Show ENSO OUT Richfield Voi L Utah July 27 1896 :No 14 Let the farmers of Utahcounty husLou The commissioners entered Into ah At suutli Hooper a toddlnng baby tlielr crops this year they may band agreement with the Loa SEASONABLE POETRY to rent the child of Antonc Christensen was a homo market for them— Enthe upper part of their new building dfowiiid by falling head fir-- t into a find CF - oi 'oKlK8PONKNtE for Court and District Court purposes quirer St rains all morning und it rains all post lnde full of water W but said firm failed $o stand by tlifc Go July 21 1896 Ioa in the ’The Chicago only delegate nightis agreement as the rent agreed upon was ah She Utah! from convention Superintendent Eckorsley Joseph And It rains all the livelong day C t lumbers wan loyalty wed with R his Vercounselors found Walter in ttiuks— front lihe Jeffery was not sufficient to make the necesIt gets up to rain when the stars are corned at Park City w lieu he loturned ways and Alva Hanks held a Sunday school sary expenditures for cotivenlenee uff nal Express bright from the Chicago Convention at Giles Ward 03 miles below said courts And It lulns when the dawn is gray The Journal has been receiving and jubilee II M Hansen Clerk Loa on Saturday July 18 The parts posting bulletins as to the condition rendered It rours and it tumbles it whirls and be well YXOX satisfactory might Salt Lake City council Is after the of Apostle A IT Cannon The Jour- to those who took it rolls while the parts for He his hopes nal 11340266 speedy fecovery of( And rnlrrs In rivers down the streets city treasurer May for Ustenefs appreciated the work greatDay in the shallowest puddles you can sail the city money which he had depos- Is a gbod man broader than many and ly After Counselor Jeffery had called In broad men Utah is needs ited in the Bank of ‘Salt Lake when what to order little Nora Turgreat ships The celebration In Richfield declared these days of evolution— Logan Jour- the meeting And navigate thegutters with fleets it failed ner delivered a talented address of off many of our celebration seekers nal waved u ban- went to Elsinore and were satisfied Halil thou Aquuribs you damp old god! Arthur E Howard of the Salina welcome While cqch You ought 'to be ashamed O! my! welcomed The forenoon was given to program siiiall The sale of Do Laifiar mines to an Press of ner a number boys Kiys lie is going to pliinge Into You had plenty 'of time 'to rain all English syndicate has fallen through a with visitors c song com- much in the same trend as they the mountains on a vacation for a the Jubilee John Johnson deliver ed tlife othlocal Several a author sprfhg week or two and take a much needed posed by Without raining tiH the middle of The Salt Lake police are after peo fish er pieces were rendered and made the orationReminesccnces df the Budhriii-a- n rest Look out for a D War were indulged by Asa Hawley a day of Jubilee in earnest pie who allow chickens to go into July or a monster bear story when Br jubilee lie was their neighbors premises- At least one yarn The having carried the news of the occupied by following day Ilowaid gets back— Iron Co Record conviction Is scovcd each day lately a district conference of M 1 Associa- army’s approadh'frdhi Fort Brldger to Cloudbursts floods 'and destruction tions 'State Jsews Stake Superintendents Irine Salt Lake City During the noon ine at Euteka Richfield MerCu'r J Tanner and Julia Jeffery and Coun- termission an appreciative crowd wall A Good Mai Gone Mt Pleasant Meadow and oth- selors Abram fl Cannon left an estate Ephraim Blackburn and Sarala highly entertained at the Jeiiseu Ilq erfitW'of ILfs Blessed Bingham! Rust were Utah never will er tel by those two ladles who know how The points paper valued at $71000 present forget Abram TI Cannon While at- where the magnolia blooms eternal The usual opening exercises being to do it so well Misses Eva Jensen tending school in Salt Lake business inclement weather comes not and the over Bishop Levi White amlupcrin- - and Annie Owen Judge McCarty isspending the week for a notlier person took him to the glad people revei Id one continual pic- tendenb Afternoon Sports Tannej- spoke Interesting-- ! and holding Court iR ncber’City Juvenile Instructor 'office Apostle nic of paydays Many df tlie afternoon sports ive ly arid'encouuigingly to the young in Cannofl was then manager of that 'Bluff”— Bingham Bulletin excellent the Work of mutual improvement tlfc visit Michael Cohen of 'Ogden aged 71 has office When tile object cf “If lien you pass a farm says a writ- Superintendent Julia Jeffery ad-- i P K Christensen kicked 7fe't b ii' name he was the told It enquired er "and see a large barn and a small dressed the conference speaking main-- ’ high while yet one foot remained been convicted of rape upon some Wherever met was never forgotten house you may know the man is boss ly on the habit of reading good books tlio ground small girls' he was recognized never as a cool for- When Rut the best we'Jiaye ever Svi Novels are oltcn bad companions you see a fine house and a mality but always by a warm hand barn you may understand while good literature