Show Vol Richfield Utah July 4 1896 1 No & 0 My Old Kentucky Home yT 1 a ud Njcu believe la iYvu uigood meals good iveso Invite ' bleep aud picas'! t Ircivp good MagaLlutu erJ iuiij So-jit- Daporv 4 hospitality tUat t: borne oi feel a Sample Wo hu on with MaiuSl-'o- loU si:e t tho KENTUCKY ROUGE Monroo Sevier Glorious AKckLvjULtiw RICHFIELD UTAH The WrifKf Cl today ouse the Fire Cracker H SL uuJ I Utah John District of (lie o gcao-a- - JHi27 — Ouso Sick of Sevier Valley Ry Eva RStavvart made guardian ad liicm for minor heir of Jas W Stav'hit Case of Celia A Hoffman is GeoP Hoff nan granted divorce by default Co vs KichCeld JBJennin? IStcrrney & Collin's attys 'Cal iff James N Jenser btov-nr- t yens of active prv ? In lleSn-o- f t Stiles mi the United 'ii' s in in the U b Lind I'Jp 'Inii-ii- nt Irti Court- Mtv s S V RCc Willard Snow I) L Blackburn iOncics from $7 Lewis Adams to $5 per acre Forsythe James P Knighi irom 86 Henry Jakema n to $2 per acre 10 acres '7 to $1 pr acre Jorgen Smith Newell Kni hl 2 J ncie- from to I F Noyes $0 pci acre 12 acre- - fiom M to $3 per Orson Lanz Uifivtn-- ' LOA Junction On the Sandwich Islands there are many volcanoes the highest being Muuua Loa Mauna means mouuUin and I on means high When Rabbit Valley was settled its high altitude led the pioneers to name the first town they settled Loa When Loa was first settled the had many Indians for neighbors These neighbors chased rabbits across their fields and around their houses When they failed to catch the rabbits they came to the whites for food Rut now Loa is a quiet town of 300 people and no Indiana are to be seen The fieKla they once chased over are now covered with crops of grain and lucern Loa Is located on a sloping town-sitthat will be built up and beautified by its people who show by many signs that they mean to have a nest town The streets are laid out straight and broad Trees have not grown well because tlic right kind have not been selected but some are doing well and more arc being set out Loa like all towns that prosper has several enterprising business houses The town blacksmith shop is surprising It is said to be the best sloj south of Provo Four men are employed in the shop and all say the business is remunerative Tlios Atwood the genal propiietor showed us around the shop and remarked ’My ah' p is my pride” IleisJusiJy proud of it too He is making a buckb'-urfor Dr bVhwk and says that completed for ware on me rough roads fiom the Dr’s ranch to the Colorado will b'ist ninety dMlnVs Mr Vtivoul is agent tor the Consolidated Implement Co as well It is strange that a good man can draw so much business fiom such a distance but It can be done Loa has two thriving mercantile hou s7s The Lon lias done business furyoaisand employs tvio clerks t’lie storii that was commodious for ihe business of years past is now too A new rock building that small Pijlcy? ' - Calunsyllle Giles- acre acres from ?rt to TiuSorTKRN Censor was made Geo B Rust the ufitial paper or Wayne County $5 per acre J I’ Samson 80 acres from $10 to upon jfrpper application of George II 68 per fiore 07 acres from 67 to $3 per CfosbyJr Bill Wilford race for bailiff’s ser- acre Geo J Forsythe 157 acres from $8 vices ilturned for certification Bill 51 Justlco Taft in Larson case to $C per acre Tax Remitted on Assessments: reconsidered and 85 constable fees and Willard Par’ and others 1125 ou 825C5 witness fees allowed Kaai-dil- poo-pi- Bonqa fixed fif' e Clias Gould TreaCW tlisliinti Kichlk-l- l L) (C ilajs to Vt ill Thui-mm- i file I iU TIME CARD In t'rrucT Nov 'll 18 ISM SANPETE AND SEVIFR Hannah Taylor all tax ' Recorder Assessor 5000 2oco 1000 1000 2000 2000 Buvvtiyor SUpt Schools 2000 Juslhies of Peace l0tH) Attorney Maria Smith Sydney Coons A J Allred Dorathy