Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING MAY (By Associated NORTH MIT Hogs— lift elptg HOLD STEADY Fifteen Isgues in Trade " Even Se en Continue New Listing Active hara generally held at re in trad ing Thursday on the Sait Lake Slock enhance C)t the 15 shares in tiades even held steady and unehanged In while one traded up and teren pine were easier Tintic Standard was live points im proved with trading ol ISO shares Mining cenlly a 'tamed higher levels at $4 25 Silver King Western called for trading Thuisday on the exchange lor the first time was in good ac tivity with trading of a total of 4000 shines at 60 and f9 cents liienvitir was quoted at 60 cents bid and 61 cents asked 'Bingham Metals at 2 1 4 rents Rexall at 3 4 cent Combined Metals at 5 cents East Crown Point at 2 2 cents f uri ka Lily at 10 cenls and Eureka Bullion at 19 1 2 cents were steady Park City Consolidated opened strorger at 19 2 cents eased to 18 cents and sold back to 19 cenls New Quincy dropped back to 2 4 cents North Lily at 55 cents Walker at 60 cents Alta Tunnel at cent Mountain City Copxr at 45 cents and Park Bingham at 3 4 cents were each easier 1 2 1 1 Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS ta Tunnel Ain Fxpioratlon Am Metal Mining Co Beaver Gold Cup Bg Hi to ngham Metals A BUk in Brls'ol nine M Baa lardff steady quality rather plain bulls easier vculrra and calves steady Stocker and and 65 dirct gieudjr to 10 cent higher feeders unchanged fed yearling ateei up drlve-ln- s steers 16 10 lew to 6 25 two loads top $4 Bo on lot lots 172 to 2J7 pounds $4 64a4 8u light bulk fed steers of Quality to sell around 5 00fe5 85 load eutlariah 65 Jew South Texas lights 146 to 157 pounds 4 50 1166 4 00 to 13 66 load butchers heavy packing uwa 12 76 grass steers down U 3 00 pound steers 6 25 small lots and few loads 4?&n5J5 Cattle— Receipts 128 Including 110 for betfeis and mixed yearlings 3 3444 0(1 better market and 16 diret steady lot good drive-i- n bulk butcher cows 12 50 61 grades of vealers isOOfitoo few medium heifers 4 25 5 00 odd bull IS Oufcfl i bulls 990 around 66 to li head Colorado steers pounds — fed lambs and Sheep Heteipts 50(H) J6J56&0 freight paid to coast Springers mostly steady to 10 qantg higher Sheep— No receipts 15 cants up odd lota sheep about spois — — OGDFN May 24 ( UHlfA) Hog Receipts steady top native spring lambs 17 44 7?tf Arizona including 33$ lor market Ibo direct others downward fmm 17 35 6 00 and 2ul to Los Angeles packers mostly 7 00 best shorn lamb moat sales steady few lota 10 cents mgner extreme 5 40tf$ 00 4 85 on beht light and medium weights lop CHICAGO May 25 (AP— (DBDA7-Mo- g& 4 74 down mixed kinds Including bulk -- Receipts 18 OuG market in deadlock sit4 35 y 4 50 law sows 13 00 uation underweights about same as late Wednesday hold 3 25 0(1 or above most J5 lug internals supplies 277 Cattle— Receipts Including 65 for bidding up do 14 0n for medium to choice market and Mi to fen Francisco Packers 190 to 335 pound average most HO to 180 about steady medium and pounds sold early odd lots drlvt-l- n 4 logHfto sows earlv took good heifers (4 004 50 lew common 13 25 mainly I4 40 W4 65 juoo cutter and holdover In estimate shippers 2 506(3 00 down 7000 to 10 000 hogs good cows low cutters down lo till on sale common 175h2J1 bulls 12 0uw2 50 $1 00 