Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING MAY GREEK LETTER Rising Waters AWARDS GIVEN Girl Athletes of SUNDAY SCHOOL East IIifh School No Fear Cause MEN TO MEET AT ‘IT FRIDAY Select Officers SETS PROGRAM At Boulder Dam Fianri Covington daughter of Mr 2G 1033 13 school RENOVIZE FUND GROWS during the approved tlie nomination o( Artliui to be a member of Moigan of ( Pledge to the renovizlng campaign Hie Tennc'sce Valiev authority and Thursday amounted to $12 200 bringSHOAl-MRU TOR APPROVtl) iciw led n the calendar ing the aggiegate t(r$2 198(04 It ww WASHINGTON annnumed by R A Hart aecretaiy May 25 pPJ-ha a fad London new of the renovizlng committee enite agrlclilluie committee tudj "hiitlc"" mg vear junior high The j and Mis Platt W Covington 1119 Nine to Receive Diplomas Alpme place was elected president it the Eavl high Gnls’ Athletic assoat Jewish Graduation ciation Friday She will a sumc the F'verrUes mcvidenry next vear r She now is secictarv of the E II A G council to which position she An Intel fraternity confeienee will elected in September 19T! Graduation exeieues will be conActivity awards will be he held at the Umveisity of Utah Miss Covington has been active in ducted at the Congirgation Monte-fior- e at the University of Uah m an as 'athletic i and has a high scholastic Saturday for a discussion of fraterSunday at 10 30 a m for tune embly to be held Fiday morning ShTa members nity problems Mitchel Mclich presiof ’the of the senior Awards will be piecerled to the warded one of the honorary medals Sunday school Fpbbi J E Krikxtein dent of the University Interfratermty council ’announced Thursday following w ill preside Jonti Doro Student offlrers— Jarrrn The conference will be attended The program follows Invocation Larsen tlijr libnforu Annie hot Ruaotptt by members of the university organLhurlfft J Parkinson Rabbi Krikslem procesMonil gradHanford Mtrsa Doiothf Bcflihe club isations members ofthe alumni oruating elass flow ei gu Li Cl it ice Rae ret Jacobsen Maurice KnilH Jatk juim-ioganization s members of the faculty Fanner Maiian Jiledman and Betty Frank E Most Chain1 J Farklnton L Jonea ard faculty advisers of the univerand Jarten Jeane Krikstein opening prayer SylOwen Hay promJunior sity organizations via Rosenblum the flower service Bftuor athletic award— Jack Johnson Two meetings will be held one to -- Louise Larsen Duty Kutbv Mus Irene Tannenbauin Debating pi mat J E Charles Frfhk Caroline 2 Mit stein m to un at and nue cont p hegn Sadie song Jacqueline opening Parkinson Kay Owen Anon Sandack Dale td 5 30 p m and one to beg n at 6 30 Anita Adair Khead Hlchards Hyrutn HendnckM jieadei Ruth Klein choir as a dinner mating and to Lari Rtm Joseph Prauo Cnn Pnuias Barnett Rebecca Tillman Harriet Oratory — I arl Fobs continue until Sandaik and Maxine Sandack: flowf xtempoiaueou t peaklna — Ray Oaeu The program for the afternoon er offering- - giaduating cUa- - “The Pirahuian debaimt— Ah a Creme Marln meeting m by Dr Melh n°lfn of °ur A W U I of 102000 UX I M V II iMohrr sfrond sey A Lyon assent dean of menljhe maximUm llhal ’In Slavery and ill freedom Prosram commit ire— Dorotiu Heniurd - Mil II I y during the summer of 1932 is Aldcn XA 1 Ui I EcHard Mcoeau Edn 8CUin charge of fraternities Paul Han uotn Bermce llervh "In the Land of Prom sen former chairman of the Interim icxpectcd to be surpassed thus season 5°Comnvvslon of rontrol— Robert I on Frl Thelma B’ven vocal solo Muss no spring freshwere because there Wlkcr Robert Rickman frank Hkwnond 'Rvchelle Medow av accompanied bv lermty council Prolessor Joseph F ets and the runoff