Show £Ef8pTPR 1 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING JULY 26 1934 CONFUSION RAMPANT IN VIENNA REVOLT i RISE AD FALL Nazis Strike Down Chancellor After Execution of Terrorist OF AUSTRIA’S PRESS WRITER ' CHIEF TRACED! European Powers to Consider Guarantee of Integrity Spectacular Events Crowd- Four Lives Lost in Mme Dollfuss Seizure of BroadStricken Over casting Station (Continued from dering the greatly outnumbered and c o m p a r a t i v ely poorly equipped rebels to surrender Premier’s Family Wait cnnni' did not Fey loyal government man tame 'to the balcony accom-- v papied by two nazi guards who apparently were holding revolvers to his back and negotiated for the release and safe transit to a foreign country for the men whakilled hi chief Against the threats of ihe heimwehr and the army the nazis threatened death to Fey and the ether prisoners unless they were allowed to go to Germany The extent to which' the nazis —long looked for to start a "putsch” against the government they have been harassing with1 bombs and incendiarism— prepared for today’s coup was not OF VIENNA DAY Vivid Description Given by Bureau Chief of A ed Into Brief Span of Dollfuss Regime r ' News of Death Pe One) PHONES STORY "But who will guarantee Pres By AMorlated their lAn in Austria parliamentary (Continued from Pats One) gov nr”1 ther with the nazis side to “make no move” against the "In the capacity of a member of country where no party held a clear nazis ' ” Vithe goveinn majority — preceded the advent of EnFinally it was Fey who as a go- RICCIONE Italy July 25 -termer between arranged for the safe conDollfuss as chancellor of Ausgelbert —Mme Dollfuss was informed?IniJl On Other Word ' duct (The conduct was not granted tria just before midnight of the death But the 'nazis insisted upon the maintained thp as thd government of her husband at the hands of is more man—he The little scarcely a high army officer before death of Dollfuss cancelled )t) nazi putschmen jn Vienna She word of at 7 p m than 5 feet tall— w as hot a The surrender of the chancellory left her husband only a week and they finally let Fey out Then the death of Dollfuss ru- figure In International circles when after a siege of nearly seven hours a half ago to come hart to wait mored all day was confirmed His was the hrgh point of a wild fan for him he stepped from the ministry of agritastic day during which machine lay in the office from He was to have joined her this slain body two into the chancellorship May which for years he had tried to culture gun fire again was beard in Vienna week-enPremier Mussolini also rule with an iron hand against the 21 1933 for the first tune since the civ! planned to come to Riccione and terrific odds It appeared at first that he was but war last February supplied by an opposimeet Dollfuss for a political conr tion which expressed itself with "another chancellor” who would hold It was only a skirmish ference office for a time then losing his slim bombs and torches however for possession of the AusII Duce personally ordered the chamber of deputies in the Dollfuss majority had until Not trian radio broadcasting station yesterday best medical care to be placed threat step aside for another at the disposal of Mme Dollfuss carried out his Capture Studio bombers to and have then Nazis hanged Strong In of need The two small It was a raid on this station which was man a socialist the executed Austria on which anxious eyes were fixed 20 The nazis were strong at the time children of the chancellor and may march on Vienna as a result of Chancellor threw Austria into a turmoil at 1 but not strong enough to take over years ago when the World war was brewing once his wife are here with their instead of a nazi Dollfuss’ murder while the black colored counout came but stern of deaf pale Fey to the center of a European war peril the government The socialists too mother They were In bed when The tries allies of Austria’s former foe France are p m when armed men captured the then were powerful especially in Vienna again shows leaderless Austria (Nazi leaders exiled in Gerthe news arrived and were not face He askek for a cigaret and with nowhere to insistent on an independent Austria map Neustradeter-comrades Italy to broadcasting studio and compelled their went conference into with that denied many where they held the municipal gov- turn Nazis from Germany or fascists from awakened Thejr will hear of the Steurmer the broadcasters at the point of pisto Austria’s troops