Show 1 WEATHER FORECAST I LOCAL METAL PBICES — General- UTAM-WYOMIN- ly lair Thursday IDAHO-NEVADA- : Gold Silver (domestic) Silver (foreign) Copper Lead — 385c Zinc Friday Fair Thurs- day and Friday (Detailed Report Page 18) Local Lead Entered at the Pofttofflce at 8alt ftecond-Claaa Matter VOL 129 NO 103 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Lake City aa THURSDAY MORNING JULY 26 1934 Weekly Sltc Settlement Copper $3500' 64Ao 46‘o 900c 430o Meet IIM 20 PAGES— FIVE CENTS Today And Tomorrow —By WALTER LIPPMANN— Mr Lippmann Will start his vacation after this week’s ser vice Ho will be on vacation for two months and at the conclusion of his period he Intends to travel with-- " out jvrltinE in order to gather a md ml m vacation' Hitler Guards Lippmann feels that he should to to the Orient and get a view of the highly Interesting po- litiesl conditions there His articles will be resumed the first week1 in December first-han- e Divided From Storm Troops d VOTE TO END European Alignment Since Chancellor Hitler’s pilgrimage to Venice the position In Europe has become somewhat clearer At that time about a month ago M had Bar-tho- Longshoremen Favor Arbitration Plan by Four to One Majority u al- Ports Slate Sailings Roosevelt Mediation Board Seeks Return to Work Agreement HAWAII GREETS ROOSEVELT ON VISIT TO HILO Put agree-mfet’- d SS Causes of Change In Policy Seen The causes of this change of British policy are evident enough Some months ago when the nazis decided to build up a great air force they did exactly What the Kaiser had done in the years before the great war: they touched-thmost sensitive nerve As long as of British policy Germany was talking only about tanks and machine guns it was easy for the British government to sympathize with the abstract justice of Germany's claim to armaments and to feel detached and critical about French' resistance Tanks and artillery cannot swim or fly the English channel But an air force is for Britain a wholly different matter and once Goering went to work to create an air force support of Germany in the higher circles of the British government disappeared There was however among the people a continuing loyalty to idea of peace by diS“' armament and concessions to the policy which Mr MacDonald had e - Police Find Last Hideout of Outlaw in Apartment Conserva-tives “ Keys Taken From Dillmger Fit Locks at Home of ‘Girl in Red’ No Loot Found were held back They did it appears permit British and French military men to confer But they could not increase Brit- ish armaments and they could not take the French view of how to maintain peace on the comment Hitler and Goering by the bloody purge of June 30 appear to have ended British hesitation The JritjslmeQPle saw in the episode Will Rogers Says: - MALOLO July 25—1 used to didn’t pay much attention to reports of the heat all over the east and middle west just naturally figured that it was the California papers’ usual prevaricating license but our ship radio newspaper every day says it’s terrible and naturally you got to believe them They got no lots sell Mr Roosevelt is out here somewhere on Japan's ocean fishing Awful long way to come to fish I think he come away out here so he couldn’t hear the Republicans roar and get away from any new scheme that his own gang might cook up Yours ! CHICAGO July 25 (2P)— Backtrail-inthrough Dillinger haunts Chicago police today were confident they had unearthed the last hideout of the slain desperado The trail led to the apartment of “the girl in red" Mrs Anna Sage who has admitted she and Mrs Roy Keele were the two women who accompanied the outlaw to the Biograph theater the night he was killed Two keys found on Dillinger’s body were found to fit locks in the apartment One was for the front door the other for a bedroom linen closet No Loot Found A search of the apartment however and of a “mystery chest” brought no clue to a possible cache of the loot taken by John Dillinger’s bandits in numerous forays Only a few trivial articles were found in the g Five) (Continued on P (Column Two) r DEEWEEK ' chest Intent on uneairthing any hidden treasure and revealing further the story of Dillinger’s lastdds federal agents and police continued to comb the city The basement apartment of Frances sister (Patsy) Frechette of Dillinger's former sweetheart Evelyn was visited Evelyn is now 'serving a sentence at Milan Mich for harboring the There outlaw Frances and her roommate Miss Mar- garet Edwards 30 wera taken in cus- - Mead Size Suggests Elimi-nat- e Controversy LAKE PEACE Following Reprisals SOUGHT Plan Also Advanced Raiders Denied Safe Passage Into Germany for New Chancellor Directs Arrest of l44 Men Italy’s Military Forces Held Ready Central Powers Plan Meeting Agreement on Removal of Railroad Four major developments Wednesday marked efforts to solve the controversies which for almost a year r have blocked the $8000000 Utah creek reclamation projects The developments were: 1 Announcement in Washington D C by Reclamation Commissioner El wood Mead that if the Utah interests cannot agree he favors cutting the Deer creek project to a lesser