from the Colorado Grant Harold Doustas Erdman Bennlon Smith Dr Mvron Barlow Ray Owen In the Uavs Louise McHugh T iwatershed and those of its tributaries SclmcUlm Ptantord- Erickson Merrill Trine I’ lJ- and Frank E Mas Harry Ostler liCglOUal n( the Kingdom" Miriam Popper "In for be will continuous probably committee-PraF nk Dance M'i Brtly At the dinner meeting the toastmas S of Restoration Gertrude Ile-r- p high point Calliaier Marvonne Rees Elbert Blevrnson to tVn ter will be Fe’ding Smith Speeches more than a month the 20 Mov Hz "Voice of the Rising W mnan- Annciie Hay reached about June being w ill be Mulder Daly Robert Chromcle—Willlim 'hnnrl " Ruth KleinVoire of the Ris- given by Dan B Shields Mr Rlchard Barker Libert (Sheffield Mount - Saul Poliner Violin I lalttll Mclich Theron Parmelee graduate n Persons Mariaret T homes Florence Tandy ing Manhood &JUUU Awards of student activities and manager Rheed Ricnerds Charlotte Kniaht John duet Simon Railio and tai Krv itch f nancal manager of fraternities H°rold Wei?1' oAn Saunders1 turoUl accompanied by Mas Esther Ev dash- Damagcs for Loss of Leg Bchoeitlin Milton H Love Dr Jacob Geerlings Mervin Ashton Menen JohnFinancial circlet are optimistic and in “The Ten Commandments and Wm" Ellis Barker and Earl J Glade K‘chd general business ts reviving In Cali iThcir Meaning” Thelma Roen Damages of $5500 against the Utah ki’e' jametnBefe-tnlwuiiim winder Williem Mul- - forma Nevada and Arizona C J 'via Rosenblum Melha Rosentli it !Pituguratfdan an- - Light and Traction company were year it is hoped w Ruth Klein Bernice ° in dlnzt court Thursday Angeles regional execuriam Pepper Iroi(cansonUChtcIolierKnirhi'a4on nunl Hnir Mi Mehcli said Geiliude Mov itz Gertrude to Flovd Bubel 6 son of Mrs Mar- - Alden’c Ctoales F arl J Olade Jr Thornlty live of the Boy Seoul of Amend Henh I ‘Fraternities have seveial prob garet Da'v vocal Margaret said Thursday upon hs arnvai in Lenberg and Saul Poliner 710 South Eighth Vest!sn Robert Rlrha-d- sMaryAnnalrelle Barker lems which may easily be solved by street Bubel Robert olo Svtlnev Kleuf aerompanh'd by for loss of his right Jog as the Humbut— Robert Nibley Loua Ji dues Salt Lake a conference sue h as thus Their E Piatlk Ansler Mr Carbon came to Salt Laike to Mlv tlierEvOashin davmg prayer result of a sticet car accident Feb Selma filhorifetl Ernest 111 sbt!“ L)rn' Jo“n of organization which aie of 2 confer with Utah scout executives Gertrude enberg Lmd' Hrrn"‘n iUrmi' ser ous and scholar'y nature make ruary to— Rabbi Krlkdeln will pieveot the He will meet with them board mem The Varsity dramatics Charlotte KmgM The lawsuit was uncontested such a conference advisable to pre Ellen mult M Rich rai Mr to v e e the graduate w a josepn run mer by street car the diplomas tPr''bers and council members Frit'av vent msunderstandings between the rHianciVr on Fmt South Armm rrenam Fred p nmg at a dinner meeting to be held Friedman will make the presentanfged complaiJlt and 'between S xth and Seven'h Wav' Barnra Paul Racier Anriicw Brunei irm' at the Hotel Utah He will leave for tion of eertifieates and medals and r' Ll1Zf Ben Arnovitz president of the ron- d Tne tram had been standing u vb"' Annie "o''s lode Civ'oa Miurut Kansas City where he will o enut meeting gregalion will prevent the Bihles the annual national and started just as the lad ran Knuht r Fm liman drarnaUc--H-nThe rlosing hymn wilt be sung bv whlrh will be held there June 2 and n front of it Mr Bubel rhargrd Krh“ mV' 'Suu '!nS Bror cJcit Rofen 3 The Twelfth region will be rep the congregation and the benediction w neon Hop r Pac