiced greatly to be with them Saint- - arc not strung The Latter-da- y eis to each other fur all have drank of tlie same fount of Everlasting Truth ami become partakers of the He said fruits ot the True Cospel the Priesthood of the Son of Cod is not held so sacred by the Youth ol Zion as it should be treated at some length upon the virtue arid power of the Holy priesthood and exhorted all bearing tlie Authority of Cod to faithfully honor and magnify their calllie read from tlie book of Ioc-- t ings fine and Covenants regarding tlie of tlie I’liesthood and the gltu ii bles-into accompany tlie magnifyt lie same it is deplorable to of ing nine the footing Satan lias in rnan-- y of the cities of t lie Saints tlie allurements aie many and great and thousands of Zions Sons and Daughters are falling victims to the evils of the world ami arc causing their parOur ents much sorrow and uiire-- t children ‘’amid lie forti tied against lie wiles of Satan by a Codly educaof sustaining the Tlie ncce-sit- y tion Authority of Cod should lie fully d by the saints and the power of unity should lie comprehended: Cod is in no way obligated to the great and mighty men of the earth but can take tlie poor and tlie ignorant and make them powerful men in It is the mission of tlie Kirgdom Satan tothwart if possible the purposes of our Lather and destroy the virtue of Cod's chosen seed but wc must to perform one mislabu- tt- -- iunou-Ision and tl-- victory shall lie ours Elder Peter Christenson of Xcplii briefly addic-- s d the Saints lie had never been pri ileged to meet a people who enjoyed a richer flow of flic Spirit of Cvd in Cunfereht'c tbad the Saints of in-jK- -1 i Bio Grande Western Railway by the Paxman was d to tid ire-- s the stiints and i rich How of the Holy Spirit mimon-- t r tu— i !ut-tlie- u Jennings Tlie Oimfercui-- was one of Hu- rat st He spoke upon the Wayne Stake the Stak on ur of jo aide twer ltd beauties of t lie organiat ion Christ's Ini-our rt In rl givt the only and Church rejoiced greatly J’isl' i'b-l- E Mu' Ih" of Freprivileges we enjoy mont look sick Hie first (lav of confermmediatly after the afternoon ence ituil w the sdiicci of much rheeting a Stake priesthood meeting hut Ibank God lie piiinnnd stiflVfing was held Elders W E Robison II M Hansen Coarsen S and was sulicoutly recovered to Franklin IV Young addressed the his Journev 1mm" wheirthe conference brethren upon tlie duties and powers was over feel to praise Cod for the of their respect ive calling-- ' Special of Tils spirit and look forward reference was mad" to the proper with s joyful antieapationsto Our next handling of and caring for the ('on ft veuee Quarfeiiv misTlie home of the people lose ill EekersU-f lie men to asked were sionaries ' Stake Cimk clean habits and requested to resign ii not refrain theirpositionsif they could from tlie evils of drinking liquors inSonic of The Schools dulging in tobacco and taking tlie Several of our educational institutname of tlie Lord in vain A Sunday Itaie sent their annual circulars ions was at held school meeting night preand wc are sorry that sided over by Elder Tos Eekersiey to ibe Cr-)- i more have as we wish t mark not i addresses were del vered by Elders J os made from year to advancement tjic S Wm Rust John J Eekersiey and Willis E Robison The sub- year THE UNIVERSITY OF CTAII jects treated were the necessity for at the head of ourstato schools stands parents to labor in tlie Sunday schools and use their influence at home to It had one of tlie Salt Lake City year assist the S S teachers in the labor schools for a training school The inter- while tho year it has a training school of converting the youth est our young men and maidens should on its own grounds Tlie university take in their work and the great lias for several years been making its bachelor degree tlie equal of the easthelp this organization is to the Holy ern colleges and universities Priesthood On Monday morning the A' ACADEMY THE Conference was addressed by bishop is the largest school in point of numMathew W Manslield Peter J Chrisis in Ctaii It has tensen Walter E Hunks and Levi bers tint tlmre tinaneial gone straits many through C