Show SMtU'’ J— - JULY THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING HEARING HELD Progress of Cancer Cure Search Tests Shorn by Results of RISE AND FALL qjj JJONEY-RAT- RECORD SHOWS X-R- ay E Dollfuss Constantly Beset Crave Problems of Control y (Oontlnutd from Pact Two) falling on the socialist — as far as were from him politically— to they help him N Such Intentions The socialist had no such From their viewpoint tion ness was less than from the use of lower voltage been Third improvements hav cancers which noted in had become resistant to lower voltages Fourth a greater proportion of the into radiation energy penetrated deeper levels of the body This resuited in less burning of the skin Fifth a big tube can treat to four patients simultaneously Sixth definite destruction of some of the deeper caneess in glands of the type which spread about the body freely have been observed from these half million volt rays Seventh several patients are still without cancer symptoms after- - ope to three years although when they went under the big tube rays they ZURICH Switzerland July 25 UP) Results of the use of the first (reat tube in the treatment of can- cer showing that a number of patients who have undergone treatment have apparently been well several years were submitted to the fifth international congress of radiology today by Albert Soffand M D of Los Angeles apThe tube is a 5000004olt paratus made at the California Institute of Technology at Pasadena Since then greater tubes have been set up at Pasadena and at other places in the United States Dr Soiland listed seven significant results 'of these higher energy at Pasadena First the dosage coiild be IntenDoll-Ju- s was as objectionable as the naiis In the book he wrote in exile a year later Julius Deutsch former socialist minister pictured the nazis and the wwbehai fcwteGeea 4ttesir many and Italy respectively to gain control of Austria drumming up by frightening the people with "the specter of a bolshevik uprising" The nazis and other oppositionists — themselves occasionally expressed With terroristic acts including an attempt to assassinate Dollfuss in Which he was wounded slightly Triumvirate Arise A sort of triumvirate came into being— Dollfuss Von Starhemberg and Emil Fey like the prince a heimwehr deep-seate- d y end radiation TcSTttr Protest Beekeepers posed Increase Freight Charges 28 193? Gold Bars Jail Woman Pioneer RODEO OPENS ' Church Worker Captain of Ship AT CHEYENNE PHONES STORY Succumbs at 80 SAN FRANCISCO July 25 (ffj— Pro Graphic Description Given in of Hectic Day in Aus- Arguments pro and con on a petiprotesting an Increase in honey freight rates from Utah and Idaho to and eastern points were Chicago heard Wednesday at the Hotel Utah by C E Stiles interstate commerce commission examiner The railroads upholding the proposed increase were represented by H Bean of the Union Pacific and T K Earley of the Denver Sc Kio TJhe protestants Grande Western tion 1 PRESS WRITER Mrs Margaret Alice Snow Chris tensen 80 of 746 East Sixth South street died in a local hospital Wednesday at 2 40 p m trian Capital (Continued from Pas Two) writing and slipped under the door It read: “Open in 20 minutes or we will blow you up” The 20 minutes went by By this tune cooler heads had agreed that some effort should be made to prevent deadly danger to Dollfuss Fey Minister of Justice Waldene’gg and others on the inside So the army was notified and within a few minutes a battalion of in- - S" J fJ ' '' ' ‘ of- - infirmities incident to age Mrs Christensen a pioneer of Utah was born in So uthampton England June 29 1854 and crossed the plains in 1856 She was an active member of the L D S church and for many years made her home in the Twentieth L D S ward As Breaking Crowd Sees Frontier Days Record Celebration of bringing five bars of gold valued at $1200 into the United States illegally Captain A Gorrino of the French steamer Providencia was arrested here today by Captain Thomas B Foster of the federal secret service Captain Gorrino who was released on $500 bail declared he had no intention to violate any law and that he delivered the gold to a bullion dealer for the account of a San Francisco chemist He was specifically charged with smuggling and violation of the federal gold reserve act — CHEYENNE Wyo July 25 Cheyenne