Fdiiiiblic lummond rcvcnted at the meeting bv seven w ill be said bv Rabbi Ki ikvlein Members of the graduating ela-- s Utah will be repre emit leaders ate Bernice Herah Gertrude Maarnh'jcppci by George Albert Smith of the national executive berg Ruth Klein Gertrude Movitz Miriam Pepp-- r Saul Poliner Thelma 'committee a Rusen Svlvia Rosenblum and Melha Mr recent’v Cailvcin eompleted Arthur Holm U The teachei of the clavs regi ter jxiiursday evening at 201 Constitution er Crviitu inuac MiUkrn° Robert Dotvon jtour through the states of California 'Rosenthal IU Ud O ain ftreet Saturday ” d rmri Borerbera LeRoy Prirrnn Dr K H Jackson anfj Arizona and has been is Alfred Klein building n H Joliusuil Bcnlt iLslsull Sun-pMkrjurie auv-vea technical Kllhlect Pm making a tour of Ulah during thel A reception w ill be conducted Ksihcnnc Tboms Scarf Mormon The next meeting will be held June Rand nron Aiidrrdsr touu rri day from 5 until 8 p m for the gradu- few davs 8 at which time Dr Carl O Larson lchr1f?'111 Wllll H cois Tody Cuo’o Utnh Mr Carbon said rtill lead ates at the Jewish Community cen-th- e Cforce Flunk C Lm E klik Robrrt el Will give a talk rtnn nation in the number of scout- - ter 411 Ea t South Temple stree iituci Tied R Cilenf May (nicimui Hum “ ” Alien CUauver Parley Oilf Albert for the proportion of population On! e Edaiid Wlllnir r Rnrenven C arlfy Hill H AW All 1SSI E I P MOND4Y Jacob Flame lrnen Donlce Ke nedm td boy of every two ls a Bov Scout The Irtitlg J II II ior llipll Whererer it occurs and whatever 23 J F eldina Bmllh Tvelflh Mav IF)— sard Robert WASHINGTON has the large-- t en c I the cause relieve it at once with Harold Pm h Herberl Knyder Caik rollmpnt region JxOniPS Graduate pcakpr in hatoiv having annioxi Speaker Ramey told the hou-- e todav Wllcon D‘l Vrley Valo's Zarr Clarence ol President 20000 !be recommendation matelv 60 000 Boy Stouts and Mena iHe club— Grant Borr Wendell H Bet von of Mr and pll Barknifi Marvin BrrKxh j Roosevelt to permit appointment ol Burhnrr Jo irauci Brrirand cmlrK Richard- r immlnn Blame 2117 Lincoln H Veinon Br-- t A new four year srnut lemre Mr 'Mi' a governor of Hawaii from the maul rampb-iDerrick l Aim dii! w- Do 31 inf Robert Retnauer Pimood rai or yaid Duud Farrtie 'land would be taken up Mondav util oon pnvjihlv bf “tKct Uhl dolur IhA oration rmuat-lotus An'hlr hYwTJ inaugurated The national confer living junior hgh ihool Mhrnmim Rc-0 p mal c Friday al Krkhm Hilbert Kms- - enre lob heM in Kan'aji City ui!l Judges drn Arihiir linf m adM?f?7!P°''lb’v ake UP hf nveaaure The the school H PjimJ Mr n Mnuenhsi en a ei gf rourhC at thf present tme Beta exotn GiM dar$ Mr(i Mrhun noneM Norton John o son Perry Sore nsnn Prs Smoot Hi Thomi faid is tun pbts for thf ration 'rlfftad ai the nuLslaiding ptcra of B aUrv- nirymfi-- e riub nd do b nrui Mr- a whole and e veaix for U’ah English rompoMtum piodued ssret Ar(Wc n Ruh BtM f Dorothy Bet-t ‘tool Students Ache Vimernity Fraternities AsFour Tunnels Dhrrsion semble Saturday to DU Affairs Will Gel More to Than Equal cuss Their Problems Recognition Reeortl Flow SIEER Oil better gasoline in Salt Lake — ask the man guarantee of satisfaction Try No a who uses it He is our best booster a tankful and become a booster money-bac- k — 5c Save 20 VICO GASOLINE 15c Per Gallon First Grade 19c Value for Only rhi T ¥ PEA GALLON SAVE Sold on Per Quart on the Following Oils: 25c VEED0L25‘ GERM PROCESS n pm 9pm tmr PcnnzoII 30c Starlenc Pure Pennsylvania 30c Depression Motor OH 1 5c Your Car Greased Correctly lor 50c 25c Spliynx to share our profits Direct f ront refinery to your ear