Show G v r’ Around the County (isOiyi Hi GLEN WOOD nikerliolf of Thurher was in tow n Monday City Council t '""I Gosh! Don’t it tickn At a w! To see how cheap it makes tlie I Ruclianan a mi Ed WFayne have Regular session Thursday J inc 23 Wo'msdiy morning Mr Elliott started a butcher shop in Glen wood JKU6 All members were present w 1' 'o s t Lake intending to he gone RICHFIELD Karl G Maeser and Frest Neegmill-oMayor Rrandley presented an applihu s me iim days lectured on early training of ch cation of 11 W Ramlosc for liqiiot Taylor Tliurbcr came home fiom re n and pool licenses Tlie application it Nevada last n ilit I'iglit our ever busy citizen R2S33 for a liquor license was granted and lei: He vvi” Kunahon Tuesday rTlie Young Ladies arid Choir gave a Stake priesthood meet in? next bnt- - he tlie rate fixed at 81 000 for Hie ensu av i a week surprise in the Relief Hall for Maria urday ing quarter Killian to show i ions fof ' Mis N J Shellield and hertao Hills allowed oi Mi day ('has Lammersdorf her faithful workheirinappreciat Choir the and Dr II K Neill $7 50 for daughters came from Denver on Fri buuglil sa(io uj the caiital stock of Young Ladies’ Association Relief quarantinthe Sevier Mine Irian Willaid Snyder day ing and disinfeef ing tlie home of W Society also gave surprise for RacheJ II Clark On Friday last Ed Hancock and K Ilian who lias been a faithful memAfter August the service ol the Marshal w ’A Bloniquist feeding rison-er- s diswife came from Fanguitch special police for Richfield will de AT They re' ber of that association 8400 turned on Tuesday petised w ith Glenvvood celebrated tlie Twenty Couneiior Jens M Jensen called atTuo veneiahle liveryman i D El- Fourth in ho good old style Hyde Webb of Salina is serving a They tention to a washout near Oberg’s sentence in the county liott Inis si Id his share in the Radi had a train of old butleied wagons A pMilhin of Joel lurks ask ing that held Livery to Willard Snyder and teams to match and w itli cover the giiol 1 tlie Use of water made to jail for whipping his sistcrinlaw tlie GniGiundeRailroadCo be changRmruii Wright inis gone to Heaver tattered and torn The piIgrims: All the U'tees have qualified exwere costumed in ’ ed to the Sevier Valley R W Co was a full Redmond and from one a He act with til will cepting eyiiig parly When the emigrants arrived referred to tlie ni'o'd from Rurrville as leamsicr and learn the rudimeuts style city Attorney at the square they Hung out of their Mr J C Anderson and Tlios Ogden T1'"1' lv ol Joseph Farmer came in of surveying and be appeared before tlie Council and asked wagons a pile of Murk J lhlgi of Fan "li tint i day night passi nger train iran to make a lire and cook their mid that the old Mill Canal which enters t Mnnim was alo a rignl “ heir Monday night lie v a ie day muil ami seciiiiiiglv had a good the nlv on the south be abandoned Cnivt'i'- - ilv- immei uii In nriHU Soim-od Reek F an me d of bullalo-boJohn and corn filled Angus quue and the bridges removed and Rot li are inter- school came in t !'ih' enle A W Buchanan Sen deliver the water ncilful for irrigation lie In ested in lie Hul O Clark Thau Heime B ill Robin- el the oiation followed by Horace carried in ditches made mining soil along the line Thornton was 444 who one ami sim of tlie all ol Pun pio of tlie stiei ts larimla Rov Nk'soh and his sI'Icl neers who ueeompuoied SCREEN-DOOR- S Brigham are visiting in Ml Plea a :l They guilcli vveie in (own with loads of Andrew Poulsou's immense pig pm across in JS47 Both s my wool the Wediu Young mi plains at stocked vvitli about 100 swine came in ' spent the Twenty-fourtgave sk'di lies of lift and incidents on Oils was in town of Xebeker Nun fur a share of censure for being main Sigurd trustees of hoard The organized the plains Mother low He lias been quite recited “Tlie Hand that rocks tlie tabled in its present location surround Saturday niglu with I J Stewart Wednesday chairman: Wm Ogden secretary: Mrs with diptheriaaiid vveare very pleased Cradle is the Power tliat'Ralcs the ed as It is by residences lath Tlie mutter of filling ditch was referto see him around again Misses Maria Killian anB (Jrrock treasurer World” red to Comm ittec on irrigation Early in t he week E G Rognon Alice Jackson two of the pilgrims Joel Ricks Jr who was brought up was brought to the coum Dr J W CtiJley spent several rendered several 'tiid song of the! oilComplaint from Richlield last week for medical P Peterson's corral bordering that treatment is