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' i : r h Editor?s TommentR THE SOUTHERN CENSOR ‘‘Hryi ButipdtiJ irt Sevier 'mOity'‘Utivk ky GEORGE II CROSBY rrfjfrtuiljllskylIf J - a ' : j There are a great numbri of women In Utah who will lose a vote on Jh E)ec-tM- n pay 'One class is plurui 'wives tvlitjSo husbarcls wore cltlzcnA They State Directory? should reininfilier thfit So their marriage not they-wer- inents is tliat we havotoo many '‘machine farmers 'f They will' work lit nothing unless it ('an'bm' done by nlif chinery Tlity never pay my at ten tion to poultry lmgs or product-I- n the fall' they want their gniiri and it becomes a drug1 am (po tmtrket while a part'of the graih sold and a part fed would be fat more profs'lk-l- f laTFwitli iMop Monday t :iA over Preston f rest oh evening Bishop from Wayne wviit north ort Tuesday's train !Fa'P askpd regarding flic Rabbit country t lie Bishop-saiIt is —I cd'lcnt country" ipid fill t zens didn’t naturalize them '" mlike the people" comfbtabi and HM1E1) STAN EM SENATORS itable is to hhve some pluck and ’SOx wealthy frank J Cannon ' Our potato crop seems to be rather get-uI f I were e I could Arthur Brown poor this year The potatoes are all I There are some i£o families in jfn to Rabbit Valley anti make myself TO CONGKFHS F REPRESENTATIVE Clarence E Allen going to Vines We hear that tliic Richfield Each family burns seven rich' Thd people must quit selling w Uicir grain and hay'fo they 'are a GOVERNOR tropin Wuyno cjhtnty'is bettci and loads of wood yearly so with wood Uelier M VeW may have to have our supply from qutred for mills andvther long wayvfrom market Then from tilings there SECRETARY OF STATE there We ought to get ' the Indian j are 3000 Idafls of wood hauled to Rich my farm ja Capjie Valley I riovor'sctl James T Hammond creek road finished so we could haul field each' year ' There is no' other any hay or grain but feed it and sell STATE AUDITOR! ' road that has so' many Wavy loads butter cheese' eggs pork and such Richard Jr Morgan I hauled by so Rabbit valley STATE TREASURES: "ft many tired teams as are things Thepeoploof ' ' JanieH Chlpman wnnj three chese factories They have an excellent place for cheese "A ' Bishop I 1w Uc leil aVnoMu'l By utilizing their range and using et yeTto tbelr hohor PUBLIC JNsTKJ't-TIOUI’ERINTEXDENT once I it brontu im repairing i 11 their feqd wjth it they will put lots broeilepdiiuc'i‘S d good beef and mutton on the mar-- 1 tier fairs cUrirJ3tfiile i was there Trofessor I John li Park Linfielcl was lecturing on SUPREME' IUIM1FS agricultural S Zmc subjects and be told the people the i 'itber ‘L T: G W HARTCH what polities and have 7 A MINER ufoad to Eilfmoije that will do same as I to!d Uicmand as I tell you ” m 'considered the good of the schools at buyd When asked abfjut cod storage the ii 'as wood road or else build a good DISTRICT JUDGE DOR SIXTH manners nil lIpwH reply was: “Cold storage is beLng wood road alone? Win M McCar-XOX used some In Salt Lake but not “The Brigham Young College" bh UUATl mlllCTOHY ft 'part Qf what it might be: SELECTMEN: Professor Orson F Whitney is an ar-Some The M A Abbott peoplqatre opposed tQ ?old storUtahniand new Salt Lake pa tide in t lie June number of tlic Amcr- - Pvi" has A C Shipp fjeld for some age and wont eat anything kept that I llans Rasmussen University Magazine It is ccr time and we way if they know it ull'hoped for a good pa-t- a took' County t lerU- - Sam'l G Clark nly a creditably written UVticlo and per In it recent issue howev-spring M luurllMtit it had Hoeonlui' y ""'I nU)id an-- ario!'‘ rn President Cleland that and it was so !mw?lw?f gIilt" Assessor- Cliarlos Anderson it- institution It has was anything but a credit tn the cookedt itnd tollwtor- - Fred G Wllles Afterdinner I a from school I Sheriff— John W Coons snM' ‘Doyou know tliat chiqken was gtown ufjntermediate papei-- ' It is -Sup: Sehools Jacob Maplehy kRbl October out in Nebraska?’ t bne Miiif ' Tieasitrer—Hi P Hansen She llc replied" she would not have mill ' Coroner-AR Hawley llatwaiil(:bktotliCWest Uut II cooked it if that ' ' she hAd known of such a s Att'y- -J H Jennings j cjually true th?t nmny Wcstenj thing- - Rut cold the Surveyor— P D storage system have papers Jf iUo(pllttie Soaleisi W’ts k M'rs t The Richfield creamery is g ids iiolicy Rq preserve's chickens eggs Unud such wicn for t he town to bp proud of yet’manyj onc s safe againit the attacks of sucli things so that they are just as good as seen to deligb t n sayi ng bad concernt I PilPer9In cqndemning JlIs polieyj fresh” As to whether a cold storage plant ing it The hutter trade of Sevier tic P!peiUliat erffcmnMit JmcMeavcs could be Successfully operand here was nothing until the creamery HtiirtJ 0‘t I'ersohalitles shows its ed wliile now it sends out twentyl sI)CIi'‘'Whll6 the Qpe tlmt 4oesrut Bishop Preston had no doubt if it was run He saidi the farmer s of butter wofid lack of that excellent) prolitably every yeam 9hows Then too it ia now making soverail fluHMty Wp wjsh the ltahnian suc- - here would have to quit selling hay and grain and produce principally li u nd red pounds of cheese each day I e'4 ifit wfl behave and be respeetful chickens GoUlhranson Curl eggs aud pok ThCbC proThis product will bring money Kuiiit but we b°pe there is ndducts are Treasurer James C’hvistlanseii by the carlbad1 mlJ1 county in a little while: be to1 Christensen plant as it seem Justice of the ! Nebraska and Kansas each yea crtanSw Knw-lnis for milk paid Marshal 0 W Blomqulst could Sluwatt pr()(lut'd J -I iith4si)ivrtItinoM new are concerns AltorneyCity thenTif thvJnn18 ff reterson Street will build up all at that expected they When In the southern part of Utah I'oundkeopcr- - John W Coons 0IKC ' Wa term aster— Mads Christenson a person ofteh bears the expressions M U 3uarln!ne Thyslelan— H K Neill “Kaft Sheen’t hgultihjj When both tickets are written on: irl''etter v'mes for sheep'’- but wtwvrer-heard'nonrtrIimfrv t RIcIh same paper and a person' then d !‘are y come cow- field sheep? There has been a time lean put- a mark by either one nit salt LAKE fcKMiwnEKLY I The CryatalMine wil soon start ship- - when thibi sheep brought in more money to vote they: are far more liable to citi- Vi1 p You Wf"11 mU S fliiii-lr- -- p urntVe ‘ OUR J p ' -! P9Dy Buggfjes Jj'Wl or SALT And we aim Rug'S iiT LAKE J- - - CTY- k ' V 1 I i —— -- I Carpets durCuUomeVs U deal--- -i toatisfy with Ing pair ev6?y: ohe' ' - th 1 1 elif STOCKIS 'AS FULL AND AS " ! f Mihr0rsfPicture$ and Picfure Frame- sLace Curtains arid Window "5 Shades Rollers Lounges ' r Ricf aadleyy fob YOUR- i V 1 it by Calling on Cangjt TKem K I: 1 fpot-loos- re-- ATTOENEY-GEWERA- a jBai 'g'a v uu-0flJ- r in-ob nb-oan- - i " ' & putl ":' sa r “S Iit -"" V The - t w "'?'TJIE BESTARE ' yve-gt- I fe -- i 1 Mways the Cheapest thej9nrun"' :¥ & wagon-bKuT- U- - itp-Uta- b broug-Mu't- n I'oaeo-Sltn- on J -- The Singev Ctuupany gan Supen-lsoY-P- 1 rte - f - - theimi' ill 1n them-- : didatesof one Now the Aus- Partyinvest in sheepJ tralian --oallet system is practiciiltooo I duthe price Of the ‘ Man'svae this now but jt would tie well for the pm-- j this: Tile county will high stundard win yer The present 1 uiulntained and every effort will he made to ichfield 10 have u liulc I P'6 °f el Ijrinted and aH who are nindidTtes rank In front the tho 'kcp in for offlce will ask to have their names reof hold the enterprise tuking business houses will get a good deal sources around them is’nt well It put on the ticket This Will bo done more trade ' Qur residence property for a man to and Hoveiby the name will-bthe party un apprruW WAYNE COUNTY PIBfX TORY til of which this1 "person isputa nominee-ThcoW!noth-voter will then put a mark by the itaterokn°r- )'e wjI1 Iosc mining property in the mountains g selectmen: going on if ill bove here owned by residents name is of the one he is to vote for This) a It Fremcnt will only go on to the Vale this fall Ilictt Maxfield good business policy to not invest ev-- has proved in mahy States to bede- Snow Charier u erythin-ifroitenterprise Richfield I struct! ve to voting "straight tickets” tVillLam S Rust Some time ago Monroe people were PP1 aremost all farmers but theyd Then the