turned back today to the days when it was a and a man was only as good as his ability to “fork a bronc” and trap the galloping steer with his saddle rope crowd of apA BABIES IN ICE PACKS proximately 12000 crammed’ the ramLINCOLN Neb July 25 W— The bling grandstands for the initial performance of the annual Frontier Days heat wave is having its effect on births as Well as deaths Dr D J celebration Rodeo hands from California to Bowman said it has been so hot in cow-tow- record-breakin- were headed by Qatel Salnj executive secretary Ernest Platz in skirmish linek Mrs Christensen married E r a s t us on today’s program They were new born babies have had to be of the I walked toward the chancellory W Snow son of Erastus Snow promoutnumbered by the chaps-cla- covered With ice packs to prevent heavily association between two of these lines inent member of the L D S church hearties who were poured o£f excessive temperatures A surprising feature was that the and one of the first men to enter In upholding the Increased rates buckers’ backs piled in the dust by railroad representatives pointed out general publiei1 far from being fright- Salt Lake valley with the pioneers steers that wouldn’t wrestle and More sugar was produced in Cuba that the I C C now permits higher ened from the streets by this pro- of 1847 Mr Snow died 40 years ago vexed calves that dodged the this season than a year ago rates on some canned goods than on cedure crowded the pavement and after which Mrs Christensen was noose by others and that the Increase of $135 the skirmish line of soldiers carrying married to Anton T Christensen Amang Winners a hundred pounds is a reasonable hand grenades thus filtered through who died a year and a half ago winners were: Among today’s and children amount They also classed honey as a crowd of two are daughters Mrs Calf roping: Roy Mathews Fo who looked as if they were out for C Surviving a luxury and not a staple R Grimmett of Oakland Cal and Worth Texas and Billy Wilkersen Most honey is shipped In Sunday walk Mrs J S Smith of Salt Lake City Youth Who Killed Mother Republicans Seeking to cans I saw one boy strut- a son J C Snow of San Francisco Pine Blulfs Wyo tied for first 18 and is in a solidified state makseconds Bill Lusk Lovlngton N M ‘ leader ing it less perishable and easier to ting excitedly In circles with a toy and four grandchildren Obstruct Congress Brother Will Seek Inthird 21 seconds Dick Truit StoneThe socialists alarmed by this handle T L Ball secretary of the rifle on his shoulder followed by wall Okla fourth 218 seconds did not who nurse Union of their foes and harasaed by of apparently company Ogden Honey Superior Says Official sanity Verdict Cowboys’ relay race: Cy Gray numerous attacks upon their citadel said in testifying for the present rates realize what was going on Colo first Jack Crouse Hollyin the Vienna city hail revolted in which permit the honey shippers to Machine Gant Mounted wood Cal second as canned same for m was Ballhaus Platz the 345 February 1934 ship price By p LOS ANGELES July 23 (UP)-T- he SEATTLE July 25 (P)— Postmas Cowgirls’ relay race: Reva Gray Civil war broke out suddenly and in mixed carloads with no limi- crowded with police They mounted James A Farley said In goods death sentence for Louis Rude Rayfield Colo first J W Cooper lasted for five days —days which saw tation to' the amount of honey in a machine guns in strategic points In second Florence Neb Imperial address at a Democratic mass car hfcvy slaughter the background were the regular Payne 21 confessed ax slayer of his Oshkosh Neb third Pringle The aid given by the heimwehr in mother and brother was decreed rate would Renew Under a the here them that the honey general army troops among tonight by meeting this emergency tied the organization a Jury today in finding him guilty on Steer Wrestling publican party has declared an “open be shipped at the same price as of infantry 31 to did canned for win season" then officers firmly to the Dollfuss regime regard-IdaThe Steer wrestling Jim Irwin Denver goods providing honey approached politics trying double count of first degree murpolice of all else per cent of the net the door and repeated the demand New der There was no recommendation seats in the house to enable them to not exceed 33 Shorty Ricker Granger Texas North