Show Comments -- pie have eiranged administrators th governments so often during tjlie twelve years past that 'vunty-sithey are tired of the forty-fiv- e states of political extremes The most pop-ula- r U election day is a legal holiday leaders in our present state ill it is not polibut with all our ties arc not the extremists Utah t holidays it ought tube made sees the folly of anyone! policy put into It would impress the import operation when people are not ready f voting upon the children and tor ' The other dTfciids struveTii vain The Flood reconcile I hem to the adjustment or 'i ollered them more water still if the 1ICII FI i would Ik satisfied with that but thej In Richfield llim luw i still held out This prevented tb "””d- - lately t)!1( of tlie-- e case from coming up' 'at tho Marc (lll b'Mdn' and it cam in tie torn) oi court and other things occi Cot toiiwoml r cuioi' pied tlie minds of the adjustment 111 liewewi lit daylight it lium commitee until the May term In mtry needs another generation except to crop- - TucmIjh here xx e more' serious voters May S it Thurman who was the at "'lisa repetition of ihe -- ame'hut il Whenever bad times come to Utah torney to get all these things into a was much more II tcrrilietilling eeilar- lawful came down but again is laid to the policy of the it ashing mud onto ihe crop- - and makpolitical the caseshape aeen hundred years lmvo now was In to postponed await fur ing guile - On the ea- -l and Utah people never since our Saviour was born party dopower nniihuf ther adjustment used to town it wa- such have things They hard of the year is not known but come to comespecially and Water to began get scarce In June ing from the foot-hil- l believe all these yarns because u’eed by ad students of the sub-- 1 ls and and the are July people began to so much loose lock it N e- -t taught them by the political not it was not on December 27 they imaled Unit worry because the case had not been it carried not le-papers Tliey teach them such s more likely in April than a hundred IIuw-- ' things settled do not know that lit thou-nn- d to get their votes the ether ton- - of rock Tlii-wway but takes suchThey tilled “day of the year is not the these ills are a long time to adjust mat into tlie new more t often lie in results of canal mam pince-m- d ror that the Donums made ters and so on Saturday July 4 the the homo and industrial life of the did quite a hit of damns was born four years earlier it of Brooklyn decided to break formed immense people If two people occur l things piles of rock across nearly away from the ey thought for so this year at the atand same time people look biro an league the road hut did not get any rocks on ' i be xpqn numbered liKH) instead of one us the cause and the other as the torney of their ow n and begin a fight- to the farming land- The water effect Let as many men ing instead cf a peaceable lawsuit in torrents across tlie fields below go around showing how the ills of the people’s Tlie next morning’ some one from overed up some crops vitli mud carin Northern Utah a gentle lives bring on bad times as Brooklyn vIMti-- Annabolla and told ried away hay and did a go of gro it deal c f the m’eeting On the following dlier damage irked with prldo that South-ha- d around showing how Tlie political ills do railroad tnig some of the host country and the people would come nearer se0-In- g Thursday July 9’ stockholders meet- were delayed by wash-out- s from Mon“ ing of the Annabelia Irrigation Com- day until in the State We know the the truth Thursday No mail was had pany met and decided to follow tlie nd the return to great Yet we feel that it is old lead of Brooklyn 'Vermillion talked mail erved San Pete county has ervice didn't suit well Tho Republicans liavo nominated of doing the same weeklies and so has William McKinley Jr cf Onio for ELSINORE The:e settlements are not wise in inty It is justly a source of president and A Hobart of this action and Garrett There was no great damage here ic people of tliesu counties ought to reconsider it New Jersey for vice president Tlie at once Tlie greatest reason for Rater ran into one house and tilled oiild lie better appreciated Democrats have placed W J Bryan breaking away seems to be that Rich- several cellars and -- nine of ihe eiti npared us with others ' of Nebraska and Arthur Sewall of field and Elsinore have more thau zons lost heavily of Uieii xx rops in seiiool election Maine as their opponents Doth par- - thair share of the water The wnler-work- s Admitting Brooklyn being tIelr liefe that to be the case it is not too late hoked up tlie pld pletc success in Richfield nn 'rnHfferCafflrm1 people were out of Issues and not as to reduce their portion a battle between two catl- No one that drinking water for several