Show t Vol 1 Richfield I'rofcNftioiml J 11 JENNINGS G1DKON SNDKlt Utah July & Snyder Jennings Yesterday the first tidings or a seri Away baek iii i lie history nf merous accident at Tliurhi r readied here it'd t lit lie l)!iul of it hundred A 1 1 r n cy a u e'iino across a dreary barren waste of waters Last Sunday night Miss Emeline Mr Jemima lias pracl loeJ Tumlj yr-iHuntsman who was visiting friends m tlm supreme Court of the SlaUj iimi from all their friends and homes to in Thurber went fora ride with Ella iho United Statov tin will attend In per-aseek a shelter from tvramiy They Peterson and all torin of tin Uisl riet eoui t In etelt raoi- George Sidwell It wiH formed a nucleus around whieli in till' DihU'ict gath- nearly midnight w nen the three had ered morQ and more people until they finished their ride and were became prosperous driving ’ They founded Into Thurber that Lewis Chaffin schools t and child heir run became BEAN & McDAinELT some of the most intelligent men of drove up behind them with another Alloriu‘j-al-Iay the world Hut industry brought with waging Chaffin soon started to pass it wealth and those who had the them and a race followed Sidwell PRACTICE IN AIL THE COURTS wealth stayed there and hired others had a colt in Ids team which became ImcE— In Anderton l!tilldln)i Blehllelil and ran into a fence to work for them Day labor did not unmanageable Sevtir County Utah suit tlmse plucky pimple and seeing The girl swcrc tipped out hurt ingboth their chances they went to the rich seriously and the Huntsman girl per W w Wallace M L llliovvv land of the'Missisippi Valley -- to un- hill's fatally Miss Peterson is injured JudKit in tile hack while Miss Huntsman’s I developed mines of the Rockies -t- o' & B arc internal injuries the fertile soils of Calfforula and Aflornojs-ul-Lu- u The best aid at hand was brought there ' they heea me' pioneers as their RletiUeld Utah quickly yet both of the injured girls fat hers had been Witl praetleu In nH the court w State and End ora' Corporation Land and Comrnerelal t)neot the greatest of these New raved deleriously ah night The next business Solicited Englanders who came west was Jos- day it was feared that Miss Hunts man was dying Lut she was still alive eph Smith the’ founder of the Mor-mo- n 3 P Thurman I J Stewart C W (olllns at last reports md seemed to be im religion Strange as it may seem proving - r Thurman Stewart & Collins it is none the less true that the hisof Smith and his followers was to tory Atlornryi-nt-Lni- v follow parallel with the history of the RICtH'IELD UTAH New -- Wa laqe RoOMS-EiJcoTl- No Hr Smith our patronage leave Accident at Tlnubtr Ilellt'rtlimit oil IMonocr IMiy 1896 18 Do not till you go to your work Lac L or till sumo d’l’ii oiiin bn have tiiivclliug it dnm hy intrhome man ami we can have dentist hero all the lime Nelson J Sheffield came hero lately and will run a photograph gallery here if it pays It will pay if rigli tlv patron) ad If Mr Nlitlllelil will locate here we ought to let him have the work Every mother wants a picture of h r hnby and the mothers should not wsit until a traveling photogiapher comes Let that be our policy with all home concerns patrou-- o them liist hut we sliouM have pedal pride in enconragi ing people to stay when they are here loek 1 tu to News Tliursday the old Fo'iks’Exeursioii t Ogilen was attended by 2000 li peopiq eorrespoudenl nks Mt Plea-awill lie canled hy t he ''alt Lula alone sent 12(H) Twenty-fou- r memtjorsof the Mormon Dattall l McKinley forces this fall A Tribune t nt were mot lulled f li i a Missouri ' l i"keman former's farm Cochran nun Runer li ing n July 1 shot H Van Horn ' v on Hie iiree weeks ago iiuin who had wires fur the me Maor Julm I lie i failure on attack was brought ment mer the flool) vfanl Tuesday excite- St on hy water pity in Utah George has Dad a share i f Floods ran all over Divio tin i pirt o' both Meadow MiUard (jouiiti town suhin reed Py 'I’uesday's flood gie it Ncipo 11 H 'Tuesday the 14th a boy named ludge I’nwers came home from Clip b'lm C tsfelit i and (ins lotmsnn ('iigo Thursday He is highly elated peddler were drowned al Mammoth Marshal iienroid of thit town at "dh tlm woik of Ids purtv ti mpleil to reseure the linv im( was ne illy (Imw on I C'lerday afteino n t lie Kejuiblieii 'late commit tee