through three tions onlv at wholesale prices We do not handle third-grad- e gasoline No middleman sta- UO WHITE STAR SERVICE STATIONS -- o'iiip loy 203 Y chi 33rd South St Sugarhouse South State St 2 1 ht South and ) Oth Fast Sts GO - iJ fer 31 'n I pur-po-e- s 1 atl-n- ’ 11 - -- er V I '- SAVE '? dis-iio- ’ TIIE dt ITCHING PRICES HA4E GONE Special Purchase Sale while the stock June 1st you will pay large TAX certainly that Now la VP! But not at the Southeast because of before the markets advanced now on Special last Also don't overlook that commencing a Mate Sale Tax on the furniture you buy rmellme to buy 0 F ' c Resinol -- iia i'hU J J Mary Burnet reatim Verna Melha t Bhi Line Drarer Dobson Marart Mar'antlhFlih ferneUm Can Haneen Joe Henderson TUHen en Pen -Tor Yaauo Baiak! Ross Hirdf LIVING ROOM SUITES FOR YOUR OLI) ICE I10X AY Primary Course To lie Given at Tf summer sthool cour-- e 'or all zhildien fiom the fit t gude through junior h gh school wi'l be held thi uimmer at tie Wil1 am M file' ait (bool at the I’nive'vtv of Utah to Di John T Wih!qui t of the school The school wil open Tune 12 and w i'l i nnli'iup until Jul - 21 1 he school wav initiated in 132 for the puinove of ergag rg rhildren in worthwhi'e artivite a a convenience to parent The school will be open morn- $118 Values For A Decoration Day Says "WHITE” Eternal Fitness Says "EnnaJetticks” Apple orchards cloud of fragrant blossoms — warm south vinds and sunny skies —Spring in the air! And pring in every atep if you wear Enna Jettick Shoes made in the daintiest of white pumps ties and sandals smart a sport shoes that beckon you to the great out-of-doo- rs 189 Sizes and 1 Widths to 12— AAAAAA to EEE J4l° and 5°° “relaimed THE K4NDRV A trim renter buikle with Cu nd rut-oban heel black kid In dull vamp and white - t TkJ ati r 4irt or oorroskm not m 9i lm 0 vmrW $ ft moat $14950 nearly capacity 37 FM BKOADVl !m iv ickI ii j (i thi e t0 state aiirrt end (?2 e 6510 Sou'll i lh r 11s mi iU 1M i ii v rhe 11 wt i’ g go ilhv Si ut h Hai 'd She irian a eel $195 direct (hr Urfrrt Bur your me linoleum and carpet hrre at A rrgular 15 Iwrrp-e- r Nothing better at any prira And a Lot of Them Became They Are: The Strongest Range The Quickest Acting u kxia li 1 V ' pXVw The Most Economical The Most Compact The Most Rigid BRF4KFAST very soon Room? Majestic 4 Capacity Cubic-Fo- Guaranteed frigerator with double shelve and permanent finish $119 50 Model hardware F4SUST Tf f hairs all color Ai Shoun Genuine hrt A lirrakfatt D Included §f of I ll e I argeftt live drop Ide color any complete with good $1 Down mat(re —St 4 Month Pon I U SIIION TADS G $195 I anr In The Most Refined RI $785 nroM e i f and Four Mlndaor Gaa— Goal— Elrctric or Gomliiiiation Ganges Double the life of your ruga In 9x12 and amalkr tlie 50 Re- lc buper-Llertf- BRV S ( RIB BRG4tN sus 8895Table easy-to-cle- Ji chrome myt i'1-- RMS MAY BF ARRANfl f) Revolving Refrigerator Set i FREE k?N With Any MAJESTIC Bold During Thii Sale i containers on a tray that spin around on ball bearing at the merest touch Banltary visible that save food container ajinrf Get One Now Free with your new Majestic Five-qua- It't at- - rt 3 nhv PU JIRNS taida square inn ?M AID si I o' $1175 it INO! Pt $1 Mftjl M Dn- - 78 Month Bed ny lr or eolor e ulppril Mt-tr- ri with frlton (ood qoalllT nrw patterni Per aquare vard on fit tOMrtIlF Liitnlrum Eelt for onlv- - gla-v- s ©flo pelt fiaae 9x12 I Inolrum Rum at 1395 rt snd Rsgtrsi hprlng (rpptnr "I lord" BBY CAKRIAGLS $1475 Now at Drha out have price At on eaxy fit tAS sugar trovsf 2144 1 HYIQI‘5 'iiJf unnL our rS4Vf f Without lin ge Apr if 4ny Kind jYoie at “ Drive Out & Save ” Pricet term We Deliver Anywhere on I iimt Term Urged to have itolrn v Ihe Glo' rr Nu suv lit n Pv deimtv buTtng from null RANGE Mla'tiin two rot ms iipin 5 A I M4-JIS1- advance Kenrelli Two youth bu ncs ti m Union v e elldalttierouinvJul In n holra!r prim AQ50 HIO vln B Hogan and Mr and Mr J P Sharp 'Ihe corruntt’ee In charge of arrangement t conixed of Row iv labtei bfftiitif ully ftRurrd Halmit for on!