Show Ttczr 'vnt'f ’nr - lii’inift ut -1 v r gfvfTEafrw Vrt's3feKsta in Fiaiisun ind Amherst a hoi il dea III h Ihe man m (ini Itri-- i gig ahead of son haitu I B ivesu r have all gone to tlie collegian- Pairo! school boa- -' Iq being inn oei I j i'i illiniums at he Wnrlmg- i me where I hey will I’aeilic switch engine It was tlie custom then to siuoki n'- by a Nui-tbelb' had been looking for work mill was all biii'i lor gold mine- - or look after out the freshmen A party of a I' doW II Ini Il lot 11 i'll ill ks ret inning Horn the mine and took Ihe prospci - all icidy' found dozen or fnore'of the fellows would richi'ieli- a M HU’ tin nnlroad Hack as (lid shortest path (! I lllirtll‘‘l Clay ion G'iimiMt tiie saloonkeeper enter the roonl of an unsuspecting home Tin -- witch engim pushing lias la en fined -- 7 ‘0 for selling liquor boy light t ho pipes and smoke Vi Ml r )w sM‘l('S ami rotllllol'S (T BRENT i’l’l( 'Ks a ho cur vva jipproaclyug Irom be on sniitkiv Victim gave in aim offered a full of die— goods an at Il seems that Gannett 'i nil ii let'll v W C llOm"'1' hind and w-- ruiining ery slew Tiie was mm treat IJci-p- r When they nime into the -- ell Fsrr- if ill m k ii x mon ’! si in e tin the filing in liquor brake man on (he boxcar noticed Ihe til it was iusi-te- d "i‘i i'i aroom occupied by youngAndicws't liey iii U’liem on coward tin then n Deckel Nnnvcroft - di iiminer man on the track but thought he lv fe'lnvv 1:11 M' cvv gave him a dollar and sent liini’ foi Cnu ' told on him a brand-newagon for Innwould get out of the way As the tair aid tob pipes He soon rotunitfi Mi H E Taylor - eoiiinli-oi'- iit n tunnel south' with iiiiuety-nin- e jeeb The Osllund-Hing in Soul horn I'liili neared him and Funner did not seem A priyateletter front Frank emits' worth of pip KSceg HI" — altera I Jenson and Peto r Christen miller to his brother tells that he Ijad to know of ltsneurappruach the Inalce east of M on roe has been greatly dam and one cent’s worth of tobacco flaw man 111 to him The unfortunate aged by tin Hoods The cut leudjng didn't smoke him out W K Thurber has moved from I sen bought t lie flr-- t- passenger Ickets visited Chicago New York Washing man yelled here ton fiomElsinore to Richfield and He seenied partly 'turned around us if to see to It Is tilled up with boulders weigh Maryval Philadelphia tons aud psthojy flinch sediment at tin’ Mads Christensen Is clerk at the particularly interested in the latler how for the traitruas from ill in when lug Flannels tine warm llaiini him Is farther back no'one knovys' he stumbled and fbe eur at rin-two cities He "caned at to GrovorV Miss West' ecN Workingmen's Store Equitable Store during Before the 'etighidjcouW stopped house but la wasn’t Greyer All for trustees-whboards of mail's to vacation Notice fishing Can not j N mi was Bishop The roof lining put good and he was off catching 16— one truck passed ’over him crushing who get the services of a competent teachfrom Seidr 1 a Students Comity ft manIds in Horne’s new earn and line of a horrible full We carry leg day" legal blanks thigh er or teachers may by materially 'aidner He was taken out and imme- desire t(f take the normal course will ed XX Prices are t lie same! as Dr Schcck was seen on mn stireli-yesterda- at t his office vvith by'commiiiik'atlng free me a once fo'ra do well to seliolorship apply at Provo pr Snlt'Lake diately driven to Dr "Wells’ hospital MONROE Jacob Maglebyr- must be in before All applications He was enuseteus and stated thatfiie Mrs Cosmela Ogilvie lias dearly reGo 10 Early apples are ripe Supt of Schools Loa's enterprising covered from ThoS Atwood heard' t ho train coining ‘and intended August her late Illness ' Moijrdo Utah Jouib ill town was Muglcby See D J‘ Bertlese'n's advertise me ht to get out of the' way but just as he piacksmith Co Suyt of ScliooK You can never heat the Thirty-ccn- t Bishop Cdoper is quite unwell thibc turned his foot slipped and he fell Jos L Horne lias gone to Rabbit wool socks Monroe Utah you can get at the Workand before he could get tip the car was m a days business trip Valleyon Store