Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Scenic Edition Wins Praise For Tribune TUESDAY MORNING JUNE 0 1936 Judge Orders 13 of Hooded Legion Tried Tribune Scenic Section Gives Tourists View of Beauty Spots Plan to Boost Region in Special Section Held of Value by Leaders g Gang Brings Denunciation by Judge on Detroit Bench (Continued from Pege One) DETROIT June 8 CD—Thirteen men accused of the Black legion slaying of Charles A Poole were held for trial on both murder and n kidnaping charges at the conclu-soof their examination Monday in common pleas court Referring to Poole’s death the night of May 12 at the hands of a mob of Black legion terrorists who accused him falsely of beating his wife Judge Ralph W Liddy said: Usurp Function "This Is a very sinister spectacle of an organized group attempting to usurp the founctlon of government for what the group believed is an offense It has all the elements of a planned crime clearly premeditated by at least some of these men” Senator Benson (F-- L Minn) who lntoduced a resolution to authorize a congressional committee of four senators and four representatives to make an exhaustive investigation of the night riders’ organization was reported en route here Monday night to make preparations for the proposed inquiry Those Held The men held for trial are Day-to- n Dean who told in court last week of firing eight shots Into Poole’s body Harvey David Black legion officer from whom Dean said he took orders Ervin D Lee Urban Llpps Paul R Edwards Edgar Baldwin Herschel Gill Lowell Rushing Thomas R Craig John Bannerman John S Vincent Virgil Morrow and Albert Stevens Six other men charged with participating in a Black legion Bogging case were brought into court today for examination They are Thomas F Cox Frederick A Gulley Earl Angstadt Charles King Harold Lawrence and Wilber Robinson They are accused of abducting and beating Robert Penlan Ecorse steelworker for nonattendance at meetings of the terrorist organization Make a few extra dollars on that idle sewing machine through the Want Columns of The Tribune-Telegra- Murder-Kidnapin- ter Boulder dam- in Nevada The Tribune has obtained pictures of major attraction Descriptive Matter In addition to the rotogravure division the scenic section will have devoted an eight-pag- e supplem to written descriptions of the scenic attractions9 The traveler through this supplement will learn of the beauties he will see in the pictures The same issue of the paper will contain many other interesting articles of Information for Vacationists This year’s scenic section has been made possible through the wholehearted cooperation of civic leaders with The Tribune with the view to bringing Into the homes of residents of distant places a clear-cpicture the intermountain wonderland over rotoenthusiastic the Highly gravure section were leaders from various walks of life who have been given the opportunity to preview the section just off the press All expressed themselves as gratified at the choice of pictures which went into the section and all urged public cooperation in carrying to their friends and relatives living elsewhere the message that the intermountain west is the best place in the world to vacation this summer Comments of civic leaders regarding the scenic section follow: GOVERNOR HENRY H BLOOD “I have just been shown an advance copy of a portion of the intermountain scenic edition of The Balt Lake Tribune this one section consisting of 36 pages of striking reproductions of pictures typical of the scenic attractions of this region "I 'believe the scenic resources of Utah and the surrounding territory are among the most Important we have Commercially they bring large annual revenues Their recreational social and cultural values cannot be measured in dollars and cents yet they are very large “The people of the state can well afford to get behind any movement which makes for the development and exploitation of these potential sources of increased Income and happiness to the people of our State" MAYOR E ERWIN “The Tribune scenic section one of the finest publications of the kind I have ever seen Its message should be carried to the far corners of the earth Through the scenle section and the united efforts of Salt Lake City residents in selling the west to vacationists we will win nw friends new prosperity We will give others the opportunity to enjoy the natural advantages which we in the west enjoy” DR L JOHN NUTTALL JR Superintendent of Salt Lake City Schools “The scenic section Includes group of pictures The artistry is excellent The special supplement should be a source of inspiration to visitors to