Show 0 lil(hliHiJ4lf'T THE SALT SHIP WORKERS VOTE FOR END Chicago Strike Breakers Stabbed With Pitchforks THURSDAY MORNINQrJULY 26 1934 LAKE-TRIBU- NE Violent Storm MOONEY PLEA OCEAN LINES ITEXAS CHIEFS Hits Northwest AGAIN DENIED SUMMONED TO fiauut WMfe nfiM FACING TEST SPOKANE Wash July 25 M3-life thousands of dollars in damage to communication lines highways U S Appeals Court Blocks and homes was counted in a brief but as the lops today Move foi Supreme violent storjn which struck north Idaho eastern Washington and westCourt Action Shippers Notified to Deern Montana last night John H Lovine forest lookout fend Postal Subsidies SAN FRANCISCO July 25 MV-- i' worker in a C C C camp at Shiloh Mooney! ranger station near Naples Idahqmj j j that brought James E Against Revision Oct 1 One more attempt of Thomas 1918 pre- was electrocuted when he touched a convicted of bombing the e gus n Drominence ln Texas a lightning dis- telephone during to here bring paredness day parade 20 years ago meets another 7 lest SatWASHINGTON July 25 M3 — Re- his case again before the supreme play Four forest fires were started near urday vision or cancellation of the three court of the United States fafled here denied a certifi- Naples but before noon today two Throughout Texas facing a Demodozen contracts under which Uncle today when he was cate of probable cause for an appeal of these were extinguished and the cratic primary on that date the quesother two were under control Sam’s mail is carried abroad will be can “Farmer tion is being ’asked by Judge William H Shorten of the considered - at hearings at which United States circuit court of appeals Jim" seeking no office for himself Leaves Dern the United Secretary or his wife Governor Miriam A FerMooney petitioned ocean and foreign air mail contracguson transmit his remarkable votetors today were ordered to appear this States district court recently for a Los for Panama he Angeles getting powers to his favorite in the writ of habeas corpus contending fall One OF BIG STRIKE Two Injured in Outbreak at Stockyards US Labor Mediators Rush to Avert Walkout San Francisco Rapidly Returning to Normal All Ports Opened CHICAGO July 25 W—The Union stockyards and packing town teemed with unprecedented activity today as effort® were made to clear the pens cattle piled up by of d (ConUntitjl from Paze One) a strike Ramifications of the stalemate at determine representatives for collec- the core of the world’s meat packing tive bargaining with employers were felt from the dusty In addition to demand of the industry tlje longshoremen for full control of firing halls which employers declare would mean "closed shop’’ a problem before the board is the status of nonunion men who worked dur- - 400 strikebreakers brought in MAIL HEARING d to serve in the emergency Secretary Perkins in Washington William F White and dispatched Robert Pilkington labor department conciliators to Chicago to attempt to clear up the situation 4000 Troops Ready to Rule in Minneapolis plains of the central west to official MINNEAPOLIS July 25 MV-FoWashington as efforts were launched thousand national guardsmen tonight to settle the strike of 800 livestock were ready to enforce military rule handlers and prevent a general walk-ou- t in the Minneapolis strike front by tomorrow noon unless truck drivers ur yfegasegflWr 1 - WASHINGTON July 25 M3— The ences by then Governor Floyd B under which the government spends that his conviction after the bombing order: Shipping interests began laying rapid-fir- e war department announced today about been had by the declared for were stabbed a perjury brought Olson Two strikebreakers besome carry $28000000 today year plans fof full-til- t operations long Secretary George H Dcrn who has The stern order to cdll off the strike ing of its ocean mail and another Recommends State Courts fore the vote was officially announced with pitchforks held by unidentified been in Panama on an inspection at of once in - Harbor service for assailants airmail and the first outbreak for F? in boomed Seattle stipulations settling $7000000 foreign activity St Sure denied the Judge A trip would leave Port Armuelles toPortland and San Francisco as indus- violence They ' had been unloading the dispute were given both sides by is virtually certain advising Mooney's attorney day on the United Fruit steamer 1 for petition defederal as fled mediators cattle the for set The October attackers The call governor of refersensed hay the trend the today try that the proper means of redress lay and arrive in LoS Angeles on livered his ultimatum the beginning of the hearings endum and foresaw the end of the The meh were not hurt seriously the state courts and recom- August 1 32 ocean mail through sent the notice The strike which began May 9 and soon Executives and drafted’ labor as Declared Necessary Step mending “that he institute the Habeas Dern will fly from Los Angeles to Involved 12000 longshoremen and well as workers not yet affected by This Portland “I am very reluctant to take th if contractors and four foreign airmail corpus proceedings there Ore in an army plane in to to the movement labored in the intense them directed 15000 maritime workers-Sailing- s appear carriers course remains open to him now lime to meet President Roosevelt am convinced that drastic of the stecbutl heat the watchful