Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING MAItCH 20 tir High Schooll Section of: Pt T-- A Council Will i Méet Thursday - i I i - - 6 --- ' ' I ' ': -'' - 1- ( '' - ' ( s - i 1 FL '' t :' 1" 4" 4 ': :T - -- 4 ' - ' "' s ' the the -'' ' ' s ''' ' - ' Wall-conferen- i1: !'" S" ' s t $ a )i I ' ) - " ''' 1'' s "I' 14 i '' T1' 4 r: - ' I s iass -- ''" se S et14 sass )R"''''- (1 ‘' : ':f:1 t " '4 ?' ) esar i lowing program: 4 "'vH General instructions on methods Jordan High ' ' '511411k 'tirdliVe" 1: 0001 and procedure will be given by Mrs means to and ' raise funds Ways rs deZio4" Curtis executive committee instruc- - tosecure more glasses for the a :g 's 4444 tons Mrs J C Riches Salt Lake children in the school wereneedy '::imizrTioirrossower '!lo ' "f 4 '''' ss ' Jorrofficers ''' t school:dhairman the when closed of the ' the t high s r I S a it oom mother sponsor and her re- - dan high 'Cool P-A met at the ' s — AIMe---- Mrs Mrs Burhome sponsibilities1072 Hester of Hardman i 1 1 ton The national convention will Jeremy street the evening of March 1 '' be presented by Mrs Lee K Nichol- - 11 Mrs Nettie B Anderson 1 s- "'‘ presison state high school chairman s2 ' s'' dent was in charge of the meeting -0 I s "There will be five high school To assist in raising these funds 4bIne conferences held each year" says an April Fool's dance was decided 4 Mrs Curtis "The first will be a upon to be held at the Jordan high social or Discuss school ih the Programs for girl's gymnasium the meeting and the other four will be business evening of April 1 left to right Mrs Leslie H Saville president East high school P-A Miss GerStanding Various committees were apinten- meetings The parent-teachtrude Arbuckle president Horace Mann school seated left to right Mrs I C Riches Salt tion is to have the student partici- - pointed to look after the following: Lake council high school chairman and Mrs Lee K Nicholson state high school chairman i pate in the high school conference Music refreshments decorations meet to discuss programs for the five high school conferences to be held at the Lafayette 1o bringing their problems to parents tickets etc for this occasion There school in the future and teachers in this way learning will be a cake contest during inter-th- e 1 viewpoint of the school and ac- - mission t I After alll business problems had quainting the parent with the high school problems" been discussed refreshments were Mrs Curtis presents the following served by Mrs Hardman and Mrs ' Rosander permanent objectives of the confer- - Jennie I I once: 1 To create a program through Ensign which parents may get an under- K Farnsworth was the DrekBurer standing of the school's purpoSes i ttricks instead of one Thereforeta few who didn't here was the play By W M C the Ensign school P-- T and what the teachers are trying A meeting held Thursday evening e The late Louis Watson In his ex- !declarer leads a low heart and as described to us: to do for the students East wins and The only way for declarer to make cellent book on the play of the !finesses the ten 2: To interpret the schools to the i n the school auditorium The meeting was "Dads' Night" hand wrote that "the problem of !returns a diamond which declarer his contract is to capture East's public wins in dummy taking the spade jack of trumps and in order to 3 To develop for the parents and with LeRoy D Simmons in charge when to lead trumps and when not The finesse is successful ithis he must play for a coup But the school a means for solving their Mrs Roscoe A Parcel president to lead trumps Is one of the most finesse presided and after a short business difficult for players to solve cor- and declarer then draws trumps in order to coup he must shorten mutual problems a and discards his losing diamond onthis own trumps twice and to do this 4 To create a demand for and session the meeting was turned over rectly" he nteds three