Show THE SALT LAKE TRIIiUNE FRIDAY MORNING MAY 2fi 3033 17 EAST CAPTURES TILLICUMS TENNIS LEAGUE TITLE TEAMS BATTLE JACK miitopi crs Crowned Champions CHAMPS WIN AMATEURS FOLLOWS RESCUES FOR RUNNERUP Seeks Boys Before They’re Spoiled THREETILTS AGA1 MACKS TRAINERS FAIL IIF DECLARES St I'liOM RIVALS Panthers Drop Into Tie With South for Second Position Patrick’s Safely in Front Valdez Added to Miner Squad Iron Man Turn in Third-in of Week Griffs Injuns Vietors I had a lot of confidence in Jerry Luvadis my old trainer and I’ve By JACK DEMPSEY No doubt about it modern trainit by keeping him with me to ers and developers have failed box- proved this day ing in tbe very thing their Job calls However they're the exceptions for so it la lip tu nowadays whereas 20 years ago evCATHOLIC IF AGUE (Continu'd From Precedln Past) ery practical boxing man knew his those of us whof Tram hUodlnf fighters like a book He ale with them ed another homer over the Pet think we know 5 Won L05t right field lived with them slept in the next bed 1000 what Patrick' should be etc one out in the twelfth to wall with Of den them the never left until He fights least at done or j Our Divine Saviour were over and he hud seen them win the game are willing to try Tooele DriKorr Cathedral safely home ph ila deh pht a soflit find our niHte BHOA BHOA Hmahatu There used to be so many of tills Pox rf 7 0 I 0 Bishop 2b social while it is still Mantua is to name one it difficult that 4 2 2 4 Cromer ooo raw and Grhrlnarr 6 2 2 0 2b type cf Our Lady of Lourdri jj' unspoiled without slighting the others however Slone if f 6 0 2 0 Johnson if 4 0 10 That's why 1 hav VVftktr 6 i 0 0 CoifniXM if 4 2 4 0 Kunday'a Hrhedule Lottos were and Dia Johnny Dolling Orrcnbi-rxlliken to going to lb 6112 1 JOlllkoxx Cathedral Our Ijidy of Lour dr 6 the outstanding reputation So was Owen 3b 0 2 Cochrane o 6 0 113 p m If ftpry umpire amateur shows nlrlpal No 6 4 4 2 lUxthi Hoill ss 6 111 lb fit Patrick’ v Hinnham municipal No Kelly Spider a there 11 0 Oilmen is 6 c 4 really 0 2 1 I 2 u Decker Hwrth p m umpire 4 10 They knew all the answers Most Burr'll p Knrnhww p 2 0 0 Our Divine Saviour va Tooele at Tooele promising boy 0 0 0 P'trrion of xxHhl't even around don't 0 0 0 those 0 0 2 30 p m today Liddell p umpire around I want to llos'U p 10 1 0 xPtniifi 10 0 0 know all the questions Qi(len ya Maaua at Magna 2 30 p m see that he has a 10 0 0 prove McCarty umpire chance in boxing 41 1234 IT Totals 41 6 34 11 Totxlx (Copyright 1933 King Features SynWith St Patrick's safely intrenched )f fore it's too late xOiib out wh'U winning run scored dicate Inc) incidenfor Sorrell in tenth xxBatted snv I'd m fust place in Catholic league the xllxited lor I'eterion In elglilh that it's too Dempsey Oetrolt 010 000 000—1 principal games Sunday will deter- tally late the moment he falls into the luO OOO 101 001—4 Philadelphia mine second and third place holders clutches of a dressing room attache Rum balled Summary: Error— Clhockl In— Hayworth Sorrell Bishop Cochrane Four teams are now tied for third who starts with a bucket and towel Coleman Hlgalns lull — Oehrlng-r- r a Foxx he calls with what finishes and Home Cramer runi — Btahop place and after the smoke of battle "stable" He refers to himself as a Coleman Hlulna Stolen bas- e- Roaell — Hayworth has eleared two of them will be Double play— Oehrlnaef trainer yet he knows nothing of to Hogrll to Greenberi Beset on ball — eliminated a matSorrell Hoaxeit within can't tell Earnshaw 3 Oroe you dieting meet the leaders Tiie loop — Sorrell 6 Hoaselt I Earnahaw out ter of pounds how murh his fighter Peteraon Hlla— Sorrell 1 in Oroya 2 Bingham crew on Municipal