Show Crisp Remarks coops will be vt‘ cents nuv six a while ago If Sevier l Count) hail a cold storage system eggs ' I v cl r I'iioy were would never he so low in iii'k'e Our county attorne) we ate in- formed must be consulted beloie a If that justice lias any man arrested Is the case the oath of a eitjen to a complaint is below par tt If we (un't build all tin leservons we would like to just now we want to get all the sites we can They m i so we tolerably but extra plentiful have none for capitalists to get the slate papers are that Sev ier County has Several of uff'-cre- d greatly from the Hoods The t people do not know It m well now as they will when they have new ditches Ho make Ilichficld wood roads lire so badly 'washed out that a new one ten t hues ss good will cost but three times as much Ollier settlements may tind they are in the same lix if they look around District- Court - The adjourned session of the want to injure jour town trict court began last Monday you dis- J ttdge worse than you can hy running' it McCarty-presidedown just tell big lies about its great Monday July 27 V The 'resources Our Marysvale mines have' jhrors for the term were: had confidence killed hj just melt C 15 (b lock Emil li Jenson C'has 'babble Lean L I’ llansen Jas B llamsay Amhevv Blow n' Jos Jensen A Chris- Amnion Hunt T P court reporter and he IItopher Pete' son C’has C Christensen Yet it adds more to the Christ ie'Lee John A Moore AV AV Nil-so- AYehave a was needed n 'already heavy expenses of the people Clark W 11 Ilex George Francy J The people hardly knew wlrat It J 1 id A t drew Anderson Joseph meant when we assumed piaclieally Farnswui lh 'till the expense of prosecuting crimiFust case called wasJens M Jehsen nals J B vs Sevier ‘Kkilway Company Jennings represented the plaintifl We have one wtiiie Andrew Howut and S K Thurconcern and several smaller ones man had the other side The case was tried by a jury comin Sevier County Imported pork gets less every year and we soon ex- posed of Andrew Brown J J lvie pect to have none at all Later on we W AV ‘Clark L P llansen Christophv good-size- d will semi pork north pork-packin- A good too g hk-fiir-in it was usually thought and often district in the state A Problem in Economics t E P Bean claimed They opped lung (ircat American Desert to do with the transactions and o totemporarily ill Council Bluff-an- d AVt iter Quarter now Omaha whin-thward him the jury found no cause lie to a body of the Church located and plainaction but gave verdict ui the tiff for $42774 against lna lieau mil built coni for table home- Saint-ha- d a belter nine The delciuianis Latter-daCarrie Poulson for then v i u the alley sol the attorneys were given sixty day- - to move for a new trial in bt halt u! M r- - Mould ain- i hey While on their way The plaint id’s Bean and Miss l’oul-o- n attorneys was given sixty day- - in were overtaken by Captain J Al'cn which to file notice of intention to with a call fioni I lie general g" move for a new trial and in which to men I tor Ano men to be marched lo prepare statement of a new trial Mexico io tight the hat tie- - oi me Imml country winch hud so lan-lagainst E P Lean them beyond the Gniuul- - of e'vilia-ti- i J Sarah N Hlaruion Levi Tlie’-wien were -- turn matched Hannon divorce The patties were service and -- tailed inGuo'l eg into son e stven years idiug at and tiresome journey leaving ilni' her to have not o heading similar tothis the Dueret News of recent date recounted he loss of lal a1 in many id' the J alt settlementNowit is a fact that iu must of tr towns of Utah the male populUmn are practically unemployed alt wm or long Saying months of such that these are li In a town of two thousand popula' mi there will be at lei- - iix hundi'c i iijcu idle for 121 i v - W ukng days Tlmn 7 ''000 days’ time Idienc's tii' to advantage We N swouid like 10 Inve solved not solve it but we cau see a few f L pent in where the idle labor can be ex-A shop will greatly help The farmer can make some Iron plate-fu- r ids hay-raksharpen his harrow teeth mead the plows put new sec tions in machine knives and do a bull'd red other things that are left til) ’summer If be has a cheap blacksmith II trnesses can he cleaned outfit 'Oiled and mended with practically no outfit A few dollars of shedding will 'keep lumber dry so that unyone who ‘can handle a saw can bopointiugpick ets for picket fences or at matching 'lumber for a house he will build next ‘summer if he chances to have a touch There are ‘of carpentry about him ’always some chairs in the house and some other furniture that would be far more ornamental if painted and ’varnished once In a while After the farmers start to work in the spring ’there is usually some cold weather and much wood