entries in dummy He then went on to say that the fourth round of hearts to make possible the practice of Co Mr Simmons who welcomed end he has only two Thus he newer and better educational pro- - the patrons and expressed the ap- - "more hands are wrecked by failure I must take the risk of the unneces- preciation of the fathers for the to lead trumps at the right time Those cedures ' 5 To furnish a medium for so- - opportunity to get acquainted with or by leading trumps at the wrong i y time than by any other form- - of 'eel contact among parents and be- - the teachers of their childreis Psychic bidding can turn out t He leads a club to the ace and The following musical program poor play—the first thing a player tween parents and teachers be on must occasion it but smartly returns a club rutting in his own I announced by Robert should learn is tolead trumps as 'handled 6 To study all phases of ado- - was given smartly too As in poker hand He next leads a diamond and Cutler president of the school soon as possible The second thing lescent behavior be i timed or it to has bluffing calling holds and he the jack It T To use every means for safe- - "Service Club": a boys' chorus un- - he should learn about trump manplays wait a must and be done 01 another club and trumps The leads Catherine agement is that on ebout half the properly the students so that good Eder the direction ofa Mrs be definite mind—to In purpose he violin trio by hands he Will play at a suit Bonner and thrown back into a suit - declarer shorteningt process tocompleted may result 1 execute the 8- - To raise dummy WinegarJoseph and Leen- - tract leading trumps should be wants or mainly to scare opponents must enter the standards of home dertBertram accompanied by Da- - postponed—when the reason for do- away from their own bid when it coup He leads the king of dialiving ! McNiell monds and overtakes with dummy's ing so is clear in the player's mind they can make a game ace Declarer leads a diamond and er Interested in this high schotil con- - Dr Farnsworth's subject was "Generally speaking unless some appears eastern From the championships his "Know the Child" He said a good reason exists for not leading ference is invited to attend hand concluded the ire ten of spades will pick up Just first duty was to know his them trumps Should always be led in which a South following stole a East's jack nine parent's player South High ' child and a teacher's first duty as soon as possible by the declarer South tould have made the hand ' game from East and West aS a re- had he guessed East's In the community room of the was to know the pupil To insure Even though drawing the adverse suit of a psychic bid came to us nafumconurse ' and finessed but that South high school a spring motif success in school Dr Farnsworth trumps may not seem particularly were the and the cards Here have required some sort of would 1 will be carried out in a tea which urged patents to keep their children advantageous nevertheless a good fourth dimensional sense or a peek the South high school faculty are physically well so that there would purpose is served in establishing bidding: 4 7 8 4 giving in- honor of the room moth- - be regular attendance Other high definite control cards ers of the school and the Salt Lake points of his speech were as follows: IP5 "As a to the drawing of I Parents should listen to the child's opponents'corollary council P-A Monday from 3:30 in the process 632 1 Tournament Play trumps AQJ10 ' it to and analyze to 5 p in try problem of establishing your own trumps 484 f2 February Open Held Sunday a 'child Do a not in place whenever but one trump is left output Each advisory class of the school succeed N cannot he where two mothers who serve as its almost always capture it A10932 Mrs Anthony J Cooke and Mrs IQ5 It is important that we expand standing i VA10983 John B Ashton 134t4 Mrs C C sponsors and advisers