Show The Salt Lake Tribune Tacky Huckster: Our Own Orrin cowboy caucus featuring "Take your tongue out my mouth I m TOM BARBERI kissing you goodbye? Who knows9 Hatch might be bitten by the TV bug and do a takeoff on Roma Downey Touched by a Lobbyist Ciao! Tom Barberi is a host on Just when you thought the country was facing ail unsulvable problem with spnaling health costs along comes the ultimate HMO Hatch Medicinal Ornn-ation- s The best part of this medical miracle is that jou don t have to visit your primary care physician undergo a physical or fill a prescription All you have to do is tune in the Home Shopping Network and order one of Urrin Hatch's cure all CDs When 1 first heaid of this 1 thought somebody was making a bad joke But thei e he w as sitting next to the shopping show's hostess extolling the many powers those CDs possess She was doing her typical gush over the newr product that was being made available to the millions who have come to the Home Shopping Network to purchase their minimum daily dose of cheap jewelry knick-knacgeegaws for their mantels and Ins and her matching watches with their favorite football teams on the faces complete with genuine imitation leather bands r Our own was sitting theie with lus power Republican blue suit and (ultra) conservative tie recounting with a straight face to Miss Gush how his patriotic and spiritual tunes actually cured some people of depression This should cause Eli Lilly stock to go through the floor w ith the loss of Prozac sales Not only did the tell us of the medicinal powers of his songs but he also informed this audience of shut-in- s that his songs pi ompted people to return to church All this for only $14 95 for cassette or $24 95 foi the CD r Then the good further lecounted how the songs were wntten dunng boting Senate committee meetings I Instead suppose it was a tiade-of- f of trying to solve the collapsing Social Security system he was penning some smarmy rhymes that would empty hospital beds and fill the nations houses of worship What a guy From New Yoik Mayor Rudolph Giuliani showing up in drag on Late Night With David to President Clinton donk senator-songwrite- senator-songwrit- senator-songwrite- Let-term- ning shades and blowing a squeaky saxophone on the old Arsemo Hall show we have seen antics from politicians that would embarrass the most doting parent But this has to be a new' low or high in tacky While our was waxing eloquent on his music we could see the tally of sales click away m the coiner of the screen knowing that if we didn't get ours right away they would be a moving on to the next item cubic zircoma broach in the likeness of Elvis9 What next Orrin rapping with the GOP to appeal to the inner-cit- y crowd in American Fork? How about Ornn's Country for the rhinestone crowd in Utah's senator-songw'rit- UTAH talk-sho- ELOUISE BELL IU Perry Restaurant Hostess Wilma Maddox Dies at 85 Wilma Hotter Maddox who greeted diners at Maddox Ranch House in Perry for nearly four decades died Christmas Day at Gedfrey's Foothill Retreat She was 85 In 1949 husband Maddox and Irvin steakhouse her late launched their which quickly evolved into one of the most famous rural eateries in the Intermountain West To this day regular customers from as far away as Salt Lake City and Burley Idaho flock to the Ranch House for its fried chicken and steaks Maddox was born on July 24 1912 in Bngham City to William Fredrick and Mary Ellen Jensen KALL-A- Sunday December 28 1997 Hotter She grew up on the family's farm where she tended the garden and milked cows She graduated from Bngham Young University and took up a career teaching school The Maddoxes settled in Bngham City where Irvin started a seven-stolunch counter in the Howard Hotel in 1943 Wilma joined him as a hostess when he moved a block away to start a cafe and the pair were married in January 1946 The Ranch House had humble beginnings in a log cabin that the Maddoxes hauled to the restaurant's current site in Perry The cabin sat on skids so it could be easily removed in case the restaurant ventures of their own Maddox is survived by her si n Steven K Maddox her dau"li1i r Lynn Maddox and three iliildn u oflivin who died m Apnl 191!) it age 84 Gale Maddox Doyle Mini dox and Jolene Straun Also so niu viving aie her brother Hotter her