attle— Receipts 6000 calves 2000 in 7211 Sheep-Recei- pts including 144 for between grade light steers yearlinsa and comparable weighty bullocks closed easy market 261 to Omaha market 1666 lo Chi 4 ago market IB 3 to Chicago packers 14 $1 to shade lower strictly good and choice best offerings steady lo Denver market and 328 to St Joe rrar-fcweighty bullocks and 1486 to Nebraska feeders nothing 6 65 yearlings largely $S3S6 26i trade with very few strictly good and choice sold early Re- long yeaiBnss In crop slightly better unDENVtR May 35 USPA)-heep- — bulls closed strouer 1460 to range dertone In sne stock ceipts 6600 includes around 25 to 60 rents higher than veslers early salable supply lots entire feed and at 4 7Hifl00 stockers and feeders fully fornlas Including ten loads wooled spring Steady especially on well-bre- d offerings mbs three loads shorn springers one old crop dipped Sheep — Receij ts 6000 native few sales car mixed double ewes one lambs closed 10 to J5 cents higher springers lull'-olamb itady aililu ntron lo had above to shade higher fat ewqp wrnk carlon bft tprln lamb hfld 7 10 strong tending lower several louds good to choice SIMM mostly n 2b nil!' Iambi 04 pound clipped lambs 48 2406 80 IM few old crop pooled under Plainer grsdrs one double 82 pound clljpcd lambs 6 60 7 00 u 5 50 irady odd loll tar chohe around 70 pound active strictly 2 24 i oq less springers 18 00 bucks Insiveral 600 calve 700 — Cattli Heoelpli desirable lot scaling 60 to 68 pounds calif I to leas clude live car Aroua iloa beat 40 beu lightweight ewes 2 75 best 16o ini 17 eiierall a'eady Nebraska 2 00 pounds n 5 15 15 pla !5( 25 other steer I 00j I ' d mixed yearllnirs 15 31 JeW brlfrr la )od unsold be load 05 pound cutabove 8 00 od lots eoai 33 78 doan cal mp ler mostly around 12 50 pract Atld 17 00 lo t small b?l' ill lew CHirAOO May 25 (AP) - Inflation went er 6'- -' into ellipse today so fur as any tinmedi burls nenerally 13 00 1 50 load I 50 ate InPuence 35 lot ker to on the vaLue of graui wus pa pound hrlter concerned fitfx k steers practical y gbstni Price of all grains ran downhill most 3100 13 3lnlc llog-llfc- rlpt ' or the day and los&r were overcome only two to a exas x to California in part by rallies at the finish HcMonshe active fully Ijj'i!' openlnf tairlyaveraae bulk to at least temporary earlv of the f top Wed nsdav 34 504 fet of inflation talk many recent buveta sood lo choke 180 I" 380 tspound unsold to tl e selling side and gave more switched 64 few loads heavy welgl ’ll reports done on pH or Unlit lishts (f prk- heed to beariih wtather and crop s lNc t 33 85M4 10 Uiht unstable under 01 Wheat closed troi f nKh corn Sil4c down veaterday 4 25 up to um oats 1c off and provision crint hanged to 35 ST JONIPH M unchanged lo 12 cents decline t 330ii prrns best native to 10 ernt hisher FAVfE OF HADING HTIRM 'otn 7 50 aalra If mbs frly OIK AGO Muv 25 (AP) — old wetlien lOiUiOlS thorn lamb anil tlll unaold 3J78 n sl thorn 5500 Active lo all buy-l- 5 Hoi- - Krcelpts to iiiteieata butcher ho 10 ateady centa bighei iow mostly unt higher a nM lar t tan prevedin T'i In 4 bulk good and choice ho$a Mr c uuna hogs weighing 20 to 310 rounds bid htavics average at 4 54 few4 extreme 00u4 24 4 Mi moft aowx Silver edar Tali Central standard ( hirf Con Coiorauo Con Cob Kexall omhmed Metals C