national'' issues are'so d'e'-CLERK A COUNTY RECORDER s e All the talk' ouk'1)t to Pa soiHe atfhtioh to others structlVe to party lines talking of Ry seems to have died out lately The buiness as well Lea II M Hansen publicans are supporting the national — late floods show more than-evethel Democratic nominees and the main ' ASSESSOR A COLLECTOR: need oMhe works: hut the water suppiank national Democrat C'ainesvilkJohn II Curfew The bad effects of uncertainty on platform ply "wants to come from a spring that With such an outlook Ini- is practically out of the reach of these any enterprise or on anything is to be j foie ft? there will be sheriff: but little hopes ' freshets Had there been-t- system of seen every dat? 'the unm-tainrTe: H J Wilson of) of electing many tickets straight at s in Monroe during the lute ttie financial question as itc'ts nov" ost candlt surr si iiools: St floods the would perhaps have pending pipes s tirfh entbarassing to W R Robinson been tilled with mud and sand Elsin- all parties concerned The uncertaintreasvrer: ore was without drinking water sever- ty in regards lo the Sevier mine has Loa T A JelTry al days after ttie flood That "can kept our mining men" and mining inrnosKCUTlNO ATTY A SUKMAOIt: not be helped there but Monroe ought terests in a bai shape for some time The system is Loa The uncertainty reguidirg tionizing the produce market of thc M W Mansfield to be able to pipe the water from the l1ilstwhat the raPrord vrhik nearest spring in the canyon about j United States and of the world Eggs ' building on has be? n' very bad to can be put‘awaj"'Sn'"’‘these cfiid pla(-cxox are taking IIALLAUAY BROS Richfield and ether places Perhaps ln the spring and they will keep just and horses to pasture at Walls-"riliAll the time that the terminus of ithe deal on fne SeVief "Mine is settled as well until winter as till "tlfe next at 30 cents a head Good fee(l!t-1by now the railroad-roade‘have day and thus eggs never bmfme very the rail road has been in Salfha should have had the travel from officially said that the road will go on cheap ifi th'sptftig i'ior very high in ' You should inform your friends of a the southern towns to YatsfliRi' Mqrc'the end of this winter Tills ’'system' could be well They with snap bargain for buying a farm of Annabella have lost a great deal by year Now we know Mat to look f t employed cftj our own county In John Gardner not building a road on that side of the and the Sevier Yalley people will the winter 'labor Is plentiful and ice river It is not too late to do it now prepare th furnish the mines with could be put up very cheaply ' Hut ' for Juthe sheep and cattle men of Mon- - produce jntead"of preparing to j little ice vyCulcJ" be’ reqiijred to pre-- j Sixth of the In the District Court hcrminusloAhs Now let the peo-- j serve a very large number of eggs and diciil District County of Sevier roe will still go by team to Salina for Pl9 at a small outlay of capital’ our Of course salt prepare to produce eggs bu’ter being only a little State of Utah chickens and from would never get down so low as such home eFkrs ice for of way will Not there of f not estate tho things they ttae matter spend ’rebate much money yet It will tIncf Orville Hardy do now they both keep Thqi" too J of V ill Deceased Glen wood aud Annabella from chickens are a great dainty "spring being jf they Notice is hereby given that Monday isolated Jtkrievoito late to start can be had in or May There April the 27th day ' f July IWifiat 10 o'clock oingd a good tiling and that road is So much of the are always some chickens ciops of Sevier couna m of said day at ttie couit mom of the best thing these towns can have ty ims bepp ruingd by the late floods too late in the &U to winter over Slid court at the County Court house that the local prices of hay and grain With one of these cold storage houses vox fin the county ofSevier state of Utah will be high this fall There will they can be killed ln September or A good has been appointed as tie time arid custom that perhaps be as mud) money paid out October and no one can tell them place for proving