enables the se- the running high kick by Cluistije The celebration of Pioneer Day at shaking1 a calih manful salutation Hansen 8 feet 10 Inches Tin- - juui that Jhe woman liqs things her own cluded to mingle with the best com- man SAltalr wa postponed because of the and H warm beam of the eye is natural Jjtliletc Ho i uracil is a new are house notice and blie when there there gave panions way death of Apostle Cannon a Some two years later a first attempt summer sault over a jope five fed would for take a that annual barn it the good you Ladies’ Young niay at magazine writing was carried tim- aqd high got first prize on the fifty jaiil granted that the woman and man are be held on September 1 and that all dash office and fairly celled hlmsi If or Record to Co cents The Republican central committee idly into the members should ten Iron pay about qual”— payi the of fill bon County has decided to work Brother Caution took the manuscript of associations the the expenses ami said that it would be looked over Thq adoping of 'the Australian balThe married m0n did then sum j for Bryan and Sewell The benefits of conference the syslot system is going to be quite expenan time at next In the tug of war by pulling th day by the appointed proud work for tematized the young ready At that hour the manuscript had been sive to start on but if the cause of a and a number of good men more than Id leer unmarried the’ things feichard McIntosh of Salt Lake has looked over and we were asked to be free and clean ballot is to be helped The boys pulled and pujled again am bet a thousand pounds against five seated Apostle Cannon was eating any by1 It we should not complain young could do were treated by Treat then but thegturdy pld fathers pulled Elder Walter George Pectol Jr and thousand on Bryan’s election his lunch and he talked as he ate There are the “booths” for voting the them dloug lot gradually dragged Jeffery ( His words were words that encouraged books for jfiallgts and other printing Charlie Andersoajyas there and sacrament In afternoon the the This must be paid by each county was Dan Jensvp On Fry day July 17 a Democratic and inspired tlnj presenjt editor of this administered the general and was Dave §orenseh votes It will take a great 'become a to first decide to jour- for its pwa with words captained ratification was held Rt Ogden Wm paper encouraging sustained stake authorities were ofjbtady and care by the people nalist Such a man and such kind dealavoid and with demonstratjopji Grassitan was one of the speakers when Sarah r President Rust ' reported mistakes and have their words Would pave proved ftn Inspira- to When the crowd began to cheer foy follow-e- d the an! nanksvlll association so wUl in cast hafc tjiey count " the married men the tion to thousands had this great man votes with" some "comments vanquished set toil— Box wairt-thew4y the the was no lived other of his the wall' “They had one more apostle the Prehaps up slayer Harry tlypds and Blackburn Counselor Superin Elder News vY few things that ” For shame boys take wife’s parmour has fjledsuit for a di- so well beloyed tenaent Tanner were the speakers man than we i treasured as arc said man vorce from Mrs Ilynds who is now in this good your medicine get married and you t £§ during the feat of the time They can Iowa gems in the memory of one who claimpull too use more the habits urged exemplary ed Abram II Cannon as a friend Children the with these interesting Intermingled of more and better reading subscripbelow ome of them There is prehaps no greater essen- tion to the Contributor and payment! amusements the Elsinore Brass Band The State Borad of Pardons failed “1 never learn anything to forget it tial in the fund upon the young' discoursed sweet and thrilling music rearing of a family than of the fifty-ccto commute the death sentence of again so I always read a chapter in to the multitude They played for all proper home amusements The great men He will be hanged German just before I go to bed” Charles Thiede Is high grade and low grade They playof amusements — that — evil many o they on August 7 ed it too for they know how to do It "They say tpat education makes are usually associated with bad charMr George Forsyth Jr a young criminals and point to the fact that acters bo with night play on the “Coon’s Parade” the man 23 years of age departed this They played over sixty per cent of the criminals in streets! The V ‘Grand is Army harm the Quick Step” "Romuthat great Saturday night a Bryan ratification the penitentiaries of the Northern bad elements of society are the ones stage of action July 15 funeral serv- lus” and several others Atrtonc ices were held (in Friday 17th to was held at the Salt Lake Theater States are educated Nonety-siSorensen’s smooth cornet tones Charper that are to be found there The air show the last respect to the deceased lie The building proved too small and an cent ot the population of those states Olsen with hlsslirlll stirring blasts of early evening is very refreshing to and condole with his bereaved wife and overflow was held outside are education so that the intelligent children after the tuba