the west and of high educational value to local residents" ut Of 1 These sons of Dr and Mrs the coast a - VI £’? £ well-select- GUS I BACHMAN nr General Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce “I am very well pleased with The Tribune’s rotogravure scenic section It certainly should prove of vast benefit to the west in promoting tourist trade and also should prove beneficial to those who live away from here by giving them the Xi ' X incentive to spend a vacation period v v in these beautiful surroundings of mm wmwmmmmMmmmmm the west" M VERN VVOODHEAD Secretary of the Junior Chamber of Commerce “The scenic section is very outstanding The people of Salt Lake City should support The Tribune’s efforts to increase tourist travel to Salt Ldke City and the west" GEORGE L ELLERBECK Utah and the intermountain west High praise of the scenic and President of the Exchange club hold a magnetic appeal for trav recreation opportunities of the west “The section certainly is a very elers from all parts of the country was expressed by a number of resplendid thing from the standpoint There can be no question about cent visitors coming here by autoof telling the world about Utah and that when the remarks of recent mobile train or plane the mtermountain west The pic- visitors to Salt Lake City are Several of the visitors had been tures are marvelous” before were back for another vaconsidered cation in the Rockies but the others GEORGE ALBERT SMITH this program of advertising came for the first time Member of the Council of Twelve ward the scenic and recreational opporGiven Preview Aplstles of the L D S church “I think anything like this can tunities of our home” The newcomers were given the WILLIAM J LOWE only do good The principal benefit privilege as they left trains automoPresident of the Rotary club biles and planes to preview The Salt is to the people who do not live here “The Tribune is to be congratu- Lake Tribune rotogravure scenic In circulating the section throughout the country interest will be lated on the intermountain scenic section which wilt br issued Sunawakened in the many features of section to be issued June 14 I am day morning June 14 with the the west The section contains impressed that Salt Lake City regular Tribune edition some very fine pictures — beautiful should be proud it has a newspaper Many were the expressions ot in its midst that will go to the amazement at the scenlo features pictures It is splendid “I think The Tribune is one of trouble and expense of publishing shown in the section of which the outstanding newspapers of the such a splendid section All of this some said they had not even United States Its jpolicy of giving emphasises the fact that Salt Lake dreamed the news impartially is to be com- City is the center of scenic AmerJohn Fuller 9 son of Dr and mended Some of the best editorials ica Mrs J K Fuller of Lexington Ky “On behalf of the members of the demanded that his brother climb out I have ever seen in any newspaper Salt Lake City Rotary club I pledge of his train berth don a dressing have been carried in the last few every cooperation in The Tribune’s gown and see the scenis section years in The Tribune" endeavor to further advertise to the Justin Fuller 10 was not slow in MRS E O HOWARD world the scenic beauties of Utah” taking advantage of the opportuniLife chairman of Memory Park L C FORSEY ty So the two of them sat on the “I think the section is a wonderful President of the Lions club steps of the train and looked at thing I am delighted with it The Tribune is doing a big thing for this YJtt looks like a lot of thought and the pictures Places to See state The section has many educa- careful planning has been given the tional values and is highly inspira- scenic section I feel It will help to “Boy would I like to go there1 stimulate western travel The sec- remarked John tional" tion should be especially interesting “And there and there and there” DR GEORGE THOMAS to those wanting to see some of na- his brother rejoined “We’ll try to President pf the University of Utah ture’s wonderlands” stop here longer when we come back “I think the section is a capital M A KEYSER from visting our aunt' Mrs Irene idea It will do as much good for President of the Salt Lake council F Merry at Los Angeles” people outside of tj® intermountain But John and Justin Fuller were Boy Scouts of America west as those inside The Tribune appear complete not the only ones on that train is to be congratulated for this pub-li- o ‘The section covering all phases of scenlo and bound from the east to Califorundertaking” recreation Interests It is very fine nia to thrill