Show ‘Ljmi Ih THE SOUTHERN CENSOR Is published every Saturday at RIehfeld Sevier County Utah by GEORGE II CUOSUY Jr State Directory: Editors’ Comments Tlie FnglNU G ior stanes senator rank J I Cannon Arthur Drown News Items 11 Ltujg'uau-- - too r 1)7 Uh was tle hottest 'V sgnal “p oMllll:-rrl1j- iifieen0kieir T 'JkimacJ Vr£±'nX' !°m 'horn Jones °VCr 0ne hutbied ‘°n P60ple ln a11 Parts s Hemld the merely - J service offlce ha 'vi''r and 1ectillJf triP ? through of tin lucreas-- j Turadise Cache Co on Surldiy both'ns' constantly Ing t0 populatio and tend- - llado several locations but at follfe Atp eS0Ilt ifc 18 distributed as 1le is known with regard n tlj ZTuL'srT r”nruimuSsi " Frank Tollard who suporin tended the work of constructing mst cf the floats for the Carnival parade met with a serious accident on the afternoon of the nth by the explosion of a rocket which badly shattered the whole of his right arm and cut away the thumb and two lingers says the Herald Z ORROCK’S STORE RICHFIELD !jrstclass assortment of DRY °dsgroceres PAINTS& w xox A wmU OILS terrible affliction lias visited the adVewltJSbePlaabfedto REPRESENTATIVE TO CONGRESS lamilyof Antonc Christensen of SoHdh°eSi Hooplareneo E Alien er 'iheir litile daughter aged about OOVEKNOR t tree years Tell bead downward lleber M Wells J hole containing about 10 or 12 Into inchSECRETARY OF STATE West 2n(IiLI)CI1JrHtrG1dana4’r’T: ‘j"0 dc"oratln& a flout for the 1th es of water and was drowned James T Hammond Every ’ effort was made to revive tire child STATE AUDITOR but without success— Standard Morgan Rlchurds Jr O00000 V Ir° 8t!'Ijle whi('h was bolding In This includes only 7 STATE TREASURES: ' whose mother-tonguJames Chlptnan is English no andsT1!'5 Ul3 CUrv°d cnd weilt first evi1 account being taken of the vast ‘ave vaulted Tuesday lleniy Blair met wihi a nun hers who speak severe accident As they were haul-ntEnglish hut who hate ICPERINXENDENT another tongue The increase he hay Dr E some PUBLIC insTi U by Smith the of Eng unaccountable dent-reason fell from a load and TION ! iU'C alcuated to he came over from Kich Held was precipiarid speu t tated to fully John R Park Oats 110 swi the floor Ills arm was broken he 4th with hfs No other language anuall'fc family ' SUPREME JUDGES in two modern times lias made here one places— hut above and the Give a shoit time and such Charles S Zane anyone other below the elbow Three hundred years J w W BARTt'U wishing to have their teeth attended will tlireo million fractured limb It was J A MINER people who spoke to shouM cab on him found that the fractured limb t DISTRICT1 JUDGE-FOwil1 was not go the SIXTH DISTRICT' Ct princiPalJ' Brit lh S Win M set and Dr Ilosmcr of properly ifc s sIJoken McCarty more or ws sent for That gentleman Lid ! "eur y Cvcry on the COUNTY DIRECTORY Driver1 the fWite vocal He arm had been f'icp of the earth— Ex country Nlissjy SELECTMEN badly broken lb two ' who was hit by a falling stick M A The astonishing Abbott mi places and he had jloubfi-- j lUS to the Don of tile Eiur-isspread A C Shipp language is due more to the vital- - pie Itffirlh iq getting along nVely fractures heahng-Ve- ph! Republic Ilans Rasmussen ortuntely the blow was received on' riceatn e"terprKe of thc Oounly Clerk— Sam'l G Clark hack of the head the Richfield infllctuig ony Rocord or— Jacob M !dnt° U"' dualities of the lan- - Might scalp Laurltren Richfield I 'e friends of Assessor— Charles Anderson yound which - in caue remonetiratlou of Elsinore Df disfururpmiMi f silver met in the Collector— Fred G Wllles court room county Sallna Sheriff— John W Coons lastevening-io- th to do houVc to the Richfield grammar is the best and most Supt Schools— Jacob a simple Magloby valiant and eloquent Monroe Treasurer— II r Hansen ofanyj and by the addition of a few champion of n' “ a"’ tWhm nanie we could Riehfield More len who has rece ved the nomCoroner-A- sa R Hawley llllrt at anrl pronouns tiie f’ k”n Yoscmite the eradication of Central ination of the silver Democracy for 1 Prosecuting Att'y- -J B Jennings HichfleW fragments of °PlTuesd'Jy and taken the the subjunctive mood the Surveyor- -1 D Shoeber presidency of the United States our language would bo Ev Mated ’ the W'tS ill! best of M'rST1 ll cry shade of political color wfts Sallna known languages cauhf between the skip sc repre1 excepting its orthoc-- n ni nPeCt”rJ“S- Grosland n ted lilchfleld County Physician- -c E West What a language dreadfaly Jrcd lus cratic It was not so much a Demo1 Sallna rapby wmdd be k broVen-- - 15mK'tiamBulletin if a phonetic alpliabet meeting as a meeting of the Yom' on Hosiers I cuuauhit in a common cause people that would The pur give genera! satisfactionMAJOR— TheodoreniunroiiY Dose of the Brandley hundreds of phonetic meeting was to arrange for COUNCIL — E C I’otorsun systems have’ TJrw1nee"Cralfrelt'rht “Kent for a fitting ratifijation-obeen proposed since Isaac Pitman J M Jensen in camit the nation by the friends Brynn's nomiin of a cause for bis system soon after invent-- past week with a view N I Peterson todcterinine winch Bryan has spoken in nearly Morten Jensen iow mupji ore thdicompany can hlf Miortliand or Co-o- p safely state Josoph s Horn about 1840 but we are phonography on Count n ca:e still Recorder-C- url come in Hey sticking Goldbrnnson : tt 16 o d IDipidutcd Treasurer— James Ckrlstlanseu PCO'uise himnllvtho OiT he nle of A to btyle lie Justlco of the Peace— Simon special spelling— a conglomeration of wjnts If the Salt Lake Herald of will only make terms Christenson t0 J“ll y Dth from Ml languages but Marshal— G W without a system of suit— Pioneer Blomqtllst Evanston Wy says City Attorney— I J stotyart t hat E H Crocker was its own It is strange that forany acquitted at Streot'Saporvisor—PC Peterson eigner could learu to spell our lanCheyenne of the murder of Harvev u ouudkeepwr—John W Coons - 4 guage Joseph Smith and other no’ SWanerMi nhls work with arush -- ooth Crocker will now be Waternmstor — Mads Christensen brought ted men have declared that the i esterday aJernon Uth Witiw UJEvanstofl toawait trial Qunrlutino PhysicIau-- II If Neill M D1 Eng forthe mur- hsh language would be the fftiacter of nhour 0? Uliiews of William Crawford and universal will at language of the world But it a pears all s nomination came in Swaner was once apply for bail on the decision THE SALT LAKE BEni of WEEKLY that as our Pearin the legend the supreme court in this case The language spreads over new TRIBUNE I educed to 9200 territory it becomes proportionately RfyuH aUd So wall in to The Crawford charge Is believed to be sd pcrYcurafi orjuul i ’ worse ' ' ln its orthography When will nr-- ou mdde Wa3 secured I88 by l)r If r diculous that he will have nodiffl- -' On June 1st the Salt Lake Tribune will re- - our colleges and other centers of edu- E Grow W1 o presented it to the Her-£ 1DtgI'?ng 1)00(38 for his trial at MONROE Ve“ur Salt Lake Herald to 00 per cation have the courage to undertake Tim'? °fh0 the term A jtARRMES I and t?'sh standard will no the reformation of our I lttSTCLASS ASSORTfllEVT ' language? Tt every effort will la made to should maintained Ol’: not be allowed 'to become a In the front rahk Thlweekfeaw two of the finest enRussian Thistle” Br'ioourylor the facebf tile Maine made for th beats Giadstoue He isAugusta eartlii enterprising apfll 94 years gines old so but Sanpete Valley II 'y Thev progressive WAYNE t’OUTY I)ilt do lightly the years rest vv ECTOR Y upon lam that iw attended the otliar are builton the modern planand'ook yy Oranges Lemons T® us exact N’evv York is tile '' images of the D & B a Bananas selectmen: central