met to numler A Alexander C 'I near Fort be and instantly present n i rown 13 Prove has lots ot government ' and were Tlioide to Plied the wife murderer luis ap the Hoard of Pardon for ( commutation of Ills sentence j Jolm Moore m employee of the lis city the Republican Gi'niianiii smelter was seriously by an explosion of slag on Tlnirs mayor aiitj 4U'moej'dtir eouueil c in not agree day afternoon Trouhlo In )!' M‘ rejected Van "id the latter 11 madq threat e s' quid neer live with am hut himself Yes-ai- e Phil Nedcr came Dome Salt A meeting of tlie ladies and Englanders terday Coelir gentle to town with his Lake last Saturday Ho that men vvlm are siys The Puritans Lad sought a home off wife but lea AYagpiY arranging for thereto-brntlot I bat Van Horn was wliile aniy lie jaw ID rmans tPe mur- in Holland and 'other which will Do held here on the in tovyn til re " ning hi- -' Ffe places just as licstarted derev Pith met in the court house Smith and hs followers did In Kirt-lan- d Wagon racing is a spot t that s oft for ho cue A in Horn last cven-iiijffollowed siioi't- 10th was decided that all Nauvqt) and other places Yet en Indulged in especially in the new- - ly after on the train J' ilhiiOicMitlered ternlib frmi floods committees STATIC IH:riTV neither was allowed to stay With an er settlements wlipre fences and other near tlie Cociirin n going As ll(1 having Did Folks celebtv on Monday a fid tlouand Mormon Dattalion annivir-sar- y obstructions Tuesday arc not in tlio body the followers of the way One walking from pSURVEYOR adyanco the in charge moot in modern prophet set out into the wil- driver has a team which Jio thinksplacor Mr and the eonrfty ''Ijran passed court ean I outrun house next Monday derness tjnd there found a place where another and lie wishes to him tm their w Iho romnisMoners of Salt Lake evening Van Horn XOTARl' ITBUC ' tHcm others could come The early hard Just C’ounty are being petitioned to recon- Tho joint celebration will be held in MONROE UTAH i Serious'iujur'ea have ordered t'oeM " 'lit the latter I Lester ark and will sider their action repudiating sliips the people passed through butj0ften arisen this custom at dif-- 1 drove rapid U a- the ‘time Van warrants county greater event than is certainly he a fitted them to become industrious and I ’ercr't times anti It seems that the Horn fe ichen lir in howeCoeh-- ! generally rei$ bed The Mormon N H Battalion Is to hr' gather wealth aronnd them Tills serio'13Cse(luent'es Would liavo putlraojs-rpu- h m- - with a Win- a veryconsplcnous feature will in a few generations bring an idle J an cn shl goes on and and the es or lu Herald" tells that Her- tlmable ladies and midwifery and general rare ol (lie class as Inheritors or the family names j S(lll° sei'1()'S eomscquencqs have re-- his haMsT' Vr Y him to throw up Thursday's In charge gentlemen j butremans Is perhaps-thobeyed 1 ' T i tliat were once known for their Indus-rulte- d - - k boped that the victims chnsidered m--' njau winds want- - aie planning some pleavant surprise! Mck i V !fn Els Sr"i'!n ftr ftmrteen -- Ogden Standard try It remains to be seen whether of tlie Thurber race will both recover! ver W-- l lflehtield ’ hnf ' another “West” ‘will attract away the IMr have seen the lone'twnrkingciass op not j ness io the gyad man was It n'i'iapo fo others to Me'wlieih-e- r once tnd that ought to suffice Where a mentbor r i Railway the roligji a £ fatlieis will sur- to lay i lie blame for this accident wcj Trainmen In vbi h a i 1 "on carried do nut pretend to sayh Whether Sid- - insurance Tlk m- - in-vive the attacks of time or not It wTn-well lives at tantalized I’haffln remains for other tongues to tell the the Held Ks G by gave himself nn FIRST FIASH ' tale of the growth or decay of the re- racoon or whether Chaffin began to and wav rjwiT Dr & W Higgins was to run ’ ooobail ' ' ' a ligion of Utah Other minds will pass without any warning we do not1 Terms Reasonable race on theFourth but chariot then prepare orations of the Twenty- - know! but it 'makes no difference In strain ot preparation proved too much ebrrbw-stricke- n l'ouftnr Tlie religion of' Utah "will J fce Il'ich tieid UtahT par- for T an u t u“la!l)'1' have struck a'i sincehim (UipLi ims been delirious ever Bio Brulvva never die out for whatever may bethe entsand