Show o T ' i Brigham City has gent away 201 ck&i'ht strawberries in six day each ehso weighing 30 pounds making 60 Ex Senator Lyman Trumbull died 000 pounds Sure Brigham is the gartn J une 27 at Chicago He had been den of the State ill a long time but rallied at interval but a relapse terminated his life it Prosecuting Atty Jennings gives a “Women born in tbi M'tw lluwan an acress in the Fraw-le- y his opinion A woman whose vote country may comedy company of California has challenged Champion Corbett to father or husband was naturalized be' meet her in a scientific sparring con fore she becomes of age may vote test Miss Howan is a young slender Other than tho above she must take girl who has been studying the manly the oath ot alliegence’’ cart and wants to take a practical lesson from Champion Jim f’ungtiitch would do well to patron after Richfield In same respects viz get a Militia Co ge Wrn Ryan who has Just returned Get a Railroad a sprinkler ' get a new school house from Cuba nays that while in Havana lhe had a personal interview with Gen get a well graded school get watei works Editor’s Comments’ V ’ V 4 Maceo of commander-in-chie- f by an unknowu man who a few mlit-ite- s later took his own life in prefer-a‘c to being captured It Is believe' t iat the murderer and suicide wa surpri-eby the officer in au attempt a3 lurgliry: Another man was see: r nimig from tbe nllev immediately fter the shooting and was captured nd Is now in Jail suspected of lieing June 7enty:Seventh the in- surgent forces stationed atPinardel Rio province in the very heart of a A!K Thurber once said: ‘A where he bad his picture taken story Is always lie till both sides an $nd handed a copy of the same to Mr heard” evidence tho Panguitch poi yan so he might show it to President sonlng sensation The latest rumor is that the i poisoning was caused by Cleveland and Gen Lee using some roots taken from under Pres Ha-yan- trees that had as may we The Latter-da- Saints remember tbi y 27th day of Juno as tho anniversary mo of the saddest events in their hh Ary On that day in the year 184 it Carthage Haneock county Illim1 their beloved Prophet Joseph Srnitl ai plicated ind l’atriarch llyrum Smith wei Iff was about 10 o'clock when live :ruelly murdered by a mob at a tlm hots were heard in the alley Ninny vlien their submission’ to the stai we e oi the streets at tha aws was the means which rendere ' me and a general ruffi was niado to hem victims to demoniacal hate a1 ot The murderer saw his hss heir innocent blood wasneveravenpe cut ofi find iit first took refuge it of the sta y the administration c with the evdient in ten inv upon those who had violated i Jon of A lev resistance offering and f Vithout offense oa their part oinutes later however reeogniini the witnec io other reason than Js ! e pent te situation lie placed the vhich they bore of the Gospel ffuzzlo of his pistol to his forelioac slal were God twoFrophcts of ud sent a bullet through his brain n cold blood and & third Elder Jo’ it Neither tho dead murderer or his Taylor was wounded nigh unto deaf iccom lice have been Identified aut was raised by Providence to'fi -Tribune ’urtlier work fh the Church The lea tli of the martyred Prophet and Patriarch pluhged the Saints into un Southern Utah told grief tho memory of which IsstiT trong and will not allow the day u pass without special reference to the AMONG TnE ROCKS AND DUST aborsof those frho then gave their and for tli dyes for love of the Saints tlDiTOK Censor: ' ' estiinony of Jesus After leaving Richfield on Juno 8 The article from' which we copy th her glory and pomp from the qall ibove will be found in the Desert fleets of tlie advent of the R G W s’ews of June 30 being too length wended my way south amohg the or our limited' space we suggest t leautiful and thrifty settlements ol iur readers the propriety of procurlu ievier county visiting and talking i copy and giving the subject due con vitli the busy farmers and merchants deration mdoling with the poor husbandman hose crops tlie toil of many hours ot ard labor weTelninilng up for want State News f water or talking with the upon the outlook for gathering The first issue of State bonds wer the shekels from the farmer provi his crops failed or asking the pol tigned at midnight last night (25t June) by Governor Wells Secretary o' tlcian what prospects the Silverites State Hammond and Sate Treas ud tor electing the silver ticket in urer Chipman T'liire 'were 200 i ihway mixing with the people In hem of the face value of $1000 each sociable talk on matters pertaining The work was completed In fifty-tht 0 the welfare of the inhabitants ol minutes and the bonds were shlppe uese beautiful vales oack to New York 'By express thi At times Mr