throughout if it is lower than your highest VQJ742 4 to meet the school curriculum the the year Invitations have been is- K 1' 875 Randall and Mrs G A Lindquist trump (even if it costs two of your l' I sued to each of these parents The varying interests of all the stu- trumps) but let it -- alone if it is 4 J 6 of Logan 127 Mrs A C Brown S dents entire faculty is serving as a wel- I l and Mrs W J Blackburn (Ogden) higher than any of your remaining not is interchild The that e fact s: J 8 coming committee to greet the tied with Captain R E Bates and trumps" reason he no school is esIed in why V K 8 guests as they arrive and entertain Some times 83 has been said the Mrs R A Howell (Logan) 126 Mr ' as a failure be should branded ' 9 4 them at the tea best policy is not to lead trumps and Mrs Wendell J Allen 121i a Let the child who is not d Mrs J H Green and Mrs Hilda Arrangements for the tea are and W Howard same the have opportunity worth Buffalo I ing handled hy the' following Townsend 119 Captain and Mrs bridge expert d one has The bidding: hers of the faculty social commit- - that the William H Riley 11112 is responsible for this hand which records of a child's S accurate E W N Keep tee: Miss Ruth Rees chairman Miss illustrates the principle 1 school—for in Pass the Pass 14 H A parents Florence Miss Betty progress Hickman Suppose you are Soutliand hold Pass 2 IA Pass Noble Miss Ottilie Finster M i a s but not for the public Tuesday Afternoon Senior these cards: his concluded talk 3 Farnsworth Dr Pass Paso 2NT Laura Warren and 'Miss Maxine North and South—Mrs E C Pass Pass Pass Crookston Students are assisting with this statement: "The security Fiedler and Mrs C J Feldman 4 A 9 8 6 4 IP 6 4 2 A 6 3 4 7 2 ' 3NT t not its in lies of America great The bidding has gone: Mrs Frank A Rank and Mrs with the preparation of food serv- i South took a wild gamble when 924 but i n our armies and great navies Robert C Jones 91- Mrs J W ing and other arrangements he he bid three S 'W schools" though N common E ( Torreyson and Mrs H H AnderI cannily forestalled a spade lead son gal After the program the parents Lincoln High pass jet is - :' Pass had his 1 bid A psychic Pass by 44 East and West—Mrs E M Gar- minor game could not be bid as the Pass the teachersdSome II be given by the Lincoln High informally a ' defense can take two spades and a Inoelmtt mrand mzEsxolinakmprtonmcktiziGodoei School Parent-Teachassociation work of each pupil clubsa-andi heart----- -Mra G K Bridwell 90 Mrs Louis this dummy goes down: In the play West cautioned Robert and Mrs F B i Cottonwood canyon Thursday at garrahan of because l' a leading spade 6:30 p In Kiss 4 Q J 10 IP A Q 10 8 V K 8 2 49 against Liberty best South's bid her fourth opened r: A program will be given by the Representing the Liberty school 8 nea min me -- Waitidsetaillniied-it-tiL —teachtraritith—Josepirtehkins it a paarAaajaraaloaaLatim ar- t- tithed 'Ill-pleadent4auantamisamargarat no at the spade hid Mrs Taylor J Chamberlain and of ace Unties and with cornthe queen a with E Morgan principal the heart suit looked Michael Cannon 154 Mrs D S ruffs Now you was piano solo by harmony group set e 1 good Miss Florence Allen a vocal (kilo plete on MeQuarrie and Mrs- Brigham H here the from Plan at the use in play for library cyclopedia the heart return with' Robinson 15112 Mrs J R Brown deal: is the Here complete by MIAs Ions Duncan a reading by the- regular' parent-teachmeeting the al ran home with his and Mrs Fred W Hanson 1514 Mrs 4 'of Miss Lurene Gates toasts to the P evening at the school clubs 10 of diamonds luck-- 1 E M Garnett and Mrs Malcolm B P-- T The J king Q A by Joseph B Driggs and Thursday of funds for I Since accumulation " ily dropped and he scored the restl Kildale 147 Mrs John B Ashton Mr Jenkins and a vocal solo by these books has been the objective VAQ108 of the tricks South made a smell and Miss Margaret Morgan 145 K 