Show " - amiMiwnwiTHininrra ti MThomwm — THE SOUTHERN' CENSOR is 'll tl pul Mil owiy r Lo tiG iinJuy ’i niuii i i Wo In V ted a tli it ui-Itoi T' rector v: State n mal to i' nuon Arthur Hr" ) ‘Iircni'i' A ' ' !U'i) K ''" b- r wot JNSTRl’l- SUPREME U'lKrS t'liarles S 'am' li W BAKTCT1 J A MINER IV1HE10HMXTU itSTUK’T l rom mi nt4 sEIEi'TM EN imi IT ' Alilmtl A t I licit1 la id to dent It in main xox The i iccn t rains have given the cattle range south of hero a good welting so that grass will soon be growing A few years ago Utose ranges were heavibut during the two years ly stocked past t be cattle have died or have been driven avvav The farmers neararound here need not hurry to sell their young slock there will be a local raise in it ices for stock cat tie in a lit tie v bile Park I'nily a- - TION Al I I 1’t'HLIL' il’PERINTENDEXT M -- -- Tate Tia:AM’ir I ones (Tiinnrui ATTl'IiNTV (rNT-A C Hlshop M - -- I nun Mm populi-n- i C Sliipi) A It is underfill to see the advanceKlelitleld Kh'lilii'lil ment made by the Cj anide Process of ri'inoii' winking ores It is yet more wonder-alma tl W UK's I i'i tor ful lo see vvliat a change in the minKli'li tH'li! "111' W t nous slu'i'UT Minimi' ing of gold thi- - process of extract ioi -- uv1 H 'noil'' ai'oli Muffli-fis vet this process hits lli'lilii lil lii- - made 1’ Il'iii'i'iii r- - 11 Tii'u'-iii'- i i 'i ni m ley not been tried to spettk of on the ores Ciiroiii't — A'a 11 in ix A 'y- - J H Ti'iin Inn" liirlilii'lil of M a t -- ale awl o the -I'rosi’i ipaminding S'lltllll km vryor— P It S Iio'Ih -- a inn mines The pmeess was invented IVti'i'Miii A M'rs I' i until issii so it has not been applied hliii’P Insnect o' tli' roslniiil —i mi T Mi'l in many places yet Our own (uliiily known to be rich in ores that ( ’IT IIIIIIKTOIIV were not profitable to work ti ut il the M i'Ul! —Theodore Hi jiml’-'cyanide ptoeess was introduced Utah 1' I1''!' !!" ( i it’Nt II will some day teem with cyanide mills l ll IlM'M 1‘ IVicimmi a ml will produce precious no tals n ii As men (o stay in ate-ap- t the miiic old groove- - so are political pili'lle and so are religious sects communities and governments It -- oems U be a fault in many of our towns for most of the people to let others have all re and accompanyinghonois right in some places but those who do the work get the a bilily too Yet once in a while a lead cr comes up and leads out in something new There must be at least one of these leaders In every town So the small towns develop more leaders in proportion to their population than do the larger ones It was in our last state legislature that every leader on tne Democratic side of the house was raised in' small town-- Several of the Republican ur young leaders were the smiie men w no think they are 'so Isolated have a good chance to develop leader-hiDo and they ought to use it not lie content to fol'ovv in too old groove- - hoys hut ho leaders y ‘pon-ibilit- Tlud may ho all ble vv -'- as the Supreme Court ro mains as at prew-n- t const ituted It will be impo—ible to collect an income tax like the one lately lamented and it will hardly do to either kill a judge or force one to resign- Therefore it will lie necessary to raise revenue in some other way and it is far better to tax the foreigner by nidus Of a tariff than the American by an internal or any other tax— Logan Republican ‘ The talk that tjie Supreme Court abundance great wouldn't let the government have an tax is true under the present c institution The constitution was made for the country as if was over a If a teacher or a parent expects to hundred years arc It has proved itcmiv inee a child to pursue any policy self to be t lie greatest document that fails it in- i continually men ever wrote Yet it needs changharping on it because tin- child gets ing: it is fallable one change' needed i 1 ' i ( i i 'i 1 Mourn Ioiim Jusfph I url GnHIliunson 'ii Treusuror- - Tumes Inotli'i'iif tin1 iVni'c 'imon Mar lial ti 'V Illoiniiil-- t -ti'iiart I lly Attorney Hoi n UecmH- i- ) ! i -- trod Supervisor 'll Ci'ii' M’o W r ' — 1’ lolm 11 atii'Mst r Mail- iiirlnline IMnsieiiei - int-ftn- I’lirlslens n l’elerson toon- - - t'liri-t"i''- 'ii II k- Neill M I’ tiled of hearing tiie subject fortici drummed at It is not less true with The great majority ot on I'llIiAU't LAKHHI SIIAII — Ai ILKLA papers TUI Ml - i:t Utah are making themselves patteriOt perAi ur Mtler Ju (' li Jtrilitred l by talking nothing bill puli 1S1W lie- after page is devoted to iePage Luke Tribune t bait In' June On 1’ mf-Si this 'kl tlie tus of subject and we do not intend to nee the pri' resent liith slumlord will I"' doany such thing The people ought vein1 The ml eM'iy effort will h" te leto to iimiliitainoil n and we the money study ram In the front Jieeptlie shall have some editorials bn it but this paper is not a political paper it owes no allegiance to any party dev i i ) it: v vv a v x u i: cor xt nomination or clique IVe can best work for tin- interests of the people in I'M i:n lo a moderate policy and we are gout From Maxfii-Jliett Tea-ituing to woik accordingly t'liarle- - Sipiw Iliinksville 1X11111111 S Rust - tin-som- U - long Mer-ciirvv- I- i r A- v l‘ ' 111 - i on the question of taxation that we 'may have an income tax The man that has the income is the man that can support the government and the constitution ought not to stand in the wav Seni-AMM'U- U-i- t - ' 1 6 ( able-bodie- l I t V John baryai'' Gardner Home Lnduslry i :i? 1 I '?v5 3 I I f : ? 