Editor in passing morning— News jrougli the cannon’ my mind would ediawnoutto the sublime majesty xox f the work of the Master Mind that Hon George L Nye has been cliose: rented the e vales anJ n'ouotnips as orator of the day for July 4 am hich surround us and lied tbe h Is the Declaration of Indedendam e wn ’i tli preciou metals of all kinds a d oe read by Goveinor Timber M Well: vho caused the pure waters to flow Rev T C Iliff will make a brief at town and cause vegetation to spring iress and Proressor John P Meaku jp for the benefit of the human famvlll read “Drake’s address to the flag would be soaring up ily— my min President George Q Cannon is also ea among tho clouds when my buggy the Indepen vould strike a large fioulder and "give jetted to take part-ifence day exercises— Herald iuebajump that it would knock all and uch though s into a cocked-ba- t The Democratic delegates to Chlca gain bring me back to the realization o have bat I was traveling on a dusty and adopted a very unique a baf o silver Contali roccy road m this mundane sphere After ledvilig Sevier county the first mg the word Utah in enamel is a si ver star with the figures 45 in goldth ettlement you meet is Marysvale silver being from the Ontario mine t i mining camp of considerable prom se that is the people of Marysvale Park city and the gold from Mereu The star' hangs over a blue ribboi uhinkso and it only needs the energy with silver fringe containing in ret if some mor eyed men to come in and letters the words “Utah State Dele uake tn s camp one of the best iri Ration to the Democratic Nations Jtah as there is a mountain of gold invention 1896” Those not dele uid silver ore The R G W Ry is nakiug son e move towards getting gates will have a ribbon badge of blu Dto this camp and when they do a silvered News star— ontaining chute county will oom xox The j eopleof Piute county are sign Taul Pehrsonand his wife the age ng & j etitioo for tlie purpose of mov ouple who were confined In thecoun ng the county seat to Marysvale as y Jgil waiting trial in'the Unite! Junction the present seat is Slates circuit court on a charge o o do any business in and there are no llicitly distilling intoxicating liquor to disturb the quiet of its were through the efforts of Attorney!- ittorney3 while at tlie Vale citizens peaceful II A Smith and C M Nielson there are a number of practicing aton bonds yesterday afternoon is when there is any Their bonds were fixed at $300 for the torneys that and they are trying to do nan and $250 for his wife and out oi practice— business pn a scale in keeping with charity Moses Thatcher and A W the size of the place Marysvale will Jarlson became their sureties The to the front and don't you for old folks started out in company with yet get get it It may take time but she will heir son last evening for their home ci me up smiling some day near SmithfleldThey will make the ROVEit ourney by wagon and are :overjoyed xx at gaining their liberty— Herald been sprayed i ’ t Carries a firstclass assortment of DRY-GOO- We e-- ape Be this it certainly think the im plication of Mrs Best and Mrs DavU preposterous Knowing them as wt do we must have something more con vincing to convince our minds of tlieii being implicated dency Shonld the latter rumor find sufficient grounds for consideration some one The late elections thoughout the has not understood how to mix spray Dominion of Canada give the victory to the libera party Mr Laurier the Spain is Still daring the U S tr leader of the liberal party is a Catho- spank her free Cuba and thereby fur lic though opposed to the hierarchy on tlier the Pau American doctrine the school question and will be at the head of the new government The reis an experienced teach ciprocal relations proposed by the lib- er I J Stewart be overlooked in se should not and erals will arouse much interest In the a school board lecting United States but may call for loud protests from England as reciprocity between this country and Canada wih We should have one of tin almost ruin the trade of England with present board retained no one ot its American colonies which has ever taught school wc should have at least one experience! A— Gladstone the has said teacher we should have at least out 0 lady that the world owes England and he scornfully asks if the What is tQ be done about our militia? great creditor country should go liat Sin hand to beg tho world to pay 10 Is such an organization necesarj slnllings on the pound Of course he If so let us encourage it We hav we trolTt get this paid in gold heard of no encampment as yet Most say but in commodities upon which our companies have now been musterei 'people live and therefore wo are not in about ttvo years and not one singl