8 2 Mils Eleanor Wright Miss Jessie of the current season a special slam losing but one heart The Mrs Clarence Warnock and Ned 9 6 4 4 Scofield will be in charge of the : was arranged presentation program adversaries can set the hand two Warnock 140 i games for the occasion N -5 2 K 7 3 tricks by a spade lead or swttch the of will Maid Special guests evening were: Mre Guest speakers ' -IP J 9 7 5 3 five spades and the ace of IPK Winning on E W who D Moyle ''Spring spoke hearta4 7 5 4 Friday Junior 200'1' 1 1dt 19 9 Gardening" and Arch M Thurman North and South—Mrs John B s- ' 41853 4AKQ10 of director of pupil personnel city Ashton and Mrs Rose Searle 61 is fin Uee9$ instrucwho A gave publicechools A 9 8 6 4 East and West—Mrs Don S Lamtive address on "Child Guidance" 11101:01:1 Sat11 V 6 4 2 Here's a neat dealthat iras turned bert and 'MrsaM F Lence 644a 4 two Ackerlind E sang Mrs Curtis --into us Sea if you can make your A 6 3 Till A vocal solos with Mrs David G South before you At Fort Douglas 7 2 sitting 4 epntract Virand as accompanist Kenning read the explanation North and South—Major and Mrs As declarer has already lost two ginia Wellenmann gave a reading a P Lloyd 7412 Captain and Mrs a drill a with closed g 8 The °program by sees club tricks he he and that may VV 4 H Riley at3 Colonel and Mrs IP J 7 5 ' the junior traffic police displaying lose an additional trick In either the (4" aa O A Dickinson 61 a 4 A J 3 2 rain capes and caps which were heart or spade suit he cannot afa Eaat and West—Captain and Mrs a to I 0 A K 9 2 4 to lead ford Irginning ythe 000 spades tayemarat S W Ackerman tied Major prestented b decision is He next the with faced 1 Mrs: H L Milan 71LColonel and N 4 7 05 2 A committee for nominating offi- - as to watch entry to use—whether Mrs- - H Ba McIntyre 61a Captain w — cera for v K year A -to laumn ted'AlirnQ104 to cal attempt nret ik- K La Hastings and Captain Willard 1 twhiethh otahre a '4 i Charles v Q 9 8 6 10 1b4 eluding i or gtohroovnegril diamond K LAebeI 57 Elden Gottfredson and Miss Mars suit Hoking Q 10 5 4 4J73 s realizes that If he at garet Morgan --- -- ' tempts to enter the dummy with At Ogden Monday 4AKQ107-1the diamond king and the spade Mr and Mrs Harold V: Leonard Lotion is Chamberlain's indispen9 3 2Whittier finesse loses bothf or honors heart 901i Mrs Jarvis and Mrs A sable ' to your daily beauty rouK 5 executive meeting are with East he will be set two The monthly la Swartz 89 Mrs George Eccles tine This clear golden liquid 8 6 4 A offischool Whittler of the and Miss Betty Williams 84: Mr i lotion because it satinizes does : cers Was held Monday afternoon at a' 4 and-Mr- s L W Nims 831a Mrs A The bidding: much to make yotir hands arms of Dunford of home Mrs: the the entertainment WC duringcharge N S W E C Brown and Mrs Ronald Wadsand skin lovelier- than ever It - the xemainder of the afternoon 1 Bradshaw Mrs Dee Da with presi1 Pass worth 81 Mrs Milton Boyle and 2NT Pass soothes away irritation is delightdent in charge C Richardson 78 Pass ' 3NT 34 Pass M111 ful to use It is convenient too ' conriection with the meeting a Ilinfah In PLUS 44 drier quickly is never pass Pass social was given in honor of Mrs Because of conflicting appoint-Richar- d At Logan Tuesday 6 sticky greasy gemmyli E Folland who is leaving manta the adult educationAlass of The defense runs ahrie heart North and South—Dr George a In near and future for Africa the toirlet7rnge:oscr7coAunttearsit 1lintah A the school and tricks Which schedule dish to switchet PaT a ' Meyer- and Mrs Julia Howell 76 is resigning asi secretary-treasur21 will not be held for March declarer wins He then takes two Major and Mts E H Stillman mal -- CHAMBERTAIN Dr-- - Arthur of the association Mrs William C dis'will L secof on rounds iNc Beeley the arumps and ma M C Olsen 58 LADEossnmKt'0211E3 i " Dunford and Mrs Willis H Fele cuss 'Is the Coeducation of Adoles- ond