on bitii ingmen's Chis Miss Ida Oman is visiting relatives Farmer was about JO years old ajml When win we have the train mail jDr J- Bryanrere unmarried Ills parents live ut Monservice extended frornSalina? SomeGROCERY PRICES little jin-- ' er at James NioNofi’s roe Utah to which place the body Cl glenwood body is very slow A full line of Dre-- s Goods al Hie was shipped Thursday a brother wjio house I Ed Undersoil the photographer 13 Trunks made to order $:i to $ Workingmen's stoic Mrs John Obcrg has been unwell resides at Silver City Idaho ' having in town doing considerable work For Moo either of:' s Ephraim ten Magleby siiipjiod come here for the' purpose of taking most of the week She is now nblcito I? I) Elliot fame limne from snt 17 lbs Raisin- of sheen I Ills week however the L xly home sit lie was a member of Hendrickson Brothers and A K 17 lbs Rice up k Lake last night I a IN Then Brabdley our mayor’s son did Supt Magleliy has cuniloted his the T O S of A aild the funeral was IlariH'oi are shipping sheep tills we?k Sugar t'liarlie Whitlock Mann's fowl racer held under their auspices For In 1)0 cents libs : The annual watbr are for with to not return lekson’s Ilefuli repoi is in tmvn ArbucUeCqllce driving Orangeville f Glass Jars per dozen: quest was cuheluded Thursday even- We wish them success ' Neagle The Democrats elected have S II W ishu-Ed Broadsguard i panning ing and a vei’diet exonerating the Pints - DO cents Xenia is the name of a washing Washburn jirecinct chairman j" F Knvder’s house Lucy Bell is improving slowly company and its employes was renl dollar Quarts ' ' that is obtaining general but we hope i t is sure Some fyc on the bench land is be- dered Two quarts! 125 ent compound in The Misses Deal and Crandall the town Try it Cases Of Fruit (choice of kind patronage ing cut Haive-- t begins in ten clays Floods did considerable damage on norlli Friday morning Live Chickens: Teams are being made ready to haul was Miss makers are scarce street Dniss Every Sunday evening ELSINORE Lire Chickens 5 coni- - pm pound at liens 5 cents per lb Pnntlia Christensen's and Miss L ore from the Custal mine filled with water Orrock's The school census is being taken Roosters 4 cts “ ' Young’s parlors are closed Monroe reckon time from Hail damaged lots of the grapes but Miss Caroline Miller is at See tie id atLspeciul prices to laige buyeiu Peter Larsen's house is being rc- - Glenwood w ill still have plenty to sup E E Cassady the life insurance the flood Fresh Bananas and Reaches todav (cubing EDtedl'odd roofed man is in town lie left here the day ply tlie county The Young Ladies Mutual will give Road all our advertisements and $‘e of the first flood and tilings he is ex- a concert in t" 0 weeks' Binding twine of excellent quality The Glenwood Springs huvo been FOR SALE what home business bouses me doing tremely lucky to ever come kack at the Co-or- That’s in for a fenced NiC-'oii Lars nd bride gave a wedfeet of front on Seventy out— MainStrpei the and Albert N eagle leaves for OrangeIda Johnson Sophia Anderson and ding dance Monday night Gent- -' slioes in the greatest variety right keep the sheep Monroe with a good-sizerock hou-- e cows too ville l'lmery county today Co-o- p Caroline Grunat were vistors of Mr a good dance and theater Rumor sav- - that May Brown and at the hall 277i ruin'from Hellst Dr' E Smith the dentist will be at feet ‘The price is low for the Mrs Lorenzo Nielson has been very and Mrs J A Peter Christiansen are soon to be The telegraph office at the depot is quality He will of the property Glenwood in the near future low for -- cveral weeks past but - bet-- i Thuisdty till Monday last married Jelng completed today If a or time O R Christensen or now loger pend two days There is a setting of the District Vigo Smith has opened a grocery necessary doing dental wqrk Maglebi ami Johnson will add uu-Monroe Ft ah Court today Several mol ions and oO-- i Main have lately ken engaged to their furniture store across tlie river from the depot Sun-dacases of minor importance are being on Social a had Sister Ileppler business Pauling