Show Editor’s Comments asked “What Is your policy i e the money question?" On that as we will oa other political questions not declare ourselves We give you the taws The liepubllcan party at St Louis declared for gold Some We are 4— Will it be necessary for one to have registered in order to vote at this election? Answer— No 5— Will the tiustees judges of election also bo judges cf the qualifications of voters? Answer— Yes John R Park State Superintendent of Public In- Carl Goldbrarson and Miss Lou Freece board th e train at Salinaboth bound for Salt Lake City Docs the above association of names fort ell a more Important association? Me Ihiuks the contemplated erection of a house a telling evidence Wayne County Items Agood rain storm in Loa on Mon- - a Seventeen loads of wool went to on Tuesday I The roof is being put on the Loa Dr Tanner Miss Ilyde Miss Pike will be building The and Miss Romney were north bound as a county court house ed passengers Wednesday morning They f’ one and all express themselves as de- JiTiu ce men are at work cm Mansfield’s ttlw town-sit- e lighted with Sevier and her attract- a house on the Thurbcr We are certainly delighted ions osiph Eabinson and Surah Oylcr w th them and tlieirattraotions promth o Loa were married on Tues-inent among which are at ttic bride’s home lessons and sweet strains of music bos Blackburn is laboring as a The Jones ComedyCompauy gave an nfissionary in Rome N Y entertainment at the Social Hall on trout til' July 15 the evening of June 30 to a to’erably’ IDon’t catch All The program consisted' Valley points have a good house of sparring singing and daily mail now The daily service be-Tho principal evefit of the evening gan July I t was a glove contest between the CaliThere never was a better year for fornia Kid and Red Phillips the for- lucerne mer being the favorite with the audiAll the towns will nave a glorious ence They go to Circle valley of July Fourth Arthur Dennis the Fremont will have some apples this of Redmond painter and Qo-o- STORE OR ROCK’S Sa-u- n p up-stai- RICHFIELD Carries afirstclass assortment of GROCERIESPAINTS& OILS We have just placed a large order for Shoe? and will be able to sell Men’s Solid Leather shoes from $110 to $325 Also equally good Prices for Boys’ Ladies’& Children’s Don't i$uy until you have seen our hew DRY-GOO- DS We men left the couvonticn lor not e be did struction approve of the act hove tho majority should rule lu par xox ty as in governmental affairs Tho Demociatic party at Chicago will doubtless decl&ie for sliver Many goldites declare they will bolt If such MONROE: is the case Wecertanly do uot apof as such The Thanks for the Institute prove question may sume the aspect oi a sectional rather again 'ban party issue Wo are westerners Everybody Is invited to attend the U celebration at Monroe 1 g In the circuit court June 25 ColS U A D Ferron DCp Surveyor ivashington argued beforcJudgellelm 4 motion for a new trial for Alonzo M was in town a few days this week Eggs 7ie per dozen Live Chickens 5c per lb Oats $110 pr cwt Walling convicted of the murder of Institute the Monroe Brass Wheat 5o cts pr bu During Pearl Bryan The chief grounds were laud was in attendance each day that jurors Miles and Ware had ex Mr Parley Magleby will spend the n pressed opaious during the Scott Jackson trial that both Walling and whiter teaching school In Frecdonia paper-hangJackson were guilty rind should be Arizona is selling frail-papin "various 'towm-o- f banged These jorors and the witThe Fourth of July committee has the county We were told byseveral Government inspectors of drind surnesses against them will appear before purchased a new flag 20 feet in length Glen wood parties that he sells it fori veys are visiting the county and bearing Utah’s Star Judge Helm next Mondayhalf wh it they liave Men ttSed to payN L Sheffield started to Galt Lake Dr Christie returned home this ing Mr ©eifnis can do this because oii Wednesday We