days an application of any particular par- - we have t it was free from partisan-- 1 heard talk has said that the BROOKLYN one side has declared it- - adjustment was far wrong oenplc show their good com-- - ty principle yet some I lie in self favor are of a greatest lose damage her was m hal" to of single gold standard ready when tliey do such tilings the northeast c wm r ot the The other party lias taken the free- - —home farm and all thelrpropcrty to place ion of the but not of trust fight ""'I where tlu Hood from Monroe struck "f"t or political honor to give coinage side It has brought the ques-- 1 suit lie fields and covered tion before the people now comes an1- - j It la well know n that water up hay that al friend A person would belong was mi the ground tilled ditch-c- s other laying in ’ we shall ihe question: Sevier ing and used aside here alley not raised in political pre-- i lay etc There was but little bail R cr serving in the place of everything else and vote on the money in the later 7Cs and early 80s has been taken out as late as ’8 and applied on question alone? We say Yes MONROE new land in the I’arguitcli UMonroe Millers as much as all the rest valley Then the v ater companies here of I lm By the way one election alone will valley On Monday night after ed report in tlie Salt Lake ought never settle that question It took a arise to settle all differences that dark a Mood came down Sand canyon ret j t s one person of Ricli-- '' lieie it home quickly put in the and struck tlie ea side long time to settle the question of t of Thomas oig the term “manifesto rest and the waiter that belongs to Hanson's lot ' Tlie water was heavily r in meaning uncertain lan-- e slavery and every other great ques- them from Pangnitcb Circleville and charged with sand and covered We know there wore many tion that has thus far been settle by other up places voice of the people in the everything it came in eontart with republics ructions put on the manifesto On past Ranson's it si ruck No we must look forward to a long Joseph 'Mho language of that document Dox ford's lot and ruined It' contest to dreary settle the The d as plain to us ns the language problem uid was piled on ad but one corner It Is only a forerunner of what will He I)"claratlon of Independence come when we see the people of the ' Monday J uly 13 an adjourned session from a foot to eighteen inches deep li re art hardly two men in the United States of the district court was held with The lot now looks as desolate as if it determined to settle Id who take tile same wording to had never been cultivated hut on one this has been question Judge It the hab McCarty on the bench "an the same thing It was rather for England Franco or corner J II Joseph Pope’s lot fared butlit Kyhl a German Ole Peterson Germany to a unwise remark lead in the setlement of such ques- and Niels L Anderson Danes were ad- tie better while the street ea- -t was’a river of water Cyrus AVmget’s lot tions but that will soon be a thing of mitted to citizenship When Monday’s Tribune was read in the past It takes a Jurors for the July term of court had but a few stalks of corn left to long time to setalt Lake many men of both parties tle questions in this show where “once hs garden smiled" R cl field country but the lore heard to express the greatest sur- many who take a hand In the settleW C B Orifock Emil B Jensen The current then ran diagonally prise to hear of so many in Richfield ment jnsure it against serious mis- Clias Bean L P Hansen and Tas B through George Smith's lot and laid a who would support McKinley for takes A broad swath low Two wagon boxes Rut keep at it Ramsay oivsidont Whichever side a person Monroe setting one on the other were carried xx hikes of tho money question It must William Jeppeson Andrew Brown along for a block and no attention was he admitted to be the greatest quesL C'ollings was fixing A lfidy was a candidate for election Jos II Jensen Christopher Nilsson paid to fences to build a new house and came The people of school trustees tion since slavery’s day and Amtnotillunt nearly In Elsinore but was 'ill nearly ajl make tlie question of beaten We heqr that it was because losing his old one A strong fence Elsinore and a wood pile prevented fiemonatization first and foremost she would not Here have good judgment on John A Moore Christie Lee and Thomas Ranson and family fearing Tariff never was its equa1 Chas Christensen building a school house Women are for their own house took shelter with Salina II more tasty than men and a lady’s their W IT Ilex Geoyge Franey neighbors and looking out from on It is surprising that of tlm young judgment building a school house the window’s light Mr Ilauson says Aurora who are being called by would he just the right thing