roupPtAirest shows out dis- 66q:Drfitul Iowa East- - 'and West—Professor ' and ' i — were hostesses at khe luncheon that 1 cents a 'Good Idea" when the vmrr42rs carding a heart Now you ' the Mrs Pad Dunn 72 Mrs W V play 4 levied and Mrs Harry ft ants and teachers meet in the school hand from here on in prockett and Mrs J C Worley 67 Brook Vico 'resident was i in audiratitimaM'arch 28at 8 Make it? Just in ease there arelMr and Mrs W E Skidmore:6e 4-- : ' ' ' - T t te: S":-:- 4 4 '01' r ii(10 I I: ' if ' tonferences T i - ' The Tribune's Bridge Corner 7 vid 2 1 T Ihas WE 432 - et 11 book-minde- IPass eh — ' " ' ' no-tru- two-spa- - t 1 -- '' - di - - ' -- ! -- lNnior ana s-- - — -- e - -- - Necessary Coup - - ---- - -- I- - V J mi- s- "t- ' ' ' -- - -- t hwew j played on skiers and spectators But perhaps that tricky gentleman just wanted to make it all more exciting But before we get too tangled up In events let's take this trip from the beginning Chatted about skiing with Mr and Mrs Edgar Bering on the train Glimpsed Paul Keyser on the bus from Ketchum to the Sun Valley village and it waA our last glimpse as he spent every moment skiing to his heart's content Married one gaturday 'morning to be on hand for the down il ftggp e on top of a mountain with Bonnie Hogle who couldn't climb fast enough or far enough to keep up with camera struck hubby Jim Marguerite and Terrell Hoyt also out of breath from exercising to keep warm (These Savannah gals have a hard time F0i tnh adresmp a the lodge just before her The Hogles the KimH Don Barber en masse decorated death) balls and Ed Critchlow and Dick Kimball standing at the' door and discussing skiing ! of course -mohn-- 1 TBraving the iiieet tain ski lift Sunday morning John Campbell Jane Raymond action on skis Bettie Rich- and Ted Aldous ardson on a stool by the fire in the shelter of the hut on top of Dollar mountain gathering courage to ski - 3 ' I s t 41 'ss ssss ' so — BOOM 't sir's - i)ox I - 2 s ti ' '" 'a i t t ' s s i I ? 4S it''' "'111:$' — i i t 1 i On January 20 1 - t s Mrs Mike Pagnotta ' 544 South West Temple street announce the marriage on January 20 of their daughter Miss Victoria Etagnpita to M Albert Michailidis (M Albert Sanchez) The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents Mr ' and - " s 1: i& :S : ono flymaietteenbdinaentnhifSf following the reception mony are Salt Lake The couple home in or ' " s" ' 1 :: ' ' F' l r § ohne ii esa'" '' ' :' ' ' s '''' : s' 42s'sS ass ' '"4--- ' ss"-- -- s- - ':' I 't t s'-'- " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '" ' -' ''' ' ' ' ' - their f ' City - i ' e I Winter t Bilide i1 Albert Michallidis Albert Sanchez) a (Mrs bride of the winter season for- merly Miss Victoria Pagnettit M Mrs M buttoned style has been her choice Brooks this year she should be tempted short-sleeve- d augment her sweater wardrobe dentally more variety in the style of her popular — - 1 t of sweater in a new versions which met' has been particularly type i 'l i i rt for the winter resort wear variety but without and is undoubtedly destined as a fussy styles summer favorite Short sweaters just over the hipAnother popular model Is the bone either or but- knitted jacket—not a sweater but a were toned smart selection! of knitted fabrics It is not only a change from the woven winter' resorts Spring and summer models will tweed but' a type that won't writs feature the casual kle—that fits euly stands up under the fitted hard wear without need at careful up and the treatment cardigan i i Jacket slide-fastion- - -- - - SOUTH 't- - r ) k I MAIN COM A BELLE : MGR SINGLETARY t : Featuring Hygianic care of the Skin Eyes Hair Scalp Hands and Feet Scientific Beauty and Cabinet Baths—Turkish Baths—Massage— Conditioning COMPLETE A ' separate department of G B Bradford and management of Miss - SHOP—Olive Bailey Operator BEAUTY a t t we will have Yes a for gentlemen under the management separate ladies' dapartment 'Aar the - Edno-Jens- - - on ' ' ( ' Special Drene w - - washing ' - ' gives it sparkle and brilliance just as Regular Drene does for normal and oil y hair of ' '' '::::ioss 4!