ask: Will the SilVerlte Repub- week from Millard Co where he has he buys frdtn the factory direct lie 5ph Blackburn camo tohre Sundaj licans when it comas to the scratch oeen for some time practicing dentis- also has the' agency for the sale of varJUim 4—A nishes whltelead turpentine brushes frHu teachers’ institute In Monroe tote for silver or crawl back Intd theii try and ready-mixe- d old place? Can th bolting gold Dempaints He has hac Allio Young and John Taylor of Among the many interesting sights iWenty’-ScAcyears ocrats vote for McKinley? An honexperience and ha Fremont have been north and she is n o be seen in Monroe during the oeen painting In several parts of the Mrs est conviction and Leonidian courage Taylor now will be a are necessary t break the party ties iounty during the past two years and race Two cases of typtiold fever are re I :an be reached y card addressed tc U The old liberty pole ’that has stood tiim at Redmond any time All ol ported in LOri in Willard Price’s fami Mr RBMorris called in this mornry u the center f the Public Square foi ais work is guaranteed and he contractor-wh- o the last aud tho stated thar material alone when wanted ing twenty years Was taken down Elijah Mayhew and bride of Giles hare been working the Sevier Thursday In its stead was put a new Sad fir lay Cenius Nielson wa‘ has just returned from a trip as fai Last Mine since March have finished uj pole 60 feet in height on trial in ’justice Christensen’s couri nrth as Salt Lake They were married satisfactorily and have settled all their before a jury to answer to the com- in tho Manti Temple Monroe the reservoirs in The several bills and gave general satlsfactiot to ’ as re a are idountains plaint of distqrbing the peace of being tapped ‘“Peter Iladshead a recent emigrant ALSO the business men of Richfield with ult the fields are itflelson It appears that from England is making hla home getting plenty watei whom they have been dealing hrt Gents’ Robes sbd Burial Shoes Boys’ ft nd the farmers are going to celebrate Jenius with other boys were having a with William in Fremont Taylor ” when time” Monroe villi a good spirit Mill “fly the) Surely were apprehended by jbe officers and Plateau Sevier County June 27 ’95 It is rumored that Koffard and ias a cinetae on the water question y -All I am pleased to acknowledge that 1 Mickel wen captured in Worth Dako pleaded guil-brought into court xox i but’Cifhius on used a Walter A Wood’s tubu-a- r he determined and haTe for Pinkerton Canada by faenrouto IS ALWAYS SUPPLIED WITH ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER RICHFIELD steel mower for three years and cut detectives The report claims its orilaving a fight and so employed Bean MOULDINGS OF VARIOUS KINDS AND SHINGLES and McPolel tomae itfor him between two’aqd three hundred acres gin from a passing telegram We are also Contractors and Builders while A tty Stewart toQk care of the of hay iand each year with it without 1 Our prices are fair Call and see for yourselyes We have a brand new marshal si city's end of it The evidence showed any expense whatever except a little Another mine disaster is recorde Cenius as ootwithstand-nwas into is A MILLBR hat The almost RICHFIELD machine HORNE it good jilt! iiomquist's I Wilkesbarre Pa in which neari bout codsyas theday his and denial the andl it attorney’s bought BORif--- to L- P Hanson Sunday Iasi seventy persons were buried in thn sunmery (qpbeiqre the jqry was in- expect to run for many years to come bouncing baby boy shaft teresting to listen to The jury were I can truthfully say it is the best maJim Thompson return Vb Scipio chine lever bad and recommend it )ut but a few minutes and were Those wind bags from Ka In their verdict that Cenius io every farmer who needs a machine men Silver will the control Chlcagi t a had boy and needed reform- to buy a Walter A Wood convention Will any gold men bolt' iosh luld no Baud In them court gave him $2700 fine ation Y