States he could see waves high as a man J J Ivie Andrew Anderson he Mormon Church nearly all are that have tried women for trustees say these places tlie flood went on Tassing Farnsworth of Joseph i are T P bettor than men and we beJoseph peoimnomls Some they II Peterson of Redmond and W W doing' great damage as it passed lieve Elsinore it t to church them he wants has nothing to glory ple say get A relief party was Clark of Annabelia through town ff so that the state may he Jiepuhli-a- n over in Katy Marquardson’s defeat soon formed and with lanterns went Peter vs Jensen Richfield deet al Such talk does no one any good murrer granted writ of mandamus to the flooded part of town but harms those who indulge in it " Th6‘y cduld do but little as the current denied '1 ills for M iianna missionaries do not Annabellas Decision was so terrible and so deep The tervs Jensen Agnes Jensen Joseph vuiruUf with I lie First Presidency as rible roar was deafening ihe falling both of Salina divorce on the much as tliey do with presidents of Last week a local mention was of desertion The decree was grounds rain tlie peals of thunder and tenable granted pnruun and presidents of stake made of Annahella’s deciding to draw and the wife given the custody of tlie darkness made the night one neer (o ml of these o dicers as many as are out ol tho league of water companies two children J R Jennings was Mrs oe forgotten in the history of Monroe of one faith as the other that was formed by representatives of Jensen's On Tuesday afternoon another flood attorney It tlie various local water companies came down Bcrtlesen Canyon and vs Bland Bodell Joseph Thueson who are entitled to water from the et al and Niels O Thueson vs Tn question of tlie selection of Sevier Bodell struck pretty nearly the same pait of river Now (he case as we Thueson et al were two cases to com- town with tlie force of (lie current nominees for office is being talked up and thought on by the politicians It understand it is practically this: In pel the defendants to draw up proper from the other side Joseph Newby '00- the Sevier valley was deeds to certain proper y The court was a heavy loser from this with many is however not being thought over the later others Tlie oilier flood had ruined much by thos'j who do not work in pmmianenlly settled and the people ordered the deeds so drawn ' took -- o out ditches Some of these ditch7V much in thestream'straek however W if he would vs the Wallace wise peoIt Butler— Beck politics es were made nearly as large as that Co there was hut little foi the Wallace to would about these start they and Brown think tlining ple reprenow are while others were at first sent the plaintifi and Stewart and end to do things before tlie politicians do then small and were enlarged year by year Collins the other side A At tlie same time a flood from the the ower of politicians wouldbe weakdemurrer was ened and the power of the people In this way it is nearly Impossible to sustained and the plaintifi’ lias till Monroe Canyon was raising havoc how much water-righ- t Tearing! h rough tlie land south of town belonged to July 23 to fill amended complaint strengthened We would like to know say one ditch or it ran into the old Monneytown reserone any any person' prewhat yni are all making up your mind to vious at 1878 voir least and sr on had it full to overflowthat By year i ) The School win y want for these places for tlie greater part of the ditches'had When tlie break came the wating beta now make are and calm will you been taken out ers HT!i was too Then Some spread out for many feet each way time since amass meeting met ter choice now than yen will later a dry year and tlie people have a bet- at the witli it hay stacks and eery for carrying conthe bowery purpose of II ter memory regarding the water in sidering whether are not thing that lay in its path The wafer Richfield the In pa-i- ng the farms of these parts 1878 than in most ai y other year School election should he non partisan from here ran into another old is in Brooklyn and broke that It is apalling to see tlie number of There at tlie driest fine of the year A resolution was passed voiceirig their unless t be an except ionally dry year sentiments as in favor of such an elec- The two made stacks of lucent that are put up poorly quite a stream fliat water to supply all the claims tion: and a committee of Especially is it so since tlie last rain enough three appoint- ruined $1000 worth of property ed to wait on the party leaders and as There was some hail in lie fluid A giv it deal of lucern on the ground up to that time be After all these more facts little suffered iked considering the the has of the two political tween Brooklyn and Mourie pur One water as conventions” the assem- parties