Show -- V THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING GOP Currency Plank Held Vitally Important Produce Market First JUNE 9 1936 business Briefs Answers to Questions SALT LAWK CITY BUTTSR grade-l$ 33 32 Second grade lb 34 Sweet cream butter lb (Psrchmsnt wrapped Ai tsss) 23 Largs whit henneries dot Medium whit henneries do 21 CHEESE Fun cream triplets lb 16 Full erssm longhorns lb Ilf Full erssm b sandwich loaf lb 18 Jack cheeae 5 pounds each lb 22 Wheel Swiss cheese domeatle lb 28 bricks lb Block 8wlss 25 Llmburger b b bricks lb brick 21 bricks lb1 65 5 pounds seek lb am daisies Wisconsin cured 23 pound Tull cream longhorns Wisconsin 24 cured lb Full cream triplets western cured 20 pound western Tull cream longhorns 19 cured lb 17 Statistics avsnu Dorothy R Jensen owner fetal °ronsen builder brick residence 1364 Harrison avsnu Eva'd E- - warranty Nyftran to John C Hale deeds 100 ' 4200 lot 1307 Highland Parkplat A 1 20 manager of the Alan M Cannon to Moss Marriage Licenses Whltaksr By FREDERIC J HASKIN lot 3 block F 10 plat Laurie mine at Kimberly George Raymond Cunnington Adslakl L Fisher to Alice C Hum- - ' A reader can get the answer to tidends up to 6 per cent when earned 28 Murray lot 18 block 6 South Salt phroy Piute Lake was in county 10 Lwn ubdlYlefan any question of tact by writing by the federal reserve banks are Margaret Clara Hodell 20 MurWalter Plront to Francis Balsnsr The Salt Lake Tribune Informapaid to the member banks which City Monday on business lot 5 block S4 plat C “Therefore agriculture demand10 ray By ISmG FISHER LUD William D MacLean to Lyn F tion Bureau Frederic J Haskin in turn pay dividends to their priMacLean lot 2 block 22 plat O Professor Emeritus of Economics ing monetary stability for itself and 1 Charles 23 ShelreCox Amasa All vate federal etockholders D Director Please Sliver C Standard Mining company Washington Lydia J Wolff to Clyde E Wolff for all other classes renews its deYale University et aL lot 22 block 2 South inclose three (3) cents for reply ley Idaho serve bank earnings over 6 per cent Is approaching its objective at its monemand for conservative sound Lawn subdivision 1 Elmer Leona Taylor 18 ShelNEW HAVEN Conn June 8— go to the federal government as a property in the East Tintlo mounInTMtnMoii company I management Only by such Oroar Mclntvra lot 14 block S ley Idaho How many young people are franchise The federal reserve board tains Dr L N Ellsworth president The burning question last week and tary Q Sun of can the value money management 10 plat A studying to be stenographers? K R at Washington fixes discount rates of the company announced Monday Clarence Ward Abbott 36 San John V Crosier to Horn Owner this week is: What will the Repub- be regulated as to keep it stable in Lowi corporation lot IS block otherwise and office of reSince estimated the is resumed were A regulates banking It by operations Francisco licans put in their platform? The purchasing power” 4 Jordan Place education that COOOOO young people operations and at each federal re- cently the shaft has been extended Louise Annie Humbly 13 San Mats a Shield to Attderaon Lumquestion who is to stand on that In short the American farmers ber company lot 20 block 7 directwho officer is an 35 serve bank courses this are feet to 185 feet a and of stenographic Francisco taking depth Xmonon Height 10 platform even the startling sugges- are demanding what Sweden EnInvestment company to year in public schools and that an- ly represents the government Other Dr Ellsworth reports that it has flhalty tion of nominating a conservative gland and over a score of other 11 Loa Matson Vincent Sarah X lot of Roy Larson 41 13 block are the officers trained in are 200000 employes broken a other into limestone private being bedding Democrat for vice president is of countries already have 10 plat A ' Angeles NEW YORK Jun S (AP) — Live poultry private business schools the banks Sarah X Larson to Ralph W Larclipping eastward toward a porphyry of EnWeak By freight: Chickens unquoted secondary Importance It Is the new Sir Charles Morgan-Web- b son Maude 89 Eleanor Hubbard block 15 lot 41 dike traverses the property that roosdeal which Is on trial unquoted fowls 10 plat A gland who is now in this country broilers Salt Laka City Where are th® Bottomless Q Please explain the process ot down the bill from the shaft SamQ ters 13c turkeys 13920c19®20e aucka all secTransfsr Realty company to T C It Is not my purpose to argue for said in a recent broadcast: tions 11® 13c used by collector Hill lot S block 66 plat K By express Chickens and Pits? M B 10 stamps floating pling reveals strong mineralization Albert Harry Pohlman 20 Salt Tranafsr Realty company to Alice or against the new deal taken as a “The objectives of the monetary turkeys unquoted broilers 16925c roos- A These remarkable sinkholes J K l3o ducks all sections 11913c with 10 values Felknsr lot B ploek 64 plat A a fair sliver in and Lake City whole I have for three years ar- policy of the sterling group have terDressed A C Broca to Chlo A poultry —Steady Fresh: Chtck-t- s in the K&ibab limestone are about A In floating stamp to remove little gold apparently due to the Barbara Jensen 19 Salt Lake Thomaa fowls 16©23o old roosBruce lot 12 block 2 Uintah to gued in favor of some of it and been proclaimed in the British em- ters 20932c adhere which Ariz of east the miles paper particles Flagstaff 15©17e turkeys northwest 17 925c eight 100 influence of the porphyry dike A Height City pire currency declaration (of July chickens and turkeys unquoted broilers against some of it used stamps use fairly shallow pan geophysical survey mwaaM 25c fowls 1902Oc roosters 13c by Carl W Chil-so- n 9 is the beginWhat Q It is not my purpose here even 1933) as being: (1) The restoration 18 of quotation Inch 20 Bowen Rivabout in and Martin Filed Divorce Suits put ell sections 