Will 3 Farnihaw 10 Si 7 Hoeselt 1 In 2 weigh going into the ring and No 2 If past performances count none Peterson Orove 3 In 4 Winning in for anything it is very probable that altogether is pretty short on even the Grove Loalng pitcher— Ilogsett tile Miners will lose However they fundamentals of boxing Former Coast Ivonjiuer Gets pitcher— have been strengthened by the ad- DON’T BELONG IN GAME General Crowder Chance as Chisox dition of Valdes sensational MexiSuch men are around today In can ehucker This lad has been droves teaching from 15 to 20 young Raffles Drown Fly Chaser twirling for the Bingham high school boxers apiece how not to fight ls WASHINGTON May 25 W-- Th and he was instrumental in helping it any wonder that the fight game Washington Senators unloosed their them cop tiie honors in the prep loop isn’t what it used to be? If he can get any support he may Two of the most active "trainers" heavy offensive weapons today and CHICAGO May 25 make the “Pat" crew step to win of this sort operate out of New York defeated the St Louis Browns 7 to 2 to not risen has fastest traveler big Our Divine Saviour fresh from an and make a very comfortable living behind some sterling pitching by Ala easy victory over the Lourdes nine by preying upon the credibility of league stature with anything like The SaltLakers are young fighters They probably don't goes to Tooele speed but now that he vln Crowder 8T louts WASHINGTON Norm BoirdT southpaw think they are doing anything of the seems to have arrived be ls favored B H O A moving BHOA twirler Ls scheduled to open for the kind In fact they’re pretty nice boys 4 0 16 Kvihet! lb Levey gi 4 100 4 0 1 0 Manulh Burns lb 4 3 3 0 it Salt Lake entry In the event thatp(rsonnlly But for the sake of box- along at a brisk pare indeed If 4 0 1 (liimlln Reynolds 4 3 3 0 rf Swauson’a lone big league rec- Campbell he kx not start Frank Campanil jing l wish they would turn their rf 4 2 4 0 Cronin at 4 3 12 2 110 Hama will use young Ijiwrence Tavey energy toward something for which ord— bis time erf 134 seconds for a Oarms cf 4 3 3 0 cf 2 14 3 Unken Mrltllo Jb 4 3 3 0 Sb house-to-bid has This ball like better suited speed righthander St they're 1 never 3 herein 3 around bases 4 the 3b 4 113 3b get may Myer fast- curve that gels house canvassing They don't belong trip 3 Shea c 4 0 6 1 Sewell c 10 the fame hall of but into him the un- p domi-de3 0 cool he is p of results and Crowder 10 4 0 0 1 so p the game they plenty greatly 0 0 0 0 p sieed that made his base circling feat Gray 6 fire Ambrose curve ball arUst!na(e 0 0 0 0 Knott p for tiie Smelter lies will attempt to Further than that it Lx a rebuke Ipossible Is earning him a respectable xSlortl 10 0 0 r outfield stop the slugging activities of the1 to the memory of Billy Delaney tolshare of base bits and VVhite S3 34 12' Tolxla ToUIi J 14 21 4 Sox fimbitnuu Sait Inkers to tome of these mndemi°u for Knoit In nlnlli Illinois knows Fvar pretty well in i xllxlird r 010 600 000—1 Lout as “trainers” Delaney Cathedral which lost a hangers-oOil 110 lox— 7 to St Pat's last Sunday the man who handled first Jim an athletic way for a decade ago he Wxxhmrton Hummarr Irrori SUrnoldi Camps'll "all-a- i uunJest" college Nclixrein meets the cellar champs Our Ladyj(01beU and then Juil Jeffries was one of the Rum hilled In — M'llllo Bh'a Cronin 3 Her Boken 2 H'ell of Lourdes and with Guthrie in finewa a real trainer an expert in athletes this state ever saw Thrie-batill a — Oarmi Bok'n Kuh'l hi Competing for Lombard college — favorite to line He didn't try to manage shape are Bokin Doubit piiy— Bchxr'ln to M'itl-l- o fuel a fifth straight defeat on the-- j fiKhters