Mends and the community er n h 1 nt UHtom TIME CARD NO S5 w1GI’e tie accident happened relating Jsnonej to I objections to the faith of theMormons j plural mar i'be Jaw of Olda- In Effect Nov IS 1895 0 My Old Kentucky Home tlle article of faith tliat y :if there the le-- s grievcc homa is SANPETE I is The AND SEVIER and near mill Surjshine polygamy Mercur I virtuous or is: of anything lovely good Indians' - are not Arrive' exempt tomb'd increased to have a capacity of report we seek after the same” This Leave 6:IW pra from its opera OGDEN If you believe in Silver Id to 1 and j makes it a progressive religion and Tlie KIckapoo L)0 tons' 8:45 arn 5:iV LAKE CITY PTT 1:40 have an n 3: In 'ivc squaws each TH ISTLE JUNCTION 3:50 pm in good meals good beds that invite none other can survive the attacks of 1:29 FAIRVIEVV CD The 5:22 tid enii' to deep and pleasant dreurns good time 1:09 Arapahoes- are' Mormonism may not forever MT PLEASANT One of tle greatest parts of an edu- - j The attorney general has ruled that 'J:8S 5:41 'a'l t J Raalts SPRING CITY tiijists as are the where a 5:57 magazines and Daily emphasize the tenets of its faith that cation is to knovv fabts but a more im- - j nearly crime EPHRAIM 'in is 6:24 l committed Kiowas I ohe p-dics C'omanches and MANTI it now emphasizes for other time- H:45 Papers and 'a charge of venue is ‘ 1:2' county GUNNISON 7:30 ed A hospitality thut makes you feel at may need other 0:M that the courts' taken to another HA LINA tenets bill all good 8:00 county the county J:II4 aurora take action In the' home with a Sample Room on 8:13 should be a part of Mormonism b):UI A in which tlie crime was Committed HKjrUUD 8:25 10:00 in less Main Street Lv 1UCIIEIELI) virtues will he a part if the people but Air 8:45 polygamous must pay the costs Go to the KENTFFKY HOUSE live uj) to what they are taught Then Captain Woodson of pu'Y£ETtandnW''flela f0rtJ1 Pr- -L Monroe Sevier Co ias issued orders Utah vv ill the religion of Utah ho tlie grea trains arrive at Rtehflekl at 5:45 p On Wednesday Apostle A II Can- - m FrelKlit ost sectarian religion on eaith b‘- (sms on Ills agency' on Mondays and Friday! to at ?rtce decide I wa" taken worse lie lias been ill and leave at 6:30 aWednesdays cause of its broad foundation The Incidents'Ll every 'person’s life I m on Tuesdays Thurs"‘‘Vila YCC that and or irKI some h Klve UP the ‘V Twenty-Fourtliniu a“a "Hist now of July will I c a grem- - would teach usvalusfbie lessons if writ- - on! ! undergo days Saturdays on 111 C a lWnrTs carried Freluht trains V uneasiness operation n° erday than ever among them and all ten into a story Then why do so few tween Thistle and Hiiltna ' men will honor it for the good done write to the paper? Tapers do not al- kH!im(iVng'!mOU!t'!beS’ Joel Ricks Agent Richfield Co-o- p C ! Racing HOMER McCARTY It llTi'I MINERAL - h-o- I St John Mrs f 1J a It serious-consequence- TKe WrftHf House f "iopjdci s e ri-A- p- V g t ' rf' the -- OrasdWasteni hmi 4 1 ' - i j "n T? New Summer Goods at the Lu Pxl on wood !rT?ssrjl' We also column I) E A on purpose' to encourage the On Thursday M A Abbott came little folks to Jlftvc a ifiooil Slock of Z L' HII rriwpite to us We will It will take over :oo voting booths ni0“ ln bu‘rKy (?rawn Shov Keadj-miwla Flolliing over from Aimabeila to see about the Publish letters for our’bjdei ones too f C for Salt Lake County at tlie full elcc- “ reifcn of terror Fklnu mill condition cf the roads in this part and no one but the editor need ever !y !?C ''l tion I ° ° l: on Gi oc'crirN and I C!lfr(’ Tliat is the proper way to do As soon know who wrote them If you h ave tLv!i llfe n f11’11 y tliroirtrb tlie streets Country Ih'Oduce and C'atlle arc as any damage is done to roads tliev any peculiar ideas they will’ be L siiurlit and sold at cash rates can be fixed with as little labor as at respectfnil Heard' and not ridiculed ( ’ol Dodge of the 15 G W !! revolvfrs in t!enir says the !iade tbins iv‘y road will go on lo Marysvalc liny other time Then jt js folly to We are especially willing and anxious NIELS HEILESON this wait paHSCd' There has been a groat deal of to have teachers write Tlie teach- The m(nK wi)1 l(o heavy but it Vill 1‘tT Proprietor rubbish washed into backyards city ers of Utah Schools are the creani During llreell(:''' !'1'dune in time