the old lucern off their land’ hen id MADE OFiDEli Thpre is a large stock of black Heby Judge McCarty ' evening Jn honor of Dave Hanson let the next cutting grow — —AT seroes and at imTIIE confined nriettas has is Mr Typhoid cashmeres Hansen pneumonia and Miss Owens Thus Trezo came from the Sevier W rk is progressing weekly on the two of Willhim Farmer's children to the Co-o- p t hat mine yesterday proving from his late illliess lie reports new residences of Judge McCarty mid beds Ritely The town has had a great deal of work closed temporarily but says it their Brother Horace Thornton and Meek Morrison will soon begin again Bishop M sgleby s new bicycle is all trouble with Hobos since the construc- daughter have been visiting old friends mini S Kollo our court reporter right No accidents vet and its lots tion train came Brotlibr AT VERY LOW in Glenwood his old home TRICES AND n The new addition to the Jensen Ho- of sport to see hi in go a ent north Wednesday lie will been has a Thornton took to Manti this working in the SATISFACTION Bp Jensen trip GUARANTEED tel will add much to make it attruc August in week was to buy wheat Manti Temple ever since Its dedicaIlls BY AN OLD EXPERIENCED live A batli room a sample-rooRumor say that the Presbyterian for the rollerobject will return to Manti on mills tion Miss Agnes Ileywood of Pangu'nch They CUTTER school-boar- d and several bed rooms will not send Miss Work name from the' north on Tuesday and Wednesday Co-oa The Elsinore declared has to here MRs of take the AYatt place On Tuesday Alice Brown went on home next day Lillie Last Sunday the tire alarm was giv devidend of7j rents on the A breastwork Brown and Jim Jensen Amanda An t'orpioUclion against dollar en when Peter Peterson’s stacks were Just arrived Horn two BroadcMth ' L K Rhodes and Ferdinand Erick floods is being built The town peodel in and Jim Sellers Lizzie Factories All New Goods on fire but the bucket brigade did sim attended court first of the wee W 1) Owens and H J Davis the and Dave Hanson went to Fish ple work a block a day Come and See was such fine work little that t damage Mr Rhodes will perhaps return Jolley Z C M I drummers spent Pip Lake for an out Bv E JosErnsGN Tailor Mr Marshal the pleasant principa done It is thought the fire was caused neer ilgt here Day Rich field Three weaks ago a horse kicked 0 of the Wasatch Academy at Mt Pleasof Utah through the dampness the hay Miss Ciihrine Watt the teacher of T Baker of Joseph City' on the leg ant was in Monroe Dr Karl G Measer passed through Thursday morr h was a Twenty-fourtThe pleasant t lie here on Thursday he was going to Presbyterian Mission school at A few days since DrNiell lyad to opes lng for all After the forenoon exer day in home Chats wound to and her cleanse It the bout the Mouroe started for Beaver cises were over had a party for chil-die- n Nephi Bates has been traveling for The suffering man is now improving vorth Illinois to stay permenantly the Monroe Book Co of Chicago He Johnny Cardon- will come to ElsiThe young men and young lanicely has over dies a from went nore Milreturned on Sheffield's photograph gallery serenading and had a very just Tuesday trip to Shipping freight will be large gathering of the lard county doz cabinfor nice a 150 will Thpre store him detain in Richfield till then party in the evening Wiigii' Utah Presbytery at Richfield August et Miss Maud Fairbanks haft returned Lost— A sheep herder from Hunt's A no Y has - been made all trains 20 A large attendance is expected It herd has been found in willjbackup to Richfield and thefe from EscalaateGarfield county where since lie Samuel L Page is in town today will Hotel last two weeks town and is now In cljrge of Miss make the turn she hast been teaching school and lie came from Marysville to argue a roomperhaps for the occasion is In great deMiss' FalrBaiikft and her motiou before Judge Johnson who is mand jouise Johnson clerking Tmpt ssengey train reaches here at brother Roy will go to Provo to attend expected in tonight J II McCarty the genial hotel 9:15 of evenings and leaves at 9:20 of Over