protect massing Italy the as for integrity trucks trundled were at home responsible ernment sad event tomorrpw tols to announce that “Dollfuss re'up for the men who had killed the outbreak) Both nazis and socialists undoubtNotification to the chancellor’s had in time to capture the signed and Anton Rintelen (minister wife was made on instructions of head of the government and While “GENERAL UNDERSTANDING expected edly of been promised aid to i Tefuge to Home and pronazi) was appointed government by democratic methods however that the Austrian undersecretary ' It was clear hundreds of men stood by armed Karvin-skBaron security chancellor” although the former naturally did not public there must have been some gento as able and them 'destroy speedily Intend to maintain that type of govhusband of Mme Dollfuss' Tonight Rintelen was under arrest eral understanding since fighting as they took Dollfuss’ life ernment companion but Dollfuss — stubborn foe of nazis broke out in Styria where‘ the traveling to his wife from He But Dollfuss was a fighter and said Agree Upon Condition and fanatical fighter for Austrian innazis were reported to have Viennaphoned and had her convey the rebels who captured the to be a very devout man who looked "The dependence — is dead which towns in seized several information The center of the excitement was federal chancellory agreed to sur- for divine guidance they have many sympathizers It was not known whether render the building on condition the federal chancellory Ballhaus-plat- z Irritable" Rather a After his release Fey made Mme Dollfuss would return imsafe conduct (a large square) although the they were InHe was rather irritable with his Minister Removed radio speech in which he said mediately to Vienna or remain across the granted German border” ex slim pitched battle which repeatedly ’ parliamentar- y- majority and that Dollfuss was ahot in a separate here until the altuatlon calmed plained Neustradeter-Steurme- r threatened there never materialized with the necessity of compromise with tervening in Vienna room from the apartments in which down She was too stricken with “This was granted It is true that elements whose principles in some Shortly before 1 p m 300 unito the other cabinet members were discuss any dead— murtonight grief Chancellor Dollfuss is Br Associated Press formed men closely resembling the At Berlin Consent nazi Without the that own his clashed with reports particulars plans dered" All military forces in Italy were putsch in Austria had been engineered soldiers regularly on duty at BallDollfuss himself was a Christian T— The nazis he said gave Kim and These words gave the first offi- socialist and his first government ordered by Premier Mussolini to be from Germany met with denial but hausplatz motored into the chancel— 25 - hi eompanlonsenepportunttyto ej oner he wasand Neuatradetfr-Stey- r BERLIN The ()P) German rial conflrmatian-o- f the el there was “J told you so” lory as coali t ton - with the - national so- government July " tonight recalled Herr held ln read mess TVedfi'esSay- night from the man in the streetexpression the wounded chancellor who in his mer-fo- r the government Their con- little man who had ruled Austria cialists of Austria and the Firing a volley of shots they cried agrarians to Rieth German Austria famminister hi for con that condition those bizarre versations under any eventuality following upon begged dying although earlier reports apparently At the Vatican City the utmost re- "Close the doors” and the big doors There were many elements which for his intervention in Vienna in of and care were be taken today expressed dltlons probably had been sent out through governunparalleled ily might at any time throw a match into whiph was without the government's monumental developments in neigh- gret and sympathy was expressed on the chancellory building swung to ment channels the belief that bloodshed can be the history of European civilization The conspirators then deployed the powder barrel The fascist heim- consent boring Austria climaxed by the shoot- over the death of Chancellor- - Doll-fusImm heimwehr 5:28 the' avoided in Austria At gave One Of the 150 civil servahts themselves along the various corrip an ardent Catholic wehr led by Prince It was learned from private but re- ing to death of Chancellor EngelTha next time he saw Dollfuss the the nazis 20 minutes to surrender prisoned along with cabinet members Ernst (home guard) Dispatches from Munich said to- dors of the