Show li i X ' V W Wallsville Fair 'V’ irtnyn Vt ' " - m i w ve yied with ca4h qihfT Apples have evolved from the little al matters in making odr was i n’:vAy)j12 Fair on hi!d T!:j the laywunflsh on crab to the many varieties eayaplesant one and $ Levs m niy possession J'u-- c 13 i333 23 th Social ’Ini’ s follows Whereas fAJdAcru©4 mentioned have or We given t pjj1u44 ftiMr thj retrograde progress uick tors sboot teo or “J''®1 J®1? Micicleson president—1 rug 1 therefore old- branded continued from lait week page 3 Povler County Utah hy Some teachers know how to stimul- their services gratutlousjy I on left tlitjrh v 1 be It resolved dress extern we them to t£e hnni that pillowfihams that GEORGE n CR3SBY Jr cipbroldered ate to action thbse are progressive blotch wiobMm m forenoon Wednesday above described animal is not Emily Johnson first counselor— 1 piece Thirty-threteachers were present To be a teacher you must be a student collectively and individually $ Jiearty if th TOtOof thanks and a hearty invitation claimed and taken awaj within fifteen days lace boquets 'paper flowers I lamp Dr Tanner’s What is teaching? questions of previous 1 "‘I1 “ °? £rldlr to repeat the sounded joy aa often as !r°“ mat wadding 1 Bilk worked State Directory U furnishing renditions were discussed a of July UM at 10 day Teaching day 1 hooked rug 1 velvet fruit pic' at the town pound in Monroe Utah Tulioj Jensen sang “Halt thou a for self efforts ture Lulu Cowley eccoud counselor Heart?1’ Dated thU 15th day Of Juno K D It Wa cannot Impart knowledge —1 piece fancy work embroidered on C A WIKGET UNITED &TAT23 SEN ATORss Dr Tanner was lh3 first lecturer We can stimulate the mind to act Of the IRonroe TownFounA Yrsalc J Caquou winked 1 piece of His velvet hind-baKrpjyr was teaching geography There are few independent thinkers u fin paach work First Aid Jane The subject condemned the present This is due to the incorrect teaching speaker hi5? 2!2 '2N IAIYS ID CJNoRijo Jack on age 10 yeara--rl scrap bag 1 system lie would ijajte Jbe child and implying In the question what Clarence E Allen hooked rug Second Aid Eva Johnancient first an its with answer is wanted What we want is city study ' GOVERNOR ' son age 15 years— 1 dress 1 fine silk and important places then teachers to develope independent buildings tteber M Wells cover 1 lamp nndern worked rocking-chai- r foreign city in the same way thought Don't stand with the mul SECRETARY OP St kXt worked I of qniltblocks Then he would have l?im mat set balll Jamos T Hammond study things tltude be ause you fear the multitude ' Third Aid Maggy J ackson 14 years lose at home STATE AUDITOR: A sent! rnent can grow in a person till One fine painted splasher Secretary ttorgan Richards Jr A quartette by TliOs Hanson and Co be becomes a slave to that sentiment Harriet Shaw 15 years— 1 quilt top and a duet by Miss and Mr Philips so also with a community Politicians STATE TREASURER: James Olilpman cake Assistant Secretary Arthur closed the session FOR YOUR know this Statesmen care not Johnson 13 years— 1 fine rocking-chai- r nonesty is the essence of human A 0 Bishop Atyernoon cushion Treasurer Ida Britgger 15 After “Calvary" was nicely sung character tyUPERINTEXDENT PUBLIC INSCRUO-TIO- years— 1 dress 1 fine silk worked pin Linfield lectured upon AgriBring' the world of phenomonon in cushion Cora Brugger 13 years— 1 ProfessorIn to the school room' common schools The culture the John R Park hand-balittle boy’s waist 1 fancy SUPREME JUDGES pupils should be taught to know the Get into the child world and teach Mary Brugger 12 years— 1 apron tfharles S Zane common agricultural terms while yet Why Is Utah going to develop the Nora Peiton 13 fancy letter-casO W BARTCn Good and bad and an- brightest minds? young J A MINER years— doll’s dress brush case thim- imals should be learnedplants Because it has the greatest variety by encourag8 District judge for sixth district: ble case Gerty Peiton years— of Some climate and resources hlni to observe knowledge Wei M McCarty Nora Cowley 13 years— ing -- Geography la the central study be also should soSls of given dress Lucy Jackson 12 yeats— fancy fcOUNTT DIHECTOBY Professor There can be no knowledge without Solo Romney SELECTMEN: picture throw Fern Jackson 5 years Done's by Mary in English wereaa-sweTc- d Mathematics Literature- is truer M A Abbott questions —dish