at the scenes of the MRS J L GIBSON It not only shows Salt Lake City to intermountain west President of the Utah Federation of be the center of the intermountain Three train acquaintances charm Women’s Clubs scenlo west but also to be the center lng women all spent considerable “I think the section will be of of the hunting and fishing region time turning the pages of the great value to Utah and the “This section is a great credit to section and uttering cries of amazewest I find in my travels this state Of course The Tribune ment at the beauties depicted 5 that people want to learn more always does things that way The Women Listed about Utah and want to come here newspaper is a great help to this The women were Mrs Walter J W should cooperate to carry for- - community" f Lee of Akron Ohio Miss Tomye q jrvi'' SL Visitors Get Previews Of Tribune’s Scenic Section inter-mounta- in youngsters from Lexington' Ky leaped from their berths to look over The Tribune scenic section and get a bird’s eye view of the intermountain west before resuming their train journey to Los Angeles John Fuller 9 is at left and his brother Justin Fuller 10 at right They are the Thompson of Los Angeles and Mrs Emil T Muench of Detroit Mich “Td love to see all these places and I’m going to” said Mrs Lee “I met a number of Salt Lake City people on the train coming out here” Miss Thompson added ‘They sure were nice I’d love to come back and see them and all of you again” “I’m sure going to try to come back” she shouted aa the train pulled out Viewing the Rocky mountains from the skies proved a decided thrill for three airplane passengers they agreed on landing in Salt Lake City for a brief visit The business men were Fred H Wray G E Shoemaker and Garry Riggs of Des Moines Iowa Auto Travelers Taking a more leisurely trip and determined to see all they could of ‘Salt Lake City were Mr and Mrs Herbert M Heard of Riverside Cal and Mrs George F Heard of Tacoma Wash automobile tourists The three visitors spent a full day and said they wished they could stay longer sight-seein- g In Sait Lake City “We took every tour scheduled In the city" Mr Heard explained "and we were delighted with them all We’ve got to go east for awhile but we figured to hurry east so that we could - comebackater and take more time to see it alL We saw southern Utah parks on our way here and they certainly are beautiful” “Say what have you got in your pocket?" Mr Heard asked suddenly He was handed a copy of The Tribune rotogravure scenic section Wants Copies “That’s splendid" he exclaimed “I’d like to get some copies of that They’ll remind me of the west and I’ll want to comq back agin” But the visitors to the intermoun tain west were not the only ones who got vacation-minde- d with a capital V by looking through the pages of the scenic section Kathryn Snow 13 daughter of Mr and Mrs H O Snow of 629 Seventh avenue a girl scout and LeRoy Malmberg 13 son of Mr and Mrs Emil A F Malmberg of 64 E street a boy scout scanned the pages and then both said they would “like to go places and see things” in the west that they hadn’t seen before There’s plenty to be seen in Salt Lake City both agreed but “there’s plenty to be seen in other parts of the intermountain region” Advertise your old equipment in The Tribune-TelegraWant Columns and see how quickly you can dispose of it-- J K Fuller and are traveling alone to 2 Vacation time brought these fair visitors west just in time to preview The Salt Lake Tribune scenic section The travelers left to right are Mrs Walter J Lee of Akron Ohio Miss Tomye Thompson of Los Angeles on her way home and MrsEiml A Muench of Detroit Mich They “love the west” 3 Miss Gladys Anderson stewardess on a transcontinental plane stopping at Salt Lake City with the aid of an advarre copy of The Tribune scenic section tells the gentlemen visitors where to go and what to see in the intermountain vacationland The Des Moines business men left to right are Fred H Wray TJ E Shoemaker and Garry Riggs 4 “We’ll see many of the places shown in The Tribune scenic section this summer declare these visitors in Salt Lake City from the Pacific coast Inspecting an advance copy of the scenic section are Herbert M Heard Riverside Cal his wife at right and Mrs George F Heard Tacoma Wash 5 Salt Lake City Scouts enjoy the privilege of seeing an advance copy of The Tribune scenic section and both quickly admit ah urge “to go places and see things” in the intermountain west Girl Scout Kathryn Snow 13 is the daughter of Mr and Mrs II O Snow 525 Seventh avenue Boy Scout Le Roy Malmberg 13 is the son of Mr and Mrs Emil A F Malmberg 64 E street m Famous lab backs