res ent Lag e Crnff f mn po nt C Chicago Grain JOoO ca vas Fefl 00 uppi y and long yearlmgs in ma IH yevrllues and hifarg ateadv at dominatiiic bardy atady un cow firm but s and cahrs t ii e weak pound chore 941 changed vealers 6 50 err fed I salt o her vearlinR stirrs 5 50 lod FORTLAND May few light butcher all drvt at 4 (0m Uc i i weight a? ? "4 end fume else sold early 2 tead noth'nt look j C attie— Receipt 22‘ calves 20 lUjauP-p’- t h 132 catMe bcug) t to arrive no drive-to apeak of soid early market quotable around s eady few 150 all drives 5 ieep — Hceipt and lamb I$7 goM to choice spring els 5 00 steady uothmg re v i 400 h i neniim grades NEW YORK Storks it regular alcohol shares buovant Bonds firm secondary rails lead rise Cuib irregular leaders erratic Foreign exchanges Irregular sterling easier ' Cotton barelv steady beneficial rains Texas local and southern selling Sugar steady trade buying Coffee quiet commission hou-- e buying CHICAGO Wheat lower Inflation stimulus weakened Coin heavy planting being fushed Cattle generally steady water-fill- s libeial Hogs strong to 10 higher top $5 S L Bank Clearings Wednesdays bank debits day Jawt year g bank clearings fiame day luM year 362 37106 1M5 347 00 Bum 343 794 Thursday 42 1226 707 00 WHAT THF STOCK MARKLT DID N Y Bank Stocks NFW YORK hiftiket May 26 (AP)-O- Bank Bank Manhattan the ver Bid Asked t hnae National Commercial fifth Avenue Cross-Curren- Develop in Which Closes ts Market Erratically NEW YORK May 25 WV-Cro- ss cunents developed in the cuib mar ket today Pritea advanced broadlv for a lime in the afternoon hut late realising gave the list k alight! y Jagged ap pearance at live close Tiuding moderately active sales approximating 487000 shares compared to 491000 yesterday Erratic backing and filling move menu weie evident in the industrial lest Aluminum company off a point at one time closed u ith amt advance of 3 points A O Smith Hazel Atlas Glass and Taikei Rustproof advanced IVere Ac Co Hiram moderately W alker and Tec hnkolor dropped fraO lions to a point Utilities expexientfd several flour ishes but their close was irregular Electric Ilond and Share end Niagara Hudson Rower dipped suable fiac UonL as the latter omitted 1U dividend American Superpower end Arpeucan Gns and Elei trie showed slight improvement Mining aharee were ideadv to firm while oils closed irregularly Humble advanced a point but Gulf loll back as much RAW fcl G A II NEW YORK May 35 (AP)— Raw uiar wa quiet today with no alfa reported afveral Ptuelg of apot Porto However Ric a ne were available at last aid price or 3 27c wilh ImtlfttUom that 3 2V would have been accepted in at least one quarter Future were leaa active cloRlng net fci me of the to 1 point hisher huvmg wax believed to have repreaented of in the taking hedgra aaalnxt baIf abroad but I ou ea with producing connection aold on the uiturn and there were partial re Ha rover Lhernlcal Contii rntal Corn Exchange Empire Guaranty Irving Manilla lurera N Y Title & Mtge N Y By Ripley MIX TRENDS First National National City Public Trust companies Banker Bk yn Trust Cen BELIEVE IT OR NOT IQJRB ISSUES the best ceiong from me buying of September Ihere wax and arlling m Dtcembr at prevailing dif- Irukt Title a Ar T United Butes ference after celling at 1 43c ad July contract vanced to 4jC wlnia Manh sold from I fiiV 24 5m t n Sal to 162c July NEW YORK May 25 (AP) Coffee wasirtl H 4flc 44c December September J A quirt but ateadv today on a Imie heal ?' 