lettuce Clara Johson 0 years ‘ and Chemistry than Anil discussed h Physics A O Slilpp istory Luella Wall 7 yrs —fancy hand-baRuns Rasmussen Professor Linfield are the fundamentals Of science the In evening — 4 doll cradle quilt Phills Cowley Richfield bounty Clerk— Sam’l G Clark Teachers- remember we now want t delivered a public lecture His Rlchfiold Recorder— Jacob M LaurltzeA years— doll dressed and bedstead Edthinkers Cow to was and How “The independent thinkers Dairy Elsinore ward Johnson 11 years— rake Angus Assessor—Charles Anderson ' ' ne’r to idea) And Sallna Select Collector— Fred G WUIes NOTES Johnson 8 years— ladder rolling-pi'' Richfield Shorlff— John W Coons Thursday forenoon Bros Johnson potato-mashThree Miss Romney with her sweet sopra-Monroe 8apt Schools— Jacob Magleby Thursday morning thirty-fiv- e Willard Brugger Richfield no and Miss Pike with her rich con Tte iinrer— II P Hansen —cage of rabbits Central 11 years— rake Emil Brugger 9 yrs teachers were preseut Some prelimi- tralto discourse niireh (Coroner— Asa R Hawley ' appreciated Prosecuting Att’y— J B Jennings Richfield 5 years nary business was transacted brugger bench wash teachers music to George the Sallna Surveyor— P D Skoeber Thos Ranson opened with a vocal Sealers W’ts & M’rs- -P 0 Peterson Sallna —wooden knife Russell Hougaard12 solo Like most mathematicians Prof Richfield years— fancy whittled fan Melroy Sheep Inspector— J as Croslund took Sp “The Theory Stewart believes little time should be Done Professor nE Sallna West c 7 oounty Fhjilclayears— pair Hougaard Fractions and the concrete teaching given to formal grammar in the grades bottles ladder Ray Hougaard of of them" In teaching fractions he “Habit should fasten them to correct 5 years sled butter paddle nice cake city Directory MAYOR— Theodore Brandley would have any object or mark that Usage:” We wonder if he would teach r 13 Frank Cowley years— nice rocking-chaiCOUNCIL— E 0 Petorson be can lines the number of verbs in the Subjuncdivided David Cowley 11 years— nice J M Jensen seen be could tive Mode blackboard on best the N P Peterson dish large radishes Abcent most “If a child was led to sej (fci relause He would then them he Morten Jensen ner Cowley 7 years— fancy washbencli Joseph 3 llorud several parts of tion” “If he was a preacher you how to showed teach 8 doll cradle rears—nice CbarlieWall Recorder— Carl Goldbransen were converted” A beautiful quilt by the Primary as- fractions Treasurer— James Christiansen' a followed Miss with Edna Hyde “If there was time I would explain One ball of carpet rags sociation Justice of the Peace— Simon Ohrlsteuiwn in but similar discussion to disagreed Marshal—G W Blomqulst associayou” sewed by each member of the She Can habit fasten you tp the correct K01ty Attorney— I J Stewart ltosella Hendrickson— fancy many ways with Prof Done' tion RtreetSupervlsor— PCreterson read Ta mper oil the history of usage of Ari thematic without a knowsoap stand hooked rug 5 bouquets then Poundkeopsr— John W Coons you education ledge of the principles 2 Watermaster— Mads Christensen paper flowers2 didies picture throws Remember that pronouns agree in 2 Qsarintlne Physician— H K Nelli M D‘ Afternoon lump mats 3 window plants Mary with their antecedents number social to a held for Cowley— 2 pieces lace Christaiu bq Arrangements in the subjunctive mode That verbs fancy han'giflg basket Lestie Saturday at 5 pm were completed form take the Notice Bssels hooked 2 plural Would have a child Professor Done rug Hougaard— soap do not express two That A negatives 3 winddft Sena Jackson— the wAy such Eliza in that plants Notice is hereby given that a meetstudy History ing °f the voters of the Richfield Johnson— 2 window plants Cakes philosophy is brought in with the negation School District will be 'held at the donated for the benefit of the Primary story lie Would have It studied with Supt Wm Johnson of Piute joined e XUchfleld New on July by Sisters Mary Hougaard Ida Brug- geography and show how climate had on Monday morning thejiedagogues ’13th 1890 commencing at 1 p m for ger Ellen Cowley Sena Johnson and Influenced history Mrs is Liddle In Reading MlssIIyde advocated the strictly opposed to fhe purpose of healing the Rnancia Jane Shaw “We tales and Fair sentance method fairy hobgoblins being told The opened by singing by accompanied and statistical reports