White Elders Jacob S liastian J Wilson and Franklin W but has la pt in successful operation since it h"gan it lias given Utah its Young who reported the rimrber Tattuci-anTalmagc many other ol Lyman Cainesvilh Giles Loa Tea-danti Fremont wards in good con- Unloading men Its faculty has been dition the s lint tire attending tlieii forced to work on rather small pay the law of yefthey tny faithfully to their work mr"! lugs well tithing and sustaining the Ward or- THE AG R1 CULTURAL COLLEGE ganizations Thcsubjectsof honesty is rn institution that should have a pui'iiy of life tlie need of Religion very blight future before it We as a and Die good accomplished by conjinonwealth are sorely in need ol the Stiints in redeeming tlie waste moe anil better agriculturists A places of Zion were treated by the liiqe them was when it was thought speakers that any one could teach school but Elder Joseph Eekersiey-sptikupob limit' it requires the choicest minds to Cue subject of obedience and assurer! fill that calling It is now thought ginjf one can fai'm but the folly net Auajieai'ei'ii be shown anti the Agrh Great Men in the Kingdom of God UnswTli beloved of nim for flair Integrity cultural Ct liege will begin they must harken to tlie counsels ol T1IE PRIG HAM YOUNG COLLEGE His Servants and faith fully abide their This is northern Utah's pioneer inEider Willis E Robison teaching ul ion for higher education stil ll said the instruct ioLs given during our Die dignity of college assumed hardly 11 conference bad been very ch ice ill tlie latter part of tlie ’NUs but it we make a mark in this church it will inis been marked by t he same thrift be on aecountof our industry perseverance and faith Spoke briefly on home Unit itu ks tlie city in which it Tlie faculty seems well adaptiiiiliii'ime and the saerediiC'S that ed to stand tlie hard work incident should overshadow the hearthstone to building lip Midi an instil til ion and the great wrought hy evil speaklie college is noL being outdone in ing and fault finding and tlie necessiby auy school of the slate growth ty I'm- cultivating the Spirit of forgiveT J) s COLLEGE THE love He ness and brotherly gave that tlie afternoon meeting is an instituMne that lias struggled would be given into the hands of the mi through many hardship: hut it This yea i Sisters of the Relief Society and the lias grown all tlie time Conference would lie adjourned for several of Utah's brightest l ining men three months The lieuedielion was in science music and history enter as teachers at tlie College and anothei olferetl by Elder Wm Paxman advancement will be the result The At the close of the Meeting all tlie College will also build a new bniUlmg brethren and sisters qere invited to a With the during the coming year sumptous feast of choice water mel- ability of its faculty and tlie new ons pioCided by brothers Jonathan J building a bright future awaits this Hunt and John J Ekker who had institution each hauled a wagon load of melons THE SALT LAKE COLLEGIATE from their homes in Clifton and took INSTITUTE their pay in watching with pleasure Tlds school was originally intended tlie eagerness witii which the melons as a free school with some acudemie were devoured bv tlie hungry crowd work Since the system of free schools lias been inaugurated tlie preparatory The Afternoon Meeting was presided over by Sister Jane S work lias been discontinued tint! acamade a specialty Coleman Stake Persident of Relief demic work lias THE WASATCH AC DEMY In her opening remarks Societies a sclm Sister Coleman spoke upon the magni- located at Ml hat has been grow iug in favor aumt to tude of Kobef wonl vefem-lie people of t he count v in uliich i: organization hy the Prophet and adjoining count is It's si and the great amount Joseph Smith to lake a not her ni eag'-of good that is done every year bv t I- dents nsisted in caring for the sick feed imt and several 1'ioin Sevier Comity are iiiiong tbe number the poor and supporting end strengthTHE SAN PETE STAKE ACAand Cliuteh other the bishops ening DEMY Ollieials in their work Rel'erenee a should ll t have good year before it to the instruct ions g'ven at be lias in ived to