CLAIM FOR CIGARETTES State Leaders Claim Landon New Chancellor of Austria Has Majority Meet Sets Anti-Starliembe- CLEVELAND June rg 8 OT) — A compilation of delegate claims disVIENNA June 8 (UP)— Austria’s closed Monday night that Landon d chancellor Kurt new state leaders in the various delegations were asserting possession of Schuschnigg will stage a huge mass an aggregate of exactly the 602 meeting of fatherland front at convention votes needed to nomias a blunt hall I We certify that we have inspected the Turkish and Domestic Tobaccos blended in TWENTY GRAND cigarettes and find them as fine in smoking quality as those used in cigarettes costing as much as 50 more: (Signed) Seil Putt & Rusby Inc: " has the backing of virtually the entire nation and that he will not stand for interference either by the (In ctlUiuntkn with tohsca expert) helmwehr or nazi organizations The meeting is given added significance in view of Schuschnigg’s Vienna city Tuesday nate recent conversations with Premier In many instances these asser- warning to Prince Ernst von Benito Mussolini It Is believed they to tions were disputed by opposition regain discussed the political future of against any plans leaders although on both sides the the dictatorship Austria including possible raproche-mespokesmen declined to give specific with Germany and restoration thousand subleaders from Twenty figures by states of the Hapsburg dynasty Landon central headquarters has all over the nation will attend the confined itself to claiming in ex- meeting which was described ofcess of 400 but some of the Lan- ficially as designed to show that don spokesmen also' have forecast 1936 1 is a “year of purgation” and a first ballot nomination “new epoch has started in a that Knox headquarters has claimed Austria’s renaissance movement” 261 but has given no specific figHowever diplomatic observers are ures by states A compilation of convinced the meeting is being the totals claimed by various state the prime object of leaders for Knox so far as they staged with a stern warning on the erst have been ascertainable falls for serving leader of the fatherland front far short of that figure indicating while the helmwehr Starhemberg’s that Knox for the managers hope is a thing of the past army private of large accretions from the group will review a paSchuschnigg 164 delegates whose position has who are ex subleaders the of rade not been publicly indicated least 100' at to be joined by pected Borahmanagers claimed In ex- 000 Viennese members of the father-lan- d cess of 100 and their leaders out in front the state delegations have claimed Later Schuschnigg will address more considerably the organization Every means of propaganda has been utilized to make the demonCASE stration gigantic and Impressive surpassing those which Vienna Cleaning up Full Pack Utah Marshalls staged during the past nine months in tribute to Starhemberg and Major now Get while fast them supply lasts Emil Fey who before he fell into the from was and ousted disgrace WASHINGTON June 8 CD— An- cabinet last October was the most inthe influential leader of the Vienna alyzing steadily mounting crease of grade crossing fatalities helmwehr the Interstate commerce commission Purpose of the meeting appears found Monday that form of “sudden to be Schuschnlgg’s desire to imdeath” came oftenest on Saturday press the world in general and and in daylight hours Starhemberg In particular that he The upswing of recent years followed through the 1934-3- 5 period doz- the commission said with 365 mbre Lewis Reiterates Plan In killed persons crossing crashes in 1935 than in the previous year Of Independent Action Prices Effective in Our Murray Magna Midvale Interstate commerce commission statisticians compiled this table for WASHINGTON June 8 CD—John and Salt Lake City Stores L Lewis said flatly Monday the in' the last three years: dus trial unionists would go their Number TUESDAY JUNE 9th Year Accidents Killed Injured own way regardless of any stand or 1935 3933 1680 4658 action William Green and the craft 1934 3322 1325 4104 unionists might take In the latest exchange of letters 1933 2862 1321 3501 between these leaders of the opposing factions in the labor moveStores to dose ment Lewis informed Green of his POCATELLO Idaho — Idaho’s temperamental inability “of sitting liquor stores will be with—yotf In' sackcloth and ashes y in observance of this state’s Pioneer endlessly Untoning ‘O Tempora O Mores'” day June 15 iron-wille- £ 10? Star-hembe- rg nt Can Your Strawberries Ml UJ STRAWBERRIES Rail Crossing Deaths Gain JAR CAPS JAR LIDS JAR RIIIGS closed-Monda- m doz 3 doz 3 19c 25c 10c |