Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING MAY Day by Day With Uncle 26 3933 May Lillie Trips Into Nature By DR W A EVAN3 which natuie the great gifts Among has given us is the tree and in the 'Her account of the tieatment of the SOME METHODS IN TOISONING soap a solution of vinegar is a good world is brightened sap runs in part the springtime "After about three days of gathering for us when tiees take on new green The time has come to make some weak readily available aid WHAT IMS HAPPENED BEFORE ItiouMy bv the and boiling sap came the ‘siruptng of ttie newer methods la the paneled front coats lcaons in our antidotes for useOre wemoc Ardeth Carroll has charge ot theidoor of The Caprice Tom Corbett down’ During all that afternoon of sodium amytal and sodium phe 75 In old the the main watched the tawny steaming proced nobaibital in the treatment of atryi specialty shop owned by wealthy entered the shop Jeanette Parker She meets Ken From the smokerie came the voices in the kettle When it threatened toures were right and we Should con poisoning The amount given IS Gleason fiance of Jeanettes sitcr of Cecile and Jeanette and the insoboil over we threw In a Mice of tmue to follow them but there are grams These are best given by " to Cecile and they fall In love Their lent caress of Cyril Underhills drawl have some some that should be changed This Injection Into veins poik uluch aeemed but when the is prevented by Ken's lom scowled and carefully avoided marmage mysterious calming influence is of particular Interest to need is urgent and no physician is mothers wish that he marry Cecile the open doorway He disliked the “The odor grew more and more subject emergency hospitals and clinics am- available they can be given by inWhen Ken fails to keep an appoint smokerie delicious and presently the snup was bulance men and police stations but jection under the skin or even by thick ment with Ardeth Tom Corbett takes Walking over to Ardeth and speak-tnThe was kettle sufficiently some of It Is of Interest to Industrial mouth off the in a cautiously low voice he reand her to dinner They meet Ken and the These remedies have several advanswung logs sirup physicians welfare departments of Cecile Later Ken tells Ardeth fear garded hts gray felt hat stained black dipped through a cloth strainer into industrial enterprises and medical tages over inhalations of chloroform of disappointing his mother whose and shapeless by moisture However when they are not available carrying paiL of prisons and Jails "The next day our interests were departments "Raining cats and dogs Good days are numbered forced him to Some consider information about and chloroform Is the latter should Rain here means transferred to the house where we antidotal methods worth while as a be given Cecilo'i partv thing though I heard mow up in the mountains Now Go on With the Story ‘augaied off’ There we boiled the part of home medicine cabinets HowThe antidote for carbon monoxide from a fellow who lives in the small alrup to sugar on the stove and atn red ever where the information is not poisoning is a watery solution of meth CHAPTER XX It until It grained befoie we poured town near my cabin up there Savs If to be made use of oftener than ylene bluA Injected Into a vein It Into tins to make cakes of maple likely Ken was pale to the lips as he gen they had a fine fall last week" His once every ten years memory of an this Is not feasible the remedy can 111 tothe tie shyly sugar" Hts eyes brown eyes went a tidotes becomes uncertain and inac- be given by mouth or Injected into tly loosed her clasp Other tiees produce sweet sap blit curate the antidotes lose their girl "Mary say anything to you yet’r po the nose lower bowel or any acres-aiblavoided her own — went far out to met his the better astonished Her gaze sugar maple gives hollow organ Since carbon shp foi For one reason or another fasten on a red oil tanker nosing Its squaiely "Mary’ Mary Eastwood? than any other tue on tency what the oi dmuiy person does is apt monoxide has a prolonged action wav out the Gate He spoke slowly No About what?" his continent In some lands sap U t0 be effective and not intrqueut there Is tune for tine in moie than one as though he had difficulty finding taken Horn palm-tree- s and made into Tom scratched his head like a bashway if that is de Irable Inhalation harmful the