Show I the entire inetnlfi-siiiin ‘ file clilu'dr Would nke Uiat rho re- W4-I h-8trr next to conference be that all Urn port ' ’ fcUltl workers and members of the Sunday ‘ Bngham City Bugler j school are kberdng tile Word of WisNo man eau- tvJ tdaltp'! unlesv lie 1 dom TeaelioiV mootings should be held at least once a month In Order to Independent 'f j 1 no'-eadvance the Sunday school interests pjiSMitJohi Wesley’s phuivi Children should fie encouraged in in London without stopping to oo Ves learning to sing Oievuigsof ‘ion and at it Was lie a good npuj in orficr to assit them a pojVof tlib suppose him to have been by all ae late production of the fieseref Sunday counts as good us over walked on tills sellout Union Mng-bonshould be eaith according to his knowlodj Yes and placed in every child's' hands Con- Has lie obtained q lpst'? cluded With a wing as he is wont to greater ttan ever put erect ills mind to do tile congregation joining in the expect and so have thousands of oth‘‘ “ ers of tlie various’ religions dprtotninai- chords v I Eldor’Karl ( Maeser said: This is h an dhcasion that made iris heart swell I will not say os ‘do many that tlie with gratitude fur the blessings of tlio more I Jearn the more I am satisfied Lord upon TIis people' in those moun- that I know nqtliipg for tlie more I tain’ vales The aim of these confers-cnee- learn' tlie morfi 1 discern up eternity is to educate the youth of 'ion of knowledge to improve upon in Hm higher education desired bj it isthcnlaie wiio works liftrd who Jelinvalp to prepare them for the lim sweats ovor the rock and goes to tlie portanf ovonts in tire near future to canyon for lumber that 1 count mon transpire and for the' work destined worthy of guild fqnfi apd dress than ferthem The duty of parents is to am train their children ljy precept am: If we are here by ebpmsvif Vve haps Next conies the important pened to slip into this world from not example mission devolving upon Sunday school tiling we gltall soorq slip opt of thR teachers to further tle’ interests of world to nothing Renee nothing wil) tlie youth of Zion entrusted to them remain-- ancfto do tips should not depend upor is htot real capital it bearj tlioir ovyn attainments but seek tin theMoney title only True capital is labor Lord for guidance apd power to win and is confined to thelabnringclasses the hearts of the little enes-so'ato it is the bouej possess-Rmake fliq proper impressiun tjijs bjj They ouljv and muscle of man thai sinew nerve practice as well as precepts The spirit subduo-thearth nuke it ‘yield it of meekness Jove “and purity must and administer to his varied characterize the Sunday school labor- strength wants "This power tears dowp Juounl ers whielris tlui greater part of fh cities tains and fills up vaileysbtiil-dmission Thus saying--otunfol arfi 1 n the 'fihVGS streets jfn'd and ' temples’ low me noarefctotjfodwhat is theye-tha- t yieM shelter shopt Singinghy the Elsinore choir and comfort to ctVjlfzeds'myn' that is Conference adjourned till-- pin not produced by The- strength of his Benediction by Bro John A Ilell-- j elements bend to his arm oiie-third'- "M inu t e soTSevTer r -- StakeSunr t - day School 1 L'0VOl UbauO hj hiA ' AT SAL1NA U1 ij The Sunday school conference at Sqlitn onjIolyJStli l“nn Supt Wm A Sengmilier presiding " u ' ‘ ’Singing'1 " li vL'- - wl t C’ j cnit-vcir- r ' v I’raycr byMortcmH-nsoiWRiehliel- ' Singiilg'by'Saliun rtioir : ' v The superintendent was plijasefl to uii’eet with thQ aged brethret'i' In conference capacity and hoped to have an ' enjoyable time A lecthre on 'CljiK'ch Tlistdry was delivcroct by Maty prun'd t ot Sul mi 1 ' I “school 'The superintendent iff Redmond “school reported sumd'ln fair conditloii lt)Ut short of books Read short stor ids' from the manual' The wlioli Vhool took part in singing’ and did hot keep the Word of Wisdom and " pould not repeat " Exercise by Auroia' Sujiday schools department primary The superintendent of Sail ut $un day school reported the same in good condition has had pleasure in rihnday C)sphool work t lie school was