the will of the said once predominated in England ought for these products-buchickens Some firm those whose from Orville Hardy deceased and for hear- to be resurrected in Sevier or company are not crops to try tbi will damaged county more ougfct get ing the application of George Cliark— We ought to have county fairs Our than they would otherwise there is money in it for all plan jvhilc parties worth for the issuance to him of let farmers have very little encourage many others will perhaps be rtestituh concerned Jcrs testamentary thereon incut very little help from any of the The bishops of the various wards in S G CLARK and tiiere is no papers competition to the county shoidj investigate the District Clerk diarpen up iniMiiess N0w it should matter and lyt the people with short Bean a McDaniel Cedar City has I20y population tie different A man who liqs aecom and ejeps mu e a chance for help from Atty’s for Petitioner has built a good brick tabernacle it t ho plished production of a good lot of their neighbors Rich field has 2000 people and so cheese lias dune some earnest work ought to build a better one that should lie a matler of pride If The people ail over the stake have helped some fanners dairymen and oilier with hi the story of Uie Aikansaw Trav- the one in agricul-- ' Richfield and if they will turists expect all tin- gay they to eler this conversation is bad: Trav- not get come from t ho money the help any more Richfield can do produets put eler— ‘‘"Why don't you it alone What coukj shingle in your tlicir will soon pocket s they tie present become liousc ftoney-canArkansawer—AYlien it rain I slothful Then we ought to revive town nave that will be can't: and when it don't rain we don't more all of the old county-fairas a means of re- need it credit to them than some good viving a pride in the labor of the propublic buildings? We have an excelSo with on water When the lent ducers of food— the most e a court house of essential thought is bad we all want water which we are workmen in the world claims settlcdbut can not justly proud and now settle them we should & our force on the Taberbecause court isn’t in session attor- nacle Theput people paid for the schook neys haven't the case on ready and for house by taxes but the Latter-dahy did fiee-do- several other reasons As soon as the Saints SHOP First North Si cast of Korj shriek when Kosciu-kshould never be less willing to fell?" dry tunes pro over we never Tothtpy-'-H- eb any pay l jDUJ donations to build tlipl j’RTER GRECO je Yejl op m- my lucre talk about settling ttiehear claims Tabernacle than lmt” they were to taj cttlemcui isn't needed themselves for the Lk' Trit um win have announced ‘ P- -r Jllr Cef-'-n'VeStwduldnot-b- o ' WeiHo 1 j: I ‘ EN ELSON - Local Agebf Bichfiel I ffiS 0r - "" W A''?fi3£BjCU8v'w" Genergr Manager “" ourriidiiceKtthiitor'a6) Semi-week- ly su-itit- Terms to all People in all conditions - ' n E Q- Vi ' - i M is not a cheap machine yet Thirteen Milliop jire now in use - - or as cheapo it is sclf-rc- e n Juut- - 1st the Suit i 4 - i V pelf-respe- i D- - l -- Shot-be- r j i ' ’ 1 a-- e water-work- XtHr Clothing and Ilosi lYoUr Shoes StrtA pnH relt Hats In fact everything you need irj your famiiv at Old-tim- - r of-th- - I water-work- ur 1 :u cold-storag- r h ’ - J J ) G HlCllfi d' e rs Glen-woo- d J) which keepsan excellentquality of Goods and gives the highestiyiarKet price for you ER0DUCE -- " fiertlesen’s Grocery Start s 3 Qlj:l CO-Q- e - 6 - -' MOiHtOE I’nnrcuH iiiJtril3Vr Groceries Painty Oils Glasswar Ghjnaware Tinware CVKR1E Wc also have Oranges Lemons and Patent Medicines Bananas I - Is Bread the Staff of Life 1 A :i ?$ $ j that-fi'atc- h NO ONE WILL JJ ALL oTHLH THIS AND t DISPUTE ES fresh-kille- d -- x- BY -- x- 8t Save your “tin” by trading with them ors and Extract- kinds pieced tinware are made to a'-i- -t cj PRINTING s J ARE KEPT jEnsEn cuRisTHmsEii Homo Industry NE-CESSJT- O & co Liuiioi a TABBl'Nl school-hous- order hand at my Kept PossiniA-Teacher--W- y NEATLY and EXPEDITIOUSLY DONE AT THE o - i free-wil- sebooj-bous- a e CENSOR OFFICE a I1 M JOS 7 'ST r “ |