— Joh-br- J OQ50 de-fe- in rf Ruf H t cubic-foo- for Iuxe Modrl electricallr lighted S4 $178 50 modrl for De $24150 — 7 Cubic-loo- t Luxe Model Nothing finer nd only AIL BRAND NFW MAJFS-nC- S at new low ’Drive Out fc Save" prices that will gladden the hearts of every houxewlfa who has longed to have one Get yours now! these prices are going to lambda cluip'er of Tliela Tan fiaternitv University of Utah will hold a formal dinner dame Satmdy at 8 15 p m at tie New t use hotel Pattons wll bo Mr and Mr Mer ENNA JETTICK SHOES X De of The BOOTERY I 5 RUGS 19 93 Formerly -— Drive Out & Save caa of tM ton tan IWgh Howard Hurst and Atwell tjVlWTTIT V(?f NO F4MOI RHKLP CARPI-LRS for— n Dry-Zer- wiUilft 4om thtpQf OMhinfinf oil coonoi ot nod rnoitir Ca to ?sVars Knil Fraternity Chapter Han Dinner Danre br r matirttllr Krtrial of Mali( in - Quiet In ojveraltnn free from vibration lowest opeiating cost possible became onlv In construction Majestic can you obtain hermetically sealed Unit and a rotary compressor Hrre aLso you get porcelain Interior o Insulation Tenvplerature control nd finger tip latch May we show you! ecmprM- - llaWtk n4 teachers at the university or at the William M Stewart srhool Included on the faculty will be Lots Miller Kathrvn Griff n Maud principal Hardman Mary Moorhead Caroline Dobson Clarence J Hawkin' Phil A Baker Heber C Kimball Harvey F Gardener Gladvs Dovle Jessie Perry and Nanon Cioxall — orltl'a Pineal t lie all-ste- el ’i ut i Il't Sell the Fleetrir Hefrigerator’ hair-doug- "Vou nerd no longer be told that you hart an expensive foot Sell-O- REFRIGERATOR ings onlv All teachers In the summer co ires Mr Wahlquivt said will be legular Retna! of Bet tough op i a r'nve on rharge of rravhem nea-- d Thursday in d''lrict rourt with and prosecution prepanng to make their fnal arguments Mondav when trial will he re imed Roth side reeled late Thursday Fairclough Is alleged 1o have bitten off a piece of Mrs Mildred Maxwell’s nose last August 28 Mrj Maxof Fairclough well is a sister-in-laThe alleged offense ls said to have occurred during family gathering honoring Mu Maxwell’ marriage to 318 Maxwell Cart eld aveHarvey nue Trial began after Judge Ot'jr W McConkie refused to grant a e on contentions that attorney was ab'ent hour attomevs appointed bv the lOiirt to fded affidavits defend hatrrlough that they were not ready to proircd but their j'ras aho wete lnt Faiu'oughs la-- tr a' endM n a eement wi'h the jums to have atood s x o too for acquit'al - $98 we will Include an appropriate Floor Lamp Table with Scarf I ancy Pillow and Novelty All Included with any Living Room Suite sold during this big event To make this a f fllilS -- t k LOAD SALE H® ALIKDWANOI Broan ' TRAIN- IHIDIY AM) SATVRDiY Ralph j-- IS - HMrlckaen Lotilsc Ullhken Marr poltx 1 urH’e ptrh Perel RanMaifaret Parion dall Barbara B'ront Btl S ndih Dorlr B'ddo Belle MarT Bwanrr Snyder tr Mar)ort Ptott fe Thompson retie Tennenbaum Mae Uelllnf Jane Wilkin He’ 0 1 araon 'fi 'i' th-e- -- Jesne’ie - 10 flj- un f tw w SJMW ffui k r- t4’k t Open 2144 H9 tAs 7 iV't'e ffStXARHODSF ) - ai iy tor if y itdewip W“tmr ? Evenings for Your - i Convenience |