will he needed If he ‘has a cheap wood-she- d it will furnish 'appetizing employment in winter and get him to the field earlier in spring if he has a lot of wood cut up The ‘wood-sheitself can be built during ‘the fairer days of w inter If busy sum-‘tne- r hasn’t given the time Let the ‘idle husband’ brother or father look 'around the house too and see if they cun not Spend some time profitably In or a knife and ’making comb-case- s flox dr some such thing that the jfork wonteft need badly Let them see too a tlicre Is not some betterments to bC s 'lade to the stables chicken p i us mied d plg-stio- RICH FIELD Carries a firstclass assortment ot i y ed GROCERIES PAINTS & OILS Price on produce this week: DRY-GOO- v- Jo-O- when the wife d children t licit ft n ml ti d As hushanu and went to dal u relatives on the prairie- - to tin n 'in lie knows nothing of her whereabouts In the spring of D17 143 Moiniou It was gianted lie sued for a divorce Pioneer- - under the diivcti-of ihei Lean and on the ground of default illustrious leader left their pun McDaniel icpresenting Mr llannot the Missouri liver to find a Jens Peter Pederson of Lichfield a plan1 for the Saints native of Denmark was naluralized The Pioneers arrived in the valley On motion of GideonSnydor Joseph of the Great Salt Lake on Urn 21ih A Harris win admitted to the bar of July D17 with vciy tin I'u unaday Mr Harris wastalsed hi Monroe and ble prospects before them lad they is a graduate of the Univeisity of scloCied a location broke lhe ground He was admilled upon Michigan planted seeds built- - a fori to protect presentation of a ceit iticate of admit- themselves iron) the naked and huntance to the Supreme Court of Michigry savage- - and returned to their gan familie- - the same year Mary twiilt the Compare those GidJones et al regular hearing with tho thousands of acre-eon Snyder attorney for the trustee golden grain ami thousands of comand JB Jelinings guardian ad litem fortable homes All this was made appearing The sale ofj'ial estate or- possible to us by the Pioneers through dered Tlds sale'i - of t'ie'1 ottse now the help and direct ion of our God width occupied by J B Jennings and the Among all the nimiver-urie- Jones meadow land in the field for we celebrate t lie 24lh of July Piothe Scltroeder homcmilland five acres neer he honored more of land in or near bulbul than any other by the Latlei-dIn the matter of the estate of M Saints as t hat was the dawning of a The petition E Kill An deceased hrighter day 'in the history of Unwas not grfiiited as it did not state people The It was t bought hy some that the different pieces of property wild had been robbed and mm petitioner was allowed ten days to file m'athenoed petition dered so often would not unite theii Court adjourned till Saturday Au- destiny with the American Republic at 10 a nl gust again hut it was by the people ol' mi ountry that we had been robbed hu till our allegiance to our country wa not shaken and we revered thegrea Pioneer Day Orationtnd glorious principles of tlicCon-- n wive-an- DS Kuos mk we-tw- 12c po r d wen Vi et- - pr hu at The hlghe-- t mark etpUec paid Im Good l're-- li Bullet pi'n-pc- pre-e- nt of UiHlerhikers&Coiitractors We keep on hand a fine assortment of CasketsCoffms&FunisKnv$£ d a le ALSO (nit’ ihhI Hoy n’ IIoIich unit lturlnl Mines Our Planing Mill is always ready and oui Lumber Yard IS ALWAYS SUPPLIED AATTII ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER MOULDINGS OF VARIOUS KINDS AND SHINGLES AVe are also Contractors and Builders Our prices are fail- Citli and' see foe yourselves HORNE & MILLER RICHFIELD - 1 -- - our request we have obtained Lhe copy of Bp Thomas Gledhill's nation delivered on tliq Twenty-IoIt entirely Fourth at A’ermill f rotn a religious point of view and so nay prove of interest to all who wish to read such an address: Ladles and Gentlemen Brethren uid Sisters— I address you thus this Is a Mormon iubilee and a this oui celebration that all lew State should rejoice in celebrating Because of the freedom of oui ich and peaceful surroundings which By n Do Y on W ant a Bargain? Calling on TKeo IJraivdley Richfield You Can of -- - '-- ly their it by get FOR YOUR Furniture Baby Buggies Carpets Rugk MirrorsPictures and Picture Frames lace Curtains and Window Shades Rollers Lounges OUR STOCK IS AS FULL AND AS Good As Any LAKE CITY -- - $110 pr cwt Give us your orders: they will receive oui closest attention and all Goods will be DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE within city limits Don’t Forget We are Your Money Savers be-aus- t ts g u-- Under a STORE -t- ' cla-ses- If a man is a candidate for any office and needs from one to a dozen papers and fifty or sixty politicians to show up Ins gou I