larger quarter' instilled last General Conference of K"lkf new life iut seif in muiy vvnv s and ies will hi cai do more li rough work The Sisters were encouraged to per- and nib-- nmre course of study than form faitufuily and well lln-ihigh cvcrlicfoi't' calling and asked to render eveiv ast sistance possible to the Sunday School When a person of s than thirty cause and all ot organizations have for their object tin training ol years sit s dow u and t bird that be lias The Statistical and lived three tiftlis of the tune that tbe young tinaneial report of flic Societies ot Utah lias been inhabited: lie cun luit wonder at tlie advancement Wayne Stake for tlie year pur 'The learning Wilson presented Hie lias made in tin: State of lias her given her a high people authorities of the Society all of whom were sustained by an unanimous into rani among the stales cducat innally After the societies had been reported Her people are intelligent and educatin good condition hy their respective ed yet not afraid of manual labor Presidents Eiders A E Robison They have advai-e- d in Dm improvement of tlie mind from Hi" first winWm Paxman and Joseph Erker-l- e ter they inhabited tlie Salt Lake Valaddressed the Conference briefly and Tin: educated of tlie wc rid have beley bore testimony of the great work come to lie tiieir teachers Their in done Societies Relief the by ing Zion Elder Hans M Hanson pro- students have gone to the leading schools of civilization and have renounced ttie Benediction peatedly received honors Fair Utalq she will yet fill the predictions made 1 Minute- - (if the Wavre Stake Cort-foninlrr the Bowery at ' Count-Ctaii Sunday iik— Wayne nw Altorneys-nt-- J of tin- - 'Hrd and E’lth and Monday PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS Ail':'1-! PH' li:is twenty Mv Ji'imitif-'R'l’e-'- i1 President klor Wi'ii-Courts nf tin' Slcii's and ti tlo xiiprciuo of stake id the presiding in ln'i'sim lie will utti tie United States a t form tu- Hr 'Flu re were pre-oill tornisiif tin' Ilistili'l i"vt"t In cu ll nun-- y r lu this pitP r Wm Paxnun Pi'csklent of the I ta n J Rirm'iEiD !’tlr: Clii'i-tens- & No 20 - OIPEON SNYDEI! JKNMNCs 15 Utah Friday September 4 1896 Richfield 1 t' I t 1 Ea-tl- of liei and o! iv Iv und many ' shall com- am a o learn Of til'-iVV s - lu o' t s Ills and (I imrhter I all leave il S (if riCs to t "ieb t H( f 'CT V kimw 'edge an : ' iiev ist'om out-pmirn- g titli-ing- Ek-kT- r la-- ! Hi-Ik-t ale 5 ob't-tiiu- Cla-ise- i - i ii-- l -- Wini (INK C'AV 01- 1 111-- 1V 1 od 1 v THE l’lH'SliYTERY al Lyo Se M A le-u- an CLEAN GREASE i - - Ten pounds On Friday tin Presbytery held no session in Hie forenoon and did little i KINi SOAR Ril'd VriTKOUT IIOIL1NO but routine business In tlie afternoon This lining of no great interest toour eiders we do not publish the same Wo Arc Tvotuly ttrday was a busy day and much imsinesswas trans'icted ll oiul'l be seen that witii tlie ot iter interests of Hie conn-trthe mission ehurolu s in Ctaii were having hard times Ministers’ wages were hemg cut down ami no funds were used during Hie year for building They are making preparations for the revision of Hie ten reasons nr finding that the tuitions stem works well In their schools and they feel in many ways puite encouraged benjamin was s ‘Feted a th" next place of meeting The business was practically completed by the time Hie afternoon meeting adjourned to make winter suits and it is fu better that those who intern! to haw winter suits made sliouid select then goods vvl Hi all tlie STOCK IS NEU We ha-- o tlie finest lot of "ir:’Jo and will soon Have tlie finest stock UTAH doth hi Call before any of thepioccsaro gone Got youi choice If you wish us t send East for a piece of clotb lot now and we will have plenty time to suit you witii i it Elsinore Co-o- p Saturday Even ing Rev George V Martin spoke upon home mission work and showed what Notice to Creditors importance attached to it in Utah vvlieie the ehurelu-- and schools were In tue mat ter of tlie Estate of F He Perkins Deceased children of home mission woik urged t greater interest lie taken Xo e Is hereby given by the umlei in raising funds and in other ways