they all were at of heat the day tjie The deceased leaves a lov- theirEphraim ninety-si- x best per cent produce but two and they wish to play in it Instead of parents thirds of these men while the ignorant being in doors This is a proper feel- ing wife and child to mourn his deIf anything adds to a celebration it frindless a parture and battle with the trials of is a good brass band Let Us sick Freemau Mary four per cent produce the other third ” meet and should it give out by parents ing life alone widow committed suicide at Liberty Richfield boys encouragement and not “Young men and yourg women can lawns abd lawn games suitOn the following Monday the only Bark Salt Lake City on Friday July engage in no nobler labor than teachthe lash able for the children’s amusement child of the 17 She took a dose of oxalic acid already bereaved widow ing Yet teachers are not appreciat- To keep them in doors would be to unfortunately got into a ditch of waed as they should be” deny them a means of proper growth ter and seemingly was lifeless when The excursion to Castilla was and to cause them to febel against the found This added more trouble to grand success There were but few ha'f with blessed been This valley To restraint when they are1 older the already showers girl but excursionists from Sevier Coufity only refreshing and to to them where allow please they Mrs Fortune gd Garfield’s fortunately after working for some a few starting from Richfield Some thi? week and has been spared from is to get them in cigarette-smokinplay Hoods twenty minutes life was discovered five getting In at Aurora and none at that have visited the Mrs Garfield Is living quietly at her the awful swearing and immoral company and the little one is now as well and Salina San Pete County did pretty south part of the state— Utonian old home at Mentor in the Buburbs of Then parents arrange for their play well Gunnison contributed none ever as Cleveland and the place Is now one of where you can also regulate their com- playful A few got on at Manti The Ephraim’-iteMisses Vina Huntsman und Ella the most beautiful and comfortable pany contributed an rndiah'' jfltfuck' Peterson of Tlnirbcr who were badly On Sunday mOrhing last Apostle farm residences in Ohio and an ideal Then when the long nights of win- injured by a runaway a short time while Brother Murray of the Enterago Abram II Canhoii died at his home place for a quiet retired life and Mrs Murray were the come doolie children love to spend are no ter prise oqly rapidly recovering in Salt Lake City Overwork had Mrs Garfield is a rich widow now those nights in others places better A son of M W Mansfield met With excur3loulst8 ffbm there f The 'Mfj brought on ati'iear disease that ended but her wealth came with her sorrow than to spend them at homey If so an accident during the absence of his Pleasant brass band and a good 'siWd Her efirly days and In fact all her life fatilly need to be attracted at home crowd swelled the train load when they even up to the death of her husband The parents so often forget to spend father at Salt Lake City Having a that town was reached then no more can Ills in contain powder possession were spent in the closest economy a dollar to Salt Lake County has decided to get a checker board a fox lag a little powder lie struck a match joined the Sevier Valley train load! of the comwasoften and she deprived a man nine Morris board collectand geese At Castilla a big crowd had already pay the deputy assessors who forts and luxuries that usually pertain board Hnd such other games to intei-sper- e and dropped into the whole of the can The attendance from ed the names of tiitisd subject to mali-ticongregated tile mutch Thinking had gone out eastern to people of her statioh with their reading A teuclier he looked lb at the was large being excep: points service The rite was fixed at 14 hole While in rtwd never Gen Garfield anything never expects to interest students if the act of so from Scofield MaDy came a day- looking the powder explod- tionably but Ill's salary He was m from or she be not interested too The ed and northern towns and cities eshe greatly injured liis face for the man generous and careless with his from Provo and the teacher ure bn the time Just afternoon pecially parent t but it is bought lie will Scliool elections were held through- money and was scarcely able to make same ground in this regard a meeting of the Press Association was If they recoverbeing without of leaving any marks out the county yesterday There was both ends meet held must be the will interest the young powder burn on the face But MrsGarflela ftowlias an income interested themselves they not much Interest in the result as only Then began tlie afternoon sports for Thursday July 11 we had a hard on6 ticket was in the field in etic'li pre- of $16000 as Interest from the fund Foot races on the fong platprizes A of winter's childhood the picture ram storm which inundated the greattrustees were that was raised for her by Cyrus W cames cinct form horse and foot races on bicycle vividly to mind A center ta- er part of the val'ey Luckily it did the circular track a