improving as well as days fishing in t he mountains near plains vvhich were accompanied by on tlie sidewalk opposite the Richfield They went north on Fred Bell in liis orginal banjo could be expected —Logan Republican Marysv'ile waa abounding in unpleas' from the stump of an olJ Wednesday morning ant smells and desired a removal of are visit Morrill Horace Mr and Mrs broom with broom wire strings but same Similar complaints from the WedAnother flood visited Richfield Fred is an artist and what his banjo iug friend i in Richlield Mr Morrill numerous sources came in and other came from the afternoon It is the cierk of Piute County and they nesday could not render lie put in vvitli his was tlie discused at length matter north-wen tow of Mountains First voice in a way to deceive an expert return home this evening a conclusionwithout at North Main and Center streets re- banjo player We would arriving suggest tha Mr and Mrs J M Laurilzeii the ceived the A of floods misunderstanding on the part of the larger parts lie sing tlie old song “The Misses Carrie and Laura Miller Horne and Jensen in refer councilors Mr andMrs Joseph Edam ily and Mrs ed End of the Broom” tlie next tim ye editor and Mrs Crosby were all the to ence the sprinkler resulted running Richlield people who joined the Cas- I Ians M Hanson came over from Loa as most appropriate in councilors Horne and Jensen sign Several were m rendered with songs and Monday night aim spent the two tilla excursion at this station Oil ing a contract vvitli tlie man running friends in accompaniments on the organ The the days lollowing on same behalf of the city The Gilbert Reebeand wife have been to Richfield gave several fine selections are now seeking to kick out mncilors Junction' Piute Co visiting old ' whole Indeed the celebration was u: less C M I Will Scare the the City stands to' their backs friends They are now back to Rich- drummer ran downgenial first class to fiom Salina lield where Mr Beebe will continue Mrs E W Payne gave a medley of visit his sister Mrs Rruee Morrison Ui3 study of law songs accompanying herself returnwere home not lie at and They on the guitar in an artistic manner Miss Lizzie Butler has two complete ed on Wednesday In the afternoon a dance was giveD telegraph otlices One in the parlor The Young Ladies Mutual improve- to the children of which there are in and one in the kitchen She is a ment Association held t heir annual Glenvvood about 160 between the of telegraphy and others of the age$ on Monday night A coin of 0 and 16 arid tlierQ are meeting are household many younglearning Peter Jenson the sociable proprietor plrle reorganization was had The er and older Joseph L Wall was of the Jenson Hotel came home last r is here new officers are Lizzie Westman presJWWithiibee a chaplain of the day and L Lauritzen lie will make a shipment of nine car- ident Martha Jenson and Sarah Dali marshal Candy and nuts were pre- night from Scipio During a twenty' days’ absence Mr Jenson visited nearThe co unselors Molly Orrock and Amelia sented to the children loads of sheep from here today We ly every town in Southern Utah "sheep are being bought from Joints u Olsen secretaries XOX account of below condense what his ‘and Peters an of Glen wood II Joe Nielson of Circleville was In the floods have done Our informant MONROE ODD FELLOWS town today for a doctor to set a leg for Lorenzo Lisonbee was the happy was at W J Moore Grand Secretary of the Ross KANAB Simpkins had Ids victim of a Simpkins surprise party a few nights 'Grand Lodge of Utah will lie in RichDry leg broken just above the ankle by a came It was the storm when the since The occassion was his thirty lield July 30lli 18W and desires to broncho horse Nielon him falling first birthday His grandmother first rain for a long time and the peo'meet ail members of the Older Block son got no doctor and went home All felt jubilant though they may old eighty-fou- r partook of the ple C W Collins our doctors were busy and couldn't bounties andyears dam after left lost he have their joined in the good time J S Anderson a government tint go Dr Steiner of Pauguitch couldn't while his wife spared no work in mak He couldn’t get to ESCALANTA her inspecor was here this Monday come either ing it a success flood's washing out the tlie of because He says the people are not morning Bishop Gledhill of Vermillion called of Silyer City Idaho road Farmer David well posted as to nights for cutting In to see the Censor on Monday The was here for his brother’s