Show -- 7 HE iv OUT HI Vol Richfield 1 No 5 Utah May 23 1896 1 i 1 A s HOMER McCARTY RAILROAD DAY MINERAL SURVEYOR Excursions from Sail & Lake City on June 2 UNITED STATES DEPUTY Joe't Richards llie Salt Lake sporting man was found dead in hibed mi Saturday morning Program Ada Ramsay J M Lanritzen George II Crosby Jr Mr9 - The Furk Hccoitl thinks I bat ub ’ruit in tliat legion Is killed by frost We hear that Kanosli Millard count Tlicr- - is state it -- elf has ln-- the peach crop from the saun ausc and a sluut fruit crop i expect-eall over the State nothing mure important In than To that it should do this it liiu- -t p!epaiv'i lass of eit iens for its dul io- - and t his Respectfully an only 1J done by beginning with Jn II Cuoswy 1ms Herald a splendir George Monday's the Chairman of Gen’l C om write-uNOTARY PUBLIC children Then to our couiiIm p of Marysvale ami incidentalUTAH IIONKOE the It thing is to have goal important will ly the iuler Valley Mrs Ellie Wall of Wallsvllle do so raise teudiinfi teachers to and' “Salt Lake— 5 — 21 — 00 traHie of ‘v accounts full & last At the xx take a few horses to pasture after a profession which it is pot an to ‘John Meteer Richfield Utah jet gedy In Uintah county are at hand w Attoricj-at-LaAll the testimony on the Morrb A N “ Your letter of May 19th received rune 10th 60 cts a month One cause of it that we have nr it and David Milton arc Stanton boodle case Is In and arguments aie the dead It Is our Intention to open the line in-PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS victims while II R Stanton readied the rank quicker was that it Hist June and Richfield Richfield 'oingon Monday Wall and Warner the is and always will he a stepping-ston- e may not live OrficlA Anderton Building ito something else while law and medn ye expect to run special excursion murderers are in the keeping of evlr County icine will have permanent disciples AalSker version of the Vernal shootrain leaving here eight p m of that unparal-lelleAmerica Is almost in murder The The sweetest holidays Then marriage depletes the teachers' Richfield to about show foui tries dead at the that scrape ing lay arriving in Utah's history ire getting to be Thanksgiving Daj ranks bocau-- e women blame nen to lire clock The rate from Salt Lake t are hardly ever days tnd Decoration Day They w teach after marriage Then too 70 v i i Attor ney-al-- Ia o je three dollars and fifty centsround hat Amerigana-wnoriginated with The Havana editor who urges Spain per cent more women teach now thah active practice Jn The Utah Federation of Women'! rip with proportionate rates from In ire therefore nearer to us 'Twenty year ofof the Unltc and 11 States Court to declare war against the United taught ten years ago This is healthy We understand ipromu ermedlate a the Hubs meet Halt at in points and the Unity Hall Ntatee and lu the U S Lund DeprtB!ut After our civil warwasover States dismember tills country and and shows that maternal Instinct has Wells C D or to Lake onWednesdav go Washington impossible for Governor l“hlorthern part and the southern pari Hlcbflold humiliate the Great Repub- found a proper place a To meet these oi lastingly go om day that day Might possibly if the United States had become He shows no less acute difficulties lic Is a daisy we must to IV Collins have better desire ol Do raves 0 I postpone reached J Stewart lS R Thurman Halt' ‘Lake’s car of lilacs io later you used to go to the g Please advise all oi igaiti they and strew flowers on the LeadrVle Sunday afternoon and wa ness of perception of the final result trained and better educated teachei celebration? your Thurman Stewart & Collins your people that the passenger service the soldiers told whera the bravs nyally welcomed among the snow than of the means whereby it is to tie to enter t lie ranks Teachers are not nounds that brought a bout ns told in thlsmornlng's dijme in suffering from the entrances o and from Richfield wi’l be daily anc' vere Altorncysat-InW- ’ They did not eoiiflm in nk si sleeping The Chinamen made a of the unfitted Very few law stulispatclies UTAH RICHFIELD iot weekly as rumor has it Advise heir 'ove to those who fought will last year In not calling dents and still fewer medical students mistake great fix date you upon hem but strewed the emblems of km Mrs’ Sarah Feterson wife of Piesi by wire In regard to on that chap to point out the way foi have a liberal education before ’’ celebration they for your lent Peterson of Han Fete Sty ke dice them to lieat and annihilate M L Brows iver the graves of those who fought vv W Wailack Japan— start their special studies But now F A WADLEIOH Juds The boys who fought m Wadqesday Her funeral