words a very high grade of sugai "Pshaw Put my foot ful youngster An old rule that remains valid Is to of oxygen mixed with 7 per cent of I’m so damned miserable Ardeth in it will— didn’t I? she of Well ‘Natuie" section (For your empty the stomach as quickly and carbonic acid is of service I don’t know how to say this I've been You again see Mary’s going to chaperon scrapbook ) Death usually comes very quicklv as possible making use — over last and over thinking going a bunch I’ve invited up to my moun The leaflet called "Marvels of the thoroughly In cyanide poisoning If there be of and ap easily quickly Im mind until nearly tain cabin for a snow party You’re night in my Sky" contains a Vagram showing 'l he exccpUons are time for an antidote the one to give IIIlls Berkshire In the Tree Elm with last night crazy Seeing you included sizes of the planets and their distance Mary said she was going jpoloning due t0 th ue of mlneril Is methylene blue solution injected Tom sort of opened my eves He — to speak to you ’’ Among the fine shade trees is the from the sun It tells about Donati s grjdg gUch sulphuric and strong intravenously he likes you Tom does I feel ’’— oh I When the girl opened her lips to graceful elm You may have seen long comet and other wonders If you wantLig! guc) g ive For poison by all other alkaloids afVomiting and fel like a dog In the manger— Tom’s words flowed a little rows of elms on either side of the a copy without charge aend a speak stomach are 11 ter washing the stomach put Into It the roughly washing would stiff hardly her lips “Why7” to me in care able to cause faster road with upper branches stretched stamped rupture when these some weak permanganate of potash form the word "Going to refuse aren’t you? Got across the road and interwoven in of this newspaper "To keep you from — from other fel- to be a habiL hasn’t it turning me such manner as’ to make what we Tomorrow— A little Saturday talk poisons have been swallowed When solution or a weak aolution of peroxthe case is suitable not only should ide of hydrogen Use the antidote lows ” down’" He grinned but there was cU a "tree tunnel ” the stomach be emptied of its con Iproper for the alkaloid taken It “Oh’ Her hands were clasped so something hurt and wistful in his To grow their best elms need soil (Copyright 1933 Publishers tents but the sufferer ahould followrjs possible that methylene blue will blood were knuckles the ) that of water a deal time Syndicate this breath contains which tightly good eyes ‘Save your bv drinking an abundance of water help In this feld leos "Oh” he’s coming too Oh don’t try to All trees need a supply of water but w hich should be emptied by w hatever He turned on her with a sort of look so Innocent and surprised You there are some which can get along Yank Drowns as SWEATING HANDS ’ Seaplane simple means are at hand Nol You musn't know I mean old Ken" angry wildness with much less than the elm Within limits additions can be does continued i GET think that! That I don't care! There’s "Why— I— I ddn’t say—" 111 is The maple is another excellent UVfT rrencli LakOmade t0 the wa'h water If the poison perspirationwriteof theWhat hands indicate' for Tom’s in fam the "Sure and tree a was shade thin trifle nothing I wouldn't go through—but maple grin was an acid alkaline waters can be REPLY I invited him to get you up there ” youl I'd marry you tomorrow ily we find members which provide MAR1GNANE France May 25 (AY used If It was an alkali acid or sour Nervousness — there is mother 1 can't break her Ardeth felt her cheeks burn "Oh sap for maple sugar —An American whose name was giv waters are used The most available heart It would mean just that if—I of course1 So popular I am!" she tried Anna Botsford Comstock in her en variously aa Makav or MacCoy jalkili is plaster scraped from the went to her and told her that you to Jeer "Anyway I can’t go Jean valuable of Nature wax “Handbook trapped and (frowned in the wall Lime water and a solution of that I— Oh— of course she’d say she ette needs me Someone has to be of an Italian seaplane whuh calcium carbonate are much more ef cabin wanted me to be happy— that s the here in the shop ” the'm the fearless generation Yet un upset and sank on Lake Berie to fective and they are often available her "I’ve talked that all over with Jean derueath it had always been the same dav way