his Job was to condition (now merged with Knox) at Galeslo Burns i2i Baait on balla — K'bert I won 18 letters and for three Crowd" 3 struck out — H'bert Clrar "Hilltoppers" Ed Ieupold tif East them and he made it the biggest one burg he I Rita — H'birt 11 In 6 of the East high high Gray Member end In football Crowd" basketball fame 6iil open for jn camp He decided when the fighter years was an t In Knoit non la L Loln pitch"— school tennis team which Thurs- Coach Mickey Riley's boys guard in basketball and high H'bert should eat and how much when he day clinched the championship of Tbe final game on the schedule'should sleep and how long also point man in the "Little 19" conference track meets the Tillicums league: (1) Donald finds Ogden meeting Magna Error Give Injuns Thejwhcther he went on the road that t and a Besides be pitched a Wolfrom (2) Danny Freed (3) Ogden bov are now in second spot day and how many rounds he worked one-biothers for the among game are Victory Over in the corner he ran the fight Dick Bennion (4) Bill Geoglein but after they play Magna they Lombard nine BOSTON May 25 DD— The Cicve-Wit- h down in the STILL rfEPS LUVADIS Other members of the squad are very apt to be further the Sox this spring Swanson de-Indlan!l' afl" our itMl LaMar Guiver Furdie Daines and standings i Jerrv Vaculin A Ir case James his Redlnnd manager got his chance in right field when one of the beat tnasersL bl he Burton Wheatlake all of whom chueker now UlHlrical "' t°d? opened their series with Krcrs wax moved in lo first base m the loop Louis or Bill Zito will Bra1ynute was the business man who made account of Manager Lew Fonsera'i leg the Boston Red Sox with a 3 2 victory have earned their letters open for the Ogden crew the matches Bnd got the fighter hi injury The visitors registered their winning He promptly made the most of this1 Back In 1909 Gil Dobie received a price A Schedule Catholic n Bnd Jacobs ls so now with Joe This 50 per cent salary Increase after his th'B opportunity by rattling off base hits Fourth Annual Retreat University of Washington football Max Machon who between them at a 371 clip and at the end of the Jacobs Max goes handle Porter Schmeiing of was season the seasons without first three week teams had gone nine Members of the Catholic Parent a defeat That brought him up to the into the corner on fight nights to lend the leading F’ale Hose balsinan Tcacher association will hold their magnificent stipend of $1800 a year a hand with advire and protect his This Ls Swanson's second big league man In emengencies But in the ac- try He spent 1929 and 1930 with fourth annual retreat at Our Lady of At spring football practice Coach tual running of Schmeiing tiie fight- Cincinnati went to Columbus of the Knim tb Lourdes church Saturday The retreat will open with mass at 9 a m Bill Ingram of the University of Cali- er Machon is allowed to have full American association in 1931 to hiEKuenrer c and the Most Rev James E Kearney fornia indicated the huddle system sway because he actually knows his 331 and wa burning up the double- HUdr'andi business and is one of the few train- A circuit late last summer Ht a 3751 bishop of the Catholic diocese ofSalt' will be abandoned to give the ers available who does Iterback full command will preach the sermon pace when the Cardinals owners of T”11 xHxtt'd for Rhode In nlnlh the Columbus franchise sold him to rlvf!n( ln1 ma oot-vtoo ooo oio- -s the Sox He got ip 14 game last fallBtnn — XX'Il W"b" Cook' TOT — Tr XOfl Slimm"! and Lallad arm urn "’o Rim blted In -- Ay'rlll 3 Cooke MrMnun Prior to his Cincinnati biennium jTo-bhit— Artll wrb" Home In five vears In the Pi-- Cooke Evar