11913c Joseph company superintendent In to stress what should or could best of the normal activity of industry ducks Dressed poultry — Steady Fresh Chick- ning: "Her voloe was ever soft?” water Place the stamps in face up Nellla P Gordon a rain it Robert If Go erton dicated the presence of an ore 20®32c fowls 18 923c old roos- E H don cruelty Alonso P Keslar attorney be made the paramount Issue My and employment (2) Remunerative ens to is that is the Bocks have —that Elizabeth tead paper ters 15017c turkeys northwest 17® 25c Geneva Thompson against Lee Tbomp-K-n at a depth of about 200 feet Araminta A "Her voice was ever soft gen- be soaked off on the water side In body © 16c Long Island barrels 14 purpose rather is to point out that prices for farmers and for the pro- ducks 17 Grsinite cruelty Aik D lament attorney and Dr Ellsworth believes the comFrosen: Chickens 23®31o fowls and old tle and low an excellent in it is of paramount importance not ducers of basic commodities (3) roosters for have soaked thing this way after they 24 ® 33c turkeya unquoted 27 Richard Burt Wellington Divorce Granted to make an issue of the new deal’s Equality between debtor and cred- ducka Long leland barrel!!? boxet 18c woman’ is from Shakespeare’s King a couple of hours the particles of pany is approaching thia ore body Butter— celpts 1085(1' eaeler eream- - Lear Crescent Wesley L Maughan from Helen Parker a detached be general monetary policy whatever itor” by using man may extras paper extras 29©29c nigner Maughan desertion Judge P C Evans Stockholders of the Newhouse core 28®28c flrats 88 to 91 Author of Books Kitty Alice Nicol 23 Union faults in details— such as the silpair of tweezers vore 87 to eeconde 84 the first made Who Q ver purchases— may properly be Sir Charles is the author of two ecore 26 0 27c centrallied 90 ecore 28c Realty company Monday approved LEGAL NOTICES motor trip in the United Q Are there any caribou In the plans for continuing th ImproveLogan Cheeae — 217642 pounds) firm books on this subject namely “The complained of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS stats wholeReceipts milk flats held 1935 fancy States? F R 27 Knowles William James ment M A work under way at the United States? Rise and Fall of the Gold Stand- 22 9 22 e BtAto of Utah Office of State Doubtful Benefit Avon A In May 1899 Alexander Win-to- n A The caribou in Alaska are the hotel Mrs J H Waters about 32317 cassa ard” Commission Egge— Road Balt Lake City "The Revolution” and Receipts Money An indiscriminate condemnation Mixed colors automobile manufacturer only ones now found in the United W J Halloran E O Howard W E steady Special packs or Utah June 2nd 1936 Ray Mond Oldham 17 Avon 22 ® 26c droveearly of the new deal would be of doubt- in which he described how England selection from fresh receipt! York Cleveland bids will New to be received by the Sealed from standards 22 States They inhabit the reindeer Sutton and W D Sutton were restandards end David William Cook 30 Ogden Btate Road Commission of Utah ful benefit to the Republicanu party has replaced the gold standard by a 023c firsts commercial 21 022c: mediums 40 He was on the road five days but and tundras elected the directors The directors largely of regions stable pounds 20®20c dirties No 1 42 State Capitol Balt Lake City Utah Gracia Stewart 25 Logan and would endanger the safety of managed paper currency was 47 hours barren Mrs Waters president Mr mountain ridges at 2 o'clock p m Wednesday June pounds 20®20e average checks 19c bis actual running- time those parts of the new deal which buying power Resale or premium marks 28 whites: 34 minutes and 17th 1936 and at that time pubD vice Halloran SutW ’ The farmers in asking stable 29 c near-bpresident Ogden Including pecks special themwho before licly opened for construction of a public spirited Republicans Q Who was the poet ton secretary-treasure- r W E and and mid westpremium) 26®2Tc near-ba 11 money O Hendrickson currency through managed school is Walt Henry ern hennery exchange epeelals gravel surfaoed road In Millard selves wish to see retained Q Where Disney's 24 ® hie death burned all of hie verses? Sutton general manager J HolCount the same being U 8 Work near-band mldweateru exchange for cartoonists? E 25c Sandy The whole fate of the Republican as a boon for themselves are not standards F & man was Waters elected assistant marked mediums Program Highway Project No W P 23®23c for special class legislation 22 c Pacific Eva D Durrant 32 Salt Lake He conducts a training school A de Figueroa did so freeb shell treated M coast Francisco H between Holden end party and perhaps the whole fate asking A secretary linen fancy 28®28o Pacific coast for prospective talent in the Radio-Kei- but City of the American people hangs on like the A A A The boon is one for or Kanosh were afterwards collected they standards 27®27c Pacific coast shell is class Nor a it of every road to be con Tbe length properly decisions which may be taken this treated or liners mediums 23®24c Orpheum building New York and published from copies in the Richard A Brewer 21 Ogden structed or Improved la 1130 miles 27 0 City partisan matter Republicans and Brownsnear-b-Resale of premium marks week in Cleveland of friends hands 28c Etna Poulsen 20 Ogden and the principal Items of work are and western Increase in Steel packs To my mind the most supremely Democrats alike should demand sta- private sales from ston 26®special 27c western approximately as follows: 7723 Cu ble money effect tidal is 23 Duck egge: Extra the standards How of ® 25 W Lake Salt Q Gail Jones great are Yds Unclassified Excavation and unit 23c Typograpb be on will Q Why decision that Important 25® 28c average sis near- of the moon on gravity? E Z As Mr Taber says "Wflo not ap- large near-b9523 Cubic Yards Oravel Surface and Predicted leal union called chapels?