Show -- A fo'uncFfh'b" Co u rityT o i RICHFIELD CURRENT PRICES - — Tbo-iEDtn- "UtWorhTsr--'t-ftb- iw l T — — fRTNrrnr'r-“--- rsh-me- has been rushed with vvoilc fdr some time pasC" The rush Is over now and all wanting suits or other clothing made can he promptly sened Awool hii)ci two railroad employees and a stranger wont to see the waslmuts Thailand car tumbled and so did they onu employee and the buyer of wool got skinned faces Wheat Oats no demand Flour Eggs r W4MIMW lie — riunng tTiTpast week Alic people ol this locality have been greatly blessifd atllui Elsinore Rirhngtvv! with several nice rain storms vvlilch Tlje hoardin'' train lias moysrt' here Isa source of vvraUhtn the inhabitants t Many arc rejoicing bewas defeated by of tlifs pm Kate cause of the' pleasant rains while a four votes few having just cut t'ltcirlmy exhibit :e Co-o- p A slight hall storm Tuesday with a cloudy brow but little Ini' done The Ostluud Nielson tunnel is F oft in and wntk ring pushed Aitliur llcnrie and wife came down Lie chickens A new “cooler?'’ Yes and that from Mant! on Thursday They are Poe- Elsinore quiklcy in Mr Mounts house going to live Mr Henrio Is a mat hie cutter by trade S Sorenson went to Salt Lake to I'lcnly lit’ proud lath nt Wright nnuTile cast works his mid will look have after business on Friday Bananas! fresh ut Do Boston of the ’ The upper gory of the Jensen Hotel Piof (tile-- is in town delivering orE W Me Darnel was (Pled liy tele- is being finished gans graph to his old home iu Illinois on Dan Hansen is'able to he out somq wool at the depot fsovon loads of Wednesday His lather was then ly after his attack of malarial fever- I’ thin nioi nine iugat death's door Since then hi? ik 1 Bp Jensen s bust mule is dead Sunday School ('(inference Is in ses- lather has died before lie arrival of ' in last suffer terrible vvcie son days spent his Mon at Sal mu today ' i - Co-o- p I - i j 1 1 1 j 1 j Father Hunt accompanied by Mr Trustees from allpartsof tliecounty ’ Mr Coieniu'i all of Hebron and ie qualifying today Washington Comity passed 'througlj I J Rudolph made a final proof on last evening on the r way Rome They nis homestead cutty this morning have been visiting in Thurber and (Vliat will he done for Pioneer Day Teasdale 1 n We must he at work at once The Lammersdorf deal with the T (1 Scliroedcr of Salina is visiting Englis'h-- meric an syndicate lias been Hr and Mrs Jennings in Richfield closed That means that the Hevief will be xVell worked now and Mrs Jacob Israel paid a visit to mine Sc ier County farmers will ha vd then ‘Richfield tills week market at the mine' d A hoy at W F Snydei’s Bp Peterson of Qlrcleville was herd 'Rorn this morning Friday He came down with some o Miss Janie Munson ol RnoUyn is Whittaker's wool There was a largcj visiting Miss Young the dies'inaker number of other teams Mr Whitta-- i many Ho wa-- j MrsSJI’ine has returned 1“ her kcr couldn't tell how sacks two hundred all shipping jn home in Miller Salt Lake County which he sends to Chicago No theological class atSunday School i The others meet its usual tomorrow On Tuesday morning Sam Utley was ready to go to Bean’s saw-miTim Long has gone up to tlm Before leaying he got drunk ar d to work thrashed his wife On the way he Mr JL King Wits kicked by a horse over and luokc his outfit su ten days since hut is getting along tipped lie had 10 stop overnight that badly well Sam willlm arrested when lie comes Josephson the tailor is building up lim e He will soon have a good business ITy Barney and I J Rudolph were an assistant in town this morning They say the Mathew W Manslield "time fimn flood onewas worst the yesterday Thurbei yesterday and went on to lrm had this year It was one Salt Lake today end of Urn sheet of water from ! ten-poun- ! ll Brock-onridgcMi- - ln (tie ' to the other No particular J