1 bfiv 141c March mud pin support but witli interest limited owing next Mayamiarv 1 64c to a Bra?ilifln holiday and dull conditions wa unchanged at 4 8Ge for fine fined Rp HAS EELN OGED CY THE SAPE CAMILV in the actual Hide were fair withdrawal granulated Santos opened nominal and closed old rmuracU hut nw buiinea 2ufiu r to 1 piint Hu against fnU FuRfnuPt THAN 150 YEARS we le active and auiH’Led through re7 opened $ points higher and flwcd 1 to 4 30c 3 point higher Balts 1000 Closing quo-t- sale offerinti at ground “ Owned by Mrs A W 6vVeri4g? ons Baivos— Mav 8 40c July 8 10c WOOL MARKlT 76 r December 7 61c March September T— of Qlalb Km7s&s 34 6 r 5 Med'um 7 41c BOSTON No (API— 53c 44r quaMlv Mar Mav bep-tw t July i n tvvi a ft 5 28t March di mwiic wool are moving fret y at very fiber 6 38c December S TrESTFRDAY OF 46 48 IXTLVNATlOf nb R(r and 5 2 4c rt ng tly prue ittri CARTOON 05 Ohio and aln ilar gfir rew hr r g 3lt U fipot coffee quiet fiantog 4 IHttSHc n t nr grear lav tale bung in st'y at 32 A Two ear fUrord— Iu the 100 mile Labor ICurrrnt cellmate of scoured bail equiva TRK4SIR1 RiPOBT WASHINGTON )h!ot in 1916 Art May 2S AP -- Treasury it nt of these vr ie are in I if ranee ft” ti floVay race iu Cincinnati Bo Ing prices Klein wa ce pu for May 23 were H 022 607 6u extfor 44 hi d 64 56 for 46 60s driving in second plate when :ndl urea Ii0 03 278 68 balance 1373 of Jerrltnry line of similar grade rangeiRtt gag gave ouf By the time the fuel was 508 119 96 custom duties for 23 dayg ofl48ffdO icoured baals on 56 and 56636 on'replenl! rd lie lost nin© Ian and finished 48 60s for itricCy tombing f'fth Suddenly noticing that a fetiow driver May were I14B40 448 94 lil i J(004i3 35 top veaUr feeders rare 5 s eady 6U slock calve Tress) 19 193r rolling mixed yea Harm 8h $5 004 3 at (1 loi cows f l o tugs early up 4 64 uiod beef bulls (HD3O0 4 or cuter grade h il h n I — Receipt ( I wl Crown Point T vM BtnndR'd f a t 7 mtir C ml I ast T ntic Con i tvt Utah Finn re M ne In niv cm Fu-t- k AK1 ' Draim Furerv 1 ef Metal Bonanza Markets at a Glance : Livestock Market Quotations MINE SHARES 26 r CHICAGO CASH U( OT ATIONQ May 25 t APi— Vi heat— No hara niaTn—71cNoJfo2 2mixed 43c 1 No 2 vel’ow old 44Wc No 2 43U4M4c No 3 4C()sti AN(f I E6 Maw 25 (CSDA)— CatH— wh te 44 ' c 'i'tl genera ly Oat holdover '00 Relfipts No 2 whltt 24tfi24c No J white av small i u$ salable t on hvi piy s'eactr n 4 R0 pm nd t tnh ' 6 00 atcne 6i 84R(i 23 Hve— No No 3 56c 6fUgc 871 pound eer Arirot a f'-Darley —30 i ffd ner 705 pound one lead 12 24H3 60 per cwt T "Othy ed to down k nd scored ih 2j few common f(d— 7 23 o 10 25 per tve 62 Ciuver he frrs I a d— $6 U2 4(0 one load Caufornl 3 4( t cow Bfiiiies— 7 05 rLjnda marie 5 34lowmedium cutter 135i2m 3 64 cutter and Calvco—Hece pla 60 steady Xw xom m on gum hivnipeo $4 00 2’0 Poa u vea'er WINNIPEG May 25 (APi — f 250 steady few lort ks—Reveipi V4heat High Iw at 4 50 load Colorado May 184 to 218 pound 62tiC 62 tC Ja i c) era ui ol 1 ear'r700 fcl vr 62 steady small lot July Rrceip' Uctubcr c b r O' round shorn California apTingeis ttood 1 nor hern w vest axh No 62 4 40 io n Cal ioimas 3 no them 61Hr No 1 nor tern