was U igainst them Tribune colleges of law and medicine are closthosi to held Yesterday at 2 p m 1 1 & B n blue made pretty the graves of tl ing their doors against eucb and vtio died in gray and those whoonct Atlorneyn-at-La“There is always something to do only graduates of law and medical colon railroac committee The general fo) less Utah loving vorc the gray were not Roou9— Ence Block Richfield Rich county is to have is a very worn out addage used by leges can enter the elebration met at the Wright House practice of the This day heal i Randolph Will practice In all the courts State and Fedhose who fell in blue to be known as tin jliildreti and it will apply to teacher new A3 Governo of paper their choice u Thursday evening professions hai eral Ccn potation Land and Commerc) i Next winter teachers j ou will have d the wounds of a nation that J II Wallis will he tin tonnq-u- p business Solicited John Stuart Mill once wrote that Yells could not attend the celebrat ioi asunder No wondet lessons about tlie violet or rent reading-mhli-ieii'pn nearly Americans n June 1 the committee decided ti thought they could do Now thi the daisy or some animal lien that oi tiers beside soldiers iooi xx now they are having to but anything theii - iold the celebration on the second of mmmer remember what you will need egan to beautify the graves Vhe'northern become (specialists The great educaThey elected the following commit omd ones too until now it has becomi part of the State ha-o- next winter and press oneof every flowtional question Is how to make teach-r- s lees: and southern Ithe hold rain '1 In we nd all used pan mpcli can be find er custom hey i national you Is to require GENERAL RECEPTION sjvecialists On FIRST CLAM the day when we beautify thi laytany Wind Is terrible though llustrating reading lessons and a sub- a teacher to always beway a of a W c B Orrqck graduate southern So the in part jects for language exercises paves of the dear departed school than the one he Is to higher xx I K Wright us ti “There school go remember let while of Trm Reasonable out from today So a week teach and also to hare a technical exW H SecgmiUer where the ashes of oui gait Lake is to have a carnival and is always something to do" If you ground education in pedagogy No one can Ver tilt Theo a real good teacher Brandley Sear ones are laid and there Richfield Utah jaany prepawtions arc being made pect to be teach all he knows Friction of givJohft Meteor iraves of loved ones and forgotten inlotij them il one for a masif ball the ing and receiving loses some Carl Goldbranaon elghbors st rew flow ers and evergreen! ening The common schools then must look iovec U Bean us and 0 hat they’ who lived by to Teachers1 high schools and high schools to J M Peterson umav be remembered again Presiof Peterson wife colleges Ira Sarah colleges to universities and M Bolitho J to I’e lifor their teachers of the Canute dent Peterson bin they specialists W McDaniel E KEEPS A SUPPLY OB' Normal schools !5 of !is live On to year the not present the expected being propose mostly to February News teach methods and intellect Is usually BANQUET RECEPTION Sehurman of Cornell delivered an ry sick at er Ephraim lmuie Y before the department of super- neglected in the education of their Eliza Dali t i f of Lite National Educa- students for the technical skill This Ready-mad- e intendence Carrie Poulson It looks as though Salt Lake and tional Association the title was: The Coalville Mv is the latest Utah is bad and should be remedied by Edith Cantwell grtetl will neither get their publh A'eekly school flrst giving a liberal eduCaroline Poulsom TEACin sa — ATI! AUK OR A PROFESSION! aulldipgs as the House is not as favorcation Then academic and high in AT HIS RESIDENCE JUST EAST Etta Wright From the address as published il 4 lie ajj thScnate electric vcliool have lights must also have technito teachers is reaDd some we Orrock OF TIIE COURT HOUSE J Ephraim parts the Forum clip Mary 1 U'l 't ' ' and some schools seek to ill goes well cal below: training Richfield view others pvjijmXXA CANVASSING The end tT education Is the actual) -- al isfy the demand by' sening aside Thejp is a deadlock in the fire ani Cas-lJoseph Nielson at court of the capacities of tlie human I a chair of pedagogy but they sought opened nation Judge Johnson New Barber Shop policy commission of Salt Lake ovei D B Meteer 1° ‘lo tlie same with medicine and law soul Dale on Monday It is in fact nothing less than and now ?ar the right of the commi-sio- n Nielson Magnus real! manhood— of xx finally had to establish medical the C the perfecting extend ii pupil of what eacli has and lnv colleges and t Win Ence ea In