Show JUNE THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING L Girl Will- Become Bride Of Army Officer Mr and Mrs David H Thomas 965 Fairview avenue announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Diana to Captain Joseph Scott Bell U S army son of Mrs L B Bell of Lebanon Ind The marriage will take place June 24 at the chapel at Fort Douglas Announcement of the approaching marriage was made at a delightful tea given Sunday afternoon at the Thomas home when the bride’s trousseau was shown The home was gay with a wealth of early summer flowers in shades of yellow and white The tea table was covered with a lace cloth and held for a centerpiece a low silver bowl of yellow and white roses Matching yellow tapers were in silver candelabra The announcements were on silver-edged cards to which were attached tiny wedding bells tied with yellow satin ribbons Presiding at the tea table were Mrs Charles J Thomas Mrs Paul Cecil'Miss Luejla Cutler and Miss Irma Cutler The young girls assisting were Miss Marjorie Packard Miss Bonnie Smith Miss Caye CanMiss Miss Amy Thomas non Gloria Thomas Miss Mary Elizabeth Cram ftliss Dora Delle Meredith Miss Virginia Burch Miss Betty Raley Miss Naomi Decker Miss Dorothy Sims and Miss Beth Ann O’Loughlin Miss Thomas is a graduate of the University of Utah and a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Beta Delta Nu and Apmin Fine Arts society Captain Bell Indiana a graduate is law school of a member the of Delta Tau Delta and Delta Theta Phi Trousseau Tea Sunday afternoon from 3 to 6 Mrs H S Pollock entertained at a trousseau tea honoring her daughter Miss Madeline Pollock The table was covered with a filet lace cloth centered with yellow roses and harmonizing flowers and yellow tapers were used the rooms being decorated with delightful garden roses Mrs Pollock Miss Pollock and Mrs J L Stevens received the guests Mrs Verl Exeter and Mrs C R Done poured and Miss Thelma Woolley was in charge of the dining room Saturday afternoon Mrs Louis D Bowring and Mrs Neil Davis entertained for Miss Pollock at a lovely luncheon at Jeanne's tea room on Highland drive Covers were laid for 12 Friday evening Miss Pollock was honored at a party given by Miss Thelma Woolley and Mrs Randall Walker at Mrs Walker’s Tiome on North West Temple street For Summer Bride Miss Jean Douglaas a bride of the midsummer was the honored guest at a delightful breakfast given Sunday morning at the University club by Miss Barbara Musser A mound of corsage bouquets of roses centered the table and blue tapers were in silver candlesticks Miss Douglass will leave Tuesday for South Africa where her marriage to Evan P Wright will take place Mrs Dexter French of Tuscon Ariz is the guest for a week of Mr and Mrs L Noble Robinson at their home on First avenue Mrs Clara M Clawson 105 E So announces unlined Temple wool and silk Redingotes with print dress at HALF PRICE Limited Number Read SPECIAL SALE Adv below (Adv) Clara M Clawson EAST SO 105 Tea Set at Town Club For Girl Scout Benefit - TEMPLE 1936 How to Keep Well Society and Club News S 9 Menu Ideas Suitable For Small Family Easy to Crochet This By DR IRVING S CUTTER SAVE MORE MOTHERS The dangers of childbirth have been recognized from time immemorial end one of the early reference to a fatal outcome is found in Genesis) in which it is related that Rachel wife of Jacob succumbed to the ordeaL Here’s lea of f C Fat New Recipe for Tasty Crumb Cake a One of the interesting socialjin charge of the civic and social events of the week will be the welfare committee with Mrs C By LOUISE BENNETT WEAVER annual silver tea given by mem- - C Bintz chairman Mrs Beverly BREAKFAST bers of Town club Wednesday S Clendenin Mrs C E Wright Chilled Pineapple and Oranges OWen Miss Mrs H and Stella Gray from 4 to 6 p m for the purpose Ready-CookWheat Cereal1 The information routinely pub' 4" of raising funds to provide camp- - Cohn and the entertainment own- lished relative to the deaths of mothCream Mrs Fred S Auerbach Is not French Toast erships for young girls who mittee withMrs as confinement a ers result of Syrup W Prescott Dunn otherwise would be unable to at- - chairman Coffee Thie flattering In fact statistics inditend the annual summer outing atjMf- - Martin C Lindenv'Mrs Gleed cate that in the United States more LUNCHEON flower R Moser Mrs and John near Mjller Brighton die following childbirth Camp Pinar Tongue Sandwiches Officers and members of the board mothers Arrangements for the tea are of than in any other civilized Country Design D1U Pickles governors will receive and young The figures for 1933 are available Will Iced Chocolate Sponge Cake Girl Scouts