-- k : - a avaaaaa:a:aaa ''' st ' ' 1" 4 - - a- - ' a -- - 0 ' a - eailloo - Nalagtswv s:s: "'"- - a - - al"' ' :: Sl ssaasSs ' 'a' aa ' '''- ss - s T a 'aaasseova"aa" i tS :: a aaa'aa: a''''aaa z :::aaa L ' Ss 'a:a:a a 1 0444s 8 -- -a ' - : a -- a- - '11 a a wa awa - " a aar " ' :' - a a ::: a ' '"- a a a'a:a a" ' ao a m: ::wiliarak ' ' '' a- ' ' copra" i hair ' - "'- aa— -- :' and so differept that the prhat is made been patented It is not a cannot so possibly it leavp e' an unrinsabla sticky has oessi a '' a e" - a '- ' '' N? ' e4714 ' ' a ' a 'N- - ' i Ii - a a a ' Drene leaves every hair shaft so free of dirt and film that pennanents turn out softer more lustrous more beautiful because the wave sOlution can take hold a evenlyEvenduladyedorbleachedhakirinbe-- film on hair to dull its satural Procter & Gamble make and guarantee lustre Thus special Wafter- rinses are totally tfillOnietCeSSarCatMOYi hboatth Dreathnoemshajgpooact eitSoher ilDyoreau deo tyrooumr t1 It is not an oil "F deposit a gummyfilmtocateli drug department or 10c stores If you learns have your hair done at a beauty shop dustanddirlYethairg and glistens as never before ask fora Drene shampoo your next visit Drene actually makes 5 times more Only half a tablespoonful for a perfect Intherthansoap tnhardestwaterLatber the large size and save Dui so gentle so active and cleansing that it 'shampoo Tradeark let It I ht OM money mei entirely rids hair and scalp of dira gridanSPECIAL NOTICE perspiration—even embarrassing Yet you cannot find a milder drud flakes There Are Now Two Orme Shampoos d a safer more beautifying shampoca-AnSpecial Drams for 1)17 Hair remember healthy hair demands a safe Regular Orem tar Normal sr Oily Malr shanVcicil ' ej 1 ''' '''' ' - 'Ida ': aaasase a - a ' a :10boaa- oarsaea a ala aa : - r ":- - "''' a 1 ) ' a a: aaaa --- - - - s - - Say ' ' ---- - " aat aa :::ss:::::::s:: 1la ' a0 " Ssiss-- - - : f a:::a::::::a -- - tisltsoo Pa- 4 '''''''7'::::":''' a - ----- - se S " - s' e '' ''''' :a:a a is'Ss-'-s-- sss:- - a ' ' :aaa 2 '''''" ss sk ' rsts : -- s 4 and shampoo are getting of their life For the new Special Drene Shampoo for Dry Hair magically leaves such hair oft and amazingly easy to manage—right after washing Leaves it sparkling with highlights just as Rep ular Drene leaves normal and oily hair gleaming and glistening So whether your hair is dry normal or oily you can give it the most beauta lying shampoo ever known For there are now two Drene Shampoos and all you need to do is this: Ifordinary sham- leave your hair dull and unruly pain use Special Drene Shampoo for Dry Hain Otherwise use Regular Drene A single shampoo will both amaze and delight you i Drene works these from any ever used A wcroleeindersbecauseit sl"- I ::: :!" 'hair— womw-whos- : uv-1- - - - - - -- --r - :- ' ''' a:F no:: i a 7a F s: cY:f - a l i t a a- aaa la 1 s - f- - - --- allASPA0ANk I Luzier 122 - - - 1 The ' -- - -- - I ' - leaves ' ‘ - I 4 Shampoo dull unruly hair amazingly easy to manager ig ht alter Brand-ne- pm - !I ed - - - short-sleev- i 1 - P par-wa- 41litt ' AmazinENew Drene Shampoo For Dry Hair Creates Beauty Sensation: ' - 1 1 ' ''''s'S':-- '' - 's a Half of the feminine world of America has been thankful for a ckIrdigan to pull on over her summer sports dress In the last Jew years the Brooks style or the low by knit apy I - ts-- ' J ': Wide Variety In Cardigans to '' 1 s - 1 Season Brings but 1 1 i' cere- making ss 1 1 tccentuated by a bouquet of yellow roses The bride's mother wore a Hunter green ensemble with a corsage of gardenias Mike Soter acted as beet man Over a hundred guests attended the t t ? "f s S' full-leng- th n ' t -- white wthaerebaridget:sw i s: was lovely in a taffeta