building disarming the bert Dollfuss by nazis vdh Starhemberg which even- liable chancellor was dead Fey aald Thefthreatenlng to attack if they still held said that the nazis forced them to authority that Rieth conducted in Europe was tense day’s news from Vienna accounted guards as they went was to become the backbone the negotiations Every capital tually to led the which 9 end m at office had his in still which the building into p stand in a court yard and hold up of the Dollfuss they lay body Bursting into the offices where 150 with expectancy and in some cases for recent activities of storm troopgovernment was by of the Hallhausplatz siege (Dollfuss’ family composed of Frau taken arms obtained by use of their hands ers in Bavaria where for the past government employes were ending no means with him at It was determined that while still apprehension Dollfuss and two children was In uniforms disguises Speculation tonight that von the start Twenty years to a day after Aus- few days numbers of armed men have the morning routine and preparing a prisoner Minister Emil Fey teleRiccione Italy The wife was pros At 5:48 p m nothing happened might take' over the governtria’s severance of relations with Ser- been seen in Munich and truckloads to go to lunch the conspirators orNatural to seOpposition to him Rieth learned reshe with when demand phoned wu asking trated grief except that the ment gave rise to wonderment as to bia which 'Europe on the of Austrian brown shirts were re- dered them tq hn “Up 'against the' newed that he had been slain) would Certainly he could exp'ect nothing cure assurances that nazi plotters brink of theplaced what such an eventuality World war events ported being driven toward the bor- walls and offer no resistance would socialists reach the from the but with border was to World safely opposition (Tha family vaeatlonlng mean in connection with the army Mystery der Accounts Differ After receiving such assurances It caused fear to be expressed in Paris In whose "schutzbund” uniformed rethat of Premier Mussolini of Italy A few minutes later the Austrian Not Closely Allied over (he possible consequences of Italy where "the iJopulace was In some cases this was neto he said 12000 men conduct numbered an had himself Dollfuss agreed and engage- telephone and other communications explanation was guard publican in- a state of over excitement loss Austria’s of high independence offered: “The government has re- ment to see Mussolini later this week systems cut off all Intercourse with The Heimwehr which the vice For nearly 10 months Dollfuss hung gotiations in a personal capacity with milithe to of the issuance orders to The Italian ambassador France to talk about the future of his na- the outside world leaving the condi- chancellor leads has not always been on as a parliamentary chancellor a view to preventing bloodshed and service men’s groups signed Rintelen is taking over" 100 cent with Dollfuss although went personally to the chancellory consulted with the French foreign tary former r of economic stress s tion) to said at wartime pitch as Into the office of Chancellor were be tion in Austria a mystery to other thereperhas been a necessarily close during a period mlnlster said went 10 men On March 4 1933- - while a president Shortly afterward the German gov- of Thq “disguised nazis "started their nations until ths telephone was renews assassination perDollfuss that wires between Paris telephone Accounts differ of what happened relationship especially since the sup- of the United States was being sworn ernment announced that Austrians "putsch" by taking the radio station opened several hours later Rome and London were busy with meated the kingdom at tha cost of four liver and making At 8 p m Fey appeared on ths bal pression of the socialist civil war last in a row broke out in the Austrian brought to the German border consultations Ger- thereafter One version is that Doll- Their resentment against deep fuss fell immediately under a hail February the announcement regarding Dollfuss' cony and shouted: parliament over voting which led through the intervention of AmbasFrance and the Little Entente view many was freely expressed If the prince were chancellor the eventually to the Dollfuss dictator- sador Rieth had been arrested of bullets from all sides resignation "Where is Rlntelen?"