sister Virginia M ti Olive Hotter at ley sister-in-lagrandchildren Funeral services will be Monday at 1 pin at the leriy LOS Chapel li lends may call Sunil fiom 6 lo 8 p m at Mvcrs Morfu aiy in Bngham City and Mond v from noon to 12 45 at (he ihim h Brian ille ven- ture flopped said Maddox's daughter Lynn Maddox But the restaurant was an instant hit and the family added a lunch counter and a main dining room within a year With Irvin cooking and Wilma as hostess the Ranch House continued to grow around the old cabin which remains on skids housing the booth room Lynn Maddox said The Ranch House now seats about 300 but dineis without reservations often have to wait fur a table Maddox s soil Steven remains the genet at manager and her grandchildren aie starting 11 RESPONSE Tom you are getting more conservative every week Surely that was you in Mr Mac's buying the blue-sui- t special (two pair of pants and a year's supply of white crew socks for $99 95) You are deep into pigeon-hol- e and that's long thinking Mr B out of date Your hives are aflame because you can't tell whether Orrin is or singer hack w nter or huckster What he is Thomas is a celebrity Long ago we saw the handwriting on the billboard people moving from show biz to politics and vice versa What do show business and politics have m common9 One might make several connections including the manipulation of illusion and the power of image But more important than either is identification If your name and your face can be quickly identified by the masses you are a celebrity That achieved it matters little what a reliyou sell a political cure-al- l gious balm or the Breakfast of Champions Movie stars bundle up their fans and deliver them to the ballot box with amazing ease Before Ronald Reagan there was George Murphy a star of romantic musicals who took his talents (which as Tom Lehrer says were evident at a glance") and became a U S senator Sonny Bono is tap dancing in the same footsteps Bill Bradley had recognition years before he was elected to the Senate He was a basketball player Happily Bradley was more impressive the second career around Even the staid Brits can boast a dandy crossover a music-hal- l hoofer named Betty Boothroyd traded on her fame to become a leading light in the House of Commons On the other hand sports figures and movie stars long have sold their recognition value to the hucksters No less a celebrity than Eleanor Roosevelt once hawked margarine on TV Gabnella Saba-tinever made it to the top m tennis but the Latin beauty is rich beyond the dreams of avarice through her endorsements Nowr is there any truth to the rumor that Pizza Hut is begging to create a Barberi Special? Extra crust your choice of ham or bologna? so-lo- n w'ell-know- n Chow! Rasheed C Rasheed 5 likes to ride bikes and play w ith toy cars He was exposed to drugs and alcohol before birth and has been diagnosed w ith fetal alcohol syndrome He is in a special-educatio- kindergarten n Rasheed has been in a day treatment program to help him with anger and social skills He takes medication for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder Renika C Renika 7 likes to swim and do her hair She is in third grade but works at a second-gradlevel She has trouble getting along w ith kids her own age and can be bossy and aggressive with young children She will need counseling to help with depression and anger Ronnie C Ronnie 6 likes playing with trucks and riding his bike He also has been diagnosed with fetal al- e self-estee- Rasheed Ronnie and Renika cohol syndrome and now has some learning and social problems He finished early childhood programs and is working at the kindergarten level in first grade programs may be necessary for him Rasheed Renika and Ronnie need parents with a lot of patience and the ability to work effectively with the schools The children need to stay in touch with their two older brothers n Special-educatio- Whatever happened to Reid and Madge Gardner? adopt one of these children or others contact To The Adoption 610 E South Temple Salt Lake City or call 350 7700 Financial assistance is available Exchange Band Heads for Rose Bowl look forward to it E Band families have raised $35 000 to date he said and have paid most of the $120 000 cost for the trip which includes visits to Disneyland