contracts under cause show eyes their why Scheduled j a necessary and that the “should not be modified or can- with the avenue possibly stiil open to jjs arrjvai from his Hawaiian armed police guards to dispose of of law and order dethe United States supreme tribunal trjp He' will accompany the presi-iSeveral San Francisco shipping the glut of animals that taxed the preservation celled” mands it” said the chief executive case of adverse rulings by the (jent on an inspection of the firms announced schedules The Me capacity of the pens — Further Facts Sought His action came after principals in supreme court Cormick Steamship company schedOther Walkouts Threaten the dispute seemingly were hopeless- - Most of the holders of the ocean With denial of the petition by St uled resumption of freighting and mail contracts appeared last fall be- Sure attorneys then asked for' the eargo service in all principal coast Frank Monohan vice president ofUy deadlocked Public interest the governor said fore the special senate committee in certificate of probable cause hoping Employes’ ports The Grace line and the Pacific the Livestock Commission airmail con thus for a short cut to a supreme Steamship lines said coastwise ser- union announced that 700 members demanded the terms recommended vestigating ocean and vice would soon return to normal of his unit would abandon their jobs by the Rev Francis Haas and E H tracts but the postoffice department court ruling and join the 800 handlers who walked Dunnigan the mediators he accept- wants to ask them a few questions "The tragedy of the situation as Forty sailings and 32 arrivals were out ed They represent a compromise on findings it has made in its own in- shown by the petition” Judge Shoryesterday scheduled for this port during the Union spokesmen predicted unoffi- he added vestigation which has been under way ten commented today in making his week The average for both is about 125 weekly cially that the butchers and cutters Approved by officials at Washing- since last October ruling “is that the petitioner was ton the mediators’ plan recommended Postmaster General Farley has six not informed of the alleged perjured Cargo work on seven ships the first would follow suit unless a satisfacand immediate ending of the strike re- months from June 1L in which to testimony and of the alleged misconeonsiderable number to be worked tory agreement were reached there since the beginning of the that the ranks of the voluntary idle instatement of all employes an elec- report to President Roosevelt his duct of the prosecuting attorney until tion to determine whether the union recommendations for revision of the it-himself of strike was started at Portland Eight w°u't be swelledto 800p Forty reserves were rushed to the shall represent them in collective bar- setup the remedy thus secured to him” major lines laid plans to bring freight area to augment the force of 60 pa- gaining and arbitration There have been indications that and passenger service up to schedule Issuance Unjustified Trucks moved under police con- the ocean mail contracts might be in Seattle Most of Seattle’s piers trolmen already on duty when the said that after a striking handlers threatened to rush voy today with no'interference from put on a poundage basis — costing Judge Shorten “found were clear of cargo careful study he nothing that the the of the and instead of around a pickets gates purge $3000000 yards year Among the immediate questions — issuance of a certhe would — subsidies justify and direct $26000000 facing the president’s board was the granted for the building and main- tificate of probable cause for an apmatter of just how striking maritime front problem was the walkout of the tenance of the merchant marine" peal” 2800 - workers would union Market Sheet railway’s choose representatives ‘The state courts had jurisdiction for collective bargaining as provided employes The regional labor board Let Under Act of 1928 of the petitioner” he declared “and sought to bring the company and the for in the recent truce The ocean mail contracts were let of the subject matter for offense and union into mediation proceedings Hiring Hall Issue merchant that jurisdiction under -- the was never lost durUnder the tentative peace arranger marine act of 1928 usually for ing the course of said proceedings in ment it was decided that the issues Tram Walkout a ceron that condition periods said courts" in the longshoremen’s strike would tain number of new vessels be added Judge Shnrtell explained further be submitted to arbitration before Reaches Climax to the contractor's fleet ‘ Jhe president's board and that: the 25 A The FRANCISCO JuTy 'IfiWsfigatbrf (IP)— striking maritime men would choose few hours after Market Street rail- Governor' Threale'ns Mar- reported they found the $23000000 representatives for conciliation with a in annual great many subsidy tial Law if Strike Viothe shipowners If conciliation should way officials announced renewed atcases had not Ipeen used for new ship fail in the latter phase the shipown- tempts were being made to persuade construction but for high salaries and lence Does Not Cease ers and maritime men are to submit striking street car men to arbitrate dividends to arbitration also differences before the state railroad The ocean mail contractors directed In the negotiations