Carsell do do do do — xox GOO Consikble 1000 Assessor’s bill of $5 70 for postal cards expressage was allowed a-- SELECTMEN I Hiott Maxfieid Freimit Charles Snow Williams Rust COUNTY II M Teasdale Ilauksville CLERK Jt COUNTY RECORDER! Hansen ASSESSOR £ Loa collector John II Curfew II J Wilson Tickets on sale nt for ill principal cities East and Ui-a-t p Freight trams arrive at Itlehlli'M nt m on Mondays WodicBtlays Fridays and leave at 8:80 a ru on Tuesi'-y- s Thursdays and Saturdays Passengers carried ou Freight titlss between Thistle and Halina Joel Uicuh Agent richficld l WAYNE COUNTY DIRECTORY Cainesvllle sheriff: Teasdale D C Dodge Uen’l Manager F S II E Uncock Ti atilc Manager A Wadlelgh Uen’l Passenger Agent General ofilco Balt Luka City Utah sui’T schools: W E Robinson T Loa treasurer: A Loa Jeffry I’HOSECUTINQ ATTY & SURVEYOR: M W Mansfield Loa Jennings for plaintiff Ten answer Cases set for July 27 — J N Jensen 8 It I J Stewart tJ IV 'olluis v 8 V Ry Co S V Ry Co vs Jane jS'apolcoii and el nl H V Ry Co vs Eunice Young Thurunn Stawart ca Collins Broadheai of al Jennings for plff Marshals Itloj’iieya-at-Iytv Si V Ry Co vs Eva Stewart StewlUOIll’IELD UTV11 art & Collin:! for def BY O U BEAN Cases set duly 28— Tlios Ross vs T A Hunt Dean and Weaver for pill l Wallace Blown On assuming the Imperial crown judge Stewart and Jennings for def Bonaparte (during the Italian camCe & WH j A‘ a Hudnell vs ThosRoss LR he the u from his name) paign dropped Rhodes jiiff Thurman and Wedge-woo- l Altorncys-Rt-Lamade appointments in the Imperial Looms— E u Block Richfield Utah def '008300 A after his plan adopted for the Army KrdIn courts the all Stntc and t'ce prai Levis Zakoskl Mer Co vs E P be gofi'fflff tTutT i 'si a fgeVtTt o w n s' "“'raatSfaliStringliainTmprovemcnts Consulate We have now to do with fl Corporation Laud aud Commercial Bean et al JeDnings for plff Ilean would ' 6225 to $3i6 is being bfiiit for a new hbuie N L from business Solicited his chosen Marshals for rlef William 'Richardson on JOO acres Sheffield and Co is a meicautile firm BESSIE RES Let iN Harmon vs Sarah Jane Har- that has been doing business for a from $7 to $8 per acre Bessieres like most of Napolcan's mon & Bean McDaniel for plff Christian Johnson No of acres year past The stock of goods kept on marshals rose from the ranks He 13 Court JO from I until 160 reguhand at the store has tjie appearance to adjourned July HOMER came Pertlm from middle classes lar session July 27 Ceffa Mansfield improvemcntsfrom of being substantial find the hew firm UXinriiM haps thiij officer was more closely conCondensed from Advocate! is doing a good business The Black- $230 lo 6300 nected with the Emperor that was any MINERAL Elis Johnson number of acresfrotn other save burn House a heat appearing hotel Berthier As commander 40 to 1 00 is Loa’s only inn & of the Old Guard he protected the perCli& Gould number of cows 2 We had always thought of Loa as LOTARY PUBLIC The Riigham City Buglai ays that son of Napolcan MONROE UTAH Mi4 U E Cottrell improvements Guthrie & Church of Corinue have bleak windy place with log cabins foi It is hard to judge of the mihtaiy When we saw the pretty from fCO to $200 shipped out of the State since May 25 homes of Bessieres He was seldom capacity J & Samson number 'f sheep from green fields and were bidden enter 40 i)0 J bushels of wheat for which triveu a separate command lie was UI00' 200 been put into the hands ol many cosy parlors our ideas changed Attorneys-at-Lacalled into battle only to arrest a Asst- men t Reduced: and our thoughts of Loa changed the people of the county Strange that or complete a victory The I'BACTICE IJ ALL THE COURTS II t Maxfield 16 acres land 632 charge tiiclarmeis have to haul their grain We now think of an