likely t- go around the world to beg encampment has been indulged Wt them in return for the gold we have believe Interest cannot be maintatnei lent them to give fewer commodities at this rate Let us have an encami Gladstone' is an uncompromising gold ment and see all the boys togethei bug Salisbery is not much hotter that we might behold“Utah’sdefense We can cot expect England to join in an international bimetalic conference Gradually the thought of our school' continuing a political prize is loosing Conrad H Jordan assistant United ground in our state (States treasurer invled representaLast fall a young man Republican tives of several foreign exchange camd near being ostrasized by his par houses to a conference with him at ty for adhering tenaciously to thai on the 27th to de the principal: When will we learn to ac the means to large shipments cept principle before party9 When stop (yise of gold coin to Germany and eubstl will we learn to vote the man rathei tube gold bars and save the expeuse of than the party in municipal affairs? tminting That’s the way tho gold Who will bo our trustees? goes Why not substitute cargoes of giain beef pork and coal-oJerome Rowan a rich banker and xox father of Lansing Rowan the Califoi Cheap wages predict cheap work nia actress who has challenged CoPhis is known throughout all business rbett to meet her in a scientific spar foreman r'ng contest committed suicide bj lines A competent knows that a good sawyer or a good shooting himself through the heart ratchet-sette- r can more than pay his By his side lay A copy of Saturday increased amount of Batavia Daily News containing a disthe salary by lumber This should be true of school patch announcing tlie challenge S teachers We want no cheap teachers ends the daughter’s foolish ambition ’in Richfield schools The high standard of our public schools is proverbial Gov Altgeld says: The America! We cannot afford to let it go down are not yet ready tq become tlie a people a good salary 'Pay good teacher Good teachers are generally those who vassels of the English money lender are most ambitions Soon this class and his American agent The policy wich the Government has pursued is crowded out by low salaries This is not as it should be If we for more than twenty years at the instance of those Eastern speculators need more revenue let us have it the producers and consumers tomen of y are ccmpels the The boys of The whirl of politics accompanying morrow What kind shall we have? of this country who bear all its burdens to give those English money- the Democratic National convention lenders $2 worth of labor $2 worth of was inaugurated tonight in a novel “The Silver Lining” a and $2 worth of their life’s manner Wallsville came to the front on the property based the money issue was play upon ever each blod for dollar they get question in a caucus held from those on ‘the hoards at the Grand deput is This Englishmen there the first of the woek The politto run until after the convenour country and the Demo ical parties were Ignored and the con- stroying tion is over intends to condemn this cratic party test is now between the sox Three is divided as to whether or Opinion most in no and terms emphatic men and three women were nominat- policy how much those Eastern cap- not the production of the play here at matter ed in opposition to each other italists and speculators may be willing this time has not more or less a politThe question was asked— Can a woThe trend of tlie play is to spend they are going to have a very ical motive man whose husdand is a foreigner ancf circulars were In trying to prevent the gtrongly difficult time vote and hold office? Various views indorsements o distributed quoting party from expressing its honest conare held on this question: silver statesthe piece by on this victions subject Some claim that all women over 21 men public men aqd Governdrs of a xox can vote dozen States included in the list J ames J Corbett champion of the United States Senators Jones being Bro Cowley of tho Censoh staff and claimed that no womap Bavo native world was all but knocked out in a Stewart- W H Harvey (Coin) lion borncaa vote unless her husband has four round contest with Tom Sharkey M Patterson of DenverICier been naturalized as she is a party to champion of the navy The referee Hardle Gov Altgc'ld and Eugene V declared the contest a draw but it js Debs The scenes of the the act play are laid ' doubtful if he will bo supported by In the g section of Pike public opinion Corbett clincliedShar: ! The people of Monroe do not doubt key throughout the eutire fourth ounty Ilk and the piece' is presentation of the different phases of He round to avoid the “well story” on Sol Sprague The the money