ill in lint in the stacks It is not only This committee met and streak of hail passed through t lie field ivit It stacking that wc see the harm a blages of these delegates were called asked these leaders to call a caucus on near Robert Duxford's and Lorenzo storm may do for in tlie care of Ma- decided to give all ditches the amount Saturday July 11 said they Lisonbce's places and iicat down about They of water they were using eighteen would hut for some cause didn’t get it twenty acres of grain chinery our farmersare very negligent years ago (iss) Then c ime the deNot only plows and the simpler impleone So tlie committee gave out tlm This side of MonrOe a -- indent ol tlie ments arc left to the storms hut mowe- cision of tlie amount that each ditch notice at the Old Folks Party on Fri- force of rimningwah find plmi threshers and binders are left was using at that time No records day and Priesthood MeelingSat urday of intere-- t to him S mu line r-' without a shed in many places A to speak cf had been kept and mem- The caucus nameo: boulders half a mile long and e"i-al ories of very many people had to be shed will make a sixty-dnlWm Ogden for 3 years rods wide tells the tale The h d depended upon These witnesses bad sulky-ploan rv r a icve nly-l- i Annie (' Orrock for 2 years mud nm- -t all slopped boh ire the never measured tho water so it was an ciglit-dolla- r I J Stewart for i year land was reached so great harm was buggy and sev- in most all cases evidence that a court On Monday there was a Hood eral ol her things wear at least a fourth hut tlie averted Yet a bundled amv- - f crop could hardly depend upon unless the election was well attended and are nearly spoiled jon ier other party had none better Tlie fight was made to elect Mrs quite ANNABELLA jj Mary outcome of it all was that from among C Bean instead of Mrs Or rock hut Annabelia laid three floods: one on Fra lire bus been looked upon as a the many conflicting tales tlie water Mrs Orrock carried tlie day The Monday made I he people glad and did great leader among nations presuma- was assigned in feet to the various ole stood: little harm On Tuesday tliey were bly because she went to such extremes ditches as nearly right as was possible more terrible running down on each Ameria time too when There was All seemed satisfied with this diviside of Npaflord's place were two imcans seemed to like extremes Thus sion excepting tlie Nielson ditch— a mense streams that piled debris at it was that such an extremist as An- small ditch above Monroe which is least four feet deep The debris being drew Jackson and many others have owned by three men These three t bus held it did not get onto tlie land been so powerful However the peo- - men held out and would hot come in where it would have done more harm x d I Damage estimated at from flOO jto equal to two right angles” Stcont ‘too i was done i n Thursday a Hood Lawyer— “That isn't very compfica tun through town a ml did practically ted” First Lawyer— “No but I was 'harm trying to think what a man would dr ClKNWOOD if lie ad the oilier side of the case” Ibis (own mi fi red some from the Take jour ouiify vviiriunts to uni'! cowring meadows and otherwise injuring crops (ilenwood i a had J Il Iam ilyen mol art cmlilor place for Hood and the worst was them feared hut il escaped quite lightly GO 10 J j JEtssEN und have Drum a Legal Point of View-F- irst your spectacles fitted to your eyes ‘ no L iv j or "I was looking over my boy's need to lie swindled by t iMvoling 1 las! night geometry les-was oendist- - liae your work dom 'piite interested in that proposition nt home Iv at idles a ud Jewelry neat that Ihe three angles of (i triamde are ly repaired ard u r sale fall in -17 ' -12- a- ru-h- semi-weekl- Do You —FOR YOUR Furniture Baby Buggies Shades Rollers Lounges OUR STOCK IS AS FULL AND AS “ a11 Good As -- f - Carpets Rugs Mirrors Pictures and Picture Frames Lace Curtains and Window y I Bargain: Theo Brandley Richfield -- ’ a You Gan Get it by Galling on -d -- Want Any SOUTH OF SALT LAKE CITY And we aim to Satisfy our Customers by deal ing Fair with every one Gosh! Don ’t it ti cknl Ma w! To see how cheap it makes tho gt -l District Court When you take i anti-manifes- H F AT THE w OSTON TOR to SCREEN-DOOR'- S TJSITEs OOMS 1 Sash Glass etc Call and See our Acme Oil Cans I K WRIGHT Election Sweet Singers of Monroe paii-ii"-o-- ar thing because it is cheap it is dear to you -' the long-run- V ” G E R Is not a cheap machin e yet Thirteen Million ire now in use rk-in- i in T II ild Ion-doll- ARE THE BEST- - The Best is always the Cheapest or as Shakespeare says: “Never buy any- I lut -- ar i The iSmg’er (ompnny can suit W Terms to all People A in all jhs conditions MOEBIUS General Manager E NELSON Local Agent Ri' Teld |