had put tri(ice— I Werbrr poiiMe plrx — Burnett to Cle'l j clflC Coast tn Vernon 00 ChMI to Burnett to Bom Rum on Mission rifivor more than 8 points un—Hrdr 4 fthrxita J fitruck onte— Harder HU — Harder I In 1 nrm out brings them to class to tell the others rtpr ine u mark anH twn oaxonaJ- RhortI Five Thousand Persons fhlMt Hildebrand I Jn 3 Winning’ The school rdltora’ annual picThe first grade contributes: School considerably over that fiKiire Hnrdr pitcher— Hot Pots has bern postwill be out soon This is our last reAttend Indian Pageant nic to the poned to June 3 Instead of May 27 port We liked to write the reports as formerly announced We liked to read them in The TribJosephine Davis Editor une Some of u made a book and Edith Krlntli Associate Editor our reports In IL they have done this year This work put JUNIOR HIGH includes dresses Mouses underwear JORDAN ix SCHOOL— Everyone breathing and mats Children Study China would pay ufl to normally The Indian pRgeant is over Thursday will be the day for JorHold Monday Program and it was a success Yes ask any- dan's track meet All boys and girls select & nice — one who attended and lie will lell will participate Grover Rawllnia Editor vou it was the biggest and best thing Eva Scott Associate Editor that Jordan has ever put on There Field Day were in attendance 5tKt0 persons Pupils Enjoy EDISON SCHOOL— Stanley Smith1 Among our guests were Superinten- Program Mountain CAimb 4B reports: In this fourth grude we Here’ One for $35 are studying China We have found dent L John Nuttall Jr Dr George our from A Eaton Dr G T Worlton Commisis different Isaac Editor China that very Including Margaret sioner E I) Hummond Board Mem- Norma Hammond Associate Editor country Ba chief food is rlre The Electric ber C O Jensen Mrs J B Matheson SCHOOL — Ralph people plant rice in big fields under RIVERSIDE Miss Emily Lynch Miss Zita Our school water The people there live close Ruhlander 413 reports Refrigeration Miss Verna Schankv and Mrs had a field day program on their together One of their atrange cusWe played ball tom is that when they go Into a Olive Burt Three hundred and fifty grounds Thursday Inboys and girls participated as pio- ran races and had a very good time house they take off their shoes neers Indians dancers and others Every room participated in the stead of their hat Doris Schober room 5 writes The helped with the scenery and adver- events and as the weather was nice tising We especially want to thank we thought tiie field day a great sue boys and girls of room 5 take turns the Boy Scouts and Mr Hammond cess telling stories They like to listen to When one for making such a fine job of the InLorin Chapman 4B writes- Re- the stories others tell dian village All the time the pag- cently we went on a hike to Ensign finishes th pupils tell him of Die eant was going on boy and girls pesik While we were hiking we mistake he Ha made Elegantly Furnished ” were riding in canoes or on horses cam to the “devil pit” as the older Rose Noorda room 13 contribute 135 — HOSnctJKg mL t twia ld It has been a lot of fun and best of children railed it We stopped there Last Friday wa had a May day proporch icnUr fumUhad wonderful vlw Una kcUow tmuiula FUf'd-alr- e to eat our lunch all a grand success While wo were gram All the mother and fathers 4 Uil la beat baa fleam TTie ninth grade students sre ill eating aome of tha boya let Norman were Invited The children of each Voi H6 excited about the splendid gradua- Allen down on a roij into the pit room danced the dances they have tion exercises which were held Wed- When he got up again he said none learned during the year The fourth Some musical selections of