Show Around the County Monroe is to bare a bakery 33 We will June celebrate railroa New dry goods sen & Co 's or for 23 Ceuta 1 2 at Jensen day on Christ tan Root beer at Andelina ice-col- d Dr Smith wants yon to lie may be gone taliim Clippings call early We clip the following from the Press TIk Richfield Censoh is improving very rapdly the last is me was gottei ip in very neat style Scarlet fover is reported at the lionn ff Solmion King north of town am He yellow ting was displayed lastSm o Sa-in- The quarantine will perhaps ‘‘Ruined by Drink" will he played a two weeks longer at Vermillion week from tonight tor the best leaf lard and finest Justice Lauritzeu of Gleuwood is to breakfast of are bacon go to Nielsen's some There cases whooping resign his position Monroe at Ilp J E Peterson of Clrdeville wai Elsinore has her depot site laid off cough ayin town Tuesday on Ills why to Salina below all mill Most roller the the sheep belonging in the just There was no Nonrhy School or ser-arc shorn and have gone to Mrs Taylor tells us that she lias i lees at the L 1 S church last Sm II O Magic by attended conference county i he mountains large stock of shoes at the Chicagi in the San Pete Stake last week lay on account of the various di Store uses among children The Annabella 1(JU volhas school ‘or of Boquet Baking Powder for All the women of Salina are buSaw-mill Tin Hunter umes in heir school library up Cedar Ridge 21 cents at the Elsinore Co-o- p g Now yoi will soon pm on a force of ll is week Canyon J F L’eterson ami Mr James Larson lusbnnds it - your turn to do sou thirty men Mrs Durfee has a private school in are now located in Elsinore muning Clean up the back yard Annabella with an attendance of forty Niels Ileileson boasts of a 10 pourc N P Johnson of Elsinore who is The town marshal has kept attli : nt liis Glenwood home He w f i Indents od work of cleaning the creek u at the co-o- p branch in Joseph hoy clerking born on the 0 1 h and nil are weP Richfield is to have another i very is the happy father of a son iliiia canyon lie lias taken out 1 Maid" a Mr Shephard of Manti will Peter K L 'iirnoin will srnn reinov-froa a cow steer ueep ivaty Murquanlsou is at Frovo atlie proprietor Glenwood to northern Mexico Ca calves heifer and'two 'lining Ii Y A commenceinen tending the wlii-k us blame Ed Killian left Gleuwood on Tues- exercises nyone ferpreferring On Wednesday last work was renewShe is to be home today in Salina and icre to make to Castle Valiev ed on the eastern road They are row goes day Mrs Nielsen whose death was an about the Fourth of July?-Y- ili liis home building from Sage Flat to the head nounced last week was not buried till of Peterson S na celebrate It this year? A Canyon Monday is Tailor Day as it was feared she was off patriotic citizens should go t Call at this office on Monday and be Wednesday II in a trance last Joseph and get up a celebration such i Crosby July vojk spent Sunday 'e suit measured for a tailor-m- a in Richfield was lie alina hour has never witnessed befon returning The Jensen Hotel at Elsinore has to Teaneuin Hunt the justice of the y from school in how the Panguitch the people of Sevier counTy lio been undergoing repairs and a general and was riding from S’aliia is done Now that the train Is g peace at Monroe has a little renovation It looks very cosy now at hi j house home on his bicycle will be very conveniei south It ng Mrs llattie Stewart of Annabella of Richfield Elsinon or the people Elsinore has had eleven students at Edson Barney a veteran Latter-da- y has been iu bed inoeChrist mas with of those soutliei all and lonroe the B Y academy during the past Saint Is down from Provo paying 1 is owns to come up here and enjoy winter They are all to be home to-- - erysipelas She is now nearly well son Ilyruru of Annabella a visit Invite these towns t ively time Charles Wood the veteran black day dn us and let it be truthfully sai miith of Monroe is made happy by t lie Peter Peterson Is building a frami Two outfits of workers from Mon- visit of liis son from California bad the bent Fourth i across the street from the hat we have structure enroe are up tin canyon east of town ever before held i celebration uly Ben and John Nielsen locat- Working Men’s Store The f rout he jevier larging each of the Sorenson and Ber ed r IIoopeH County a e w mining claim up Clear Creek will use as a restaurant The back tieson reservoirs The editor of the Press is spendin will be for a dwelling Canyon on Monday he week in Ogden enjoying a vis P D Sohoeberis acting as deputy hav-beeSixteen men He four teams and a held Salina vitli relatives and friends Wednesday meeting assessor and was assessing Glenwood on the Indian Creel two month a road project on foot and in the working past night put ’ few day-during the last road this week ml idea to the he with that left here with expect Richfield foey compete for being the shipping point for Rah ow days spent in the city would i After being laid up tweuty-one- j At the Chicago Store ladies straw dm more or less good If the Pren weeks from the fracture of cheek bone oit Valley goods are 30 cents each hats Glenwood the Peterson Ison i far above the average this week ci Georgs The play Ruined by Drink