— K R M City the money question by 23® 24c fair to good all sections 22 Operations Bubbase Gravel J from a partisan ®22c A It is only one part In nine A In England the word chapel Mary A Shelton 21 Logan It is therefore heartening to read proach the subject There Tbe attention of bidder Is diare people viewpoint covwas applied to a printing office also Provisions tbe to CHICAGO Jun 8 (AP)— Poultry live — million rected that Kenneth F Simpson New York political Special 26 Gerald Salt F Flannery of all in each of the Receipt! 28 trucks steady hens 5 pounds or aaelgnlng th or association of jour to a UP-- The ering subletting S meeting YORK NEW county chairman received last week farm political parties We make June to Lake c mark 18e City contract Q What is the sign used our end less 18hens mors than 5 pounds Rock organizations of a printing office for pro- American Iron and Steel institute tomany letters commending him for demands Leghorn Plymouth 15c Rocks Hortense Biddle 21 Salt Lake British neymen and The minimum wag paid to all upon all political parties spring! 28c Whit 29c colored the official property of the order among day estimated steel his opposition to any return to the enforcing durmoting skilled labor employed on this conk production 27c: Plymouth Rock friers 27e White government? C B City and for themselves shall be 73 cento per hour tract disputes old gold standard settling Rocke 27 c colored 25e Plymouth and He had criti- alike” cent 695 at week current ing the per A The broad arrow Rock broilers 25c colored 23c The minimum wag paid to all These meetings were presided over of capacity compared with 682 per cised the money plank proposed the In England those who in 1925 White Price bsrebseks more then 19®21o: Leghorn Intermediate labor employed on this most demanded stable money and 1 pound! 19o 1 to 1 The cent in the week before last by a New York pounds 16c contract shall be 0 cento per hour Q How much did a full suit of by a "father of the chapel” preceding week and 69 D L Turner 19 Sunnyside standto return the the 13c Leghorn roosters 12c hen rooiters in gold opposed to have said term is originated conference state of certain Repub' The minimum wag paid to all a month ago turkeys 16c toms 15c No 2 turkeys armor weigh? T N Lofgreen 19 Birdseye unskilled labor employed on this the fact that printing was first car Operations show an average gain Pauline lican organizations who had not ard were the industrialists 13c heavy old ducks 12c heavy young for made of armor A suit King A Utah Sir Charles said that: contract shall be 50 cento per hour 16c small whits ducks 11c small colin England by Caxton in a of 13 points over the previous week gone far enough to suit him in re ored 10c geese 11c Henry VIII consisted of 235 pieces rled on attached Plans and specifications are on to or near West- For the industry protested Butter 31 Chi— Receipt Mates 16442 firm cream- and weighed 93 pounds Henry chapel week Adolph last file In the office of the State Road pudiating the former gold standard corresponding exwas it when score realized 93 ery that specials was strongly customary year the rate was 39 per cent of minster Abbey It 28®28c Commission Balt Lake Cjty and at and substituting a modern managed cago III 92 score 27 c extra llrets 90 to a return to a gold standard was tras District Engineer's office at Cedar 91 score 27 c Mae Pace 25 Price first! 88 to 89 ecore Q Does lightning follow a draft at that time to do the work of print- capacity currency such as Sweden’s and EnThe 26 score of Federation central90 standards City Utah where they may be re®26c to contemplated attached G of S in air? abbeys chapels ing The week estimated this gland's carlots 27 c viewed by prospective bidder Speciupturn Arnold Winder 22 Desert Lake Industries told a government isedEggs — Receipts 32814 cases firm exwill not follow drafts unless Holme in 1688 says: “Every is th largest reported since the A Those who thus commended him British It fications bidding blankd proposal Bessie Okelund 18 Castle Dale tra flrete local 21c care 21c fresh the air stream is filled with smoke and plans will be furnished at Balt were said to be chiefly members of committee that a return to gold graded printing house is termed a chappeL' week of April 20 when the gain Was firsts local 20e ears 21e curwould mean a serious dislocation of rent Lake City on depositing (200 which farm organizations receipt 19 e storage packed extras or vapor that makes it a better conThe 1936 peak placed at 25 will be returned providing contracDeath trade an increase in unemployment storage packed flrete 22c Q What are the Romance lan- rate a six-ye- points the surwas atoee — Receipt 701 Probably not one person In ten a severe fall in tor submit an acceptable bid and 207 on track 296 ductor of electricity than high per — John Charles ALLRIDGE O’N a C Allridf) disastrous prices guages?— United total In the United States has yet waked States shipment) Saturday rounding air returns the plana within seven day cent recorded in the week ended Ferron uremia Jun 8 850 Sunday 73 to check from derived stock weaker supNew British an trade A The An— export Luff languages after bids are received Any addiDunbar ANDERSON Kathryn 20 up to tlje fact that the moderate elow Texas generdemand April plies dereon 466 Fifth East street aptional Information may be secured increase in the burden of indebted- ally fair quality and Q Where was Louis Bromfield the Latin are the Romance Ian 9445 4 Jun gold standard is out of fashion al- ness" abscess pendlceal at the office of the Btate Road ComCalifornia While Roeeru A born and educated? G M $465 guages which include Italian Span MORI— H Y Mori about 51 88' West mission Each bidder must submit ready that already over half the That was over 10 475 Old stock slightly weaker euppltee undeath cause street of Mansfield Second South Provencal born was French in and He ish A Voted years ago moderate demand slow Idaho russet Fund Portuguese a letter from an approved surety world is on a managed currency the known but natural Juns 4 U No 8 1 his He Ladin were and received 1898 highfulfilled Romansch Ohio in Rumanian (4800490 prophesies They company guaranteeing to furnish THOMSON — Elmer Thomas Thomson 34 with the management designed to would tuberstreet ColumWest Seventh South aid bidder with required bond Tbe be 28 Cornell and we fulfilled at make if er education again 8 108 ANGELES June County Produce Program both (AP)— deflation inflation and culosis Jun 4 prevent right to reject any or all bids la Q In what book is there a HagHis novel “Early the same mistake again Butter bia lbs universities 137500 exchange receipts England worst curses and the the twin reserved 70900 lbs egga none Pulitzer gles family?