progressing but could do heller if parents tools Kmore interest in this kind of lalKirj Starlj 10 o'clock sharp school graded all t?ke part in singing all can not j'cpitp Lord‘s prayer articles of faith etc Sacrampnt administered at al( ’ :v i of tirstj Exorcise by Redpiond gcliool ' k s - intermediate department Karl G Maeser said he wag pleased tbtnpet with this congregation said all qnestlops should be answered corns ipletely and pot in part lie saw t hat the Sunday school work was progress-linand would always improve Rave stro-n j other valuablC-aninteresting lqstruc 2 y M Conference' resumed t inns as Latter-daSaints and Sunn the choir Singing by Prayer by day school teachers Complimented Eider'Magleby Singing— The sacra-and secret and the organist singers ment admi nistored by the ‘Priesthood-o' tary said their labors were not fully1 Elsinore Ward appreciated Thq General 'and ‘local Sfinday " “ Singing School officers Present by stake pupt-' Brest Wm A Seegmiller said he A Seegmiller' were iihanunjously had seen the first practical lesson in sustained 'Elsinore SelioyJ-- - filble blessing on the workers iii their labor of "Abraliam'bya little girl Brother Morten Teh sen Was pleased Story Elder Jno Johnson— Stake returned 'with the exercise missionary from the Austrafaln misBy special request Brother Goddard sion reported the Sunday Schools of sang another song the church organized there asonc of The Sunday school authorities were1 most the factors in tlie important susIT was Robinson presented: W N C Ras- spreading of the Gospel in that mistained as superintendent of Salina sion the natives the Maories are mussen as first assistant well versed in tlie Bible and when Sunday school ynce accept tlie truth they cling they nilidc a few closing Supt Seegmiller to it tomorrow remarks Adjourned pntil Glen wood School— Recitation "The Benediction by 10 a m at Elsinore drunkards G L Brandt yep'r daughter1' rendered by a Sister Holman ) i g - v y f - 11 ’1 ' ' little girl xox ELSINORE The Sunday Sclmol conference— 2d Elsi-npr- e day -- was held in the grove at on July 10 1800 the stand were: Elders and Karl G Maeser Goddard George ef Die general superintendency and tiie stake superintendence and from Hie several Sunday Schools in the Stake Singing by the Elsinore choir Present on repre-renUtiy- Prayer by Singing es Elder Magnus Nielson schools called by the secretary showing ten schools represented out of the seventeen schools in the Stake Glass Exercises — The Articles of Pa it'n repeated by a class of small girls from Monroe Sunday School Richfield Sunday Sclmol reported by Roll of J Stewart Sclmol in good ihton yet would be better if more Si11 i I be obtained School be-- i promptly at 10 a m Gass Exercises — Repeating the Loid's Prayer by Primary department eif Joseph Sunday school Glcnwood Sunday school reported by Supt Wm Sorensop- Sclmol in us tair condition as could be desired and generally begins on time Believed the teachers kept the Word of Wisdom Teachers Held monthly meeting Stake Supt W A Seegmiller rejoiced to see Hie interest taken by the bishops and aids in preparing for the (omfort of those attending flic conference lie stated having with his Assistants visited all the schools in i lie stake and could with pleasure reconport them improving and in good dition generally k a could Stake Pres W II Seegmiller said though lie felt pleased with the exercises at this conference yet the sad news just reaced us of the death of one os our earnest workers in the Sun day School cause Apostle A IT Cannon had caused something of a dam pener to the spirits of the participrtns in this conferecd Felt gratified to learn of the progress made by HieSnn-daSchools jn the 'different parts of the earth Bp Jens j Jenson of Elsinore spoke of t lie good accomplished by the Sabbath School not1 only to the youth dut also to those of mature years Asst Stake Supt Martin Jenson commented on thp influeneeswayed by the Sunday school teachers and author-itieso- f Hie church in the presents of tlie children Elder Geo Goddard commenced his