-"RinteleAustrian as to to vital UnitThe minister Austrian the independence as informed observers ship and all that went with it — civil Then came an official announceAnother version is that he was shot While machine guns barked out is not coming” shouted government the peace of Europe ed States Edgar Pochnik at Reho-bet- down would be a 100 per cent Heim- war see the ment that Rieth had been recalled the story that the government was back Neustradeter-Steurme- r to escape almost while hangings from the wehrit affair In it was Praha on Beach Dela vacation said three hours trying and the army would not “putsch” from Vienna for his unauthorized aclater retaking tha radio station the chan- street said Austrian that Dollfuss’ union with to death was “a great blow only like that tion Leaders Retire The fact that he was killed howcellory waJ seized and the ministers W have agreed on Rintelen" re To express his concern over events Germany would cause the Little En- Austria” The army and Heimwehr have ever was Verified as soon as the captured Dollfuss wu shot without sponded Fey of the The tente to deparliament with interfere we Austrian was “He president needed” In Austria Chancellor Hitler decided just the man been at odds over various things— warning officials said building was surrendered by the the vice presidents resigned as a not to he said more operas at Bay- velopments however attend Angers Emissary among them the nathral jealousy of and any Tha army and the halmwehr went nazis and had been rumored long result of the disagreement leaving reuth Bavaria where he was last to the Isurge Ballhausplatz before the This appeared to anger the govern- professional fighting men for before that — and there have the nation without an organized rep- Sunday home favored ment guard to rescue the emissary The period between the dosing of governmpnt building resentative assembly "President Miklas has suspended been several clashes recently head of the government the doors and the 'final departure of Dollfuss and his cabinet went to some observers reason this For all of perthe his powers with governmental the conspirators was one of the wild- appeared guards Fey President Miklas who alone had est and strangest afternoons in Vienupon the balcony and said something sons imprisoned in the chancellory" think an effort will be made to find power to call an election and offered "You surrender within a chancellor acceptable both to the to an officer which resulted in the ho shouted na’s history but withal was not withtheir resignations to Dollfuss' and 15 element Heimwehr we attack" minutes or of ths withdrawal army although out a comic opera element contrastMiklas refused them and told the the front" men Heimwehr "fatherland shouted only party defiantly were detachments moved later large firmness” with ing grotesquely with the tragic fact all the while saying "Woe on you legal political organization in Aus cabinet to rule “with up to a etreteglc position' that Dollfuss died out a parliament B i Associated Press The heimwehr apparently acting If anything happens to our Fey" as tria onstration against nazis at which When the big doors banged ahut Only once since that date has s of Under order of President Miklas they gazed up at the pale face of In view of the mention of his name national Austria under Engel- Dollfuss declared that the “kind of Ballhausplatz was cut off from the Chronology legislative assembly sat In bert who earlier had been reported in- their beloved leader held under by the nazis in their broadcast after Austria and Dollfuss: Chancellor Highly parliamentarism that recently died' world that meeting was little Little capturing tthe radio station Rinte-la- more than a May' 21 1932 — Engelbert Dollfuss would not come back correctly to be In captivity kept up threat by two political enemies All telephone lines from the out- formality conout the of him now nazi with was and considered the who Its demand for surrender had been minister of agriculture Fty September 21 1933 — Prince von aide failed to fupetian by Regarded Pope For a long wanted Tha at ferred Temporary Arrangement captors whose nazis a for became in tha chancellor running length coalition gov- Starhemberg accused Dollfuss of not time it was not clear to prlsFey apoke police ernment of his own Christian social- keeping promises and withdraws the and heimwehr men outside the The socialists still held Vienna and and Prelates who realists the national socialists and the support of the heimwehr the nazis began talking of a "putsch" was behind the ly putsch The heimwehr was supporting 'Doll-fus- s October 12 1933— Dollfuss patched Heimwehr men rushing up to