Show THE SOUTHERN CENSOR Saturday at Richfield j putfiUUed every Utah hy County Series GEORGE H CROSBY JR Is questions Those papers whose hold see to seem political political mainly capital In it some place J3ut whereV terested are known to have done but I What Ray“ operations Raymond SaW little talking the inwhile a way that has nave been going on THE RICHFIELD I I been remunerative Salt Lake Herald and satisfactory CO-O- P From the dare say Abbot chairman of the board in all — o— As soon as the snow disappears a the in was of men will be put on and of county commissioners force full Salina Is the terminus of the Ric the future will witness some things Censor office on Monday Ho takes X Western hut It will not bt ibout the Dalton that reports as given Grande OUK SPRING STOCK OF a yery common sense view of the for long as the road is being pusliec did in no way fore: salaries of our county officers He im south to Richfield and Marysvale jut in the past AS THE SEASON DEM AN IS ' more State Directory ihadow KTlt AW 11 ATtff SHOES AN I SUCIl GOOpS says that the new law imposes Richfield by to laid be will in The track The Old Antelope property lies AKKON HAND AT ALL TIMES duties upon the commissioners and Wednesday if all goes well and will about situated is and foothills theli low uhe to put SENATORS-franthey considered it just day in the history lve miles north of Marysvale within a UNITED STATES and lower them if the prove at $pO salaries Salina to From Cannon f town J that wo miles of the projected line of work was Jess than expected Arthur Brown is twenty miles and the shril: leading dia good wagon-roaCONGRESS ' " PEPRESENTATIVETO of the iron horse makes glut icream Tills property is alleged g I rectly to it flarence E Allen of commerce has done music for the people of all that chamber Our discovered been by Joe Smith o have GOVERNOR a I has and them for a great deal of good at home up as it does Marlon mine in Mercur Qf u HsberM Wells to us in many freight and passenger tramc Uut wl attention called aloO STATE OR work has been done C0IlsUierable ind SECRETARY surmain tlieir returns In all the years oilier places We are located to owned is we it by Judge W M It James T Hammond upon have to come that towns AUDITORof Monroe commercially STATE Nilsson pass Jeppa McCarty above us and Jr The town of Richfield is a garden ind Mrs Starks of Marysvale always felt themselves Morgan Richards t0 Is proud oi our are we STATE TREASURER: using spot with 2000 people and it is time Hon Jim Bolitho is running the didn't town i he fact that while the James Chltfmnn the best advantage front engine on the Marysvale extn ' railroad lia&b go to the railroad the so doing the don in and town to come the on are deter INSTRUCT There are 3000 tons of tailings Our county commissioners fCPRINTENDENTPU BLIO used in our railroad is “in It” just as extensively the Sevier dump that will average 8 economy have to mined uuM as is the town ''For a volume of is excell“ new cyanizatipn John R Park county government That next about per tonV Ramsden's round from forth will well ness step money the the make will company SUPREME JUDGES should method begin and they tax to Le there that will put shekels in the poll thelventuckyhouse SUarlea 8 Zane keeps requiring McCarty by economy deniin G W BABTOU when men company’s treasury box and the at Monroe and is a genial host in himworked at the time of year will be J A MINERcontribute so Mcwho zens roads on self Judge McCarty and Homer DISTRICT! the can do most FORSIXTR according to DISTRICT JUDOE has proportionately father The Carty ure his sons yna M YEcCurtythe natural law and order of things been several times a member of the of The depot building was complete! We call attention to an article copied settled in Monroe on COUNTY niWECTOnY In last evening is a counterpart o Bugler It City SELECTMEN: Brigham the from age ovr 1 bounties in design and M A Abbott Sevier County we need these be on the Salt Lake depot has a lwnkf while neither Richfield should projectioi ’0x80 feet with a A C Shipp is in it in that if any one does They Han Rasmussen Richfield wild cats on