with mothers But she's setshe’s in a reasonable state of purity heart on—on Cecile She thinks ette” returned Tom “See— I have Each intent only on getting the man The accident occurred a the sea If theqxuson used was oxalic acid And me for best the thing doing you in a corner It’s Just a week end she loved was taking off for Genoa or ink eiaser lime water and calciplane how can I cross her now?" party Most of us are leaving Fnday Ken laughed when he heard of the The radio operator of the craft also um carbonate convert the acid Into The last almost a moan can come up with Fred East proposed But "Wilv old Torn!’ died an hour after the accident The the somewhbt insoluble ovulate of "No— vou woodyou 'No — " she whispered How does on ' Saluulay that there was partv laughing jealousy m his two pilots the mechanic and a Span lime Lime water also is used as an Qlnkal text prove it Tale them can’t" suit you voice ‘Going to get you up there Ish passenger named Llanza were antidote for lyol and carbonic acid He went on more calmly "Stall Her eyes were dancing and he read leven today tot mlcooh ease and com to put up with me' rescued from the water he has called tune for alcohol Old directions That's what I’ve been doing her delight in the deepened rose of fort Take tbecn regularly tot perm-mIn cer it' I wish I could drive jou as an antidote for carbolic Y'ou know it1 Hoping things will her checks Something flamed In the Doggone STORE MANAGER DIES tain places it Is antidotal but when up jf j hadn t promised Mary to come right If she had anyone else mans eyes take her and the girls up Fnday Id CHICAGO Mav 25 PJ— Chailei carbolic is m the stomach alcohol I — my lather— or another son No Mrootk No d ini na No “You re a darling'” he said fer wait over a day ” Foster Roby 61 football captain at increases its solubility and absorb- can t hurt her And I have no right venllv then turned scarlet and pre 1898 ability more tflocl the of than does harm and University in KQplcauat tomorrow continued Chicago ) be — mavbe (To to ak you to wait for years tended to be examining a chifon md for the lat 3J years a dcpait'good When the poison swallowed Is A girl like you — and old Tom’ acai f sewn with seed Sold all as a cu by dniggiau Saudi bos pearl (Copyright I'Ui King features byn ment store division manager dieda weak alkali aurh as a weak more than half in love with you now tamer came in hast night of cerebral liemonhage ‘tlon of caustic soda or ammonia or SO Larger sire if you prefer Inc ) relief vivid shooting Sweet and When Eastwood came into through her vens Warming her to the shop Mary later in the day she came 1 fe — to a love which was pain to the girl behind the case directly Willing to Wait 'Tom told me he spoke to you He “Oh — darling—” she was fumbling really has a Jolly little cabin and we’re for hts hand "Is that alll Wait— oh going to rough it Get our own meals —for a hundred years! Any Line you know No servants Fred and I Phvllis Hawkins Ken so it comes right for us in the will be chaperons end! I thought— Oh I thought you and Maida Duvant are the other girls Ken Gleason and Bill Lane — and you didn't want me!” "Want you" The husky rough- and Tom — that’s all" ness of hts voice was music ‘Wild A Good Caleb aoout you Moth But — I’m caught!' Then In her own direct wav Mary She was suddenly buoyant ' Ah broke off to eye the girl before her Just for now! But some day things curiously are going to come right for us'" "You clever little devil — do you He flinched away from his' own know what you're doing? Here Ar thoughts Drew a deep sigh Maybe deth don’t you pull that baby stare After all why you re right on me! You’ve got one of the most shouldn't they?" pien in the city wild about The warm optimism of vouth flow- eligible vou I've never seen old Tom like ing back with the thought "Mavbe thw before about a girl " the doctor Isn't right about mother 'Oh— thata imagination" Ardeth Doctors have been mistaken before” to stammer She refused to lie turned Drew her to him with began meet the other's eyea make "We'll things rough passion "Don t be coy!" said Mary East come right Moth!" wood severely "And don't fence note on that They parted with me! I know what it is to work Days merged into weeks Autumn — to be poor too I hore vou're into winter Ardeth felt that she notand ” going to be a fool Ardeth moved through a dream She was "Why—what do you mean’’’ The wake she lest breath her holding came up to rest on The ahop filled her da't for Jeon wide amber eyeadark gaze and there Mary’s steady ette was becoming bored with her wax a glint of fear in the girl's look new toy U was only the gossip of Her voice was Mary shrugged the smokerie which brought Jvanette kindlv 'You know what I mean doun each day afraid thoe cards are stacked It was Ardeth who did the real I'm Ardeth No! Don't ask me work of the store not only selling urther I v e talked too muchanything ae it ls' now but buy mg— send ng out Dress talk about clothes hills snd the check at each end nf'Letl 4Mn month t) In th evnmgx there were little Inexpensive dinnera with Ken There were long ride down the highway through the crisp atar filled night When Ken could not be with her alt staved quietly In her own room sometimes reading more often sew ing on some filmv pink trifle whuh Inter would be laid away in the bot tom bureau drawer Day Dreams A steadily giowing stark of djintv underthings were here Some nights Ardeth would ait bark on her heels eves like stars while she lifted the sip Ardeth Carroll t sxue paper and gloated over them The warm hearty voice held a The beginnings of her modest irons badgered note ax though Marv wood were in a panic for saying It seemed in some o rioux wav lo hasten the time whnmuch The memory of this was a bitter ah and Ken could be married Now and then a note of dogged secret in Ardeth’i heart That night Tom Corbett his vole lung in her small dark room high hope in city Ardeth’ Lps moved phoned and asked aher to go out with ubove the how nn'sily in the dark h m to dinner— to 1 m afi aid thoe cards are stacked Gentle finalitv in her refusal She If I m right I’ll comfort you" a'most g’oned in tins chance lo show her loyalty to Ken Better to stay Ah she understood— dear Msry in th quiet little Eastwood! Perhaps— before her msr a one like th-room perched hgh above the cty riage she too had known this ache of uncertainty Perhaps she too hsd than to go out with someone ele There wax comfort In the thought fought phantom fears before she It was she thought defiantly as landed the big brown f red safe in the though she were earning the right to net of matrimony A wry little smile touched Ardeth’s her happiness On a dav when the ram lashed lips In the dark Women They of the new freedom Called Grant avenue and machines slid X— ELMS AND MAPLES glx P ’ “Mara “la IMr nil other brand will do Instead” e'er hit And firetir & kindly featnrea Tha Smile that won't tpread coma off e sugar-makin- g 1J5 piid'-Vocedur- u return-envelop- e lips Made by an exclusive process! Of course Quaker Oats is better ThU exclusive process inclxidtst 1— Tho u ’ 2— Better flavor due to routiag through 10 different ovens Lydia E Pinkh&m’s Tablets Relieve and 3— Further enrichment by the use of mod-- ’ era ultra violet rays ul PmwhNo tsoaia Control Periodic Pains j of choicest oats THE PRICE OF A YEAR AGO AT ABOUT rli£ solu-dicat- e Just a bit of this and a dash of that and fill your glass to the brim with Canada Dry HERE’S no secret to it Hut it’s really important to use The Champagne of Ginger Ales in a tj' East-sea- long tall drink For Canada Dry doesn’t merely mix it blends! And that makes all the difference in the world! Just try it! Even the ice seems to tinkle more musically Deep down there’s a gleam of frosted gold and a gay parade of crystal bubbles you sec only when the drink is made with Canada Dry And what other beversuch age escr had such a bouquet tangy rest? u mte ’ Wc could give you plenty of reasons for all this Tell you about our special process of carbonation about the care wc take with our gin ger about our secret formula about the perfect balance But what’s the s can-iKk- e use? Your first sip of a long tall drink made with Canada Dry will do all this and more! It’s a treat no one ran describe And of course it's a delightful beverage just by itself! e im chilling LEMON 4 EXTRACT niJY Tin: mo ijottli: YOU ECONOMY drop of it docs the work of of the ordinary kind Schilling contains Juit a target htHtU but m DIG 23'Owne Canmda Dry making from 5 ta 8 fn( drink at to tn ad tht lender by god fountain fhm AVf times the amount of lemon oil required by the USG ovt tfoci further to corrre — standard imparts TEA IAKINC TWt wliy it a richer flavor powder SPICES i 'fie (jfhvjti ClUeS-- |