industrious town loved Bessieres and made Emperor rn Andi'rtflrt liuildlu i-Richfield 2 $10 tot’onuue instead of loading It onto with many comfortable homes many hoi him Marshal of Empire Nlibhellleldon 10 acres of laud Sevlur County Utah the cars at the nearest station Thej more buildings and a good Chance foi Little did those two young men home Co millapd site $1 000 builders have to cross and recross the railroad Murat and Bessieres think as they B Bryan on 13 acres land $54 H’ several times in taking it to Corinne on toward Paris in search of t A: Pierce property in Lyman ou JournKd i'h? people of Newton Cache county TIIURBER their fortunes that some day one would 17 acis land to $5 per acre improve- be a are hauling their grain to Corinne and the We were not alittle disappolntedaf-te- r ment! other Marshal of the king to $50 on stock $1250 properpataliei with the U & N railroad and Both entered the anny as Empire at the prerty fields below ty iu Junction1 ' looking improvements to $75 Bessieres helped storm the gci from 40 to 45 cents a bushel to save Climber to sec the town itself Thur Wizard Face number of acres from privates Bt & cents U N which' the charges Tuiileiies He rose from rank to rank New ber was built oh a sand bed the peo- JO tq same $8 from value $10 to of lot freight to that point ' showing marked bravery In the first ple thinking the sand would pack Tn per acre ' this iliey hare been disappointed and J D Pace fit acres land reduced Italian campaign he attracted the eye - t of Napolcan by tne unusual capture s s the streets are Followed with the tfiom 310 to $8 of a cannon and frum that time was wind which lias piled the sand up 23 acres made a from land Mrrell Hyruin 'IiTlgOl Major McKinley a favorite with the little Corsican See$10 to $8 per acre speoca at Toledo O in which he se- nearly to the top of the fcpces the Cl mistake ing tlnf I Turnbow on 19 acres of land When Bonaparte assumed the imperial T verely condemns Mr Cleveland for his people hare now crown Bessieres was made maishal of a selected ’'towu“ new $10 to $8 per acic on from new silver the He The sitev position question 'lave a felock of 3E'4J' 53a said! As commander of the town site is upjrear$r Johti Hactor on 10 acres of land the Empire “During all his years at the fibocs SiAiady-mnd- o Inperial Guard ho fought bravely at Clotliing1: Ivad of the government he was dis- and is oh a elope that will make the from 310 to $7 per acre China aud Glau-war- c II J McClellan ou 40 aercs of land Austeriitz Jena and Llan honoring one of our precious metals town very sightly when built there ’ ' Grocerlc-- auil Napnlean measured the capacity of one of our own great products dis- Some few of the peopleware opposed to reduced from $10 to 63 per acre his officers well and saw that Bessieres Countty Produce and Cattle are crediting silver and the move but they should be more enhancing the Mary E Goff on 71 acres of land was more capable to lead a deciding sought Ami sold at cash rates discreet as their of town even 610 "will lie from endeavored acre to $8 per never gold price to much until it ta on a better John Blackbufn 71 acres from $10 charge than to oonduct a separate NIELS IIEILESON oefore his inauguration to stop the command This he wa3 reserved to L Y to 63 per acre Proprietor loiuage of silver dollars and after-car- site do to the last and at Austeriitz disThurber is thephomB pf Mathew W and to the end of his adminis60 acres from $10 Thus Blackburn played himself to the best advantage tration persistently used his powers to Mansfield who so ably represented his Ao67pjcre as leader of the cavalry This faithful I at end In last legislature Mr MansHe was determined to con-- 1 county Jhi&Tspreasbn 8 acres from $10 to marshal was spared the