plan which will eliminate the controversial features and speed up the construction 2 Renewed efforts by Governor Henry H Blood to conciliate Utah lake factions on a division of the lake waters Inability of this group to agree has been one of the stumbling blocks to both Deer creek and the dike projects Prepares Conference 31 ions by Governor Blood to confer with J S Pyeatt president of the Denver & Rio Grande Western railroad on plans to remove or reroute tracks of the railroad which now traverse the reservoir site in Provo canyon from end to end 4 An expected visit Thursday by E B Debler chief hydraulic engineer of the bureau of reclamation to investigate whatever progress can be shown by Utah sponsors of the project Dr Mead feels curtailment of the Deer creek project will enable the work to go forward and supply water to part of the lands embraced in the original plan even if the Utah lake interests cannot agree said a special dispatch to The Salt Lake Tribune May Be Withdrawn He stressed that $2700000 has been allotted for the lake diking and Deer creek but declared if it is not used within a reasonable time the allocation may be canceled As originally contemplated the Deer creek project called for an estimated outlay of $6500000 while the dikes would cost in excess of VIENNA lake-Dee- - Preparat The curtailed project favored by Dr Mead will eliminate the lake (Continued on Ptie Nine) v (Column Plve) HEAT DEATHS MOUNT TO 1112 and Rain Afford Slight Relief Hurricane Hits South Texas Wind By Associated Press Wind and rain combined forces to Teiiefto parched £ fields panting beasts and the perspiring populace Wednesday but the toll of death and damage continued to mount Fatalities listed as “heat deaths” reached 1112 persons Thousands of heads of livestock have "been devalue of stroyed and theonarket many additional thousands seriously reduced during the past 16 days whed most ol the nation has suffered under temperatures around the century mark Irreparable damage has resulted to crops in all great producing areas tody Both vehemently denied shielding the bandit Miss Frechette was indignant at the implication that Dillinger might have stayed at her apartment I wouldn't have thing to do with that Dillinger after the way he treated my sister” she declared Coroner Frank J Walsh asserted he was convinced from the fact that the lock on the bedroom linen closet in the &age home had been sprung that HOUSTON Texas July 25 (AV-- A gulf hurricane vented its Dillinger’s arsenal had been con- howling sector of the south cealed there and after his death re- fury on a Texas coast today at moved least six deaths crop destruction MAYWOOD Ind July 25 (P)— The mounting into millions of dollars and widespread grave holds John Dillinger damage to buildings The body of the man who couldh’t communication lines boats and highbe kept behind jail bars and who so ways of communicafrequently evaded the traps set for him rests tonight six feet beneath the tions abruptly blocked off information from the hard-hi- t sod area where His body was lowered into the the stosm swept inland but it was grave on the Dillinger family lot in learned that five Mexicans were peaceful Crown Hill cemetery this drowned at Sargent in Matagorda afternoon following funeral services county and a man was drowned at held here at the home of Mrs Audrey Texas City when a giant comber carHancock the sister who reared him ried him out to sea from Galveston after the death of his mother bay The Rev Charles M Fillmore re- - Daniel B Singleton 40 and Charles tired minister of the Disciples of A Ross a restaurant operator were Christ church preached the on the dike opposite Calves-sermoin- It there was no mention'ton Island when a big wave dumped of the one for whom the obsequies tons of water on the dike and swet were held Singleton away to death Ross man- The pastor's text was “Have Faithjaged to swim to safety Singleton's in God” body was recovered 125-mi- ' causing Disruption funeral-standin- Murderers Seize Government Building and Hold Officers Prisoners in Revolt Reducing of Project to black-shirte- (By Associated Press) SAN FRANCISCO July 25 — Pacific coast Union ' longshoremen vote in favor Of arbitrawhose tion of grievances was announced today remained technically on strike tonight as President Roosevelt’s mediation board adjourned with no agreement reached on Shoulders That officials of the International Big Lei Longshoremen's association and emS of First U President ployers of the International LongLand on Isles to shoremen's association and employ’ ers are ’’very close to an however was reported by O By United Press HILO'T H July D KrUshing spokesman for the board and smiling He predicted the remaining differ- Roosevelt became the first president of the ences “will iron themselves out to- United States to visit Hawaii today morrow” when he stepped ashore from the A shortcut for resuming cargo U Houston movements at Portland was anThe president’s deeply bronzed nounced by Governor Julius L features- reflected his interest in the Meief of Oregon who said the state tropical surroundings and the afwill