— S A R has now learned her lesson Have cheeae County commissioners Monday Caah certified check or cashier's Butter: 1—92 ecore 2 — 91 Autumn” was awarded a which curses economically Births 30c A In Kate Douglas Wlggln'i appropriated $103844 as the county's — score we — 29c score learned 3 ours? 90 89 28c check for 3 per cent of total amount 4 prize — Reuben an! Mary Lap mankind has been comFork Spanish ecore 28c the of Birds' Christmas Carol bid made payable to th Btate Ruggles share of the estimated probable cost sen Gardner daughter Copyright 1936 Index Number InEgge: 1—Candled elean extras 24c Road Commission must accompany pelled to endure Moab— Mr and Mm Arnold Holyoak Q Can jelly be made from rhu- are the family whose children are of carrying out the legislative pro3 —Do large standards 22c 1—do mestitute Inc Beeson each bid as evidence of good faith Mr and JMre But one class in America woke dium extras 20c 3— do medium ‘stand- barb? R S Invited to the Christmas party at gram planned by the Utah State daughter Mr and Mrs JRoj Darton and a guarantee that if awarded daughter ard! 18c J— do smell extras 16c up to the importance of the money Is necessary to the Birds can but it Officials A of It Association — daughter the contract th bidder will ex1 3 Hens County under Leghorns Poultry: several ago years largely problem ecute th contract and give bond lbe Grain 14c 2—3 to 4 lbs 14c 3— over add an equal amount of juice from The entire estimated cost is $2500 Chicago — 4 lbe 4 4 15c colored 2 to bene the 3 of influence Professor dates as required do What the through New Suits Filed to which all county boards in the 20c 5— over 4 lba 21c 6— brollere tart apples or use commercial pecBTATE ROAD COMMISSION CHICAGO Jun 8 (AP) — Subltintial lb Warren of Cornell and of Henry are of stars mean? They in circle a — Alics 1 E Deardorff H lbe over 1 to 7 directions to Mary 1 to 15c 2 agalpst on tin state to contribute a asked are according on wheat market downturn led to By EDWARD K HOWH Mason and William C Mason mortgage 8 — friers Leghorns to 3 15c 2 Wallace when editor of Wallace’s buying House White the at floor the in a creeping rallying of price Monday that lbs Chairman basis f orrclomire — Barred Rocke 2 Baird Clarence per attorney lba 3 15c to 9 capita overcame aetback from Farmer before he became secretary virtually resulting K 0 WRIGHT Q Who own and control the U P T lb 19c 10— other colored lac how11 — Metropolitan Life Insurance company The commission to heavy rain northwest Monday light O el st Cannon Ada mortkaga hlet Engineer of agriculture and confused the Continued pessimistic field report In roasters Barred Rocke over lba against A They designate that the White ever federal reserve banks the United foreclosure Dsy Hoppaugb Mark 4t Johnspecified that the money not son 12 — others 21c 16 — ducks young busi- House was built in 1792 and was reWoiICE TO CONTRACTORS regard to spring wheat notably assertions 21c problem by favoring wealth-destru- o attorneys lbs 12c 17— old lie 18— State government or private should be in the that for the southwest Quarter of North under 4 program expended Loan and R C Green against Tracy tion and young tome 14 ness? W R modeled in 1902 These dates are returned to the county Btate of Utah Office of Stot Dakota barely half a crop the best Seee 16c 19 — turkeys Trust company as administrator under th 20c lba 20c 20 —over 18 lba Road Commission Balt Laka City possible prospect served as a basis for A The federal reserve banks are circumscribed by the seel of the will of th late F C Schramm and Wynn Later Influence 22 — old up 20c resting orders to purchase There was also 21 — hens 9 lba and Jun 2nd 1936 Utah Coman Schramm as executrix under the some buying of wheat against sales of corn toms 14c 23—old hena 14c privately owned but controlled and president of the United States Sealed bid will be received by th will to recover $20000 on promlaaory Admitted Latterly a chief Influence has been Action 91 (Note: Butter key: 92 —extra of the Chicago market contrasted Charges federal the A Carter note: Stewart Stewart attorneys govern' State Road Commiaalon of Utah 89 — first regulated by flrit 90 — standards cents a bushel prim with the committee for the nation and sharply For what use were Indian Admitting a charge of shoplifting Home Owners Loan corporation against Q Btate Capitol Balt Lake City Utah close for 1®2 wheat Monday at Liverpool Sept complete list on Mondays other days ment There are about 7000 memmortGoodfellow al st J Martha Mr Fred Sexauer of the Dairymen’i lower Griggs and with a simultaneous pronounced dip In only ehangee) at 2 o’clock p m Wednesday June when arraigned before Judge A H gage forecloaure atT Stewart These are owned by mounds built? S F D ber banks Ralph British ratea exchange 17th 1936 and at that time publicly league A Archeological excavations of Ellett in police court Monday Jeff torney as Wheat here closed steady at the same 8 etockholders SAN their Jun FRANCISCO Acting gravel has One tangible