pain of witract the circulating medium and de- field Is superintendent of the-- Mans-- ' "$8 per aere the abdication of his beloved monetise one of the coins of commerce field Mercantile Coj a thriving busQ STofgythe Improvements from nessing for he was killed before iness Emperor house- and Is also Imit the volume of money among the $100 tSV75 Lutzen a ball Next day by W scarce make and there- George money people Stinghambaaa goGcRmer-cantll- e II M Jansen 20 acres from $7 to the soldiers musket THE looked in vain for the fore dear He would have Increased business ns ywelh Grantacre per the value of money and diminished and Co is the latest store tO start W I Callahan 40 ffcrca from 810 to monal form that had so oft led them to victory Napolcan felt the loss the value of everything else— money and they are crowded for room now per acre a monument to be and caused ROLLER-MILL- S keenly the master everything else the ser- All of the stores are getting ready to 10 IL T Jakeinan acres from $10 to f erected on the very spot on which he ' vant" And now he McKinley Is move to the' new- toitn-sitand Mr $8 per acre ‘ standing upon an II J Wilson ten aerej from $10 to fell His wife was left almost desti-- 1 gold Stringhaiq has his building started e but Napolean bequeathed to his condemns the free coin- As they are preparing to move the $8 per' acre platform that 11 O Turner eighty Will you on this in behalf of Bessieres age of silver It Is very evident that stores are making no improvements hi acres front $10 to $8 per acre a with spotless reputation Major McKinley would rather be pres- old quarters so are not seen to advantII lVNeilson mill knd site from ident than be right— S L Herald age now Once on the new site Thur- $2500 to $2000' Yes McKinley Was exactly right ber will have warm soil Fiour Willard Snow 25 acres from $10 to that will ’pro' but now he is older and wears duce fruit while the sanii storms will $8 per acre ' State Newa ' ' be something of the 1G0 acres from spectacles ' Christian Johnson past Wood-Workixlx $i to $3 per acre Shop r L' ten Williams "Mary horses froni The question which confronts SenaMOLDING PLANING WAYNE COUNTY COURT- ' $175 to $400 l ake yonr county warrants to tor Teller and his followers is whether On Tueiday the Work of the' Boafd ffhosM Prlchett improvements TMLVING BRACKET J M Luurftzen and get easti for they will support tlieDemocratlc nom- ff Equalization being 'complete the from $ 300 to 5200 ! inee and secure the free coinage of silt E'ias Johnson ICO acres from $10 to ANt) GENERAL WOOD WORK ver or flock by themsclvC3 and do what County Court met In special session DONE AT MY MILL WEST OF Fremont John Hactor’ $3 per acre they can to make free silver an Impos" THE rOULECN ROLLER MILL W Facej — W 'I)' i TayloF number of sheep sibility— Kansas City Times I vfcyman’ B G Turner'-'- ’ JC Anderson from 2000 to 1359 1 Eio Grands Western Railway stadium county officers were Clydesdale ofthe Clerk 1 u ’tpjsfrtrt" e even the little boy with A ShhlY Hailwifary Fourth Everybody is Happy Tciois Reasonable Mrs N for the Hur-r-r- ah Utah Oo Gideon Snyder flfitST Today at ihtujvf Wayne County Business 11 Ilis Wool Buyers arc here :nd Wool Sciiurs bus-ine-- ?’ IV Wa Co-o- p 1 1 a Bro 1 111 McCARTY states eii:ty Should rememhor that the place for Harness h addles Horse Medicines and Whips As well as Harness repairing is at OP 13 org A sons’: surveyor bean McDaniel w CEHSOR A tm-iei- t Summer Goods at the om 12 NEWS 1 Glen wood Co6p We also -- s - SUBSCRIBE ( a Ury-Good- s: 1 for d THE CENSOR -' post-mast- er ELSINORE - - Sid-we- ll e it -- - $150 a year JOB A out-and-o- ut supply bacon and Lard with PRINSING Hams gold-rimm- ng AT - ( j - THIS OFFICE! 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