Dakota Gover- and obstruct whatever the Democratic substance of the car The honey deal- "open or we dynamite" tied for first 20 seconds Dick Trull Cannon Shells Fired for clemency suefif a restriction would At 3:57 the glass door on the balthird 24 5 seconds Cannon shells were fired Into the Paynes' only hop of cheating the majority may Wish to do In the com- ers said that nor Proclaims Sweepbe the same as 100 per cent limitation cony above the entrance opened and Wild horse race: Marvin Penningcongress huge apartment houses of Vienna gallows lay in a second trial to start ing“The idea of the head of the Re- and they would be forced to go back Fey appeared Behind him stood ton Cheyenne first Walter Heacock which were the pride of the socialists Immediately on his plea of not guilty Moratorium ing to is rate which the uniform in direct men three honey congressional campaign Quern ado N M: second Milton Moe If found in- publican And into the barricade! of the poorly by reason of Insanity A cheer went up from the HeimPhoenix Ariz third Justin Peak higher than canned sane ha could be sent to a state hos- committee” the chairman of the considerably equipped and oddly clothed rebels Democratic national committee said godna wehr men outside but Fey shouted The government won literally mov- pital BISMARCK N D July 25 (JP)— A Denver fourth In he has is also is as it The commandant the drew Where the that “Silence Steer roping: King Merritt Federal phrased protestants ing through blood to a firmer pos- The second trial will be heard by with thehimstlf sweeping debt moratorium today' wnj Wyo election of 31 Republicans fact that honey is being shipped from' of police?” first 226 seconds Roilie ition the same Jury beginning tomorrow to In addition house those in the rate not was lower there at commandant the and that The they Wyoming proclaimed by Acting Governor Ole Rucker Okmulgee Okla second 238 The socialist party and the nazi The absence of a clemency recomour can we end have achieve Utah forward to came Idaho officer and but another big producers have H Olson as the first outstanding pub- seconds Billy Wilkerson Pine Bluffs party were outlawed and Dollfuss' mendation In the murder verdict which will be to stop the passage compete with the growers of Wyo- and asked Fey: “Are you arrested?” lic act of his own party— now the fatherland front makes It mandatory under California administra- Wyo third 252 seconds of as was midas unconstitutional of of it “No” Fey answered but the well ming growers ''legislation tion r and including the various elements law for the judge to exact supreme the west of means men be under rules’ noticed that the uniformed suspension to whom he looked for support— was punishment Comprehensive enough to Include 'Just where ihe exercise of the Dan H Hillman vice president and hind him were In easy positions to provisions of several moratorla comlegalized a the only political party Payne who collapsed yesterday tor director of the Utah State Beekeep- shoot the procedure adopted by congress Dollfuss said three dictators were when prosecutor manded by his deposed predecessor demanded constion a ers’ 12 own work the assoriatton and for the last A few minutes later hinges policeman yffiliam Xanger it covered every death penalty showed no emotion its Is1 hot apparent" i years state'aplary Inspector 'at the was allowed to ‘enter-th- e 'building form of finaanclal obligation which government alone retaining Fey as when tha verdict waa returned His tution said “the Utah State Agricultural college said carrying a white flag the debtor shows inability to pay vice chancellor father Lucius Payne St Louis util! "Of course” FarleyP Follow cool scenic highways by bus on inG of He emerged to say “I have spoken Its proclamation came as tension 0 spokesmen the producers cannot stand an ties executive who rushed to his son's whole outfit New Constitution CASPER Wyo A hundred move a your trip East (his summer Convenient National Chairman Fletcher up crease He supported his statement to Fey He says don’t make from (Ph bis eight-dastirred time the here bit aid at the of of the series tragedy by He began work on a new constituconnections with dependable Greyworkmen trapped in the Alcova didown is insisting that pretty much by showing the production costs and or do anything