result been the at Saturday's finish to opened for construction of a beam-piconto ot a cent Butter — 92 score 31c: 91 score 28 c banks led have the mounds Indian 23 was le fined $15 Pleasing steel surfaced road and BUILDING PERMITS they put up the capital with clusion that these mounds seem to R Jones 84®84e resolutions indorsed on January 17 off JulyDecember September 84 0 90 ecore 28 c 89 score 27c owner A and builder Piute J Tadge bulkhead bridge In County 86 corn Cheeee — Flat which the federal reserve banks op guilty to a similar charge Luelia triplet 15c 15c 864 to 1936 by the national agricultural 84c advanced July 0 8614c brick alterations U garage 8 Works same — of mediums Program Sepfor the a being been ®c 57 957c 60®60c Egga Large 21c variety Brown 29 will be sentenced July 1 designed 18e erate and therefore own them Div- - have $ 135 Fayette avenue tember December 52 c emails 13 c conference objecting- - to the gold oats Highway Project No W P M 8 Some of them were burial They were arrested at 27 East C Anderson owner Capitol Builduses off July 24 c and rye un170 In Kingston Canyon builder standard and demanding a managed changed ®c oompany ing reshlngl to c down July 53e In proedifoundations for others places The length of road to b conPrinceton 920 brick residence Broadway the outcome varied from 2 cents currency instead The national ag- vision fices while still others served as structed or improved is 1357 miles decline to 10 cents gain ricultural conference which is ag' and the principal Items of work are The most pretentious fortresses rlculture's united front on monetary approximately as followi: 27500 Cu other sacrificial and used for were Cash 3500 Quotations Yds Unclassified Excavation Coloritdo shore ewes NORTH SALT LAKE June 6 (UBDAI— 91060 policy includes the National Grange Chicago Jun S (AP) —Cash wheat: No religious purposes In many of the Cu Yds Gravel Surface and 19 Hogs— Receipts 2315 63 direct through (310- the American Farm Bureau Fede 3 red'89c colobtained of custom Steel the Structural Ton tribes — Loa to — Hogs Angeles CHICAGO Jun 8 No 2 mixed 82c No 2 mixed shipments include 1895 Th attention ml bidders is directration the National Cooperative 60cCorn: the bones of the dead clean17000 felrly active generally Receipt No 4 mixed 59c No 5 mixed 57c packers: strong to 15cto higher top (1015 butchers down lightweights steady with Friday's average top (1025 lecting ed to the Special Pro vision cover(990 Council (representing 3500 farmer No 2 yellow 62 Vi ® 63c No 3 yellow mixed them carefully and piling them down to (925 packing sows (650 9 725 bulk 140 to 160 pound ing ISO 985 91010 No No 60c 4 subletting or assigning th coning 58 yellow Cattle — Receipts 138 28 direct through to 350 pounds organizations) and the Farmers' 61®62c 1000® 1020 f few 250 to in a common grave over which a tract 5 yellow 57® 58c No 2 white 68 © Include 86 to Los Angeles mar- 300 pounds sows (850® National Grain corporation 69c 4 shipments No (9(501010 No 3 white 67 0 87c The mlnlmutn wag paid to all erected few lota medium to good cows (435 910 smooth light weights to (925 and mound was ' 5 white Skilled labor employed on this conof the white 65c No 56c 57®60c ket Last week 9500 cutter klnda down to (275 bulla (935 sample grade 40® odd vealers (860 tract shall be 75 cents per hour Cattle — Receipt 14000 calve 2000 Treasury Ogden L Mills who is Oats: No 2 white 28c No 3 white (425P510: 1676 through ship- medium and The minimum wage paid to all Sheep— Receipt weighty fed steers predoml 27c No 4 white 23 © 25c sample ments Include 1604 to Colorado rang and In crop market on such kinds slow Director of Search generally supposed to favor some 25® Intermediate labor employed on this neting grade sales no to Utah 72 21®24c steere range: and light steady prospect yearilnga was of a gold standard plank No rye contract shall be 60 cento per hour sort — Hogs— OGDEN June 8 ( 1000 pounds downward fafrl- No 3 yellow 87 0 87 beans: The minimum wage paid to all all scaling to ehade higher especial! Receipts 800 Includes 186 direct tive reported to have expressed surprise NoBoy4 yellow 65c sample grade 78® to 15c higher best local baby strong unskilled labor employed on this classes strong kinds 900 For beef pounda Camp that Mr Simpson’s protest against Barley feed 30® 48c nominal Opens THE VOICE WEST THE OF butchere $100001015: few mixed lots down auchtypeofferings averaging on well cleaned up contract shall be 60 cents per hour 48® 92c nominal II95O099O underweights and heaviee rounds very few weighty steere sold Plans and specifications are on any gold standard plank should have Malting downward to (900 packing sow) (700 early Timothy seed 6300® 325 cwt TUESDAY JUNE 9 TUESDAY JUNE early top long yearilnga (900 that price file in the office ot th Btate Road been made and received so favorClover seed (1300®1975 cwt A M most early 9760 bid on choice weighty steere Commiaalon Balt Lake City and at 300 sales sales Cattle — Receipt! early 6:30— KSL—Sunrise Serenade ably Roy Keeley department of com- 6:00— KDYL — Early Birds (750 0850 paid mainly for — Fred Felbel at th organ District Engineer’s office at Richgood etrong 28 head 7 steady toeteera and light (tears most fed heifers turn- merce aviator in of the Its favorable reception In New — lots odd medium and ing at 6:30— KDYL Rocky Mountain Ramblsra charge drlvein 7:15— df8L —Salute to th Morning cows and bulla strong field Utah where they may be reRange of Leading Futures (700 (825 down steers lower and heifers — How725 good of CBS— 7:30 9 Musicals to under Salon (600 York may be surprising but in the the With weak lower for vealers Close Uncle search Low viewed by prospective bidders Specwith Jake Major High body Open trades (400 0575 18 head end few odd ton at steady KSL — International Newa — 7:45— down vary few etockers In Wheat (1000 ifications proposal