storm VATICAN CITY July'25 OP— The agrarians 4 1933— dis- up matters" but only on a sort of temporary news March After a politically triumviup by the setting were assasof Chancellor Dollfuss’ building pushed back by turbed agreement sination came as a distinct shock to ernmentperiod in which Dollfuss’ gov- rate composed of himself Prince von the police and for a while it apdiswas Nine days after parliament hetd on by slim majority the Starhemberg and Emil Fey fascist circles where he was held peared as though a battle between banded — and while the public still Vatican socialist president of the chamber of vice chancellor the two uniformed forces was bn- in great esteem re7 expected that there eventually would 1034— Socialists minent deputies and the vice presidents February astonishment Prelates expressed mobilelection— as the result of a controversy who had held the Vienna municipal the socialists be an Ultimatum Hurled and deepest regret as reports filter- signed over "double voting" ized their schutzbund as rumors flew government started civil war which tended the Br Associstsd Prue during night ing through Finally however it became clear 7 1933— Dollfuss offered the was won March that either the nazis or the monarch- to confirm were Dollfuss after by many of situathe the gravity The assassination of Chancellor that a band of conspiratora had cap- American Crack Italian Legions Mass- Dollfuss resignation of his cabinet which was killed Says Tragedy ists were planning to seize the gov- tion in Austria in Vienna was just 20 tured ihe chancellory and that any fa diernment refused Miklas President — who 19 1934 by Dollfuss three April says to be parPope Pius was known Hitler’ years to a dey from the fateful to rule without dictators are too many makes it clear sudden action would imperil the lives Dollfuss equally alarmed by the ed on Border Ready to chancellor rected the by Inspired of chancelfond little the y date on which of those inside a parliament since the body was ren- he is in charge rumors even went to the point of ticularly lor whom he received in a private dered broke off diplomatic relations Action Nevertheless an ultimatum — the- March on Austria no Bloody end new election 1 1934 — New constitution on on Pan Six) powerless (Continued May audience last summer and decorated could be called a consequence of with Serbia first one— was hurled at the conthe abol-except presithe by “authoritative” principle with one of the highest honors of the dent another assassination — the one comheimwehr a h e a parliamentary government spirators by the church - that led to the world war ALLENTOWN Pa July 25 mander who yelled “Open or we (Continued from Fate One) 10 1933 — Two regiments of Prince von March succeeded Starhemberg the At the time Dollfuss negotiated The pages of history rippled the army were called into Vienna to Fey as vice chancellor dynamite ’” H Earle former United support the Dollfuss regime since the back to that July 25 in 1914 when existing concordat between Austria support the government Later the ultimatum was put in 1 24 1934— 1934—Bomband to Austria embassador May Pacel-lStates i July and the Vatican with Cardinal to Austria forces Doll-fu- a Austria severed its ties with the political set-u13 1933— The socialists moMarch (Continued on Pste Six) to the and attributed -ings Vatican secretary of state nation of Serbia end now Democratic candidate for gov12 nazis and socialists beeame mera and 'tttollujtolinri KandT Austria neighbor A staunch Catholic Dullfuar pro- bilized the republican guard- of mobilized charcorps army eight of ernor of a nazi putsch more serious throughout Pennsylvania tonight cannot "go Nazi"- without aertous In- - Serbia was held Austria - 000 men as rumors VENICE Italy July 25 (ff)— Prince tected and encouraged church activi- or a monarchist coup d’4tat were which by Austria to acterized the alaylng of Chancellor already had had many rventlon— from Italy protect --hava fomented indirectly the as' taa& coldblooded1 murder-" Austrian heimwehr and if The official Italian claims as against German sassination 'of Archduke Tran-"- " DollfussPresident vatore March 15 1933— Dollfusa called on sassinate Dollfuss in which he was was Romano the first “unwas throne of Ferdinand the to heir asserted the He killing so Miklas succesdeclares Dollfuss’ the socialists to support him in order wounded aspirations for an "snschluss" with newspaper to carry the to doubtedly inspired by Hitler’ ter- sor as Austrian chancellor