isepli L Horne are precinct was harm dope to buddings but lot® perhaps on their way from J’mvo by of suffered have mips team xx Mr and Mrs l i w the little girl Bengta Mortensen ho has been so seriously ill is around MONROE Binding twine at the Elsinore Jos Damron is a visitor at the home of John' Webb Elsinore extends an invitation lor Monroe to oome there for rioueerDay Remember that J D Bertlcsen makes trunks keeps fresh fruits and the best supply of groceries in town to wrltiTa letter Get your childt-eWe never get any to the Censor more letters for the children’scolurnn Co-o- Mow n EGRognon 1 ’ i was in town last night p He went on to the Dalton mine this piorning All is well S P Mount is in town at the Ibex mine since the Chicago convention Col Dodge recently told a Tribune reporter that the R G' 17 would rpach Marysvale this year Jos and Henry Borg have moved 'Miss L Young will rest from dressinto Jos Bertlesen's bhicksmithshop other and Milford making by visiting run a harness shop in onepait week next They in Beaver county places a barber shop in another and James Hansen Is doing nicely in bis A program has been prepared for music studies at Salt Lake He is un21' the celebration but may not July Christensen der Prof Obris will perhaps lie bold The committee George Itcnrie of Panguitch was in rcc- mmend a celebration at Elsinore lie came to biing town yesterday two mining men from the south The trustees elected for Monroe Vrintlm Christensen came home on were: C N smith year: Vf alter Jones 2 years Thursday after a two wueks visit to II S Washburn 2 years 'Ogden and oilier places north Dr Christie will move from here James Barrow of Salt LakeCiiy paid soon and to w rk at go to Fillmore week Magnus “Nielson a visit this a while 'here he From tor The two were fellow missionaiies in dentistry will go to Salt Lake where lie will 'New Zealand make his home Yesterday a ten Bile flood came down Two huudint loads or Flat canyon between here and Elsin- Luckv men they won't have to haul ore It filled canals flooded tields and wood Poor women they will have Washed out some of the railroad track heavy bread all summer: and the lie “lucky men" will have to eat it las Crosland was here today luuds ajs there are live foreign sheep Andrew Nilsson was down limn the the Cedar of Ridge yet on the head A force of men on Thursday Crystal hinge is good are still wot king on the road and will J A Jacobson aTiritic mining m m have it limit soon The Crystal ComHe may was in from Monroe today pany expects to start shipping twenty Die tons of ore dailv m a short time to operate Ome to this county )ld Antelope Mine Itwasdoubiy amusing on Tuesday Two loadsof tents bedding etc went al tci noon when the tluod waspass'iig fotlie canyon tunnel today Wink rents to see a small boy the 'I tluougli being pushed up there nt the rate ol on a how clerk with a staid face iglitccn feet a week a id long lejs behind ill m— the horse -- the There were many willing business pitching- the hoy's hat losing drowned clcik leaiing being men to help lieie on Old Folks' Div No one heat the Wiiglit Ilou e mu the Richfield Liver) ANNA BELLA Miss Annie Cook of Salt Lake h Tlie canal is filled with ninl and visiting Mi- - Mniiison and lim-J- dnbi is f( i three miles for some time past but leluim-home this morning Bp U:i mnks will have to move to became wain tlie pastin' tiisdaiiv Tlieo Brandley had a caiload ot can not be had In in lie canal ter He is agent t"i Unloaded on Co ami h Tin NieKoii Band villio to Pan Coal the Pleasant Valley tli coal shed near the depot guitcli Lake lor tne Tvvi and have a dance concei t elca"' bat The Ladies’ Republican Stud t It b day i tid a unique patty at the Social Hull n soiled n The eleei ion el iisi last night After a splendid pto-- iu choosing (fie old bond sened were jclreslunents Lemuel