will not ot give Howard credit for it Otli 1 reets again Isaac Colby formerly of Sigurd but come off tonight as expected Cause anils— notably those iff the devil— now of Coyote was in town yesterday LaM night the Y M M I A of op little time to prepare lave brought out the present issue We Glenwood were to give a party evening on business was a Wednesday in day the great h iven’t heard how it came off Thej History of Richfield At 5: 30 the train Nielson hand furnished music Company K of the N G U gave a eachel the depot and people flocked Remember the public debate nex Norman McCarty has returned home vu the lower part of town from all party at the Social Ilall last night all are invited Wednesday trom Sait Lake where he attendee over It was not crowded but enongh wore l:ito -t is a have there school lie aocompanwinter Mrs I J Stewart is st ill quite ill a good time Mrs II Stella Folsom Jr I) and home Spafford iy family Mr and Mrs Andrew Hepler are h icr May Thompson and Joe Daniel all of B Stewart has applied for le Eva on a Lake was Monroe first Annabella have in visit but are expectec llarry Ihiushie l'or the muumor Sait ers of administration of the estate o home today of the week He will push work tu m I’ V Junctiongone Tli liis prospect in Marysvale during the icr husband James Stewart Apostles F M Lyman and John The Boston store has just received will be on Monday summer waring x tine lot of oranges bananas and lem-n- s lie ry Smith are at Monroe confer Jas W Eardly a veteran lumbti The Branch Mining company will Some one treated the censor enee today Seymour B Young was lealer of Salt Lake is missing Thau begin work at the Vale during the man to an orange and he thinks it expected but failed to come cents to be a shortage in his accounts early summer Supt DeWitt is ge- can't he beaten E W McDaniel and M L Browi ready everything tting Monroe bad two runaways this week are at Marysvale where they are workset the Mereur jail it A A gopher dug a hole from the mill Hans Tuft’s team ran from the field ing as attorney and referee on a wat- whichprisoner confined on fire nighi was he race under the foundation of the er case lome with no injury to anything last A n o ware jcfore Chica-gt'lilun the at acave-imills thus causing glassware Dave Collins’ team started on Mai Store The mills can not run for a few days street and made smash-ua be quite but the foundation will soon be re- - ore Mrs Sorenson her son Christian and THE SALT LAKE SETI I— WEEKLY in tbc south of town stopping Tit HUM bunt daughter Effie returned home toScipio it ol need to 3200 erYcr after Jnuo 1 Monroe lias been making big pro on Tuesday They spent several days 1 SiJO J D Bertlcson lias a trunk factory They got in Richfield visiting Mrs H S Ivie On Juno 1st tlie Salt Lake Tribune will in connection with his grocery store parations for conference brass band out and it played lot to Sl'00 po t lie price ot the liis trunks are all well made and he die if lively tunes while the men and boy: Mr Pol Colomh who has been liv- year The present high stuniluitl will b deals in nothing of llie cheaper kind nahitnlned and every effort will bo made tc cleaned the streets and the young la ing in Richfield for a month past will seep the tu the front rank M head lies gave them a supper in t ho evenTanner will be the Dr J soon leave for Cassia Co Idaho where instructor at the joint or county in- ing On Wednesday the Relief Society hewil make his home stitute lie will be assisted by some cleaned the meeting-hous- e burned up Tea dinner and glass sets at Thr A ndrevv Gilbert has come home from four or five others the old chips and thoroughly scoured Castle Gate where he has been min- C'hieags Store die meeting-hous- e lot Five loads of wool belonging to Heaing coal He expects to spend the The committee on Decoration Day ton of Long Valley Kane county The water in the lower reservoir at summer working at the mason's trade met last night and consibered a plan passed through Richfield on Thurs- Marysvale is all gone and there is of the On Thursday Miss Carrie Miller re- for carrying on tlie decoration day ail is scarcely any in the upper one The intended that It grave turned home from Mayfield where she graves Tom Fergussoti Is busy getting sam- river is running a very small stream lias taught school during the past shall pe decorated Relatives of al and a great part of the water used durdied from exposure ples from George M Scott’s mine the winter She Is accompanied by Mis- - i lie old set tiers whoIndian two been the weeks wars should lias from ing killed in were or past Peterson of Gunnison who will Crystal and is examining the ledge llie wliere-about- s reservoirs Bean It is a sad outlook for Ri the to report Judge of ore and doing other things needed a week visiting in Richfield farmers on the Sevier but clouds are spend of he graves so that they may he decopreparatory to a purchase 0 the mine to we raise and beginning hope daily N for a Chicago company Warren went through rated on that day Many of the graves Doctor II for storm soon s and thecomruit tee town yesterday on liis way to Marys- have no "Work Is not starting up in Marys-val- e one at the head of all such will was in company with a wiliput lie vale