in uniform will assist and show that 62 mothers lost their DINNER in serving Brighten lives out of every 10000 confineHonored guests of the afternoon Squaw Corn Your ments ' Creamed Green-Beanwill be Mrs Henry H Blood Mrs view cannot with we While any Room Preserve Bread Peach E B Erwin and Miss Gwen Hurd our Summer Vegetable Salad executive secretary of the Salt Lake great degree of satisfaction D Cl C D PI Cl S " Cl 6 CT council of Girl Scouts An invitation present rate of mortality progress Cherries Crumb Cake PATTERN 5627' of to attend is extended all friends who has been made in the conquest Iced Tea the childbed fever teaching through are interested in scouting Squaw Corn The of clean aseptic obstetrics terpiece and tray cloth that match Miss Lurene Gates entertained PATTERN 5627 3 salt pork chopped 2 pound who woman faees measures In the pregnancy today larger doily string handkerchief Brides Feted at a delightful onions 3 taNew china glassware even the 18x24 chopped tablespoons 12x12 can do so with relative complacency smaller inches and the blespoons chopped green peppers 2 Mrs W A Allred entertained at a if she la in good hands and if she furniture newly polished— but what inches in honor of Miss Eudora chopped celery S cups do her part about a set of doilies to set off all In pattern 5627 you will find com- tablespoons Widtsoe a popular bride of thePrettlJy arranged lunchean Monday will corn M teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon is of amount No education and charts for small instructions plete want to You’ll thie loveliness? Diana Thomas month Fragrant garden blooms afternoon at her home on Eaat Miss Maryto prospecneeded directed the doilies shown an illus- paprika gather up crochet hook and some making In frying pan Heat When daughter of Mr and Mrs David were used for the decorations and Broadway in honor of Mias Lois tive mothers - Inchiefly between women once on this tration of them and of all stitches hot addpork and at H Thomas whose engagement to a dozen guests were in attend- string begin and slowly brown onions Mi Marian Biake the ages of 16 and 44 childbirth and material used Keddington requirements — I ance lovely filet design— pattern 5627 a Captain Joseph Scott Bell U S A peppers and celery Add rest of inmore- - two bridea of the early aum-n- is responsible for from 8 to 10 per obtoli this Mtten ini 10 eenti gredients and simmer 15 minutes is announced graceful basket design with flower In Ttttnmpt Tuesday afternoon Mrs War- coin to nr is ratio This cent of deaths (coin all preferred) n set off by a cool open The 8lt Lake TrJbnne Houaehotd Arte Stir frequently Kiepe and Mrs A Lee Chris- - mer The table was gay with exceeded slightly by cancer by garlands You can make in Department halt Lake City Utah Be mesh stitch will entertain at a kitchen rations of pink roses and the favors heart disease Summer Vegetable Salad plainly your name addreta and by pneumonia addition to doilies a buffet set cen- - ore to write number Events of the Day aad pattern shower at the home of their were miniature candy baskets 1 cup 3 diced tomatoes cup while tuberculosis claims twice as close of friends Monday evening mother Mrs Rose H Widtsoe sliced cucumbers shredded cup many Miss were entertained in-- 1 Ladies’ Aid society Third PresKeddington been Twenty-fiv- e have 2 guests green peppers tablespoons Birth Rate Declining at a bridge supper given by Mrs byterian church 1 p m picnic vited chopped onions cup sliced tad Our birth rate has been declining home on Lrs®n her luncheon Hrs R A Glenny 1541 a dinner 2hafe Wednesday evening MARY BLAKE ishes 1 cup shredded lettuce 3 Thirteenth East street Tuesday Mrs steadily In 1915 25 babies were party will be given by Mr and Tenth East street 3 cup chicory cup French dress1932 in 1000 will William of entertain her at born Pitt population 1 to per 2 Donald Mrs Cameron which eight p m Reynolds circle No ing com-Miin street on that home indicate 174 Tenth estimates Careful East bidden Mrs Agnes Price 1253 East First guests have been Thursday If June 9 is your birthday the' will hssure its popularity High Carefully clean and prepare vege166 births per 1000 are necessary to Widtsoe will be honored at a pliment to Miss Keddington South street best hours for you on this date are principle and plenty of common tables combine with dressing and a maintain stationary population luncheon to be given by Mrs Eric 10:30 a m to 12:30 p m from sense apparently are going to make chill in bowl Stir with fork and Salt Lake circle No 559 NeighIn Philadelphia in 1933 the birth from Pollard and in the evening a dinner For Jlin© Bfids 30 to 4:30 p m and from 