remarks by singing Exerted tlie tlie drunkards dream boys to value ilieir own reputation and bo someoody but never a drunkard Related interesting incidents in liis early history connected with the church sliid tlie sacramental prayers should be memorized by tlie memy n)dklp"thc will i: ' The Lord ! ' 1 us a lid and tiys shakes Rqntls "vvRU U of tlie bousit sal severa) fn tlie naif yuujjg Indians to hq jmigbiqg pt our exto the seeming of the old man w ho was jus! telling of his great friendshp to and hatred pf "Mclicans” and promising to pay us a visit in a short wig) seemed pense much dj-sa- t “Mii-rnoiis- time H this junetpre i came up on a mule tlie and Mali 'sio came out jqung Indian door opened ZUNI VILLAGE in tlie house I soon saw why One them wouldn't sleep In mothers he either from superstition or tardition and they sLcep in (heir saddle blank ets y The old captain tj saddle tlie mule saying lie was going to Horse-Rea- d where the Navajoe$ wore "rounding up” hordes no tli Navajocs would steal Zuni horses! With all the hatred yhicll the Zun feels for his ncighboi and Ids neigh' borhas no love for him lie threw on 1’ Invoetivga against the Navajo one of ttih Euni tribe Is convicted o they appease tlieir vvrntl him a "Navajo'1 while (Ik calls kls hieancst slaves any crime by calling dirt as they sweep quite regularly Bitting against the wall most alf around are many dishes while in one rainy Jfy hopes 0l4n‘“oid-fa!ihionesummer’’ has pot prevaHecffor since May’ biit very little raitf has fallen until now and now 'it has come again A nice stiower has just visited us and cooled the atmosphere as well as the thirsty earth- I the £uni village a short As soon as-- ’approached time ago the town tim sttlftta'tion of a herd of dogsj Hotii mongrel puppy whelp and hound and cure of low degree" barking at my' team- One an inno cent white puppy 'who exhausted his ficrconess before reaching me came near the nigh horse frisking like a lamb This so frightened the animal e that he snorted! and broke the 1 don’t all at dogs Fully as ready to obtain our sympathy as his dog is the Zuni himself If he has any claim of acquaintanceship with yon be is jure to stop you reach out liis hand in such a friendly manner as to cause your belief of friendship to almost deceive you lie will then stand and talk by signs now and then a few words of Spanish a little Englisii a good deal of 7uni‘of which you have to guess the' meaning until you become tlrecf and start off when he salutes you with the Spanish partts English intering of "adios’l ' " pretation of Ugodd Bye1 ihe and mended' Having left the soeiiible natives We drove to the notion and obtained' permission to leave onr wage ns in the yard that they might lie free from pilfer I then Tlie went over to 'the' trading-pos- t only wonderful tiling at a trading-pos- t is i he clerk and tlie most wonderful thing about ilm is liis patience obsened one Indian f6 come in followed by a line of others Tlie head man had a little corn in' a rag about the size of :l handkerchief and stood whai'he wanted “Sook" unti1 (sugar was his reply So the clerk took Hie corn into the granary emptied it and gave him his sugar This is but one of thousands of such instance i that tlie post clerk lias to deal with Tn fact it Is a rare case for him to sell a dollar’s worth of anything at d - T - neck-yok- like-Zun’- tlie house is the mill an article importance now than in our Savior's day when he forbid the crediend of less of D l- qr-i- ncek-yok- e tor taking either the upper or lowiv stone for debtf It is a stationary box mostly below tlie level of tlie floor The bottom h rounding and made of carefully laid s stone tlie middle stone about above the rest On the middle stone the wheat is placed when by rubbing with another stone they soon1 have the wheat ground to Hour Bj means of a bifsket the bran is soon separated from the remainder Now the house-wif- e puts the flom in a dish and stirs it up with vvatei till about the consistency of pancaki batter when she proceeds to making bread On a lioHrockshfe spreads the batter in a