establish hiring fable residents of this city of 15459 temporary agencies tomorrow for the purpose population of dispatching regular longshoremen He told a delegation of citizens: to work “You have a wonderful land here I recommend it to anyone" To Withdraw Troops Fansy Lets Donned Governor Meier said the plan for A huge pansy lei was tossed around temporarily breaking the deadlock between employers and striking dock his shoulders and similar lcis were workers over control of the hiring given the president’s two sons Mr halls was approved by the presi- Roosevelt paused to inquire concerndent’s board ing the lei custom and its origin The mediation vote of the longHe greeted citizens and the press shoremen strengthened peace hopes when he reached shore Asked what and Police Chief William J Quinn happened to the fish he sought off said he will request that the remain- the Kona coast yesterday the presing national guardsmen on the San ident laughed at his poor luck and Francisco waterfront be withdrawn said: tomorrow They will be replaced by “They all ’spoiled before I got " a force of 250 policemen Chief Quinn back” The flaili choir composed of 33 said The vote of the longshoremen with women and 15 men all Hawaiians all but about 500 ballots from small serenaded the president's car with ports in Washington and Oregon re- native songs The president listened ported was announced by the presi- eagerly and asked photographers to dent's board as 6388 for arbitration step aside "I want to see those girls” said Of the 17 ports and 1471 against represented in the tabulation only Mr Roosevelt Visits Volcano Raymond Wash returned a majorThe Rayity against arbitration The choir was dressed jn native mond vote was 37 to 61 style white eowrSemblazoned by Problems Cited flaming orangjpfLC- -' It was thejrjttime tlie president Cushing said the board’s attempts to (formulate’ conditions under which had been ashore since the stop at the meij would return to work had Coco Ago Bright sunshine greeted brought a “perceptable softening” in him Streets of picturesque Hilo were the attitude of both sides and a “real lined with thousands of citizens and ization that this thing must be set- schoolchildren tled” He said the board expects Accompanied by Governor Joseph to start preparations Friday for tak- B Poindexter and other territorial ing' a vote among striking seamen to officials the president was driven 30 miles through sugar cane fields and (Continued on Page Three) (Column One) jungle to the volcano Kilauea for-te- n — yeprasantad--Tbw-t- he ' d ready succeed- ed in strengthening the Little E n t e n t e and in reaching a political u nderstanding w i th Russia His purpose was the funds- mental French purpose which is to unite the nations interested in maintaining the existing frontiers in an alliance against those who might by aggression from without or by revolution from within upset the present constitution of Europe This French policy had at that time three weak points One was the understanding reached between Poland--an- d Germany which although it involves a renonciation by Hityears ler of a recovery of the Corridor and of Silesia did appear to remove Poland from the group of nations actively concerned with preserving the general European settlement A second weak point in the French policy was Italy’s support of German rearmament The third weak point was British hesitation ‘and what might be called a certain hankering for the system of the balance of power There has now been a radical change In effect the British government has for the present suspended its traditional ' policy which is to niantain peace on the continent by a balance of power and has adopted the fundamental French thesis of peace maintained by the united and overwhelming power Of the nations satisfied with the status quo The outward sign of this change was the decision in London to advise Germany to sign M Barthou’s Eastern Locarno pact The signature of this pact by Germany would be tantamount to a public renunciation of the whole nazi foreign policy It would be equivalent to Hitler’s indorsing with bis own signature the territorial clauses of the treaty of Versailles J BERLIN July 25 (P— The special guards of Chancellor Hitler —known as the Schutz Staffel — were separated today from the brown-shirtestorm troops and made into an independent organization The elevation of this uniformed division was in part a reward for its aid in the suppression of the “Roehm revolt” on June 30 when members of the S S "acted as firing squads Heretofore the S S has been considered a sort of elite division of the storm 'troop army The division was not unexpected since Hitler has shown a growing reliance on its members The order gaverfte to further' speculation as to the future of the storm troops after the end of the July vacation IN AUSTRIA REACH CLIMAX Engelbert Dollfuss left Austrian premier who was assassinated Wednesday by nazis who have become bitter enemies of the chancellor because of his attempt to bring order in the nation Emil Fey right former vice chancellor and idol of the home guard who was held prisoner