qtialit ies and fitness for t ie ollice he will bear watching The 'icih doesn't need su'li boass be-- L men never encourage such heip ei: her i 'Ution and the master-spirit- s who framed it as we do today and w e cel brate this glorious day under Hie Stars aud Stripes of wnieh we nic ever proud Though gues am He then started suit against to shook traitors free condemnagovernment started before them they trust rate ami annul the laws as the As the tion proceedings aginst him had done in the past we will not al road cat of! one corner of his laud low our patriotism to be warped am case the the company compromised twisted and fail in our allegiance ami tfie laud pay lug him $20 an aert ove of our country and those win y and also for tin for the right-of-wathat the Mormons were noi sui The road thought the off coiner cut by true to their government have mu as to damages was continued and he read Mornioiiism aright for we wih was given $30 damages to his farm and never be arrayed on the side of hei' $21 for fencing we now enjoy in this our new State: enemies never will we as excused was permit the juroi and which are made George Fiancy possible only weakness of human nature to triumpl fur the term the Mormon Pioneers enter-ngintwer the love of our country though Sevier Ilailway Co vs Eva B Slew-a- rt through Salt Lake valley furty-nive have felt the stimiig anti of oppre- The lano condemnation of land Lad!es ano ion and the today years ago Isay cruelty of the tyrant's was condemned and the railroad is to we have cause to meet to Jentlemen od pay at the appraised value of the land But here we are my brethren ano getlter in our various cities towns am Mary 1 Jones trustee for her mimr and do ltouor to and show oui asters iu the beautiful State of Utah Children petitioned toi sale of reai illages of those noble t rm tad I congratulate you my friends lute The petition was granted ana appreciation bold and fearie--Pionee- rs stalwart hearted hat after having sustained ourselve-- o J B Jennings was appointed guardian who made it possible to seta people iu our weakness through litem ami Desert American Great tle the M perils and suffering we are now Minnie L Rhodes vs AVnt fill it with an intelligent aud indu-triou- s one of tho proud States of the United Rhodes divorce These parties weje Those 143 Pioneer people of state: America Thanks to this married at Richfield in 1892 They who left the banks of the Missouri great nation add to our Heavenly niter went to Arizona where they river forty-nin- e years ago and entered Father for this favor AVe all should separated Two years later the wife Salt Lake valley on the 24th of July) oe thankful for this blessing and may icturned She sued for a divorce on 1847 were the first white men to setve never permit ourselves to swerve the grounds of desertion No one ap tle this country plow up the ground rom the path of duty And 1 will pearing for the other side a default and sow seed and make it possible lo ay tb the stranger among us wbd was entered and the decree granted live here permanently these were ail ees the prosperity of our new State vs Debwtm Ann Christopher Mormons under the leader-hi- p Mary of Uiat we are with God's guidance inThe defendant DeSwau divorce Young debted to the toils and suffering of was a Richfield girl and her husband Brigham Let us look back at the history ol tliosic few Mormon Pioneers and their a soldier at Fort Douglas weie They this noble band of Mormous From onaly half-fe- d and patient wives and mar tied in Richfield during holidays the Book of Mot-rno- n children who followed them to these of first the opening 1893 Several times his misbehavioi by the Propliet Joseph Smith in mountain and helped to sustain them had been forgiven but finally he deof New York September 22 in the'rwfilictions and labors attendthe State and serted his wife and 1827 the truth found its haters and ant on the settlement and subduing Feritas not been heard of since Saints their perseCuters from of these then desert vales the was dinand Erickson the plaintiff’s whom AVe are-ho- t they retired to Ktrland Ohio: only friends but citiattorney and a default was entered and in that state the Joseph United States today zens of Prophet these Mrs DeSwan getting the decree and was dragged from iris bed at midnight and have equal rights aud privileges custody of their one child tarred feathered pounded dragged vvffh any other Slate: vveare friends Richfield Irrigation Co vs Anna-bell- a over the frozen ground by the heels of all who seek to tlo and obey Irrigation Co et al This was a and left for dead A temple was built the laws which all menright do if they will peaceable suit started for the purpose at Kirtlaud where in the midst of op- n gat'd and practice