Show ! The young Kitellycr whol Ids iiiu t v and every wman slmulAhave a in who tho 'oughly enjoys hors make- - ail should have a -- crap her Then she flic" nine m Teachers’ Column Stnto News J i UIDKON SNYPKK JENNINGS H Every teacher and so should all of lie- - people for Below we give some pieces that we ask teachers to save (let some eight C' E Ibirtoa n brother of Robert or ten Censors from neighbors alter T Hurl on and once a resident of Utah they have read them and cut theie is dead stories out Then paste them oil card board and you have some nice stories Wni Ellioit of Daniels Creek was for third fourth and fifth grade studrdid nearly killed in a wagou race near his ents to iome L Raw Im 1 & Snyder Jennings l(orm‘WiI-!a- undid’ it e w t'RACTK'E j N f A LL THE COURTS Mr JomuiiKS Inis pra'tiTl Twenty v’ir of the Slates nip -- 4ii tliO Supreme Court lie United States He will at lend In persii : all tonus of the IMstriet eoart in eaeliemin t y in this lIHlriet Rlt'HKIKD I'TAII BEAU & McDANIEL AUoriK‘)'nti!-J-HW- IN PRACTICE Amlerton lirriCB— lit Dr i'Cili U E Wal ac e Horney flltnWN 3juv s-- at Enct Mock KifUHcd I tali ill phactico In nil t ho court s St ate aiut IV1- -' rral Corporation Lund and Comniorolal Rooms— J Sl"vn I Thurman ( I ollm Thurman Stewart & Collins Allonicji til Law unwound from a ballelose by Salt Lake County has at Iasi given Roys have boutilj on sparrows s ived heads and eggs for three months p ist a Correspondents statu mi'Drrv itd MINER A I SURV E Y OR i from San Pete coun- inhabitants never saw such a year for rain a XOTABSV & BIJKLI UTAH MONROE VUdwlfory general eare auil Goveuor Wells paid Thiede the There promised visit on Monday seems lo be some hope for the man StJohn Mrr N H 1 Slek Ben Richardson a conductor on a tke night atMercur was seriously hurt Monday night by falling under a car ore-trai- n RleltUelil 'The Wrt?hf House FIRST All of the Populist Central committee of the State have resigned because All were of Bryan's nomination ‘middle of the road” men CLASS Simon Bamberger is suing the Salt Lake Herald for $10000 damages because it said something that was considered hurtful of 3amberger's resort Terms Reasonable Richfield Utah the Lagoon ‘ 0 My Old Kentucky Home IIers that makes you feel home with a Sample Room on A hospitality Tom Carter the colored pugilist got at knocked out by Bob Thompson on Tuesday evening He died the next morning from the effects ef a lick on the jaw Main Street Uo to the KENTUCKY HOUSE Utah Sevier Co Monroe ' New Summer Goods ‘ V at the Glen wood Co-o- p William and Maurice Putter two Payson boys are in trouble They are charged witli lasciviousness having been found in the “wee sma’ hours by the city marshal We also Ueiiiy Hancock of Ilarrisville Weber county has Just died from ihe efHI Have n Good Slork of Shoes Keady-mad- e Clothing fects of u craper's throwing him over an embaukmeut lie was a sou of China and Class-war- e Mormon Battalion a Hancock Charloi firoceries and Produce and Cattle are man Countbought and sold at cash rates William Lee of Nephi went to St NIELS IIEILESONa settlement on the Muddy Thomas Proprietor on tho 4th of last April Ilis object was to hunt for Fred Farmer who mysteriously disappeared from nei r there Uo failed lo find anything of the mining man who is believed to have pi'rwliod C Dry-Good- s: - There teem foio Grande Western Railway TIME CARD NO In ErrtCT Nov 18 35 SANPETE AND SEVIER lo Lc little hope ter saving Charles Tliiedt? the wife murderer Mt wav lleasaat is having a siege of chicken stealing Natuializatioii On August tfLlq Judge McCarty will hold a special session of court for the naturalization of all who are qualified to become citizens' In every town there will he some of these both men and women and the political clubs should see that it is tended to lllcMIrld at 5:4p ErpR'Ili trnliis an Iro Before they come before the court null m oil Moiuliiys Wi'diiosdnys Eililiiyti s they ought to study both tlie constituat 0:80 a m mi Tnmiliiys 'and and Saturd tion of the United States and of the ' PuHSPUgers carried Mi 1'hIuUi trainsbe of Utah State They should also ent ween ainl Satina s quire as to who hold the official Juki lln M Airent tii'ld mid have a general idea of our S II Hubcook I) C Dodge Let there be no delay government Traffic MonuRCr VTe Uen’l MimiiKt'r are a hundred in the believe there I' A Wadlelgh to and let then be naturalized county Passenger Agouti'' noral office Salt Lako City Utah be ready ' Thun-tlay- ! Thl-ill- c : posi-tljn- ( 'l boys who help haul neighborhood of tlie small are always willing to them in Ev'ikitc and “McKinley'! an 1 “ inner” compete ythh those bearing names to see which can i 'hub Barrel kite flying the highest and to be as pretty as it Is successful California’s champion k i telly or wears her distinction very gracefully Salt Lake Herald was Hhort Bits 1 IoNiniN J uly hlUTult C England lttli l sun Situ 9 writing !u- -t hate had many interesting I aC-t- KNMilt: y