until the assassins were promised safe conduct to Germany Later this promise was reported to have been revoked Italy Ready to Move Troops Into Austria 50000 to 100000 Men Massed on Border Waiting Duce’s Command to Intervene ROME July By THOMAS B- - MORGAN United Press Staff Correspondent 25 — Between 50000 and 100000 crack Italian By WADE WERNER (Copyright 1B34 by the Associated Press) July 25 — A group of Austrian nazis today seized the federal chancellory killed their bitter enemy Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss and held the government building until they were given si guarantee of safe conduct to Germany — a guarantee which was revoked when it was discovered that Dollfuss was dgad The nazis — numbering 144 — were placed in Marokaner barracks stripped of their uniforms and were ordered held after pabi- net meeting’ 'UffderTfte leadership'' oftheThe w chancellor Dr Kurt Schuschnigg minister of education An official communique stated that the fact that Dollfuss was killed cancelled the promise of safe conduct in return for which the nazis had surrendered the building and freed other members of the government they had been holding for sixand a quarter hours MINISTER ARRESTED Dr Anton Rintelen minister to Rome who is well known to have pro-naleanings and whose name was connected with reports that the nazis were setting up a new government was placed -- — — under arrest He is one of the most prominent Austrians in public life in recent years Dollfuss was shot to death as the nazis under the leadership of men disguised as officers of the heimwehr (fascist home guard loyal government organization) raided the chancellor’s office in a sudden “putsch” With all Italy’s military forces held in readiness at orders of Premier Mussolini for any eventuality Wednesday night an official announcement came from Rome that Austria had requested intervention by European powers to guarantee Her integrity The statement which was given to the government controlled press was published shortly after it was announced tha Premier Mussolini had issued war time military orders to army navy and air forces to the north of Padua zi URGENT CONFERENCE sol- The inspired press reported that the diplomatic representatives diers were massed against the Austrian border tonight ready for of Italy France England and the little entente countries will hold an action if Premier Mussolini should decide upon intervention to urgent conference at Vienna tomorrow to determine what action should be taken “preserve Austrian independence” The conference also will decide which of the powers should inAction is Premier Benito- Mussotervene in case armed assistance is determined upon lini’s solution in the event Austrian Italian troops are prepared to march into Austria on short notice independence is menaced a spokest Emil Fey idol of the heimwehrJ man said tonight When he considers was Whether as a wanted he 11 was Duce and former vice chancellor European peace is menaced was one of those held prisoner guarantor of safety for the nazis will act quickly However from 12:45 p m until shortly or as a new head of the governpersons denied a rumor that Mussolini ordered after 7 o’clock this evening And ment was not made clear It had it was through him that negotia- been reported earlier that he was military and naval forces held in readiness after today’s events in Vientions were conducted for the sur- to succeed Dollfuss na They’ pointed out that the army render of the building in return The whole episode was replete is engaged in annual maneuvers while for safe transit to 'the border for with unprecedented situations — rebels members of an outlawed the navy-- is in the Adriatic the rebels An article In Popdlo dTtalifl of Miof- party had invaded the very headsaid Dollfuss was While by lan founded by the premier was inficials to have been killed imme- quarters of the government itself terpreted to mean that Italy would his fate did not become killed the head of the governdiately intervene with the military only if until known after the' nazis had ment who a lew hours before had Austria's Independence is threatened onto trucks and been threatening to hang them been loaded The Italian defense system has for terrorism and captured evstarted for Germany ’ been modernized to meet a situation erybody m sight UNDER MARTIAL LAW like that developing in Austria today Earlier 'another of nazis group Permanent garrisons have been esAfter the day of disorder and had captured the government ratablished on the border numbering By WADE WERNER in the course of excitement at least 50600 regular troops fully (CoDrriibt 1934 by the Associated Press) which an undetermined number dio station and held it long enough to broadcast an announceCzecho - Slovakia of BRATISLAVA equipped and motorized were killed martial ment that Dollfuss had resigned persons automooh mounted guns Light to Berlin and Lon- law was proclaimed tonight in and that Rintelen was bead of biles could be moved with the troops (via telephone— 25 A band of 300 nazi Vienna and in part of the provthe government swiftly at any time The troops have