the others should go dowm s one grade danced the Maypole danre The nesday Cool and Cosy— were heard fro-- the glee club and rould hardly breathe down there bugler played aome songs snd each 111) 50—1 and 4 room new ttrlcUy the eighth grade students Mini Mary You take a risk when you go adven- bugler got t badge The two tearh-e- r refri iDorflern el4o rani laundry Beach directed these numbers Rose turing s who have directed the buglers hnrk iarm Fai Broadway aAin Unlum AdU CoL 114 Ella Black Beth Tianu and Lois (liiliiae got badges too If the Pickcl sang solos with the glee rlub Kindergarten Organizes Helen Chenker reports: The speakers were lbibbl Samuel weather Is pleasant we will have our Hand to Learn Ilhythm field day next week Our fourth Gordon Dr Eaton and Principal Something Cheaper— Bruce E Mlllikln also remnrks from grades will run a relay rare the fifth US mo — lajt Smith Templa nlea Thu our principal D R Coombs for houaekaapim ovr room grades will play Indoor baseball the Kathryn lllrka Editor tian at f fd ei (round lunri cvcffUiinf footour llrlrn lllntxe Axxorlato Editor sixth grades will play Indinn year's president also Introduced 112 Col luUiUUfd — officers WEBSTER SCHOOL The kinder- ball and the seventh grades will play next year's student body Tom Laturner Jean Ayers Helen garten of the Webster school has a hit pin ball We shall rmss our physi-caIt Includes several tambouhand education work when school Drrkscl and Lynn Meme The graduation dance win held rines three or four castanets a closes Something Charming— whison the a two bird Those tomtom 1? snare drum New flrrhrlrk apt on Fat 3rd Wednesday evening 6 p’wrtn No ailra lari pewi were Bose Elia Black tles triangles bells arid a piano to rommitte-Plan el ajid ref rlieraior talltini Display The band Pupils Mary McKellur acrompnny the nuLairlnnx Evelyn Johnson tnilUi piuhtt (II (a(h polUhrd hdd hk1 Col 116 floor Parents Helen ltallit Plnl Maxfield Normnn played two pieces on the school proProgram Taylor Rex Tucker Iyle White W gram They played “Shine Little R Harwood and Miss Annette Bilger Glow Worm Glimmer” and “Yankee Helen Howard E ditor The gym was decorated in a lovely Dooiile ” The purise of this hand Teddv Poulson Axxoclat Editor Reasonable— manner Flowers of every descrip Is to JEFFERSON SCHOOL — Harriet the children rhythm The $36 V PumUhed (utU front On Friday CH lion decked tiie halls and walls At little girl who lends the band is very Howard reports: PF1 li ovet at tiffed ael waidiiA dial taai ltd Boa Fufn Apt Col 116 one corner was a table with the punch popular Jefferson pupils will hold a visiting 'ibe kindergarten and third This year's howl on It The girls' graduation rlav for their parents A work will be on display and the chi! d levies wne dainty cotton or print fill the progiam nr the not exceeding $2 each in cost Every- meeting on Friday May 19 dren will present a program eulyireds Special— Mod one had a lovely time The work on the Utah booklets has Thelma Easter (IB writei J4 SO— All ftimlahed 4 room tuite The sewing checsex under the dl hern progressing rapidly Mr Elsi ernistle bird are being made In Mr decorated andom ’aianfc taa ii'tir FHK an orarfnffd ae and reallr rectlon of Miss Gladys Holt Had a B Williams the social science teach- Ethel Rrldwell's artebus The bird ftra FumUhed Adta Col U6 fiomry 77ie Brlirle which er gave the pupil all this week to are all geometric We do not give sewing coolest is the m'wt outstanding was chosen eomplele their work Most of them them their natural enbtrx but color from each class Miss Pearl Mi Tiie hooks them In any brilliant tones we have been handed In won first place for tlm nusst have