ex- periences and beheld many wonderful It was ju- -l 12 oYloek on Satiglils urday May mill that I left Philadelphia in company w ith nineteen other delegates of the glorious Gospel of our Savior We left on tlie Wneshind the finest boat now on this line and the only one lighted by electricity The departure from (lie pier was one of tlie grandest and yet most touching scenes I over witnessed The separating of husbands and wives children and parents other near relations and friends tlie waving of handkoreliiefs and Hats hurrahing calling “good buy God bless you ' the groaning of the powerful engines and rocking of the mighty vessel ah this made it a most interesting experience and caused tears to flow freely fritn the eyes of many who beheld perhaps for the last time I He subjects of their tenderest love The cloud of gloom and soberness hung over us for some time but finally wo Induced ourselves to participate in -- 1 God lias blessed me wonderfully have not had a during my travels minutes slekieis and am enjoying myself immensely There Is a warm feeling among the Missionaries where ever 1 have been and they uro zealously doing a good work There is u great deal of prejudice here but generally the branches are progressing nicely LkRoik C Snow 1 There are many contented boys and girls on our American farms notwltli-itandin- g repealed — Ex tho assertions to the contra While passhe a corral near Monroe I’l van’s lvw partner in speaking of ry The movement cityward attract a few days since I noticed two cows our next President says “he lias nevto much attention that the multitude standing head to head As I got near- er to my knowledge uttered a word of rural homes in which content dwell er 1 looked closer until I found that of profanity nor used tobacco or inis perhaps overlooked A sensible one cow was licking the other's eye toxicants in any form ” — Wasatch to home newspaper: “1 writes her girl As 1 drove up to the corral 1 saw Wave j am a farmer gill I would not give plainly that the cow w bo was being ime-- ’ story teiimg pleasant converse-- t g cliickens iny country Hie for all the towns” Tlie law protecting grouse She licked had been badly hurt ion's and to otherwise engage There is a “divine discontent' and sagehons will be out next Sutur was evidently suffering great pain and endeavoring to forget tlie un- which sometimes impels a needed seems did it Our day her friend was seeking to relieve her Miangc to huger duties but there is a not u-- e very much judgement in fram- comfortable motion of tlie bout Soon after leav ng land tlie M issioi livine content which accepts retirecomseason Tlie law this open ing mences entirely too early A great aries met togettier and we formed an ment aud hard work cheerfully It A i unpleasant experience with a li- many of the cliickens will not be large organization with Bishop C N Lund uiay be the crownlogglory oflife that on in Cape Odlony is narrated by Alice enough to fly before tlie sportsman is now President of tlie Scandinavian Hi was faithful in that which is least at our head Our morning -- Youths Companion B Balfour wlio traveled many miles permitted to go after them with dog Mission and as — native and aud there stories eenmg prayers and Gospel congathered gun Payson Globe IIversations brought us to a union and she had the opportunity: “Gan women voleis in Utah cast love for one another be ever will that The horsg of a certain post-ridOn Decoration Day the veterans cl their ballots this fall for Presidential remembered with satisfaction hid fallen sid‘ find died by the way electors?'’ we have been asked Mass listened to an Stockbridge They Afand so leaving it he - alkod on from General Morris Schaff on It was not until the 17th (hat we can The United States constitution saw the last shade of our native land “The Soldier and the Gentleman” "in ter some time he became aware that leaves to tlie State Legislatures to it lie wav follow eil by a lion which stopdetermine the manner of appointment and were in reality “Rocked in tin which lie told them that they could ped w hen he did and went on when lie and in Utah it lias been determined Cradle of the Deep” which caused us not have the gentleman without the started again always keeping about that the women have equal civil t j realize how insignificant the pnwtir spirit of the soldier "No man” said ol man is when compared with the he “can claim to be a gentlemen who the same distance behind him Evirights with the men The worn n can dently it meant to wait until night vote for presidential electors next No- great voncs of God But we were Ills lias not courage and patriotism The to spring upon him servants entiraly in liis care and had linaltestof a gentleman is courage vember there is nothing to' prohibit not the least anxiety in regard to cm tlie imperative duty and tho essential -ii them on the statute hooks Enquirer trait of one Is love of ones country To safty A few miles ahead as he knew there A lady was a candidate for