bidding blanks — Clock to the Th was be remained KDYL— at it 7:00 west Musical expected ots local good cows (300 few drlveins crop run includes one oad prim show ard Stark Monday 8 :00— KSL — Breakfast Melodiea 83 $ 84 July !3 and plana will be furnished at Salt to to — down — lower New Re— — Devils up 7 $450 of KDYL CBS :55 fh 9:00 (525: 28 grades of held aeision northeast miles 84 84 above SlOtOO Senator Borah and Frank Gan Sept 84 type light steers §£ Opening camp medium and good Laka City on depositing (200 which $350 and under: few 88 86 86 publican national convention from Receipts 5000: generally strong Slide where Stark's plane crashed 8:00 — NBC — Nuts and Bolts eomedy nett have been the only prominent DecCom — 86 vealers (7000850: bulls (4250500 to Sheep— more P will be returned providing conCleveland with Chairman up 25c Henry higher weighty yearlings — team lest late week's 5500 Sheep In Instances P Fletcher presiding bulk good and choice last January 16 Receipts 60 60 candidates for high office in the July 60 tractor (ubmlts an acceptable bid close and Sunday fully 25c higher late native spring early few — lambs Melodic with Interlude 57 67 9:15— KSL—The KDYL— 8:15 57 01150 Milky Mary Sept Way (1075 and return the plans within seven An emergency camp has been set 8:25— KDYL— Idaho Saturday three doubles Republican ranks who have spe Dec Newi 9 Lee Taylor and Bennie Walker 52 62 52 Idaho pearling etric lambs (1070 straight load days after bids are received Any — NBC — Republican national conven- 9:30— CBS — less desirable offerings up at the place where the of 8:30 session Repub(1025 Opening plane cifically and unequivocally favored Oat additional Information may be serancheri $1065 seven double! 76 and 24 tion called to order by Henry B 1900 0 950 bulk light and medium well lican national convention Peak on Observation found was ewes Idahoe out few a managed currency to replace the July iOO nacured at the office of th State Road ewea few shorn (1045 (275 chairman Fletcher 375 25 CBS — The Goldbergs Oer with 11:00— Sept Republican (4 (300 and yearling wethers at (800 one load heavies $250 9 300 28 tloual committee over two weka ago Keeley left Commission Each bidder must sub26 old gold standard and who have Dec trud Berg 35 out at (8 50 Idahos o $1050: — — — — Newa 10:00 KDYL 11:15 CBS Opening iession of Republimit a letter from an approved surety Salt Lake City last week with the 10:05 called attention to the big political JulyRyi KANSAS CITY Jun 8 Oregon) Sunday four doubles — NBC —Gene Beecher and bis Lotus 53 can national convention company guaranteeing to furnish to car at (850 two doubles Hogs — Receipts 3000 uneven deelrable :31$ re(1100 20 out 54 Gardens orchestra Bept 11:45— KSL— Shopping Bulletins strength of this proposal among the Dec said bidder with required bond Th load 260 pounds and down steady to 5o lower declared intention he would Idahos (1070 straight — KDYL— 10:30 Palett Melody ewee until of the weththe mixed yearling and farmers the country than Friday's average heavier weights main at camp missing 10:45— KDYL— Greater Salt Lake pro- 12:00 — KSL — International news and atoek right to reject any or all bids Is Barley — ers (900 few aged ewee out at (300 mosUy lOo to 15c lower spots off more reserved market quotation gram Why were farmers the first to see trackload local lambs otdey (1025 few top (990 desirable 170 to 260 pounds filer’s body has been recovered —Morning Concert — — O With NBC 11:00 KSL 12:15— Serve Sava Ida Cash certified check or cashier’s and 176 0 990: few 270 to 325 pounds (940 the light? Because their prices are July 1010 (925 Lloyd L Jueison another departo — KDYL — News 1010 outOMAHA Abbott check for 3 per cent of total amount June 8 Hogs— 970: better grid 140 to 160 pounds ment of commerce aviator who par- 11:30 — Melodic Interlude — — hla and 1010 1015 Receipt! 11 1012 KDYL Robinson :35 1015 12:30— Carson KSL more sensitive to monetary causes Sept of down bid made payable to th State 210 butcher 7500 sows mostly (8250875 165 0 985 pounds Oct 1002 1000 1002 and moderate Buckaroos 11:45— KDYL —Murray Merchants’ Rsvue lew numbers up to Road Commission must accompany 890 etock pin (975 0 1000 than other prices This has been Deo 1000 ticipated actively in the P M 955 955 940 12:45 — KSL— Mra Chapman Entertain 940 calves — market with 1100 Cattle 7500 Friday averages fully steady each bid at evidence of good faith Receipts search for Major Stark 12:00 —NBC — Forever Young from Saltalr found to be true in fact and there is Belli— established on heavier klnda packers few early sales fed eteera steady no ac 1280 not and a guarantee that If awarded th July 12:15 — NBC — Ma Perkin 1:00— KSL —Afternoon concert tot the slow talking decline top (900 rather tkm on common to medium offerings light has been sent to Los Angeles — ‘NBC — Vic and 8ad good economic theory behind it 12:30 contract the bidder will execute th hopper better she 170240 pounde (9800990: yearlings and stock steady to strong freely — — CBS orchae The O'Nellla Chamber 1:30— Columbia NBC—' 12:45 Debts incurred when wheat was contract and give bond as required 0 bulls medium to good (940 0975 better vealers and calves firm etockers and — KDYL— Associated Druggists' tra Victor Bay conducting 1:00 Minneapolis STATE ROAD 25 COMMISSION 985 to 25c cents a pounds feeders easier slow bushel cotton Including and a spots (950 9 $2 steady 1 :45—KSL— Speaker for th Utu (tat MINNEAPOLIS June 8 (AP)— Wheat— Program at (980 kind choice medium slaughter pigs 9 lower on off quality Giarge Dismissed By EDWARD & HOWE Newa 1:30 — KDYL — college Agricultural choice weight Colorado pound had to be paid when wheat Receipts 156 car Caah: lbe No 1 heavy 965: feeder plge (8759925 (940 steers early (835 bulk Chairman 2 :00 — CBS — Tentative broadcast from :35 — KDYL — Melodic Interlude northern spring 60 S106 City