Show Correspondence We are indebted to 0 A Andelln for extracts from a letter written from Leipzig on April! We fire the same below I attended one Sunday evening a meeting of the “Inner Mission’’ to see what they did This is a mission work the Tribupe’s report will probably be the first news that most of Frisco will hear Several Individuals have learned of It and are outfitting prospecting parties for the ground The location is said to be about thirty-fiv- e miles south of Fibco in bhe Wall Wah range of mountains for the purpose of stirring the people Philadelphia Pa May 151890 tup to live their religion better and puts the forth therefore among Its efforts Editor Gao H Crosby: church members It distinguishes itself from the “Outer Mission” in this that the outer mission is missionary work among the heathens in Palestl np China Africa and in other places and ths Inner mission confines itseffertsdn the church The latter could be compared in its objects and alms to our ward teachers The manner of carrying on the work is entirely different however I believe they do their work for by getting the people to subscribe etc books stories pamphlets religious Well I attended one of the meetings of entering the Inner Mission and upon was filled to my surprise I saw the hall with tables as in a restaurant and that their tables were set with beer glasses nd a waiter was kept busy refilling these glasses as they were from time to time emptied I went up in the galleries where some seven or eight of our members were sitting They had come to hear the musical part of the there was program I should say that was on it in the galleries beer no up apparently the first floor which wasmore faithful occupied by the finer and the mission principle of the supporters discourse of the evening was by Pastor In Palestine Hartlng who had been Inner Mis“The was his subject and ” It was very sion in the Holy Land he gave because me interesting to the country concerning facts many etc Of course population occupations efforts of the of he spoke principally the convert to In trying the Germans and there Arabs and other peoples chilthe with was work most of the of dren They had started a number ran Luthe the mission schools n which 1 besides book learn- religion was taught of tbe missionary ing In speaking where work of other sects he said that allowed were Germans at first only a start now all kinds of sects had made were Mormons there and that even the work on missionary premitted to carry He closed by calling on the people larger present to make their donations could conthan ever this time so they Land tinue the good work in the Holy been gethad All this time the air had as I and sud thicker ting thicker not had I on the speaker kept my eyes was authe on in going noticed whst around looked I When dience below only I saw that the people were not their were smoking but beer drinking smoke up in the cigars and puffing thewere smoking the they I suppose air the same It sermon so as to preserve it- from to meat keep smoke as we Mission” spoiling Such is the “Inner will obor what I saw of it And you serve that only the religious people go be livhere those who are supposed to and best trying ing their religion the is to reform others I wonder if Itvah eho of J not a stench in the nostrils Then I must not forgetto mention home the report of the director of thewomen for the wayward and fallen He mentioned so me cases of terrible and crimes that had keen committed in received been had girls liowthe learn and work to this home trained someth! ug useful and prepared to go conand hire out He painted up the that so nicely dition of affairs there one would almost be tempted to crime in order to come to lovelier this home where it is so much The world of the rest than In the two and pigs chickens some had home and what they would like very much uow was a cow and if the congregation he Would kindly donate for a cow much pleased should be very Your obedient son com-mltso- O W Andklin Tribune threat Utah May frisco to be stampeded by a rich silver id discovery about thirty five miles Rob-m- n ith A cowboy by the name of brought in several days ago a see of quartz that gave assay returns rrespondence 13-F- $60 gold Mr A S risco dear Schoolmate and Friend-Reperecollections of our most agreeable friendship and labors together have caused me to occupy a few moments in the endeavor to give you a brief description of my tour through the United States As you probably are aware I a notice on Utah’s Inauguration day to take a mission to Germany Leaving home on March 21st I have spent eight weeks in becoming better acquainted with my own country and people before going abroad and beginning my misssonary labors After spending a short time in Deu-ve- r and Kansas City I visited the sacred temple site of at Independence Mo and I realized that certaluly I was standing oh holy ground During my visit at St Louis was