attempt- news from Vienna Vienna prevent a nazi putsch by Aus- July 24 1934 —Socialist bomber who to ed Vienna reach of the Hitler movement shot a policeman was Hanged markby plane today rorizing acti0h when 7T were ruthThe Osservatore recently had been trian friends Death News Amaiet Italy Br Associated Press While howthe approaching Alps ing the first time Dollfuss’ governlessly slain without trial" editorials against nazi in Germany 1933 — " stern A thumb-nai- l printing News of Dollfuss’ death was rebackground of ever was warned 23 Starhemberg’s Nazis showed pilot Dollfuss" Earle ment great the death out of April earned threat "The of killing activities in Austria which it held ceived with undisguised astonish-- ' the Austrian situation: elections in Its by the radio atation at Klagenfurt were municipal socialists gains nine since the "will said defeat purpose very penalty ment throughout Italy especially of bad weather over the mountains responsible for (he series of bombings r The” slain head of the AusMay 15 1933— The fascist leader had hoped to echleve It will so hanged Just after the civil war there Since he was regarded as tha key- he returned to Venice of Prince the under 25 1934— Nazi’i “putsch” goes leadership nazis the e create trian July feeling against government— Dr Engel- stone In Mussolini’s central Euro-peahas been vacationing Starhemberg Ernst von Starhemberg put on a dem into action 41 bert Dollfuss chancellor tele- among those lukewarm those on the With his family here policy on whom bung all paly's VIENNA July 25 (UP)-(- By He followed from May 20J93L to July 2V phone to London )—Chancellor Engel- fence end those who: might have events in Vienna this evening by teleDanubian equilibrium efforts movement 1934 the was at the helm while Dollfuss had acquired great sym- bert Dollfuss bled to death slowly adopted nazi with- phone ‘Austria now cannot fascists socialists end nazis He said he would take off for the pathy with the Italian people es denied the ministrations of physician out a European war go‘ and Italy struggled for control The dipeclally through his engaging man-- ' or Catholic priest by his nazi assasAustrian capital early tomorrow for To atand won’t It minutive statesman was unre' tier on several visits In this country sins said Commlsar for Patriotic Ser- France my Starhemberg who has made reVIENNA July 26 (Thursday) Wmind only one of three men Prince mitting in his determination visits to Italy is regarded by hit was i These served to disperse the tradi- vice Adam In a broadcast tonight peated this or Emil officially stated Fey that the independence of AusMajor morning tional Austro-Italiathe Italian government with much emnity to a It was said 'that Dollfues died of von Stahremberg ambassador s io no that executions taken had piece-Italy sympathy tria should be preserved Urge degree finally resulting in co-- severe chest wounds inflicted when Anton Rintelen 26 (Thursday) lP) LONDON July rea of the nazi which of or result the return avert disaster putsch Thenazi neighbor — aiming -- 35! operation hetwewth two Countries shots “were exehanged at - the entry can - Vienna ina laie — A fromdispatch besulted Dollfuss death Austria a monarchy in' In Tdon’t' kt 'a' political union of their of the chancellor's room on an economic basis WASHINGTON July 25 MV--' The edition of the London Mail said today Czechs March to of a statement hanOnly can reported’ Discussing comcountry and Austria nazi leadsenate munitions Dollfuss lay on a sofa and asked lieve that Kurt Schuschnigg Prince Emst von Starhemberg that mittee has becomeinvestigating that that heimwehr troop and civilians azl GerBERLIN! July 25 ers in Germany followed closeMajor Emil Fey his security direc- dle the eituation suspicious Pvnch to Seeks Reich Austria Union the had night during sought 28 nazis been executed an had official soma American munitions manufac“The murder of Dollfuss is bound many received conflicting reports of tor to convey his resignation to Pres? ly the development of the party Dollfuss the of Chancellor assassins said in executions cannot that occur ' today’s developments in Austria with ident Miklas When reached at his to be a terrible blow to the peace of there Chencellor Hitler had turers are cooperating with foreign The uld police hpavily dispatch Austria without a trial mixed' emotions ranging from "I summer home at Veldennear Vien- Europe Mrs Earle and myself dur voiced the belief that Austria a to Increase their profits armed had 25 