Judge' Daniel Harrington 11:45— 0 eligible (950 light and medium weight fed steers of held from (700® was down to 30 cents and cotton to dark K O WRIGHT national convention in NBC —General Federation ot WoNo 1 dark northern 59 lba sows 5®10c off (8700875 nothing on 800 with plain quality 120 dismissed an embezzlement grasa eteera down to g600 mens' Clubs Cleveland 6 cents Naturally the farmer “wantChief 58 lbe 104 9119 Engineer 102 9118 heavies etage 1875 down end below better klnda heifer and mixed Monday — Top Hatters popular or— 2:15— KSL— “Th Word Man” No 3 56 2 57 lbe Cattle — Receipts 7500 yearling light $100 9115 selected vealers charge against A J Kelly 52 of 2:00 NBC ed to know” why and in long win- No $7250815 with Carlotta Dale soloist 2:30 — KSL — Popular concert chestra NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OP lba steers moderately active fully steady Searllngamost 65 lba to aell 224 East Sixth South street for lack Stockers of 96o® 0(113 98c quality con2:15 — NBC — Annual public speaking 3:45— CBS—' Wilderness Road authentic ter evenings through farmers' week- (110 STOCKHOLDERS OF KEYSTONE fancy No 1 hard Montana weighty steers and medium weights slow test of American Institute of Bankhistorical drama for children of evidence of 1 dark or early sales steady: other killing classes $775 Kelly was accused of (rad EXTENSION MINING CO (107 0109 lies the radio Sind through educa- No KSL — National emergency councO 3:00— Stockers and feeders ecarce steady ing 1 hard Montana winter 90®94c 700 3000 steady: 82 valued furs through Sheep— Receipts at $150 2:30— NBC — Hazel Warner and Martha Notice to hereby given that ape tional campaigns carried on for five hard amber durum No 1 88cO fed steers and yearilnga mostly (725 0 sheep speaker lambe steady yearlings convertingand aprtng — — Heavens th of CBS Wonder 3:15 ' clal meeting of the stockholder of mixed yearling) included at 8800 No 1 red 71o July 92c 800 k spring lambs (1100 and owned by Edith Julian to his 3:00 — NBC — Flvlng Time top native Dr Moulton years by the five national farm or- (108 R E ' choice load 1232ound December most sales weights 89e (840 paid freely 107501100 own use March 15 September the KEYSTONE EXTENSION MIN88c 3:30— KSL— Intermountaln newa broad3:15 — NBC — Midweek Hymn Bing heifers mostly (6509750 Ariionaa (900 short yearllnss (775 ganizations he was able to find Com: No 3 yellow 54 056 ING COMPANY will be held at 430 Newa — KDYL — cast 17 beef cows 815 lots small c No white 3 609785: 23 (800 Otti: out 3:45— KSL—In th Muslo Library Utah OH Building In the City of 3:35— KDYL — Melodic Interluda 500 0 800 odd head (625 9 650 cut24 9 75c 8 Barley BAN June SOUTH FRANCISCO — — — (AP Dresleln Town CBS NBC Tower 4:00 3:45— Dorothy Tempo Balt Lake County of Balt Lake ter grades mostly (400 0475 medium U8DA) — No 2 50®53c Yearly Income — Receipt Briefs Wall Street Rye: — “Easy Aces" comedy sketch 1200: butchers — Hogs CBS — Eleana Moneak ensemble NBC 4:00 4:15— head odd bulls prac575 0 1 No (550 State of Utah on Saturday the (585 Flax to to bulk 160 15c (161 9166 5c active — — higher Cowan mostly — radio 4:30— KSL Merchants’ column Jean NBC 4:15 few popular The yearly gross income of farms few tical top vealers (800 (850:calves 230 pound California' (1090 91100 latClover seed (500 0 550 20th day of June 1936 at th Variations 5:30— KSL—Musical few etockers lote singer 5650 750: 0 ' 11 billion 9 dol was 8 YORK June June NEW for (AP)— As of hour ot 12:30 o’clock p m for the light 6 :00—KSL—Monmarte 4:30 — KDYL — Kangaroo Club children's heifers (665 ter top on one load few 25: two load (8 a the 6 more than of holders of scarce aowi majority 91085 Newa International 6:15— lights packing 1935 was KSL— 1930 on seven it to (1080 to purpose of confirming the sal of program lars From Sheep—Receipts 4500 opening bids Locomotive 5:00 — NBC — Jack Meakln's orchestra Liverpool preferred stock of Baldwin moitly (775 6:30— CBS — Keynote address of th Reand steady (750 lambs the company's mining properties asking stronger bidsheep — mod' Works had approved the proposed plan of 5:30 — KDYL— Pop Concert billions In 1932 it was only 5 3 all classes 500 Cattle preLIVERPOOL Jun 8 (AP) — Spot wheat feeders steady: Receipts national convention a and about publican early situate In West Mountain Mining — No 2 Manitoba fif 2d Ruaalan 6 3d few ealet sortedsteady active steers etrong to 25c higher reorganlxaUon and acceptances from other 5:55— KDYL— Newt Frederick Stelwer Senator sented native and Idaho spring arstely by billions District Balt Lake County Btate holders showed Idaho fed classes of security gains 6 00— NBC — Ben Bemle and AU th Lads ot Oregon Relnal Werfenrath 6i d lambs (1075 best fed California native load good around over the th load steers California The farmers accepted the total of Australian short fed report company character Utah known as “CHESTER" and of preceding Futures closed easy one $800 Frank July 83 soloist Morgan end Idaho priced (1100 and above: tarring nounced two to loads tears held 915 above 82 December 81 “VffiTTICK" U B L Nos 3967 for Mounted (725 actor of etage and screen 101 pounds deck fed yearilnga 8:15— CBS —Renfrew of th 1 3 billions from AAA during (900 modsteers 960 650 — Graham and 0 Ed th north from down ewee pound (625 8:30— NBC beat dramas ot gras) Exchange (498 Wynn slaughter thrilling the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dol (350 load Interstate Department Store! Inc which three years but they knew it was erately sorted weights with Lennie Hayton's orwoods th valley ot hidden gold Idaho feedere held above (900 lars ((1300000) cash and for th eh stock and bulla fully steady control! department stores In 36 cities In Men and — — — Glen $600: the Merry Cattle DENVER Jun Th 8 S:30— CBS Caravan with chestra King's The bucket in a the drop only transaction ot autftt other business