7- Extract- s kinds of pieced tinware are made to order & Kept on hand at my ors and (dn Pioneer Day Elsinore Annabel-l- a Glemvood and Vermillion had while Richfield Monroe and Kalina didn't There were othci reasons as well as the difficulty of getting people to work but that difficulty counted for a great deal When a town is small f lie people usually work together but when it grows to he larger there are usually several faccelc-bratii- A jioney-can- all tions and the town doesn't advance lapidly in proportion as it did when it was smaller At times however this division does not happen Then of Sod pIIOP First Xorth SI east such a town becomes noted for its enI’ETFIl GRECO terprise Elsinore is a town of the Hal) as Honest differences of opinion exist among the citizens but they never pull each other down for fn the District Court of the Sixth Ju- they know that the town will not dicial District County of Sevier grow if they do If I he town does not State of Utah grow all the citizens are injurzd so In the matter of the estate Notice of the man that pulis down his neighbor of Orville JIardy ) JTohntc ami his neighbor's interests pulls of Will Deceased and his own interest down It himself Notice is hereby given that Monday does not pay and Richfield would the 27th day of July ishGat 10 o’clock fast again if her people found a m of said day at the court room of growitout house Court paid court at the County in the county ofSevier state of Utah n has been appoluted as the time and place for proving the will of the said Wc know some try to push the PopOrville Ilardy deceased and for hear- ulist move off as unimportant but It Charles-worting the application of George so The move was anticipawas not for the issuance to him of let- ted in by a million people and had a ters testamentary thereon cause It played the part that the S G CLARK District Clerk Abolitionist played before the Civil War Neither party’s leaders wantfiEAN & MCDANIItt ed to take up the slave question and Attf’s foiTctiUohef i hi AbuliWOBisti Mwi them to do latter kind ) r I A i - q t h t i Li V i IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY your-schc-iii- b'-g- Your Groceries Your Dress Goods Your Clotliinic mid IlositnA and Felt Hats In fact Your Shoes Straw everything you need in your family at IKWRIGHT Southern Utah’s Best Dealer In ! of the Populist The signiiy-ancCentral committee’s resignations is not easy to fathom but when tlie Populist Party started in Utah it was e A nize those inventions submitting especially meritorious devices we have determined to present a sterling silver medal to each person entitled to a place upon the Roll of Honor Wef therefore send you by today’s mall a sterling silver medal- accompanied Jxy a U 8 Treasury certificate as to its standard fineness It is of pure silver and we regard its design as exceedingly artistic and effective Congratul it ing you upon tlie merit of your invention which promises to be exceedingly profitable to you we are witii kind regards all lie can get Sweet Singers of Monroe -- AT1E TIIE - BEST- The Best is always the Gheapest or Shakespeare says: “Never buy anything because it is cheap it is dear to you the in long-run- a?? ” THE SINGER Is not a cheap machine yet Thirteen Million are now in use Tim Singer Company can suit its Terms to all People in all conditions W A MOEBIUS General Manager E NELSON Agent Elsinore i-ocal vh ig: to EtroiToie In the District Court of the Sixth r Judicial District County of State of Utah : In tin- Mal - terof tjie Estate j U KEEP it IIANDY Notice of Archibald MNY-unj to Deceased Creditors Notice is hereby given by tin undersigned Executrix of tlie Estate of Archibald M Young deceased to Hie creditors of and all persons hating 101 claims against the said Estate to exhibit them with tin- - necessary vouchers) within four months after the first 6b(TT:jAT imblication of this notice to (he said IE HAVE CUT BURNER YOU Executrix tit her residence in thin BRUISED-YourselOR city of Richfield county of Sevier or have any horse cow dog Stale of Utah bird or any animal that Ji tvounded i MARY G YOUNG any you will find Executrix of the last will and tesJOIIWMKVS II LA UK OIL tament of Archibald M A'ming I A CURE THAT CURES (creased Beware of imitations