of the school In school the of Bees are to Deseret" method as by Prayer studies the science the roopq Htblstepds board for the school year ending June proper 30th 1896 Ephraim Cowley Singing “Children for beginners The word and phonic create a Mgab'oo in the bush says she Au election of three school trustees oftheneaven King" The Primary method could be used later Dr Tanner very cleverly brought to Will also be held oh the same date Star was then read by Arthur Johnall exceptions to his talk on Friday Morning naught son Song by Nora Peiton Co One for the term of three years Thos Ashworth opened with a sola the Imagination Sister Etta Wright spoke and sang Dr Tanner led in the discussion of Prof One for the term of two years Done underrated the Sevier Co sang a song Arthur Halladay snd one for the term of one year Most 9! the morning Ca his questions and talked to them In teachers Polls will be opened tit 3 p m and Welcome song Recitation by Melroy was spent In discussing the value of to the 80s language adopted two little Dialogue by Hougaard closed at 7 p m myths and fairy stories Recitation by Roy Hougaard boys Afterwards Miss llyde led a discusPres Kerr is not a man ior display Dated at Richfield June 22 1890 Lucy Jackson & Co Recita- sion on school discipline by Song I P IlANSEN but gives unmistakable evidence of his tions by Nora Cowley and Gerty William Ogden being a profound mathematician ReMISS HYPE ON NATURE STUDIES ' Sister -spoke Lucy Heppler Poulson Paul That was a pleas&ntaffair that ball We wish to learn of nature of creacitation by Leonard Hoffman SingSchool-Boarthe teachers on Friday Severing “The World’s Jubilee Prayer tion as well as how to read and write given al yqyggtqlks from Richfield were In difficult Wall out to y Frank go In large cities it is The Fair was opened in the even- Into nature— then bring nature Into attendance II ALLA DAY BROS are taking at 8 o'clock Cake and lemonade the school room ‘ ‘Have you eyes and If there is one thing more than any scows and horses to pasture at Walls ing were sold see not’’ the things that so nearly sur- other that the teachers enjoy it is a ville at 50 cents a head Good fced9-1o round you- - Don’t calj nature Botany bath in those hot springs east of towD Cuba and and Zoology in Ae primaly grades Spain SeVie? $s teaefeerViVe You should Inform your friends of a children to see—don’t tell them calMany Direct the of to failure of conquer The for farm a Spain on the vertical writing system snap bargain buying Cuban patriots besides being proved If you tell them at all do so by ques- Miss nyde claims for It legibility John Gardner by the continuous defeat of the troops tions Suit your nature studies to the smaller space simplicity and a saving la the field ol battle the lack of money season UscJackman’sNatute Studies on the eyes In her treasury and poor credit she If nature is properly jtaught it will The chief objection to it Is loss in HI-enjoys Is also plainly een by the develope reason rapidly at the beginning speed Perform your simple experiments supreme effort made In sending money save by questions men and war material to Cuba since telling nothing The closing session Of the joint Jn KEEPS A SUPPLY OF the beginning of the struggle with DR TANNER ON THE NEW GBOORAYHY stitute was held In Monroe Canyon Oil Canfc such poor success In March 1895 Tues June 30th teach city the apd First county Dr Tan her delivered an eloquent Spain sent to Cuba $500000 in April the topography of your county state 400000 In August $1600000 in Sepnature utajijng his surI and country Develop the nat- addres8op Miss tember $1400000 In October $700 000 the spoke Ready-ma- de Hyde or roundings ural locations of cities Spend In November $1700000 in December Dr Tanner’s times as much time on the practical application of twenty 111 1890 $2000000 $4 000 000 one nature “Can think January lecture you pf cities as is generally epeqt Illustrated In February $3000000 and a total of large in cannot be truth that of Utah is Most of the present history room?” $19321000 From March 1895 to April school the condensed in and given out from Salt AT Ills RESIDENCE JUST EAST 10 1896 In the afternoon Dr Tanner strongSpain has sent to Cuba 40 gen- Lake City Our papers commonly 662 chiefs 4768 captains and erals recommended the establishment of ly ' read or published there OF THE COURT HOUSE