attractive covers decorated Tills mnkrs thorn very modernlrtir in done work the Make an and gay You Too past with something suggestive of Utah outstanding iwmiraler Lois Rogers Edith Krintr seventh Tiie sixth grade is studying shout Marlon Ijiixen grade Rentier In received honorable our learned we have have that Italy writes: Ilaie) Italy They rea1lngrlaxx Mrs C IV Overflrld mention of raises large quantities of grapex and been reading "The of the Lake ” tiie Daughleis of the American Itevo many silkworms To Illustrate It w have drawn plaids hitum prevented Mus McFarland ocvnth ffrndo are Mudylnof the various rUn and arenca from SCAN ItENTAL COLUMNS U2-U5-- 116 with an atti active pin The coal In thrlr nature rlnM have hern put on Larh onpjth atnry The classes haven display ell tha work finds interesting facia about coal andjdij'plfly in our halta " j r MM) i high school tennis team captured the championship of the league for the Salt Lake district Thursday when it took all three matches of its aeries with West The competition was held on the Panther courts The young Leopard athletes lost one set of each match but rallied in exceptional style Captain Bill Goeg lein and Dan Breed won the singles matches from Duane Anderson and In the Henry Milano respectively doubles match Don Wolfrom and Dick Kennion triumphed over Harold Young and Jack Benson At Top Form Captain Goeglein playing at top fuim for the first time since be strained his arm in the B Y U invitational dropped the first set to Anderson but came back strong to win the next two 6 3 Goeglein has been kept on the sidelines by Coach Mickey Oswald in order that the raptain's arm might heal in time tor the match with the Panthers The rest apparently did BUI plenty of good for after his rather shaky start in the first set he sailed nlong smoothly to the finish of the matrh Danny Freed and Henry Milano engaged in the most unusual match of the series The players alternated at losing their services with the Leopard succeeding in winning a suf ficicnt number of his services to take the match Shine at Net The net play of the West doubles team Harold Young and Jack Ben son almost toppled over the Leopards Wolfrom and Bennion took the first set in easy fashion but in the second canto the Panthers took to the net and the Hilltoppers failed to win a game But Don and Dick re sorted to a lobbing game in the final set and came out with a 6 3 win giving them the match West was without the services of Jack Snow who injured his ankle recently This victory gives the leopards one leg on the Tillicums trophy which was first put into circulation last season when South won the title The Cubs finished In a tie with West thus season each school having won five matches and lost two This is the fourth Tillicums championship for East The Leopards won the title for three consecutive years in '29 ’30 and '31 thus gaining permanent possession of a cup bill EiLst Tilll-cum- s : 1 1 EVAR SWANSON Two-baa- e re record-- breaking 1 - r sharp-breakin- Tvo-btx y 1 no-hi- 4 Sliarinan-Jone- s Match Expected To Be Feature W t P'l - n v 1 s d UOKTON Smith HANDED SHOT hit dickerrd more than a tear to line up Sherman Western Welter Champ and Henry from Froyo Trlday’i go will enable the fan to Jonra get the airtight dope on the merits of thete two sterling welters Sherman will undoubtedly puh himself to the limit to win over the Provo sensation and Jones will go his hardest to score on Hy at ths ringside fang I out of S fella—time limit II jr HANS STOIIL will lixlnxt Hunt Rtohl Mllwankrt hevywelht grspplrr In I out of 3 falli tlm limit affair Rtohl li a mighty good man and tha fhxnrrt ar cvm that ha will lra the loral kin of hraylrx tha works Thla fraca hxa all (ha earmark of a grand PAT BILL LONGSON YS When Wild Hill dashes with Tat Flaniran Hnslon hone-henrtfans will get a load of the knock-dow- n drag-obrand of that they go for la a big way DEL KUHXLE A A I’ vs the rantin' ASHLEY SMITH Champ I of V TIME LIMIT IUSI RVATIONS 41 Eaxt 2nd Nntiih AT JOE VINCENT’S CAFE Wasatch 1550 ullough’s At 9tli South amt Main POFITAR PRICES: Rlnxlda II In Ur 36 (plui Mexvinlne Hr)! Pxrqnet ll (Imlndln li) 7Vi fNFHAL ADMI6HION — (no 3c Boy nndrt H I I lax) ! 