thin cake and soon has it baked' These ' she puts in a basket carefully covering with a cloth to pre vent it from drying Should you enter the room nIk would put Three or four cakes on a flat basket-an'invite: you to oat I ae cepteeltbe invitation and found the ' ' ' bread not bad Inthe opposite end of tlie room from where the tnillihg and cooking thref-inclie- the sleeping apartment which consist of Navajo blankets arc folded in day time 'and neatly hung on u pole srt'sjidjified from the ceiling by a- wire or rope The mohe wealthy have chairs in their houses and most all have stool Tin: walls are all well whitewashed and unlike tlie people themselves do not have a smoky appearance go on is Tin-bed- s hmld good fences as they have been taught by seeing tlie Hamah people do it This us in many olhei ways lias Hamah and the honest settlers proved a help to (lie Indians iri making them more cqmfortable and better fanners In GkokgeII Gno-otThey y lUMur DRY-fCO- DSuG RQQ E RIE$ P A I NTS & O I LS O We have juitf placed a large order for Shoe? to' sell Men’s Solid and will beu Leather shoes from $1 tO to $325 Also equally ""good prices for BoysV Ladies Children V Don’t Ray until you have seen our new ‘ STOCK ’ loose An Old Letter : ( saluted iuj with "Ilallo Weellie'-(he was ufimeR William) A nitiluail nibbing now took place to seeif either Malissiqor iqwfumpanion were fat Molissio now proceeded to unsaddle the mule mid putting some blanket which lie had brought under his urim on in tlie plafje of the others lie pup tlie smie saddle back on while th young man took lfisblahkots and wen companion not thanlj: you for "Zunis" Leaving Mali sso we passed oh ink your aim lctog prayers sanctipoonl we walked along an open door dis as ous speeches and long faces if ybu retw-played quite artful paintings ori fuse to extend jtbfe pahd ''of benevowall Each paintingbeing tlm opposite crealence apd charity to your fellow of a deer and a panther pursuing tures ritidlifFthem up and encourwere certainly surprising age and strengthen the feeble while They The interior of a htpi domicile H they are contending pgaipst the curto see The floor is of Interesting ills rent of mortal hard tramped mud and quite free from lXO ' V AllltilElELI) Carries a firstc!ass assortment of iJ copies up to cfoos ’ non-partis- bent form umlsorq eves ROCK’S STORE If OR jind-tipo- Navajo ! bers of Hieologiealclusses n Elders K G Maeser des red to a point of great importance generally overlooked in the Sunday school: tlie bearing of testimony-aribeaming to respond to any call made Prnphe sied that tlie day will come in Zion when not a youth will be fouud who will not bo ready to perform any duty enjoined on them by the priesthood of God Exhorted the young to lose no chanced but aim to respond to any call so as to become efficient for duty Stake Supt W A Seegmiller expressed hope that tlie good instructions given by the visiting brethren would be remembered thanked tlie Bishop Class Exercises— Christ’s Sermon on and saints of Elsinore forthekindness once Hie Mount by Richfield Sunday sclmol and hospitality also the choir for the Next day my companion and 1 de2d intermediate department of sweet music rendered during tlie exer' cided to take a stroll through tlie vilAsst Stake Supt Magnus Nielson cises commented on the favorable weather Conference adjourned lage so we started through a narrow Singing and pleasant accommodations which sine die: Benediction by BpTticodore dirty street that was so crooked you couldn’t see any dblapce ahead: a Impressed and inspired the minds of Brandley of Richfield and and of a peace with lill present spirit J A llellstrom clerk of conference passage with a house ona each side to caged eagle four or five overhead Felt pleased to labor happiness to note afford fea tliers for "r’ain dances-- a among the youths of Zion and Tlie sclmol elections throughout the inside the tlie interest taken and the improve- State Monday last were witli a few burro with his front feet hindermost liis parts outside Considered the mission ments made The' door and