PRAHA companies to July all attempt repulsed sources Private execusaid told you so” to denials that there na the that tha must return to a common fathby advocating large arifties and get at the prisoners by threatening to president refused to consider ing our service in that country be Wh— Only Austria’s union with Ger- tions were ls‘ any connection between German the Improbable but that some navies in various countries erland resignation on the ground he came firm friends of1 the chancellor many a nigh official spokesman statcrowd into the fire approaching a have as of died result and Austrian Nazis in the events know what his ed tonight would afford reason for may beatings The - fascist neighbor— Prewould not This was made known today by those who at- and Frau Dollfuss The police barracks where the prisThe Austrian Nazi leader Alfred tempted to recognize’ Mussolini watched intentmier Senator Gerald P Nye North Da- oners were seize power forcibly Also plans were Hia were not idea of the Little Entente to Interfere with held was surrounded by Frauenfeld exiled to Germany he considered the resignation offer bloodshed ly the internal strife of AusAustrian developments The barbed wire entaglements kota independent Republican denied his party had anything to do was made under coercion A early as August 1933 "I was extremely fond of Dollfuss tria The spokesman explained committee chairman apoke in outthat with the revolt saying it wu a break II Duce demonstrated his inHe told me that during the war he there was “no reason for the Cxecho the scope of Inquiry to be All Americans in Vienna lining in the Dollfuss cabinet terest in Austrian independhad been pieced In charge of a fir- Slovakian government to fear any SQUARE DEAL FOR VOTER pressed at hearings beginning here "This Is purely an Austrian j ence by inviting Dollfuss to HOQUIAM Wash July 23 (JF) — ing aquad and the execution of the conflicts or to take any steps if the BOISE July 25 (P) — Livestock inte- in September Cables Ambassador Safe said a foreign Office spokesman Vean Gregg former big league south- men by his command gave him a hor- rns! government should succeed in esta of Idaho will meet with Oscar L visit him It was announced said sufficient information Nye after the recent f who insisted that Germany’s attitude paw Is a "square deal” candidate for ror which he never overcame He Austria Chapman assistant United States sec- - about activities of munitions' German-speakini toward her neigh-- sheriff of Grey Harbor county giving told me he vowed thafwhen the war WASHINGTON July 25 (UP)— All conference that a determiof interior here at the Owyhee had been placed before the Only if this nazi government kor ! strictly ne of "hand off" the “square deal" to hia opponents was over he would never touch an- should try to unite Germany and Aus- fretary nation to preserve the integhotel at 10 a m Thursday to discuss committee to lead him to believe the Americans in Vienna are safe the i Chancellor Hitler is known to be On each aide of a truck advertising other weapon He carried out this tria" he said "would it give cause questions involving administration of only solution of the war materials state department was advised late tority of Austria had been watching the situation closely prob- - his candidacy Is a list of alt tight vow He wouldn’t even go hunting for the Little Entente and Italy to the Taylor grazing act passed by the problem was an “absolute govern- day by George Messersmith Amerireached candidates— with his own name lest because of this pledge kbjr turn Ilf Bavarian horn a can ambassador to Austria interfere" ment monopoly” last congress ' well-know- d half-hou- V a s Europe’s Capitals Tense HOME As They Recall 1914 Crisis BERLIN CALLS y ENVOY for Wires Hum as Rome Paris London Consult Italy’s Mobilizing Adds to Anxiety con-fine- d death-oLth- - -- helm-weh- u whole-heartedl- y - - ‘ Doll-fuj- terrorism h Czecho-Slovaki- Vatican Shocked By Dollfuss Death a Chronology of Austria Under Dollfuss’ Rule n Premier Killed ‘MURDER’ SAYS On Anniversary DUCFSORDER Of War Breach FORMER ENVOY TROOPS WAIT f 1 13-1- Austria-Hungar- u ’ orge p Storm Delays Prince’s Return disor-inciudi- ' p)! Vitican-'isrgalirOsse- Italian-languag- Austria-Hungar- y Dollfuss Denied ' Doctor Priest Background of Austria Strife helm-weh- ti Nazi Executions Vienna Mob Seeks Officially Denied Arms Probers Suspicious of Assassins Lives Some U S Firms n if (AV-N- Czecho-Slovaki- ' manufacturers g f Hitle'r-Musso-li- 4 ' |