es or they w 111 quash the two-thirvThe Frank J Bust t Elsinore will not celebrate Rail Roan costs and Cenius how feels that and O For sale P Borg Richfield rote business by were Too Jar many young people disturbing the peace of others is rather Jraw away by tho Carnival xbx expensive fun O U Bean went to Cifcleville FriThere is some talk of the Demo xoxkotice Is hereby given that a meet-- 1 jjfatic convention adoping the rule day morning to deliver the 4th of July G LEN WOOD ingof the voters of the Richfield sufficient to Oration at the Circlevalley celebration: that a majority vote-iSchool District will be held at the celebrate Glenwood will the Fourth a nominate presidential candidate 170 was the number f Carnival pass - Richfield New School-hous- e on Jul fine n and over partistyle Drop I angers that got on the train at Rich1 13th 1896 at in their gcod things p m foi commencing Some dissatisfaction is extant as to field Wednesday morning Verili :ipate Lhp purpose of hearing the financial Leave wore t he way in which the Carnival Wanted a rl proces- thero is a northern migration and statistical reports of the school Glen-- 1 W or office F is Cowley at this formed believe many sion being board for the school year ending June Mr K Mrs Messrs I and Wright wood I’ln'i should lead the Chinese dragon ' ’’ JOth 1898 r Jos Wilkinson Andrew Ross J S Dan’l Hansen Miss Evil Jensen and election of three school trustees-tlorne Miss Winnie Spofford and sis-ie- r -- xBY -- xwent north on the 25th wii ajso be held tm the same date: - An outbreak is expected among the JB Jennings and wife and about ofif Elsinore June- They were to remain a fev One for the term of three years Cheyenne Indians and soldiers have 00 otheis were Carnival passenger at Mt Tleasant and then go oi Oqe tor the term of two years Jays 'en sent to the agency Thursday morning o Salt Lake on the 1st to attend Lht and one4or the term of one year xox The nope of Israel has Bean at the Carnival Foils win be opened at 3 p m Tho Ogfen Standard is loud in de- Bight House with a mere Dot of Rub) dosed at 7 p m Wm W and Wm R Taylor loadeo claring the Carnival a fake a robbing and Edith Cant-we- ll agree Dated at Richfield June 22 1896 wool were on of 16000 with pounds setaemo— one dollar a ticket th Saltair taking II P Hansen that 8tand of tlic first to Salina heir the way q y thei i William Ogbn week They are citUens of Rabbit On Wednesday mofning Mrt J L Poulson Paul Everything promises suebess for bur Wby don’t people haul their Ilorne went to Salt Lake City Where valley School-Boardrst attempt at a State CaralvAl wool tQ Richfield and get as good ot she will join her husband Just returnoetter prices for the same ed from San Francisco The cowboy tournament uhder the Bishop Bell of Glenwood had a pair Miss Edith Cantwell is hostess at if boys added to his family last Saturmanagement of Ariiona tibarley the Wright House in the absence of - All are Well but the jllshop promises a puccesn Miss Cantwell fills the day Mrs Wright All this comes from the numerous deposition with grace and dignity and is baches in GlcfiWood Ring Fourteen linquent The "Pinafore” on a rtal ship in certainly an attraction a Bells the MONROE t ' t the Great Salt Lake win k real treat took dinner at the Wright House iox ASSORTMENT Wednesday evening IRSTCIjVSS CARRICg It: ANN A BELLA ‘ Bound for Fish Lake iiapfi? Jack i 'Glassware-pJiinaWar- e j Bland claims 372 votes on secriud Z Wood and Nlll Durfee started and Dana Mrs Burton Mist Chloe V ballot at Chicago Beau Mrs Burton will let her bus-an- d out from Annabella to take a trip to ' go along Aftei a brief stay at De Lamar They expect to be gone We have Fish Lake devouriug spotted fellows about three weeks and bn the road The they will “Ylaquay” to Richfield and will sell all of Mr Woods’ fine meat 'Lln-- Around the County “up-to-dat- STOCK dog-dancin- well-know- er er - Price on produce this week: us your orders: they will receive