and Knotts Beiry Farm Miller also said the band needed new' drums at a cost of $8 000 uniforms $6000 for color-guarand $800 for a new banner Band families have earned money through projects such as candles and sponselling i3 3 mile) race soring a The band also established its own 900 toll phone number giving the band a $5 donation for each call and appearing as a charge on caller s phone bills and has a site on the B Continued from IM Internet of 47 March with a Come Ye theme of Come Saints There may be a few tears w hen we do that selection Miller said This is the culmination of a lot of years of work and practice We fund-raisin- y n id on w i studi a I n e in li Sp uu math and phv lit in (if tl 0 1 is v I d Rt vtio Utah otk t Hi u nln ovi a I I 1 11 1 11 weie driving dour the load Reid kanul our to ki mtd v His uttem on diverted t'i v went ol1 0 mad and hi! a tek phone no'e Rod k spo1 ikd th k you gist sealed out fate 11 I year of n am v t1 y re tho iklul for y uuk hikin n a d 8 gieit vai dihil then Mtdge necimo a foster n e tier tor new bomb thus and loi six u an thi ic was 01 e and sot 1 times two b tbies tho Ga'tinei on o K d is now wok" a on his second bookofvese from wlm h we quo'e in ih s life ifitstnie theres ust so mi eh to do My is lo provost n re it t a'i do ic hi o ye work it and fin don't when UK 5 lived to 108 Looku g hack on their s cl kiieii n rvS - 1 2l? I g idie The peonle live at liglilo d Cove aie so wondvful have so imieh iti totnmon w ' tl an I i ty can help your loved ones stay independent in their own home Our nurses therapists social wortcers and home health aides assist with bathing meal preparation personal care medical and therapeutical needs We Medicar&Medicaidlnsurance may pay for all or most expenses macl Assessment Services available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for more information Call FRESHER Salt lake 6 Pnwo suoro BMNETTES The Finest reaver CONNECTION Retirement Community in Salt Lake City 3 Kavsville Opden J PVise s( iitinnioit (1 li el esu ' aie e t H i on o V the 'to a li 'e isi love Name ddress ( v 1 o kiephoi e Quarter past your 7th antacid? What a grea! movie Too bad all you can think about is that unbearable burning in your chest that started along with the previews lately it's so intense even antacids can't stop it And steep? You might as well start bnngmg a fire extinguisher to bed Sound familiar9 Then you may be interested in a research study for people with frequent heartburn tf youre 18 years of age and over and qualify to participate youll receive study related examinations study related lab tests and study medication At no cost to the participant For more information call 261-893- 0 The Dinette Specialist Leisuife Living 2174 S 1100 E (Rear) Adtacent lo Granite Furniture SHOP Mon-S- 10 AM to 6 PM 487-328- mas 3750 Higi inei Dt Sait Laki Utv Utah 9 e d 50 stars and stripes Hope through Research Buy $ 1 295 VixirsatthoT'ilWore Mis Stain Mvai line level I t msas&m iPv me Reid and Madge met it an onen m d ik e at I nti tpr so Utah ivt on the de e aero-- s the J rice loor saw ovum r she wn with a il e tl i' ni'lt WUnMnlgo finally let the uviig 'ellov horn Sp id I ok d e tho id t he was i "small ek c ' On one of t' lust dan s as t x y Elouise Bell is professor emeritus at Bngham Young Universi- FREE 1)1 tot Pin U S W thor s too a cateO vdik e ive him opootHimtu s lo 0 niiv u at hi r Mahons m Al iska Vi:o' a d Nevad tXtame a There also is a band information number prov iding recorded updated information on upcomevents and band ing trivia such as the band marched 300 miles this parade season is the top Utah marching band six years running and is the current state marching band champion al theme including the Days http:wwwalpine-kl2ulusafindehti- mini ti ill (in '! e tie eom ntn i'v of Nr d ho in L An ox i !li nt 5-- Like his father before him American Fork sophomore Kip Jensen plays trombone m the marching band Robert Jensen too was a sophomore at American Fork High when the band played the Rose parade m 1972 This time the band is performing music with a Utah sesquicen-tenni- valan'e Ri id G d Lone Peak High School who plays clarinet in the band said We have been practicing since May This is the longest parade that we have been in in w up o Madgi loisyth he said mr 27 2 8220 We |