iiomeff qaj a meeting &f i' qf it j engines Diett Max field and Anglomaniacs inJ '‘Pjb'ge If were seemed it to tor net haveris New 'Eremcnt Medicines Wievnre informed that the liV"kl ! good-rk and its Wall street tird tiWaathe Se0W’ single Toasdple & Rust standard trust and other British ideas and tlanksville whole line will be real old could never have obtained a in the near complete wOUNTY CLERK A COUNTY dangerous j ruture ItLCOItD’ lt foothold in this Yet enuntry: after M JI llansen f1 l()(1 being Invaded and over-ruthThtn0ad 18 holi3in Its own' with antl ruled The Johnson and everything seems by the worst enclitics this iiation Company hate just fin- assessor A Collector: I r°adscIass has ished flrst NO ever hohte very ronditlon-Ne- phi had fine and while John H Curfew poitrajts of encouraging and Calntsviiie fostering them that city proposes to Jeim F Bussell the queen pf the caJ RubliCi nival ' SHERIFF build fortifications to cost ?:() bboooo rnvnl sliowing the lady robed In the II J Wilson No doubt the regalia Teasdalc ' wearing the crown and t f great metropolis should : Douglas soldier whn have the fortifications but SUPT SCHOOLS jeweiaaud carrying the keys of thcD5meas J J O’Brian was will they W E Robinson come like an Loa 'with a vouiw gllffsfltowiB8ltbecjHeen0D the 12th afterthought In asense aite i will be like D Minister d hetiwe lock treAsuiieu: on the sta le after therutting “ T A Jeffry 0' !10“0r-- Ulc horse has been stolen in lodulnB iwnt -- xAevv y ork does BY -- x" not need guns PltOSECUllNG ATTY A St ’tllej !rliM? I" nn'l 1ent UVEyoK a she needs patriotic Americans to M W Mansfield man am wife Her- Lb't irinild t'ICS8 Lon man them— Bingham Bulletin somewhat concerned about CO’ o aKl the proposition C "ALLAIUy hnok are taking That was hard reception Mereur A constriction car cam in Weeing coupleZhHtcTomZ Lo ws and horses to pasture at Walls-- f gave to Senator Brown the otlu r rf by i'iuo at o cents a head Good feed0-11when he was confronted ) by thepiacard’ h&1 t e soldier had tT01' It11iar We have no use for not a ' You should in goidbug suia work was ' ojtin av onm ' form ds of a nr Bea’ But it was just If the senator tention of Sum Veihv peonhiIe fen consistcapital tn nap bargai for buying a farm of Innks hmise'f as big a man as old Joli n Gardner Cleveland and makes himself as offens- t'or:8rC1“!r"b“t?‘1nbuidiMh Arih are I ive to his state as the has president somewbn shady'reputatloh It is proo ins party lie should be prepared to bable that a charge of trict Court of the Hixth Ju- - take the medicine sure to tie served to i1 n tUe prostitution will be substituted for fornication-Salhimt There are hisses and hisses SevlCT fcr ' " Lake Herald Senator Browp in U'ah nnd if ihev i ALSO— L ’V '!' beqome unbearable it is his -- d ““J“' privilege t nt w C Leather shoes from $110 to $325 Also equally good Prices for B°yS Udies’& Children’s n °b ”uy urvtfl you have seen our neW Lj e STOCK I Price on produce this week: ? well-know- n 4 k - pro-S-es- us your orders: they receive out a" be BelI VFRPnnirflnd OF G°°ds CHARCE within city limits t Forgot We are Your Money SaVers s fcheH-herdsett- ’ ’ sooq-Ee- r f h Anglo-Saxo- aver n IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY then-caus- e BHy P”' rn f £" Yoat Groceries Your Dress Goods l- V and Your Shoes Straw and Felt Bats in tact everything you need your family at o 'tty ’ - The Richfield Z inCong-riitiif- which keeps an excellent quality of Goods and gives the highestMarket price for Vour PRODUCE 'J Bertlessn’s J' a Grocsry a I- - y “ Groceries Ex-Senat- hints’ Oils' Glassware cbraware Tinware- ot-c- r aso the-trustee- ’ Bow-'0in- Patent Sm? ti’ stock-Trib- Is Bread une I t v 1 n & Staff of Life? ONE WILL DISPUTE IT THIS AND ALL OTHER NTeI C ESS rj’IES ARE KEPT I 'A-'t’or- v mor-tha- n “ J° phcnai '1H''I iee-it- ir i:u:srLtbrs-v- Save your "tin” by trading with them id wedup ’ JEISEnu GfiRISTImSEn ie'sitl I tz ik 1 yr ji UiidertaKers Contractors' Z “Ln I d"oSi!ffl'1°btlclWIS!? tonoveoot - j Miss Neva Bootlmnd Miss Mamie keep : Ill lOiir Pia k lfawc3eartofurlieait XZ I 1 t'drithat '? aways ready and our EunibcT Yard iodliNis We ar-aii- wJ?BSIWr- tle - -' J"1 v SIIPrLlEM A J f J ! is thec!d si!