elected throughout the entire county Field after the assassiantion and a tug of war on the a or with seated around it ble but littlo damage to crops Mr Gus — Enquirer pension from Congress of $7000 which In other fumily and climbing the greased pole lawn room a while of the parts Keele sustained the greatest damage gives her $21000 to use as she pleases were all attractive sports btories of ary mother reads to the family Three acres of his lucem of it does not spend she and In the evening musical contests were T a travel stories of religious nature which vDis cut and Pope Last Saturday night John Mollie the oldest child is the wife of rgad£ to haul was held and the Provo choir all In Written captured a a brifeman rundirtg On the Union language carried away in the flood and it is esof Btanley Brown the representative poems Will interestsimple $25 prize chil- timated that and instruct these Pacific between Salt Lake and Milford of of his wheat the Alaska commercial company at iiekek and there was thrown Under the car wheels at dren Then when they are weary of is covered with sand sediment E B are and James' Harry Washington President can be the Rognon won In the editorial while the later place this games that played uncouplingcars la w 'n partnership in Clevefoot race cam ersatiens that can lie indulged A train started north with him to get practicing the land and arc rapidly making both the hundreds of amusements that medical attention hut he died before Neplii Anderson of the Brigham City James is a in AVnyne County Court money and reputation home the hanpiest spot on earth make Bugler proved to be a pleasant reaching Neplii member of the Ohio Senate with un The County Court of Wayne Co cure the idle habit of card playTo excellent record— Chicago CVonlcle met to adjournment July E M West of the Ogden Standard ing to make curfew bells no longer 13th pursuant of for the the fixing purpose on hand to welcome all the new was needed to stop the saloon going habit J IL Benedict one of Salt Lake’s of county tax for Wayne County Press Association members and rate corners and to depopulate the loafing makq old time physicians is dead Short Bits work half the needed reforms of the It was fixed at 4j mills on the dollar them feel at home Brother Dave Felt was as Jolly world keep children front playing on The school tax remaim the same (2 Bu an Pytldas mills) years aKnigntof street of more attractive ywq aa the the Tress had there by means the St George Ia5 had a bad flood on W! Young was appointed fish and on bis watch chain andissa'd ’homes F All of the state dailies were ably badge control water of or The tyrannical jnsterd Saturday last' 'Friday order — of gamcT'ovduu for Wayne Co prsTcntsI city nUiocrs or “ern parents mu down every street ft foot in depth to be Oh earnest worker in the Letter ProfcRNfonal Co-c- p B jf GIDEON 6NYDKR JENNINGS ( & Jennings Attorney Snyder t-Law PRACTICE aN ALL COURTS T1TE 'has practiced Twenty years in the Supreme Courts of the Stutes and (the United Status lie will attend In person all teims of the District court in eaeli coutl in this District Mr JennluKS Utah Richfied 1 bean McDaniel & w AttOrne all Practice In 'Orricr— In nflerton A THE COURTS 1 two-colum- to L HiiOwn judge ace & 1 usnaT-lyar- Utah Wallace Wa ! Richfield Building Sevier County tV W Pioneer B r o wn Attorneys-at-LaRooms— Ence Block Richfield Utah Will practice In kll the courts Stale and Fe1-‘er- business Solicited k It Thurman I J Stewart W ( olllus C’ Thurman- Stewart & Collins - AltornejsiU-Ln- w 'UTAII RICHFIELD - a Fill-mor- nl Land and Commercial Corporation n ’ - four-hande- d c HOMER McCARfY UNITED STATES DEPUTY MINERAL’ SURVEYOR -- - & NOTARY PUBLIC Desf-rJJSY'- UTAH MONROE 4 ljoad-sprt'ngga- -' Jdhn Mrs N H St t ' tv ‘ and general care of the Midwifery Sick i A Richfield' 'the WrtyM House first class' 'terras Reasonable ’ i m a Richfield Utah gh ’ b My Old Kentucky Home If you believe In Silver 18 to 1 and In good meals good beds that invite to sleep and pleasant dreams good j Books Magazines and Dally Papers that makes hospitality New Summer Goods at the trlenwood Co-o- p Groceries and and Dry-Good- Z U SIX Clothing Ready-mad- e t lilpa Glass-war- e g i heart-broke- g s s: and Cattle are at easli rates Country Produce Sought and sold pre-pairin- g Hate a flood Slock of Shoes t health-givin- We also r nt x you feel at home with a Sample Room on Main Street ( 'Jo to the KENTUCKY HOUSE Utah Sevier Co Monroe A streets arc-give- NIELS IIEILESON Proprietor a d Bio Grande Western Railway TIME CARD NO Is Effect Nov 18 21 1895 SANPETE AND' SEVIER Am vo HI p m 015 I 09 i m Hi III two-third- II 'll 45 10 10 14 10 00 Tickets oil sute nt ltichfleld for all princiEast and West Freight trains arrive at Itichfleld nt 5 t5 p to on Mondays Wednesdays and Frld ivs vml leave at U'DO a to rn Tuesdays Thurs days mid Saturdays Passengers carried mi I rolght truliisbe-(weepal elites Thistle and Kalin 1 Tort ElCM Agent Kichlicld 8 ID Babcock (i Dodge Traffic Manager lien’! Managir F A Wndlulgh u Geu'l Passenger Agent 'nooral oflloo Salt Lako CPy Utah J n one-fift- h d at i Non-partisa- U StandaH s |