without orders or events of on tha and as verge appeared following Langer’s tion after Prince von Starhemberg lips hound Lines ior points East oi Chicago One hundred and fifty govern- disqualified by a federal oustingcon- version tunnel by one of the most everything tha administration does the losses honey growers have suffelony had visited Italy to get ideas and tears insure comfortable low cot travel all of rain in the with viction la unconstitutional fered in the past several years are phenomenal ment downpours imprisoned employes relaxed The surrendered appreciably youth voluntarily tha way Liberal stopover privileges at various Other witnesses included Ray N the cabinet members recent is National of central Wyoming proclaimed that parliamentary govthe Dollfuss history ignore airily They were while weeks summoned several ago guardsmen police by narrowly escaped all cities and scenic points en routa ernment was gone forever court on Miller of the Miller Honey company critically wounded He has resigned of decisions the drowning supreme Tuesday in as an abortive mainthe to effort Langer suspected slayer these Instead of that said Dollfuss Aus- hunting him afternoon so Mr Congress- of Provo and' Salt Lake City C A and they are waiting for Rintelen to tain the and subjects brothand mother and Olson governorship by tria would have a government which of the All but one made their escape man Bolton at Chicago just stuck in Root of the public utilities commis- come” to maintain public order retired would he based on the theory that er Payne in an alleged confession the word ‘unconstitutional without injury by way of the shaft because sion of aplater who Idaho minutes A again that lew Fey argued honey sesin was to the commit Legislators convened special compelled the power to rule comes from God said he he did not dare to make the bald was not a luxury and Mr Salm peared and askd for Major Pfirmer sion by Langer's order shortly before for installation of control gales mid CHICAGO killings because of “something in- statement that all instead of from the people were after A hearihg on beet sugar rates from (former Heimwehr leader with nazi his ouster way in the long bore they waa home be returned generally The constitution waa proclaimed on side” him and that afterward The man other whose name could DETROIT in this election waa sufficient vptes the intermountain country will be sympathies J remorse They left a few of their house mem- not be learned May day and the remnant of tha attacked by bitter of when a boat CLEVELAND business the to choke normal conducted 9 a at escaped m in the Thursday Withdraw to bers however to made continue proceedlittle attempt Troops sent into the tunnfel after him parliament— minus socialists nine of The defense Hotel Utah before Mr Stiles by westPfirmer was- not present however ings toward impeachment of state of- was whom had been hanged as a result of forestall th murder conviction deThe tunnel was filled with water WASHINGTON ern sugar refiners and Fey thereupon ordered the army ficials Olson has ignored the "spethe civil war and other oppositionists' ciding to concentrate on the insanity to go back to its barracks The troops cial session” which Langer asked to shortly after he reached safety BOSTON An imposing list of alienists i —adopted it then adjoume4 forever hearing withdrew' a? did the majority of the investigate his conviction on charges hav been summoned for the trial NEW YORK Indies Chlia was Platz Ballhaus of soon and police defrauding the federal government Th constitution connected every practically deserted WOEEY WHY official from president to village Later Fey appeared for a third Swarming bees in a busy street in All lint far ill Intel leferentiee about time on the balcony and started to Hereford England settled on a momayors In an andlesa chain by which cMiyon lummer on group elected another and the Accused of operating a taxicab home? cool the' speak but without waiting to hear torcyclist who had to abandon his Bnng UNION BUS head men appointed the electors subwhat he wanted to say Odo Neustra machine until the buzzers decided to with faulty brakes and falling to breezes to your home with DEPOT minister of social occupy a lamp post ject to a complicated system of nomgive the right of way J W Haddon ' Ination Temple Square 