cation endorsed hey w ill in time PttOPHIKTOn Idaho Republicans have IX f But the child have to do Ihe same with the study George Morrison in him to become it of the north vote silver I have my shop just ieiuitor Dubois' is an of dedngogy Chariton Seegmiller Her the time will ba mod Chajrman Geddes oft lie Salt Lak is not a chans of potencies he Chicago Store and trust that my A Poulson J‘ of faculties in an theoretical and senii-prapent economy will organization he nintV Commissioners work that published irate terms and good The Ogden Tabernacle i to be light if which reasou and conscience an Virginias Bean v ill be the first study le knew of a baby for adoption Near re?omm‘enatlon my Lester Wright d by electricity the crowning giory and tlie c nt rolltudy iisd' others will follow Mul-casty twejhty have applied for the child Niels C Poulson r wholhed in England 3t) years ing authority The teacher’s peculiai n xx James A Butler work therefore is to develop or rath- ago told them this was needed and Salt Lake has electric lights again Pearl Thurber er to use those means which will in Ihe needed is now reaching demon-tratio- n — —THK OloiFrogner and Ben Carter riiecontract lias been finally approv Clara Christensen Rchlee noticed our lack ite the child to develop his moral niners Of Murcur were terribl ed Emma Christensen In the dis- when he came to America to see the and rational ured by an explosion of giaot powdei Ora Bartlett iunct ion the teacher's World's Fair aud commenting he it thellecla mine barly Sunday morn- - charge of this is Anclelin Amanda ii leader art element of even said: own is MUTTON character ’ the BEEF Thatcher Clarissa TENDER GOOD ng Miller Eleanora If In every ofllcp the chief factor la the tin for and PORK greater importance than his scholar-hilection of a carnival queen t Nielson Clarinda iiiuii anil in school the teacher we have count scholaro defective with stock his see salt Lake carnival though Cull at his ship and tly 'tzT-l- cat tIUluL ti the morlcau school County attonery Whittemore ofSilt ship ‘no tonchei can ever succeed It tQ home-cure- d hams table— (under supervision of Ban’vtcm— professional" Valn-rare warning Salt Lake is getting ready to euter-li- Lake pounty has ruled thatpropertv is possible in v°flianu"il pursuits to That Is to say most quet conimittee) ield by charitable institutions to de separate tlie workman troin in the requisite scientific and podajogioJTVs--parutio- n Alex Elliott the tire chiefs who hold theii rive for tliclt vocation from is liable to taxa- in spiritual callings it is impossible slipport James Jensen in convention there August And in none is there greater or closer tion Fred Nielson xx intimacy and contact between the ! and the object upon which he agent John Christensen found was 76 Rebecca Inkley aged than in the case of the operates Printha Christensen 1 W So St Salt Lastf Friday a week ago Governor schoolmaster lead in her bed on He teaches not only by Our Self-RelianHIM Teenie Jensen McConnell of Idaho delivered the nis sayings and do'ngs but by the unLake on Wednesday morning hi voiced ami unwilled influence of closing lecture of the Season at the B It whole personality Whether he wifi eight-hou- r the has Society H Polysophlcal C Academy Chambers put When a country begins to grow It or no li is character in due time will George H Crosby Jr law into optration in the mines His siibject was Foundation TRIM A CANDLE but Hie wuy must have capital to build It up This mould the character of liis pupils he superintends at Fark City NOTES Tlie great principle of teaching is capital may come by t wo ways: it may xx n love and not intellect: and love by be imported in masses or It maybe The general reception committee Editor George Hales is getting an parents and teachers creates love the accumulation of the surplus will have charge of the depot recepBp Page’s store at Fayson lost $15( IS TRIMMIMG HER STOCK OF it her plant to continue publishing the among children The wealth of Yet scholarship and wealth of tlie people if jewelry and other show-ca- se tion conveyance and the ball HATS The SPRING is usually invested slowly Utonian the Beaver less formerly none are the on plant people The invitation is to be extended to night Tuesday training pedagogical burglary used will be used by R Measer to pub- needed the R G W excursionists Teaching has become a pub - and so is solid: but the other may be the lish a weekly paper in Provo lie calling jet qualified teachers arc temporary and often not secure beThere will be no program is to have a new tannery to So much still as hard to find as they were in cause of poor investment CALL AND SEE HER AT banquet the parts