sc abnit one deck SSr unmld early Om No 3 white 27 So No 3 while 25 Sc SOI 1 U S'AV FRANC ICO May 2F U BOA) — Hogs - Rcrtii tv ah) bartly ateadv bulk Ibi Ij 1)8 pouiid Cali a goo I and choiic MINNEAPOLIS 4 75 u latter top on approxi-mMINNEAPOLIS May 25 AP) — Whrit bruttly 20J4 head common and medium Receipts 97 cars cou pared to U9 a year 3 75 4 40 packing sows 2uk(3 I L b market lower ago No 1 Cash steer trade northern 71S"2Sr Nn 1 dark 173 tpu bjow i uortherr few aalea h?ri mni not fuhy eitabhshed n 74u76Sc 14 per cent ceI)l prr prate ask n price Rieady some late 13 per cent protein M“pmein 72St74Sc load giod late arnvtng light m masers 12 ier cent protein 71( 7igi73Scr fcl Colorado long yaarliugg and 73Sc 1 weight No dark hard Moutana 14 per 6 64 few common to medium 840 steer to arrive 7flSw 76'd77c ion d f al formas cows steady to 26 rents Ml 1 No durum 70Stf72Sc No ambfr hetferish gras roue 2 amber durum fnnr few 841 round No 1 red durftSu'lHc k gooa medium bu lo fairly 3" 3farr 50 um 62 69Jc May July 69c Scptcm-b- f on types “54i J late trade rows dairy 69 r December n 00 down iow— cutter lo100tl 00 few bull70 Co-iNo 1 yej ow 1o4i37c IU 50 Calves Reee pis including Oats —No 3 white aiLUlTUc uueven teal teariy package good on direct Barley 264149c 5 50 four head out 14 er Hve-- No 3 3dM(34c Bhecp rReccipta J36 including 615 dl F ax— No 44xi 1 47 3 4 holdover re active lambs uneven Sweet clover aeed- - 3 2552 60 deck to three strong generally Uhy gteady 72 wooled medium to choica 63 to pound KAVAAS CITY 6 3 California gorted 10 per rent M 2s KANSAS CTIY May 24 ( AP) — VATvegt — Pound thorn S5 25 holdover packageon 64sale Receipt 117 can $2 lower No 2 lamb dark 6C379c nominal No 2 05!ff OMAHA May 35 (AP— tlBDA’i— Hog — 78 li c hard 2 nom No nal 6b5fi66 ac c om active 5 cent high-- 1 No 3 6f4 Re nominal hard Hemp a 700(j No 2 red 69 c to 28) 4 45 er top freely fur choice J'X) 2 06 3c nominal No i 4 65 444 pound bulk 160 to 3M3 pounds45 Cmee Mav 64c Ju y 05 ?c Septemn0 pound 140 to 160 pound 9')4 December 644c 4 75 ow 4iXi4 15 la berCorn664c butcher - Receipt 33 can a P4C(3 lower ghp-peg3 50U3 75 IS "5i 4 M feeder pigs No 2 white 41 o No 3 40'41c unminal bought li '0 2 yellow No 4oc 100 fed billing 40 W No 3 39 1500 calm Cattle Receipt 794c nominal No 2 mixed 40c No 2 steers and yearin gi closed l‘w but tea stm ker and feelert acarce fed steer and Svj 79 jc nominal Cote May 39c July 40e September load 1)5J 15 J5e(0 mi part yearlings h'art heif- - 42c pounds 16 25 few lotacuwand odd cut3 25 Oat— RecelpU all cara nominally t tf 50ff4 4 beef ers 74124 ler grade gi Nnar 3 00 med uro bu’l U 00 lower No 2 white 24 f2oc nominal No 16 00 I vealera 2r34lr nominal practical top StrMVg to Rye 46 tfr47 c pominiL finrtp Reeelpts 7500 lamb Harley— 2 vi 32c nominal 35 cent hlvlter other c!aes aieady tali 7 4U ft ft rnia aprmg lambs 70 native rooH sponger d wn Inin 17 50 R1 fed (a'lfmnia 7 10 7 34 d ck wled iao b4 25 pound NFW YORK May fUflnA)Fg fed Rteadv 17 21 08 pounds shorn CslHornia 15 case one likely uncnfed 7 15 fed while speciBla 17c one sale 15 tale i jipped (allfornlai 74 pourris rase white 1 27 tm 754(0 old iambi crop clipped one sale 34 casca white 17c 14 40 ewca up to 2 in new crop I4sc one sale 60 rase dirtlta lKOliijitnftrdg lamb bid $6 50 11 ic bid 17c white I3p wtiite