20 8S0 Jackson avenue was arrestwelfare shouted up to him: AIR CONDITIONING Hotel Hundreds o! socialists and nazis ed Wednesday following an automo “Surrender in 15 minutes or we by ware In jail and In concentration bile accident Debt Conventions ' Con- will attack If you will surrender Was 1366 we will allow you safe conduct across Miss Arvilla Thomas 21 721 Fifth camps but both parties continued active despite the harshest possible East' street according to police was the border but if you disregard this ducted in functionini If ftoorljr Friendly methods on tha part of th gover- Two Companies Stripped a passenger in Haddon’s cab and attack” ultimatum we will begin the Bladder make you Bull ‘ ’ nment forward Up Nighti Nenrouinew Rheumatic a fractured left wrist suffered stepped Fey thereupon Atmosphere Paint Stiffnm Burning Smarting of Bine Eagle Von Starhemberg waa mad vice wrenched back and body bruises and shouted to an army officer nearCall W H BINTZ CO Itching or Aeiditv try the guarantee chancellor and Fey was put In chsrge when the cab collided with a car Doctor tPreteriptlon Cystex(Siss-tcx- ) by: Privilege extraWasatch 4805 for of tha pollca forces as tha new “As federal commissar driven by M Warsaw 35 1425 Ken—Must fix you up or money WASHINGTON July 25 (H5)— Alexback Only 75o at draggitta came into effect and later sington avenue at Fourth South and ander Troyanovsky ace diplomat of ordinary measures I command you change were made to centralize more WASHINGTON Fourth East streets at 9:30 a m the U S S R and Secretary Cordell pot to attack but Jo make no move” ' July 25 (JPh-Haddon was arrested by Patrolmen Hull suave and This exchange of ultimatums lasted Power in Dollfuss’ hands TennesR A stripped two big manufac H C Peirce and T B Burbldge fol- sean joined in expressing satisfaction until after 7 p m Then the conMove Sawn turers of blue eagle privileges today lowing an investigation ordered by with preliminary progress made to- spirators 'finally agreed' to leave the Fey wss moved down add down in ' the cabinet The heimwehr remained as labor advisers demanded directly Captain O B Record In charge of day ’ in an initial wrestle with finsn building under the government’s the traffic division dial and commercial questions in- promise of safe conduct loyal however and hatred between of Hugh S Johnson a second withA few minutes later Fey emerged ‘ volving th future of American trade that organization and the regular drawal of recovery insignia from from the rear door of the building Loot S L Home with soviet Russia army of 22000 men added grief to an th Harriman Burglar The Heimwehr men rushed forr (Tennessee) hosiery conference Following a already well supplied regime ward Valuables Worth Of cheering but Fey' waved them the state offian $200 issued mills department Dollfuss who had restored the cial communique explaining that "the aside with a short “silence" death penalty to Austria and had L Greif Sc Brothers Inc of Baltithen stepped up ’ father shocked tha nation by hang- more rated the second largest firm Disappointed in their initial at- conversations were conducted inanda and Fey told him of the death of a week ago to loot the home thoroughly friendly atmosphere tempt ing tha nine socialists pleaded in th men’s clothing Industry Vith of W R Carter 802 Third avenue with a sincere disposition to reach Dollfuss - begged and threatened Finally the 150 rank and file prisHe said he would hang anyone con- 10 plants in Maryland Pennsylvania burglars returned Wednesday and an agreement" the stole articles valued at mora than No details or data were disclosed oners emerged from the building victed of terrorism Ha even said and Virginia was deprived ofmust feadoors labels which clothes $200 concerning the debt and claims esti- one by one and at last the big that anyone possessing explosives iland of NRA the retailer under before a opened courtyard ofbear mated at The inves$500000000 Patrolman J P Dastrup who only legally would be aent to the gallows codes three lorries carrying conmay purchase them tigated reported that he answered ficial statement was that both Hull New Outbreaks Th blue eagle then was taken spirators whose number was given and each "without call to the Carter home July is Troyanovsky any Each new threat brought s new out from the Bear Brand