involving the commission the commission president to appear and the approximate mail BUTTE 23 Mont (UP)— July longshoremen was the matter of how announced late today the body would would receive if their conpay the hiring hall could be arbitrated decline to act as arbitrator Threats of martiallaw and a strike tractsthey run their course follow: Control of these hiring agencies Unofficially we have been told the hung over Butte tonight Munson Steamship line $13068-82which previously were operated by company has announced to its men it So serious has the copper miners' Export Steamship Corporation the employers has been demanded by is willing to let the commission determine strike become that Governor Frank $18279276 American- - South African if its earnings warrant increased H the longshoremen and until now the warned a Cooney delegation of line Inc $2979921 Grace Steamship stevedores had refused to consider wsges” President Clyde L Seavey union miners headed by Congress- company $12011102 on one route said “We could not intervene if we man the arbitration of this issue Joseph Monaghan that if' vio- and $2512209 on another Eastern In view of the fact that there are wanted to” lence gets worse he will mobilize Steamship lines Inc $2775744 on The courts have held the commis- the national more longshoremen than there are He on and $3028740 on another guard in the available jobs and because not all the sion has no jurisdiction in matters of added however that he hadcity not yet Caribbean Lines Summoned stevedores belong to the Union con- this kind” he added "It cannot in received a request for the American Scantic line Inc $7774-20trol of the hiring halls resolves itself terfere in matters of management and Shortly after this warningguard iswas American West African line into a question of closed shop or open this applies to labor relations wages sued two sticks of dynamite with and salaries” shop fuses burning were thrown into the Inc $3232825 oh one and $121)1-80on another Atlantic and CaribSo the street car strike remained Leonard What is to be done with nonunion mine yard men who worked during the strike is in stalemate with no cars running The Leonard is the- - "nerve center” bean Steam Navigation company Columbian Steamship comanother problem facing the presi- after dark on the Market Street lines of Butte’s highly coordinated workInc $5575705 New york and dent’s board which has announced which comprise about It houses massive machines pany ings it would make rulings after the yote of all the service in the city and only which control operation of several Cuba Mail Steamship " company and $4187224 is announced partial service in the day hours other mines Gulf Mail Steamship ' company In Seattle where union teamsters Simultaneously with the governor’s Inc $534900 Lykes Brothers Steam-shibegan today to handle cargo oh piers National Junior Chamber announcement Reid Robinson uhion Inc where nonunion men had been work$3889497 company “if announced the that secretary Anti-Re- d Oceanic Steamship company $9758-65Drive ing Alfred H Lundin president of Launcheg evcome into we’ll Butte troops pull States Steamship company the chamber of commerce- - teleery union man in town off his job’’ and $1874790 Oceanic and graphed Archbishop Edward J LOS ANGELES July 25 M3— A na Robinson had said previously a Oriental Navigation company $1 Hanna head of the president's board tional campaign “against communism general union walkout would take 485225 here asking that the public be repre- and for Americanism” was launched place August 1 $2101645 $290Q274 and sented in arbitration hearings The miners’ strike — now it) its by the national coordinating execuAmerican Line Steamship Corp The Seattle waterfront employers tive committee of the United' States eleventh week— has seen an increaslsp protested to the board on what Junior Chamber of Commerce here ingly growing tendency toward val- $3923400 South Atlantic Steamship $3513980 company Mississippi they said was the exclusion of non- today ence union longshoremen from the refer$8850126 Shipping company Inc The program approved at the of three has mine yards Property Tacoma Oriental endum Steamship company convention in Miami Fla last been burned a flume was dynamitSan Francisco was recovering rap- month was Panama Mail Steamship sponsored by the Los An ed riotings and stonings have been $3771030 company $88?2897 idly from the general strike of last geles chamber and has been divided frequent United Frpit company $8516501 week The only labor trouble of im- into four divisions! legislative citizen$7100142 and $5047849 United portance remaining besides the water- - ship patriotism and youth trainingStates Lines company $17530610 and $10930134 Tampa Interocean Steamship com pany $4470625 Roosevelt Steamship company Inc $12450132 American Diamond Lines Ind $12000886 Waterman Steamship Corp $9141-55Gulf Pacific Mail Line Ltd $2486910 Seatrain Lines Inc (payments held up previously Roche Forces Triumph in by congressional order) Lykes Brothers-RipleSteamship County Assembly on company Inc $30710000 Dollar Steamship line Inc Ltd Governor Race $16355712 and $11408588 Admiral Oriental line $12511402 Total contract obligation for mail DENVER July 25 M3— Miss Jo- pkv $312505906 boisRoche a swept through The foreign airmail con tractors' 'to sephine terous Democratic