strictly exceptions we came until nmre our attention of attract teacher sole desires deemed to be to gctcapable pfa Sunday school old church to of the greater importance and productive and reliable men without regard to This building is 84x21 feet with two labors abroad missionary than fesults affiliations That is as it should ’ party on tli c east end Ten years ago towers Class Exorcises by Richfield Sunday be for polities should have no place in these towers formed an arch forty feet class (school Theological the government and ponduct of tlie from tlie ground and here hung the Elder George Goddard expressed public schools— Park Record two bells I mentioned before Taken such a large turnout pleasure to meet in all tli is was surely an edifice of all Pastor— “I The New beg pardon of the young and his satisfaction with e are dimentions small of no life walk in but what you made remarks and lie class exercises Fa school by the old church my comsing the Sunday lie stated that am a spiin-tcrl'I Brand— "None sir The panion inquires for the captain by felembcrship today nuriiberA eqdal to en-oi- bftfafKi mitourfa&l Aatottw i'J lli-- y poliit to vvird a house which ioojvS jatlier letter than others around reaching it we stop an gld man with agrepsy skill and clothixg gfay uncombed liair luly 17th lSli'l Price on produce this week: Tie Euu" M riKvr per 11 d-- ets jir bn RiXM GrihKXs ' 5- - p-- r lb nvis - H hi nr tvv Give us your orders: they will receive our closest attention and alt- - Goods will be? DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE within city limits klli Don ’t Forget We are Your IVIoney Savers t :V U i : clertakers &C011 tra ctob S l --t — 4 w L- We keep on hand a fine assortment of fc A- s - i and CienH’ Bp' i i I "l Hpbe and Iltirfal Miott Our Planing Mill ds always ready and our - l :r lAtmbeiy YarcV : IB ALWAYS KUITLfEDi' WITH ROUGH lANP PRESSED LtTMBEt MOUEPjNGS OF VARIOUS-KINDAND SIIINQLEBt " ” 'rt We are also- Contractors and Builders Our prices arc fair Call nrjd see for yourselves RICHFIELD JippNE k MILLER S Do Yon ’WIluTii Bargain You Can get it by Calling on TKeo BAndieyi RicKfield ' : Furniture for ydCR— BabYBuggie Carpets Rug? Mirrors Pictures and Picture Frames ace Curtains and Window ShadesrRollersLounges ‘ OUR STOCK IS AS FULL AND AS f - t k ri r i' 1 f i ood A$ Any SOUTH OF SALT CITY ( JAKE And we aim to Satisfy our Customers by dealing Fair with every one 1 Sweet z v i - - Sjjigej--- A RE TIIE J i of Moil rot B BEST- - The Best is jUway? the Gheapest or a§ Shakespeare says: ‘VNever buy any? thing because it is cheap it is dear to you ip the long-run- ” T II E S INGE li Is not a cheap machine yet Thirteen Million are now in use The Singer Company can suit Terms to all People in all cpndition$ W A MOEB1US Tlie $3000000 option which a syndicate secured on the Glii-cag- o C'cnten-nial-Eurck- on March loth ex10th and tlie deal is mine pired on duly Under tlie provisions of the option tlie entire amount had tube paid jn cash before tlie banks closed on tlje 10th J E Bamberger said that tlie company is satisfied and no tears aie being shed The property Is in splendid condition and wewill of pay a $30000 dividend on the cjnscquently off ltli mottli The one of Hie greatest bonanUtuli and ranks fifth among tlie present C'cntennial-EureK- a is zas in the dividend-payin- g properties Up to date the company has distributed $1740000 among its and the mine gives every promise of keepstock-holde- ing up jr foi j was beg'1 reputation pany would ha-- L a dividend-paye- r ears to come Ore hauling at the mine Wednesday in prepaiaHi o ihipmmO- - as for the resumption of indicating that tlie com-n advised that the option not bo taken tip— Tribune General Manager a NELSON Local Agent Richfiel E IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY tyuy Your Groceries Your Dress Goods Your Clothing and Hosiery Your Shoes Straw and Felt Hats In fact everything you need in your family at The Richfield Co-o- p - ' J which keeps an excellentquality of Goods and gives the highestMarket price foryour PRODUCE If |