Bean A Me Daniel Genuine ony when signed JY AtCy for Executrix I composed of a factioji that ei'her saw no hope for bringing tlie money uues-tio- n before the people Among thc-- c were too many politicians who were They wit stood all wanting office the hardships of tlie party's early life of andhatecjtq see tbe party-manthem had left come in fqr free silver and an income tax As it is tiie chief tenets of tlie Populist faith have been incorporated in the more thoroughly organized Democratic Party First jnihlication July 18 Hlits No doubt the members of the committee felt that tlie Populists were Notice to Creditors tho pioneers and they would not stand In the matter of the Estate of E A the Democrats taking their honors I’erkins Deceased But if it was principle that thu Popxox Notice is hereby given by the underulists were devoted to they should be I’oul Poulwon administrator of if tlioir principles were nut all glad Dodgers and circulars are rarely signed included in Democracy they had read and are seldom taken home Men the estate of F A Perkins deceased better try another time to insert them glance at them and throw them down with the will annexed to the creditors of and all persons having claims But the committee seemed to fed the Intelligent people who read newspasaid deceased toexhibit thorn felt Moses when that against disappointment pers trade with those who advertise w it li the he saw the Promised Land at a dis- In the local necessary vouchers within Ex papers— four months after tlie date of the first tance adThere is no office in this country so publication of this notice to said Rich-Uta- h ministrator at his iti residence great but a Utah man can hope some the same being tlie place for some per day to reach it All of these opportuNearly every year we the of the business of said transaction sons who say ‘‘I will have nothing to nities have come with statehood estate in Sevier County 1 am tired do with politics this year Happy tire tlie men whose past records rouL of politics They are a mass of filth arc such that they may aspire to Administrator anyway and I want nothing to do with and other high offices in tlie them” A little later these same peo- land for there are politicians who Stewart & Collins Attys for Administrator ple often become tlie most radical never dm get tlff-reEnquirer Drfct publication July 27 1800 stroet-cctne- r babblers that we have Sold at Workingmen's Store aid Druggists Wood-Worki- toulson ng I’LIMMJ Shop MOJOIXCJ TlltMVG BHAdtliT AND GENERAL WOOD WORK DONE AT MY MILL WEST OF TIIE POULSON ROLLER MIL) 4o'liMon Jr THE ELSINORE m-- c Sen-atorslii- 2 Call and See his Acme Oil Cans Very truly yours Jgiin Weodekiiukn &CY) Tho history of the invention is this: Ayearagojlie Inventor was staying One day while in Eaton Colorado walking along the street he noticed that a wind mill had more power than was required for pumping water lie began at once to study for a plan to utilize tlie surplus energy That evening when he ‘returned to the place where he had been staying he picked up a clock A device came quickly to li is jninrl lie at once begun to work and soon iiad a machine perfected The machine works thus: A cog rack is attached to either side of the rod leading from the top of tlie wind mill to the puinp A pajr of cogs run on cadi rack (pie cog will be caught and turned during the rack's upward With tlie down stroke lire motion motion of that cog ceases and t'e moThis betion of tlie other begins not does and alb id quitting ginning a steady motion so a balance wheel is used for this purjiose Tlie machine will be esjiecially val: uable in Nebraska Kansas and surrounding states win-r- windmills are A mill will often furnish plentiful power enough to run a corn slicller while a churn or sewing machine could be turned at any time Tiie invention will no doubt be worth a great deal of money some time as they are so simple that nearly every farmer who has a wind mill will want one Mr Sheffield lias been requested to send liis plmtograjili and a biograph if cal sketcli to the National Recorder Tills Is no small honor and we congratulate him upon his achievement " W ants 17 1800 the Wedderburn Prize Under tlie terms of our recent decision to recog- S Paints and Oils lath sash and brooms Panel Doors Glass and Putty Nelson J Sheffield Esq: Dear Sir— Wd take pleasure in inform ing'you that the Board of Awards has selected your Invention for special merit and your name will appear on our roll of honor for list mouth for ' Machine Oils A Richfield Man Honored Washington DCJuly Co-o- p which keepsan excellentquality of Goods anq gives the highestMarket price for your PRODUCE SCREEN-DOOR- Richfield lias an inventoitliat has received dist inctien About a month ago Mr Nelson 1 Sheffield eane here from Denver Colorado and smarted a photograph gallerv We ’mentioned his opening at tbe time