lieutenants 3396 sublieutenants library in each town In the and BESTpolitical poinmerdal Its THE 143 cannon lsmcT'“You will be surprised at the corporals and Boldiers ance is parampnt Utah Richfield 150111 rifles 6000 bayonets 23124 the boys Get the literature as best you can' way IqAhJcb It will draw a& folks cases of canister shot 61878367 carfrem Theyoting Gheapfe&t ' vare excellent R R guides able to converse lntelli tridges and 72320 kilograms of gunTreat forlegn cities in like manner will soon bo anyTHE BALT LAKE 8EJTI WEEKLY powder These figures are taken from Historical facts are doubly Interesting gently on nearly all auestlons of the - It urges to activity and incites El Liberal one of the first newspapers TRIBUNE day the associated with when geographiReduced to 1200 pevYeur After June 1 of Madrid it it is s cal locations Every teacher ought to energy” 1800 sesclon O U ef close the the At ' On June lit the Belt Like tribune will t visit the capital of his state long-run- ” in to Bean Introduced the following resoluto 82 00 per Killed a CoUgaf iluce the price of the and private Visit public important were adoptwhich tions unanimously year The present high standard will be Fred Shaw of Wallsville treed a placca This will keqp Ibe pupils up ed Whereas Dr Tanner in the welmaintained and every effort will be made to We live too much In the front rank huge Cougar in Daniels canyon Grass on current events keep the fare of education has interested himin It there n the week past kept valley last self incur joint Institute and secured Teachers must be up to date on all some of the most prominent Pro lessors with no available weapon but a JackIs knife His nephew little Joe Shaw questions—political commercial sci- of the state viz: Dr Tanner Prof Be able Done Trof Stewart Prof Kerr Prof who was herding with Fred was sent entific and pedagogical now in Million fora to discuss any subject with any one Linfield and Miss Hyde to lecture to off to neighboring sheep-herdj gun the boys returned with a Winus living subjects and Whereas sxBWAgT’a address chester A shot in the neck brought Honey-ca- ns Miss Pike with her full round conI am at home before Sevier Co teach- tralto Miss Romney with her sweet it down but it immediately ollmbcd all I will talk on the underlying adother tree- Another shot through ers his inin sophrano Mr Ashworth with p principles of teaching Band the heart put an end to his Brass Monroe the tenor spiring A teacher must know the Hubjcct The cougar measured 6 feet 6 inches with their harmonious pipe and Miss from tip to tip Fred brought the and the child Teachers should not and Master Philipps with their stringfield of i pelt home hoping to secure a bounty be narrow but have a Jbroud ed Instruments have discoursed sweet If Fred had had cartridges for the experience and knowledge and much apprlciatcd music in out my guo he had with him he would not Study the changes Whereas tjhe people of behalf and fcHOP First North St east of Social hate asked anybodyito share the honThe jtfbrldls not yet created but g Monroe1 a re ever awake on education Local created alo 16 man PETER GRECO ors of vanquishing sttch noble game Hall J Jit f Teachers’ Institute U-- pu e pin-cushi- 1 Ei-t- g ajx - You Want a Bargain? Do ’ You Can Get it by Calling on Theo Eramlley Richfield ’ v ATTORNEY-GENERA- L ‘ g Furniture Carpets Rugs Mirrors Pictures and Pteture Frames Lace Curtains and Window Baby Buggies e Shades Rollers Lounges flower-b- OUR STOCK asket Good As Any SALT LAKE CITY g - sub-cc- n er shell-trimme- IS AS FULL AND AS SOOTH OF we aim Satisfy our Customers by ing Fair with every opa f d Goshi Don’t it ticktil Mawl tA'rt Tb er-tab- lc see how cheap it makes tli$ take When AT THE IIou-gaard- OSTON ( TOB School-hou3- PAiNT Pel-to- n SCREEN DOOR'S d 3 UHEs OOMS- J B Ramsay SasA Glass etA Call and See bar Acme Burial Caskets K Coffins WRIGHf VkY and Trimmings Sweet Singers of Macfenr 112-56- - ' 0 All - -- ‘ the-street- s or The Beet Is always the Shakespeare says: “Never buy is bheap thing because dear re-- Semi-week- Semi-week- E ly 'Home Industry Extractkinds of ors and pieced tinware are made to order you Kept on hand er the SINGE R hot a cheap machine yetThirteeh use are :" The Singer Company can suit all conditions Term? tolall People - cat-shi- WA MOEBIUS r at -- be-lr- ( General Managed ENEllSON A'ghni |