elect ion we y eleven days on the watei steal off and take no interest in the We was a deep drift in lie rver and on of school trustees in Elsinore but was and had a most successful and deligln town in which you hve to' give nu the opposite bank higher up a farm beaten We Leaf th :t it was because' We had grand weather thought to its municipal office? to its He went down to the drift put a large she would not have good in lgmcnt on all the way excepting two days storn' schools its roads its churches and soant-hiabetween himself and Ihe a school-lncsWomen are when the rain descended in torrents cial life is proof that you do not recbuilding lion imtily st mm his vick in the more ognize all tlie obligations and theretasty than men and i lady's and tlie wind blew furiously which and hung liis lull on it so gi'oui on building a school-hous- e judgment tho boisterous deep lo madness fore do not claim the virtues of a genthat it should just show above thetop would be tlie right thing States and Ihe heaving billows rushed over tleman “The gentleman js a local a just and lien of thennt-nestill that have tried women for trii-tee- s the entire deck several times Our well as a national patriot To show keeping the mound between him- say they are better than men and we highest iitiepations were granted by uo interest in affairs of state or town down into believe self and the lion-rus- hed it Elsinore lias nothing to tlie appeaence of four whales spout- is tiie tramp's Idea and is as vulgar in the water where the bank concealed glory overn injKaty Marquardson's ing seenvng for our special enjoy- tlie rich as in tlie poor” Then lie hurried up— t ream defeat — Censor him AVe also saw several large -- Youth’s Companion ment till lie got to tiie farm shoales of and passed many Next day the ground round the antBrigham City has somahing to glo- tine ves elsporpoises' hill was found torn up jn all direetioi s ry over in that the ladies who were The first Su idav we asked permisWe and the hut had been reduced to pulp nominated and who ran on the tickets for school trustees heat their nngal-lan- t sion to iuitu m etiug but our wish was —Youth’s Com panion to make winter suits and it is fni not The next Sunday we opponents in every case Some camegiantcd in second best by being privile e i etler that those who intend to have women of tlie arguments against to holdmreting after the st rvicesof winter suits made should An instance of unusiia’ and perhaps trustees arc flimsy in the extreme select th'eil the Church of England which were unwisely exercised “nerve” is related “What do women kuow about inlying wliii all the STOCK IS NEW goods “We are going to build: wliat all read not a single original thought by CE Bryan in his experiences with coal?” We have finest lot of sample-an- d tlie do women know about building being uttered anil tlie person who the wounded in the Franco-Prussia- n will soon have tiie finest stock oi a was of tnembci “ that only war: “A young man hardly moie houses?” Why all these cheeky presided Church him in and thesacred SOUTHERN upon UTAH doth e taking soon than a boy had been shot through the agents would ( all before of wrist 'snd an amputation was consid- talk a woman over etc” Such are obligations of a Priest aroused our the any pieces are gone He was a vivacious the arguments ered necc-ar- v Such people imagine indignation to the higliest degree Oct your choice If you wiBh us to In tlie after noon we held a very chaiming young fellow with a beam- that furnishing coal for the school-hous- e send East for a piece of cloth let us stove is the chief duty of a spirited meeting I was called upon ing countenance and a twinkle in his know now and we will hdve plenty of ento — the time and occupy eyes and when the went' in to tell trustee trusting Brigham City Bugler him the verdict and take li’m to the tirely in God He aided me in present- time to suit you with it is much speculation ing the plain Gospel of Salvation that Elsinore Co-o- p operating ward lie was smoking a ci- as Already there be to who will chosen to fill tlie va- they were filled with A spirit of gar Not a whit dismayed he got out and we had the pleasure of of bed partially dressed himself and cancy iu the quorum of the Twelve occasioned by the death of holding many Gospel conversations Apostles smokTake jour county warrant io the up passage briskly tripped the late Apostle Abralmm II Gannon witli those who before bad looked uj 11 Lnuritzen and J ing ids cigar all the while until be get easli fur His The quorum is at present composed on' us'with ridicule and qtirioslty mounted the operation table them At Liverpo we were kindly reeeh-e- d arm was amputated but 'when he re- of President Lorenzo Snow Franklin I) lfeber Richards JOrant by President Lund who gave us Brigham he chloroform covered from the state II ALP A DAY BROS are takipg and kind refused to go back lo lied until ho Had Young George Teusdale John W good practical instructions cows and