7:30 this youngster’s way in life a com- serve bors of Woodcraft public meof Some the 148 idea rate m The danger periods paratively easy one to 9:30 Crumb Cake Mrs T A Clawson will entertain total was morial services 8:15 p m I O will be given by Mr and Mrs Don may be visualized are fromp 8:30 to 10:30 S Larsen Friday Mrs Francis M a a luncheon a m from If a man and June 9 is your natal 1M cups flour 1 cup dark brown O F hall at her when reduction Wednesday there we that understand will Adele Miss and Parks Chipman 30 home on First avenue in compliment p m and from 9:30 to day if you will follow your inspira- sugar Vi cup fat 1 teaspoon cinnaDucky Daughters No 1 Order entertain at a buffet supper at the were 123000 fewer babies born in 11:30 to 7:30 tions there is every reason to pre- mon Vi teaspoon cloves V teat0 Miss Edna Boyle a bride of the 1932 p m of Job’s Daughters annual moth1931 in than will home bride the Parks month Thursday Miss Clarabelle If a woman and June 9 Is your dict a fortunate termination for spoon nutmeg 8 teaspoon salt 1 ers’ and daughters’ party banquet be honored Saturday is the situation the to be Complicating at a luncheon will in ail probability most of your efforts' You ought egg Vi cup sour milk 3 teaspoon Wallace and her daughter Mrs room Masonic temple 7:30p m Some of birthday you given by Miss Jeannetta Beers and j0hn k Aldous will give a luncheon problem of abortions led by instinct in the right to be a convincing speaker A keen soda 1 teaspoon vanilla reas occur these a spontaneously Pythian Sisters regular public in the evening an Informal recep- at the Wallace home on E street in direction and to do the correct sense of humor will help you to Cream fat and sugar Add flour card party 2 p m K of P hall tion will be given by Miss Maurine honor of Miss Boyle who will be sult of bad hygienic conditions unat the proper time to advance make many friends Horticulture and mix until crumbly Reserve 1 illness overwork thing interests "Barn party" Business and Pro- Jensen Miss Mary Rich Miss Betty Lhe motif for a buffet supper to be sanitary housing You should have a botany engineering architecture cup of this crumb mixture add reyour fessional Women’s club dinner 6 Hunter find Miss Maxine Cannon given- - Thursday by Mrs Jaren L etc while others are brought about strong personality The likelihood the legal or medical professions maining ingredients to rest of with malice aforethought p m Wigwam Mill Creek canyon Sunday Miss Virginia Mather will Joneg and Mrs Harold Boyer you are going to have many op- journalism or educational work pos- crumb mixture and pour into shalof all material deaths in this for the bride and on the day Miss Hope Richards Miss Em-saWomen's auxiliary No 16 to portunities to display your gift of sibly will provide you with your big low pan lined with waxed paper most follow abortions and will be o’clock tea country 5 a day meline Nebeker and Miss Elaine the gracious hostess You opportunity to make good Sprinkle with reserved crumbs and Typographical union No 115 busiof these are due to infection This playing bake 30 minutes in moderate oven have the ability to keep people ness meeting 2 p m Mrs R H given by Miss Louise Isgreen at her Evans will preside at a tea at the Successful Bonron People loss life of mother tremendous pre home on Douglas street Tuesday Stephen L Richards home on B Cut in bars or squares Your business judgment Smith 1953 View street guessing 9: June social one of sents our greatest Miss Minerva Woolley will give a gtreet in honor 0f Miss Boyle and to be good You have a Francis M Finch jurist and poet ought Radiant chapter No 12 O E inWhile of the number for Miss Widtsoe ioned sqrt coronarius This variety Miss Mary Bergstrom a bride of problems chance of developing a talent that Peter Henderson horticulturist S meeting 7:30 p m Masonic party Friday afternoon Miss Enna Rae the month Friday evening Dr and duced abortions cannot be deter- perhaps will give you an uncanny John Howard Payne actor and has large single flowers and a detemple McKay presided over a prettily ap- - Mrs T A Clawson will entertain mined some authorities estimate jftopensity for making money As lightful fragrance It grows in a Section 1 Women’s federation pointed luncheon for twelve guests at a dinner in to Miss that the average is one to every an actress radio broadcaster lec- poet very upright manner reaching a compliment soldier two or three pregnancies of First Presbyterian church 1 in honor of Miss Widtsoe who was F ii turer singer writer or social work- Sylvanus Thayer mature size of about 10 feet It will Boyle and her fiance William H W Richard not is at 