the ticket Office A “house track1 Salina nor Marysvale bears and Hons safe mountain banking busi- I ALSO Sara’) G Clark They do a The line Rlehdeld n0unty Clerk— gophers a will be laid on the east side dogs one too Laurltzmi prairie and coyotes conservative a and ness Recorder— Jacob will a Elsinore track" ent’ and Boys’ llobcs and Burial Shoes Those are the main track and a “passing Charles Anderson Wallace proved our frlemUu Salina En glisli sparrows Judge th a and most Wines with SXctor-Erebe on the eastside Mill Richfield mals that bother us ways and if we ever meet him A 50000 gallon stand- various no class hut ail citl BheritI— John W Coons oil the east Monroe benefits he can use our canteen desert bounty the acob Magleby J will jn Schools— Bupt Rlyhlleld ard water tank is underway and our county- Ray Raymond Central iens of Treasurer— be supplied from a spring by gravity Hawley AND DRESSED LUMBER Richfield IS VLV VYK SUPPLIED WITH ROUGH J n lonnlngs is nearly chat issues from the mountain side road Creek rosecutlng Att y— gallna The Indian The pipe MOULDINGS OF VARIOUS KINDS AND SHINGLES The Logan Journal calls the attenC The next piece of bus more than a mile distant 'rs-- U the td farmers completed d Cache county of ealers WtS A tion We are also Contractors and Builders CrosU a as Chamber of Commerce is line is all laid are bechickens miles and haep Inspector-J- - C E West ten Monroe over turkeys fact of that The town Mnmittw to look d Our prices are fair Call and see for yourselves ounty Physician Lake and Utah HORNF k MILLB1 south has 1000 people and lots of oth ing imported into Salt where the I find Neand RICHFIELD the ground was a town twenty mining camps from Kansas and two r tilings are It CITY BlHECTOV There more road is to go the braska Brandley “The whole secret of it is” A YOR— Theodore Wo uP Ce- years ago and for years agone one to take care Peterson C Ethe propositions wont to pass ’Ot'NCIL— o ave says the Journal “that they good people were J M- Jenson kill them canyon anoiher Ridge time dar of properly the chickens of their N P Peterson mountain and long evenings talking It in the fall so that they are not at the built bo up the side of the would be railroad when the “SipSTiioB Unis give us a better in it expense of keeping them through the Monroe— they firmly believed Uiey lines on winter place them in cold storage But it didn’t materialize r now a rooms where they will keep fresh and and for out if laid less uad fondly road is not scheme as the wool settled down to good for many months and as the oig gob of gloom has w — other o the itudiai-than important and there are sore market demands ship them oiit Stewart I roost upon them City Attorney— PCPeterson uearts about there away up in the Enquirer ( Coons be presented to is Poundkeeper-John- W "manifesto” uundreds It all came about in this The tomorand chrU“‘n®1’u M D Watermaster-Ma- ds and westward be to the proclaimed at our conference today It does not need to COLLAR-PAD- S will way: five miles Quarintlne road is for the people are on a more direct line for the row We hope that the people on the housetops see the town rather ON We would determined this year to let the hungry NOSE-SACdie town of Elsinore— a real live class oi down ton to have filled with a those who are voted especially Buggy whips and lashes Editor’s Comments often here simply for the loaves and fishes Currycombs and brushes are Danes--all chSS the people vote for ' They people rs The s and —have a system of without paying taxes go to greener- Tents and wagon-covethink anyone wants it a wholt hereSpams never the in put Public salaries in Ttah finest flouring mill fields authorities have and they he season o ralroad anv person’s mouth Well these Danes didnHde afLcr iire j0nK to be kept down to in valley bit” Utah is having a bee pound bahheh yok U k man bought a sixty-tof it The othku lurd Monroe day and are ot the in salaries to AND OCUL morning The strange part up " bout wjmt private - — at ling but get are not going rut we sell the SAME foil 10 at our shop bktwkes thyod-orailroad and they got it UTU ha bceu S1W1 the after go Mt HALL N ELSINORE But Monroe has many attractions Ml!