1 Birk-hau- JONES YS ctil run-Mr- AA Apartment HENRY IRA CX — SELDOM ARE THREE SUCH MATQHES ON THE SAME CARD— THE FANS WILL FLOCK TO THE ARENA TONIGHT VS - quor-Lak- Believe it L6FT (Gong 8:30) HY T School News and Views Iron Shot by II Smith Left-Hande- Boox - I-- i ‘41 1 3 e Tonight’s Arena Card FLANIGAN 1 heart-breake- PIAYT Ir g put-refe- THREE HEADLINERS ON DERN 1 1 1 (Continued Prom Prectdlns McCullough 1 S Dr W R Calderwood was elected chairman ofthe executive committee should be as Interesting as any staged of the Utah Society for Mental Hy- at the arena in months Along with the two best two out of giene at a meeting Thursday night at the Newhouse hotel He succeeds three falls headliners Bill Longson Dr Garland 11 Paces recently select- will clash with Pat Flanagan who ed as superintendent of the Utah state bowed to Dern last Friday night and the opener which features Del Kune hospital at Provo It was decided to publish a mcntnbkel former holder cf amateur cham hygiene quarterly with Dr H H pionships and Ashley Smith former Ramsay superintendent of the Utah collegiate star and now one of the state training school st American finest professional welterweights in Fork as editor the state Promoter SPEED SHOWS heavv-hlttin- Leader Elected ly Mental Hygiene Croup this match between 1 1X13 6-- A 1 1 fplna Half Prlr 7 By JOE GLASS upon at Virginia Beach Va Horton Smith urpruved the gallery by making a brilliant southpaw ahot on the fourteenth hole Hta ball lay close to a tree 150 yarda from the green lie couldn't make a right handed shot lo he dug out a leftr handed No 3 Iron and played to the green Unfortunately hi ball didn’t hold o he had to take a five on the par four hole Nevertheless hia try was worth while He couldn’t have done better by any oilier play He might have done worse As it was he managed to split sixth and seventh money with Hobby ('run kxhmk That ahot was not a new one for Horton One like it on tiie first hole of tiie Keller links helped him to win first money of $2500 In the 1901 St In tha Cavalier Fanl open Fverv player ought to carry a left handed rlub In his bag A No 3 Iron is a good one to have because tie ran pinv fairly long as well as slim t sliota with it But lie must watch out for slirex A southpaw golfer slices naturally So will a converted one I asked Iiortnn how tie pluved these left handed shots lie replied “I close the blade of the club nod hit down hard with the ball a bit further back Ilian usual" (jet a left handed rlub and piactif'c with It But don't nurse the sliobi Hit down hard That is of couise unless you're playing a short shot A golfer is no better than hi tee shot If you are not getting the proper riisUnre wllh your driver WTlte and secure tile free illustrated leaflet on "Driving" by Joe Gla s Writ him In car of The Salt Tribune and be lure to Influx a elf addressed stamped envelope Publishers (Copyright Syndicate ) t league Attendance at Poific hull games showed an met ease of p prox imstel v 23 per rent over last year iduting tiie first three week of play C-- - is derf-- rai-t- for 'xpsf P-- -- For-lan- de-dr- r’in Altradivo APARTMENT LEASE NOW! |