specialbid 14e KASHAS ( ITT May 34 AP)—fURDA) standard standards 15c I4c Bom— Re eipt Iflufo active S to 10 cent bd 14e car standards bid 14 fi H'ar 4 70 on choice 30A to J40 )4'e F O F Me bd 13U3c 11f higher top bu k desirable 14u to 324 pound bid on car F O F bid on special po md 18‘c 14 f vi 4 6' b d on fresh gathered better g'ade 140 to P0 pour da fir' ec stock pig ot dirt m Ml bid 12‘c H90 64 3 Receipts— 42''(454 10 sow 13 328 case Esv down es’lmated hold ver 3 Btrcxig calve ‘ 600 kill 2000 Pacific tattle — Receipt fancy 3314t3tc stand ' da Wiiili'ic medium 19n20c had fainted as be drova hi car Into thw th end of which mcra tied u be trana-p- ii for rei aim Klein awung into tha pitot aiported to a farm which he wa to rid of seal end drove the gtrange car to aevenUijrudenvt He aacened in transit and re ra position Thi is the only record in ram g turned bag and a i t Ma home The a diiver won two piae auh twoimated moving bag must have been a queer to aomt lonely wanderer ou the road different maksa of care in a sihila at dark lest Tha Cal In (ha IUr— This feline a sklU-- l Tomerrawt Tha American Beat SaQa? af flit mouse hunter wa placed In a Pour bag All Time Housebroken THE BREADWINNER WINNIE WINKLE 7lc North g I Pk I ( t!v 3D0 it 54c ly Consolidated at 19' 300 er King Western Waiker 100 at c 3200 at 00c Alta Tunnel Nc q (TTNG 2 oo at 1000 D c RALES Fireka Billion ftoo at 194e Fu’rka Illlf W at l4r 100 at 19c V mntaln C ty copnfr fOO gt 41c Turk B ngham 2W0 at Prk Cl'r Cnnsnhrigted loo at 19e Rt ver Fin Webern Ton at 4nc 600 at 49c 4 24 140 at T nMr Walker 00 at 80c lc BRINGING He Had to Say Yes COMB OKJ AWUIE-WH- KIK1D OF A JU JU POWER IS IT VOU NAVE OVER THAT old hyena1? OH MR PINCWPEKINY ISN'T SUCH A BAD GUY MR AGATE- DID YOU EVER SEE ANYTHING LIKE THE WAY - ITS PIKICHPEMWY JUST FOR HARD HIM TO SPEND MOWEY-BU- JUMPS THROUGH T HE MEANS OLD WEL- L- TH’ HOOP FOR ANW'EV AS THOUGH SHE HAD SOMETHING ON HIM- - 'FIFTEEN SO YOU NOTICED IT TOO EH? YOU CANT TELL ME IT'S ALL JUST BECAUSE OR TWENTY - GREAT SCOTt! AS F IT WERE FIFTEEN OR TWENTY CENT- S- AMD FOR HES A CIVIC CENTERPOOL- - TURNED SAINT -THERE S SOMETHING BACK OF THIS THAT EVEN ANNIE DOESN'T TUBS SUSPECT- - - LET in this town THEIR LAUNDRY AS THEV ALWAYS HAV- - IF AGATE OR HAD SEEN IT UG- H- 1 HAD TO ACCEDE TO HER DEMANDS- - WELL DRAWING will take TIME—— A 0P TME- KNIFE- PlNCHER the yokels BATHE N plans E- cot UP FATHER c s ni( I'l Offlc) By George McManus THE GUMPS The Viper got all me clothes UN MERE AN' OAMNIY DOWN on the Sidewalk to catch wiu-- BUT WHAT COULD I SAY? SHE HAD THAT INFERNAL THOUSAND- 1 WELL- - YOUNE RIAL TML pap& Nfjvj ALL YOU MAVR l TO to PO (ION I- Tand I LL Gw V- -YOU ThE SOO NOT KEEP ME IN 6E WALK PAtiT itll 6Y to I Wa - MACClE- vV (C? viNmtp lyti-- pci mama Ck tR YKCA3 reauib j that r I"--1 sue teio-AN- WAS D a SIGNED Qurr CLAIM HER PROPERTY NOW BELONGS TO “THAT lsl TOWNSEND ZANDER- - k-- 4 §1 S wm i' ft t u WTAO B4TTkF rrry °iocn Yl TUt AiOOT THAT C'ttN' '''"Tn VS f y --- 7V 4 K g 8 f'wem tn i( it tr-- e wvtg im voun ydu Threw clothe b into an‘ AJTO CCXN PA"bT A'iOuT ITY HILl AN HOUR- - GASOLINE ALIEV Buried Assets tHBT WONT Vm DOMT WANT AN ROOT SUSA8CT KIDS APB TO EUEPBCT cDrrv p ALWAYS piQOiN’ t i tm- 'ivV £l‘i“Vvv0 Cm - Tmnkiki DON T WANT AbJV OF TO A MACOIF VLl JutiT m "k4y litb 411 m I h J UAnga |