funeral timber and that they should gain AT PIPE SPRINGS Bishop was up at Richfield to go bond more information on the subject When he had to lay over two days on the new school board lie says the The body of Joseph Farmer aged on it was by running the bugwent he women two has selected and was lal(l to rest last Sunday having George Goddard and Karl G Measer district into the washes by hand: then claims' been assistant to the general superintend- one man at this election and brought from Butte Montana on gy of fur honor the district having Friday Just how he met his death is hitching the horses on the end of the ent of the Sunday School Union held the man— one women two to selected the not known but it was on the railroad tongue to pull it up a meeting here on Sunday night The in Hie Tlie instance' county only His brother David has gone to Butte ROCKVILLE and VIRGIN CITY bowery was well filled and the general members of tlie new board are: to investigate Last February the both had a great deal of damage done expression of the people was that a Mr Jensen and his passenger couldn’t 3 years Mrs Gottfredsun Louisa young man paid a visit to bis parents good timi was had Whole farms water to drink Mr Violet I vie 2 years get and was well and cheerful when lie buried were with mud Rockville above 1 JohnE Gledhill (an old trustee) left Louis Oakley is again acting as and boulders NOTICE TO CREDITOKS year Joel Ricks will agent at the depot and HARRISLEEDS TOQUER FREMONT be out for three weeks looking after Tlie following teachers passed tlie It In the District Court of BURG He will give matters Beautiful weather just now Sjvier county teachers examination: Judicial to no District the received time had County harm up of to his lime matters at this ('lias J OUen part IT HARDY Belle Gardner Tlie bay that was cut before tlie big he was there SHite of Uiaii end and part to the Provo-ParCity Minnie OKen Carrie Anderson rain is hardly worth having after WASHINGTON and ST GEORGE In tlie Matter of tlieF state Notice line Millie Heppler Lillian Sinionds of Archibald M Young ! to moulding and bleaching floods and lost a cuthard had pretty Emma Bean J J Creditors Burton Ivie Deceased Tuesday morning Attorneys Jenin dams Virvistlie from of Lake lucern Salt The City BpPreston ting P I) Jensen l ' Net ice is hereby given by the nings and Stewart went to Salina Yirg Bean ited us tlie evening of tlie 18 inst gin Itivec stopd the flod Lula Cooper The former to prosecute (lie latter to E F Dm fee of Ihe Estate of ArExecutrix and PINTO and spoke to an apreciaaive audience PINE VALLEY defend Willis Blood charged vvitli Pailev Magieby Eliza Dali chibald M Young' deceased to the floods up to that time but a will surely bid adieu The here No people Delia Sadie Pendleton creditors Maker of and afl persons having battery upon Emily Jones a to tlie moving element and work to- storm encountered in Pinto Canyon Lihbie Staker claims against tlie mid Estate to Sophia Uoklbrahson girl Tlie defendant was ward making our town a beaut itied may have brought one down M E Anderson liei tlesen them with the necessary vouchEmily HARMONY KANARRA and city after so much encouragement Clara Seegmiller tannine poul-o- n ers within four months after the first Gledhill Thomas Vermilof Bishop from the good experienced men toat J E llopplei CEDAR of this notice to the said publication lion says there will be a grand lime in us of late visited HAVE CUT BURN El Mr Jenson Executrix floods no when had had at her residenee in this IF YOU OR bis town and the people will keep BRUISED n field from the Agricultural passed there Li Prof of Richfield county of Sevier city 'open house" on the Twenty-FourtYourself or bayeany horse cow dog ' WAN and of State College PAIR) spoke Utah very interestingly and invite their friends to drift clown bird or any animal that is wounded in AN NARELLA MARYG YOUNG instructively Sunday P M encouraged had lost a great deal from crops being ft he river and “take-insome of their any way you will lind down to a tlie testlie beaten last build creamery etc his covered up and Executrix of will and people good things JOIIXSOVS BLACK OIL Wm M Sjialfied Sr is out again M was Archibald how and tament PAKAGOONAII to of subject crops Young produce I A CURE THAT CURES them profitably Presumably Brother Howard of the a iter a ten days illness Itoceasod No great harm s Beware 'Salina Press lias gone off to the of imitations Genuine only Anna-bell& Bean McDaniel BEAVER Oscar Andersou Is visiting