3 m Adair has stated Sat-315 avenue it 1 that section Thompson lawyer First of luncheon motif a the p grow in shaded places and is exgiven meet with Giawgon er surprising you may and judge all improbable that there are bemeets at the Qualtrough cabin in urday by Mrs George H Durham cellent for the background or bounsuccess L statesman Samuel Southard million of tween a Cottonwood for twelve close friends of the bride TrOUSSOflU Tea canyon Big dary plantings 9 can be on June bom child The one in million States United the and t Philadelphus virginale is a double 1936 by The Bell enter- - each year Even though we grant expected in its teens to be socially Copyright Kerksiek Mrs Herman flowered variety and is exquisite sociable nature Christening Dinner Inc Its demand in trousIssued Syndicate Invitations great a tained at prettily arranged that theseJfigures are but approxiThis shrub does not attain such a Mr and Mrs John Dorius enterMrs Louis Marcus has issued in- - seau tea Sunday in honor of her correct it is little wonder height as the coronarius but will tained at a dinner Sunday after- vitations for a tea to be given at I daughter Miss Lucile Kerksiek mately that physicians who have faced thl same unpleasant symptoms as I do grow to six or eight feet and is noon at their home in Cottonwood her home on Second avenue Tues- - whose Han-day marriage to Edwin D problem for years are but mildl) when more than two glasses of wavery prolific with its flowers Ocof their the following chirstenlng from 2 to 5 p m The affair sen will take place June 16 The to the idea of limiting ter a day are taken I know that in casionally it repeats a few blooms Joan Wayne will honor her sisters Mrs Wilma hostess and bride were assisted in sympathetic some conditions such as Infections families later in the summer Gossett daughter of Mr apcf Mrs F Herman of Glendale Cal and M and Hansen to Mrs seems it is but water of by Price necessary receiving Safety Philadelphus Mont Blanc is a Wayne Gossett of Denver Garden Mrs Bell Cohn of Denver who are 200 guests called during the receiv overdone is me the thing The moat important need today is dwarfer shrub with slender archflowers were used for the decoraREPLY hours home Marcus ing at the BARBARA VORSE mothers instruction to ing branches which are clothed in tions and covers were laid for four- guests The serving table was covered relative to the prospective We have written several articles (Tltl By He filtered In U 8 Batent Office) dense bouquets of white blossoms of pregnancy hygiene teen guests with centered soundness of cloth lace and with a your P Avalance is another dainty sort In a recent survey it was found emphasizing the T©a for V’sitors a crystal bowl filled with fragrant that 54 useful in the foreground of taller of fatal cases had point of view cent per Observations June YelloV of Denison Mrs Frank J Chicago yellow honeysuckle 'At Home' Held princess received no form of guidance duris an excellent guide Many Thirst plants Los It is still not too late to have tapers were in crystal candlesticks Mr and Mrs A S Brown enter- and Mrs Frank H Rolapp of persons do not realize that much some honored at an informal and the following friends of the ing pregnancy— no physician had of heavenly blue morning glories our food is 90 per cent water tained at a delightful "open house” Angeles were no been examination and consulted tea for 12 over the fence or lattice given Tuesday bride assisted in the dining room: tions made climbing The most the embarrass individuals Sunday at their home 1739 Herbert afternoon by guests striking Many Mrs Richard C Freed Miss Orlene Pack Miss Elva Allen work in your garden if you secure avenue in honor of their son and of less fluid than is amounts excess fact the revelation with that heart the little plants that have been daughter-in-laMr and Mrs at her home on First avenue The- Miss Cleo Hansen Mrs J M 1 per cent of the fatalities took place and some become waterlogged hand- Evertson Mrs J Kimball Miss started In the greenhouse Charles N Brown of Washington tea table was covered with a women received had in who proper of Emma Teerlink and Miss Thelma To These vines grow so rapidly durD C- who are visiting in Salt Lake some lace cloth in the center CARCINOMA CELL Mrs M O Allen was in prenatal information which was a lpw bowl of Shasta Wood one season that it is not amiss onset of pregnancy ing From the City en route to Seattle Wash daisies Will O’R Mr writes: you room please charge of the dining where they will make their home should be under the write on the type of cancer called to say that they will climb six or Charming Miss Thelda Wood and Miss