our closest attention and all Goods will be Give DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE Within city limits pon't Fdrget We are Y6ur Money Savers fi cele-iratio- Bi-yc- U ndertakers Contractors wil-suppl- We keep on hand a fine assortment of askefsCoffms&FuriusKii?s: — Our Planing “tick-tacking- — is always ready and ouf Lumber Yard it - - yes-eraa- y uad-bee- Notice Is Bread the Staff of Life? s NO ONE WILL DISPUTE IT peri-ropate- v THIS AND ALL OTHER NE: CESSITIES ARE KEPT -- ’ - cflRisTimsEn audjSave your “tin” by & cd: trading With tH6rtt -- a' d 1 CASTOR ri ' Machine Oil School Election Salt Lake City Utah June 22 ’96 report to the game commissioner the county school Cenius Nielson is ni'nus a finger of the State held in While up in Cedar Ridge canyon chopsuperintendents ping ties a log mashed the large finger this city during the late teachers’ of his left hand a to issue I was requested Amputation was circular answering the followingques-tion- s necessary for the information of many Jim Thompson came over form’ Scicbool district trustees 1 take pleaspio AVed at the summons of II S Iyie ure in complying with the request: to stop the blowing of those sports I— At the clenlon of school trustees euroute for Circleviile The challeng!n the several districts of each county ers squaked when accosted by Mr Ivie ’of the State on the second Monday in with a forfeit deposit ' July 1896 what will be the essential —At a meeting of : con-"ventl- -- qualifications of a voter? Answer— A voter at such election must be a citizen of the UnitcdStates ‘native born or naturalized of the age 'of twenty-on- e years or oVer shall have been a resident of the State or Terri Tory of Utah for one year of the county for four months and of the school district for sixty days each 'period eo named to be that next preceding the day of tai-- election 2— Wi'l women be entitled to vote lit this election the same as men? Answer— Yoa V 3 — Win womou be eligible to the Office of school trustee at this election he same as men? & nswer— Yes Miss Winnie Spafford the last month been vlsitfhg her v partak- six-'"-- ' Misses Sophia Jcfisdh Callie Jensen Teen Jenson Carrie" POulson Mr PetMr barr of Glenwood called in to er Nielson Mrs Tennie Morrison ae& tho Censor Friday Reports all Mrs Dri Christie and Mis! Allie Webb fins there Joseph of ovef were Carnival passengers on Wcdnes- was'rilsb'a caller Bimcplac tbe paper nd subscribed i who has for ents In Annabella has returned ing with her her sister Missl’releSpaf-or- d The young ladies expect to go on from' Provo to Salt Lake to Spend the Fourth Mj-- 0 P Rudolph whose recent illness caused great anxiety among The many friends of Richard Ilorne friends- is said to be recovering slowly condole with him in thd loss of his XOX wife hr Jo ne was formerly principal of the Richfield public school and Tlierp was a big fire at Merisuron is well thought of In our town the 25tlcaiiking a loss of some 18000 Mercur has herhare of fires Thursday Charles Johnson' was up before liis lion Justice Christensen It is reported that Mr’s Bell of Glenlie plead- wood his been taken ill and Dr West charged with belng'drhuk ed gjllty and the justice gavo him a was sent for We hope She will soon fine of $725 in default of which bo tvlll recover go to the city jail t day mornings traiD ONLY EHris Gardner lias returned from his prospecting trip aud it is whispered he is fortunate enough to make it worth the time spent f ML both Hire p )c Groceries Store Grocery Paints Oils Tinware also Lemons and Patent Medicines Oranges Banhann 4 i a gallon rr' cans fe-gallqil 4 MWlim AT I K Wri?Kt’s Improve the opportunity Buy Your Groceries Your Dress Goods Your Clothing and Hosiers Your Shoes StrhW and Felt Hats In fact everything you need in your family at The Richfield Fancy Sftfus ' And Mix All Colors - Aft Bertiesenrs Co-o- p which keeps an excelientquality ofGoodsarK gives the highestMarlet price for your PRODUCE |