introduced to the principal minister of the Baptists wlio appeared quite astonished at my presence and gave utterence to tills remark: “Why upon my word you look just like other people” lam the first of our species he has seen At Chicago I visited the ruins of the World's Fair the great stock yards and all other Important places of interest and called on Taylor Snow and family (relatives) They were very glad to see me and asked many questions about the people and said they had heard no evil reports about us for many years past Continuing on I next went to Cleveland Ohio and from there to Kirt-ianwhere I had a very pleasant visit aud was fortunate enough to arrive at the opening of the World’s Conference of the Church” They learned I was a Latter-daSain’- aud naturally supposing I belonged to their church made me very welcome and gave me quarters at the hotel where all the church dignitaries were located This was very agreeable to me as I became cognizant of all their dogmas Several days were occupied in a hot discussion ns to whether they should “change” or entirely expunge certain portions of their Doctrine and Covenants which they had added since the days of the Prophet Joseph They appeared as united as they should be I was much interested in my visit to the My ated Adam-on-Diam-o- n d “Re-orgauiz- y Temple From here I visited several coun- ties farther south in Ohio and was received by relatives with open hearts They almost drowned me with their numerous questions In regard to the Latter-da- y Saint-- ' but I managed to keep my heat above water and think 1 answered all satisfactorily They gave me the freedom of the elegani Methodist church tbe finest in the countryand they turned out in large numbers to hear me but as I readily noticed the intense jealousy of their minister I only partook of their hospitality until 1 reached the brink of his ability to withhold me any attempt to prevent going farther But few of the people hereeherisli the least prejudice against us although they had many erroneous ideas whichGod permitted me to be an instrument In His hands in removing to a great degree They were hardly willing that I should leave before holding several other meetings It is with regret that I say we have no Missionaries in that section of country Since leaving Ohio I have visited Buffalo the marvelous Niagra Falls Albany New York Brooklyn (now included In N Y) Boston Washington Philadelphia and a large number of less Important places of interest Tuesday I spent from 6 p m until near midnight in on of the Parks here in endeavoring to explain the Gospel of ourSavlor to a Mr Winter: he was Intensely Interested asked for books and is studying tbe Principles of Salvation He is a graduate from college and well versed in the wording of the Scriptures Well Brother Crosby I am having a glorious time I have met many of the dignitaries of tbe nation have had perfect health aud know that God is very gracious in protecting and blessing me and I only hope that 1 may receive sufficient aid to perform acceptably before him all of the sacred obligations devolving upon me I am interested in the success of your valuable paper and will be pleased to acid anything I can to its columns which may be of interest I leave tomorrow for England With kindest regards to yourself and wife I am Your sincere friend L C Show Anderson assaycr and for the Horn Silver Mining com-n- y arranged with him for an inter-- b In the find and started him out ain for more samples Robinson was table to locate the quartz lead again k t brought in several samples of 1456 one of which assayed nces silver and $50 gold The other tuples all carried small gold and sil r values but were not from the same Ige that yielded the big returns Is large assay startled the finders Mr Chase of Woodland Summit d they lsf t Frisco this evenin g aga I n county who accidentally cut his leg perfect thsir locations and organize three weeks ago died on Thursday as war-nt- s lew district if investigation a result of lack of attention It is said it was first made to the wound when loslah Osborne foreman of the Horn II leaves a wife andit children eight iver mine accompanied Andprson —Deseret News find to the xx The rock that carried the value was aud President Clark and several other ay porous ther a quartz or a porphyry The railroad magnates hav been visiting ly Robinson describes it the ledge Utah during the latter part of last week They held several conferences fs In a contact The Interested parties are endeavor with local railroad men What they g tt keep the discovery secret and did is not yet mad public en-ie- er oth-roc- weather-decompose- d Political Epidemics- INextliem considered was the celebration of Decoration Day Mrs Ina Bean moved that we celebrate the day and elect a committee of five to preRemarks pare for the celebration upon the beauty and import uu-- of the day were made by many members Mr Meteer urging