Mar- - every woman The host and hostess were assisted of a skilled ob- quamous cell carcinoma? Is this eight feet and make a solid mat general oversight McEwan entertained at a in receiving by Mr and Mrs C W Enqaqement Announced thor- serious? What treatment is best? of foliage Their blooms appear in means This a stetrician that Mrs J Y T kitchen shower and supper recently countless numbers all over the vine lai Hartman of Ogden and Mr and j and Miss Emma ough physical inventory should be REPLY the bride-eleto in adMrs Howard R Harrison Garden 1357 Fifteenth Eas everyone pause causing as advised taken and the patient link and Miss Mackay All types of cancer are serious miration of the brilliant dazzling flowers decorated the living rooms tae engagement of their daughter cohostesses at a party for the to diet rest exercise the cake of Cure depends on early removal In blue color Once you have had these and the tea table and Mrs John Z Helen Mar to Oliver Dahl Perry were bride who bowels and the teeth the Frequent June I would never have be- Wednesday popular squamous carcinoma is morning glories in your garden they Brown and Mrs Joseph G Jeppson of the blood pressure and genetal r' nd checkups to an affair be honored will at effects but to on resistant the the be will item a were in charge of the dining room 238 Hubbard avenue The marriage L19' lieved that your stunning spring regular of the urine should be made eo that given jy Mrs J M Evertson and Two hundred guests called during wiil take P'ace June 15 at the home the Tlrst sign of toxemia if tt ap- ranging all the way from retarda- planting list Mligg Margaret Festin knit dress has been launThursday destruction to actual of now are tion borders pergrowth the receiving hours of the bricte Shrubbery Miss Orlene Pack will entertain in pears is detected promptly Every of tumor tissue can be secured You fumed sweet fragrance of with the A beautifu ly arranged luncheon dered can to woman be pregnant taught to MissKerkslek was given Saturday by Mrs Morgan complirnent She do not state the location of the can the mock orange or syringa as it recognize Parties for Bride danger signals treatment of is method is often called' This plant is one the Starlite gardens at the Hotel Miss Meta Boettcher left Sunday should be told about high blood cer The Miss Donetta Bennion A bride of at of our most beautiful deciduous The table was prettily deco- - for New York from where she will pressure and albumin in the urine dependent on this the month will be honored at a gar- Utah shrubs and is botanically known as roses and columbine san Thursday for German for a and she should be advised to report The Troy Laundry cerwith rated to be den tea given Tuesday by combined with Shasta daisies and To the limit of space questions Philadelphus There are a number return will to She months’ her visit three upon immediately physician Miss Bettie Mrs H D Hines and to hygiene and preven- of varieties of Philadelphus among tainly deserves congratuprincess tapers were in crys- - L0 Salt Lake City early in Septem-t- the appearance of swelling of the pertaining Richardson at the Blair Richardson whiteholders tion of disease will be answered in which is the were dislations on its splendid inker face headache or guests extremities Thirty home on Arlington drive Wedneswill attendance and the hostess was asof vision or evidence of this column Personal replies work Your suit was under to be made day Mrs J C Landenberger Jr sisted by her daughter Mrs R Jack Miss Mary Barr left Saturday for turbances proper inquiries even the slightest bleeding will entertain at a luncheon at her limitations when return stamped will attend she A where Mrs Charles and can one how Berkeley and blocked into secure Gray But washed Holberg you say home in Copperton for Miss Ben-nio- n summer school and will return to this ideal type of care? Residents envelope is inclosed Dr Cutter who Thursday will be complior pre? shape 1 1 perfectly Salt Lake City early in the fall of cities encounter little difficulty will not make diagnosis mented with a luncheon to be given Cadets cribs for individual disease University available Clinics who for those are Miss by Miss Helen Woolley and cannot afford a private physician Tea Invitations Issued 1936 by ths Chicago Mignon Campbell at the Hotel Utah Start to Summer rural group Copyright Camp Dr ahd Mrs Fred Stauffer have but a poverty-stricke- n Starlite gardens Friday a luncheon Tribune-NeYork News difficult Plans a offers problem issued invitations for a tea to be will be given by Mrs Alfred N Inc Syndicate to establishment of the Catrow and Saturday Miss Virginia cadets of the