We want to talk to the people of as soon as expected It may be ng man from Philadelphia named graves fall before things will fairly boom Richfield about flowing wells Judgwho was it Is said looking for Galey Miss Clara Seegmiller came home Some miners are going away to other ing from the flow near the river there to buy mining property good Provo last night She has attendfrom be will not summer water and veins any very large camps to work for the school all winter ed under the town but there may be some will return this fall Dr B L Kesler left Richfield on in various places nn'dwve ought to try Frank Seegmiller is expected home Tuesday He will take a trip north MrSellers has discontinued the em- to find them To do this we need Snowflake Arizona this week from as as far Davis this county ploy of the Elaiuore Oo-o- p tailoring heavy machinery and one man hardly going Mr a young Kesler is summer not M L Ritchie has been appointed to establishment and Miss Peterson a feels justified in is undertaking th proSalt Lake tailoress baa filled the va- ject alone Flowing wells if obtained man that satisfied with mediocrity succeed Judge Young nd will soon return to the dental cancy would be worth a great deal and we to finish his course of study college Let some The Murray American will soon C A Peterson ha opened a new should combine to try it p He occupies man offer so much for a stream and let In Monroe Jensen Christiansen & Co Dave the move to Spanish Fork- the room betweeu Hoopes’ barbershop all the citizens subscribe to dig it contract to furnish grain to Hie mail If we never get the flow all lose If contractors from here to and A Bertlesen'a store Col James Me Nasser a California Panguitch we do the owner of the land pays for This deal of and requires agreat grain Co-o- p pioneerdied in Salt Lake on Thursday Tailor Day— The Elsinore it and takes the stream t he store always a good figure for pays 41 a office tuilor at Censor have the "will Its on Monday from 9 a m till 5 p in On Monday Swenning Anderson of has taken lead in the Vilntc Peart to take measurement a for tailor-mad- e Box Creek and Beda Erickson of Mrs Tetcr Lemmons of Glenwood election of a carnival qneen for Salt over to Richfield to get has recovered fr mi her severe illness Lake Carnival clothing a marriage license and to be married She has been under the care of Mrs 41 The Monroe town coucll lias decided On the way over they had the misfo- St John to sell the dry lots and lend $200 of rtune to Mr Alma Graves is over from Tinlic tip over the wagon but that They say that Charles Powell walks and Inis received from Mr1 Kroupil an the proceeds to paint the cemetery didn't dismay them the streets of Glenwood with a smile assay of 324 ounces silver $124 gold fence rI he money will be repaid to at Clerk Clark's office They appeared the as procured e cut in a water from samples lie brought over of Annie lug as a the town when the cemetery lots are document and were married at the melon A new boy did it old Laurie ore lie reports that they have home of Judge George W Dean They (J feit wide vein of that kind of ore a is Lockett I'hil Miss Hattie G'autwell made us a returned home next day Wc extend building a restauris a mine mile located and about The near ant the depot pleasant call a few evenings since cordial good wishes to Mr and Mrs a half east of Silver City Miss Cantwell will soon leave our Anderson as they start their journey It beats all to see prices on sisspen-der- s Deseret News county and return to her home in in life at the Chicago II She will be greatly Cache county two new tiled were suits The Richfield Hardware Co mein-tendinmissed in Glenwood where she has in Yesterday The faculty of the Brigham Young clerk's office the The first to build soon ami then get been acting as organist during the was county have done nobly this year Academy entitled Sevier Valley Railroad their business where it can lie seen are all zealous workers members winter The Co vs Jane Young etal arising over lct ter than in the basement of the and love enters largely into their a was talk that There special train the condemnation of land over which ank The students will long reniem-liewith the students of the B Y Acad- Mrs Young is administratrix The self sacrifices of the Brighem the I K Wright cleaned all the rocks emy would be run to Richfield last other is Jens N Jensen vs Sevier Val- En Academy professors Young off In street the front of his Main night The “talk” wasn't anything ley Railroad Co damages of f'(K) quirer street the of and students talk property yesterday but many It made II the street look will Try it on - Tound no one to meet them and so yours’ A aedueing plant for ore will soon & flayed in Kalina be put in American Fork Canyon : The wells In Brooklyn are nearly all dry -- - 1- 1 Al 1 'isra house-cleanin- ’4 two-year-o- TRAIN 6 fe Uni-verit- t-- e 1 NO SPECIAL SALK 1 th BUT A STRAIGHT BUSINESS IN PAINTS jl OILS ie n p SCREEN-DOOR- S 9 S Semi-week- ly Semi-week- ly MOLDINGS BR USiLEK 00 MS Sash Glass etc 1 head-board- Call and See our Acme Oil Cans K WRIGHT BREAD AT JENSEN CHRISTIANSEN & CO’s hoe-sho- 10 OFF K IM two-slic- g rs Hansen Anderson ORTON 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