don) July ince of Styria nazi stronghold DEPLOY IN SQUARE ' specialized in mountaineering and conspirators wearing the uniforms There were reports of fighting The army and the are skillful at skiing They have light ol the historic Deutschmeister regiheimwehr mountain batteries occupying the ment raided the federal chancellory in Styria Shooting was heard representing the power of the killed sections of Vienna stations protecting passes at Vienna this afternoon in the government deployed Dr Jurt Schuschnigg minister square Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss and Three Corps On Frontier before "the building or- Dollfuss in of welfare held two other cabinet membens the socia( Three army corps tMjph across mbTethi’n ITiT'houri' cabinet'' was named by President (Column One) this rugged frontier zone with head finally surrendered under a Miklas to take over the governThey BolTrieste and Udine in quarters to grant them ment as chancellor and began his zano These troops are not expected government pledge LearntoMake-Tasts miiitaryeseottti duties immediately: ‘ to be called inio action under presen sameohaacr "Wiur German border and shortly The future of the country was circumstances — but Mussolini last to the 9 m left the building while beclouded however before p It did not spring offered Chancellor Engelbert the body of the chancellor still lay appear at once what the posi(jon Dollfuss Italian troops ehould he of Prince Ernst von Starhemberg need them in the event of a Nazi there Desserts by Famous Women High Point of Wild Bay vice chancellor will be uprising is a booklet filled With without Emil minister portShould developments Fey jeopardize FOUND IN VENICE more than 100 dessert recipes it was be- folio whom Dollfuss recently apAustria’s independence by famous American women The prince at first reported in lieved certain here that Mussolini pointed commissar for extraordinary hostesses at official tables in would send units across the frontier security was compelled by the con- charge of the ministers not capand leaders in Washington with lightning rapidity spirators to appear repeatedly on the tured by the nazis later was other cities andiamanywaUcs " II- Duce- is was (if to found in be Venice bafto'nV to eommrfted“fC order He the Chancellory moraity — of life expected in Vienna tomorrow (Continued oh Pate Two) (Conti nurd on Pate Two? This unusual collection of rht) (Column (Column C)nc of the Whether naming ideas for attractive desserts Schuschnigg was a temporary afand rules for making them will fair was the subject of speculadelight every housewife Pies U S tion Von Starhemberg a leadices and cakesi puddings er of the heimwehr is in a strong many novelties in desserts and Presidents’ wives are position ' pastries among the cbnlributors to this During" Ihe' negbliaTiohs"’be- -' collection Sent to any reader tween the nazis holding the chanfor six cents by oup Washing— 160 some and cellory prisoners o Tribune Service Salt Lake The federal emergency relief adton information bureau Send sercivil numerous captured they WASHINGTON July 25 — Dr ministration has already begun movfor your coppy today as as Dollfuss vants well and Fey Mead reclamation commis- ing “dry farmers” in western South Karl UseJ This Coupon Karwinsky undersecretary1 Dakota to lands returned to the state The Lake Tribune Salt sioner today received reports from in lieu of taxes but the of name the of Anton security— heports reInformation bureau state officials that a huge drouth ceived by Dr Mead indicated that Rintelen minister to Rome was Frederic J HaSkin Director" stricken area east of the Rockies had the moving will have to be done on mentioned Washington D C become uninhabitable and would a much greater scale than has been Rintelen who despite nazi I enclose herewith SIX have to be evacuated to was able a contemplated maintain leanings CENTS in coin (carefully “Tens of thousands of persons In The areas most affected Dr Mead place with the Dollfuss governwrapped) for a copy of the tljg western dry farming states must said are irt eastern Montana west- ment is another enigmatic figure DESSERT BOOKLET be tnoved” Dr Mead said ern Kansas eastern Colorado east- in the affair The state officials made their ap- ern Wyoming and the western half Name “We have agreed on Rintelen” peals in the hope that work could of the Dakotas balas said he stood on the Fey Street Farmers moved to good lands rebe found on federal reclamation barriprojects but Dr Mead "said relief turned to states for taxes hre equip- cony of the captured and City for only about 1000 persons could be ped with a mule or two harness and caded government' building and afforded by the reclamation bureau plows and given an opportunity to talked to Dr Seustradeter-Steur-me- r State minister of social welfare The govern at once This is on reclamation proj- become (Mail to Washington D C) ects at Riverton Wyor and Belfour-ch- ment pays half the expenses and the acting as negotiator for the goS D vernment half jslate y Desserts e - Aid Asked in Taking Thousands Off Untenable Dry Farms in West Trlbune-Chlcaa- d e ’ |