Wright’s Stole at Sheffield’s the Brigham Young Academy The Elsinore Co-o- p has just received photos cabinet size only $1 50 a doz keeper lias gone to Beaver working in mornings the of a interest comt large lot of samples for the merElof Nelson is making quite a farmTvrx parties of excursionists left for pany New chant tailoring department er of himself He divides his time beANNABELLA Fish Lake this morning They paired board of trustees have organ- tween the farm and sewyig machine The go ids are being ordered and will soon off thus: Tlios Ogden andMinnie Seeg-mlll' Ditches are so muddy that it is imbee on the shelves ized with ON Smith chairman Wai- work Lcbl Eacc and Rebecca Dali to clean them Just now possible ter Jones II and S Washsecretary eamo Jim I'oulson and Carrie Butler AlTie inspectors were In rown WedRoy and Clurinda Nielsen burn treasurer The board of trustees have organized hi une from Mt Pleasant last night bert Ogden Minnie Brown and Annie nesday They took every tie they ' Gardner president Herbert John Jacob' Wleklund says there are a could get wlicrber contracted for or They have had a jolly time and Foy Ogleu L Thompson Gleaves as as sociable secretary is no not hinks there great many iplning men stopping at place MfiO a doz fur photos cabinet size treasurer the White House lie never saw o Mt Pleasant N Tpc party ou the evening of the it Sheffield’s over Wright’s Store many before On Thursday Justice Keyes tried h Twenty-fourtwas I a order that aerownlngsuccess you may have time to Joel Ricks and his children left foi Jas Manson tlie town blacksmith We are much talked of ease arising out sorry no mention was made cf the select goods that the talinrs may Logan tills morning Goodfe-Wrigh- t Mrs Itlcks has has purchased th farm of Rev Miller of Pioneer Day disturbances Ed the it last week have lime to do their work in a sails- - been In Logan for some time past on Lizard Flat had Dalton previously plead giilty and is making li s notary manner and that all may have with their little son Joel As there home there Marquardsoii and Jensen's employes end been fined Ily Barney had comMr Miller is again livthose who was little heir work done in time have been bus this week with stockhope of her coming back for ing at the parsonage plained on himself and paid his fine a sh winter suits made toorder should six months decided move to there taking preparatory to changing supei Ike and Eb DaRcn were discharged they Co-oJ T Bieekon a government survey- intendciit it once at the Klsimue so furniture and other personal effects on motion of Mr Jennings the prose or Homer McCarty Chris Sorenson are being moved away Whether the n A Frank cuting attorney John W Gardner and Edgar McCarty form a Ephraim's (Irand Secretary Moore of the Odd family will move back or not Is surveying tuba again and Fred Barnett were tried by a jury for lias tlie town's thanks at player went north Friday morning not known "Rows party Marysvalc They are makof Myron Ilunclictt Sam his composed music fur the help with tlie ing n minenl urvey liter paying a short visit to Rich field Roberts and John 1 Hooper Y N Sidney E W N E T Rb ATT LA 0 lie thinks the order will establish a Tlie product of a tboiisanu acres of The jury lomrl them Carpenter all of blankhave sorts We at legal Is room vv for There The con- -t ruction train cnl on lo lodge in Kichlield lucern was spoiled by the floods Sonic uiity ami In- - honor fined I hem several lodges here and we hope I hey tliis olfiee at Salt Lake pricewuson the ground and a great deal in Joseph Thursday ea’li Yesterday G T Bean vv ho deGood bye Hobos good bye II E Hudson a veteran school ma- the stack ue established Many of the stacks are so fended the aceu-e- d and I R Jqniiings Good bye old Hobos good bye ster who taught school here sixteen when that cows over to try Barnett and Ike Du! went musty in his lias opened Arthur llennrie ago called to see us yesterday the milk" Several horses are dying ns the effect ton on a complaint charging them marble works here and is'prepnred to years He lias a tale of sorrow to nf eating muty bay