Winnipeg load grasa halters (600 the middle western southern and Atlantic and hla Casa Lorn orchestra the Eight Lovely Girl Receipts 2200 calves ISO calves and half Gray Income cows to few ood tatea aa may be brought before said convenof in sales farm 8 quoted up (550 during WINNIPEG Jun reported May (2074793 T:00 — NBC — Republican national deficiency and Walter O’Keefe (AP)— Wheat:Close vealers 25050c higher top vealers (1100: ulls youngto 1 Low up elpu against (1759907 In May 1935 an Inall others steady to strong fed eteera $750 tion featuring keynote speech by High :00—KSL— Strang but Not Fiction pro was 28 billions! And the 5 meeting choice to calves crease cent vealers of 8850 and 1 76 178 light up chairman 75 load held 8telwer per M Senator A 8 rang t JOHN A HOUGHTON 0800 many higher anting Major ( vealers quoted $900 — farmers now know the trouble was July several heifWith loada Amo mixed 25: 8:00— NBC 9:15— KSL— Rublnoff V $8 Andy yearlings President Presenting : : :fl lambs 800 active Bhesp — Rsceipts Buelnese failure) In the week ended June 8:15— KDYL — "The Spotlight Revue ers $7900 800 others (650 0 765 load Jan Pearce soloist the dollar 180 in the prevloue 4 totaled 188 cows (610 small lots (5000625 cut- mostly steady to strong part dock good Grace Moore and Franchot 9:30— CBS — "Laugh With Ken Murray" NOTICE Ot 8fEl8T(ii0kH0XiK starring north coast lambs (980 two docks week and 234 against In ''The King 8teps Out" Louis J Taber master of the Nain the corresponding period Caih wheat — No 1 northern 76 : No ter grades (3750475 bulls (473® Tone Russ Morgan's band Phil Ragan medium-goo60 to 89 pound weights laat year Dun A Bradstreet reported No 3 northern 70 74 :30— NBC — Leo Relaman and hla orsoloist and Eva Arden tional Grange said in a resent ridio 2 northern $950 sorted 10 end 25 per cent other Oats — No 2 white 33 No 3 white with Bally Blngar and 10:00 — KSL — Carol Lotnar and hla OrNotice la eareoy riTMi that a epaolal chestra Receipts 2R00: bulk 180 to 265 classes Hop— 28 Salt Laka practically absent package ehorn address: Phil Duty NEW YORK Jun 8 (AP) — The Pennchestra from Saltalr pounds (983 0 1 000 few lota 270 to 325 ewee masting of the stockholder baaof been to beet — extreme quoted up — (400 "Listen and See" duly (350 Prassad Brick Company weights (9 50® 975 10:30— KSL— International News pounds sylvania Railroad comgan will be ready to 9:00 KDYL “What agriculture demands is an — Chet Pare orchestra will b held ea Saturday June — around (935 sows good grade largely 8 NBC make June 9:15 and Mo ANGELEH LOS called Franklin CBS—Nocturas 10:45— with delivery Kansas City honest 'dollar— one that shall be just 200 9:30— NBC— Crime clues mystery 10c to 25o higher 20 1936 at 10 o’clock a m at Nov 8180 Cormlck il nortga Hogs — Receipts (8600875 — lot 8800 beet car Salt Lake New KANSAS CITY June 8 (AP)— 10:00 — KDYL— Sheep prll 1 Receipts 11:00— CDLBS — Isham Jones and hla an South Eleventh Eaat Street top $1125: bulk (10 2501125 to debtor and creditor alike a dolNo lambs etrong to 25c higher or above (1100 o to bonids at the treasurer's offlcs 10:05— NBC — St Francis hotel orcheatra lower 73 care Cattle — Receipts 2500 chestra fully eteady City Utah the office ef th corporation street station at Philadelphia 10:30— NBC— Mark Fisher and hie Vleta 11:30— CDLBS — Sterling Young and hla to alact or confirm offloara to consider dark bard nominal 82 9 98c No 3 few trucked In native spring lambs S1000 choice fed eteera (910: medium to good fed temporary lar with constant purchasing power 2nominal Del Lego orcheatra tears (7500875 and approvq all sett and business of our orchestra 096c: No 2 bard 86nomi-0 grass and cake fed over the primary necessities of life 88c No 81 Close: Newa 59 c officers and to authorise and ratify a The Sugar Institute Inc reported total 11:00 — KDYL— 3 84 ® 89c: No 2 red July 58c September (700 Midnight grass steers (5730 885 grass 35 dellverlee of cane and beet sugar In the 11:05— NBC — Palace Hotel orchestra heifers $5500 800: cows a dollar that wl prevent uncon- nal 85 9 88c No 3 83 c Cloaa: 81Julyo 54 c — 12:00— CDLBS— Isham Jonas and hla or transfer and conveyance ot all th prop 42505 orOats Receipts 28 Cars unchanged No cutter grade (300 0 400 bulls (5000 United States In April (partly estimated Mark Hopktna 11:30 — NBC — Hotel December chestra arty of th corporation to a new company trolled inflation a dollar that will 79c:ComSeptember 3 575 calves receipts 400 eteady vealera amounted to 465496 long tone No M — Receipt! 79c chestra A and to traneaot any buslnaae that may 123 care unchanged to 2 white nominal agalns For 562257 in April 1935 12:30— CDLBS— EmD Batfa and hla ar com before th meeting No 2 white nominal 67 (he foul 12:00— NBC — lower 0 nominal 24®25c25®26c program (800 0 950 calves (650 0 850 prevent a repetition of thS disas- - lc A M Dated at Salt Lake cltn Utah May 30 Milo maiae nominal (105 0114 000 mouths ended April deliveries totaled 1763-34Bheep-80 chestra c: No 3 68c No 2 yellow 9 Receipts 2000 Including trous deflation of this depres- 68 GEORGE £ CUMt:T no sales good eprlng lambs billed through 1936 1 :00— Good night 1:00 —Good Night Kafir nominal 51053c No 2 long tons against 1826455 In the com61c No 3 nominal 50®60c nominal to 1935 Secretary sion (Paid quoted mixed 360480 period 59 c No 3 nominal 67® Adv) (1000 Harley parable (Paid Adr) W Annie A Young ttv-a- 10-a- c ft one-ha- -- 2728c lf long-distan- New-hous- y y E y th r y “British ar -' tfl of $1038 For long-sufferi- a 1792-190- 3' farmer-regimentati- 1 three-eigh- ot Livestock Market Quotations Radio Programs d flier year-llng- e d Trans-Radi- o Trene-Radl- o : Trans-Radi- Trene-Radl- 9 four-month- s’ d 140-17- 160-pou- Trans-Radi- o Trans-Radi- o 1924-192- d 1-- Trans-Radi- o 1000-poun-d 1-- 1120-poun- d 835-pou- 1929-193- d M d - lc Wheat-Rec- eipts Trans-Radi- o Trane-Radl- o ' ' - |