that we had no day more important Mrs Taylor suggested that whether the dead had relat Ives or not all graves should be decorated The motion carried and Mrs Ina Bean Mis J II Meteer Messrs Jos 3 Horne George W Bean and Rev 0 Twuede were elected as members of the committee Mr O P Borg reported that the Indian Creek Road was completed to Sage Flat with the expenditure of 1031 days work being far less than expected A good grade lias been obtained aud though the road-beis loose the road can now be traveled The Committee uow proposed to build the road oulo Peterson Canyon s will make the road three These miles shorter thau the old road as the road from Sage Flat to head of Peterson Canyon cut off as much as the Indian Creek road The report was accepted and the committee instructed to goon On motion the subscription previously - There is an epidemic that Americans suffer severely from and that is the epidemic of creatlng"politlcal capital” This is a term used to designate those things that are done by a man simply to Increase his popularity as an office holder It reaches even to presidents and cabinet officers it grinds decisions from many courts it prevents the arrest of crimnials in many cases and works untold harm t3 cities and towns of smaller size Now this Is an evil that is often made Intense by newspapers lauding men to the skies and taking their acts and making them appear greater than they really are e This a newspaper evil that to lose confidence in newspapers faster than anything else But thfe people are to blame for this statp of Affairs The newspapers have to get snpport from some place or we will have none The people do not support them to as great an extent as their importance demands so the seekers for political capital come Into tbe office and pay the management monej enough to keep the paper running That paper will run and the one that is not thus purchased is more apt to fail— thus giving by the survival ifilie made was doubled fittest the opportunity to the poorest The misting then adjoiirua for the education of the people to sur- OKROCK'S STORE RICHFIELD Carries a firstclass assortment of GROCERIES PAINTS OILS Look out for our weekly prices they lead: Men’s Laundrled White aad Percale Shirts from 60c to $175 each DRY-GOO- DS Working Shirts double yoke and sleeves 75c and r at extremely low prices Large Assortment of Men's LL Sheeting 6c per yard 20c per yard 1st Quality Oil Table-clotMen’s A Neck-wea- h Price on produce this week: Kaos dozen CmufKHs 5c 7te per Wheat 55 cts r bu Live Oats $110 per lb pT cwu Ol'tt MOTTO IS TO PLIliSII ’ hascaus-edpeopl- A We receive every morning at 11 o’clock SUPPLY OF FRESH DAIRY BUTTER Call and examine our new goods d ( JENSEN CHRISTIANSEN cut-off- vive Another way political capital is gained is by doing those tilings that will carry the Heating element of voting population “by storm” while the good solid voters of the party are sought to be held by the political machine We have a case of this kind in the Instance of tbe New York Many officers there municipality to the turn drlnklngpopulation sought of the city to tbe Republican side by violat ing theSunday liquor ordinances Theodore Roosevelt chairman of the police commission headed a reform movement claiming that lie best served the Republican party by a fair honest enforcement of the law That sort of men may go down at one or two or a dozen elections but such men are going to come to the top some day For political capital others seek to condemn the holders of large bodies of wealth irrespective of whether they use it in fair open business or for gaining power and in so doing grinding down the laborers This class of seekers find their opportunity during hard times and especially among unreasoning people We must bear in mind that capital (not politlcal)accumulat-ein large bodies is at present aneces-sit- y and that only asocial evolution will do away with it It i all right to keep it from becoming tyrannical but it Is not all evil To gain office others still seek to point out the evils in tbe administration of predecessors in office or of the precceding party in power and so draw the minds of the voters to t he evils so iuteusely that the These are but a remedy is forgotten few ways tbe politicians have of gaining the favor of the people There have been hundreds of ways of getting this material that can not be enumerated Julius Caesar In that early time fed the idle Romans to gain It So it has gone on It Is not a modern evil but It is an element of decay in politicians and in government At times this working for political gain receives a serious setback but too often it Last fall Governor Wells was elected as a “set back” to seekers for this sort of gain and Utah has a noble honest executive as a result The national conventions to meet In a little while will find there men who have done many great things but whether they go to St Lonls or Chicago or