- town SUMMONS and resources that that rival I®®1 Sixth Judimoving sheep cannot rob it of Monroe has hot lu tli OlHtrlet Court oftlie of the State of Utah A District cial fame' it have given springs that County of Sevier erected new bath house will soon be u the Plaintiff PeSwan Ann caris just Mary of trickery there and the town council her is a great deal Defendant DeSwan a out of pay now about to decide on putting in Christopher ried on by the herds to get THE STATE OF UTAH Sends Greeting to assesses Swans is De the the Monroe Christopher no taxes This requires system of waterworks In an MONROE time all number of sheep You are hereby requiredyouto appear a lookout of aome great above tlo by aganst bad action brought ! is mid that ASSOBTME’ Oil remei on be noted of the UAItHIES FIRST-CLAS- S icings and it will later nam(id phllnti(f ln tlie District Court atoll torn Fovv so thai of Hlxth j Uaual District of the stale for a new law to be passed coun-- t for various other enterprises are trying to the taxed In th season Will witness! and to answer tho complaint filed therein be coniine people shall The western ser The sheep arc wUhln ten days (exclusive of the day of government - owned in r in t ie county they conuol the policy ot the the service on you of this after vice) J eoun or fi If served within this county coli venUou1 sheared in or else to put ithc and let the of this county: hut In this district lTthey goto those out served V on issessors aUtj have Oranges Lemons Bannana otherwise within forty ca days twenty within of denianding thcy'ought to stay by have the power will be taken days — or judgment by todefault of said com is no rtale and Pa ten t Medicines Ji t tax receipt if there prayer Tnat doesn't say though vote according you against assessment fohui to same plaint given in at the pie havejUt ihiTright o deere The said action Is brought to Obtain principles Court dissolving the bonds of matrt f this sees and mony now existing between yourself The Brigham City Bugler Irofess all over we be Business Moves Is always to the front M A : red-lett- er Rich-fiel- rail-oa- d d valley-openin- iis V Reliability in business has given arge rnraveling Jocal I rade know that the same policy continued And - Is Sure to win ktlca THEO BRANDLEY Agent ATTORNEY-GENERA- t JI bene-titte- - Undertakers (Contractors d hand a fine assortment We keep ’ I CasketsCoffms&Furivishm$s six-fo- ot M- “Y”-direct-l- Our Planing dG H- urveyor-P-D-Shoe- - is always ready and our Lumber Y ard - ber ’ rippSli 1 - -- “"vrr --i J- Hansen and Anderson Tlie Elsinore Harness Makers make: and - HARNESS SINCHES office-seeke- rs T“lSrM??0118’ water-work- And EXTRAS for REPAIRING I h to 2 I p -- 1 ASS M A ra?cltJtonot1er?neceit1( inter-mounta- in Bertiesen’s to to to Store I uh juiu-nio- r Grocery li 1 — Groceries Paints Oils Glassware Chinaware Tinware race-hors- - ' thinking it of reason for the removal of po account on I ife was unless ) uu m ha the M legahluB up the get wueu they Bpieuuid hill lliel0uul it ai vL HAND: THEY KEEP KS Ta'lto md iudged the sai county to adjust from Ray o al plaintiff be awarded the custodyof of the minor William Arthur DeSwanlsaue be given said marriage also that plaintiff costs of this for defendant judgment against Action Attorneys fees Alimony and general have been betausi voted o Tam east one Democrat a of11-Buand therefore for the rcnio it say when is the Bugler right educationin it is no place for politics alies of its officers au eAceueut provision commissioners made one° tliu r J:ujg and takes but they don t is ours as ment is as good We copy copiously it plaintiff That said relief In The cause of action Is fully set forth verified complaint on file herein If you And you are hereby notified that fall to appear and answer the said complaint us above required the said plaintiff will aprelief demanded ply to the court for the therein the honorable Judge Witness and the Seal of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District ln and for the State of Utah this first day of May ln the year of1 t matters