- -' 011 3 r’ Whci Hyde were out ridmgln a kind Is llcrebY given that 80e "Ubseriber Wedbugg Monday t t day of J Tlie state Convention nesdav rfternoon wHem prents to '’lew— the liberty bend IS A r w uly 890 at 10 o'clock qf anewdror-gmnze- d horse their ‘ °Ut necktie or fell dm n as 1 ° to11 ar and all the I they were goinff down the party he'd a session iif’r ?Kat ay ’ at thc COurt room o at Little national lio'low” ”big Rock Ark on July 4th and to us seem so hear ChasOckev's the County court house place flaife Urn county of Sev icr state of Utah resolved to support Bcntly of Nebras- -- Iis Pojtli vva thrown to the ground T"’ I widereadlng cale the d was mi and bm appointed aj uic thne and ka forthe presidency J w Mi'lerof i stars and the words iiir bruised while Miss I m bf owl’ A kadelfhia vas stran?e t1 Infls they tell us VVil°f tle8ail nomlna‘td forgov-'’rno- r Hpiesned herselfby jumping-x- eOrClicl!T1!gthe I coin of our fathers! We’re a Jlatfor c was phi Republi teceased and for Jmar- !mLr adopted favor-m- g n that we know it forsome time or giiid ICati°n of Georfee b'hiirles lirolubition and free unlimited oth- voithfoi the issuance to him or and independent eoitifge of si’verat Jet ers testaiuenl the ratio of Jo to 1 and iryr thereqp touching upon ” r "ii'ir’ all the llviDg issues don- - ua G CLARK lib byth state and til’ll 1' oational Will Ivnilt'i't-r'S't1)JSrIct CIe k they sub titute Brjan llniilillon Mean a Me Daniel for Bcntly? financial system which we for Ally's desire to Petitions! A avc restored older an Na oleon A terrible head-encollisifin occured I vvas M Austerlitz Grover went fishing on older than at igatfrIoiva on the the 7th with evening of Ju- the Great Was when lie Jo Jefcrson but neither 1 1 it h on the C & N W The lad to cdughfon a nominatio world: older than Gnner Ricihc I Nothing but pioneer excursion Ira'n had I would take their bait hC Was Cmtel juif urneri out to retur to Gun v M errI'J F1'’ r county-T- rib whonNo 38 fast freight came me xox around a 'harp curve and before Horjoy-can- s either train raharn and Clove j’ the Pro- ’’ou’d stojrt crashed I hcral’road together Thirty surveyors rp at worn seven arid quircr made an apology their ugly n t e survey the grade In Coal-tck- c fifty-on- people Were killed outright and i1 insinuation about the or more seriously injured and countt board nyon they re cross-sectioVOX "Viny ofwhoin will d'e The collision ' ng and niaking mr grading whichgeneral prc- arrtions w is rjiTsioncd by thcpngineer of the -according to t lid excursion trnin tliicluhs toti aYu j- “!” jnistaking orders who wil1 8iat1ing’ '“ inuK e ifn!irC near escaped (leath iby jumping but had Ids future We are frin broken Twelve h ndred jicrsonS SHOP A irst North St ’ a uc I T prospects were yn the east of Social a rtcent emplo”' ejersion train Word Hislnp says xthc fill oik was ficht to Omaha and a I'ETERGiXEColw- DJ-b- e iiushcd special traii forward with all po-- p w ( ith hHp was sent out and the unfor ' : rr‘J'J Co'thty Be'-ortunatc neoplo Were cared for : -- of askets?CoffiAs5(FariisKms t 'JJL & Z wuorsT°iiANI IRKSfD feniN46LES nso Contractors and Jbuilders - IIOtlNE & MILLER ' -- t “ f Extract- Pieced tinwar§ fr e m arernadeto ’Kept -- ' ljj‘OTATrnTAT'4 Un 1 L JV (n Home Industry ajl kinds ot WdU't d r ors uc oi m: -- neatly Kt TABBING and expeditioUsly DONE At THE - CENSOR OFFICE order o' LthAZ‘kct d : |