Tliomp' a Hcibcit ( avi s was waiting J osepli Eckel's) kept Wednesduv Gaulncr John until for here BpPieston when he went loSalina met tlmhsh-u)- i Del Mis Nebeku gave bn'h to a and went to Rabbit Valley 171 h on The gill baby Wednesday 5 ' - 1 dritt-woo- d PROVO ' 'r Dig ' vvi'i xox July Utah 8tll IK- v i 1 I -i nty-Bo- I J ( D y ler T)v:: Ik Mi JIT Very Respectfully B be at least j Cu If Jit XOX ' Isaac Jennings Manager of flip Pinto Mining Company of Marys vale1 n of Nelson Elof Brookly came hom In to see the Censor called He hafc absence to Salt today after a to been up th$ Marysvale inspecting Lake mines etc “The gentleman invjiiao Drinki gwaterlasto lie hauled fronl to return to Salt Lake Tuesday Brooklyn- Water works arc not sit xox good tills kind of weather j 111)00 i d ten-day- ! JULY 24189(5 ' - An Exciting Election People who want a good jolly talk go Salina Press to Ostlund’s sto e is one ol A meeting of citizens was held iii tlie jolliest meij tlie Censor nmn on the school house last Saturday night! counters on his drive Three school trustees were to he placed Tlie trustees elected on Monday are in nomination and it was intended that the ticket should be strictly non JWSylvcster three years Chris JTermansen two years partisan Only a few voters turned TnoS Nielson one year out but the following candidates were G A Brandt for term of three Elsinore talked of eel brqtlng PioiP named: C Rasmussen for a term of N years on the same eer Day and Railroad two years J IV Phillips for a term date The railroad celebration talk is one of year at an end but they will have an On Monday a number of citizens celebration in which they ask were dissatisfied withthenomina-tion- s who ow ns to take part all neighbor made on Saturday night got toThe business transacted at the town gether and made up a ticket as follows: council meeting on Saturday night Mrs Ck Cuddieback for term of one lust was to decide to build a jail at year J N Pexton for term of two once T Christensen and J Ostlund years Mrs John Elben for term of were appointed a committee to select three years tlie site Bill of Marshal Fautin for Rain pourde down in torrents tlie( $20 was allowed Be th sides whole Monday afternoon John Johcioii came home Thursday worked energetically in support of from a 'three yers’ mission to New their respective tickets Buggies and Zealand Jolm'ts-Parteasking carriages were trotted out and the la-- ‘ well and hearty lie was no doubt dies were given free rides to the poles! glad to return to the old home yet he with a promise of raspberry shortcake made two attempts before lie reached if they voted right It was a funny In his sweetheart spectacle to see the women depositing' it One him to hut num- their ballots in the slot machine and Richfield returning ber two was tnore successful manyof them deported thenwelvesliKe e voters and They Mrs Joseph Broadtynt of Mesa Ari-- ’ didn’t chew tobacco nor swear nor zona is paying lieP'ftftt visit to her set up the drinks to anyone but they She encountered acted like liusbundi parents e American citithe 'washouts and laid over several zens and set a worthy example to the' days on the way her husband will big coarse men come straight through on his bicycle The election was carried for the The RroiKlbent' family will celebrate nominees of Saturday’s convention-Ththe’ pfodigal’s return when he comes! other side had tickets printed home “Free and Unlimited Coinleading — XOX" 1(5 to 1" of Silver Silver got a age In black Salina those eye although GLENWOOD who drew up the platform yet declare Bohn— To Mrs Hansen a girl yes- that If they had got their forces ors terday Kith All well ganized earlier in the day the been would have olf of face the lots of is wiped having Poslnmstej Payne the earth Following is the vote: pains witliTiieiiniatism 127 N (' Rasmussen J W Our