Horned stock with di- -t orbing the peace and Dalton lie has quite a morning iu a good business Dr Tift of St (Jeij-gwhen lie tells what has befallen tell seem to stand it all right but hones on still anot her cbaige pa—c-and monuments By mutual of grave line display Tlie old gentleman through here On Suadiij He was go- can not cmisen the i harge of disturbing tin The business is him since then stones at Ills yard to Denver lie came through cr need now lives near Tliisl le Station and Is ing biKiicn's dance win disiui-M’- d and tue we need Our gravewe yards clcvillc just in time to render good AugU'1 Anderson and two of ihe Ike Dalton sons at live who see bis doubt not going to more looking after and pleaded guilty lo the otliei service to Ross Simkins but wasn’t Langford bovs have come home from and was fined $10 DeLamar Unit people wil soon take to hokinif August has been there for prepared to -- et hi- - broken leg some time but is home to stay now I’riesthood meeting of the stake is liter it 4? A mvsteiious move eeiiH to be g in session today We haven't time to Ti We were much pleased to be shown G railroad Tlie agent ino mi with the Usi now Hopkins for tie N ol Hu1 1 o Teachers get Hie minutes but the attendance is through August Nielson's assay othco fair The bishops reports show con- They have been -- urveyingon tin' Mon- R G VT came in on Friday s t ruin T1’le'“ teadlel's Ilf) have The old gent'emvn ly countv on Wednesday with the purpo“c Mr Hopkins lias been operator al from tlie Hoods roe hill - and siderable damage or ert toolilieal es seand haven't kit a w li vve some if for time and Provo has quite complete of there their vale past crossing Marys more was than good though there i oroivo aid bv comnmnicat-inwill nna! tru-- t In ’v ill en joy his new itcre-ervoi- rs i good supply of chemicals Stiange harm The with track canyon place (lone in most places Reports man should wit li me at once that even a news-pape- r Co-o- p a hundred and ten will at- is said to be unsafe so they' are invesshow lias The that made arnot and months Jacob Magleliy three dive here nearly W tend the Stake Academy if one is tigating the plan of crossing lie bill rangements to handle dipping -- ulfur uni'd In Kviiaiig Co Knot of Schools u know of an assay office in town do line lllN the main will If go up fur the Sulphurdale works Thev w i they started this fall '"'KH' l"i n k"d lamili "I"'" w ill run while branch Creek Clear Monroe the Flnli soon have five tons on hand nol iitulei 'Id in ads Mrs Esther King of Coyote Gar- At Sheffield's photos csbinet scc through Monroe tip to Marysvuhv ' Provo to went N Smii h yeterday 150 a doz field County writ ei in Hu Springfield RepubManager John M Mel'arJam oftlie t here no Wc been from the She has Byfollowing living clip a story ofthe boyhood of lican tells Mom morning wasulfur works here on sulphurdale ludge iMcC’arly will open court m stander 'J Butte Montanasending her children to school for work- - have closed J udgo (VILA ndrcvvs of the ConnectiThe Wednesday J About to o'clock Monday iiimning down for thesuniineviml will cut Supreme Court three years past and is now making Carbon County Monday iitol'riinif The story Jib home move again td gust shows bow be when e freshman af ’Qpurations young on the first of Septemoer Joseph Farmer n Around the County v No Ricliln Id Hu -- out he u ihe Jti i lb hi' inch d of the i ngjiieor III (1 al' Hie It feeling tliit 111 dr woi'u is nrai jpl p field is reached they now shunt ‘'All aboard and are off for Elsinore I lien e ht and vv it h vy undcring eye-an- d watch the fast disappearing train and sy "M e gave great inducements for it o come because we bought it would stop but now it goes on pastj 1 mi- i f v r- i : (i'i! i -- i I Yvk-Mc- sii‘ in-lea- j ‘ lunger i Di-li- i't I ’ ’ ici-o- -- Hi-h- k Notkv Students -- Trust y ‘ ' D: - BEpfLESptj'S - car-load- - Al-bo- rt si-t- or v cow-pastu- d s SUITS to RJercKanf Tailor Shop SAMPLES p We-t-m- j ' -- J Sheffield lt)ry Block i p Chri-ten-c- I Twer-ty-Foui'- -- tli I’an-guite- li 1 -- -- pre-umab- g re 1 ( ii 1 u-- ii well-know- n |