Uni- given Monday between the hours of leading service in Seventy-thre- e of every county Hilton will entertain for the popular versity of Utah R O T C unit 4 and 7 p m at their home 133 nursing bride at a luncheon at the Town were en route Monday to Fort First avenue Paintings of Dr each state must be consummated communities have this type of club Frances E Warren near Cheyenne Stauffer will be shown during the Many but it must be suffito attend the annual sum- - afternoon and 150 invitations have organization Wyo Mrs Lucy Williams Metcalf of mer advanced ciently widespread to safeguard for been issued camp training motherhood New Orleans has arrived from Los reserve artillery officers Clean management at the time of Angeles for a visit with Mr and The camp opens at noon Tuesday Qinner TOT Graduate Mrs L G Metcalf in the Los Gables and the cadets will be released delivery is the price of safety The Mrg Wniiam Jensen 312 Tenth patient has many linonths in which apartments July 20 after a training period of j£ast street entertained at a prettily to prepare for the "blessed event Of a similar Members weeks dinner Monday evening in The best obstetrician— one who Mr and Mrs George Baglin and six - arrange(j Miss Barbara Baglin will leave on unit at the Colorado State Agricul- honor of Misg Grace zubiri who will scrupulously clean and thoroughly for Palo Alto Cal tura) college will also attend the graduated from the Upiversity competent — is the cheapest Wednesday J of Utah Tuesday The guests were where they will attend the gradua- camp Lieutenant Colonel N P Morrow seatcd at one table covered with a EXCESS WATER tion of George Edward Baglin from commandant at the Colorado'School G M writes: So often we hear ace c0th centered with a mound of Stanford university will be the commanding officer at Lga roges and varicolored snap-th- e "drink eight glasses of water a day encampment and will be assited drag0ns The place cards were deco-b- y It is foolish to insist upon that quan Major C C Bank commandant rated graduates in cap and tity for everybody I have talked at the University of Utah Captain kown with many persons who have the A Home Recipe for M Peter Sather Captain Robert of Utah of the University Removing Wrinkles Cannon and by officers from the Coloradp unit for spor ed 6jf ’ Y ti Many Functions Given Planned ror J I D f j It the just the eepl avei er resi plaj taki deco-tense- 2-- acqi any Joh Your Horoscope whs whs are ter ss i dn nu mi ws dn an 2-- wl he of wl an One-four- th mi ma of anc eve sor fail if of nes - if rs jud is i wil jud j I an Through the Garden Cate lsn yet mo fol ai cl P' di tt tl w rcl r - Uat ePnf“"jfor tl d h ti b a v ct tJ : X-r- to Wl th dc he ch N m dc al SPECIAL SALE ‘ Complete Summer Stock Sharkskin Linen Cotton Lace Net Crepe Chiffon Chic Styles — Smart Models tent xc I three-quarte- Wor well-kno- ni bi ot bi old-fas- h- 1 at w HOIV ! HffEW VARNSOCKS Keep Well-Groom- ed The Paris Way Permanents M o HO Hair Styling 50f Manicuring Shampoo Rinse and 50tf Finger Facials Wave '50 125 to 250 All experienced operators Call Was 7100 If your face is disfigured with wrinkles no matter what the cause you CCC can dispel every line by using a simple home-mad- e wash lotion Merely disPOCATELLO Idaho — Pocatello solve an ounce of Powdered 8axoltte in a half-piwitch hazel and use CCC district now is operating under a full summer quota of 20 camps dally as a face lotion The remarkable astringent action of The last company moved to its sumthe Saxollte so tightens the skin wrinlast week at Camp mer campsite kles are llteially pressed out Best of all this result Is pot purely temporary Hot Springs in the Jackson Hole for the lotion also has a healthful country after being convoyed over tonic action which tends to strengthen and tone up the weakened tissue Use the Teton pass Fills Quota dally It cannot Injure the most cate skin mum For CJ r ONLY t nwaurniiiiwitniiii clennitr will do— until you u a tl tl 'ii £ a Ii ii h v a t a 1 m a ii ft J v DathrobrS’ You don’t know whn) a u ' deli- Use Mercolized Wax twice dally to keep tbe skin beautiful and young y A t' trial of this looking pose cream will convince any woman she should not be without it Takes Try Phelactine Depilatory off unwanted hair quickly and gently Leaves the skin smooth soft and hair-fre- e Simple to use At all drug and department stores I: a: HA Wyandotte $ nr£ Lux T’S TRUE washing does cut down on sock holes be cause Lux keeps threads strong and elastic Avoid ordinary soaps— they of ten contain harmful alkali that weakens threads makes rubcolors run Cake-soa- p bing is also harmful Safe In water safe in Luxl (Advertisement) i i |