horses to pasture at Walls words W of love Merrill and Manuier John encouragement ville at 50 cents a head Good seen hi-- comrade's leg cut off 'I want Taylor n fcedl) Having obtained President Lund's to see how it was done’ said lie coolly Henry Smith Moses Thatcher II Lund and Francis M Lyman permission I am now taking a tour Then he quietly smoked another cigar and attentive watched every step of It is supposed that the vacancy will through the British Isles From Liverpool I visited Douglas the operat ion and when It was over be filled at the next general conferhe and his companion returned to ence in October and arming those who the capital of the Isle cf Man a beautiare most prominently mentioned for ful Island 30x10 miles In the Irish-Sc- a their ward together ” the position are BishopWilliam Budge After a few days I went to Dubof Bear Lake Ru’on S Wells now on lin the capital of Ireland and had a It a mission t England B II Roberts fine time visiting Phoenix Park' 1800 'Barrel kites” are tiio novel inven- who recently went lo Brooklyn Ohas acres the National Gallery Royal tion of Mis® Nellie Ross Vale Y Penrose of the presidency of tlie Museum the Castle and other places Cal Three months ago she first dene Salt Lake stake Bishop O F Whit- From here I went to Belfast then to onstrated their practieabillity and ney of Salt Lake and J Golden Kim- tlie Port Rush and the Giant's Causesince then lias proved as she claims ball of Logan Of course nothing in way one of the most-- wonderful of that they fly higher than any oilier any degree authoritative has been Natures marvelous works Then I kites ever rcade on the Pacific coast given out but among many church- spent nearly a week in the great city A recent visitor to what Miss Ross men the impression prevails that of Glasgow Scotland and several days calls her “kitory” saw simply a very Bishop Budge will be the choice It is in the very interesting city of Edin-bugclean and neatly whitewashed back- argued that the select ion of an Idaho capital of Scotland I tnen reyard Against some deserted lien most man as an Apostle would strengthen turned do Liverpool via Glaslow Car leaned some queer cloth and bamboo the church In that section and that lisle Manchester Pro-doEccles objects that looked like flattened bai-re- Bishop Budge is the one best qualified Patricroft and several places of minor with the ends knocked out The fertile position there Rulon S Wells interest After visiting New Biighton largest were five feebliigli by foui has many friends who would like to I began my tour south visiting Chesbroad and they were of aU colors see him promoted while all the others ter thqflpqst od tity in England The1 strings' used in' Ilyin or them F named will no doubt be considered then Bermingham Coventry Worces -- Herald obo(’t t’S'o miles long Stratford upon Avon spending om-selv- law-nake- rs er ' e n ooki Magazines and Daily to tlie groat edit'cmt ion the surrouding and to the delight fuTv-jyag'- Peter Jensen a young mu:' tram Provo was killed in the mines at CasIf you believe in Silver 15 to 1 and tle (late on Tuesday A three-totn good meals good beds that invite rock fell on him and lie died soon afto sleoi) and pleasant dreams good ter lie was taken from under it j at once of ii ty to the Tribune says that the oldest HOMER McCARTY lie Corrresponuence home then visited Gloucester and from hero took a trip through Wales visiting Cardin’ and tlie great exhibition Returning to Eng and through theSevei Tnnuol about five miles long and spending several days In Bristol and Bath I huvs now reached London I have prnt marly two mouths iu this trip tliio igli Great Britiun mid will spend alcait three weeks in Lou don after winch intend visiting Belgium and Switzerland before reach' ing Germany I s Some CubanncwH telling ol ictoi Edith Karra n a seventeen-year-olles Salt Lake girl is destitute in Denver wound by ell her side would b q ike a reFinally he saw the un- lief find her mother wheie she went to just now from llu delug' of conwinding was "hopeless so lie flew onto vention i Herald nut the second rail of a fenec and was Some men think a law - all rig lit On Monday a Scandinavian was kill- busy chewing the string into two till some cl heir relation break it ed in Salt Lake His name was Axel-ao- pieces wlvo lnt seen Then they are ready to have that law but little else is known of him UTAH KfCIlFIELU ten not to le beaten that way and would take the end and fly with it time after time until set oral yards wore un- Holicitcd business K a d Brown & 1 ow-ldto- book little sparrow found a siring lyBenedict's funeral was ing on the ground lie started to tty m last Sunday in Salt away with it when he found it was Kielifield llulldinir udae M ieJl at 11 Lake City THE COURTS Sevier County W W WAILACK a A - ALU has wUhibawn as natorship lie st twudavsut ex-eit- 1 a' Are Ready g-- u-- ed I school-furnitur- 4 - inves-tigutio- n: 1 Ar-tlio- CEIVS0R 4 li n ls tr n 0TCE NEWS $150 a year |