question from a silver punishment While yet In is very absent minded champion was bVeathing heavily and standpoint The play was well receivMonroe he was one morning inet two apparently greatly exhausted when ed and tire author a newsof a bucket blocks from home carry'ng the round closed while Sharkey seem- paper man Fitzg'erald Murphy- of feed to his pigs Again ho drove his ed as fresh as at the beginning Shar- Boston was called before the curtain horse to church one eve? after services key even refused to stop fighting at ne delivered a spicy address and was mornNext he went home without it the end of the bout and made a vicious given a hearty round of applause— ing he arose went out to feed his horse rush for Corbett Six policemen leapThe Tribune ‘not finding it lie declared it was stol- ed into theringand three officers graben was thrown Into a fury of excite- bed Shankey The marfna refused to ment only to feel chagrined on find- be restrained and struck obe of the A special to tho News from Colorado ing his horse tied to tb3 post in front policemen a vicious blow’-- ' MorO police- Springs Colo says: June 28 wnile Sol Me till nk brother o: tlie church men jumped into the ring and Sh3?-ke- iMiceman Gordon Bish was patrolling that forgotten the lessons bo learned was finally escorted to his cor an allc? in the business portion of the in cuurch that eve' — Beseret News city he was shot and instantly killed The Democratic national convention will meet at Chicago on July 7 with Bland in the lead The Populist9 will convene on the 22d of July at the windy city of tae west and will probably support Teller for the presi- RICHFIELD cr-o- ns sup-ijsc- d in in - sub-treasu- il saw-mi- ll GROCERIES PA I NTS & OILS DS have just placed a large order for Shoes and will be able to sell Men’s Solid Leather shoes frorp $110 to $325 Also equally good Prices for Boys’ Ladies’& Children’s Dcm'f Jay until you have seen our new STOCK Price on produce this week: Eggs 7 jc per dozen 5o cts pr bu Wheat Dive Chickens Give us your orders: 5c Oats $lldpr' cwl per lb they will receive out closest attention and all Goods will be DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE within city limits Don’t Forget We are YoUr Money Savers J ‘ ’ mer-iiin- t ‘o-- U ndertakers &Contractors f l We keep on hand a fine assortment of askebCoffms&FuriusKiiujs — also — Gents’ nd Boys’ Robci Kiid Burial Sliocs n $3000-00000- STORE OR ROCK’S 1 Our Planing Mill is always ready and out Lumber Yard IS ALWAYS SUPPLIED WITH ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER MOULDINGS OF VARIOUS KINDS AND SHINGLES-Ware also Contractors and Builders Our prices are fair Call and see for yourselves RICHFIELD nORNE & MILLER 1 too-sma- Is Bread the Staff of Life? NO ONE WILL DISPUTE IT THIS AND "111 OTHER NECESSITIES ARE KEPT BY -x-- JERSER CHRISTIKRSER & CO- - Save your “tin” by trading with them - d ’8 - non-partis- opera-hous- e - -- pro-silv- er well-know- n - - wheat-producin- well-know- ' - i y n PROF KERR ON THE METRIC SYSTEM The meter Is the primary unit cf the Metric System A meter is 39:37 in loDg The Metric system Js decid a saving of time as everything edjj is' compute! in tens The superiori ty of this s£stemis-itits simplicity Our- CofiStltution provides that it mry be taught inUtah hut it is not compulsary I belive the Metric Sys tem willventuaily be made our standard by Congress Our present system Is unnatural x IKS’! CLASS ASSOltTMEST CAUHH s continued from 2d page) “The teacher is the atmosphere of the school room”— Miss llyde is plea sant atmosphere I vow Store Grocery MONROE Teachers’ Ins titute to-da- ' I'-4-- ' - Paints Oils Glassware Chinaware Tinware Groceries v We ' ‘ “ also have Oranges Lemons and Patent Medicines V Bannana? ' i should be intro- Tlie Metrip-Systeduced ly fi’-o- t requiring that it be taught In the public schools for a time before making it standard It is not a perfect system but is much better than our present Advanced science uses It almost entirely The way in which Dr Tanner conducts the joint Institute at Monroe Is suffici’enit evidence that no mistake was made In placing him at the head the Agricultural College Eevier Co teachers know Prof Stew- of art and hailed his arrival with light and applause a feast Why don’t Verily de- his was our professors say some-tilin- g about Why can they not knock out a lot of idle letters from our orthography? semi-fonetop- r - IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY r huy Your Groceries Your Dress Goods Your Clothing and Hosiery In fact Your Shoes Straw and Felt Hats everything you need in your family at The Richfield Co-o- p which keeps an excellent quality of Goods and gives the highestMarket price for your PRODUCE |