blacksmith hasn't been well for 132 G APhillips 110 Mrs O C'tidde-bacBrandt some time but is better now 29 J N Pexton 21’: Mrs John 'it THE - - pioneers indian-wa- b VETERANS NEWSPAPER MEN ASSOCIATIONS and SOCIETIES WIU ° iz i i old-tim- wire-pulle- ‘ wide-awak- gold-bug- k Adam Brown the Glen wood merchant went to Richfield cm business on Tlmrsd y Elben 30 U KEEP IT ITAKDY Trustees elected last Monday weie: E Payne :t years C W Walker 2 years Mrs Caroline Thompson Mr Dennis and family of Redmond moved to Glenwood They will move into Jim Killian's place when lie moves to Castle 'valley— on the 28tli have Four of Glenwood boys Frank Fairr banks Henry Buchanan John and another 'left for Nevada to work during the summer Hep-pie- IF YOU HAVE CUT BURNED OR BRUISED or have any horse cow dog Yourself John Kirknian and tliiee sons left bird or any animal that is wounded in for Thistle canyon where they will deany way you will find liver tics for a few weeks IMACK OIL JOIIM) VS celebrate Prizes given away ' 9OO - f -- ' Races for children and old folks Prizes foi tHe oldest youngest handsomest and best “ ' v ' CASTILLA' SPRINGS Has beautiful shade trees FINE PAVILLION Best hotel nd refreshments A Good fishing Splendid Accommodations trial-ende- d Late Hoods have done considerable A CURE THAT CURES damage in tlie fields and the streets Beware of imitations Genuine only are badly cut up but people are busy making repairs and ail will be right In a day or two Sold at Workingmen's store and Druggists u LOA NOTES M)THH TO ( KIIIHTOKS Considerable damage lias been done to crops in Way no County bv icceiit In the District Court ol the Sixth 'tm ms Judicial Distiii't County ol Sevier Foi'sy th of Tlimbei died State of Utah Geoige Notice He leaves a wife In the Matterof the Estate Thursday morning M Young to Archibald of and orie child to mo urn tqr a husband Creditors Deceased and father Notice is hereby given by the underTwo of Altono Grundy 's family are signed Executrix of t be Estate of Arsullei mg liom tlie same disease It is chibald M Young deceased to the thought lint his son William will creditors of and all prisons having bardlv ucuvn- fnuu the attack claims against the said Estate to exthe neeessmy vouchTlie Johnson ('alley resei voii which hibit them with after the tirst months four within ers is being const i acted will pmve a great of this notice to the said publication benefit to the people of this valley at her residence in this when finished The woik has been Executrix Richfield of county of Sevier suspended (oi a tune no doubt for the city of Utah Stato purpose of haying MARY G YOUNG Mi Willard Pace's diildicii which Executrix of the last will and testament of A rclnbald M Young have been afflicted with typhoid fever tobaby weighed 11 pounds Slieispiob-ablBp Magleby of Monroe was here Deceased now the biggest baby ever bom in tlie are rapidly recovering Having Yesterday’s flood was disasday A’ McDaniir arid Been a In Hr Monroe her visited romilv father hopes fir by Loringol trous over there and greatly damaged I lie a received fan benctit that his have liom gt mat great Att'y for Executrix Ammon and Moioni Hunt's places eomily apie treatment this talk First publication July 1 18 bduth of town i v' l P INSTITDTE cm 7 j Nupl Jacob Magleby Monroe Utah j Dear Brother:— You and the teachers of Sevier County are hereby coni ially invited to attend the one wcek'p inst itule to lie held at the Brigham Young Academy boginning July 27tlj 181H1 free of charge ‘ The’ services itf Prof Edward G Higgs of Leland Stanj-forJr University have been secured for this week'- - ' j t ' 1 ‘ priovo The damage' to the new cave fronl Elsinoro to lie head 184-- character Cheap excursion rates over the of every Railway Rio Grands Spend the 24th at the coolest and most popular mountain iresort si ( W S) i V) |