later to the convention of the Populists we all have an interest In seeing men put in office because they are honest or because they have executive ability more than because they have done some great act that has given them political capital d trl-urn- xx Mass Meeting The minutes of a Mass Meeting held in the Academy Hall at Richfield on Monday May 18 1896 On motion Mayor Brandley was elected chairman and Jos S Horne have a & CO LITTLE corner storeBUT they do a business that is BIG in fair deals They have a large assortment of SHOES that is not to be outdone in town d They handle Farmers’ supplies patent medicines China and Glassware seven kinds of Crackers candies and canned fruits and have Bounty on Wild Animals on hand a spring stock of challies calico and otler Slow the Hunter of Hear and tilings belonging to a stock of General Merchandise spur row Ilgg may make They are especially locatedfor handling produce a d Money desire their share of Country Produce The last legislature passed a law providing for bounties on certain wild animals If the hunters of Box Eldar punty wish to get the benefit of this £ act the following from the law will tell them how to go to work also the cash value of the various animals Some of our boys are already bringing in sparrow eggs but the County Clerk cannot pay anything for them until the court acts In the matter: Section 1— It is hereby made the duty of the county commissioners of the respective counties of the State within thirty days from the presentation of a petition signed by not le3 than one hundred qualified votrs residents aid property taxpayers within said county to provide by ordinance for tbe payment of rewards for the destruction of certain wild animals and birds within their respective counties to wit: Not leas than five dollars nor more than ten dollars each on mountain lions and bears not less than fifty cent nor more than one dollar each on lynx grey wolves wildcats coyotes foxes and minks not less than five cnts nor more than ten cent on musk rats not less than one cent nor more than five cents each on jack rabbits prairie dogs and ground squirrels not less than two cents nor more than five cents on gophers not less than ten cents nor more than twenty-fiv- e cents each on pelicans blue cranes loons squaks and not less than one cent nor more than three cents on English sparrows and five cents per dozen on the eggs of English sparrows— Brigham City Bu gler T T fish-duck- fish-haw- -- —o We clip the following from Dunn’ Review: It Is now the middle of May too late for business to change materially until the prospects of coming crops are assured and definite shape has been m HE given to the Presidential contest by the conventions To date the out look for crops is highly encouraging and a good yield would greatly im prove the prospect for all business But until the future 1$ more clear there Is a prudent disinclination to produce much beyond orders or to order beyond Immediate and certain needs Monetary difficulties no prevent activity and good longer commercial paper could be placed In large amount at almost every Important city but with business so limited all good rep the paper offered of proaccumulation in part resenting ducts for which demand is deferred The most fortunate of the chief Industries at present is the boot and shoe manufacture which is not only shipping to customers within 6 per cent of tbe largest number of cases ever forwarded Id the first half of May but is getting many new orders and there are many urgent requests to an ticipate orders for June and July delivery Indicating that distribution to consumers has much outrun expecta tions Balt Lake-- Continued snow and unseasonable weather retard business business is light and collections are isnt secretary The chairman stated the business of the meeting to be (1) Hear tbe report of Cnminlttee on the Indian Creek Road (2) to consider the celebration of Railioad Day and (3)th celebration of Decoration Day As W II Seegmiller was not present the report on the Indiau Creek road was deferred Mr O A Andelin moved that we celebrate Railroad Day and quite s rittle discussion followed the motion Some contended that the celebration poor was meant as a banquet for a wealthy corporation and was not such an Important event Others said jt was for a county reunion and an advertiseCo-o- p ment for the town The motion pres of John motion Meteer vailed On committee of seven consisting of John lias ft Good Stock of Z C If I Shoes Heady made Clothing W Coons M las Carrie Poulson JoRn China and Glass-war- e Meteer George II Crosby Jr W C B Orrock Mrs I K Wright and Miss Groceries and Eliza Dali were elected by acclamation Country Produce Cattle and Sheep are Bean Tlieo On motion ofGeorgeT bought and sold at cash rates Poulson were added Paul and NIELS HEILESON Brandley fcot he commit tee as honorary members That’s the Stuff! Glenwood -- Dry-Good- s: A YEAR |