one hi uicni Litany i be victims were and town ditches tliat must be cleaned of Utah society and we crave tlie good out pint of it now and part of it next ideas they have and their cordial co- Serge 'mt Williaiii Sauer of tlio East B II Roberts has rented Music Wood-WorkiChicago avenue police station shot Hall Shop 'jiring What use is there of waiting operation in helping us to fill ourjaipcr twice hi tlie breast in Independence Missouri He will amt once in the with tlie rubbish such and with it lotting decay thoughts instead of the poor neck and will die fiOIIHXG I'iAMML Andrew Miuln preach there for some time It is Take jt out imw and it will ho done matter so often found in papers was shot in the I1RMNU iillUKElTs with and no sickness will result but right leg but not seri- thought tlm Mormon Church to build tlio temjiie there and Keefe shot slightly in ously John N 1) GENERAL WOOD WORK if allowed to run on through tho warm the left Alter instep and Martin DONE AT MY MILL WEST OF weather of later July August and Keefe had been shot tlie Let’s Keep Our Mercur was nearly (lest myed police startearly September there will be no end 'll IPOFLSON ROLLER MILL of by ed after the marauders could not Tuesday 's stoi m but epidemics ' JC Anl erson find them until after anil Our Monroe will suffer very much too midnight when from the old cellars filled with water For several years past Dr E Smith Sergeant Sauer saw throe men in a William Scroggins of i'aik City wa buggv drawn hy a gray horse out er an In a little while animal and vegetable of Heaver lias been killed on 'fuesday while colliding a travelling biu He alley followed them when tivy cur growth will begin Then will come and fourth through various at Echo station on tlie F p parts of shot him and made their escape disease germs and finally a human life our and has a good reputation country ROLLER-MILL- S or two may pay li as a man and a dentist Sonic two A span of horses put on a Will months ago he came to Richfield and Col Dodge roeiitly took a Owing to tlie droutn oil tlio Beaver would pump tlie water all out tiiji at tlie Richfield House A lit- Bottoms acru-- s the of tlie old Mijdeby cellar in a day and stayed the fanners Uncompahgro and Uintah in tliat section tle later lie decided to permanently reservation it ought to lie done hy tlie owner or by locate inabiy hunting a tiere and lie now lias a poom in have from necessity adopted a new route for the Rjiersu G W tlie town council As soon as the tho Andeiton Building where lie in system of Irrigation which is proving Heather settles get at it and have a tends to do business except when call- vei j successful and it may be of some Tlie English American Swidicate good cleaning up ed off for a few days He will move little worth to other A lias dry sections Lorenzo Lisonbeo is deserving much his finally purchased a half interest here too will a be and finis family well inis been excavated to a depth of In the Sevier mino praise for his promptness in repairing local dentist AVIicn teeth need fillfeet to lo feet On reaching a dejilli t lie Monroe road Ho is a good super- ing tlicy need time fur treatment of 8 feet they have struck a flow of visor to have for promptness is no So a local l dentist can do ibis Col John W Donnellan has water and another at tlie maximum small matter in road affairs resig while atraveling dentist is away of 15 feet The well is 40 feet cd t tie presidency of flic Mining Ex- deptli in a little time Then too a local square Tlie pump for raising tlie wa- change U dentist spends his money here is al- ter is run four horses and they are by She— “This rose Is very steep Can’t ways on hard to stop suffering from able to irrigate above five acres a day The U S Government lias paid 1 tooth ache Then we ought to give "’it D each get a donkey to take me lip?” well -- Millard Frogrcss $22000 for support of the agricultural lie—1' Lean on me toy darling!” College of Utah I I e lHH-wn- Uodto Gen' S Manager Viullolgh Ueu'J II Babcock Traffic Miiuftjrci Passenger Agent Halt Lake City Utah General 'office b-- v re I)r)-’oiM- I 2! ! SUBSCRIBE I I ' - for ng V i Dentist Photographer the censor $t50a year THE ELSINORE rail-roa- supply you with Flour bacon horse-pum- p ceusop Hams and Lard JOB PRINTING H work-wel- n- a0 TQ E At this office NEWP i |