Hosiery com- but found 29 as 144 although a larger number had nothing missing the bur- preliminaries undertook to get the break of bombings pany of Chicago which baa plants in glars apparently having been fright- fundamentals of his own govern- been on hand at first Many accused th German nazis of Illinois Wisconsin and Indiana and ened away Tension Increases ment’ attitude before the other" directing the outrage Hitler met waa repbrted at NRA to operate a The stolen articles consisted of a I Both the soviet and American dipBefore the surrender Premier Mussolini of Italy regarded chain of apeclalty hosiery Stores man’s gold watch and chain valued at lomats however disclosed Informally A had given an ultias Dollfuss' guardian angel in Ven- - known as th “NeUmod Stores" $75 lady's gold wrist watch valued that on the basis of preliminary prog- matum calling for surrender at 548 ' ke June 14 and they were announced Both actions were taken for code at $80 amethyst ring $25 ruby stick- ress made the negotiations will be re- p m agreeing that Austria must remain violations In the Greif ease the com- pin $5 Eastern Star matron's pin sumed next Tuesday or Wednesday A sa Preparations were made to bring an independent nation pany was charged by tha code au $25 and a silk shirt valued at $650 By that time Troyanovsky will have up troops and the Ballhaus Platz - This was Jrv direct conflict with tha thority with falling to maintain dif made g report tg Moscow and received was packed with nazi platform for an “anschluss" of ferential between thi'Cod minisoldiers' heavily armed poa reply arid Wife the Reich and "the little Danubian mum wage and higher-pricelice armored cars mounting machine brother" Bear Brand company waa found lorries guns and fifty Al TS “ The lefrSieif'tfas“thewos4-tmn6 11 a-- D i '“The'boMIn'gi kept up—worse Sf toTfavi Violated sscUOrr TAof the anything— end just a few days ago recovery act by “the discriminatory as the ultimatum expired irritation was displayed semiofficially discharge of union employes and re- Charles A Callis member of the From the window of a building council of the twelve apostles of the In Italy to of the refusal company across peated the street I could see the S L CallisD church were and Mrs Th Italian government appeared bargain collectively with represenG of the historic hall where windows of one of honor Tuesday at the WASHINGTON July 25 guests about ready to ask Germany why tatives of its employes” State Prince Metternich once entertained largest Pioneer day celebrations ever department officials exhibited great the nothing was dona to stop thsnszl diplomatic corps ' held in Kama birthplace of Mrs interest today In all reports of Vienna The outrages the high winsilk curtains Callis disturbances and the murder of Chan- dows were lowered pf The government Wednesday was until only a narMr and Mrs Callis were residents cellor Dollfuss but withheld any comtaking the fullest precautions to prerow of ' glass atrip of Coalville prior to their departure ment in the absence of Official disvent demonstrations and was threat- But through the glass one could for the L D S southern states mis- patches from George S Messersmith cning to hang some tazls-th- en came see furniture piled up in a barricade sion where they remained for more the American minister the putsch and machine guns peeping through A than 27 years Messersmith' only' dispatch be- When nothing happened after the The Kama celebration was held cause of the interruption of communiJACKSON DEMOCRATS 5:48 ultimatum expired Fey apThe - Jackson Democratic league under the auspices of the Daughters cations from Vienna reported that on the balcony ‘and called: of Utah Pioneers and Included a large all Americans in the Austrian capital peared hotel at meet Nawhous at will th “Where is Rintelen?” i "Colo 8 p m meeting In the Kama L D S taber- were safe and that none had been inWhen told that Rinteleh would hot nacle at which Mr Callis was chief jured during the disturbances on come he said “but we agreed L C C HEARING conspeaker for vice chancellor” TAnInterstate rcornnjerce-tommla-sl- on I Andrew Jensen Iff Speak Rintelen Neustradeter-Steurme- r told Rm hearing on beet sugar freight Pioneer in X-R“See America First" the phrase Work “any agreement made by cab On History on Mission that eolned