gown She bridal bouquet of red calla lilies Mrs Mike matron of honor was The bride catried a roses and Soter as x o - JR ' ' I ' : 1:' - i ' 17fol Wedding Held At Bride's Home Kept Minn"into those charming sisters Lavinia and Leoline Brown who with Ted Brown the John Hendersons and the Pete Hoopere were missing nothing Also saw Carl Saltmarsh here and there Clambered on a bus with Marian Seitz and papa for Ruud mountain and the jumping exhibition Thrilled to see Alf Engen soar over the takeoff to sinash the Sun Valley record by jumping just over 50 Dave Quinney and meters Kaare Engen came in for their share too - - so down s - ' ''')--k- - 8ePxeceiCtehnleae - er ti1141141eilt t 7: - ngasnci rnuoh the glamor a bit dulled by the thought that we would be homeward bound Etadkiitnhg aonudr wweaatrhneari) mBorurmisapoend into peering through Mr- Weather Man's exaggerated- snow- flurry to witch the racers skim by Wondered why our favorite representative Hap Kimball wasn't among them (the ski riders we mean) While wondering someone doing a most graceful stem chitistie turned out to be Mrs Hap (Jane Bering Kimball to you) Utah Ski club's Dave Quinney came in at the finish In a gale of speed and snow Ran into Mr and Mrs Wilford Cannon at the lodge and cute Becky Dean at the Ram She and husband Max are delighted with Sun Valley as their residence Another change of address to note is record breaking Rynier Van Evera (formerly of Salt Lake now of Sun Valley) who came up for days and spent two and a half months! He'll be dashinglaw'k soon though to file an income tax re- turn Also saw Frank Crismon hay- log a spot of coffee in the Bavarian Am- atmosphere of the Ram brose Seitz stepping into the steam-d- o ing outdoor swimming pool and stepping rightnut again upon hear- ing that daughter Justine had turned a somersault on the slope of Dollar mountain and given her ankle a painful twist Spring skiers' Saturday night 13-- T s - " WE f - plarsatnuweeklt nekn - a ' 4AKQ10975 - — ow-th- e i- is " Wool-minde- - - er — 7-- " ly 1 i 3 it'e buttoned as111 ial citizenship I r ev e The high spot and close of the By ANN GREY Such fun! Such fun! And the :tournament trophy presentatInternational ski meet at Sun Valley ions Sunday night at the lodge ‘ kL ' - ' e- i):' et ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 4 ' 2: : - - : ' ' ' ? ': : ' - '''' :' --1 parent-teacher- - --i- ' -4 ' ' " : - l :: - er 1 Fuh---Desp- I -- -: ft er ---- fr- - i a Sun Valley Shit Meet Provides 'Weather Man's Ptank ' Due to the rapid growth in parent-teachactrittY-bas been necessary to separate the high school section from the elementary schools" says Mrs Al R Curtis president of the Salt Lake council of the Parent-Teachassociation 'The elementary and high school objects are the same but the methods are different We hope to have the fathers as well as the mothers interested in the high school problems "The high school section of the P-- T A was organized four years ago when a group of parents tried to solve the vital of the students existing in the high schools asked membersproblem of the board of education and the a members to join with them in order be Mr and Mrs George A Eaton to have a better Et' understanding be- tween pupils and parents with the Mrsloseph B Driggs Mrs A Curtis Mrs Arch J West Mrs Lee high school teachers" K Nicholson Mrs A J Hagen The high school organization of Miss Scofield ' the Salt Lake Council of the Parent- - and The committee in charge of the Teacher Association will hold their dinner consists of Mrs at the Lafayette school mueller chairman assisted by Mrs Thursday at 2:30 p m This conference will be under the Frank Ladd and Mrs L J Miller direction of Mrs A J Hagen chair- - beReservations for this dinner must made before Tuesday by conman'of the high school section and she will be responsible for the fol- - tacing Mrs Ladd president a - 4 I - 4 - 1 1938 - a-- a :1 |