Hie principles of of settling the water rights of all the Cun- - iiution cf the United States J position and lersecution they contin Hu: companies in tlieHevier Valle increase which to ued grow and night lor it was given to the fatbits B Jennings is attorney for the Anna-bell- a In Hie ieu' it ions of Jesus Clui-- t and is ttndvvil that truth proves iniglitv and Brooklyn companies and upAnd and Monnonisni includes i prevail pi ineiplcs are verily true on his motion Annubella was ordered 1834 the Church moved n In to Him give glory and honor fnrev-- 1 truth cross to fill an amended answer and A men what was called the Camp of Zion to Brooklyn was permitted Jackson Countv complaint Mo after being to withdraw the answer formerly filed imprisoned and scourged These two companies have decided to persecuted houses burned goods confiscated their ri In- - cm o' make a fight on this suit and this was ip cation of auditor-hi- p and plundered men women and chilof Iiih been settled by Judge preparatory work Ogden dren massacred in sight of the state Sevier RailroadCo vs Emma Broad-hea- d that' the mayor's apRolap deciding authorities Those whositrv ived the can hold tiil rejected by the Condemnation proceedings old i nd pointee us well as the young helpless council: but that the mayor may liowat and Thurman vs J B Jen and hungry were driven from city naked n trigs The case came up for regular Missouri where tbc Church had loca- again appoint the same immediately After the jury was drawn ted in Jackson hearing County hy order ol The road Gov the case was compromised theG Prophet and and Boggs will pay an agreed price for the land Our con lent I'oraiy is advocating a cast into prison men other leading Sevier Railway Co vs Jane Young Fa'r It would V a good CaclieUouniy After moving to Nauvoo and btiil et al for the condemnation of land of we move and heartily endorse the ot a magnificent city die infers of this valley which Mrs Young is administratrix trutli and the Mormons were not sat- project Tlje producers The land was condemned and C AV wonderful resources can advertise its isfied but stirred up persecution Collins appointed guardian ad litem Wav Hundreds in the year 1844 on the 27th duy of in no more effective for the minor children (m-lintm of with money people Patriand June the Prophet Joseph Levis Zukoski Mercantile Co t nkc arch Ilyrum Were murdered in Cold looking for homes R) kc pingav atE P Bean Ina F Bean and Cur b” to nCo we iu'iilotion and may bluc-confined in Jail and while Poulson The plaintiff Is a ht Lout under the' being so'i‘c of their capital t Ids way guaranteed protection of tract Company who soM merchant!:-Mr- s means let 11s have a county lair all the -- ta’te of THinoi-Persecution an 1 By Dean and HfsVPouYsou the : -how eMbim d — Logan stock and iumI 'Aug followed ’anti tho Saints had M of Bean and Pott Bon Millinera homes a prey to Journal to leave Jos II Jensen C’has C Ctiristenscn and T 1 II Peterson was away fioni While Mr Jen-e- n home the railroad ran through quidity er Nilsson ‘said that we didn't have material a competent man) for judge among the residents of our district That was last year and nobody thinks Lliat way fnow We have as good a judge as any OR ROCK’S rd -- summer lie can keep his milk front souring his butter from becoming rancid and pet Imps sell some ice too There is plenty to do but few can see far enough ahead to do in winter what they will not want till summer The greatest punt of the solution lies in teachirg the pe iple to see far Then when all this is enough ahead done there is another way to spend time Joyfully and at the same time That is by study The profitably furmets may well find some good book 's and study farming or some good woik and cultivate his mind The active mind will be of value on the tarm and help the farmer to do more wotk its well as It will be of value in the store ollice or other place of business Study will well occupy a purl ol the wintertime that farming People complain doesn’t pay and thecompluint Is true The funnels look for tbc remedy in change of national administration or some other tiling that will never bring it It will come only by the farmers themselves arranging their own farms in a proper way U If careful fanner could also Jennings represented I In cmnwj the molt In ism Brigham "iiug lime putting up ice It while George T Bean uni M L led a company of t he to lind a new Imme in llie w ild- - et he worth a great deal to him next Blown had the other ic A spend some SOUTH OF SALT And we aim to Satisfy our Customers by dealing Fair with every one D011’ I t tickul Maw! to yee how cheap it makes the Gosh! i ODD take ' When you OFF OSTON JO PRINTING TABBIN' & NEATLY and EXPEDITIOUSLY DONE AT THE CENSOB OFFICE 1 |