signed Poul Poulson iidministratoiO) lie estate of F A Perkins deceased helping Hie home missson cause with tho will annexed to tho credit Sunday Tlie forenoon was occudied by Df nrs of and nil persons having claim R G Me Niece on ‘'The Joy of the against said deceasedtoexhibit them Redeemed’’ Ho first showed that witii the necessary vouchers within the redeemed mentioned in Revela- four months after thedate of tlie first tions were from tills earth He then re- publication of tills notice to said adcounted their joy anti what the pleas- ministrator at his residence in Richfures of ti future life would be ield Utah the same being th® place The afternoon was occupied by the for tl’i transaction of tho business of local Sunday School said estate in Sevier County Tito evening sermon was preached POUL l’OULSON by Dr S E AVishard He spoke in Administrate! answer to a statement by Eider b & Collins Stewart II Roberta that the Church was enAtijs for Administrator Eb-a- t tirely destroyed about JOO A II and publication July 2T JW56 T was restored again to Joseph Smith A short session was held on Monday mormngand t lie Presbytery adjourned ill menibcis leaving on Monday’ s s t I I - train KEEP IT JLANDY i issit-uale- ii' no-l- it - i i i i se-ui- i So-ei- i i 1 lu-- r 1 it wa-rc- Si-t- er I ie-- "du-'afiiu- i d Liois Among- Our (SIilo - The Sait Lake Argus bus been sold by its editor proprietor and founder lames bloor to Alma 1) Katz a brilliant young news-pape- r man of Salt Lake It Is expected that lie Argus will he a si might McKinley paper and f this writing the editor laid not been minted The Great Campaign reached us IF U)IT HAVE CUT PURNE! - wet k it lias not been pubOR BRUISED lished for some time paM but Inis Yom elf or have any horse cow dog started again its tlie organ of Hie Sil- bird or any animal (hat is wounded ir ver I’arty S A Kenner its founder any way you will find and an old time joimulLsi is at Hie IOI1 SOVS HlUIi 081 helm and holds t lit- editors quill ADA CURE THAT CURES Ke liter lias run neatly every sort of Beware of imitations Genuine onh newsgtiner and lias plenty of ability to w lien Of n signed make i lie Great Uimpaign a suci - cess Sold at Workingmen's Store aiu The Mammoth Reeord lias made its For some reason one Druggists appearance failed to reach tim CtcNSot: but wc J X Louder when knew ho was editor of t lie Silver Reef MinD er Mr Louder is a shrt-wcapable inan and we wish i it new paper s GROCERY PRICES r J E I ! i e lie i puHl-iic- ’ I Ti ! r or THE CLOSING down Ml ELTDRS r j n iiiinu head Trunks made to order THE c v si 'f' U lbs Sugar 1 I’ c cents "d !as J coui-pan- -- j i i rea-o- n lie kil-'unw il’in ’ ion of Mr ad" :' op' "i L Hie ! lu any no ion ( f stiver i i w Arbiukle Code' jier dozen: Ca- - f Fruit feboice of kinD 7 i m out it is i: I s'i is be : k bryan who is a lice tint s lbs 4 Pints DO cents (juarls l dollar "I'vvn quarts $1 2 i eoini"' to il! V- ter lu-- sa (in i:t today’s i c iMM'd a cop of a letE Hrlltv'lll of by president v of Ibe I Vmisvlvaniu Smelting to - on limes siipei intendent of I be works a Sand The lei It n i n lion of Hie si at es Hi company ivv u Ill' lln- b’ltor gives j" i BERTLESON’S Hen- oppO'i-tio- whatever made that the free mid ago rd the comi Live ChickcuM Tlu-flir- V e pany no ic!i"' ay t lie reason olb-reis fa ii'cnise ih ppur m on ufivli Mr Fryan is running prom-iv(in r’i'sj M’Jiiuit nt r' ‘vuuo to run lie Government through a tariff and furliirr that tic- fa ti if ball lie faiily adjusted tow ao 1 ovary portion of Hie Moreover no one knows country bettor than Air Sell wart that even if Mr brjan were to bo elected no possible change- - could bo made in the tarill for proba''y two Ti ibune N - A Especial new A Fi'rs'i 2‘! lb cents per Roisters t pi ‘cs to ‘ c(s luge buyei- - stifk nfo Ii man 'is o m Pearlies it l b (i cans 'I'mnatocs cn-- i Pi mis Mi s Mary Maylievv one of jq i In Plea -- ml Grove's oldest settlers was killed list Tim Sunday while riding in a buggy buggy was overturned by tlie horstf J Ii Pemberton of Provo an old and she was killed while Mrs Enion Soldipr was buried hist Satur- Brown was badly injured day in the P'ovo 'enmtery |