county assembly be heard and their By Adler-Rochetcompensation here late today to win 248 votes for for the 1933 fiscal year are: state in the for governor designation Canadian Colonial Airways Jne assembly next week and ter almost $8915ff Seattle Victoria Air Mail two snow under her oppo- Inc $16054 completely nents ' Pan American Aj ‘ Tala-manc- a " The Fergusons are retiring from ofholding but they are not letting any political chip be unturned in their quest for votes for C C McDonald Wichita Falls lawyer and friend of long standing Since the day three months ago that the nation’s only gubernatorial couple first announced they would not again ask for election to a public office they have been giving every help they could muster to McDonald They have their favorites too for fice some of the minor state offices but they are more anxious to retain n finger on the "governor’s chair Ferguson ftaa been on the stump all hia extraordinary mustering speaking ability McDonald has steered clear of per sonalities but he has let it be known that he would continue Ferguson policies as nearly as possible because he said they have redounded to the benefit state’s I BIBLE BANGING ROW PHILADELPHIA July 25 MV-This a new issue before the Courts — Magistrate Costello says a person who bangs a bible js disorderly Attorney Francis M Smith disagrees and has appealed his $10 fine for losing his temper at a hearing and banging the bible used to swear witnesses on the magistrate's desk ere bible-bangin- g CLEANERS & DYERS - rsk IRC rfwnwfc (- THRIFT SPECIALS Bonne-Californi- a t)- wa v BUTTE WARNED OFTROOPRULE Jones-Whit- e too-late —- THIS WEEK THUR FBI AND SAT MISTAKE If you are the woman who said that she could not afford laundry service you will be glad to know you Men’s Suits Plain Dark Dresses Women’s Plain are mistaken Coals -avail Just phoneHy!and 190 and ask the Troy about its Damp Wash service Is beautifully Everything washed and returned Just damp enough for Ironing Yet this service costs less than struggling through the washing at home SUPER SERVICE FLANNEL WHITK MEN'S DARK SUITS CALLS DELIVERIES Offlcea E B ten-yea- 65c 75c - TROUSERS- : 184 South Main State South 259 South $4 East Sth FRER WAS 37 senate-postfffftt- 2 -- ha 3 5 three-fourth- s p OT WATER when he wants it II 3 eh mitiy WOMAN GAINS DENVER VOTES GOOD NEWS For You Men Who Are Suffering From the Heat “K00L WEAVE” er -- The Greatest Clothes Discovery — r Since Adam il 015 move to hold a secret ballot on instruction of delegates the Roche forces won 806 votes in the county The state assembly will assembly be based on a percentage of the Denver assembly vote Governor Johnson granted little hope in the Denver assembly was given 108 votes or 34 in the state assembly Both Johnson and Miss Roche gained at the expense WilliSm H Adof former Governor ams who was given 337 county votes or 103 in the state assembly Adams’ supporters had predicted he would receive 500 and Johnsonites had conceded that Johnson would get fewer Since fig leaf (lays man lias suffered the hot summer through in heavy sticky clothes We’re freeing him now vVith the newest cool est lightest smartest summer clothes ever known A z Fine Worsted Fabric Tailored previously 6-o- by ADLER-ROCIIESTE- R -- f Specially Priced in Our July Clearance than Although praising the federal ad- ministration the county assembly Democratic ignored the nearly-al- l state administration in its resolutions No reference was made to the or any records of Governor Johnson ' of the other Democratic elective state officers 50 Regular Price $3000 We Give 50 and Redeem S & II Stamps SSXPart” ways Inc "Amer ican-Grac- e PILLORY FOR DRIVERS RIVERTON N J July 25 (fl--Te pillory has' been resurrected by Riverton police to punish speeding automobile drivers If- the speeder was going 50 miles an hour he sits in his car before the public to gaze in a specially marked squarefor fifty minutes- If he was doing 6uv he sits an hour - - 1CKES AT YOSEMITE YOSEMITE Cal July 25 of theT Interior Harold Ickes arrived in the park last night for a tour of inspection and a vacation trip 156 SOUTH MAIN It takes two hushels of corn to pro dure lacquer enough to finish t automob ila body one When Dad gels all primed for the morning shave and the “finger test” §ay “No Hot Water’’— well you know the story He is very apt to express him-- ) self in no uncertain terms At least there is no question as to what he thinksi And who can blame him? ’There is nothing quite so annoying as cold water in the hot water faucet What a difference with Stored Electric Water Heating! This wonderful ser 'Vice' gives Dad and every other member of the family pleqty of hot water— instantly— at any time they want it And our new low rate brings it easily within the reach of the average household "w” A Look into the advantages of low cost Electric Water Heating today: You will receive complete information BARE BACKS BANNED PIERCE CITY Mo July 25 will be no back dis plays here if City Marshal J L Campbell has his way Calling back less dresses "indecent" he threatens to arrest all women wearing them on the streets Likewise all men and boys in public without a shirt will be subject to arrest MullettKellyCa Air- $1616213 Give us a phone call ELECTRICITY JS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN THE HOME Af Fountains Delicious and Wholesom |