to all be extempor- beDixie xx located at Leeds where fresh mountmore of tLe actual growth of the the days of Senates when he said: aneous IIER MILLINERY STORE ain water can he had country is done by the home capital Committees may appoint sub-uo- m Near Jansen Uintah county Mrs Main Street Just north of Orrock’s “Callias if your two sons were foals Now many of our people want to see was of accident mlttees were needed that place Iloldaway or calves there would be no difficulty All committees should get to work N H in finding someone to put over them: capital drawn to our valley and our Col W R Khafter and command of ally shot by her son while he was fool Yet In seeking to draw it let time no lose and died we should hire a trainer of horses or mines She a today gun First IT S Infantry are to be removed Ing with w ho would improve us not a farmer probably upon it for we should depend midwifery and general rare of the from California to Fort Douglas Utah Wednesday nijrht and perfect them in their own proper learn to depend on ourselves and then xx are as Slelf virtue and excellence but they Is human beings wtioni are you think-- 1 half the battle over Old-Folcleaned ks Richfield We have people who are wlsh- Kornell a tough wiry little German mg of placing over themy up Judge Le Grande Young for caPlta t0 con‘e in and develop his docket and handed in his resignapassed through Utah last week lie Amcricans send 13400000 pupils to is walking against time from San tion on Monday mins' and t(X?' wafnt their schools public and private and Thefollowingcommitteeshave been New and to York xx Francisco there is not a bit MU but expect engood alone schools fur their public be they folks to old for the party appointed will profit most If we record Ye to the - waiting lower anan and teachers incur 3X3010 Longfellow Literary gage given by the The Ogden Standard sees a lustrous Some of our nual expenditure ofM 63000000 These io a11 we can ourselves Wood-Worki- ng Society xx Shop tendera in reception new in themselves citizens Receptloo pride hope for Silver upon for vast the significance figures show Mrs E P Fraser ed Governor Altgeld in Chicago can and that dustries start they Socrates they raised us of the by problem of the Mrs Hannah Raker MOLDING Presfty Denny U are developing our mines in many In PLANISfl one one a of tutor No Miss Printha Christensen question relonger houaa of representatives has just BRACKETS Otto Farnsworth TURNING The Bugler fears that frditlrad ear- turned from Oregon and brings with family and one salary it is here and stances Others prefer to tay at the J M Lauritzen “Patlon and lack the are of acU8tonied ly vegetables nesr Brigham City him tome pheasants which he will in now a question of hundreds AND GENERAL WOOD WORK needed to start at any of pu Decoration killed by frost trodueft among the wild birds of Bea thousands of teachers million DONE AT MY MILL WEST OF newThe former class are the AolthinB Eva of Borgqulst pils and hundreds of millions ver cotinty TIIE POULSON ROLLER MILL make a country great and George Morrison that of are “Whom lars you thinking i Will Ence JCAnderon The Mercur branch of thfc railroad over them?”— this innumera we trust their numbers will increase placing Adaray Keeler the Into will be extended to reach us until all our business enterMinnie Olson Mts-IB Emery has won the suit ble throng of boys and girls— is an in among middle of the camp have a tincture of Utonian will prises concern to of vital every parent over the Silver Ring Mine in Park City quiry Picnic and Conveyance business U push and not be run by OutIndeed it I’ in the United Slates in thq State supreme court Mrs Henrietta Wright side who have no Interest in our men to warrant A J Poulson of our Republic Take your county On Saturday morning at 6:30 Mrs Chambers is plaintiff in this case auil touches tlie Tor Mrs E than to gvt all they cat II further n State cash Taylor our uml of the one with get and is a spirit Blanche Kelsey committed suicide by claims to have been silent jartner J H Lauritxen Lester Wright otrt mine of its husband Mrs Shcin with Emery's Jit Id Beati shooting herself Uucc lime- bean McDaniel: - Decoration Day '3 s j ottl-ce- JBJennings T- - h - - Wa ace rown i ? " w r The Wrifhf H°“se- sa-re- J r Column B Ramsaj State Burial Caskets Coffins s ii and Trimmings an-ith- er 1 J i e W INMAN 1 I’su-bolog- er Magnus Nielson lr BTJtcher has alway self-activi- p n tcachoiS-VKa-Uellcle- He is Buying Fat Cattle hi-wb- AND YOU SHOULD SEE ATONE ANY ONE CAN ce- TOAST-MASTE- R f I tlice Thrown good-tliroug- IS WONDERFUL Mrs at StJohn er Party r N " tof j'Self-relian- I bjj a life-bloo- d c!tI1-izalto- 1 4 ‘f I 1 |