Lay- - the off?r Last week we published count or Dfactriee'ainly staled and' that lonoe t0 get the joint offers will hi All we stitute We hope other the" policy that will win tom made because the offer made may truth cd isU have the plain in do all Monroe is justified id then when settlers a tow- n- if not oi of tlitm hnd bear to not we hope ill stay with us and conveyance foi the railroad offering leave us Ives deceived and something tojvam public lecturersand of these expenses now but paying undei is too late to remedy it rue teachers as a class work A Tabernacle would have been tai and we hope th low base-le- neavy disadvantages of number a can make an etter if it had school citizens of some town rooms where Sunday aid from one offer of some financial lasses could meet separately Mutuai - 1 to seal —— 1 our Lord one thousand eight hun-a red and ninety six S GCpabk Clerk the tineit It carries rich In quicksilver which add- j rives to its polishing qualities an notice to chkditoms il4 wh0 Homer McCarty M luster of Frederick Jacobson Estate Deceased has located of Jeputy mineral surveyor Notice is hereby given by tll° te Dronerty and is already engaged for the in it packages up ratoro'u'iX estate (if Frederick m putting - jYn Vy“obs()n deceased familiarly known rsde He has already put up over aw to date and will wen enter the jn county Utah as Frederick cmbllahold “!d dm Md to compete against uotlier and where the could have persons lmx mg ci)jt d products of such najure the wUh associations of garden seec the Marys-- 1 ie‘cessary vouchers within four (4 was found--i- a and Some gold packages Million cheap Tea wins that could be easily the peo-lbut It mODttls after the first publication ot 11m are being distributed among tlie De vale district thirty years ago for tlieir meetings y warmed oa that allh‘" aa not until tne ot the United States by to heat up foi htaat- t ottice pi Diewiw v ig room is too large same of Agriculture at Washing vasdone in tne way of mining and the Utah Richfield uartinent mall meetings one uiillioi cven then mining was carried on un- torneys at transaction of for the wm the It is understood thatseed place nai der such disadvantages that none save being estate cabbage the business of said in a few i f these contain 1’ andkhson now foi Andrew be is could here values given profitably No doubt beginning jre of high Administrator iS office seekers and retire! mined as the nearest point of ships the town of Richfield iCpoimS 2d 18 su May a Dated and 100 ' perhaps ve lively times to follow the wise example ment to the railroad was over j btewart & CollinsAdministrator the were not for then roads Roman aud Emperoi miles distant m We hope the Attorneys of the fe- - of Diocletian of him that after bis re of tt e best There are at present In all for like the strength 8ays vi sapping-thfrom tlie throne bis frienr that district 200 claims upon which patient it is town it while of the out sought to draw him agaii the assessment work has been done fortl and a number of producing mines that j let'us Uito public life’ which brought dSnow itf9 Then ROLLER-MILL- S go far towards awakening real live devel' flourishing yet gradual interest in the mining world Qeut °f thCmfifnd ask me to re- The Dalton mine owned by Salt you would never Cll Lake Brigham parties lies nine and a half miles old anti- - mount 1m throne" to to e of Marysvale and from tlie best outh — rmon feeling growing in some of the Bugler ibtainable reports must be considered extremes n nrl papers But there are i wood nronert y Those di redly in- on extremes & and civil vt'h ’ nt 3- TaxGS b j th 3 are On the Increase w 3 hava for sale ara at bad-roc- k prices if you are in need of gDDds Furniture Carpets Baby-buggie- s Pictures Mirrors and Wall-pape- r Or if you wish to gladden your fanily by 'PL ANO purchasing anORGAN or a call and see us at our store inRICHFIELD I am THEO BRANDLEY I I ft® JJ V Tlie I THE ELSINORE ra £wl - to - alliHansen -- Anderso Censor Stationery STOEE We Lave A Will supply you with and Business Flour bacon Hams Lard wide-awak- e Note-boo- ks Pencils Papeteries handle Inks Muci- |