by the late Fisher Harris rates will be held at the Hotel Utah Inet members in answer to the conHas One Arm Amputated father of th present city attorney at 0 a m spirators is null and void” Fisher Harris will be Used on a new Andrew Jenson assistant L D S KIWANIS CLUB TAX LEAGUE TO MEET Issue of stamps according to word rer historian 23 wv-Dand editor of the "Day by The Ktwanls club will hold a Hollywood! cai July ceived from Washington Charles Harvey Archibald one Day With the Utah Pioneer" aeries OGDEN — The Utah luncheon meeting at the Hdtel Utah Mr Harris who died in 1909 was at 12:15 p m Senator William H of the pioneers In the field of the being published in The Salt Lake league will meet Thursday at 8 p m and a descendant of William Tribune will give an illustrated lec- in the Weber county courthouse A secretary of the Commercial chib at King will be the speaker in- th time of hi death Harvey who discovered the clrcula ture on the history of the L D S special invitation is extended' to tion of the blood today submitted to Swedish mission Thursday at 8 p m Webes county women interested' in atrumental In securing the finances inFantby BAND necessary for the erectjoaof the Under the direction of Warrant an operation for the amputation of In his memorial hall 154 North Sec- tax reform Arrangements willbe ond West street Commercial club building made for the formation of a women's Officer L A Yost a concert Will be his left arm The meeting will be on th eighty division In 1908 Mr Harris started tfis See given by the Thirty-eightInfantry His experimentations with which fourth anniversary of the first bapAmerica league which had for its regimental band at Fort Douglas at necessitated the amputation Complete news coverage of the world by the outstanding press DIVIDEND DECLARED was performed by Dr C Hiram Wea- tism in the Swedish mission perslogan “See Europe If You Will but 7:30 p ip 25 Great The DENVER JP)— ver Los July associations local state and intermountain news Angeles surgeon at thejlol-lywoo- formed July 26 1850 by Elder John See America First” The slogan capyou in Western Sugar company today deUTAH LAKE MEET E Forsgren hospital tured the fancy of the people and dividend water with its clared New a touch lake and Utah Jordan river regular quarterly ) pr Harvey is resident of your neighbors at tbs' time of his death the league users wiH confer with Governor York but has been in Hollywood Germany has made drastic regula- of $175 on prefeired stock and 60 was a nation-wid- e organization 10 re stock cents secon common to at tions increases share the H months He was Blood at for several the prevent price per capltol Henry Foot Oilmen ts afflict two women a m regarding efforts to stipulate ond man in New York to enter thejsulting from possible shortage of raw payable October 2 to stockholders oft materials record waters field of roentgeneology September 15 ib division of tbs farsvsyrouuh slip-po- D FARLEY RAPS G 0 P TACTICS men-wom- five-gallo- n Ray-fiel- d PUBLIC GIVEN DEBT HOLIDAY s 3 -- eight-day-ol- d Hundred Escape Death in Tunnel Cool Summer Travel' y Low Summer Fares - Taxi Driver Held HULLANDRUSS After Accident - BIG F1MS LOSE - ENVOY CONFER deter-Steurm- NRA INSIGNIA Help Kidneys LjSieX N n Looking Ahead! two-hou- You may anticipate the best in your Sunday edition of The Salt Lake Tribune — always Some sparkling NRA tures have been obtained for the issue of Sunday July r " d d Jobs-Th- -- special dispatch to The Salt Lake Tribune will tell you why prohibition may come back in two “key” states It is informative and carries with it a warning LDS tendPiQneexDayFcIeq -- n SOrd 6 e Watched by U S was-visibl- tells of the opposition being heaped up against the handsome governor of Indiana Paul Y McNutt And Jay Hayden the author of this article asserts that McNutt’s enemies may make serious inroads on Democratic strength in the Hoosier state mining community that was at one time the richest wildest gold camp in the world is taking on new life is experiencing again a gold rush Cripple Creek but the writer of the article says there will be a siderable amount of “purification” in remaking the glamorous town - ‘America First’ Stamp Planned You can’t afford to miss a single issue of y Hejr THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE h y ketp : i ' - r |