We are lmprovii g There were four“ tor tits flailing trip Howard is when signed borne returned Executrix floods No again having Att'yfor teen voters present at Hie election for 'ho doubt a good fisher and wc will from DeLamar First publication July 18 18!)6 FILLMORE Trustees two of whom were ladies hear of some whales or litiar of some floods carried The ulfered Sold at Workingmen’s Store and tost Peter a greatly cow Christensen in The ” minutes read showed but one rethe ‘whalers when the editor gets back Hi Mid on Wednesday the only head of gistered voter at the previous eiection three saw mills down tlie canyon and Druggists Creditors Notice to around a fourth one so that it JB Jennings says lie lias had ft rev- stuck lost near here so far as known the trustees having voted themselves washed In tlie matter of the Estate of F A to get to it Is nearly impossible back ever first into office that elation lawyer (The Mr Ncilson and company left for Wood-WorkiPerkins Deceased Hooded was town of Every part did have one) lie says the Lord did Shop Lake to spend the twenty-fourtPanguitch is John undersNotice MEADOW Taylor was thrown from a hereby given by the ’not like tlie people's quarreling over and will not return till adout horse some days The water stood igned Toiil I’oulson administrator of PLAXIXfi Mojmxti ago which almost suffered still more 'water to fill their canals so lie sent August 1st Knocked him senseless inches for BRACKETS higher than the door tlie estate of E A Perkins deceased TIRXIXR several eighteen water enough to fi’l them up for good hours lie is better now and hous- with tlie will annexed to tlie creditgave the ills of the Then He sends water direct so they Some queer sights were witnessed AND GENERAL WOOD WORK ors of and all persons having claims in tlie mud on Wednesday Two of )oung folks a dance Monday evening es and ran in the windows of the lowwill not need the canals We wish John and ids bride a pleasant er ones One man saw the water pour-ngi- against said deceased toexhibit them DONE AT MY MILL WEST OP Annabella's young ladles mired knee fc "Nelson 3 BhcffliJld lrt opfenlng a dry deep but that did not prevent them voyage in the life bout his house and said d — d if lie with tlie necessary vouchers within THE TOULSON ROLLER MILL occuroom in store 10 Amlf'r Mi the from would go Ft was his property and he four months after tlie date of the first formerly gbods Flies are coming going right back to see the flood when tlio next rctir was heard was going" to stay by it pied by the Long and Thoreson Mowers reaping Eighteen publication of this notice to said ad' Tlie rooni lias been fitted up riches of mud covered most of the ministrator at Ills residence in Ricli-UtaSun is scorching over all Editor J F Bruucll of Hie Piute and presents a neat appearance Mrs the same being the place for rops We arc in receipt ol' a Shetlicid will look after the greater Pioneer spent yesterday at tlie KAN OSH transaction of tlie business of said ROLE copy of the estate in Sevier County often Hie case vvitli married program for the Twenty fourth of 'part of tlie badness Mr and Mrs As was reported more in tlie newspaper 'Shellield are genial people and we are men when away from their companTOUL POULSON at Fremont As some but suffered less Only one corner of Will with pleased to see tlie new enterprise As ion lie wandered lonsomcly around jone delayed our mail two days by town was badly injured Administrator Stewart & Collins ’they will follow one line Of business at spells until another female count- sending it back to Fremont wc have SCIPIO ' ' Attys for Administrator: doubt not they will have a good enance yvouldfora littie time smile not time to set n the tyj'e for the had quiite a flood and the crops were UlMt publication July 27 18D6S6ruc vn of business away his gloom greatly Injured Os 1 r i ld-- cl I ? i i v When you take 1 THE I 1 ORFON tour-mont- TOR thc"ovci'-!he-p!ains- -- sage-brus- h ' 1 i t j l i I - o' 1141 Southern Utah’s Best Dealer la-- k l -on (V-till- h ik-mi- a Machine Paints and Oils sash and brooms old-tim- e Wants re R n all he st - Bald-Hea- !i Panel Doors Glass and Putty can get d Call ’ See his Acme 2 Cans Glee-clu- b old-tim- e Southern Utah’s Freshets stud-‘ca- t stock-buye- J Sheffield Goods Alright - right-of-wa- y KEEP k undcr--ignei- thirteen-year-ol- d ex-liib- it h ” i moun-Hain- a ‘ ng h 7 higlier-foundatione- d n ’ 77 li THE ELSINORE CV-till-a - R-Mi- llS - supply you Flour 1 1 and Lard i u bacon v ' ' Ham" |