and have since had occasion to mention the gentleMr Sheffield man several times seemed so quiet and so reserved that at first he did not impress us as a man of any great ingenuity On Tuesday however lie came into this office and showed us this letter: ' TIio'RioJifiold ropre-resentiu- - Orn Position in Politics is often y to say: The and vve liay Censor will always as long as it is under the present management favor it thinks is for the good of tlie what : I peopl and oppose what it thinks is a detriment lb their regardless of parle ty We see no need o£ going wild over Tiie ills that are laid to popolitics more properly belong litical ECOKDt-It A parties KU'NrY 'Ol'NTV CLERK Then- - are several matters that need The poof the people to habits the Lou H :I llan-et- i c onsideratinii of the people and of the litical parties their stumpers and paA city authorities right novvOur streets pers are intere-tfi- d ASSE-so- tt in making It ap(oLLl't fOIt: have been badly washed out in many ’ninesvil!( otherwise Qnd they' do "so Rut John It Cmft'M pear places and the hollows need filling the people of the United Ktatcs have MiRRtrv: it the city is to fill these it is going long tiled to' have ihe question of 'I'oasdati' II Wilson to be a heavy expense arid willexhaust whether gold alone should be money the city treasury It seems hardly of ultimate redemption or whether St'PT ( It lOIs Lnti ju- -t for the people living on the street W T’ lloliiii-ot- i the laws of the land should make both to bear tne expense because they hapt Eli: TUl'A-- l These trials gold and silver such pened to live in the flooded district ipive al las Iai T A J PIT rv successful and we ptuic and they have already suffered heav- now want to see tlie people stgy vyitli ruosKCi'TiNo Am a si:t eaoii: ily The city ought to have a right tlie issue until it is fought out Tlie Loa M W Matislielil to levy a nqeeial road tax if it is need- Democratic Party has nominated a ed and the city council ought to levy young man from the West a friend of are taking a fax of one day 's woik with team or tlie poor in favor of the free coinage HALL A I) V ’UiOS d handed on all the cows and horses (o jiasture at IVttlls- two single qf silver and more than all in favor voting men in the cjty This ot settling the money question There vllle at r0 cent s a head Good teetltt-l'- l should be done at once if the weath- fore we are in favor of the election of You should inform your friomlsof a er proves to be settled or be left until Bryan and Kcvvall for buying i farm of harvest is j”cr snap (jue-tio- A 1 p Hum Iliismussen county ('Mik- - sam’l n AI Iiilirit gironler :i is'vn —C'hai'U"' Anderson i Him fan do no such thing Walk lh" primaries and vote for tliq iii'ii miii behave vTU bt! tic bo- -t top editor or ti'iiltcc II" not let-tht i' iiwn-any other man that is these points dicpost t tate to you Think for your voIj oi h' nesi vote at the primary I i not select thu men that arc (lie bust noliticians to represent you at tlie eoinentijn but select tlie t men If ni chance to be selected as one of the delegates to the county to think over the com eution men who aie fitted for official posiTlu-ask if they are filled for tionthat certain position You will do well to advise with some one Be careful jnclio' ingtheadviscr that you get a man who is first a man and secWhen you ond if at all a politician attend Hie convention do not be carried off your feet by a popular outburst There will for this man or that man be some nominating speeches made that will fairly carry you "off your legs” But if that man is fit to shine so in a convention some of the polish will show in Ills private life Rememg ber above all iliat you arer t lie-ra large body of people and their good not your own personal triumphs is the first thing you should Consider X u Ix-s- e i lummond STATE ATDITOK: P John It ll-i- s clo-in- 1 ut I SKCKETU'V 'U' ‘'TATI Mm i 1 Sevier County fanners do m ntTct-ic'I’bc sunmici' following choudi o ri'd if net did land would not Nearly every patdi of grain in in ni r liekis is growing ope thud weeds 11 eu-and t wo thirds cereals ixtb or event ti year was taken - a tear lor summer following t h“ weed- - would he prtp'l imtllv killed mil ''aimers Wells r M Jimes i ns CiOVriiN'lK III In-r- i HH’KKSKNTATITTn III So it have any Tni- - n iMiHi-n'im’i f ui que-tio- n y rut 11 tor’s Comment' neither party 'van ted to thing to do w ith tfie"tiom-An extreme eh meat -- e r ant o' think ie ahan-taaon- l and foretd them to do it Wl'-- ihe 'I h‘ Mil' ireuit limui- (itr- philosophers of the next gtcat di o iunl mi lie hml ceutiti-- v rite up t ho political nistory a tlii:: to a hn'f c(irn-e i!my g of tpe years of nflravi- - a pil ithi'i- a ft iliing they will find an important move ia bmught to a head by the move known A-- HI ROLER-Mill- S Will supply you with Flour bacon and Lard Hama |